" Mit uttto 111 Section One Pages 1 to 16 80 Pages Six Sections 1 . $ VOL. XXXIII-'XO. 28. LARGER AUTONOMY OFFERED ISLANDS Administration Philip pine Bill Appears. COMMISSION IS ABOLISHED Senate Substituted- and Gov ernor's Power Reduced. CONGRESS RESERVES RIGHT Christian Provinces to Choose Rep resentatives by Popular Vote, Xon-Christians to Have Leg islators Appointed. WASHINGTON. July 11. An Administration-approved plan for a more au tonomous government in the Philip pines as another step toward independ ence was laid before Congress today. Representative Jones, of Virginia, in troduced the bill. Mr. Jones is chair man of the House Insular committee, and his measure declaring the purpose of the people of the country as to the future political status of Filipinos, fol lows a long series of conferences with the President Secretary Garrison. Manuel Quezon, the Philippine Resi dent Commission to the United States, and Democratic members of the Insular committee, all of whom have approved It informally. Date of Independence Not Set. The bill makes no attempt to fix a date for Philippine independence. Its preamble recites that it was never the Intention of the people In the incipiency of war with Spain to make it a war of conquest or territorial aggrandizement It asserts that it always has been their purpose to recognize the independence of the islands "as soon as a stable government could be established there in." It declares it to be desirable to place in the hands of the Filipinos as large control of their domestic affairs as may be consistent with the exercise in the meantime of the right of sov ereignty of the United States. Mr. Jones, explaining his Philippine bill tonight said: "Generally speaking the bill provides for the Philippine Islands the moat lib eral form of a territorial government Its principal features affecting the more important changes in the existing organic act are those relating to the enlarged powers conferred on the Gov-ernor-(aeneral and the abolition of the present Phillippine commission as such and the substitution therefor of a senate. The members representing Christian provinces are to be chosen by popular vote. Non-Chrlstlane Are Represented. The non-Christian tribes are to be represented in the legislature by two senators and nine representatives appointed by the governor-general. The governor-general is to appoint the heads of the execu tive departments. The only offi cials to be appointed by the President are the governor-general and the mem bers of Supreme Court "The governor-general is given a limited power of veto over the acts of the legislature, but the President would have the power of absolute veto. "The legislature, both branches to be elective, with the exception of mem bers representing the non-Christian territory, has authority to legislate as to all of the affairs of the islands, ex cept that it cannot pass any law af fecting the trade relations with the United States, and cannot pass any tariff or currency act nor any act dis posing of public lands, timber or min ing rights without first securing presl (Concluded on Page Z. ) . 'WARBURG'S MOVE,' DECLARES SENATOR SENATE COMMITTEE TO TAKE NO FURTHER ACTION. Opponents of Confirmation to Seek Publicity of All Pacts Devel oped in Investigation. WASHINGTON, July 11. Publicity of all facts ascertained by the Senate banking committee relating to the nominations of Thomas D. Jones, of Chicago, and Paul M. Warburg, of New York, as members of the Federal Re serve Board is sought by Democratic and Republican Senators who oppose their confirmation. An effort will be made next week to have lifted the ban of secrecy on this testimony taken by the committee in Mr. Jones' caBe. Senator Hitchcock, acting chairman of the committee, when he makes the committee's report adverse to Mr. Jones' nomination, proposes to move that the testimony in full be made pub lic and also that all the facts regard ing Mr. Warburg's case be aired. Nearly every member of the bank ing committee today received scores of lfitters and telegrams from individuals and business associations throughout the country urging the confirmation ot Mr. Jones and Mr. Warburg. No mes sages have been received, so far as could be learned, opposing President Wilson's nominees. Members of the committee today said m further action would be taken on Mr. Warburg's nomination unless the New York banker should consent to appear before it "It is Mr. Warburg's move, one Sen ator declared. DARK HORSE BOY MALOR Eugene J. Rich Leads Field at Last Moment of Junior Race. The big surprise of the boy Mayor ramnaiirn was the election of Eugene J. Rich. The campaign ended last night and the result for Commissioners is still in doubt. Up to last published standings Rich was a poor third. His totaj was ,6.965, Herman Kenin 12,904 and Nathan eas ier but 804 votes behind the second man. Abraham T. Weinstein was elect ed District Attorney. 