The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 66

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Choirs Take Vacation, tut Special Music 13 Substituted and Sermon Themes Continue Attractive Methodists' Conference Date Is Set.
WHILE the church services for
this season of the year are not
so elaborate as they are In the
Spring and Fall, many Interesting ser
mon topics are announced and attend
ance is keeping: up welL In many of
the Catholic Churches there are Just
the low masses. Many of the choirs
are taking- a vacation, but special song
services, with a few solos by leading
singers, are planned for a number of
the churches. Sermon topics continue
to be of attractive themes.
In the Sunnyside Methodist Episco
pal Church the members are planning
to welcome the Kev. Elmer Smith, who
will succeed the Rev. William H. Fry
as pastor. Dr. Smith has been very
successful In the Hawaiian Islands,
where he was in charge of mission
The New . Thought convention will
Close today.' Some speakers of Na
tional reputation have been among
those who have participated in the
meetings that have been held in Chris
Jensen's Hall. . :
The date for the Western Oregon
annual conference of the Methodist
Church has been set for September 23.
It will be held In Centenary Church
and will be a large and important af
fair of the early Fall. The General
Conference (National) will not be held
until 1916, when It will meet at Sara
toga Springs. Even now plans are
being made by local Methodists to at
tend this conference, which brings to
gether many of the world s noiaoies.
Pastor Points Road of Suc
v cess to Indian Boys.
..Commencement Address at Caem
awa School Says That Failures
Are Die to Iow Standard Rather
- Than Poor Brains.
iEV. JOHN H. BOYD, X, T., pastor of
K the First Presbyterian Church, de
livered the commencement address be
fore the graduating class of the Che-
xnawa. Indian School on Thursday alt-
ernoon. He spoke upon "The Road to
Success," and pointed out that while
knowledge Is fundamental, failure Is
more due to lack of character man m
deficient mentality, and that Buccess
awaits the man who has a finely bal
anced combination of mind and morals,
a disciplined mind that knows, and a
conscience which regulates and di
rects the forces of aersonality along
the lines of honesty ana justice ana
faithfulness to the tasks or me.'
At the First Presbyterian Church,
corner Twelfth and Alder street, Rev.
.Tnhn TT. Bovd. D. D.. the pastor, will
occupy his pulpit at 10:30 A. M. and
7:45 P. M. Dr. Boyd has arranged to
speak each Sunday evening during the
next montn, on budjbcis ub6"
the early chapters of the Book of
Genesis. - His topic for this Sunday
evening will be "Man's Relation to
Nature: His Supremacy and Dominion."
a a
The young men's Bible class, under
the leadership of H. C. Ewing, will
continue Its regular class sessions
throughout the Summer, at 12:16, room
H, First Presbyterian Church. The
class is taking up the study of the
regular international Sunday school
lessons. Mr. Ewing has but recently
returned from an extended trip through
the Holy Land and gives the class
first-hand Information concerning the
birthplace and earthly home of Jesus.
Under the leadership of Mr. Haielett,
the young men have formed a baseball
team, which is rounding into fine
shape and expectations are that It
will carry off the pennant this year in
the Inter-Sunday School Baseball
League. "Lefty" Beard will twirl the
oval this season. All followers of the
game will remember that "Lefty" con
sidered seriously taking a place on
one of the prominent Middle West
teams a few years ago.
A special invitation is given to all
newcomers in the city to attend the
class and participate in its many ac
tivities. Some of the members take
prominent part in the services at the
Men's Resort, corner of Fourth and
Burnside. Others help take charge of
meetings at the Fraser Home for Chil
dren. Regularly on the third Sunday
of the month a large delegation goes
to the County Farm at Troutdale and
holds gospel service for the Inmates
at the institution. It is also actively
.no-rri in the directing of a circulat
ing library among the lumber camps of
the Northwest
The: Summer session of the Sunday
nchool of the First Presbyterian
Church was ushered in last Sunday
with an attendance of 480 children,
promising success for the plan of the
superintendent and teachers who have
outlined the course in lantern slide
studies. The little ones are under the
care of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thaxter,
who are telling the story of the child
life of Jesus.
