The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 05, 1914, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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KUJLEB AJNJJ ilia wixxi.
ave Vs on Any
oit You Boy
mmmmmmtm mmj
President Has Mexican Situa
tion in Mind in His Ora-
tion at Philadelphia.
Hard to Believe Mian Can Be Dis
honest anil Xot Know It.
' Speaker Takes Fling at Op
ponents of Currency Bill.
(Continued From Flint Page.)
ct particulars of 1776 and if we axe
to revitalize it are to fill It with
a bill of particulars of 1914.
"The task- to which we have to ad
dress ourselves Is a proof that we are
worthy of the men who drew this great
Declaration by showing we know what
they would have done In our, circum
stances. Patriotism In Practical Thin.
"Patriotism consists . of some ,very
practical things; practical in that they
belong to every-lay life; in that they
belong to no extraordinary distinction,
but to those things which are asso
ciated with our every-day, common
place duty. There are some gentlemen
in Washington, for example, who are
showing themselves to be patriotic In
a way that does not attract very much
attention. The members of the House
and Senate, who stay in hot Washing
ton to maintain a quorum of the
House and transact business, are per
forming an act of patriotism. I honor
them for It and I am mighty glad to
stay there and stick by them until It
is over. It Is patriotic also to know
what the facts are and to face them
with candor. I have heard a great
many facts stated about the present
business conditions in this country, for
example; a great many allegations of
facts, at any rate, and it is strange
that these facta as stated do not tally
with each other.
"Now the truth always matches the
truth and when I find men insisting
that everything is going wrong, when
it is demonstrated that most things are
going right, I won.ier what they are
trying to do. Are they trying to serve
the country or are they trying to serve
something smaller than the country?
Are they trying to put hope Into the
hearts of men who work and toll e"very
day or rather are they putting discour
agement and despair into these hearts?
Recent Experience Refreshing.
"If they love America and anything
is wrong, it is their duty to put their
hands to the task of setting it right.
And when the facts are known and ac
knowledged, the duty of all men is to
accept them in candor - and address
themselves to common counsel and to
work In harmony and universal con
cert. .
"I have had some experiences in tne
last 14 months which have not been
entirely refreshing. it was univcr.
ly admitted that the banking system
of this country needed reorganization.
We set the best minds we could find to
the task of discovering the best meth
ods of reorganization. We met with
hardlv anything but criticism from the
bankers of this -country. We met with
hardly anything but resistance from
tne bankers of this country, or at least
from the majority of those who said
anvthing. And yet, just as soon as
that act was passed, on the very next
dav there was an universal chorus of
applause from the bankers of the
United States. Now. If it wai wrong
the day before It was passed, why was
it right the day- after it was passed?
Where had been the candor of criti
cism by the concert of counsel which
makes a great nation successful? It Is
not patriotic to concert measures
against one another; It Is not patriotic
to concert measures from one another.
Dollar Diplomacy Has Limit.
"The Department of State of the
country is constantly called upon to
back commercial enterprises and the
industrial enterprises in the United
(states in foreign countries; and at one
time went so far In that direction that
all its diplomacy was designated as
'dollar diplomacy." It was for sup
porting every man who wanted to earn
anything anywhere if he was an Amer
ican. Now there is a limit to that
There is no man more Interested than
I am in carrying the enterprises of
the country all over the world. I was
Interested in it long before I was sus
pected of being a politician. I have
been preaching it year upon year as
tte great thing which lay in the future
of the United States to show her skill,
enterprise and influence in every coun
trv of the world.
"But there is a limit to that which
has laid upon us more than any other
nation. We did not name any differ
ences between one race and another;
we did not set up any barriers against
any particular race or people, but
opened our gates to the world and
said all men who wish to be free come
to us and they will be welcome. We
said this independence is not merely
for us a selfish thing for our own
private use but for everybody to
whom we can find the means of ex
tending It.
