The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 05, 1914, Section One, Image 1

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    Section One
Pages 1 to 16
76 Pages
Six Sections
- i : i l ,
Limit Is Put on "Dol
lar Diplomacy."
Struaalina Peoole of Mexico
Not to Be Forgotten.
President Says Canal Agreement May
JIave Been Mistake but Meaning
Was Clear Opponents of
Currency Law Rapped.
PHILADELPHIA. July 4. President
Wilson advocated modernizing the
Declaration of Independence to meet
present conditions. In his address today
to a huge crowd assembled In Inde
pendence Square within a few feet of
where the original Declaration was
' signed. '
The President referred to the Mexi
. can situation, the tolls controversy and
. business conditions in the country. He
took a fling at the bankers who had
fought the currency bill before its
passage and praised it afterward. The
address was In general a plea for every-
day patriotism. The President said:
"Mr. Chairman and fellow-citizens:
We are assembled today to celebrate
the 138th anniversary of the United
1 Etates. I suppose we can more vividly
realize the circumstances of that birth,
, standing on this nistorio spot, than it
would be possible to realize It any
where, else,
i "The Declaration of Independence
: was written in Philadelphia. It was
adopted in this historic building. I
have Just had the privilege of sitting
In the chair of the great man who pre
sided over those whose deliberations
resulted in its adoption. Here my hand
rests upon the table upon which the
1 Declaration was signed. We can al
most feel we are In the visible and
tangible presence of a great historic
; transaction.
Vital Bnalaesa Involved.
"But have you ever read the Declara
tion of Independence? When you have
heard it read, have you attended to its
sentences? The Declaration of Inde
pendence is not a Fourth of July ora-
tion. The Declaration of Independence
was a document preliminary to war.
It Involved a vital piece of business,
not a-piece-of rhetoric. And if you
will get further down In the reading
. than Its preliminary passages, where It
quotes about the rights of men, you
will see that it Is a very specific body
of declaration concerning the business
of the day, not the business of our day,
' for the matter with which it deals
, is past the business of revolution, the
business of 1776. The Declaration of
Independence does not mean anything
to us, merely in its general statements,
unless we can append to it a similarly
specific body of particulars as to what
we consider our liberty to consist of.
-What la There in It for VmV
"Liberty does not consist In mere
general declarations as to the rights
of man. It consists in the translation
of those declarations into definite
action. Therefore, standing here, where
the Declaration wu adopted, reading
Its business-like sentences, we ought to
ask ourselves what Is there in it for
US'! There is nothing In it for us,
unless we can translate it into terms
of our own condition and of our own
lives. We must reduce It to what the
lawyers call a bill of particulars. It
contains a bill of particulars the bill
(Concluded on Pare 2.)
Sculptor Explains That Subject Can
not Speak While Matrix Is Being
Made, and That Settles It.
WASHINGTON, July 4. (Special.)
Emion Garet, the sculptor, called at
th state DeDartmeht the other day
to make a life cast of the features of
Secretary of State Bryan! It was Garet
who made the death masks of the late
Pone Leo XIII. King Carlos of. Portu
gal and other men of note.. Garet was
met by an assistant private secretary
and explained his mission.
Would the Assistant Secretary- kindly
ask permission of the Secretary to ar
nnn a date for a sitting?
"Tell me about it-first, so that-1 can
explain the process to Mr. Bryan," said
the Assistant Secretary.
"Well, first you seat the subject in
an operating chair, something like a
barber or dentist chair.- Then after
an application of cold cream to the
features to prevent the matrix from
Htickinsr. the whole face is covered with
a plastic mass of soapy clay, which
remains for a few minutes until ii nas
sot. Ouills are inserted in the nostrils
to permit the subject to breathe freely.
Everything else eyes, nose ana mourn
in covered.. The subject remains still
and by no means attempts to speak."
The Assistant Secretary entered me
sanctum of the Secretary. He was
gone several minutes. Sounds of ani
mated conversation ensued.
When he reappeared he shook his
head and aatd: "He was already to
say yes until I told him about plaster
ing up his mouth, but the Secretary
would not agree to that part of pro
gramme." -
"Wben's the Wedding?" Brings
Cold Retort From Sir Carson.
LONDON, July 4. (Special.) Mrs.