The pictures for today in the main
auditorium of the church house will
he a continuation of the "Lesson on
Immigration," which was begun last
Sunday. J. F. Ewing, the superintend
ent, will speak to the school on "New
Americans for a New America."
a a
The first annual convention of the
Christian Toga for this district will
e held in Women of Woodcraft Hall
Monday and Tuesday.
The district includes all of the states
f,f Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana. At this session, the location
of the permanent headquarters for the
district will be decided, the choice of
which at present lies between Port
land and Spokane.
Besides the business sessions of the
delegates, there will be three public
sessions, when addresses will be made
ty A. K. Mosumdar, founder of the
work In America: Rev. Ralph M. de
Bit superintendent of the work in the
(Southwest and F. O. Garrison, minister
of the local society. A suitable pro
gramme has been arranged for the
first public meeting, to be held the
evening of June 29. 9
Church Honors Memory of
David Campbell.
Ceateaarr Method! Prepare Pro
srraumme While Firemen's Band
Will Give Musical Selections and
Pastor Will Talk; on "Heroism."
AT Centenary Methodist Church,
East Ninth and Pine 'streets, at
7:45 P. M., Sunday, will be observed
the David Campbell memorial service.
David Campbell met his death In the
service of the city, at a fire which
destroyed the TJnion OH Company's
plant, on June 26, 1911. He was for
many years one of the city's most
popular figures and in the circum
stances of his death he was nothing
short of heroic. Fittingly at this serv
ice. Rev. Delmer H. Trimble will take
for his theme "Heroism."
The Firemen's Band, one of the most
proficient musical organizations in the
Northwest, which toured the East last
year, will be present in uniform, in full
orce of upwards of 30 pieces and
render the following programme:
March. "Love and Glory" (Lee Orean
jSmlth); medley selection. "Gospel
Hymns" (David Bnowberger): "Spring
onC (Edward Bergenholtz) ; march,
"Cavalry. Commander"- .(Herbert I
Clark). The choir will sing . "Rejoice
in the lrd" XEIvey).
The firemen who are at liberty will
attend the service, and the general
public is invited. The theme of the
morning service will be . "Christ Our
Rev. 3. J. Staub, D. D., .pastor of the
Sunnysida Congregational Church, wiW
leave for his vacation on July 1 for
Long Beach, Wash. Dr. George E.
Faddack, Home ' Missionary superin
tendent for Oregon, will preach for
Dr. Staub for the first part of the
mo run.
'Second Coming of Christ''
to Be Topic of Sermon.
Dr. Hlnaon Also Will Discuss Q.neaa
tlon "Can a Man Come Hack f"
White Temple tin arret to Sing at
Both Services..
TODAY at the. White Temple, Dr.
Hinson will preach in the morning
on "The Second. Coming of Christ" A
preacher recently said the doctrine of
the second - coming always split
churches, but when every New Testa
ment writer alludes to it and mention
of It is made in every 30th verse of the
New Testament it would appear as
though it were of more Importance
than some people Imagine. At this
service the Temple Quartet will render
the anthem, "Brightest and Best of the
Sons," by Dudley Buck, and Mrs. Paul
ine Miller Chapman will sing as an
offertory, "O Divine Redeemer," by
GOunoa. i
At night, when the service commences
at 7:45, Dr. Hinson will discuss the
question so often asked, "Can a Man
Come Back ? " 'He will base his re
marks upon a life of which many
know too little, where a man tried
hard, but found he could not "Come
.Back." The Temple Quartet will sing
at night the anthem "There is an Hour
of Hallowed Peace," by Barnby, and the
solo, "God's Promise," by Abt will be
sung by Mrs. Chapman, while Mrs.
Hutchinson will be heard in "The
Light of Heaven's Own Day," by
Brlggs. : At this service the ordinance
of believers' baptism will be adminis
In the morning the Sunday school of
the First Baptist Church meets at 10
o'clock, under the superintendency of
Frolessor Wilder and classes are pro
vlded for all. In the evening the
young people or the church meet in
the lower Temple.
Tomorrow Dr. Hinson will start for
Los Angeles, where he will make two
addresses at the Baptist Young People's
Union Convention, which is in session
in that city. Next Sunday he will oc
cupy the pulpit of the First Baptist
Church of Los Angeles. His place in
the White Temple will be filled by
Rev. Dr. Da vies, of the First Baptist
Church, of Spokane.
a a a
The congregation of the Methodist
Episcopal Church of Knappa, Or., wel
comed Its pastor, Rev. W. F. Powell
and his bride at an elaborate recep
tion on Tuesday night The wedding
of the popular couple took place in
Eureka, Utah, the home town of Mrs.