.t - n-i 1 1 ; n n crofr onvthlns' for An
American that money can buy, except
the rignts vi giucr uicu.
help any man buy a power he should
not exercise over his fellow-being. You
know what a big question there Is in
Mexico. Eighty-five per cent of the
Mexican people have never been al
lowed to have a look-in in regard to
. . .. unH Vi rtcrhr
lueir gutwimiBit - - n
which have been exercised by the other
15 per cent, uo you suppose ui.l -cumstance
Is not sometimes In my
. i. ...... v. T lrnnw ia AmorlfAn TIAO-
ple have a heart that will beat Just
as strong for those millions In Mexico
as it will beat for any other millions
anywhere else In the world, and when
they once know what is at stake In
Mexico they will know what ought to
be done in Mexico.
.1 ...iFfl. nf PaoaIa Remembered.
"You hear a great deal stated about
the property loss in lueutu, onu j. uu
plore it with all my heart. Upon the
conclusion of the present condition In
Mexico undoubtedly those who have
. . . n..V. t ... nmn Anaa t Ari
441 piufcivj u u n ii t. n u ..jh.....--.. -
"Mini individual rights have met
with many aepioraoie circuraiiiii;eo.
the people, and while we think of the
one in tne ioregrouna, jet us nui wi
get the other in the background.
I . T-l 1 I.,u- tyinm CdTTl
1 1(J TOU.IU 1 0 ubvuimue ...v. w
rlUated every day. Therefore, no man
OUftlll IU DO 1UU1I3U dllfUfeu iv
. ... artel that fa the
reason why 1 am so glad to know there
are some simple ininss m m
One of tnese simple uhk is prin
ciple." "Honesty is a perfectly simply
u ; Tt la tiavMl fnr IriA tn helleVA that
when a man is dishonest, he does not
know it. It is nara tor me m uouoo.
I. . ..lvAmat QII..B wIlAII A tTIATI
UHUCl IllUBt Uh,uiiioibi".i.oi 1 -
has- to choose between two ways, he
does HOL Know wtuuii 10 uc iib"i j
and which Is the wrong way. And no
man who lias chosen the wrong , way
i. . ii
& it . '
1 V-sS
ought even come into Independence
Square. ' '
"So I say, It Is patriotic lomviim.. i
ih hnnnr nf this country In
preference to Its material interests.
Would you rather be despisea ay xu
notinno nf ftiB world as incapable
of keeping your treaty obligations, or
would you rather have free tolls for
American snips; ino clJ
been a miBtake. but its meaning was
unmistakeable. When I have made a
promise as a man I try to keep it The
most honest ana aisuB uioueu
t n,ai la thn nation that can
111 (.11 nv.
keep Its promises to its own hurt i
want to say parenthetically, that I do
. .. . . ' i i .. V. M i"t T am Tint
not tninK aauw v. -
for subsidies to a monopoly and no
body can get me enthusiastic on that
subject But assuming that It was a
matter of enthusiasm, I am much more
enthusiastic for keeping the integrity
of the country aDsoiuieiy uiwu.oo.u.u
and unsullied.
Patriot May Be Unpopular.
iti maa- nntrintffi man is sometimes
the man who goes in the direction in
ki.k v. - think-- hA i.t ri eh 1 1 whe ther
or not he thinks anybody agrees with
him, because it is patriotic to sacrifice
yourself if you think you are right.