Nicholas Longworth, forinerly Miss
Alice RooBevelt, made a little break at
a dinner party last night, which is
already the talk of London drawing
Sir Edward Carson, the "uncrowned
king of Ulster," is one of the lions of
the season. He has been much an
noyed for some time by persistent
statements that he shortly will marry
a niece of Moreton Frewen, the well-
known writer on political economy.
Thi subject Is never mentioned ln-the
presence of Sir Edward, but Mrs.
Longworth asked him atthe dinner, in
a voice that all could hear: "Wren's
the wedding going to be?"
There is not going to be any
wedding." replied Sir Edward, coldly.
: X
Isaac Zumwalt, of Eugene, Found by
Boys Hour After Injury.
EUGENE, Or., July 4. (Special.)
t 7i.mivait 73 Tears old. was
struck by a Southern Pacific train to
day, near his home, and botn nones in
his right leg were fractured. The
train did not stop.
hn nnaslna- an hour later
found Mr. Zumwalt making feeble ef
t . - -t mi m his home. They sum
moned assistance. The shock of the
accident and the lengtn oi time
he received medical attention may
prove fatal, physicians say.
Safe and Sane Celebration Is Re
flected on Blotter.
Both safety and sanity were recorded
on the blotter at the police station
yesterday. It was the quietest Fourth
of July In police history.
Arrests for disturbances were very
few. No reports of too much, noise or
of violations of the fireworks ordinance
had come into police headquarters up,
to a late hour last night, and even
the number of drunks were remarkably
few. -
Lascurain Expected to
Be New President.
Dictator Saves Face by Obey
ing Successor's Order.
Principal Reason for Flight Is to
Protect Family Voters Will Be
Few and Only in District
,of Mexico City.
WASHINGTON. July 4. Unofficial
1.1.. Waahlnptnn tonight
aUVILCS ICtti-UiiiS ,,o.....0
were to the effect that Pedro Lascurain,
former secretary in President Madero s
cabinet, would be chosen tomorrow to
anor-opii General Huerta as President of
Mexico and that Huerta, resuming his
former post as chief of staff of tne
army, would be dispatched to a foreign
post, probably to France.
Tt was admitted that the voters in
tomorrow's election would be few, only
those who reside In the district of
Mexico City participating. Candidates
for the presidency besides Mr. Lascu
rain were said to be General Refugio
Valesquiez and General Marica Pena.
Whoever might be elected was re-
nnrtni t-n he readv to turn over the
presidency to' a provisional government
and Huerta is willing to leave
country on the order of his successor.
thnihv savins' his face.
According to information reacmng
here, General Huerta was prepared' to
leava Mexico and arrangements had
practically been concluded whereby
Mr. Lascurain would be electea to tne
presidency, thereby establishing the
constitutional status.
Wlin President Madero and Vice-
President Suarez were assassinated in
Mexico City, Mr. Lascarain was the log
ical successor to the presidency of the
republic He presented his resignation,
but it was not accepted because there
a.-a a no nuorum of the Congress pres
ent. That J-3S;Lascuraln, under the
terms of the Mexican constitution, its
logical president. Huerta, however,
assumed the dictatorship.
Huerta. it is reported, is now ready
to deDart. his principal reason for
flight being to save his family. A ves-
;el to take the Huerta family is saia
to be waiting at Puerto Mexico.
Americans In Mexico City for Mo6t
Part Avoid Showing Patriotism.
MEXICO CITY. July 4. For the first
time since the Spanish-American War
o nublic celebration of the Fourth or
Jury was held in this city. The Ameri
can residents spent the day quietly.
Several of them appeared in the streets
wearing American flags in their coat
l&Dels. They were not molested, but
their action was adversely criticised by
a majority of the American colony,
who deemed it unwise and likely to
precipitate trouble.
General Blanquet, minister of war,
says that the government is prepared
to suppress any disturbances at the
elections tomorrow.
General Blanquet denies that he will
Colonel Cancels Two Dates.
OYSTER BAY, N." Y, July '4. Two
engagements to speak to New England
Progressives this month were canceled
today by Colonel Roosevelt in order
that he may have uninterrupted his six
weeks of rest. .
tcAHoV llir" "Si "
r r-r ,
The Weather. v
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 67
degrees; minimum, 04 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; westerly winds.
City streets deserted; lure of country felt
on sane Fourth. Section 1, page 1.
Vancouver's first sane Fourth snccesa. Sec
tion 1. page 6.
