The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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    2S, 1914.
, . . "- , r . , .
Addison Bennett Insists AH
Have Great Time Despite
Dryness of Town. .
Revolution Nearly Discovered in
Closing Honrs of Queen's Reign.
Cherries by Drayload Are
Bought by Jack Crowe.
SALEM. Or, June 27. (Special.) In
the third day of the first year of the
reign of Queen Anne VI, which was
also and likewise the last day of her
peaceful and prosperous Queening, there
was incubating right by the side of her
throne a revolution fathered, or rather
mothered, by another claimant for the
throne, the illustrious Anne Royal, more
often spoken of as Royal Anne.
Some who have not the fear of God
in their hearts or tha love of fialem in
their souls go so fir as to jay that
Anne Royal and her fellow conspira
tors. Lady Bing, the Duchess of Lam
bert and their Black Republican cohort,
came here from Polk County. They
also go farther, or perhaps further, and
r that if Polk and Yamhill were
wiped off the map there would be no
but what is the use of denying to Salem
the right to hold a cherry fair if she
chooses? I am reminded Dy jac rowo,
who Kits at mv side dictating this let
ter, I am reminded, by a kick on the
shins, that Salem is the only city in
Oregon, except Portland, where the
population ran into five figures at the
last census. And, furthermore, that
when it comes to cherries xne oaiein
cherries are the best on earth.
1000 Founds Consumed.
Then Jack went out and bought an
other drayload and set them out in the
lobby for the use and benefit of bis
guests, who thus far in the engagement
have consumed 1900 pounds of Lamberts
and Royal Annes since Thursday morn
ing. Fearful that I would not believe
more than 600 pounds of the story Jack
called in Mayor Steeve, ex-Mayor Rodg
ers, Bob Hendricks and John Cradle
baugh to vouch for the truthfulness of
the statement. Those four in certain
cases might prove an alibi for Jack,
but as vouchers for his truth and ver-
CButthis has nothing to do with the
arrival of the Rosarians and their
greeting by their fellow white-suited
brethren, the Cherrians. The Cherrlans,
you understand, hail from the Cherry
City, which Is Salem; the Rosarians,
including Dr. Cornelius, who did not
know Salem was a dry town until
well, as I was about to remark, the
Rosarians came up from Portland to
the tune of 100 in their white suits,
and. Suffering Peter, how they set the
hearts of the Salem ladies aquiver!
But I mention no names, some of those
cutting the most ice being respectable
married men when at home. But of
course, the Salem Cherry Carnival
comes to a head only once a year, and
Salem being a dry town, a very dry
town, so derned dry that I don't be
lieve at this minute there are a half
dozen bathtubs full of beer In the
whole, town, in the whole blooming
Great Time Is Bad.
All of which goes to show that the
Rosarians and the Cherrians are hav
ing a barrel of fun, mostly at the ex
pense of the Cherrians. For it is about
as difficult to get a Rosarian to loosen
up as it is for, for remember I am
now speaking of dry towns. It may
be different where there is a wetness
on the surface or where the Sheriff
winks the other eye, or farther away
from Miss Hobbs.
Just across from Jack Crowe's cara
vansary, sometimes called The Marlon,
there is one of the most wonderful dis
plays of cherries ever seen. Never In
any other state was the exhibit even
approached, which is drawing it mild
when we remember that the Oregon
cherry Is the finest on earth. No need
to attempt to prove that statement; it
proves itself. This year the Salemites,
who include the Cherrians, have been
specially fortunate In weather condi
tions to have the cherries just right at
the right time. Last week, even last
Monday, would have been too early;
next week, even next Monday, would
be too late.
All this may lead you to think that
all we are doing is eating cherries,
which I will admit Is our chief amuse
ment but how about the motorcycle
races at the fair grounds, the ball
game, boat races, the dances, the ban
quets and the merrgo-rounds, the
Ferris wheels, the sideshows, inside and
Visitor May Knmber 10,000.