'Those were grim uy m
i " i- in.... irnTif inmpn aia not aitacu
ID. iimoo
.i.t , th. riAf.lAration of In-
tllUjr llilinta w .....
dependence on this table expecting a
holiday the next day. The Fourth of
July was not a holiday; they attached
their signatures to that document
i .i.. ir iw foiled, the extreme
nnvi i ii n j . -
likelihood was that everyone would be
hanged for the failure. They were
committing treason in the Interest of
the liberty of 3,000.000 people in Amer
ica, and all the rest of the world was
against them. All tne rest oi tne wunu
.IUJ rl,h A fvni(tl i incredulity at the
O III I ICU mm J -
audacious undertaking. Do you think
if those gentlemen, ii tney cuuiu
this great Nation, would regard that
.i i. r .i h i,.i i. nnvthincr to make our
selves unpopular and to draw the gaze
of the world in asioniBiimeuL .u
descending surprise? (t
Starting Things Lonesome work.
vnAi-v irica huB e-ot to be started by
somebody and it Is a lonely thing to
..a-f anvthine- Yet vou have got to
start It if there is any man's blood In
you, and it you love in. cuuimj
A ...t.niiina' tn work for. I am
sometimes very much interested in see
ing gentlemen supposing mat popular
ity Is the way to success In America.
mu. otiaaaaa In A TT! fTlCa lS tO
show you are not afraid of anybody
except God and his Judgment If I
did not believe that I would not be
lieve in democracy. If I did not be
lieve that I would not Deueve peoyio
could govern themselves. If I did not
believe that the moral Judgment would
be the last and final Judgment in the
minds of men, as well as at the tri
bunal of God, I could not Deueve in
naninr A-nwArnment But I do believe
these things and. therefore. I earn
estly believe in the democracy not only
of America, but in the power of an
awakened people to govern uuu uuuuu
its own aliairs.
i-van.n in WA.hincton sometimes
i .w o,.a hot anri fcllAinASS
wneu mo uao w
presses intolerably and so many things
are to do that it aoes not seem punoiuia
to do anything in the way it ought to
be done. It is always possible to lift
one s eyes aDove tne jjaai mi mo mo
ment and as it were, to take into one's
haia hAinir that treat thin? of which
we are a part that great body of
American reeling ana juuenHui principle.
World Will Turn to America.
"No man could do the work he has
to do in Washington if he allowed
himself to feel lonely. He has to make
himself feel he is part of the people
of the United States and then he can
not feel lonely. And my dream is that,
as the years go on and the world
knows more and more of America, it
also will bring out this foundation of
youth and renewal, that it will also
turn to America for those moral in
spirations that lie at the base of hu
man freedom, that it will never fear
America uniess it finds itself engaged
in some enterprise inconsistent with
the rights of humanity; that America
will come to that day when all shall
know she puts human rights above all
other rights and that her flag is the
flag not only of America, but the flag
"What other great people,' I ask, has
devoted itself to this exalted Ideal?
To what other nation In the world can
you look for Instant sympathy that
thrills tne wnoie oems pumi
men anywhere are fighting for their
.1rVit.? i
"I do not know that there ever will
be another Declaration of Independ
ence, a statement of grievances of
V!r.a hilt T hAliAVA if flflV SUCtl
document is ever drawn it will be
drawn in the spirit or -tne American
.lan a m that
America has lifted the light that will
shine unto all generations ana guian
the feet oi manaina to iae uiu . jus
ttce, liberty and peace,"
President Tells George Fred
Williams to Resign. .
Froim Us Now
f qpttt nqcj -rt?OS ' FINE CLOTHES, Hats and jAirnisnmg uoous ucgiu wuiuu. ...v .........
oiil is euafaSeeS to bfaU wool of silk and wool, hand-tailored, to retain tbeir shape and give satisfac
weiSow refunded. Every suit has been reduced. The reductions are genuine.
COME NOW-Select the suit you want and pay 1-3 less than the former price.
$ 2.00 Values now.. $1.50
$ 3.00 Values now.. $2.15
$ 6.00 Panamas $5.00
'$ 7.50 Panamas ....$5.00
$10.00 Panamas $6.50
$15.00 Suits Now.
Administration, Deeply Concerned
by Attacks on Prince William- of
1 ' Wied, Quickly Moves to Cor
rect Bad Impression.
MTT a ncT.PHT a .Tnlv 4. President
Wilson has requested the resignation
-.,a vroA Williams. American
Minister- to Greece and Montenegro, as
a result of Williams' public statements
regarding the situation In Albania.