Powell, formerly Miss Grace Younsr-
strom. Last Sunday Rev. J. W. Mc
Dougall preached in the Knappa church
and while the Powells were in Portland
they were entertained by Rev. Mr. Mc
DougalL a a a
Beginning Sunday evening the Kenil.
worth Presbyterian, the Clinton Kelly
iethodlst Episcipal and the Tabernacle
b vptist churches will hold union Sun
day evening services as follows: Junei
28, at the Clinton Kelly Methodist
Episcopal, East Thirty-ninth street and
Powell Valley road. Rev. J. C. Tib
betts preaching; July 5 at the Kenil
worth Presbyterian, East Thirty-fourth
and Gladstone avenue. Rev. John Par
sons, preaching; July 12 at the Taber
nacle Baptist East Forty-first street
and Holgate avenue, Rev. L. K. Rich
ardson preaching; July 19 at the Kenil-
worth Presbyterian, Rev. J. C. Tibbetts
preaching; July 26 at the Clinton
Kelly Methodist Episcopal, under the
auspices of Anti-Saloon League; Sep
tember 6 at the Tabernacle Baptist
Rev. John Parson preaching; Septem
ber 13 at the Clinton- Kelly Metho
dist Episcopal, Rev. L. K. Richardson
Mrs. A. P. Lange, of Piedmont Presbyterian Church, Divides Members Into Groups of Ten Each and Holds Contests in Which Merit Marks Are Awarded, Based on Attendance, Collec
f tion, Discipline and Proficiency in Work "On to 150 Membership" Campaign Begins Speakers Address Class.
I , " " - " -
First Row, Left to Hlght Borjcnrd, Burton, Dougherty, Fuller. Burton, I.alrd,
McDonnld. Mason. Wolfer, Snyder, Stevenson, McAndle, Gueren, Wright.
Mcintosh. Johns, Burton, Hogio, Stevenson, Williams and Masters.
Second Row Baker. Hanks. Bolton. Chamberlain, Marshall, Dougherty, Hoff
man, Kennedy, Fallett, Clark. Mrs. Lange, Chase, Reed, Weston, Miller,
Beard, Frissble, Browa, Trowbridge, Digmaa and Parkhurst.
Third Row Borgard, Berkley. Tatro. Ehrlinger, Lawrence, Carlson, Phillips,
Lamar, Fairfax, Lawrence, Staton. Lange, Stewart, Gnerrs, Bnrgard,
Frlszbic Snyder, Woodruff and lot.
HE departure of Mrs. A. P. Lange,
of 1106 Rodney avenue, walnut
Park, who expects to accompany
her husband and family to New York
City on July 1. is a cause of sincere re
eret In the Piedmont Presbyterian Sun
day school, where she has been a teach
er for some time. Possessed or unusual
ability and attractiveness, Mrs. Lange
has shown a power of organization and
persistency of purpose such as have
never been equaled in the conduct, of
Piedmont Sunday school.
An unique system of dividing her
class into groups and having a merit
and contest markings has resulted In
remarkable success in the young men's
class, of which she has been teacher,
during the first year of the system.
MnvLaose tooK, coarge oi me .uaw
Ce ntral rCJjrjS'tian
'father G.ft &7acX,
Christian Yoga Meet to Dis
cuss Church Doctrine.
Four States to Be Represented In
First Conference of This District
Opening In Central Building at
10 o'clock Today.
THE first annual convention of
Christian Yoga for this district
which includes Oregon, Washington,
Idaho and Montana, will convene to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock, at the
rooms of the local society in the Cen
tral building.
The first public session, will be held
Monday evening at 7:45 in the Women
of Woodcraft Hall, corner of Tenth and
Taylor streets. All public sessions are
free and special musical programmes
have been provided for each session.
There will be vocal solos by Robert
Burton, Miss Anna Priske, Mrs. Frank
M. Purse and Miss Ethelred McElhinny,
with piano selections by Mrs. D. T.
Hunt and Miss Elna Anderson.