Children's glee la dominant note at Pen
insula celebration, bectlon l, page x.
Irvington Club gives neighborhood celebra'
tion. Section 1, page 12.
Ten thousand attend celebration by four
churches In polumbla Park, bectlon i.
page 12.
Children , entertain hundreds with various
exhibitions at Sellwood Park. Section 1.
case 13.
Celebration of 18S9 recalled. Bectlon 1,
page 15.
Oaks entertains tremendous crowd. Sec
tion 1. pace 13.
Sane" Fourth has relatively few casualties.
Section 1, page 4.
Firecrackers and toy pistols gone. Section
1. page 1. -
I Foreign.
German war scare in 1898 asserted. Sec
tion 4, Page t). , '
Berlin sees loss in home beer consumption.
Section PKe 8. -
Greasy food will be taken on Shackleton
expedition to South Pole. Section 4.
. Page 8. '
National. '
Huerta to retire to foreign post. Section 1,
nasre 1.
President Wilson pleads for modernizing of
Declaration of Independence. &ecuon j..
page 1.
Borah continues fight on harbor bill. Sec
tion 1, page 20.
Revolver sought as only clew to slayer of
patient in doctor's office. Section 1,
page 5.
Republicans expect to gain Senate and House
seats in Nevada. Section 1, page 5.
Extension of fruit market hindered by laea
of co-operation among growers, say East
ern firms. Section 1, page 8.
Hungarian Count comes to urge compatriots
to aid in fight for separation from Aus
tria. Section 1, page 2.
Bryan will not permit sculptor to make life
cast; objects to having mouth covered.
Section 1, pag 1.
New Butte union in fight now. Section 1,
page 5.
L W. W. leaders killed by powerful bomb
cf own making. Section 1, page 1.
President tells George Fred Williams to re
sign. Section 1, page 2.
Coast League results Portland 9-4, Venice
4-0; ban Francisco a-o. eacramemo v-,
Oakland 7-2, Los Angeles 2-4. Section 2,
Daze 2.
Northwestern League results Portland-Spo-
Jtane games off, rain; Seattle 4-4. Vancou
ver 2-2; Victoria 5-4, Tacoma 2-0. Sec
tion 2, Page 2.
Harvard wins grand challenge cup at Hen
ley regatta. Section 2, page S.
State tennis tournament opens here July 13.
Section 2, page S.
Leach Cross wins unpopular decision in San
Diego fight. Section 2. page 1.
Matty discusses Boston's chanco to win
pennant. Section 2, page S.
Willie Ritchie favorite with Americans In
bout against Freddy w elan, bection
page 4.
American athletes win two championships
from Britons. Section 2, page 0.
Walla Walla club plans great boxing meet.
Section 2, page 4.
Frank Howe returns old Multnomah cup to
shooters. Section 2, page . .
Waverly polo team ' defeats Spokane in
thrilling contest. Section 2. page o.
Duke Kahanameku, still world's . champien
swlm-in--, makes new CQt record. Seo-
tion'l. rage 2.
Norman Ross, of Portland, wins swim events
at Coeur d'Alene. Section 2, page 4.
Peoria speedboat races exciting. Section 2,
psge 1.
United States still has chance to retrieve
sporting honors, section i, page a.
Car turns turtle in Tacoma races and
driver may die. Section 2, page 6.
Seattle Giants glad when Vancouver leaves.
Section 2. page 3.
Golf play at Waverly replete with surprises.
Section 2, page S.
Noted auto racers to come to Portland. Sec
tion 2, page 4.
Pacific Northwest.
Three arrested on suspicion of being train
robbers. Section 1. page 4.
Chautauqua at Gladstone to open 21st as
sembly Tuesday, section 1, page i.
Non-denominational conference of clergy to
be held at Eugene. Section 1, page a.
Eugene solving, btg- problem of unemployed.
Section 1, page 7.
Washington compensation act proves boon
to many. Section l, page s.
Work on Coos Bay line rushed by crews.
Section 1, page 8.
Oregon Wolf IV wins third heat from Ore
gon Kid II, champion speedboat at As
toria regatta. ' Section 1, page 9.
Portland and Vicinity.
Portland banks well prepared for forth
coming demands. Section 1, page iu.
Hot weather sends thousands to Oaks Park.
Section 1. page 10.