This became known following the
President's arrival here today.
Williams' own reports on uis
. At thA Cabinet
merits were - - ..,
meeting yesterday, and afterward Wil
son decided tneir eiiett -It
would be improper for Williams to
longer represent the United States in
the uaiKans.
Resignation Already Forwarded.
, i nHntaiui Williams of
his own accord, has forwarded his res
ignation, but so far as it bus
lAArned here it has not been received
by the President ....
The tertwoi wuiiams 0.0
been brief, but has attracted much at
tention. A few weeks ago PrB'dt
, nA-ni-.r RrvflTi RTlA Other OI-
ficials were amazed by a published re-
nort taat w imams nau
AffAHno- hin services as a me-
diator In the Albanian crisis.
Report Coming by Mail.
. . . rtffifinl then said
the Minister had no authority to . do eo
but naa oeen bcu - -
Epirus and m.k. a report on condi
tions, becrevary lliams re-
port on ins imiiuci". ------- -
plied he was sending one by mail.
wn.iie.tnere.LB ,,:r, r,r that the
Minister's resignation is accompanying
thTherecPo0ncern of Administration offi
cials was increased recently by publi-
. . .....ha- attnrir on the Al-
btnlan situation, on the pari : of the . Eu
ropean powers ua i" --
"r.,rrv ..-ih,,tofl tn the Minister. So
far as is known, the powers have made
no representa" , w "f;lc,als
the Ministers .vv...... - -
would not have been surprised if they
English Newspapers In Headlines
Call Action "Amazing."
- i . fTo-11aVi nevfi.
papers have printed the announcement
v.v tt. a wi imi. American
oi ieorgo i i c i. .
Minister to Greece and Montenegro, on
the subject or Aioama
ment except - " ,.,
they have received such labels . M
"amazing action Dy
" , .. . , uiniiiar'a strange
ter ana "Amontnu .
statements." The Times yesterday
headed Mr. wiuiaius
with thA line "American Ministers fur
ther indiscretions."
In the British e oreig n -
. j j;ir,,otic aet the affair has
Liuuuu" imiiui..-
caused great amusement. -
Speaker Is Making Most of Anti
Wilson Sentiment in Party.
... rTTt) T7 ATT "Wn H-
In! Democratic party in the House of
Reoresentatives, is steering a course
nlaritv with tnat B""""
the Democratic Party tbat ?-
istic to jrres.uai.--
miWhUeatthe Speaker is building up
. 1J MmAnO- T rl A T1 T. 1
support tor niniaen
Wilson Democrats, no m - -
gaBrin any quarrel with the President.
There was a break between the Speak
er and the President on Panama Canal
. i j. .v cn-lror mnH a. it.
XI l.n -rarae. otonfllnr hV the Baltimore
platform and that he was standing out
for American rignis. wm
ited the President with the highest
v, n,aHA t nln in that the
U1UL1VCD, 1 1 ii iim""' - '
President had broken from his party
and had personally maae tne r'
Canal tolls issue by reviving a contro-
. thot Viai inner eo been forgot
ten in England. In other words, when
Mr. Clark opposed tne eiuiiiuu -
imi i. iAfr Hnnht rtt the re
peal JJ 1 1 1 I1U . 1. 1 I- ..w
sponsibility of the President for any
rupture In the party mat uusui.
from that issue,
5naAlrAr Clark Stole
another march on President Wilson;
yet it Is only the fault of the President
himself that Clark gained this advan
tage. The Speaker, when importuned
by a delegation of woman suffragists,
came ont flatly as in favor of giving
women the right to vote, anu no
. v.. i tha laniin were brought
lurtner n'm . , ,
up in Missouri, his state, he would vote
for woman surrrage.
