The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 05, 1914, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Lack of Co-operation Among
Growers Impedes Extension
. in East, Is Claim.
Work of Organizations Outlined.
Advancement in Advertising, Mar
keting and Growing Said to Be
Due to TTnlted Methods.
NEW YORK. July 4. (Special Cor
respondence.) That petty politics and
Jealousy amowt the growers of apples
and pears In the Northwest have been
obstacles to the more rapid develop
ment of the markets of the East and
of Europe is apparent from interviews
with several firms who handle the bulk
of the New York shipments. Not that
each says this in so many 'words, for
with the exception of the representa
tives of the great co-operative organi
sations of the Northwest, the dealers
thrive on this competition among the
growers. When there is a lack of co
operation in marketing one city is
flooded with fruit, prices drop and the
buyer with his cold-storage plant near
at hand reaps a handsome profit.
Although each broker refuses to be
Interviewed and quoted on the subject,
he lets you know that "there is some
thing rotten in Denmark," that some
fraud is being perpetrated upon some
body of growers whose fruit he does
not handle. . .
That the Northwest Fruit Exchange
and the North Pacific Fruit Distribu
tors have done much toward eliminat
ing the middleman and extending mar
kets and that the prices received this
year were generally very good must
not be forgotten.
Growers Demand Obeyed.
The failure of the California apple
crop, the shortage of the supply of bar
reled apples from the East and the
consumption of the Colorado apples in
the Southern markets have combined
to make the growers' demands obeyed.
The selling of fruit f. o. b.. which was
unheard of until introduced a lew
years ago by the Northwest Fruit Ex
change, was made possible.
There was less loss due to lack or
co-operation and' independent market
ing than will be the case another year,
with conditions reversed. Add to these
considerations the multiplication of
t-earlng acreage that is taking place
And It will be seen how necessary is
the development of a. market in every
city, town and hamlet of the United
States and the increase of the foreign
Tr;s is the task undertaken by the
Northwest Fruit Exchange through its
116 agencies. Although this organiza
tion is now beginning but the fifth
year of its existence, its share in creat
ing the Increased consumption of ap
ples has been a great one.
Co-Operatlon Is Urged.
An important step was made two
years ago, when W. T. Gwyn, manager
of the Northwest Fruit Exchange, es
tablished the first branch office of a
fruit selling organization in London.
From this office foreign sales have
been made which greatly relieve the
home markets.
- The American Fruit Exchange repre
sents the Northwest Fruit Exchange in
New York and throughout the eastern
part of the United States.
"Political claptrap should be elimi
nated," says A. R. Rule, manager of
the North American Fruit Exchange.
"There is need of a big organization,
pulling together. When there is fric
tion, the grower pays the bills. Energy
that goes towards misrepresentation
and fighting some one should be used
to develop new markets. Do not stop
the plow to argue.
"There are two organizations in the
Northwest that stand out above all the
rest in sales and distribution work.
Both have a logical place in the field.
Work: la Divided-
"They seem to be dividing their
work. The Northwest Fruit Exchange
handles only fancy fruit, being dis
criminating in the contracts which it
makes. The Pacific Fruit Distributors,
which is purely co-operative, must take
everything that is offered. They must
handle all the fruit that is delivered to
them. All that both are doing is for
the good of the grower."
Sixteen or 18 years fgo, when J. H.
Stewart, father of the fruit industry
of the Rogue River Valley, shipped the
first apples East, he bad to pay the
freight charges for iais pains. Prior
to 1905 good prices for fruit were un
heard of. The advancement in adver
tising and market!!?- and growing has
oeen due to co-operation.
Louisiana Board or Health Places
Sloney at Dr. Bine's Disposal.
NEW ORLEANS. July 4. Co-opera-,
tlon of the State Board of Health with
the Federal health officials who have
assumed charge of the fight to clear
New Orleans of bubonic plague was
assured today at a special meeting of
the Board, when a resolution was
adopted ratifying the request previous
ly made by business men and local
health authorities that the United States
public health service take charge of
the cleaning-up campaign.
Ten thousand dollars of the Board's
fund was also placed at the disposal of
Dr. Rupert Blue, Surgeon-General of
the Federal health service, to establish
at once his plans for rat extermination.
This amount Is to be returned when
the $150,000 granted by the Legislature
is available. .