These would not amount to much If
It were not for the great mass of peo
ple in attendance. Every train, every
boat, every well, people have come
any way possible to get here. I will
bet there are 1000 out-of-town autos
here and every one of them brought
about as many people as it could carry.
I saw one seven-passenger car come
down State street with eight adults
and ten kiddies in it, or on It If I was
told that there are right at this min
ute 10,000 guests in the town I would
not dispute it.
But I would dispute loud and long
any statement averring that even one
of these guests had failed In having a
good time or had failed to receive the
best of treatment from the Salemites.
Salem is not, as figures reveal, an awful
large city. It is true It is easily the
second city in Oregon. But there are
no bisger-hearted people on earth than
the Salem people. (Here George Uy
land suggests that I say something
about the lovely Salem ladies and Bill
Hanley chips in and says, "make it
Btrong"). So I will merely suggest that
the Salem ladies are as noted for their
loveliness as the Salem cherries are
for their flavor and size. Which is the
best I can do, George and Bill, until the
returns are all in.
Revel In Street Marks End of Capital
City's Celebration.
SALEM, Or.. June 27. (Special.)
Balem's sixth and greatest Cherry Fair
came to a close tonight. Its climax Was
an impressive electric parade, depicting
the development of, Oregon. Fun was
fast; and furious all day, and there was
not a person among the thousands who
thronged the streets that did not de
clare the festival a glorious success.
Royal Rosarians, of Portland, mem
bers of their families and their friends,
arrived in the city on a special train
at 2 o'clock In the afternoon and joined
in the f unmaking. Much of the credit
for the success of the grand finale is
due to them. They paraded the streets
with the Cherrians, saw the motor
cycle races at the State Fair grounds,
were guests of the Commercial Club at
a buffet luncheon, and in the evening
the uniformed Rosarians. 100 strong.
Including their band of 2 pieces, were
a feature of the electric parade. The
Cherrians were tie quests of the Ko-
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sarians during the Rose Festival and
they came home singing the praises of
their hosts. So, too, the Portland men
will return home lauding the Cherrians,
for all said they never had a better
City Shown to Be TSo Laggard.
While it was not to be expected that
there would be as many floats in the
Salem electric parade as there were in
the one during the Rose Festival, there
were sufficient to prove that the cap
ital city is no laggard.
"Solitude of the Forest" was a float
depicting the early days of the state.
An Indian in a forest in moonlight was
the scene. Another, "The Coming of
Jason Lee and His Missionaries," was
an impressive creation. It showed Lee
and his band stepping rrom a canoe to
the shore of the Willamette.
"Winning of the Land" was one of
the prettiest and most ' Impressive
floats. It depicted the clearing of land,
the plowing and the harvesting.
The greatest crowd of the carnival
was on the streets as Queen Ann VX in
her royal conveyance illumined with
myriad lights, came riding by. Her
reign of three days was at an end. She
had steDDed into her conveyance to go
away. The float was entitled "Going
Away of Cherrydom."
. Spanish War Vetexams Shown.-
A scene showing Spanish-American
war veterans returning from the Phil
ippines was Interesting and appropriate.
for the veterans of that war closed a
three days' reunion In the city tonight
The Knights of Pythias, United Arti
sans and other organizations were rep
resented with brilliantly lighted floats,
and, last but not least, came the car
emblematic of the festival entitled "The
Glory of the Cherry.". It was a cherry
tree bending from the weight ox its
many clusters the apotheosis, of the
Marion County orchard.
Other features of the parade were
men on norseoacit representing
pioneers, a Woodmen of the World
drill team, the Rosarian band, the
Cherrlan band, sons of Spanish-Ameri
can war veterans' drum corps, heralds
and others. -
Revel Ends Festival.
With the disbanding of the parade,
Queen Ann and her suite were escorted
to the dlas at the corner of Fort and
Liberty streets. A grand march was
led by the king and queen, the Ro
sarians and Cherrians falling in be
hind. A two-step, participated in by
the Rosarians and Cherrians, followed,
and then the crowd joined in a revel
which continued until midnight.