County Clerk finds marriage performers fall
to make returns, section i, page it.
Charles A. Johns draws patriotic lessons
from Vancouver's nistory. section i.
Due 14. .
Life on warship off Manzanillo described.
Section 1, page 11.
Dr. W. O. Powell outlines theory on ductless
glands. Section 2, page 7.
Big British liner is in port. Section 1.
page 8.
Weather report, forecast and data. : Section
2, page 8.
Margaret McGinnls stabbed In St. George
Hotel and injuries may be xataj. section
1, page 4.
June Is Banner montn for high-class build
ings in nine montns. section ,. page xv.
s i -'x-ti i ii ' s ii v i i i ii i
Upper Stories of Ten
ement Are Wrecked.
Destroyer Believed Intended
. for Tarrytown Hearing.
Plot Against Rockefellers Interwoven
, in Case One of Victim 9 Blown
to Pieces Woman 65 in
Next Room Killed.
NEW YORK, July 4 Three men
and a woman were killed today when
a dynamite bomb, said to be the most
powerful ever used in this city, ex
ploded with a terrible force In an
apartment tenanted by Industrial
Workers of the World. Tne upper
part of the six-story tenement house
In which the bomb was being made
was wrecked.
A score of persons were seriously
inlured and much property damage
was done In a wide radius from the
scene of the explosion.
Members of I. W. W, Iavolved.
Those dead and those who escaped
injury In the apartment Included mem
bers of the L W. W. who were de
fendants In the trial to be begun Mon
day in Tarrytown. N. Y., where they
were arrested for creating a disturb
ance a few weeks ago. They went
to the village to make demonstrations
outside the estate of John D. Rocke
feller, where John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
had retired after being heckled In
front of his office at 26 Broadway In
this citv bv the I. W. W. members
and sympathizers. Including members
of Upton Sinclair's free silence league.
Their activities here arose frfom the
coal-mine strike troubles in Colorado,
where the young Mr. Rockefeller has
mining interests.
Bomb Being; Hade, 1 TbM7.
As soon as one of the bodies of those
killed In the explosion had been Iden
tified as Arthur Caron, who came here
from Boston and who was one of the
defendants In Tarrytown, the police
began their Investigation of the ex
plosion on the theory that a bomb was
being constructed by Carori and others
for possible use at I. W. W. hearings
In Tarrytown on Monday. Stnce the
arrest of the agitators In that village
there have been rumors of threats to
town officials if the defendants were
not released.
Late today the police escorted from
the offices of Emma Goldman's publi
cation. Mother Earth, to a police
station a group of agitators, includ
ing Marie Ganz, arrested some time
ago for making outdoor speeches In
which she threatened to shoot John
D. Rockefeller. Jr. Miss Ganz was re
leased this morning from the Queens
County jail, after serving a term as
the result of her Bpeechmaklng.
Sleeting With Berkman Held.
The cross-examination late today
disclosed that all the 11 defendants
who are out on ball met here last with
Alexander Berkman, an anarchist, and
others at the headquarters of the Fran
cisco Ferrer school to devise a way
to aid the persons - facing trial Mon
day. The confreres included leaders
of the so-called Anti-Militarist League,
which seeks to discourage workmen
from joining the State National Guard.
Present at this meeting, according to
statements to the authorities, were
Carl Hansen, a member of the staff of
Mother Earth, and Carl Berg, a car
penter, one of the Tarrytown defend-
(Concluded on Pace 2.)
. ' ,
Paper Torpedo and All Other Like
Implements of Celebration Laid
Aside by Young America,
Exit the red-coated flrefracker. It
was kicked out of the celebrations of
the Fourth of Julv yesterday as un
ceremoniously and effectually as our
forefathers kicked the red-coats out
of the country more than 100 years
Exit also the paper torpedo, the cap
pistol, popularly supposed to be the
favorite camping place for the germs
of lock-jaw, and exit practically all
other implements of celebration that
are based on fulminate or gunpowder.
The biggest noise on the streets of
Portland was the occasional explosive
"back-fire" of an automobile.
At times one might be sure he had
heard the sound of a fire-cracker, but
nine times out of ten Investigation
disclosed a happy youngster armed
with one of those wire and rubber con
traptions into which a piece of paper
is placed and exploded a la paper bag.