Orders Issued by British Army as
Result of Scandal.
LONDON, July 4. The British ' gov
ernment today replied to Baron New
ton's inquiry in the House of Lords on
July 1 as to whether the firm of Lip
ton's, Ltd.. had been removed from the
list of contractors for the war office
after the recent canteen scandals. In
connection with which nine army offi
cers and eight employes of Lipton's
have been convicted.
An order was Issued today, accord
ing to the Exchange Telegraph Com
pany, to the commanding officers of
the Aldershot military camp, to ter
minate the existing contracts with Lip
ton's, Ltd., with as little delay as pos
Americans In Foreign Trade to Have
Xew Club In Xew Tork.
NEW YORK, July 4. For the accom
modation of those engaged in. or de-
voted to the development of American
foreign trade, a new downtown club
has been organized to be known as
India House. The name is taken from
the traditions of American over-sea
commerce in the days when "the In
dies" was the generic term for the ob
jective for all venturesome marine en
terprises. Announcement of the foundation of
the club was made today. James A.
Farrell, president of the United States
Steel Corporation, was elected presi
dent; J. P. Grace, president of W. R.
Grace & Co., treasurer, and Willard
Staight, of J. P. Morgan & Co., secretary.-
' '
The club has leased a three-story
Mrs. litlllan SI. Mitchner.
Mrs. Lillian M. Mitchner, presi
dent of the Kansas Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, who
is to tour the state, will arrive
in Portland July 8. A public
lunch will be given at 12:30
Wednesday at which the cam
paign workers of the various
anti-liquor societies will be rep
resented. Persons who desire to
attend will send notification to
Mrs. Kemp, 417 Dekum building.
The Civic League of Portland
J has extended an Invitation to
J Mrs. Mitchner to address, that
organization on July 18.
building at 1 Hanover Square. The
membership will be national In char-J
Proposed Constitutional Amendment Is
Designed to Permit State to Get
All Revenues From Corporations.
OLYMPIA, Wash., July 4. (Special.)
A proposed constitutional amendment.
designed to do away witn tne present
general property tax system has been
prepared by the Washington State Tax
Commission, which will ask the next
Legislature to submit the measure to
the voters at the general election of
The principal change Is the substi
tution for the provision for "uniform
and equal taxation of all property" of
the new provision that all "taxes shall
be uniform upon the same class or sud-
This provision, the commission points
out, would allow segregation of sources
of state and local revenues, so that the
state could obtain its revenues solely
from railroads and other public serv
ice corporations) allowing minor polit
ical subdivisions to tax all other prop
erty exclusively. Such a segregation
would do away with the present neces
sity for annual attempted equalization
of assessments of various counties for
the purpose of distributing state taxes
equitably. i
The last two 'Legislatures have re
jected similar proposals. Another new
feature of the proposed amendment
specifically validates graduated Income
Slayer of Figaro Editor Formally
Reaffirms1 Previous Statements.
PARIS, July 4. Madame Henrietta
Caillaux, who on March 16 last shot
and killed Gaston Calmette, editor of
the Figaro, was visited today in St.
Lazare prison by Judge Louis Albanel,
president of the criminal court, which
is to try her. The Judge formally read
the indictment to the prisoner.
When asked if she persisted in the
statements she had previously made to
the investigating magistrate, Madame
Caillaux replied in the affirmative.
For baby's comfort-
SantlseBtlo Lotion.
ifirnnaiiMiiiiw niaitiiiiiiiti
Mrs. J. M. Hollo well.
OREGON CITY, Or., July 4.
(Special.) Mrs. J. M. Hollowell
died at her home near Gladstone
Friday evening, June 26, after an
illness of nearly a year. - She was
born in Hunnington County, In
diana, July 26, 1868, and In De
cember, 1885, she married J. M.
In the Fall of 1897 they moved
to Portland, where they lived
four and a half years before mov
ing to Hood River. In 1908 they
moved near Gladstone.
The funeral was held the Sun
day afternoon following her death
and interment was in the Rose
City Cemetery In Portland. She
Is survived by her husband and
four children,- Garland, Nina, Ho
mer and Madge.
I - - f 1
1. if, It V:-?.-t... ,ti
Pacific Phone. Marshall
Journal Patterns, All the Latest and Best Styles
at 10c and 15c Each- All Mail Orders Promptly
i "T
Notion section specials
15c Gilt Cut
Beads at. . . .
