TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 19, 1914. DQGTOR'SWIFESAYS SHE IS CURIOUS People's Jokes About Hus bands Being "Regular Dev ils" Stir Desire to Know. JEALOUSY NOT ADMITTED .Mrs. Carman Makes Statement Con cerning Telephone Device She In. stalled In Office Detectives Are Denounced. FREEPORT. K. T- Julv 18. Plans for the Immediate future occupied the attention today or Mrs. carman, re leased yesterday from the County Jail at Mlneola In 120.000 ball for trial this Fall under a grand jury Indictment charging manslaughter In the first de frree In connection with the murder of Mrs. Louise Bailey. With her husbanfl. Dr. Edwin Car man, and daughter, Elizabeth. Mrs. Car man planned to start today or tomor row on an automobile tour to Phila delphia, Atlantlo Clfcr and the Dela ware water gap. In a statement Mrs. Carman told for the first time her story the story she sought to tell the Nassau County grand Jury, but which that body refused to hear. Detective Work Denounce. The statement, besides detailing her movements on the night of the murder of Mrs. Bailey In her husband's office, contains a denunciation of the detec tives employed by the District Attor ney, and declaration that she has no fear of conviction "unless they frame me up." Mrs. Carman said that It was not true that she was 'Insanely Jealous, as the newspapers lead people to be lieve." She explained she was merely curious, saying that "the fact of the matter la that I had been on numerous occasions with my husband at various affairs and had many a good time with him. But on such occasions people would Joke him about his 'many girls' and hint that the doctor was 'a regu lar devil.' tVonui "CurloM," ISot Jealoaa. "I simply made up my mind to find out what was the truth In those re marks, not because I was insanely Jeal ous, but because I wanted to find out . I waa curious. "People often said to him in my pres ence. 'You have a cinch, doctor. You can go out at all hours of the night or any time of the day. You have an office, where no one can see what's going on and what you are doing." So I put in the telephonic device." MRS. JOHN M. PATTON DIES Widow of Man Who Originated Rail way Mail Service X,ived to Be 75. OITMPIA. Wash.. July 18. (Spe cial) Mrs. John M. Patton, aged 76 years a resident of Olympia slnca 1891. died here Friday. Mrs. Patton waa the widow of John Malcolm Patton. who originated the traveling postoffice, or system of working mail en route, and was generally known as the "father of the railway mail Bervice." He came to Washington from Shelbyville, III., aa postal inspector for the Pacific North west. Mrs. Patton Is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Addison A. Lindsley of Portland and Mrs. C. E. Van Etton of Olympia. Addison A. Lindsley was the first State Treasurer of Washington. The body will be taken to Illinois for burial. CHILD DISCOVERS LOOT Goods and Money Taken From Turn er Store Found at Albany. ALBANY. Or., July 18. (Special.) V A 6-year-old daughter of James Darcy saw an end of bright red ribbon pro truding from a sack In an old barn near First and Cleveland streets in this city and pulled It out. Her act led to the discovery of about 873 worth of goods taken from the Roblnaon gen eral merchandise store at Turner, Or., the night of July 1. Mr. Robinson came to Albany yeeterday and identified his goods. Between 8300 and $100 worth of goods were reported stolen. Some mon cv was Included In the property stolen, and In the sack were found a Mexican dollar, some Canadian coins and some American nickels. FARM AREA IS GROWING Permits for Slashing Fires In Wash ington Double Those of 1913. OLYMPIA, Wash. July 18. (Special.) Increase In the area of land being put under cultivation In the State of Washington Is Indicated by the fire permit report for the month of June Issued by State Fire Warden Ferris. The report shows that 2833 permits were granted to burn slashings on 15.807 acres of land to be used for agricul tural purposes. This Is more than twice as great as the area of land burned In Jane. 1913. Forty thousand acres of logged-off lands and old burns were burned over during June to reduce fire hazards and in many cases to put the land under cultivation. STATE GRAZING NOT FREE "Washington Land Commissioner Leases 4 5,813 Acres. OLYMPIA. Wash.. July 18 (Spe cial) Oregon and Washington sheep men who for years have grazed their flocks in the Spring on public lands in Asotin. Yakima and Klickitat Coun ties without cost will hereafter have to pay the state for the privilege. Land Commissioner Clark V. Savidge today announced the signing of leases on 45.813 acres in these counties at a price ranging in some cases as high as S3 an acre for desirable patches which contain springs