The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 19, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 31

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JULY 19,
. , ,, .. , - - ,
- - " .; a Mif RF'T. I
i ok titan.
l MMHW Apartment".
Central vr Side. L.ghest claee apart
menta tour, five and six roonu, mil out
side. Kvii fj.: .onlem -. Rents reason
able. Marshal! 3Z6Q. Main 1519. A id."
American Rcal: Co.. ownera
Lucratia sc. bat. Waah. and Everett, near
ld at. Very blga-class 2 to 5-rootn apts,
all large outside rooms and reception na. is
and hardwood fluors. tree priai pa h i
reasonable rataa: ref. required. App.y ai.r.
Mar. 1313. Janitor. Mar. loOO.
Vary high-class three-room unfurnlahed
apartments: extra large, light rooma; prl.
5 balcony; splendid view; clean and
new. exceptional Janitor asrvlce: electric
vacuum cleaner; rent reasonable. Foro.
at, near wathlngtuiii. at. 00
Furnished and fnf urnished Apartment".
Furnished and unfurnished apartments,
from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $3n per
month. If you want one, telephone WO
2013 sundaye, or A a1)
Evenings, call for Mr. Balden.
Marshall 2-"0.
Our automobile will call at any address
M our agent, who will be glad to ahoiv
these apartments. References required.
Ws own and control the following:
Cecilia. 22d and Ollsan sts.
ClaypooL 11th and Clay sts.
Columbia. 11th and Columbia.
Fordham. 170 Ford st.
Hanthorn. 231 13th st.. near Main.
Knickerbocker, 710 Harrison, near 11th.
Hanover. 183 King, near Washington.
Orderieigh. S2 Grand ave.
EL. Clair, 170 St. Clair St., near ssh.
Bt. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts.
Wellington. 13th and Everett sts.
8'.3-!21 Morgan bldg.
49-37 Trinity Place. .
The finest apartmenta on the Paoir.c
Coast, with every modern convenience,
apartments furnished and unfurnished ;
terms reasonable: references required;
furnished bachelors" quarters with club-
room. Manager. Marshall 1101.
Tl! E li A RICE It. Turner 21at and Irving
Furnished and unfurnished apartments. In
2 3 and 4 rooms; four-story brick; elec
tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds,
built-in-buffets and writing desks; plenty
of closet room; vacuum cleaner free.
Phone Marshall 2901.
Beautiful lobby, social hall, yard, mod
ern; walking distance; 3 outside unfur
nished rooms, two double disappearing
beds; reasonable.
THI WINDSOR 2,3 or 4 rooms, furnished
or not; this place Is in a quiet, homelike
neighborhood, and is well liked by those
that know; rents reasonable; walking dis
tance. Cor. East 14th and Yamhill.
TTJC nC7f'tHW1.'
2CS 16th St.. uesr Taylor. Marshall 2328.
Nice 4 and 0-room furnished and un
furnlshed apartmenta.
NEW . rf I-. -", :i light room, modern.
$20 up. walking distance. Irvington. chap
man car. 133 Chapman, cor. Mill.
FOR KENT Two furnished 4-room apart
ments; one 4-room unfurnished; large un
furntshed apartment. 703 Davis st.
12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart
ments; best service. Apply on premises.
THE CHETOPa! 18 th and Flandera 2, 3
and 4-room modern apartments: furnished
or unfurnished. References required.
July rent free. August $20; 3-room cor
ner apta; bath, phone and Janitor service.
600 Flanders: large 0-
room unl. apt.
apts. ; . j v rent.
nlce 3 and 4-room furn.
TWO furnished and unfurnishesd housekeep
ing apartmenta, with all conveniences.
313 Mill.
S ROOMS. 292 12th St.. 121.
5 room... 308 3d at.. $26.
5 room. 231 Clay St., $26.
3 rooms. 241 t Clay St.. $20.
t rooms. 470 Hancock St.. IIS. 30.
3 rooms. 470t Hancock St., $1S.30.
.' rooms. 472 W Hancock St.. glS.SO.
3 rooms. 160 S Pacific st.. $13.
3 rooms. 371 S Pacific St.. $13.
0 rooms. 4o E. Washington st.. $10.
3 rooms. 4S4 E. Washington at., $10.
i rooms. 241 Grant st.. $20.
3 rooms. 243 Grant St., $2t.
.1 rooms. ISO Arthur st.. $10.
." rooms. 184 Arthur at.. $lo.
a rooms. 304 E. Salmon St.. $20.
H rooms. Ml K. 8aimon st.. $20.
3 rooms. 327 ti loth t., $30.
7 rooms, 190 13th st.. $30.
3 rooms, 24S44 E. 14th St.. $23.
3 rooms. 300 Market St.. $21.
H6 Second St.
6-ft'OM lower, with all latest modern con
veniences, including hardwood floors and
las range, with water heater. No im
provement left out. 20 East 23th. be
tween Hawthorne and Madison. Phone
East 3098.
HAWTHORNE district. 5-room modern flat,
two-fiat building; furnlahed or unfur
nished; lawn, porch, furnace with coil,
gas stove with coll: adults. 76b East
3 rooms, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen,
bath furnace. Broadway car. walking dis
tance. Gordon, E. ttth and Broadway. fc..
IRVINGTON New 0-room modern lower
corner dat in two-tlat building; fireplace,
hardwood floors, gas range, built-in con
veniences. East 42o6. C 137b. Sunday fore
noon or Monday. No small children
S-itOOM modern, with all conveniences, in
very choice location, easy walking dis
tance reasonable rent, large shade trees,
xas tj Mill, corner W. Park. Main 403o.
1-KoOM flats, NoT $64, Tit and 5J East
Salmon, near East 13th St., modern In
every particular; rent $20; very desirable
Parrlsh. watklna 4t Co., 10$ 2d at.
MODERN II or 6 -room upper flat, good
condition; heater, fireplace, kept ground,
all outside rooms. Main S57S. -' North
rup st.
MODERN 3-room flat, rooms newly tinted:
has porch, fireplace, furnace, good base
ment and will rent It at a reasonable
price. Call 441 11th St.
MODERN -i-room flat, over store. East 31st
and Yamhill: 1 block from Sunnyside car.
Call Tabor 1713 week days. Sunday till
11 A- M.
HEATED, very select 3-room upper, 6-room
lower, hot and cold water; sleeping porch,
lawns, owner cares; references. Call 742
LIGHT, airy, modern 4-room flat. $16; lino
leum, steel range, gas plats, electricity,
porch, basement, kept grounds, near car.
adults. 7SO Williams ave. Woodlawa 420.
MODERN upper 0-room West Side flat, easy
walking distance. Madison St.. cor. Stout;
furnace with coil, fireplace, gas range and
heat.r; low rent- LeNolr. Main llso.
IdcUERN 6-room upper and lower riata.
good condition; gas range, water heater;
close In, West Side. 13th and Davla sts.
East .i7oa.
FOR RENT One five-room lower flat, mod
ern. $23.00. One six-room house, $
garbage and water. Call at 720 East
MODERN" 6-room upper flat, newly painted
and tinted: all outside rooms. 693 Gliaan.
Telephone Sell wood 1S0$.
Irvington. 3 blocks Broadway car; walk
ing distance; fine neighborhood. East 3170.
3-ROOM apartment. Dutch kitchen, cooler,
basement, plemaant view, roomy; rent $10;
Mt. Taoor. Tabor 1200.
ft ROOMS, hardwood floors, beam ceilings,
fireplace, furnace. door phone. Janitor
service; reasonable. Main 2013.
BEAUTIFUL modern 4-room fiat, choicest
location. East Side. 312 u Maegle:' at
WllUsmm ave. car. Phone Tabor 3088.
S1X rooms, all modern conveniences, newly
painted and tinted, one block from Broad
way; garage. Phone East 1137
FOR RENT 4-room upper fiat, all modern;
between 31d and 24th, on Johnson. Main
$ ROOMS, bath. $16. Call 340 E. 30th.