15c No. 10 Gilt
Beads at
25c Shell or Am
ber Barrettes
Our Store
8:30 A.M.'
At 9 A. M.
15c Wide Girdle
Foundations .
A Trnmnrnsn.H J
.iiii VVW w
That Of fers Excellent Buying Opportunities
Those who appreciate unusual values will do well to visit this store tomorrow and TugsdayJThey
will make a profitable investment of time and a most economical exchange of cash for seaioq
able goods. Every section of the store presents arwonderful list of bargains of worth and merit.
Special Announcement
Commencing Thursday, July 9, and continuing during July and
August, our store will close at 1 P. M., thus allowing our employes
a much-needed and well-earned half-holiday each week during
these hot months. Lend your support to this movement by arrang
ing to do-your shopping in the forenoon on Thursdays. We'll
appreciate it, and so will our employes, we assure you.
Positive Reductions on
Plain and Fancy Silks
A "Wondrous Variety of Styles and Color
ings to Select JTrom. Silks of Perfect Weave
Seasonable Weight and Standard Widths
Not a yard worth less
than 50c most all are
regular 65c and 75c
Silks. It is our great
July Sale of Summer
Silks an annual event
looked for and appre
ciated by all economical
women as the greatest
value-giving sale of the
season and it's no won
der the sweeping price
reductions we've placed
upon these beautiful
new Silks are positively
the lowest that depend
able quality Silks have
ever been sold for in this
city Although there is
a wonderful assortment
to select from, the vol
ume of sales is sure to
be enormous. So come
early and secure all the
advantages of first
choice. The sale staics
promptly. at 8.30 sharp
X. - xv- w-
Silk Poplins in Plain Colors Silks of bright, lustrous finish that
are both fashionable and durable. They come full 24 inches wide
and are shown in most any wanted plain shade.
Satin Foulards in Rich Colorings An endless variety of neat and
attractive patterns to select from particularly desirable are the
small floral designs. These Foulards are full 22 inches wide and
are perfect in both weave and finish.
Swiss Messalines in Plain Colors Silks of splendid weight and
finish shown in over thirty popular new and staple shades-. They
come from 19 to 22 inches wide and are warranted to wear satis
factorily. Real Shan Tung Pongees Full 25 inches wide, shown in natural
color and in a good, durable weight a Silk that will wash and
wear like linen and one that does not need to' be ironed.
Fancy Dress, Waisting and Trimming Silks' In 20 to 26-inch
widths, shown in an unsurpassed variety of designs and colorings
suitable for most any purpose Silks of standard weights and
It will pay you in actual money saved to buy Silks now for
both present and future needs. You have choice from OQc
50c, 65c and 75c qualities at, yard
Women's Wool Sweater Coats
Shown in Ruff and V-Neck Styles All Sizes in Red, o qo
White and Oxford $4.00 and $5.00 Values at. p.u
At the a"bove great price reductions we place on sale a fine assort
ment of Women's Wool Sweater Coats a comfortable and neces
sary garment for Summer wear on the links, at tennis, outing, or
for general outdoor wear, at seashore or mountains. If a fash
ionable new Sweater coat is not included in your wardrobe, don t
fail to take advantage of this sale. You have choice of both ruff
and V-neck styles in. cardigan and half cardigan stitch; also the
nonular Jumbo weaves. ine
white, red or Oxford. Regular
This sale at
Women's All-Wool Sweater Coats in $3 and $3.50 Qualities $1.9S
In this assortment are to be found both plain and fancy weaves
in ruff and V-neck styles; well-fitting, well-finished garments,
shown in all sizes in white, red and Oxford. Regular (gl QO
$3.00 and $3.50 values, priced this sale at
5080: Home Phone. A
The Most in Value,
"Hi hjr sue
tat .Are
iust a hint
of the assortment
you have to choose
n - vvooi weavers m an i
$4.00 and fo.OO values,
W! Silks Th
very xe
u wc.4i&n . nere s
211S - Principal Portland AgeflaeslHomo
Are nere m
and Carefully Filled the Same Day as Received
Our Store
5:30 P. M.
At 6 P. M.