230 EXECUTIONS REPORTED Saltillo Hears Huerta Is Putting Oflclals to Death. SALTILLO, July 10. via Laredo, Tex., July 11. Two hundred and thirty per sons were reported executed in Mexico City last night by Huerta, according to news from the south received today. One hundred and seventy of these were said to have been put to death in the federal prison and 60 executed in the prison of Santiago Tlaltelaloo. Most of the victims, it is said, were of ficials. TRAIN KILLS 6 PICNICKERS As Children Sing "Nearer My God to Thee," Death Overtakes Them. ROCHESTER, N. H., July . 11. Six ..turnine- from a Sunday school picnic were killed tonight when the buckboard wagon on wnicn wtj wc. riding was hit by a freight train. The party of 16 was singing "Nearer, My God to Thee" as their wagon rum vi.j jwT, th roari toward the tracks. and the voices drowned out the noise of the train. The dead all were be tween 14 and 18 years of age. TWO WAREH0USES BURN Yakima Lumber Yard and Part of Brewery's Plant Destroyed. NORTH YAKIMA Wash., July 11. (Special.) The lumber yard of the Crab Creek Lumber Company and two warehouses of the Pacific Brewing Company were entirely destroyed by fire tonight. The fire department saved the Yakima Grocery Cnmpany and other buildings adjacent CARTOONIST REYNOLDS PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAY 3IORNING, DANIELS SINCERELY DISLIKED BY NAVY Difference in Points of View Fundamental. BRYAN SHARES UNPOPULARITY Men Think Secretary Is Play ing Politics. "REFORMS" NOT WELCOME Moving Pictures of Department Head Hissed by Bluejackets Officers Loyally Silent, but Opinions Are Well Known. BY JOHN T. M'CUTCHEON. Special Correspondence The Oregonian and the Chicago Tribune. VERA CRUZ, July t Sincere in his convictions as Is Secretary of the Navy Daniels, there is little doubt but his genial spirit would be somewhat per turbed did he realize the irritation he has aroused in the naval service by the enforcement of his own ideas. There is a spirit of resentment in the service which has never been equaled In the memory of the odest man in the fleet and it is literally true that the navy Is counting the days until March 4, 1917, when it has hopes of Mr. Daniels' retirement from his present post As long as he is secretary Mr. Daniels' orders will be obeyed in letter and spirit by every man, and there will be not a word of complaint or criticism in public, but the fact re mains that the way In which the North Carolinian can best please the service today is by resigning. Influence Is Demoralising. It is probably true the service is not entirely justified in its bitter feeling toward Mr. Daniels, yet the feeling is here a demoralizing influence, bad for the service and bad for Mr. Daniels. It is equally true, however, that that man cannot be called a success who in 15 months transforms thousands of men of the most diverse origins, per sonalities and political views, into a body which is absolutely a unit in con demnation of many of his official acts, and makes the Navy for the first time in a generation a hotbed of seething criticism and discontent It is a rather Interesting fact that half the blame for what Mr. Daniels has done is put by the Navy upon the broad shoulders of his preceptor, Mr. Bryan. In fact, the two are constantly linked together in the mind of the service, and the retirement of Mr. Bryan from his present seat of au thority in the National Government would cause almost as much rejoicing as that of his colleague, the Secretary of the Navy. Difference Is Fundamental. Those who have given this grave and unpleasant situation highly regretta ble in every way, regardless of who is to blame most serious and dispassion ate study have reached the conclusion that the cause of the difficulty is funda mental and is found in the vast gulf between the point of view of Mr. Daniels and that of the service itself. The Navy considers itself a force col lected and maintained for one pur pose to serve as the sea defense of the United States in case of war. To carry out this purpose the Navy seeks to do all that human ingenuity, study and available resources can ac