Woodstock car.
FOR RENT : flats, largo airy rooms. 2
blocks below Broadway bridge. East 631$.
4-ROOM modern flat. 179 Green ave.. near
23d and Washington. Main 3S33. A 3070.
MODERN' lower e rooms, close In. 10
17th st. Inqulre169 lgth at.
MODERN 6-room lower flat, fine location.
Call 330 IStb- Marshall 370.
NEW 3-room flat, very cheap. 706 Va
couver ave. Woodlawn 1033.
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath: 7X1 Hoyt st.
Inquire 13o Oth st. Phone Main 6278.
STRICTLY modern 7 -room flat. 1SSS lth
at Apply 181 lth at-, cor. Yamhill.
14TH-COLUMBIA. $-room flat. 3S$
lng distance; key 474 Columbia.
. :k-
MODERN, light
5-room upper flat. walk
Marshall 4782. East 100.
ing distance
8-ROOM lower flat, modern, range, linoleum,
walking distance; reasonable. 330 Mill St.
UNFURNISHED FLAT of 3 or 5 rooms
reavnable. inquire 204 Jefferson at.
BRAND new 3-room flat, cor. lTth and Al
berta: low rent. East 4393.
6-ROOM modern lower flat. 78 E. Yamhill,
near K. 23d. Phone East 5t4$-
Furnished Flats.
4-ROOM flat, completely furnished, light.
phone, fuel inciuuco. ..o miii",u
NICELY furnishei; 4-room flat;
..... I n a 1 1 ,7 - ,t mt
every luu ...j....-.. v ---
1-urui.hed Flats.
$20 FURNISHED 4-room lower flat, elec
irir likrhta water and Dhone Included:
atrlctly modern; cloae in; you can t beat
tnia. itl'b Iiancuca IU la.e ituHuui .
car or Eaat l$eX.
MODERN 4-room furnished flat, very con
venient, rent reasonable to parties witlenut
children, at 310 E. 33th st. Phone Mar.
6 ROOMS, well a j. completely furnished
with all conveniences; very choice loca
tion, easy walking distance; price $33. Al
383 Mill, near W. Park. Main 4033.
MODERN 3-room flat, neatly furnished,
large rooma 2U2Va Margin. 3 blocks south
of Broadway bridge, fronting on river.
MODERN 3 rooms and 2 rooms, first floor,
cloae in. $22.30, $15; some good houses.
Main 387-1. M'FARLAND, 301 Yeon bldg.
NKvtLY furnished 4-room fiat, all clean,
outside rooms; good location. V 1Mb
St. North.
MODERN7our-room. cool, well-furnished,
walking distance. 383 Ross st, near Broad
way. C 3109.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Cool, nicely fur
nished 4-room flat; large grounds, beau
tiful view. A 180.
MODERN -room furnished flat; 8 E. 12th
St. 01. .Marsnau iui, a .-
12th st.
.room Oat I nicely furnished. 304
FURNISHED flat, 4 rooms and bath.
blocks I rum f. O. 30 lamnui ay.
NEWLY furnished and unfurnished 4-room
flats, furnace. E. 3. B 1404.
LOWER flat, furnished complete with piano,
lawn, phone. East 1230.
PORTLAND Heights. 4-room flat. $20 large
porch and grounds; fine view. A-1786.
$1 4-ROOM lower flat. lawn, disappear
ing bed. 442 Rodney. Main 314.
Housekeeping Booms.
$1.30 TO 32.73 week; clean furnished house
keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4 ; free
heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone Eait
$3083$). 400 Vancouver, 203 Stanton. l.
THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, phone, sleeping porch, rent $13 per
month: walking distance. 3S7 6tn at,,
near Grant,
! ' ; 1 . 1 H LHj housekeeeping rooms, newly
papered, cheap. 272 Montgomery, corner
THREE h. k. r. ; lights, hot and cold water,
phone, bath, sewing machine; exceptional
offer. 114 N 13th at.
FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping
rooms, walking distance. 400 Taylor. .Mar.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms cheap. Cambridge
bldg, 3d. cor. Morrison
SUITES of 2 housekeeping rooms, clean, well
furnished. 343' Washington, near 16th.
THE lilLMAN, 1st, cor. Alder Furnished
housekeeping rooms. $1.30 week and up.
I i KMSHEU 2-room suitea So. 10 E. 0th
N. Prices reasonable.
173 12TH, airy, outside rooms, complete
for housekeeping, ail conveniences
Housekeeping Rooms In private Families,
SINGLE and double housekeeping rooms.
clean, ngni auo. " men . ... ....... -
spectable house; reasonable. 830 Taylor,
near Broadway .
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooma elec
trlo light, water, fuel and phone; nice
yard; 323. 19th and Kearney su. Mar.
57S$. j
TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, grouno
floor, sink, large closet, large yard, walk
ing distance; water, light, bath included.
344 East 2d st. N. East 1:120.
1 AND 2 housekeeping rooms all outside
rooms. $8 month and up. 17;i$i N. 2lot,
corner Johnson; take W car, cc. 3th and
Morrison. Phone Mar. 3043.
TWO-ROOM suite, cool, complete house
keplng. - running water, tree light, bath
and phone, cheapest rates in Portland.
102H Grand ave, corner Taylor.
Foit RENT 1 large front housekeeping
room with kitchenette and sleeping porch;
rent reasonable. 333 Yamhill. Phone
Main 1034.
FURNISHED rooms with housekeeping privi
leges, steam heat, private porch, both
phones, foe employed Christian lady; rent
$10. 448 Clay.
33'.; MILL, near W. Park, 2 nicely fur
nished h. k. rooms, in very choice location,
easy, walking distance; price $12. Muiti
TWO large suites, rent reduced, modern,
convenient, large yard and shade. 67 N".
' th St. Marshall 713.
BEAUTIFUL housekeeping rooms. large
yard and garden; West Side, walking dis
tance. Mar. 3214.
FRONT room with small kitchen for light
housekeeping; no children, call 414 cau
mon. 23 11TH Clean. pleasant housekeeping;
rooma; also other rooms; walking dis
tance. N1UELV furnished housekeeping rooms, very
reasonable Ground floor. Beautiful yard.
Phono Tabor 1378.
230 N. 18TU. 1 and 2 beautiful large room
housekeeping suites; strictly modern; best
In city for price. Marshall 428L
2 CONVENIENT, clean rooma sleeping
porch; phone, gas and electricity; rea
sonable. 650 Bast Alder.
$6 Nice cool basement room, clean, mod
ern, water, bath, electric lights, phone,
free. Sellwood 1100. 504 E. Oth at.
DESIRABLE light housekeeping room,
completely furnished; no children. 260
12th st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, sink,
panlrv, porch, vard; one block Hawthorne
car. Phone B 111411. 734 E. Madison.
LARGE rooms. 2 beds, gas, electricity, for
working people; cheap; walking distance;
also one single uuiu. uoo nut oi.
TWO suites nicely furnished housekeeping
looms, moaern convenience.,. , , -
and $22.50 at $09 Jefferson.
LARGE front room with kitchenette, 2 and I
basement rooms, cool ana ary. Also oiner
rooms. Rent $ to $14 month. 328 Clay.
3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms in
private family; free water and use of tel
ephone; very cheap. 303 5th st.
IRVINGTON Nicely furnished housekeeping
suite, private entrance, ground floor, mod
ern. Phone C 1831.
17 50 MONTH, upstairs of cottage furnished
for housekeeping; porch trees. 667 2d st.
Call Main 9470 after Sunday.
3 ROOMS, entire lower floor, private bath,
completely furn, large yard, trees, close
In. Main 3672. McFariand. 309 Yeon bldg.
THREE furnished rooms with all latest im
provements; rent $12 a mo. 830 Michigan
THREE rooma in beautiful private home;
splendid location; all conveniences; ref
erences. D 120, Oregonlan.