T.Aniant wilaAn Is nnnosed to wom
an suffrage. He has never said so In
so many words, but ne nas always uo
clined to consider the issue or define
hi. 1 i i nn o wav nr the other, and
his excuse has- been that the Baltimore
platform made no declaration on tne
subject. After the way he disregarded
. i. . i iia.i.niHnn nn canal tolls.
tne ijiaiiwi iu -
the suffragists look on his evasion of
the suffrage question as imiirauuj
nothing more nor less tnau m w
tion to their cause. ' r
. Speaker Clark, recognizing that
.'.a0-A la rnm 1 n 2T sooner or
wumau i.vii.i..n"
later, and coming in new states every
year, has come out in
cause. Wherein, according to his
friends, he made another wise political
moJ.e- , v.-.n t- PreAldent
and Speaker Clark is that the Presi-
dent is a novice in yom.-o
., j hliinders. while
an Kinus ui vi.v.ww.
Clark is an old hand at the game, and
knows how It snouia ne pinjcu.
k -1 A a- r-
Suits Now 5io.oo
Suits Now $16.65
Suits Now : . $20.00
Suits Now $23.35
Suits Now. $26.65
20 Off Blue Serges, Cheviots
and .Black fouits
$35.00 and $40.00 Tuxedos $15.00
Heated, Soft and Stiff Bosoms.
All Sizes.
$1.50 values now $1.17
$2.00 values now $1.35
$2.50 values now S1.G5
$3.00 Silk now $2.15
$").00 Silk now S3.S5
Corner Fourth
and Alder Sts.
Count Comes With. Appeal to
Compatriots in America.
Llquorless Saloon, In Which Gambling
With Prison Money la Indulged
In, la Feature of Day.
pni.Rnivt PRISON. Cal.. July 4.
; a hiiriAAnuA circus, with an
attendant side show and an athletic
programme, were stageo. wnmu
ii- . THi.nw. p,t.An rnilAT Ana -1150
WH11B Ui. X' UIDIIHI " . , ,
convicts who were permitted to wit
ness or participate m mo o'c""
before so nearly forgot their environ
ment. '
The nrisoners had the rreeaom oi iu
prison yard. Not one broke the pa
role of honor exacted for the day.
It was what Warden Smith termed a
decidedly "safe and sane" Fourth.
Everything but the gates of the prison
v. nnAn Over in one
WO.D miunii " ..w i - - -
corner of the yard was "the Palace, a
saloon, minus tne liquor, uu
abundant with gambling games. This
feature was arranged to represent the
"days of '49," and was the most fre
quented attraction of the circus.
Bank clearings of Folsom 'prison
money" never reached such a total in
a single day in the institution's history.
"Prison money" is tobacco at Folsom
j . mas wata lost and won
over the gambling tables In the Palace.
Stud poaer, tnree earn
twenty-one and faro games opened in
- -V A H f until 1 P M .
Tho gamekeepers were convicts who
- i th.i- r rrn Tar
had Deen savins
-1, a nutin cvpntR rnada ud Dart
of the programme. Twenty clowns
performed. .
The cfrcus was opened with a parade
j . v. .-j t in i. .nnvicts dressed
as policemen cleared the way for the
bandwagon ana Duuac4' w.-.-.
i-,i,.i.1H a flat renresentlns
Liberty, a Wild West contingent, a
clown troupe, a picuaninny
athletic performers and two cages of
... I.. t lion nf real 'wild
who. anuiuiia. -.
animals" the convicts substituted a
pair of buasards and some geeag.
Noted liecturer Opens Chautauqua at
La Grande "With Big Crowd.
LA. GRANDE, Or., July 4. (Special.)
t nntAil Chinese states
man Aditor and lecturer, tonight
,a 10 davs' session of the
Grand Ronde Chautauqua. Association,
.. v.a "Mao. Chinese Re-
public" attracting a record-breaking
first-night crowd. In spite of a drizzle
which has inreaiencu an o .
come .i u n ii -
. . . . . . . 1. tli a (.Antral
Trie uiiuui " ,
attraction for the Fourth of July ac
tivities, with band concerts, patriotic
.i"-' j .nrin hv the Ferguson
aaaresacB aim .. - - -
nixie Jubilee Company. Many campers
are taking advantage of the spientiia
natural . lacUitlea at. . tie . Riverside
Leader of Independent Party Says
. Countrymen Leare Because They
Cannot Exist at Home.