The Rosarian special was met at
Chemawa by a committee of Cherrians
consisting of Frank Durbin, T. C. Smith,
Jack Crowe, F. C. Deckebach, George
F. Rodgers and J. R. Linn. Clusters
of cherries, giving them the freedom of
the city, were pinned on the lapels of
the visitors.
Water sports tonight consisted or log
rolling contests, a motorboat race,
canoe tilting, a tug-of-war, with- two
motorboats to a side; a consolation mo
torboat race, aqua plane sport and
swimming races.
In the i'oruana aeiegnuon were mo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert juonn, ty
Filers, Miss Eilers, R. P. Meyer, Mra
R. P. ' Meyer, Mrs. A. A. Murphy, Mr.
and Mrs. S. J. McCormick, Mrs. Ferrey,
Mr. and Mrs. D. C Freeman, Mrs. A
Remer, Mr. and Mrs. J. L Bowman, E.
T. Carswell. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. M.
Shetterley. Jr.. Max Asmur, George E.
Hall, Jack Yates. R. W. Benjamin, M.
Abraham. E. C Beets, rl. M cummins.
M. E. Snead, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chap
man H. W. Fries, 1 a. uaiey, ti. u.
Sammons. A. G. Thurman. W. E. Pear-
A rl
noirf.n AfjTfTrrTT.TTrR AT. COLLEGE. Corvallia Or June 27. (Special.)
Two Oregon Agricultural College graduates who will teach in the Crook
County High School during tne coming year were prinuiu iu m. wcuu...
at Corvallia on Wednesday. The newly-made bridegroom and bride are Mr.
and Mra Hiram E. Pratt. The bride was Miss Maribel Cheney, of Coupe
ville, Waslu, who was graduated this year In domestic science. Mr. Pratt
took graduate work in 1913 and was teacher of agriculture in the Crook
County High School during the last year. He again will teach this subject
in the same school during the coming school year, and Mra Pratt will
teach domestic science. Robert R. Davis, of Hlllsboro, Or, was graduated
with the 1914 class in mechanical engineering ana nas on eietieu
n.n...i inininr In tha Croolt CouBtT High School. He will have charge
of shop and woodwork and also of forge work in case the School Board
carries out the present Intention of putting in a blacksmith shop, ""he
school term begins early in September.
son, L. F. Knowlton, S. A. Harkson,
E A. Pierce, J. H. McDermott. Wil
liam Hanley, Mr. and Mrs. A L Finley,
Miss Craig, Emmltt Callahan, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred A Kribs, H. W. Maclean,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dickinson, H. J. An
derson W. E. Finzer. Ida B. Marsh, J.
L Hooper, William G. Gosslin, Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Hislop. Miss Kilgore. J. R.
Patterson, Miss Cash,- A H. McGowan,
Mrs. David M. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs;
T. S Townsend, H. Hlrschberg, W. M.
Nelson Charles Basey, L B. Lewis, C.
H. Henney, T. J. Swivel, W. B. Scott.
F. Trombly, P. Stevens, F. S. West, H.
D. Ramsdell, C W. Bourne, Andrew
Loney, G. H. Morris, John Larson, C.
W. Cornelius, Miss Tlllie Cornelius, Mr.
and Mra George L Baker, A C. Black,
C L. Dutcher, R. Meade, Mr. and Mrs.
R. R. GUtner, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Simpson, J. H. Page, T. H. Wells. Mrs.
Henneway, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lund
berg, Miss C. Belnap, R. H. Thomas,
M. Bermon, Mr. and Mra R. H. Atkin
son, O H. Schwerdtmann, A W. Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Boyer, Miss Myrtle
Maclean, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sandvall,
Mrs. H. W. Maclean, H. T. Holtzclaw,
Mra C. L. Dutcher, C. H., Loveland,
W. A Williams, R. C. Morrow. Mr. ami
Mrs. W. C." Shearer, J. E. Bronaugh,
Miss Billie Bronaugh, Miss Nodlne, Miss
H. E. Harria Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hof
mann, H. C. Smith, E. E. McClaren,
Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Simmons, E. A Muncey, Mr. and
Mrs. Gotthardt, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Werlein, M. Monte Mayer, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Fred Larson, Mrs. J. P. Boehn,
Mrs. M. Knowlea C. H. Mayer, Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Case, D. F. Stuart, A.