At the Monday evening session Frank
O. Garrison, minister of the local cen
ter, will give the address of welcome
to the delegates and .people. Ralph M.
de Bit editor of the Christian Yoga
Magazine, will speak on the "Christian
Yoga Movement and Its Healing Mes
sage." There will also be an. address
by A. K. Mozumdar, founder of the
work in America.
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, the Rev.
Ralph M. de Bit will speak again on
"Why Christian Yoga Is the Unifying
of All Presentations of Truth." Tues
day evening at 7:45 the principal lec
ture will be by A. K. Mozumdar, whose
one year ago. At that time it had a
membership of 20 young men and
boys. Immediately she divided them
into groups of 10 each. She appointed
a captain to preserve discipline and a
censor, or secretary, to record mark
ings for each group. .
By this original system Mrs. Lange
has increased the class membership
from 20 to 72 students, with an aver
age attendance of 90 per cent. The
scholars average 15 years in age
Contests are held at different times
for which the successful group is
awarded some useful article. Mark
ings determined the winning team.
These were made- on the following
basis: Attendance, 25 per cent; collec
tion, 20 per cent; discipline, 25 per
cent; proficiency in class work, 30
per cent.
Speakers are Invited to address the
L.-. .a-la... iSiyy-yn-tJ' i 1 aassaaasssaasasasassssaaa.aaassasa-.
' V TO
Church of the. ,.
(Calvary Ftessiyterjan.
Rev. J. E. Snyder, pastor of Pied-
moot Presbyterian Church, Is ona of t
. tha leading religious workers in the f
Rev. J. H. Black, of St. Francis
Catholic Church, is an eloquent
Father George L. Thompson is
the popular priest in charge of the
parish of the Church ot the Made
leine. He, has increased greatly the
strength of his palish.
Mrs. C. A. Ward is president of the
Central Christian Church Sisterhood.
Rev. R. N. McLean Is pastor of
Anabel Presbyterian Church. .
topic will be I'The Master Spirit." These
lectures aim to give as complete an
outline as possible of the message of
Christian Yoga, which, they say, is a
clear and understandable statement of
the relation of man to God and the way
to find him.
a a a
The Congregational Ministers' Asso
ciation of Portland and vicinity held a
session Monday, the final meeting be
fore vacation. G. N. Edwards retires
from the presidency and J. R. Knodell,
of the Laurelwood Church, was elected
to All - the position. Rev. Frank W.
Gorman, of the Atkinson Memorial
Church, again was elected as secretary
and publicity man for Congregational
Ism. a a a
The Sunday school of St James'
Church observed children's day last
Sunday. The music and the exercises
were pleasing and the attendance was
good. F. J. Gutb, superintendent of
the school, presided.
If I
Jfysf A. J? si?e:
class at various times and this also hai
assisted in good attendance and pro
ficiency. The class is now engaged in
a "On to 150 Members" campaign.
Rev. J- Ea Snyder, . pastor of the
v: .7V. Ma. Le art.,
7e a'byt e ri&n .,
J-'j'e. dm on
Mrs. Pageler Heads Mission
ary Society.
Hlaa Emllle Welskotten, W ho Is
Home From Work In India, Gursl
of Rev. J. Allen Leas.
EV. J. ALLEN LEAS has returned
from the synodical meeting at
Bellingham, Wash, and will occupy his
pulpit morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Pageler, who at
tended the meeting of the Pacific
Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church at Bellingham, Wash., returned
last week. Mrs. Pageler was elected
president of tne Missionary Society.
This society is constituted of societies
from Oregon. Washington, California
and British Columbia. The interest of
the society was much enhanced by the
presence of Mrs. J. H. Harpster, who,
with her late husband, spent more
than 20 years as missionary in India,
and Miss Emilie Weiskotten. who was
for a time "supported by St James'
congregation and who has charge of
the caste girls' school in Rajahamun
dry, India.. Mrs. Harpster and Miss
Weiskotten were both entertained
while in this city, at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. Leas at 287 West Park street
Miss Weiskotten is
Philadelphia, where she will rest for a
year before returning to her work in
the foreign field,
a a a
Rev. Mrs. C. J. Larsen. from Seattle.
Wash., and her three gifted daughters
will be participants in the evening
service at the Vancouver-avenue
Church, on corner of Skidmore street.