Out In the residence sections, at very
rare intervals one might find a
scorched place on the pavement and a
few fragments of red paper on the
park strip, to Indicate that someone
had possessed a few firecrackers.
There was the salute of cannon fired
at noon by the cruiser Boston, and that
was about all the explosive observance
of the day.
It begins to appear as If after four
years of "safe and sane" methods,
Toung America has lost the fire
cracker habit.
Springfield Boy Hit by Auto in Pur
suing Noise Instrument.
SPRING FIELD, Or, July 4. (Spe
cial.) Robert Slgnor, the 4-year-old
son of N. H. Slgnor, of West Springfield,
sustained probably fatal Injuries today
when he was run down by an automo
bile driven by O. A. Campbell, of Eu
gene. The lad jumped after a firecracker
Just as the car came slowly along. He
did not heed the warning and was
thrown backwards to the pavement.
His skull was fractured.
Tom Carney, marshal of the day, fur
nished an automobile and the injured
child was hurried to the Eugene Hos
National Salute Fired at Ceremony
on Exposition Grounds.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 4. (Special.)
The Immense flag provided by the
people of Oregon for the gigantio tree
that is to do service as a flagpole In
front of the Oregon building at the
Exposition was raised today, the cere
mony being the principal feature of the
Fourth of July celebration on the Ex
position grounds.
The flag was raised by Miss Lillian
Veatch, formerly of Oregon, and as the
vast expanse of stars and stripes flut
tered from the top of the pole the Na
tional salute was fired and the other
National colors were raised throughout
the grounds.
President to Censure) General Pri
vately for His Criticisms.
PHILADELPHIA, July 4. Brigadier
General Evans, former commander of
the Department of the East, will be
privately reprimanded by the President
in consequence of a speech at a recent
banquet in New York In which General
Evans Is said to have made Indiscreet
references to the foreign policy of the
United States.
General Evans sent Secretary Garri
son a statement In which he said he
had been misquoted, and gave his own
version. This version is said to have
only partly satisfied the President.
City Streets Deserted
Until Night '
Park Celebrations Teach Pa
triotism to Youth.
Stream of Travel Begins Friday and
Traffic Officials Report Trains
in Every Direction Groan
With Human Freight.
Truly, "the old order ehangeth."
Times were when country folks
traveled cityward on every Fourth of
J July.
Now, with these safe and salt
Fourths In fashion and favor, city peo
ple hie eountryward.
Portland furnished ample proof of
this condition yesterday, Elie furnished
it all day long.
The exodus from the city began on
the third. It was Interrupted only by
the Inactive hours of night, but began
once more with the arrival of early
Street cars, trolley cars and subur
ban trains by the score yawned to re
ceive the pleasure-hungry passengers,
but soon began to groan under their
heavy human burdens.
Baby Baggies la Evldrare.
People traveled singly. In pairs, by
families and In groups. Plcnio parties
were numerous. Lunch baskets and
baby buggies were much In evldenre.
The toy balloon and a liberal display
of American flags were the only visi
ble reminders of the old-fashioned
Audible reminders were) entirely
Cannon crackers and dynamite canes
would have received a hostile receptlun
had they made tbelr appearance.
Even the glitter and glare of the
electrla parade last night failed to
arouse the accustomed Independence
day enthusiasm. The streets were
virtually deserted, that Is. when com
pared with their oondltlon when the
electric parade originally was given
on the closing night of the Rose Fes
tival. Patriotism Sot Lost,
This does not mean, however, thst
Fortland folks were less patriotic then
In yours whon giant powder and the
deadly toy pistol used to reign su
preme. The celebrations In the various parks
and playgrounds were not without
their patriotla lessons and their in
spirations for love of country. Na
tional colors were generously dis
played everywhere. In a few plares
patriotla addresses were Included In
the order of the day.
American flags floated proudly from
the tops of tall buildings. They were
prominently used In decorating many
private residences.
Old-Faskloaed Tlsies la Fever.
Then the regulation Fourth of July
brass hand was doing business early
and late. All the popular and patriotic,
airs were played over and over again.
Such old-time favorites as "Tankee
Doodle.", "The Star-Spangled Banner,"
"Amorlca" and "Dixie" were applauded
with vigor and enthusiasm that made
up for the absence of the deafening
sounds of old.
While a heavy percentage of the
city's population passed the day amid
pastoral surroundings, those who re-
:onrludd on l'as la-
'0owy v