349 12TH ST. Front suite, second floor;
large front room, first floor; clean and
modern. Phone Main 4674
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms in a beau
tiful home. In 1 and 2-room suites, com
plete for housekeeping. 564 Flandera
TWO la rite completely furnlahed housekeep
ing rooms ; also nicely furnished sleeping
rooms 31 N. Park.
CLEAN, airy, front, first floor; gas. bath,
phone, laundry, porch: cheap. 429 Mar
ket St.
THREE furnished H. K. rooms at a bargain.
Light furnished. 123 N.'Ktli St.
34 SALMON Two lovely rooms furnished
tor housekeeping: other rooms.
H K ROOMS, single $2 and 33.30; sleeping-room
$1.3o. 808 Main at,
CLEAN, desirable furnished housekeeping
rooms. 294 Jefferson
A PLEASANT room for lady employed.
7701 Johnson.
COZY housekeeping suite $10 per month.
583 Pettygrove. Main 3123.
TWO cool front rooms, central Nob Hill;
also baaement, $1.25. 894 Everett st.
FUKNISHED 3-room suite, $18 month, single
rooms with kitchenette $1. 66 N. 31st.
LARGE front room, private entrance, kitch
enette. 349 Market at. '
;Vo furnished housekeeping rooms, con
nected. i;9o E. Burnside.
TWO furnished H. K. rooms $2.50; three.
$3; running water. 367 Hnott. nr. Williams
FURNISHED ne. three-room suite. $14. 2-
room suite, $10. 330 14th au
NICELY furnished housekeeping room, nice
yard Main 326S. 337 1st. Reasonable.
TWO front H. K. rooma suitable for some
business. 471 Morrison st.
10S 20TH. corner Flanders Neatly fur
nished housekeeping rooma
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms in private fam
ily, $8. 040 Mallory ave. .
CLOSE tn. 135 14th st, very reasonable H.
K. rooma: desirable occupants only.
$16 MO, cool, clean suite. 2 beds, choice
locality, short walk- 298 10th.
$10 MONTH Nicely furnished H. K. rooms,
walking distance. 44S Colombian
SUITE of front rooms for housekeeping.
414 Mil!, corner nth. Marshall 1043.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; also
room and board. Apply at 34 N. 9th st.
OUTSIDE rooms, with kitchenettes; hot and
cold water, yhone and bath. 221 13".h st.
NICELY furnished houeekeepln z rooms,
close In: sink, gas, electric. 272 Mill.
gg 50 CLEAN, cosy three-room suite: fine
neighborhood. 621 E. 11th St.
3 NEWLY papered rooms, gss, ateel rsnjre,
grate, piano, yard. 387 11th.
nut HEvT. rw i .7"
Hou. ekeenlng Rooms in Trlvate Families.
TWO or three very attractive unfurnished
housekeeping rooms In modern flat, no oth
er roomers; newly tinted, two or more
windows In each, gas and electricity, large
yard walking distance. Call afternoons.
4WU Mill st, near mn
SLEEPING rooms and sleeping tent, also
housekeeping rooma, suitable for plain
working people; large lawn, porches, laun
dry, use of phone: $1.23. $2. $3. $1 week.
373 Couch at, comer 18th.
THREE housekeeping rooms, regular-size
kitchen, big baaement, bath, hot and cold
water, light, everything furnlahed; $15 per
month: must give good references. 64 East
10th st. Phone. B 2507.
LARGE, light completely furnished rooms;
bath, laundry, phone, walking distance;
garage if desired; very reasonable. 3 JO
35 MONTHLY: good place for man to
batch; cloae in. 404 Yamhill. ;
$30.00. new B-room modern home, hard
wood floors. Rose City Park.
$18.00, a 7-room, modern home. Rose
City Park.
$18.00, In Beaumont, 7 rooms. A bargain
near car.
$23.00, 0 rooms, modern, 004 E. Broad
way. We have houses all over town. Call us
Main S30S. 617 Board of Trade.
nr.lND new West Sldo view home, never
been occupied; all first-story floors arc
hardwood; trim Is mahogany and enamei:
dining-room leather paneled; hot water
heat; fireplace: 2 maids' rooms; glass en
closed sleeping- porch: concrete garage.
Very choice neighborhood. 1 ear s lease
only $75 per month.
Save weary steps by getting definite in
formation; our rental list is made up of
modern, well-located houses only, each In
spected personally. We can give you the
particulars you usually spend lots of time
and strength to get. -? '...'
See us for houses in any good district
at $25 per mo. nnd up.
Tltla'& Truat Bldg, 81) 4th st
BEAUTIFUL modern S-room house, up to
date in everv particular, bungalow style
of architecture. Will rent to responsible
tenant for $30 per month. Location is
choice and central. See Owner. 312 Piatt
, J .. Unln ai-tS A 5128.
" g j VI IDICjIUUIIO ..... . ,
FOR RENT Two 10-room houaes, 491-493
Everett st, near 14th. Will give some
concessions to right parties. Must be
taken at once. - '
Pine St. Alain nzi.
FIXE home in Beaumont; eight rooms, two
halls and bath. Hot and cold water
supplies each bedroom. Hardwood finish.
Nicely decorated. Hot-water heat. Rent
very reasonable. Call Tabor 1038 or Main
LAURELHURST Strictly modern house, 7
rooms, 2 sleeping porches, white enamel
and mahogany finished; handsome fixtures-
hardwood floora shades, screens,
linoleum; cloae to park; 335. Woodlawn
946. "
FOR RENT A dandy home in Rossmere 40 1
E 4th N. 8 rooma modern, hardwood
floors, etc, 1 block Rose City car. $30.00
per month. Long lease.
Main 8308. 617 Board of Trade.
Modern 6-room house apd garage. Rent
to apply on purchase price if It Is desired
to purchase same. 821 Morgan bldg. Main
2013. ,
110,000 HOME overlooking Willamette River
for the small sum of $33 per month; will
lease for 1 year to desirable tenants. 1 lrst
come, first served.
Geo. S. Smith Co.. 432 Cham, of Com.
$10 EQUAL 3-room, built-in bed, laundry
trays, buffet, mirror doors, soHd oak
floors 4622 60th ave. S. E. Take Wood
stock, get off East 40th st, or phone
Main 7037.
FOR RENT On- of tho best homesin Ross
mere. 3 raft, bung, 2 eleeplng porchee, gar
age. $30.00 per month. 481 E. 3Sth N.
Main 83US. 617 Board of Trade.
1470 VILLARD AVE, 2 blks. from carllne.
C rooms, sleeping porch, concrete base
ment furnace, shade trees. $1S per month.
Ooddard & Wiedrick, 243 Stark st.
West 463 Broadway. Cottage with lin
oleum, shades, gas range and hot water
heater. Reasonable.
-, o ROOMS. E. 16th nd Morrison. 112.50.
6 rooms, 362 Sacramento. $18, 7 rooms.
200 North 20th. Waddel. 210 Lumber Ex
6-ROOM modern house, furnace, fireplace,
good garage, walking distance; East Side,
$30 Per month.
422 Chamber oi commerce.
FOR RENT 8-room house, on carline, lo
minutes to town, furniture for sale, 2
rooma good; good chance for someone. A
MODERN 0-room housj with sleeping porch,
furnished or unfurnished; walking dis
tance; 2 carllnes S East Oth st. North or
call Main 3201
MODERN 5-room cottage. 13th and E. An
keny carllne; furniture for sale. Call
B 1SS1 or East 2732.
6-ROOM house, panel dining-room, bal
cony, fine porches, big lawn, $14 to right
party. JOL6 n.. list si. xviwuiioo"
FOR RENT In Piedmont, naodern six-room
bungalow, $25. Nice surroundings. ill
lease or sell. 1243 Rodney ave.
MODERN 5-room cottage. 29th and East
Gllsan Good condition; rent reasonable.
Call Tabor 1038 or Main 1242;
MODERN 6-room house, newly painted and
tinted; 1 block of car, $20; nice neighbor
hood. Call at 811 Cleveland ava
MODERN house. 531 East 42d st. ; nine
rooma: will tint to ault. Call Tabor 1038
or Main 1242.