The Best in Quality
oic Qiimiiier ur
ale "Mary
For Women and Young Ladies Short Round-Toe Styles, Colonials
and 1 and 2-Strap Pumps in Velvet, Patent Kid and djO OQ
Calf Leathers Values to $3.50 on Special Sale, only tp.O
The "Mary Jane" and other desirable
style Pumps are not only expressive of
ideal Summer comfort, but are gratify
ingly effective in rounding out the be
comingness of the correctly gowned
women at this sale you have choice of
the most popular styles for street or
evening wear Hand-turned and Eng
lish welt, flat-heeled, short round toe
"Mary. Janes" with grosgrain bows
they come in patent, dull kid and velvet
and in all sizes and widths; also patent
and velvet Colonials with steel cut or
black buckles and one and two-strap
Pumps in patent, gunmetai ana
leathers High-grade footwear
anteed quality m values up co Aw
to $3.50 pair. Priced here at P.t0
There Are Also Unequaled Values Here
in Ttifants' ffhilrtrpn's Xr. Misses' Pumns
All Alii w w v -w
' m
Which Are Specially rnced ior tnis &aie at $j..uu, $i.u,
$1.98 a Pair. You may select from various new styles in velvet,
patent and kid leathers and with either turned or McKay sewed
soles A. special underpricing of our regular lines as follows:
Sizes 1 to 5 at $1.00 a pair Sizes 5y2 to 8 at $1.25 Sizes 8
to 11 at $1.75 and Sizes ll'2 to 2 at ?1.9S a pair.
Same Styles and Qualities as Above With Instep Straps at
25c a Pair Less
Children's Barefoot Sandals on Special Sale Tomorrow at Low
Price of 99 Pair. Goodyear stitched Barefoot Sandals, made of
the best dark tan Willow Calf and with buckles sewed by hand
They come with the best oak soles and are soft and pliable nn
all sizes up to women's numbers at, a pair Zfu
Boys' Button Shoes in Sizes 34 to 5 On Sale at $1.G9 a Pair
All White Shoes and Oxfords at Greatly Reduced Prices
Women's Kni
The "Nu Shape"
Union Suits in 75c qual- CO
ity at OUL
Fine lisle union suits in all sizes
shown in low neck, sleeveless
styles with fitted yoke and
tight knee garments of perfect
fit and finish that sell regularly
at 75c Suit this sale at 50
Fifty Styles of Curtain Scrims
Hemstitched, Open Work and Colored Bordered Styles, nn
regular 35c, 40c and 45c qualities at, yard JK
One of the most important offerings of the season a sale of
40-inch fancy Curtain Scrims at an especially low price they are
strictly high-class scrims shown in over fifty styles with open
work, hemstitched and colored borders a variety so extensive
that every taste may be suited they are the kinds regu- OQr
larly sold at 35c, 40c and 45c a yard on sale Tomorrow at
Women's Long
Silk Lisle Hose with six-thread heel and toe
and double garter top 3 pairs frQCr
$1-00, or, per pair
A painstaking effort to please you with
Summer hosiery prompts us to call your par
ticular attention to this exceedingly fine
line of full-fashioned stockings they arc
the celebrated "Long Wear" hose made of
the finest silk lisle and with six-thread heel
and toe and double garter top they come
in all sizes and with full-fashioned leg and
f00t stockings of unequaled quality at
three pairs for $1.00, or 35 a pair.
Women's 25c Fine Maco Cotton Hose at
19 a Pair
As a trade-winning special we've arranged
this important underpricing of women's best
grade Maco Cotton Hose stockings of
rvi.fVi an A ArfraTnftU.-v mndfl with reinforced
VYVlldl c-iavi. J J v.w
heel and toe and shown in all sizes in black, white, tan and other
desirable colors a stocking sold everywhere at 25c a pair, -f Q
priced here at 3 pairs for 50 or, a pair 1J
Notion Section Specials
65c Large black OQ.
Chains at. . . OVC
25c Box Toilet
Soap, box. . .
25c' Large bar 1Q
Castile Soap.
15c Cut Steel
Beads at ... .
Jane" Pumps
dull Kid
of guar
t r s fr? mine
t Underwear
Sleeveless Vests
With Hand--Crochet oC.
Yoke, at
Dainty, seasonable weight, low
neck, sleeveless vests made with
hand-crochet yoke many pret
ty patterns to' select from they
come in all sizes and are con
siderably underpriced at 25
Wear Hosiery
r 31