Tonr Is Planned.
NEW YORK, July 4. Counvillchael
Karolyl, leader of the Independent
party in the Hungarian Parliament, ar
rived today on the steamer Vaterland,
to resume in earnest the labor of bring
ing to the 2,000,000 Hungarians in this
country a sense of the plight of their
countrymen at nomo.
The Count's first word as he was met
on board the Vaterland was in ref er-j
ence to the assassination of the Arch
duke .Francis Ferdinand. His attitude,
was not one of bonventional condolence.
"I am sorrier than I can say," said
Count Karolyl. "It is a great loss to our
party, for tne late mcuuuho
have been mucn more iiDerai mo,u
present regime.
Universal Franchise Desired.
-, i . . Kuan raal?TlMl tO
we nave or tywiw c
this, for although the present Emperor
i. . ovmnAthv With OUT
IS jiul iim w. J r rf
democracy, he has been so inliuenced
by the ill advice of his counsellors that
it has been impossible to reacu iiim.
for the present heir apparent
The Count finished the sentence with
a shrug of the shoulders.
"My errand to this country can be
explained in a word." said the Count.
"It is to completflwhat I started when
I was here before. I want to win the
moral support of the Hungarians In
this country for our cause that of
universal franchise tor tneir
i - T.inViui with this Is our
men o-i. -
campaign for social and agrarian re-
form ana tne econuimu
. .iut.,i Muncrary is
Hungary irviu , -
crushed beneath the heel of Austria,
Hnngarlana Cannot Live t Borne.
Count Karolyl calls himself a Na
tional Democrat. Ha had not fully ar
ranged his compalgn in this country.
: l. - tn hA here five
weeks and to visit the principal South
ern and Western cities.
..-r j rn VlAVA it thOUght that
X LIU 11 L. " ii . v - --
I have come to meddle In American pol-
itlcs," said the count. v"
,t. -la n.. rnm A tO thlS COUn-
try because they cannot exist in their
own country, politically or
. i v. t Am nrincinally
concerned. I want them to tell their
countrymen in o"sj
democracy isS" - ,
. xsvxA wnhfAld. of the Illinois
Club, retained his title as National
diving champion against a large field
of competitors, although his assortment
of dives were the most difficult of
fered to the judges. Cliff Bowes, of
Los Angeles, was placed second, and
Donald, of the Olympic Club of San
Francisco, third.
By a margin of yards, Harry Hebner,
of the Illinois Club, retained his title
of world's champion in the 150-yards
back-stroke event, although his time
of 1 minute 65 3-5 seconds was slower
by 6 seconds than his championship
time. Max Mott, his teammate, fin
ished second, with S. Sundman, Olym
pic Club, third.
The score to date with tomorrow s
programme to be run is as follows:
Illinois Club, 20; Hul Nalu, 13; Los An
geles, 8; Olympic Crub, 3; Healanl
Club, 1.
(Continued From Flret Ps.)
ants. Hanson was blown to pieces in
the explosion. Part of his body was
found on a church roof and part on
car tracks In the street. Berg Is miss
ing and is counted among the victims.
Woman, 5, Is Vletlnt.
The other person known to have been
killed was Mary Claves, 65 years old,
a clgarmaker, who occupied an apart
ment adjoining the one In which the
explosion occurred.
Tn .iinnort of the nollce theory that
a bomb was being made for use in
Tarrytown, a search of Caron's apart
ment disclosed two dry batteries, wirea
rr a loaded revolver, cartridges
and a partly constructed blackjack, to
gether with a bowl of yellow substance
thought to have been used in bomD
German Wins French Auto llace.