BEAUTIFUL 6-room Irvington home, fur
nished or unfurnished; reasonable. Call
Moniiay afternoon. 585 E. 23d N.
MODERN 4-room cottage, furnished, $15;
shade trees and lawn. No. 17 East S2d st.
Tabor 4415.
412 SAN RAFAEL, rent $17. for a house of
5 rooms; gas, tlectriclty, yard, clean
and In good condition. Phone C 2318.
S-ROOM modern house, cor. 24th and Mar
shall sts. Phone Main 6118.
COTTAGE, 5 rooms and bath, close In. $13.30
oer monlh. 202 Weidler. East 3411.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage. 566 Mill at.",
bath and gas; rent 31". Including water.
MODERN six-room house. No. 710 Johnson,
near N. 22nd st. Inquire on premise.
UNFURNISHED modern 6-room
unikinir distance, reasonable. oSl
5th st.
S-ROOM house, renovated, desirable, close
In. 330 per month. 521 Couch.
4-room house, attic, 490 Marlon st,
wood; close to carllnes; $8 per mo.
p5 NICE 5-room cottage. 747 Savier st.
near 23d.
S-ROOM house with lurge yard. $13.50. Sell
wood 1204 or 234.
S-ROOM house, good for large family; $12.
805 Hancock Ft.
9-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy. near 22d. In
quire 130 6th. main ojtm.
HOUSE of 3 rooms and bath, 89 E. 19th
N. Inquire 130 6th at. Main 6878.
8-KOOM house, modern. 009 Flanders, neat
22i. East JOS.
KENT 5-room cottage, close In, West Side,
$13. Morris, Main 6876.
FOP. RENT Houae In Irvington; garage
and all modern conveniences. East 764.
MuDEKN 6-room houae, lawn and roses.
$18.50. Woodlawn 4S
7-ROOM house, 768 Hoyt, near 23d. 2 bath
rooms, rent $30. Main 5724.
SIX-ROOM house. West Side. bet. Main and
almon sts uau xauor x,uo.
$10 LENTS good 6-room house, 27th and
Weidler. Main 392. A 2392.
S-ROOM house. Was Side, newly renovated.
Main 4134.
MODERN 6-room cottage, near Laurelhurst.
, East 5. B 1404
IN Irvington. strictly modern duplex. Phone
East 5453.
5-ROOM cottage, newly painted.
N. ' Phone East S3&
MODERN 9-room house, electric light, gas
snd furnace. 00 Ella St.
MODERN 7-room house, fireplace, furnace,
nice yard. 724 E. Main. East 4475.
5-ROOM furnished cottage, water. Phone
East 401. 693 E Morrison st.
MODERN" 6-room house. 554 East Yamhill
st, cor. 12th.
NEW modern, 0 rooma, $1S; Rose City
open Sunday afternoon. Tabor 5414.
FOR KENT 4-room cottage, yard, with fruit
trees, etc. 512 Patton Rd, Portland Hts.
MODERN 8-room house, close in. Call at 513
Montgomery st.: rent $30.
NEW bungalow, close to car. on 79th st.
Hardwood floors, etc. Phone C 2342.
DKBI R A FILE 6 and S-room houses. 896 and
308 San Rafael, close in. East 168".
GOOD clean 7-room house. 89 East Oth
North, between Davis and Everett.
IS For Rent 5-room cottage. 736 Vander
bllt st. University Park. Phone Main 8333.
ROOMS. 363 Irving at, $25.
8 rooms. 505 Irving st, $25.
7 rooma, 105 N. 17th st, $20.
7 rooms. 167 N. 17th st, $20.
5 rooms, 769 Savier at, $14.
5 rooms. 230 14th. st, $15.
5 rooms, 787 Water st, $12.
5 rooms, 401 W. Park st, $15.
5,rooniB, 572 Main st, $18.
7 rooms, 324 4th st, $15.
7 rooms, 4S! E. Davia st, $20.
7 rooms, 205 N. Union ave, $21.
5 rooma, 380 N. 10th st, $7.50.
3 rooms. 382 N. lUth st, $7.50.
3 rooms, 489 Alder st, $20.
5 rooms. 491 Alder st, $15.
6 rooms. 073 E. Ankeny st, $20.
0 rooms, 075 E. Ankeny at, $20.
5 rooms, 507 E. Harrison st, $12.
6 rooma. 630 Upshur st, $20.
b rooms. 173 N. 17th st, $35.
5 rooms, 108 Gibba st, 812.50.
8 rooms. 171 E. 3d st, $17.5o.
5 rooma, 871 Oorbett st, $15.
6 rooms. 124 E. 18th st, $23.
12 rooms, 304 12th st, $65.
5 rooms, 527 Market st, $17.50.
8 rooms, 100 N. Meade st, $16.00
6 rooms, 046 Upshur st, $20.
6 rooms, 042 Upshur st, $20.
0 rooms, 768 Kearney st, $28.
5 rooms, 290 Lincoln st, $20.
5 rooms. 288 Lincoln st, $20.
100 Second St.
5- room new bungalow, with large
attic, never occupied, nicely fin
ished, hae fireplace, built-in book
case. 293 E. 73d st, near Multno
mah st, $16.
6- room cottage, with barn 31st
and Emerson, $12.
8-room modern house, with large
sleeping porch, UN Vernon ave,
and 3-room flats, corner Ben
ton and Clackamas at, $S and $8.
133 ft First St.
10th floor. Temporary Annex.
Complete and reliable list of all vacant
houses, flats, apartmenta and bungalows
In the city; make use of this service when
you desire; this does not obligate you In
any manner to this store. You will find
us ready and willing at all times to help
you In locating. Newcomera In Portland
will find this service especially valuable.
Real estate men and ownera of private
propjrty aro Invited to list their unoccu
pied apartments, flats and houses sit Meier
at Frank's Free Rental Bureau.
$1S 6 ROOMS, modern, 997 Commercial at,
near Blandena.
$204 rooms, 467 Market at, near 13th.
$i!0 5 rooms, 549 Overton at, near 17th.
$20 5 rooma, 555 Overton st, corner
l'tl- . ,
$30 8 rooma, modern, nice yard, 438 L.
26th st. North, near Tillamook; Broadway
$40 7 large rooma, modern, 690 East
Couch st, near E. 20th.
404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. S699, A 26a3.
9-room house, all large rooms. FINE
CONDITION, furnace, two ftreplacea. over
half-acre ground, ample bearing fruit,
nice garden, beautiful view, deairable sur
roundings, convenient to Mt. Tabor car.
Lease for a year or sell at attractive price
on very favorable terms. Main 328 or
A 4115.
-ROOM cottage, 220 Gaines $ 8
5- room cottage, 410 Eugene 1"
6- room house, 12S Grand ave. N 15
0-room house, 730 E. Salmon 18
7- room houae. 402 Hawthorne 2-4
8- room house, 300 Hancock 2a
F. W. TORGLEK, 100 Snerlock Bldg.
We have aome Bew( strictly modern
houses for rent or for sale; if they do not
suit, we will build just what you want on
easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co, 270tt
Stark at. Main 1603, A 1516.
FOR HENT. In Irvington; modern bungalow,
0 rooms, with bath, in excellent neigh
borhood; $30 a month. Will sell at a
reasonable price on long terms. 523 23d
st. N. Key at 747 Brazee st. Phone East
3708 or Woodlawn 3171.
MODERN 7-room bouse, 1 year old, every
thing complete, at 100 E. 50th st, one
block from school, Mt. Tabor car, to Ifase
for term years; 1 2-room house. 1 block
from Mt. Tabor car and school, for rent,
$8. Main 410.
FINE 10-room house, very close In. 268
Columbia st.; electric light and gas; rent
only $25. i
100 Second St.
Houses and Flats.
Real Estate and Rentals.