complish for the development of such efficiency as will give the best prospect of American success in a contest with a foreign foe. All that does not con tribute to this purpose, all that in terferes with or is contrary to this (CoDcIufled on Page 2 FINDS VARIOUS TOPICS INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 81 degrees; minimum temperature. ob ae grees. TODAY'S Probably talr and cooler; wtst erly winds. Foreign. Third mate of collier StorsUd blamed for sinking of Empress or Ireland. Section 1, page S. Lady Hardlnge, vicereine of India, dies Section 1. page 5. i.mml Huerta to resign to pave way to trtua. surrender. Section 1, page U National. Administration's Philippine, bill presented. Section 1. page 1. Senator say it is Warburg's next move, sec tion 1, page L - Secretary Daniels much disliked in Nvy. Section 1, page 1. Domestic. Eight balloons get away in elimination race. Section 1, page 5. New Inter-mounaUn rates postponed until October 1. Section 1. page 5. Eyewitness to murder of Mrs. Bailey r ported found. Section 1. page 4. Magazine staff declares Goethala. approved taking of pictures on Isthmus. Section i, page 2. Thermometer 100 at St. Louis: many pros trated in Middle West. Section 1, page Pacific Northwest. Lewis County Democrats vote down pro posal for trl-party fusion. Section i. page 8. . Home credits In Polk County schools found advantageous. Section 1, page 7. Senatorial race in Idaho attiacts attention. Section 1, page 7. Bulky Washington booklet to explain nine Initiative measures. Section 1. page I- Dr. A. A. Berle tells how son was prepared for Harvard at 13. Section 1, page 8. Oregon Presbyterian synod declares for dry state and Nation. Section 1. page . "Double-header" at Chautauqua draws 4000. Section 1, page 6. Oregon State Fair to offer better dairy prizes this year. Section 1. page 6. Tax Commission argues for constitutional amendments. Section 1. page 2. Hopgrowers- meeting at St. Paul hits at '"outside agitators" of prohibition, ac tion 1, nage 2. Sports. Coast League results: San Francisco 2. Porl land Is Los Angeles 7. Sacramento Oakland 6, Venice 3. Section 2, page - Northwestern League results: Vancouver. 13-8. Portland 5-5; Seattle 2. Victoria 1. Tacoma 8. Spokane 2. Section 2, page t. Federals not so successful as reported, says Chicago scribe. Section 2, page 3. Coast amateur shots take many records at traps. Section 2, page 5. Pacific Coast trapshooters- handicap tourna ment is big gun club event next wees Section 2, page 5- Rltchie's upset Is not big surprise in San Francisco. Section 2. page 5. Only two autos finish races. Section 2. page 4. California boy players enter state tennis tourney. Section 2, page 4. Tennis entry list large. Section 2, page 4. McCredle's tactics during game 'exposed." Section 2, page 2. Colts help Reds climb ladder. Section 2. page a Western athlete comes Into his own, says Edward R. Bushnell. Section 2, page 1. Real Estate and Building. Immanuel Hospital plans are completed and East Side realty activity Is re viewed. Section 4, page 11. Big brick structure razed -for more modern building. Section 4, page 10. Commercial and Marine. Two million bushels new-crop wheat bought to date. Section 2, page 15. Huge primary receipts weaken Chicago wheat market Section 2, page 13. Standard stocks steady, but low-grade spe cial issues decline. Section 2. page 15. Imports still Increase and exports decrease. Section 2, page 8. Attitude of Portland to rivers and harbors legislation announced. Section 2, page 7. Portland and Vicinity. Portland police asked to question V. E. Innes in Atlanta mystery case. Section 1, page 1. Rodeo riders are signed for Walla Walla Frontier Days. Section 1, page 10. Knights of King Arthur will have camp at Oswego Lake. Section 1. Page 14. Oaks to show film of 20.000 persona to night. Section 1, page 10. Committee of 100 organized to work for prohibition on business basis. Section 1. pa;;e 13. Western Oregon and Washington fruit growers Join co-operative selling league. Section 1. page 10. Fresh air work makes 100 tots happy. Sec tion L page 10. Fred A. Koutledge's poster for Products Show chosen. Section 1, page 13. Agent of Mlnard "buyer" of Oregon California grant land. Section 1, page 14. State Guards of Oregon and Idaho begin moving on Gearhart today. Section 1. page 14. Multnomah County administration lauded by Federal official. Section 1. page 16. State druggists to gather at Newport for convention. Section 1, page 15. Expenses of city for first Ix months of year