or are the key to other areas. The leases, which run for five years, will bring In a total annual revenue of about 16.000. GRAPE JUICE HAS RIVAL Loganberry, Product to Be Sold s Beverage at Eugene. , EUGENE. Or, July 18. (Special.) Loganberry Juice, a new product, to be put up la bottles and sold as a bev- nra n i thn itoda fountains or In the grocery store in competition with grape Juice Is being manuiaciurea ai mo x-u-gene Fruitgrowers' cannery. It is a novelty, there being none on the mar ket, but its popularity is anticipated. The Juice Is tart, but exceedingly rich and heavy. It Is diluted half with wa ter before being used. If the new product Is accepted by the market, the manufacture will be im portant, for In the Willamette Valley are thousands of acres set out, which are coming Into bearing faster than the market can be adjusted to meet the increased supply. The loganberry Is almost unknown in the East, and extensive advertising is necessary to develop a market. It is believed that the new beverage will not only take a large quantity of the berry crop of the market, but that It will serve to advertise the berry from which It Is made. The Juice was manufactured for the first time this week after a series of experiments to obtain the proper re sults. The product is made from the crushed berries, sugar and water. " Is not boiled, for this would spoil the aroma and flavor; but is brought to a temperature in a retort or cauldron sufficient to sterilize and prevent fer mentation. , , At present the cannery nas force of girls handling the early bean of crop. Next wee, wncu rill tne crop '"-' - in0 ,.no w rill be lncreasea 10 i.- --- en.p string beans that are to be shipped East in competition wuu growers. FAIR PREPARATIONS ON SECRETARY OF SOUTHWEST WASH. IXGTOX EVEXT OX GBOUSUS. Bnlldlnc for First Baby Show Com pleted and Ready Vma Inter est la Races WtJI Be Keen. rnjT.i9 Wash.. July 18. (Spe claD George R. Walker, secretary of the Southwest Washington Fair, has .... hi. office at the grounus w i hi. n.rnniLl attention to numerous Improvements under way there. The new exhibit bulioing. m wun-u ... - . h. first baby show ever held in this section of the state. Is com pleted and ready for use. Mrs. J. aa. ... . . v, -v, o n who has charge of the better babies exhibit. Is In re ceipt of a large number of inquiries, and. Judging from the interest shown, there will be a remarkable aggregation of little ones. The Inquiries received oy ooc"" J r-iu.. ..ngrriinir nuarters for stock are more numerous than for any pre vious fair held locally, ana n i v that all the accommodations likely to be used. Interest in the racing events appar ently will be fully as keen as last year, when a record card was presented to lovers of the horse. Already there are between 25 and 30 horses on the grounds In training for the coming fair. , i- th. Knuthwest Wash ington Fair, which will be held the last week In August, is me iirsi unuuS . the North Paclfio Racing Circuit, horse- ... ..isii nnvlous to have a iiieu j tryout to determine Just what talent they must compete asainai. " -.oi, t h held on the cir cuit. The roads to the fairgrounds this year, midway between tnemuu n Centralia, promise to be better than t. v. - frnm Ontr&lla to the grounds has been paved and the Che halls end has been surfaced with new crushed rock screenings ana pui into the best possible condition for publlo travel. TRACK BALLASTING IS ON Wlllamette-Puclflc Receives Ship ment of 12,000 Yards or Gravel. i T,e.TrCTPT.n Tnlv 1 8. (Stie- clal.) The Southern Pacific Com pany has completer ine usnv. tatlon of 12,000 yards of gravel to bal last the Willamette-Pacific tracks, three miles in length, between Marsh field and North Bend and has enough gravel on hand to ballast all the tracks and sidetracks in this city. The gravel is hauled from the Smith Powers pit 64 miles south of Coos Bay. and was delivered here at the rate of 60 carloads a day for 20 days. The bridge crew that is working on the Willamette-Pacific bridge across Coos Bay. numbers about 60 men and five bents of piling have been driven. The work ,waa started on the north approach" of the bridge at Sand Point and will be continued toward the south. The total length of the bridge will be 6300 feet and it will contain 14 cement and concrete piers. MASONIC LODGE FORMED Officers Elected at Yoncalla Fol lowing Instituting Ceremony. m-KTr A T T A fw .Tnlv'tg. (SDeclal.) Grand Master W. C. Bristol and Grand Secretary James sr. nooinson, oi i" Grand Lodge of Masons of the State of Oregon, and S. R. Mosier and W. C. - . iTnMn rtHim O. ICnowles. M. H. 