Cor. Grand Ave. and Eaat Ankeiiy
6-room houae, almoat new. hardwood
floora, furnace, fireplace, on carllne, tine
view. Lease for year, Sunday. Main
1200. Week days, Main 328, A 4115.
NEW 5-room bungalow, modern and con
venient, ili per month; fine car service.
5926 45th ave. S. E. Key next door or
at Morgan. Fliedner & Boyce, 813-821
Morgan bldg.
8-room house, corner McMUlen and
Wheeler one block from Williams ave, 2
blocks from Broadway, $20; interior very
MODERN 6-room house at 681 Kearney st,
corner 21st; in first-claas condition: fur
nace, fireplace, etc.; rent $30 per month.
Call Main 1002. 1
SWELL California bungalow; four rooma
and aleeping-porch and disappearing bed;
fireplace, window screens and fine yard,
on corner. Key at 87 E. 28th at.
3-ROOM bungalow. 887 East 45th St. Haw
thorne district, cloae to car, vacant Au
gust 1, $18 mouth. Call Adams, Marshall
KUK RENT S-room house, 314 Wheeler
st, 6 blocks from Steel or Broadway
bridge $20. Main 5380. Berger Broa
MODERN 6-room cottage, newly painted
and tinted. 180 McMillen. 2 blocks south
Broadway bridge. $18.
WEST SIDE, walking distance, neat seven
room home, with yard. 510 Market, near
14th. Main 4510.
MODERN 2-story 0-room: paved street, good
location, yard; block to car; $22, 780
Williams ave. Woodlawn 426.
FIRST-CLASS, modern 5-room home, rea
sonable, responsible party. 1113 Vernon
9-ROOM modern houso, large attic, bath,
gas, electricity; references required. 487
E. Ankeny; $30
MODERN 8-room house, newly decorated,
nlcoly located. 767 Marshall. A 4241.
Marshall 842.
9 ROOMS, hardwood floors, hot-water heat,
finished basement, fireplace, splendid lo
cation, cheap rent. Phone Main 2015.
FOR RENT 7-room modern house, Willam
ette Helehts, $40 per month. Phone Main
5373. A 237X
FOR RENT Almost new 7-room house,
modern throughout; good location on East
Side. Phone Tabor 1009.
HOL'SKO large rooms with bath, basement
and gas; walking distance; $12 per month.
Inquire 74s Water st.
4-ROOM house; rent $8. 150 Page St. Tele
phone Eaat 4475.
131 MARKET, near Broadway, clean,
room house. $30. Call Sunday P. M.
Furnished House.
SMALL neatly furnished cottage on river;
several months; two bedrooma; no chil
dren Delamaie S 123, Oregonlan.
HOUSE $12.50: 7 rooms, furniture for sale,
your price. 112 East 72d, half block from
MV car.
NEW '-room bungalow, elegantly furnished,
piano, roses. 15 min. out. 1247 E. 17th.
Westmoreland. Marshall 5331.
5-ROOM modern bungalow, Hawthorne dis
trict; will lease for one year. G. E. Wel
ler, 1405 Hawthorne. Both phones.
FURNISHED 5-room house, large yard, wa
ter, phone and garbage free, only $19. 7G3
Williams ave. Woodlawn 410.
MODERN 0-room home, completely fur
nished, for rent or leaae to reaponaible
party. Phone East bass
$15 NEW furnished 4-room cottage, mod
ern, lawn, flowers, fine location. block
vo car. Tabor 3824.
S-ROOM modern, completely furnished with
piano large grounds with fruit treea and
shrubbery. Call S7 E. 27th, cor. E. Stark.
Fl'RNISHED 5-room cottage, comer, gar
den, roses Inquire today, 3 to 4. 348 E.
34th; Hawthorne car. Tabor 5426.
STRICTLY modern. 7-room, furnished
house. E. 37th. neajraxeeTabor5426.
7-ROOM furnished honse. complete. West
Side, S25. Phone Marsnau jine.
130 r. ROOMS, well furnlahed. large yard.
1317 Hawthorne ave, near 46th.
MODERN furnished home for Summer; rent
' cheap for caeh. 81 E. 33th st.
7-ROOM furnished home. West Side. Phone
Marshall 908.
6-P.OOM furnished house. 7 blocks to Broad
way Bridge; $25. 521 Ablngton bldg.
MODERN 8-rcom house furnished; 20 min
utes from clty; cheap. A 3001.
FURNISHED 7-room house, cloae 1. E.
Taylor. E. oso.
MODERN 3-room house, nicely furnished;
piano. 1060 E. 20-.h N. A car.
MODERN 3-room house, completely
nisned. lOOO C. smm -m
FURNSHED house, $13. 291 Benton st.
Furnished Houses.
IN IRVINGTON On Broadway car, large
houae, furnished, family away for
months; have good maid; will rent re
sponsible couple, no children, or will k
room or club with two or e"
worth while; referencea AF Hi. Orego
A NUMBER of good furnished houses foi
rent and lease. Choice locations, modern
houses, reasonable pricea See us for from
5 rooms up and $30 mo. and over.
Title & Trust Bldg, 89 4th at.
MODERN seven-room completely furnished
house with player piano. In good district,
rent very reasonable.
106 Second St.
MODERN 7-room house for rent; Turkish
rugs, many, furniture, new and clean.
1302 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Main 1O20.
FOR REST for 3 or 4 montha, new 5-room
bungalow, well furnished, piano and Bow
ing machine; one block from Rose city
carllne; no children; referencea. 37a East
37 th North.
7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, new and mod
ern. Mt. Tabor home; lawn and garden, .i
hlnck to car:
no small cnuuien. ,v
month. Phone Tabor 3073.
MY completely furnished 0-room home, nice
location, for month of August or sooner
Inquire 200 East 21st st, between Salmon
and Taylor sts.. referencea.
MODERN 8-room house, completely tur
nished, 2 suites bring $30.30; will rent
whole house to reliable parly for $Ho. sw
chapman st.
FURNISHED B-room modern bungalow, with
piano, corner 80th and Stephens st, Haw
thorne car. Call Sunday afternoon; rent
TOR RENT Nicely furnlahed 4-room n"u":'
modern, two oiocas cl ij,.u --z. -
station, Mt. Scott car. 6043 41at ave. b. E. ,
$15. Call Sunday.
FURNISHED 6-roora house; close In, walk
ing distance, for rent to last of October.
$30 per month, S7 E. 10th st, near E.
Washington at. phone East 801.1.
COMPLETELY furnished modern 6-room
house, with piano, In Piedmont; will rent
cheap for the Summer. 1220 Union ave
nue. North. Woodlawn 1082.
UNIQUE-bungalow, 5 rooms. West Side,
close in. beautiful view; must be seen to
be appreciated; reasonable rent. Mar, jsso.
MODERN oroom house, delightfully cool,
close to car, Waverleigh heights; adults
only. 531 East 35th st.
NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow piano
paved street and carllne. l'lione Marshall
725 or Woodlawn 3220
Fl'RNISHED 4-room cottage, bath and gas.
950 Albina ave. Take "L" car, call after
3-ROOM house, choice location, hnrdwood
floora, Turkish ruga and mahogany fur
niture. A eail, Mam ion.
COMPLETELY and well-furnlahed 7-room
modem houae, piano, walking distance,
reaaonable. 681 Fifth St. .
THREE-ROOM house. neatly furnished.
$10.00. 84 E. 57th st. Montavilla car. to-
3-YEAR lease on strictly modern furnished
10 room house. Nob Hill district; refer
ences required. Phone A 2338.
Sir, 5-ROOM bungalow, partly furnished.
1 or 2 lots. 75 West Prescott St. Tel.
Woodlawn 475.
I v : - n : nicely furnished house; bath, elec
tricity; close in. Call Monday. Mar
shall 2651.
NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow. Roae
City Park; furnace, fireplace, hardwood
floors. Bleeping porch. Tabor 3020.
WELL furnished house two months; very
reasonable; close In; fine location. Ta
bor 1101.