less than estimates. Section 1, page 15. Fathe- Schoenefs new "Willamette" berry Is marvelous variety. Section 1, page 1. Don Carlos reiterates that monkeys are flea less, also free from Itch. Section 1. rage It Weather report, forecast and data. Section 2, page 15. Tributes paid to memory of Cyrus A. Dolph and Richard Williams. Section 1. page 10. Maryland Exposition Commission pays com pliment to Oregon. Section 1, page 14. Dr. McMurdo sees five-year task in Mexico. Section 1, page 15. IN WEEK'S NEWS FOR JULY 13, 1914. MEXICAN FEDERALS PLAN SURRENDER Huerta to Resign as Part of Programme. CARBAJAL WILL TAKE REINS Federal District to Escape Horrors of Invasion. MOVE IS NOT UNEXPECTED Washington Officials Now Confident Internal Peace Is Near Arrange ments for Honest Elections Are in Progress. VERA CRUZ, July 11. The resigna tion of Provisional President Hnertn may be placed before Congress on Mon day, the general departing Immediately thereafter for Pnerta Mexico or Vera Cms, under British escort, according to reports In circulation here tonight, vrhlch originated from a source that la usually well Informed. WASHINGTON. Julyll. Information was received from Mexico City by diplo mats here today that General Huerta would resign within two or three days in favor of Francisco Carbajal. newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. It was learned tnat the appointment of Carbajal. who took office yesterday. Is part of a general programme by which it is hoped to make peace with the constitutionalists. The Huerta delegates to the Niagara conference are understood to have been awaiting this move for several days. Carbajal has long been a member of the Su preme Court of Mexico and May 31 last was elected Chief Justice. Realizing that the constitutionalist Generals would disapprove the plan for peace conferences with representatives of General Hucra as proposed by the mediators, because they do not wish to have dealings in any form with Hu erta. the suggestion was made to the Huerta group that another man be placed in power with whom the consti tutionalists might feel disposed to treat. It is believed here that Carbajal will endeavor to arrange terms of peace which will be virtually terms of sur render. SUN DANCES TO BE GIVEN Cheyenne and Arapahoes Defy Government Prohibition. CLINTON, Okla., July 11. The Cteyenne and Arapahoe Indians began making preparations today for their annual sun dances, which the Govern ment has attempted to suppress. Tribal heads announced that the Cheyennes would dance near Cantone ment July 18 and the Arapahoes near Calumet a few days later. Because of Governmental protests the Indians have done away with the flesh-cutting that formerly was a feature of the dance. OREGON BOYS SAIL HOME Cruiser Milwaukee Due From Hono lulu at Port Angeles July 1 8. HONOLULU, July 11. The cruiser Milwaukee, with the Washington and Oregon naval militia aboard, sailed for Port Angeles. Wash., late today. She is due to arrive at the Northern port July 18. The naval militia will hold its an nual target practice near Portland, Or., July 2. PICTORIAL INTERPRETATION AND COMMENT. -- - WIZARD PRIEST IS INVENTOR OF BERRY 'WILLAMETTE" IS FATHER SCHOE-VER'S NEW .MA1IVEL Oregon Wild Blackberry and Cuth bert Raspberry, by Pollenlalng, Produces Latest Variety. By pollenlzing the Oregon wild black berry with the Cuthbert raspberry, Father Schoener. parish priest of Brooks, Or., and famous as a breeder of roses, has produced an entirely new variety of berry, which he tentatively has named the "Willamette." in honor of the valley in which It was created. In pollenlzing the blackberry with the raspberry. Father Schoener reversed the process that produced the logan berry. The new berry is described by J. A. Curry, president of the Portland Rose Society, who returned yesterday from a visit with Father Schoener, as dark red, in form like a raspberry, but three or four times as large as the largest raspberry. "The fruit Is firm and of a most de licious, distinctive flavor." said Mr. Currey last night. "It has nothing of the acid sourness of the loganberry, nor of the heavy sweetness of the raspberry. Nor does it resemble the taste of its wild mother. It is neither tart nor sugary, and cannot be de scribed. It must be tasted." Mr. Currey saw the plant In bloom last Spring and describes the blossom as closely resembling that of the Shasta daisy. Mr. Currey sees great commercial possibilities for the new berry. BULL TREES TWO WOMEN Banks Matrons Perch on Limbs Two Hours Before