LYONS, July 4. The grand prlxo of
the Auto Club of France was won to
day by Lautenschlager, driving a Ger
man machine. Louis Wagner, with a
French machine, was second; Salscr,
in a French machine, third, and Jules
Goux. another Frenchman, fourth. The
winner's time for the course of 467.8
miles was 7 hours, 1 minute, 18 1-5
Perry McGyilvray Is Beaten by Nose
la 230-Yard Contest In Sn
Francisco Aquatic Meet,
c. i xt iwnsm. Julv 4. Duke Ka-
hanamoku, world's champion Hawaiian
swimmer, carried oir tne nonors i
. . ina,in swimming matches
here, establishing a new Pacific Coast
record of 2 minutes. 26 4-5 seconds in
the 220-yard dash and retaining his
... i j. i, n tnnlnn in the lOU-
tuie as worwb hi'f'v - -
. hA rhnmnlnn was nara
vara oisianc. . . .w
pressed to retain his title in both
events, winning m""' - .
from Perry McGillivray, of the Illinois
Athletic Club In the 220-yard race.
Kahanamoku was pressed to the
i 2 kin i r-or rarfi. the 100-
yard's, by' A . C. aithei, of the Illioin.
Club, who finished less than 13 inches
behind the Hawaiian. The champions
remarkable fish-like turn on the laps
gave him ootn ratra 0.,.
. . . ;ila atrnnsr time.
tnougn aa " f,ftt.
His time in the century was one-fifth
of a second slower man ms wu.i a
" r . r . r hia tlma today
ora OI O a-o nrni'ii.'- -
was 54 4-5. Raithel. McGillivray and
the champion au useu mo
crawi siroKc ... ,
Dsplaying wonderful teed. Miss
Dorothy tfecKer won
yard women s oasn m
with Miss Marguerite Brack, second,
and Halen Meyer, third.
. With a finish and a nicety in form
astonishing to Uis Pacific Coast spec-
Colonel Mildly Admonished by Capitol
Police and Releed on PmmUe
He Will Go A war.
WASHINGTON, July 4 "General"
Kelley's "army" of unemployed, whit l
made Its way from the Pacific Const by
foot and rail and which has been en
camped on the Virginia side of the Ulu.r fnr tha lust week, today
stole quietly into Washington.
It marched up rennsy ivtinim yi...a
to the Capitol and on the steps of the
main entrance held sway for 15 min
utes before being discovered by the
police. Permission to speak from tn
steps of the Capitol had been refused
by Vice-President Marshall, but wltli
Congress not In session and few peoP'
about, "Colonel" Charles McLennan,
commanding officer, thought It a gooj
time to steal a march on Conaresa,
"Colonel" McLennan was taken Into
..j.. .... nnt lnrked UD. 1 11 SI
assurances that the "army" would re
treat from the Capitol groiinn- a-...-,
him freedom. He came out of the of
fices of the Capitol police after belrnr
mildly admonished, his bu-ler blew
blast on a bent und much twisted buttle,
and. with the "colonel" at the head, the)
army marched away. ,,..,
Colonel" MaLennan euld tonight he)
would leave soon for California. How
he would go or what would become ft
the "army" ho did not Indicate. 11
admitted they were penniless.
Holy Cross Church Celebrate.
An all-day celebration of !npnd
ence day was held at Columbia Uni
versity under the auspices of the peo
pie of the Holy Cross Church Y'"'
day. Father Murphy, pastor of the
church, and his a-slalants had chars
of the event. In the afternoon follow
ing a picnic dinner, games and sports
were enjoyed, and in the evening the
campus was illuminated with Japane
lanterns and a display of fireworks vrs
glven. Nearly 20UO persons attended
the picnic
Did you read
pages 127
to 1 3 7 i n
July Every-bodys'?
Olympia, Wash.
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