VERY desirable furnished 5-room house in
Sunnyside; all modern; $20. Call 144
East 25th st, afternoons.
FURNISHED, modern 6-room house with
piano, for rent. $20 per month. 228 E.
17th at. Phone East 5325.
FURNISHED home for two yeans; West
Side, walking distance; references. Mar
shall 3617.
FURNISHED complete, new modern 7-room
house. 3 eleepers, reasonable. 966 Haw
thorne ave.
5-ROOM bungalow, Rose City Park,
ing porch, furnace, piano. Tabor 8020.
summer Resorts.
Fernwood cottage, 4 rooms, large lot.
plentv shade, 1 block to beach: $75 for
the season. Photos at office of Fred W.
German Co, 14 Cham, of Com.
FOR YOUR VACATION. Our Beach, lake.
Farm, ranch house, cottages, horses, boats.
booklets and ourselves seek you. Address
Classic Ridge Beach Co, Box 30, Portland.
P. S. : Beach lota low prices. Easy terms
LIKE LYTLE BEACH house for sale; large
fireplace, all modern conveniences; perfect
view of surf and lake. See owner on
premises or 307 Journal bldg, after Tues
day. Marshall 4240. .
manager, Cannon Beach, Or. On the beach
overlooking the ocean; will open July 1
to August 15. Board by tho day or week.
Rates reasonable, -
Bayocean, Or.
C. E. Van Dusen, prop. Rates $2 per day
Write or phone for rates by weeua.
FOR RENT At Seaside, large 2-room open
air houae, completely furnished; water,
electricity, near beach, reasonable rent for
season. Main 2124.
GiFaRHART 6-room cottage, completely
furnished, also large platform with tent
and cabin. Inquire window 12, First Na
tional Bank.
SEASIDE 4-room furnished cottage, 2 blocks
from Boardwalk. August 13 to October 1.
or balance of season, $30. M 118, Ore
COTTAGE for rent, Savier, Wash.: electric
light, shade trees, nrepiaee; running waiei.
Reasonable ratea balance of season. O 117,
"NEW 2-room cottage at Rockaway Beach,
cloae in; also tent house, both lurnianeu
for Housekeeping. Phone East 6012 or
East 6020.
SEASIDE Low rent; Bleeping rooma. h. k.
rooms, h. k. tents, tent ground: line loca
tion; cheap. Apply Fannie Austin.
furnlahed light housekeeping ; good water;
FOR RENT 3-room furnlBhed cottage; wa
ter in house; at Twin Rocka, on Tillamook
Beach. Phone Sellwood S80.
GEARHART Six-room furnished cottage,
reasonable by month or season. Woodlawn
Breske cottage at Geoiliart Is for rent
. ... ... Call Mn.n llllll
lor one ii"""". -
NEWPORT 2 new furnlahed cottages, rac
ing ocer.n. East 1338. Cal morning week
ROOMS and light housekeeping rooms, smail
cottages, best realdence section; desirable.
Godfrey Broa, Seaalde, Or.
FIRST-CLASS country board, private family,
special monthly rates for children. Lucy
Adams, R. 2. Greaham.
MODERN bungalow on Willamette; beau
tiful grounds; ahade-treea. boating and
fishing. A. F. Pierce, Jennlnga Lodge.
TO RENT 5-room cottage at Ocean Park.
Washington, balance of July and Auguat
for $25. Phone Tabor 5433.
FOR RENT Furnished 5-room house, $12
per month. 4806 77th S. E. Mt. Scott car.
Firland station.
SEASIDE! Clean, modern, 6-room cottage,
overlooking ocean; all conveniences; $100
Au$r. 1st to Sept. 13. Marshall 4727.
6-ROOM cottage for rent at the beach rea
sonable: telephone Main 3840.
ATTRACTIVE furnished board-floor tent.
Manhattan Beach. $5 weekly. Mar. 2403.
JOY cottage, Long Beach. Wash, rest of
July, $15. siain 014.
FURNISHED houaekeeping rooms. E. Shep
ard, Seaview. Waah.
TEEVIN cottage; rooma reasonable. Pool'a
candy store or box 341. Seaalde, Or.
LONG BEACH Small partly furnlahed
house, $25 season. Phone East 4072.
4-KOOM cottage, partly, furnished. Long
Beach. Phone Main i520.
TO RENT Large furnished cottage at New
port, convenient; Nye Creek. Main 1240.
BO ARDING or tenting near Mt. Hood. East
632S. Main 6120.
FOR Summer cottages and beach lota aos
SE I SIDE Very choice, well furnlahed, cen
trally located cottage, August. Main 3749.
NYE BEACH, furnlBhed cottage $5.25 per
week. Lewis bldg. cigar afore, Portland.
3-MOOM cottage at Long Beach. Wash,
completely furnished. Inquire Main 3894.
FOR RENT OR SALE 5-room furnished
cottage, uearnari. or. .-wan, jo
E VSIDE, furnished modern house: keys 915
South Board Walk. East 271. C 3183.
COTTAGE at Neahkahnie Mountain Beach
for rent. 123 KllllngB'.vorth ave.
FOR rent at Seaside. 2 nicely furnished
cottages. Phone East 403S or East 1277.
A BARGAIN 5-room flat, close in. attrac
tive, clean. 123 a-ftnst.
JOY cottage. Long Beach. Wash, -at of
July. $1S. Main .114.
SEAVIEW 7-room house, close to ridge;
running water. Phone Tabor 3278.
Fl'RNISHED Cottage at Gearhart. Wood
lawn 1020. Cull between 0 and 7 P. M.
iOB KKN'l.
Summer Resorts.
3 rooms comfortably furnished, at
Gearhart-by-lhe-Sea; $30 for sea
133 V4 First Street.
American plan,
Newport. Oregon.
Only flrst-claso hotel
Overlooking the ocean.
S7 n,r Hnv and un.
$12 per week and up.
Neat little 4-room cottage among tha
trees, 1 Block from beach; recently over
hauled, in a good condition. $6i for the
season. Photo at office. Fred W. German
Co, 914 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT 3-room cottage at Beach Cen
ter, near Sea View, Wash, balance of
season; large yard, fenced In; running
water and well-furnished; near ocean. In
quire 24 Morrison at. ilaln 9299, fur
"Rooaevelt Favorite" cottage at beach.
FOR RENT Large H. K. rooms, two and
three dollars week. South Main at. Sea
aide. Or. P. O. box 581.
$12.00 Per Month.
Good location for pool ball and barber
ahop. Take Roae City Park car to 72d
at. and Sandy blvd. See Austin.
418 Corbett Bldg.
CORNER atore or entire 2-atory building,
across the Blreet from new public dock, at
corner Eaat Waahington and Water sts.
H. V. Palmer-Jones Co, 404 Wilcox bldg.
I'honea M. 8699, A 265$J
RENT Splendid cornel for grocery atom;
hag been a grocery atore for 22 years.
Will bo for rent Sept. lat. Corner 20th and
Powell sts. Inquire at 927 Brooklyn at.
FRONT space, located on 3d st, between
Taylor and Yamhill ats. Call at 185 3d.
In afternoon.
3"-STORY brick, 23x200 ft, between Morrl-
son and Yamhill, facing 1st and Front.
1S3 Madiaon at.
FOR RENT ill St. John. modern store
building, with living n- ..- In rear, flue
locatiou; rent $25. ataln 3378.
CORNER Hawthorne ave. and E. Water at,
23x40; wiil change front lo suit tenant.
Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 306$,
W. II. WEBB, 605 Yeon bldg. Mam 4913.
SMALL store. Wllllame ave. and Broadway;
low rent. Inquire 360 V Williams ave.
LARGE, light, private office In prominent
downtown building, with use of large re
ception room, both telephones, with well
known established firm, only high-class
man considered. References required.
Especially suited for high-class life Insur
ance, tlmbermau or financial broker. AE
109. Oregonlan.
DESK ROOM In large, light office In Mor
gan bldg. Apply Manager, 813-831 Mor
gan bldg.