A Herring.
Member Inspection Party Pleased
With Progress on Columbia Road.
County Commissioner Rufus Holman
was host to a party of county and city
officials In a trip of Inspection over
the Columbia Highway yesterday. A
large portion of the day was passed on
the highway Itself, after which the
party was entertained a Chanticler
Inn, returning to Portland by automo
bile. '
In the party were: Amos Benson, J.
B. Yeon, W. P. La Roche, Phil H.
Dater, City Engineer; Commissioner
Dieck and highway engineers from the
city departmenta
"We were surprised beyond our ex
pectation by the magnificent work that
has been done on the project," said
Commissioner Dieck after the return to
Portland last night, "and it would De
impossible to give too much credit to
Mr. Lancaster an0- those who are work
ing with him on it- Mr. Yeon has
put in five days a week on the ground
and knows every inch of the road and
every detail of the work. Those who
have not gone over the highway can
form no idea whatever of the wonder
ful treat that is in store for them
whenever they choose to make a trip
out that way."
Vancouver Seeks Convention.
VANCOUVER, Wash., June 27. (Spe
cial.) The Vancouver Aerie of Eagles
has sent a delegation to the state con
vention at Olympla with instructions
to bring the convention tothis city In
191 if possible. The party will leave
hare tomorrow morning. Tne deiega
tion is composed of J. C. Wyatt, presi
dent of the local aerie: John A. Padden,
chairman of the state judiciary com
mlttee, and George Hausch, past state
Democratic Party Rule Blamed
for Market Ruin by Marion
County Republicans.
Restoration of Good Times by Change
XJrgedDr. Withyoombe Advocates
Co-operationOregon Officials
Cbarged With High Taxes.
SALEM, Or, Jnne 27. (Special.)
Charging the Democratic National Ad
ministration with destroying the mar
kets for the farmers and other pro
ducers, and being responsible for pres
ent unsettled business conditions, and
blaming Democratic state officials for
the Increase In state taxation, the
Marion County Republican Central
Committee, in a platform adopted to
day, started a campaign which it is
believed will result in increased Re
publican majorities in this county.
The platform recommends that state
taxation be limited to 2 mills, and that
the marion County delegation in the
Legislative Assembly pledge Itself to
oppose the creating of new offices and
to lend its aid in having boards and
commissions consolidated.
Dr. James Withycombe, Republican
nominee for Governor, urged united
action, and declared that as Governor
he would do everything in his power
to cut down the expense of govern
ment where it was apparent curtail
ment was necessary. He said the meet
ing of the committee was one of the
most enthusiastic he had ever attend
ed and that it augured for victory in
Market Destruction Denounced.
The platform in part follows:
"We condemn the policies of the
Democratic party, which under the
present Administration, as in every
past period when that party has been
in power, has resulted in destroying
the markets for the farmer and pro
ducer as well as opportunities for em
ployment of labor and benefited other
countries at the expense of the citi
zens of the United States.
"We condemn the Underwood tariff
law as producing neither revenue nor
prosperity, and for having utterly
failed to preserve a just equilibrium
between agriculture, manufacture, for
estry and mining, throwing away the
protective principle and leaving the
disadvantage with our country.
"After 10 years of unbroken pros
perity for the farmer and laborer we
are now under a Democratic Adminis
tration facing an adverse balance of
trade. Under Republican rule we were
selling the world each year about
1500,000,000 more merchandise and
products of the soil than we were
buying from it.
Free Trade Held Destructive.