'Anderson, H. G. Klnter, Andrew Brund and J. fc.. louns, oi uhhro Grove; H. C. Chadbourne, of Drain: Harry Brawn. J. K. ti oases ana uoorgn W. Bradley, of Yoncalla, opened a ses sion of the grand lodge to Institute Yoncalla Lodge of Masons. TV. 1 mftmA tYitk fnllOWlnr Offl- cers: Worshipful master, Fred Arthur: senior warden, F. L. Beard; Junior war den. G. F. Hewett; treasurer, J. F. Daugherty; secretary, A. H. Kelso. Cable Bridge Over Oowllts Asked. CENTRALIA. Wash.. July 18. (Spe cial.) Residents living in the neigh borhood of Cispus in Eastern Lewis County have petitioned the County Commissioners for a cable bridge across the Cowlitz River, near the Cispus postoffice. A canoe has been used as a ferry at this point, and as the river Is narrow and swift there, It Is considered extremely dangerous. Why the Kidneys Need Relief Do you know that every ounce of blood in your body passes through the kidneys every three minutes? Well, It does, and, as It Is the duty of these frail tubular structures to filter all Impurities from the blood, it Is readily realized that the least inflammation or irritation results In Imperfect work which Is sure to Impair your health. That is why. ir you suiier iroin uacn ache, headache, rheuma tism, heart weakness, or some acute forms of dis ease, it Is an Indisputable warning that your kidneys need help, and Just the help they need is supplied by Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. It soothes and heals inflammation anA irritation., and gradu ally restores the kidneys to their normal conouion, ji all druggists in 50c and i An hAttlAfi Kamnl A frA if you write Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. zoo, rtocnester, in. i. auv. Pacific Phone Jflars. 5080, Home A2112-We Have Inaugurated a, Half Holiday on Thursday Afternoons Dur ing the Hot Months of July and August, as We Close Our Store at One P. M. on These Pays-We Request That You Lend This Movement Your Support by Arranging to Do Your Shopping Accordingly-Shop in the Morning Supply Your Needs at Our Great Notion Sale 10c Dress Shields at. .7$ 25c Silk Dress Shields at 15 35c Dressing Combs 25 50c Dressing Combs 39? 25c Dressing Combs 19 15c Pocket Combs. .10 Our Store Opens 8:30 A. M. Saturday At 9 A. M. Store Crowded With Supply Your Needs at Our Great Notion Sale 10c Finishing "iBraid. 5 5c Peri Lusta Machine Thread at, 3 for. ..10 5c Kloster Silk Thread at, 3 for 1H? 100-yard Spool Silk 5 25c Soap Boxes at 15 25c Side Combs for 15 25c Whisk Brooms 19 15c Whisk Brooms 10 50c Hair Brushes 39 35c Hair Brushes 25( 65c Clothes Brushes for only 50 $1.00 Alarm Clocks 79 25c Rattles on sale 15 10c Hose Supporters 8 Sweeping Reductions On High-Grade . Woolen Dress Goods and Novelty Silk and Wool Tussah Suitings, Priestley's Goods. Best $1.50 erade, on sale at, yard . . t fabric of $1.50 quality, 98c tj p- on sale at Waffle Checks, 75c Grade, 45 The popular 42-inch Waffle Checks, novelty checks, shep herd checks and Pekin stripes black and white and other de sirable color combinations in all size checks and stripes fine half-wool fabrics, regularly sold at 75c a yard. This sale at .....r Dress Goods, $1.00 Grade, 69 54-inch black and white shep herd checks, in all size checks, n half-wool dress material: reg ularly sold at $1 a yard, (Qn this sale at nricedthis sale at. $1.25 and $1.35 Grades of Plain Colored Silk Poplins at va? A. 40-inch fabric shown in forty choice plain shades comes in a splendid weight and in a firm, durable weave. You will know iiow effective and beautiful" these Silk Poplins are and what splen did qualities we have sqld this season at $1.25 and $1.50 a Qgj yard. Tomorrow these lines go on sale at Less Than You Would Expect to Pay for Women's and Misses5 Fashionable Footwear The Most popular Styles in Pumps and Colonial Ox- Co AO fords, All Sizes and Widths, in $3.00 and $3.50 Grades P.t dium, low or high heels. All sizes in A-l velvet, dull kid and patent leathers. Standard qualities that were made to do sell regularly at $3 and $3.50 a pair in our basement Boys' Heavy Calf Moccasins, 9 to 2. 99 Children's Barefoot Sandals, all sizes. J All Women's and Children's White Canvas Slippers and Shoes - mi fj. i to Be Closed Out k - m asr jm p- sbs . .t"Msi wim i mmaisi sa The Most in Value, Of All Summer Stocks, Broken Lines, Odds and Ends, Etc. There is no time to hesitate; we have neither time nor inclination to delay the dis posal of all Summer goods, and it is no time for you to hesitate quick action im perative, if you would share in these great savings. Silks 98c Read this item and those toliowing. They tell of price reductions that bring to you the season's choicest and best dress materials at less than the whole sale cost. It's Summer clearance time now and we cheerfully take our loss in order to immediately reduce stocks. Here is a fabric that will make up beau tifully 44-inch Novelty Silk and Wool