ROLL TOP deak. including phone, $6 and
$7; alao nicely furnished private off lea 723
Chamber of Commerce
FOR RENT Rooms auitable for office or
atndlo: 6th and Morrteon ata Sherman,
Clay & Co.
WANTED Responsible party to ahare office
In new Plttock block; rent $15 per mo. C
121, Oregonian.
FOR RENT Deak space or one room and
stenographer s aervlcea. Call 218 Commer
clal Club bldg, Monday
OFFICE for rent; bIbo desk room with
desk. Phone Main 8061.
FACTORY or warehouse 75x76. with base
ment; Weal Side. Tabor $013.
Ill MM s OPPORTl M Ill l.
$SO00 atock of merchandise In good
shape: 80 per cent of It bought alnce Jan.
1; dry goods, ahoea, clothing, f urnialilnga.
ladles ready-to-wear, about equally di
vided; thla la the blggeat snnp ever of
fered; $3800 spot cash takes It; muat sell
Monday before 10 A. M. 1 will call for
anawera to thla thta evening at 8 o'clock.
Give your phone number. 1 will notify you
between S and 9 P. M. where to meet me
Monday morning to aee atock; tlrat man up
with the coin gels it. n, 1.0,
EASTERN manufacturing company of A-l
atandlng going to locate on the Cpaat of
fers lucrative official position to business
man of ability. Investment of at least
$10,000 required; representative now in
1'ortlana. xa. vieaooo
OPPORTUNITIES In many states. Hotels,
gen. mdse, mfg, meat mkts, rmg-houaea.
jewelry, muaic and variety atoroa, etc.; no
commiaslona. deal direct with owner.
Their addess free. National Business
e. X c nanKe. .-an r 1 .tin . .......
IF you buy my b-room furnlahed complete
you can rent 6 and net $23, bealdea your
rent beautifully located; rent 3j: price
$23(1. Owner. 190 13th at
20 ROOMS, private houaekeeping; cleara
$ln; rent 350; cheap for cash; trade for
confectionery; smalf town. O 127, Ore
WANT partner In my restaursslt; money
no object If you will work! I
money-maker; open for Investigation. Al'
123, Oregon lan
Opportunity to" Invest $100 to $1000 in
safe propoaltion: monthly dlvldenda; full
investigation. 11 j,. fc, .......
LUNCH COUNTER, owner wanta a ateady
partner to be cashier and help In the
businesa: will guarantee good pay. Call
room 3211 Morgan uiu.
POOL HALL 6 tables. fine equipment
throughhout; big payroll town; doing
splendid business; beat bargain on ISM
market. 319 Lumber Exchange.
MAN wanted In office buslneas ar partner:
dutlea ahow property, etc. Small In
veatmert required. Partlculara 426 Mor
gan Dldg
HALF Intereat in an old. well built up lash
businesa. paying $150 month to each part
ner Must have referencea. $330 required.
AUO L.UniUCl t.l .
ROOMING house, on busy downtown corner;
clearing about $200 per monlh. $150"
cash; lease 3 yeara. No better buy In
.,".,' .. t , 1 -01 u. Morrison at.
ruruwim. .,00... .,
IF you can lnveat $000 and are satlafled
with $125 month In profitable contract
ing bualneaa. where your mon" 11 se
cured, call room --o -1
CAFETERIA, best location m city. Take
advantage of businesa afforded by
building of Interatate bride. W. C. Steun-
berg Vancouver. ao.
CONFECTIONERY, clgara. maKatlnea. etc.:
transfer corner location; low rent; milking
good money: a $700 bargain. 319 Luin-
Ler ttxennngc.
HAVE opening for energetic man In auto
mobile garage: good pay and the dutlea
arc easily learned. Call room 329, Mor
gan bldgJ
BEFORE buying a business of any nature
rail and see G. A. Series. 713 Spalding
GOOD horseshoeing buslneas. will sell half
Intereat to some reliable person. l.
trnscoil. iioou rvnt. wj,
MILLINERY store in fin location at a
bargain if taken thla month. 10i2
lain si. pen wo".
SOLID grocery; owner wants reliable part
ner: salea average $100 day. Call room
3211 Jj.-Tgan um,.
HAVE unusual opening for garage, rloh
c....... ,,. town: no competition.
. . , v,., l-.,1 1 1-- ki.iv
HIT. IU LI lue. 010 .-.71. ...
STEADY who can In. est $173 and go I"
. e,. ioer hve reference, call
S03 Lumber Exchange, 2nd and Stark.
POOLROOM. 3 tables, ahowcaaea. safe,
.!; rent $12. will invoice $800; price
,-,- mn T timber Exchange bldg.
PVRTVER wanted for a growing manufan
turins businesa: very little caah required,
Call room 320 Morgan um.
CARPENTER wanted at Partner In bulld
ing bualneaa; muat have $100. W 110.
FOR SALE Grocery in city. Invoice about
$3000: selling on acuouni. o. ...
317, Oregonian
s-rOO CtSH interest in old eatabllahed
restaurant; partner aelllng. Ill; no agenta
AE HS. oregonian
USE of shoemaker's tools free. If desired:
store rent. Hii.uu. -- -
lumbla or notei upstair.
GROCERY, confectionery and ice cream par
lor nood local. ou. 111101 itw,.-... -
rooma in connection. AK 121. Oregonlan.
ICE CREAM, confectionery, bakery and gro
lv'E'.Tr eii.o ,rm- ononalte larae achool.
647 '! E. 26th at. So. Woodatock car.
FOR SLE $7500 stock of hardware. $3500
.' ..a1 . ii r a r time Addreaa
casn. -.-y '---, -J,,", "V
Ul.Vr Y . li.H'IB'"'. Liui...t.e, w
C . i, 1 ssagiv imhrajw Pnait ASCII C V
numr, tn.$yt-. . - - -
Rn 1170. Portland.
A BVROAIN If takQ aoon; A No. 1 con
A i tiahi .- ....r i-i. ii.l Inn-
leciionery ..... ......
tlon. gfy qio'.i. .
K-TirRANT Furced sale. Price $150;
S.10 cash balance monthly; would coat $4O0
to turn ISO. ...II 1," iv. ii.
MOVING-PICTURE bualneaa for aale or ex
change. Soggeas t. Co, 206 Qerllnger
GOLlD pavins cigar, fruit, confectionery.
Ice-cream store. Owner. 20 yeara. wishes
to retire; anap. 203 First St.
PHRTNKS wantrd In good tlllns tnlluring
establisCUlcttL AH 12U, Ole.oal.u.
OPENING for general atore at Hubert, R
C, new ton on main line Grand Trunk
Pacific transcontinental railroad. Hubert
Is tbe trade center of the fertile Bulkh-y
Valley. Alao supply point for great min
ing district; train aervice baa start-",
station and side tracks built, poatofftoa
established and government bridge over
Bulkley Rlrer connecting hlghwa)a com
pleted. Trade la waiting for right m0
to establish general atore. For detai.ed
Information, write R. L Gale. Deputy
Mining Recorder. Hubert. B. 1.
Located In one of the best towns la
Oregon, on the Columbia River. Chairs
(new) and other equipment the beat; ooei
over $1500. Doing from $60 to $110 a
week. For the best reason will sell for
$900 with trims of half cash. See phot
and get full particulars st Room sis li
nn Diag
BANKER or retired merchant a alien!
partner with $3000 to $10,000. You ap
prove each traneactlen and check out all
money. Caah can b- realised at any time
on entire amount and profits within 60 to
90 days. No salaries or expense Itesaa
You know the profit on each tranaartlna
before made. We share in profile Blank
ing references exchanged. O 123, Or ago -nlan.