"The Underwood tariff is turning
the trade of the world against us, free
trade destroying the home market to
benefit foreigners without compen
sating benefits. For the first time in
many years in May 1914 our merchan
dise imports exceeded merchandise ex
ports by $6,230,814. In sharp contrast
with this, in May, 1913, before the
Democratic tariff was enacted, our for
eign trade balance was more than
$60,000,000 in our favor, exports from
our country exceeding Imports $61,
126,621. "Only by the election of a Republi
can Congress and a Republican Presi
dent, standing upon well-known, time
tried and fundamental Republican
principles can our commercial suprem
acy be restored, and the fallacy of a
Democratic tariff that affords neither
protection nor funds to run our Gov
ernment be exposed and overthrown.
"In our state administration Demo
cratic rule has increased state taxes
by unwarranted experiments and ex
travagant expenditures In carrying out
policies of ' sentlmentallsm and sensa
tionalism. Redaction In Bills Urged.
"In the interest of necessary develop
ment of the resources of our state and
to afford better opportunities for the
employment of labor, we recommend
the following to the Marion County
delegation in the Legislature:
"That in both houses of tne uenerai
Assembly as soon as organization is
complete resolutions hard and fast be
adopted allowing no member to intro
duce more than five bills, and no com
mittee but the committees on appro
priations and revision of laws to bring
in more than one bill, and all these
within the first 20 days, except bills
for the repeal of laws which are now
like leeches sucking the life blood out
of the taxpayers and those trying to
foster industriea
"We approve the early opening of tne
free locks and canal at Oregon City,
and all efforts for the improvement of
our rivers and harbora
"We aDDrove the careful business
government of our county affairs and
recommend mat tne iegisiaiure enact.
law to place a limit on county tax
levies." -
Stop, Look, 'Listen Organization
Chooses Clarke County Officers.
VANCOUVER, Wash, June 27. (Spe
cial.) An active organization of the
Stop, Look, Listen League is to be
established In Vancouver, and George
McCoy will be permanent chairman. He
will be assisted by William B. DuBoia
and' an executive committee will be
chosen, with power to appoint members
of the committee in each precinct in
the county.
L R. McArdle. chairman of the ap
propriations committee of the last
House, made an address before the
Vancouver Commercial Club last night.
He said he believed that enough names
have not been obtained on six of the
"seven sisters" initiative petitions to
insure their being printed on the ballot
but that probably enough have been
procured by the petition for the eight
hour law.
Mayor Says He Will Enforce Laws,
Even if He Must Be Housemover.
NEWPORT, Or, June 27. (Special.)
"To be or not to be," referring to
whether there shall be any shacks on
Newport's thoroughfarea is the ques
tion to be discussed Monday afternoon
at a meeting of the City Council. Own
ers of the shacks are silent on the
Mayor Kelley, who Is more communi
cative, says he will enforce ordinances
governing the streets even if he has
to appear as a- housemover or street
Straw hats shipped abroad from British
factories in 1913 numbered nearly eight
million, value f3,SOO,000,
Largest Livestock and Poultry
Exhibit Yet Promised.
Racetrack 'Declared to Be in Fine
Condition and Early Closing
Events Have Large Entries.
Xew Features Are Added.
SALEM, Or., June 27. (Special.)
Announcement was made today by
Frank Meredith, secretary, that the
coming State Fair would have the larg
est livestock and poultry exhibits In Its
history. .He said that all the owners
exhibiting last year would be repre
sented and that the 1$ large stock
barns would be filled earlier than usual.
Many stockmen of Eastern states,
anticipating the benefit to be derived
from having exhibits at the Panama
Pacific Exposition, will exhibit at the
Oregon and other state fairs, remain
ing on the Coast until the close of
the exposition at Ban Diego.
Mr. Meredith said that all space in
the machinery building had been en
gaged, and that firms desirous of ex
hibiting which have not engaged room
will have to provide their own quar
ters. The pavilion, now in the course
of construction, will be ready for use
this year.. It will be 243 by 120 feet
having an auditorium annex 65 by 100
feet. The agricultural products will be
. . . v. . t n..r finnr. while the
displays of the Oregon Manufacturers
Association win oe uii i-.