Tussah Suitings, Priestley's Goods, shown in a fine assortment of self-colored novelty weaves in solid colors. A French Challies, 50c Grade, 35 A cool, attractive dress material for Summer wear, just the thing for waists, dresses and kimonos conies in 30 and 32-in. widths and in neat dots, rings and small figures; regular 50c quality priced for this sale at oqf only OOC Wool Challies, 39c Grade, 19 28-inch Half-Wool Challies in patterns and colorings suitable for house dresses, wrappers and kimonos; a quality sold regu larly at 39c a yard. . This -I Q Sale at L All standard makes and qualities in the best leathers. Both Women's and Misses' Pumps in all sizes and widths. Included are the new " Kidney-heeled" Patent and Dull Leather Colonial Pumps with black steel ornament also the new semi-English or broader toed lasts as well as the extremely popular suede-lined short vamp "Baby Doll". Ankle Pumps, with extra wide silk grosgrain bows. Come in patent, velvet and dull leathers and they'll cost you $3.50 anywhere. At the same great saving we include our entire stock of r.no and two-straD PunxDs. with me at iiess xnan oust Our Store Closes 5:30 P. M. Saturday At 6 P. M. 7tf The Best in Quality Matchless Becomingness and Comfort in This Sale of Dainty White Voile Dresses The popular Tunic styles with silk col lar and cuffs; sizes 16 to 44; C?0 OA Reg. $5 line, to close out '. . . P This great showing and sale of snowy white Dresses will be sure to arouse keen interest among those women who would be becomingly and comfortably clothed this warm weather. Especially is this true wnen you taie into eration the great saving made by the above timely unclerpricing. All sj&y.yfl are fresh, new and bcautiiul, made or fine white voile and shown in the tunic effects and with silk collar and cuffs. They come in all sizes from 16 to 42. We considered them to be attractive values at $5.00. You'll agree that they are extraordinary bargains d0 OQ at low price of Clean-Sweep Price On Women's Neat Brocaded and Satin-Faced Petticoats In good styles and in most any wanted color; regular $1.50 lines, CI fifl this sale at pi.W At an actual saving of one-third the former selling price you have choice from, two fine lots of Women's Petti coats, desirable new styles in satin fnnaA on1 Virncsi i P( mnt.prinlsi several 1 UbV.U tlXXl!. Wivwivv .... - 7 lengths in the wanted shades of cerise, black, etc.; eveiy one or quality, priced for this sale at A Great Clean Sweep of Broken Lines in Men's Coat Style Shirts With Attached Cuffs The Season's Best Patterns in on Sizes 14 to 17 Values to $1.50 Your Choice at 0i?L That they are refreshingly low priced is evidenced by the figures quoted above that they have been extra well made of the finest materials is apparent at first glance. They are the Ferguson & jtfcKinney Guaranteed Shirts that are warranted to prove satisfac tory in every respect, or they will be replaced with a new Shirt free of charge. At this sale you may select from fine Percale or Woven Madras Golf Shirts, in coat style, with attached starched cuffs. They come in the season's best patterns and in sizes 14 to ny but not all sizes in each pattern. Regular values OQ to $1.50. This sale at An Unusual Midseason Underpricing of Men's Four-in-Hand Wash Ties. They Come Reversible in Plain White, or j f With Colored Striped Panel Best 25c Grade at xv Aside from the economy of purchasing at this sale and the advan tage of owning a generous supply their cool Summer comfort cannot be gainsaid. These are made reversible in regulation Four-in-Hand style. They come in plain white, or white - r with colored striped panel. Best 25c grade. This sale at... Hosiery and Knit Underwear Women's Full Fashioned Hose, Hand-Embroidered and OCp Lace Styles 50c and 75c Grades at JK, At this big reduction we are closing out a great lot of fine imported Lisle Hose in silk embroidered and lace styles. All sizes. They are full fashioned stockings, regularly sold at 50c to 75c OC pair. This Sale Only at u Women's Union Suits at 50 Both fine Lisle and Cotton Union Suits in low neck styles and with either tight or lace- Cf)r J v I 1 Supply Your Needs at Our Great Notion Sale 35c Net Shopping Basis, this sale at 25 15c Fine Combs at. .10 Sc Curling Irons at.. 5 25c Braid Pins for. .15 10c Kick Hack Braid 10c Novelty Edging at 7$ Bargains Supply Your Needs at Our Great Notion Sule 25c Hickory Hose sup porter at 15 50c Hair Stuffed Dolls at 33 10c Wood Coat Hangers at 7 5c Wood Coat Hangers at .3r 5c Wire Hairpins at 3 10c White Pearl But tons at 5 Ocean Pearl Buttons on sale at 10? 25c Ivor Buttons 10( 5c Hooks and Eyes, rustproof, at, box. .20 20c Wash Braid at 10 cousia- possible green, Copenhagen, navy, brown, regular $.ov $1.00 mm r j 1 1