Piedmont Prenbyterian Church, will
succeed Mrs. Lange as teacher of the
The Universalist Church, at Broad
way and . Kast Twenty-fourth streets,
lives up to its name as one of the most
inclusive and inspiring reiigious forces
in the city. In addition to the kindly
and instructive sermons of the pastor.
Dr. Corby, the best speakers who come
to the city for conferences or other
gatherings-are invited to speak. While
the pastor is deservedly popular and
the congregation always receives a
feast when he speaks, he encourages
his people to hear other leaders, invites
them to the Universalist Church and
shows them that their liberal faith has
Song anticipated that which Is presented
and that Universalism includes all that
is best in religion, philosophy and psy
chologv. Dr. Corby has invited Rev.
John W. Ring, of San Diego, one of
the speakers at the New Thought con
ference, to assist in the service this
morning at 10:30 o'clock. The organ
recital and children's choir are fea
tures of the early part of the service,
With Dr. Richard C. Cabot's book,
"What Men Live By as the inspira
tion. Dr. Luther R. Dyott will speak
tonight on "Play" at the First Con
gregational Church. This Is the sec
ond of the Berie&i the first of which wu
Sunday evening. A eervli-a of more
than ordinary Interest has been ar
ranged, all In the Kngllsh languasre,
and a large attendance Is expected. The
newly-elected officers of the Kpworth
League will be Installed, alno the new
Sunday evening UHliers. These are Carl
Riled, P. O Holmes, Ssnford Norby.
Andrew Elwlck. The Erworth Loarue
officers are Andrew Elwlck. Julian
Pedersen. Mrs. Verelde, Esther Bkog
seth, Edith Jones, Henry Mithoug. Ma
belle Jones and Mrs. Petersen.
a a a
The Rev. J. Richard Olson, pastor of
the Immanuel Lutheran Church. Nine
Services in City Churches
Kirt. White Temple. Twelfth and TaTlor
streets Pr. W. B. Hinson, pastor, in. HIMe
school; classes for all ses: 11, preaching
by IT. Hinson: theme, "The 8eod Coming
Of Clirisf; Sun, B. V. P. U.i T:.-. preach
Ing by Pr. Hinson; theme, "lis a Mas
Come Back?"
Kast Side. East Twentieth and Ankeny
streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 10. Sua
flar school; 11, preaching by lha pastor;
theme, "Kalee Ptandards" : 6:A B. T. P.
V. : 7:;lO, preaching by tha pastor; theme,
"Self -Mastery."
Highland. Alberta and East Sixth streets
North Rev. Charlea B. Elliott, pastor. :.
Sunday school; It preaching by the pastor;
theme, "Where Is Christ Noarf: SO. H. T.
P. ir.: 7:30. preaching by tha pastor; thsme,
Perfectly Satisfied,"
Arleta Rev. W. T. a Bprtsss. pastor.
9:45. 8unday school; 11, preaching by the
pastor; theme. "Home Reaaona for Worship
ing Cod": :13. B. T. J. U.I 7:0, preach
ing by the pastor; theme, "Not Kar From
the Kingdom."
Kail rortr-flfth mreet Rev. A. B. Walts,
pastor. 9:45. Sunday school; 11, preaching
bv tha pastor: theme. '8omethlng for Fu
ture Generatlona to Io"; .M B. V. P. !'!
7:no. preaching br tha pastor; theme. "A
Man Who dot What Ha Wished For."
Third Knott street and Vancouver ave
nue Kev. w. J. Beaven. pastor. 9:45. Bun
day achool; 11, preaching by tha pastor;
theme. "Jesus the King"; a no, B. T. V. t'.l
T:30. preaching by the pastor; theme, "The
Struggle for Ufa."
Calvary Rev. Walter Puff, pastor. US,
Sunday school: 11. preaching by the pastor;
theme, "The Seventh Man"; :4S, B. . P.
lT.; 3. Juniors; 7'4i, preaching by tha pas
tor : theme. "A World-Wide Hospef
Tabernacle Rev. J. Clark Tlbblts. pastor.
Preaching. 11 and 7:45; Bible achool, 9:43;
B. Y. P. U- :.
Lents Kev. J. at. Nelson, pastor. It,
preaching by tha pastor; :jo, B. t. P. I).;
7:30 preaching services; 10, funds school.