WEEKLY newspaper in thriving town of
1090 for sale; $6 miles from Portland, no
competition; plant worth $600o. $.otfti
caah will handle It if talacn quiekl ; uon
lalna new linotype and threa good presses,
power, etc.; man and wife can clear from
$160 to $200 per month; owner muat aa,k
dryer climate. Address AV 616, oars of
FOR SALE By the owner, who will be In
the city for a few days, a no-.t niod
eri and up-to-date hotel in a bast Wil
lamette Valley town, furnishings ara ex
cellent; as this la not an eetda pick
up only the right kind of party will
be considered; a amai) amount m money
will handle. AF 111. Oregonlan;
FOR SALE Cleaning all
tabllahed 3 yeara. dowi
dlatrict; tow rent: m
no soliciting, all drop
resentatlves of Royal
Must aacrlflra this at
Investigate this Imrni
too gO'jd to laat. Den
T 123. Oregonian.
Exceptional spyarts
pef" year, on Invpitmi
bears stride! Invcai
chance that aeldoni o
Inquire unleaa you can
cash. 016 Fetiton bid
1 In good hotel
ide; local rep -lore,
leaving loan,
ly as on. i
n with owner.
to clear 4'KWl
of HU4M Thl
Mnvlng-plcture road ahow. pleasant lis
rloyment, large Income. Al electric Mt
It complete; new touring car Include".
$1300. Phone Marshall 4024. between 4
and a P. M. t an neeaiey.
D.n-i - ,i eieriinv f " '.it
On account of Ill-health I am sailing
bag. towel, aheet and napkin factory, ttfia
Is a good, clsan proposition, bunging In
$125 per month ?ee my agrnt lied V
German Co, 914 Cham, of Com.
63-room apartment. 33 furnished, goi
Weat Side corner; modern houa. rent
$223; leaae 3 years; price $1400. terma.
3on Board of Trade, 4th and ok gt.
$123 CASH and $173 easy parrnta bua
a clean, neat and well-furnished place
of $ rooma on W. Broadwaj, near Jeffst
aon at.; alt men roomers: cheap rent.
O. C. R. Ellis A Co, 309 Boaid of Tiade.
4th and Qk sla,
IT of the beat ernsatlunal three-reel fe
ture lllma with the bast of big paper st
aacrlftce; big moner-gettera and clasa A
condition, muat sell this week. AO 1.1.
A PARTY with $5000 to lnveat In fs'to
for manufacture of an eelaMlsned am
certified by the U. S. Government a
sold the Navy In large quantities t.
make from 20 to 50 per cent on his in
vestment. AJ 124. Oiegonlan.
At H price; A-l Kaal Side in
only $00; doing a good buslnrai
atlon; rant
$3.0 caah
and balance irm 10 .ou r -
particulars call 618 aun bldg. (U
WILL exchange for grocery store. 120 acres,
near good town leaa than .10 mil from
Portland; equity $4000; will aMSri mort
gage back for difference. T 12.1. Orego
nlan. ;
WILT, exchange for grocery store 120 scree
near good town, leaa than 30 mllea from
Portland; equity $40OO; will accept mort
gage back for difference. R 122. Orsgo
nlan. .
1'A HTN EH wanted for alrlctlv cash confe
tlonery cigar and fruit st-re. taking In
$50 to $156 per day; $75" I,.,. rtm.nii re
quired: money secured. Room . uroaa-
way blag.
RESTAURANT outnt. $3"0. t erase: dlaeount
for caah. low rent; trade eatabllahed .
downtown location, win sen pari. ir.u.
rent; real valuta.
See It now.
O 121.
W.MTING-HOOM. close In; soda fountain,
coat $1000: candles, cigars. Ic cream
lunches, etc.; $30 to $3i per day; want
lot and bungalow In Portland, clear, price
$4300. See owner, 113 2d at.
BUTTER, eggs, light groceries, j f 1 1 cash
atore for aals cheap; clears $1H moat
now. which can be Increased. """
anything on credit. Call room 329 Mor
gan bldg.
RESTAURANT, doing good hualnaa; small
payment down, lime on balance. o"'r
bualneaa denianna mr .o... ... .-
tl - . mlilllMS o III . 1. ". .,.-, .
Yaqulna. Oregon.
PORTLAND manufacturer has opening for
branch manager, out of m n refer. c
and amall capital required: p-rlal In
ducements for right man; Interview. 0OJ
E. Davis si.
NEWSPAPER In live and growing town
1600, Western Waahington dairying and
lumbering; $1250 will handle. Owner "t
thla on a trade and can give good bargain.
Box 338. Enumrlaw, Waah.
I W vNT partner to drive auto delivery in
my cleaning snd preaalng bualneaa. only
Utile money required for half Inter-at.
$40 per week guaranteed. Call room i.
391 H Morrison st, Monday
finely equlppepd. A-l
.!- nleliitld inv
price.' 110 Lumber Kach.
FOR SALE, or will Irad. a paying freight
route and auto truck. IJ.M ttf
satisfied: good reasons for selling. A w.
half price: S table poolroom
and confectionery. "P t" "- 'ty '
rent $12 Halna Poolroom. Owego, Oregon,
or call 14 N. th at.
FOP. SALE Grocery, confectioner
and tobacco, doing good business;
bsaeball park. 24th and aunn
coun! of alckneaa. rhune Main go
OLD ESTABLISHED transfer line
atorage connection: doing big profit
neaa owner retiring offers tnia
value. 319 Lumber Kxchanse
CONFECT IONKRT, Ice cream clgara. to.
as 8o$jl
I.I' ' . . - .
alio ut
1 1 1 1 ae "'low in.
$300. 310 Lumber Menang
FTRST-Ci7ASB suburban illatrlct pi
ehelr. Pnwera me
gantly Bxtured throughout: $2u
handle. 319 Lumber Exchange.
aplendld location, da
FOR SALE Grocery
ng good business; no cloae competition:
irTcs $10: no trades: no agents. Call
17$$ E. Davla st
PARTNER wanted by ret
aolld grocery: muat b. e:
c.rv bualneaa: city refei
to buy
In gro-
Call today at 667 Kearney st
FINK corner rocry. .em '" '
E$T ' InVolcr 31. Lumber
WANTED Business assoclats In nyrrantlt.
brokeraa- bualneaa. young man of a I.I1IM .
25 . references; small Investment re
quired. K 123. Oregonlan.
YOL'NO man with automobile
and $4.".0 can secure H '"'TT
htiln..e milking J'M niotltllll
Owner. BF IM. Oregonlan.
YOI'R 25-word advertisement pbcel IS)
good monthly masasln.a month $1-L
months $2..'.0. Write for Hat. F. U $
K lOOa Bastsble block. Byracuss. V T.
ONE ohanco only. Big cash money makcr
guaranteed to a lady or g.ntlemen. $2..
securltv takes It. Please Invaatlgate thor-
o u gftly. F 110. Ong ""'en.
AUTO pnekag. delivery. aatabllsh..l big
houae cuatotn; a money-mak.r. other in
terests fores owner m sell for leas than It s
worth. 310 Lumber Exchange
CIGAR and billiard $rlor; man d'alres PJT
inament poaltlon. capable of laaUa crjs
Tlualneaa ability and Ideaa; referencea.
marrl.d. W 123. Oregonlan.
, f a UN the real eatate always
have poaltlon Swank. $11 tforthwe.t
FOR KALE A good bualneaa. amall amount
required 1 an J.".
LADY proapeclor wants to hear of good
placr proposition. jj i,. ......
FINE corner atore acroaa from City Hall
at 4th and Jefferson, Cheap, t all E. 307
CONCRETE block plant for aale or trade:
good location. i.iu ou.n.... - ...
GROCERY for aal. 515 Northrup. $ living
rooms upatalra. $ down.
FOR BALK Meat market, good location,
weat aide. Price la right. Plion. Eaat 2W'.
COl'NTRY newanaper.
AV r0T. Oregonian.
bargain. Address
COMPLETE modern dental office In Rastern
Oregon. Terms. M 130, Oregonlan.
HOV 1 NO- PICTU R E theater, on Weat Side,
big money-getting location. $nj .Oi St.
Ft nsT-cl.A SS rlrar aland for ale cheap.
12'J, OrcKOUlau.