Mr Meredith said the auditorium would
have a seating capacity of 1000.
Old Pavilion to Remala.
... - x naiiinn will not be razed.
as was reported, but will be devoted
to the childrens- inaustriai
which was one of the features of the
fair last year. The eugenics depart
ment will be in mis "'
the display of the" Oregon Library Com.
mission. .
inrini, t the management the
vv.iVii tht va.r will be 20
p .'. . Vk" Vh. -of 191S. A
per cent --"" -
Tai'omi chicken fancier has written
that he will enter zou Diros.
A boys' camp will be maintained at
the grounds this year, the fair board
to have as Its guests two boys from
each county. The boys will be the
winners in local and district industrial
fairs. The Vancouver Interstate Fair
Board has announced that It will -send
one of the state prize winners in In
dustrial contests to the Oregon State
Track la Good Condition.
The racing this year promises to be
unusually fine. The early events
closed May 15. with all contests well
filled. As a result of tiling last Fall
the mile track is in the finest con
dition of its history. Novelty races,
two-mile relay races and the running
events will be on the half-mile track
which was opened last year. There will
be one relay race ally.
Playgrounds for the children, which
were provided two years ago and are
one of the features of the exhibition,
have been improved and probably will
be enlarged. New equipment will be
provided and everything done to make
for the happiness of the youngsters.
jj j Bryan, superintendent of the
floral department of the fair, says the
displays of dahlias this year will be
the prettiest in the history of the. as
sociation. Other floral decorations will
be in keeping with those heretofore.
YOU are cordially
invited to view
the reproduction of
the Electric Parade
of the Rose Carnival,
upon the night of
July 4th, which will
be given under the
auspices of the Port
land Ad Club.
The flowers were planted early so they
will be in full bloom during the fair.
$900,000 WILL IS FILED
Princess Ghlka to Share in Estate
of Charles J. Singer.
CHICAGO. 111.. June 23. The will of
the late Charles J. Singer, Board of
Trade man of New Tork and Chicago,
was filed for probate here recently,
disposing of an estate valued at $900.
000. -principally personal property.
To Mra Singer, the widow, was be
queathed the Singer Winter residence
In Paris, S50.000 and the automobiles.
Sidney Kent Singer, a son, was left all
the Jewelry of his father and Arthur
J. Singer was given $25,000.
The Income of the residuary estate
was left to Mrs. S(nrr. and on hr
Pcrtland's Greatest Clothing Sale
Starts Tuesday Morninf, 9 A. M.
See Monday Evening and Tuesday Morning
V y ijmn; -rf ,j v
Clip out and present this coupon together with our special price
of 88c. The books art on display tt
JUNE 28.
1 Ca5dN 98C Securethe $2.50 VoIu
beautifully bound in rich maroon oover atainped in gnll, arlwtie
inlay design, with 18 full-page portraits of the aorlJ's rooet
famous iirjjrers, and complete dictionary of musical te rma,
death Is to be paid to Princess Hairl
Ghlka. wife of I'rlnre Jean A. Chlka.
a daughter, end ti Kidney K. !inTr.
Mr. Blnrer died June t at his Winter
home In Parts.
FoKtmaster 4 0 Years Takes Tr4.
CATHLAMET. Wash, June 27. (Hpe
clal.) J. a. Meglrr, who has been post
master at BrookTleld for 40 years. hl
to submit to the examination held in
Astoria June 20. There were no other
applicants for ths office, which U a
small on., only paying about 1200 en
nually. The bulk of tlie business ts fr
the local cannery, of which Mr. Mrgl.r
Is manager.
Th rl..t tulip .xhlblt v. -snTwh.r.
out.Me ll-IUnlt will h fn
of th Kstlonal ihlblt of tf Slr.r:n
at tho Fnma-rcifl tnt.rti.i lnl F
po.ltion ot bn Krone lco In 1K.. Tm
or.i will bo devot.4 to vt tli-