Italian Mission, East Eighteenth and Tie
betta streets Rev. Francesco Hannella, paa.
tor. IO, Sunday achool; 11, preaching serv
ices; 7. psstors circle f prayer service); a
preaching service; 10:30. short sermon for
English-speaking people; T:30. preaching.
bt. Johns Rev. JC P. Borden, pastor.
Services, 11 and a.
Klmo Helghta, Lenta Sunday school. j:30
Swedish. Fifteenth and lloyt streets
Rev. V. Linden, pastor. Preaching, 1U:4
and 7:30: Sunday school, VI noon; B, T. P.
U., -
University Park Rev. A. C. Saston, pas
tor. Sunday school, 10; 11. preaching by
the pastor: 30. B. T. P. U.i J Jl). preach
ing by the pastor.
Second. German. Morris street and Bodney
avenue Rev. Frederick Ruerrmen. pastor.
Sundav school. 9:43; preaching. 11 and 7:30;
B. Y. P. U.. :4S.
Grace. Montavllla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:43; services, 11 ana
8; B. y. P. C 1.
Mount Olivet, Seventh and JSverett streets
Rev. W. A. Msgett, pastor. Bervlcaa, 11
and R; Sunday school, t?:S0.
Chinese Mission, 858 Burnside street Run
day school, 7; J. G. Malone, superintendent.
Russellvllle schoolhouse, under auspices of
Grace church, Montavllla Sunday eehool,
First, German. Fourth and Mill streets
Rev. J. Kratt, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:80;
Sunday achool, 9:43.
Sellwood. Eleventh afreet and Taeoma ave
nue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching.
11 and 7:10; Sunday achool, 10; B. T. f. C,
St. Michael's (Itallsn), Fourth and Mill
rrMt, leanlt Fathers. Low luass. 8:80;
high mass and sermon, 10:Ml; vespers and
benediction, 7:30.
uoiv Crou ITnlversltv Park Rev. C. R.
Finner. Low hum. 8:80; high maaa and
ermon. 1n:30: vesDers and benediction, 4.
Ascension, East Seventy-sixth and East
Morrison streets Rev. James B. 1 nspetrics,
r hi, mass a: hlah mass and sermon.
10:3O: Sundav achool. W:30: benediction of
the blessed sacrament, 7:80; weekdays' maaa,
on her way to,0"- . . .. ...
nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly.
Low mass. 0, 8 and 9; high mass and ser
mon. 10:30- vespers and benediction. 7:0.
St. Francis', East Twelfth atreet between
Pine and Oak Rev. Father Black. Low
mass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10:W; ves
pers. Instruction and benediction. 7:30.
Holv Rosary. East Third and Clackamas
streets Very Rev. H. H. Kelly, O. P. Low
mass, a. 7. 8 and 9; high masa and sermon.
given UHt Sunday on "Work." Next
Sunday Dr. Dyott will speak on "Lov,
and on July 12, "Worship" will be the
"A church family" service will be
held In the church once a month. Bible
study Is followed by & social hour.
Professor and Mrs. Frederick, of the
Pacific Lutheran Theological Semin
ary, will move to Seattle about the first
of July. Professor Frederick has made
arrangements for their realdence In
one of the seminary buildings on the
site of the new Institution near the
University of Washington.- The Rev.
F. W. KUnglnsmlth, of Livingstone.
Mont, was called by the Hemlnsry
Board as professor of Hebrew and Old
Testament theology. Professor Klln
ginsmlth has been spending a fw
years In Montana for his health. lfn
was assistant professor of assyrlology
In the University of Pennsylvania for
several years prior to his coming West.
The Rev. F. W. Bussard. of Belling
ham, has been railed as financial agnt.
The Brotherhood- of HU James Lu
theran Church had an Interesting
meeting Wednesday night and decided
on contlnuig the regular meetings
through the Bummer months. The so
ciety appointed a committee to arrange
for a boat excursion la July.
teenth and Irvine; atraeta, will l.ivt
on July 1 with tha Oreson Naval Mm
tla. of which ha la chaplain, on t'.
cruise to tha Hawaiian IslanOa. ) ill
na sons three weeks. Kev. Herman
Lind, rerentlv of Ttrnmi. How nrtM
here, will nil the pulpit 1.rlTi
Olson's absent. lr. A. K.tnvr. ;
Augustan Coileaa and The'Uuilu4l
Kemlnary. Rock Island. 111. will nK
at tha evening aarvlce today.