Rescued. BANKS, Or., July 11. (Special.) A bull in an orchard forced two matron! of Banks to perch on the limbs of sep arate trees for two hours today. The women, Mrs. Ed Hollenbough and Mrs. M Darrow, were In quest of cherries In the orchard of Postmaster William L,. Moore. When they saw the bull they ran to a tree. It proved large enough for on only, and the other ran to a tree several yards distant, fighting off the animal with her parasol, which was completely wrecked. Men later rescued the women. T. R. URGED NOT TO RUN South and West Oppose Candidacy for Governor of New York. OYSTER BAY, N. Y., July 11. Pro tests from Progressive leaders from all parts of the country against the proposal that Colonel Roosevelt run for Governor of New York poured in today on the ex-President by mall and wire. Sufficient time had elapsed since the attempt of the New York leaders to win htm last Wednesday to bring In letters from the South and West, and in virtually every instance the demand was made that Colonel Roosevelt stay out of the race. SENATOR BRADY IN RACE Idahoan Announces Cundldacy, but Will Remain in Washington. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash i. Tuiv 11. Senator Brady, ot Idaho, today formally announced his candidacy for renomlnatlon at me pri maries to be held September 1. He said he would not leave Wash i, i ir the campaign unless Congress adjourned before the date of the primarlee. Twelve Autolsts Arrested. ROSEBURG, Or., July 11. (Special.) Eight arrests were made yesterday and foir today in a crusade against automobllists who are charged with violating the local traffic ordinances A physician, a hotelkeeper and a stage driver were among the defend ants in the Police Court. The crusade will continue, the officers say, until the traffic ordinances are obeyed. TRICE FIVE CEXTS. POLICE ASKED TO DETAIN V. E. INNES Light Sought Here on Atlanta Mystery. SAN FRANCISCO POLICE ACT Renewed Effort Made to Find Missino Women. MESSAGE IS RECEIVED HERE I .oral Man Will Br t.m.--t lonrd hi. cernlng HI Whereabout Mmc Juno 1 Bay City Chler Send Out Other Message. ATLANTA, Rs, .in 1 - IS " rri Jiisl rrrrlvrd from Warn, I i Is (bet two women and a boy have been Hetnleed by the police of that rlty on the be lief that the women are the ntlnalna Mrs. Klolse Dennis and her sister. SAN FRANCISCO. July 1L (Spe cial.) The San Francisco police have telegraphed to Chief Clark of the Port land police department to detain and question Victor E. Innss In an effort to help clear up (he mysterious dis appearance of Mrs. Elolse Dennis and her sister. Mrs. Beatrice Nelms. of At lanta. Following Is the telegram: "San Francisco. July 11. John Clark. Chief of Tollce, Portland. Or. Have Victor E. Innes account for time since June 1. Mother of Dennis woman states positively he was to meet the two women at Houston, to adjust $10, 000 financial deal. We suspect he mailed letter In this city July 1 sup posed to contain threat of murder and ulclde by Elolse Dennis. We suggest you get Innes and sweat him. Wire answer. D. A. White, unier i-once. Two other telegrams of a similar na na DllcaA ture alio were sent by Chief of Poll White tonight. One asked the poll of Houston, Tex., to ascertain If Nelms sisters left there In romp with Innes. snd if so by what tr another to the police of El Paso aaked If Innes or the two women had been In that city and If together. Captain Inskeep. of the night relief, received at 1:46 this morning the mes sage from Chief of Police White, or San Francisco, to Interview Mr. Innes and immediately made preparations io apprehend Mr. Inn. WOMAN SATO 1NNKS VISITED Portland Man Contradicted by Mra. Nelms, of Atlanta. ATLANTA. Ga.t July 11. Flat contra diction of a statement of Victor E Innes, made at Portland. Or., today, that he had never been In Atlanta and had not engaged in business dealings with her daughters, was made here to day by Mrs. John W. Nelms, who hs enlisted the aid of tho police In a search for the missing women. Mrs. Elols Dennis and Miss Beatrice Nelma Mra Nelmg said that Innes, who as sisted Mra Dennis to obtain her di vorce In Nevada, was In Atlanta early In June. Sbo said today that she be lieved Innes exercised a hypnotic In fluence over Mra Dennis. Mrs. Nelms also Insisted that Innes had promised tj turn over to Beatrice Nelms deeds for Mexican property he was suppose! to have bought for Mra Dennis, and that the missing women went to Hous ton, Tex., to get these papera The mother today asked the aid of Oover- c Conrlii'l'il "n Pass i