Tha Luther League of PL Jeyuya
Lutheran Church will hold an old
faahloned Ice cream aoctal on tue imu
sonage lawn Monday night.
It; viw M bentxllrtlofi. T . On ti.
flmt Punrlty of thm mHtlh !- ittvMlfu,
prtnun snl hndtrlton, ?..10. third SuTtdav,
tfrtnnB, prncMBlfft nf t h fnnl !, -rmnt
And tnt!M-1lon. T ft'. rr Thtm
4my vninc. half hour, fmm T t ft v
St. Andrtv!. Kut Ninth mr4 Altn
Strvvt K. ThARMi kurturi. !- ,.
S; high m mn4 Hrmu, 9mr
tmotlos ud banMlirtlfMt. T so.
St. Urr'a, Third n4 Shrtms mirim
-. J. H. Hugh. Lew mM. S S 4
hlsh mans and Mnrnm, 0 S; Ypr .
tructlna and hn1 tr-lio, T
Hi. Marr'f rr-rthjrl, rtftMiia r4
Davis t rMtt -M ft. Brr. A. Cir.t, IX O.
Uw mas, , d Mh snM and r.
mnn, 11 : vvsprst Instrwriioa mA hAi
tlon, T 41
St. pif'r-f'Hinli ae1 Arn-1
Crnllu A. slabr. Uv mam. ftti hir
dun and MrniM. 10.IQ, ltvtntru
and hndieiloa, 4.
Holv Hx1fnr. lMrt land fMw1vftrd aedl
Williams tvMu RdmtArtit fffcef .
Rv. Jooph A. Cnspotaa, fwir. I-
and d; hih mmm and rmn, 19 SO; l.
diction. T Sw.
First. Turk and Oetwmhla .. M '
Hll. pwlir. Sundar -hl, in. . -'fM.-i,
R4aponattiiltri . 'X'ajwt I'rtlh Um'j 1 hrw.
tlaa K.adva)r, T.
Central, Kut Twmim h 4 Saim-it st.
S. H. Khtn, Mit. Hwn4-r lH
11. Th Mtitrm tit"; S, rd
Hoas; Chrtaiiaa Kodoavar, f
Montavllla. Kut avantr-ith aat ttrt
A, aparial snuatal programme, rm"l
thama. The A'ia-va and lwr af farrad
CHrUrriPtAlll 4M3I.M1C.
yirat. KrMt, hf waa 1: ihtafiii ad
Klnataanth atraata -mrlr II and ; m.
Jact af laann armtw hratl Slfia'i
Sunday arhao). s and 11, W.nM,r
avanlng; atrvKa, a
aarond. Woodman Hall, Kti si' h aai
Aldr airaala hanrlraa, 11 and s. auh'a. t M
laaann rmon, "t'hrlatlan ft. tti." ;
a hol. S.4a and H, Udnr1air aiiti
meatlns. a
Kounh. Vanronvar avanaa a 1 vmr'
traat Sarvlraa, 1 and , ftut'ia. I f l-a f
artnna, "Chrtatlan acianra"; atm1tv a
Hnlr at S: . Junior at 11, H 1niiar
vrntnc maatltif. ft.
mrih. Myrtle larlt Htt, Vrla l'aa
lion Hrl-a at II; ail)H;i nf itn r
mn, "'hr1t Ian Si n-a" ; humlit . hint),
.tt; Wvdnaadar evaulng mating m .
Flrat. Vmrk anrl Mnioa ?- U M l
ott, mlnltarr. ..-o. lihi -!. .). m ay v.
P S. C. K.; II. "Krulia rrtn i.if a I mn-i
of Prouila'; 7:4.".; "d's of V -
Highland. Kaat 8(ih and lr. at-ott- H-.
B. 8). Bollinger, r,"'- 1". undr .
11. "Tha C'nat af rnbalira; 7 .4 V " 1 ha
Changing Faahlons of Knigtoa"; ),
P. . C. K.
Atklnaon alrmorlal. Faat Tnlv-niM(h
and Kveratt Kav. K. W. (intrnm, N-if.
Hunday irhoAl, S.4f ; 'hr('iin Kni'- r,
S:l; 11. "Nutnra and lira. a", t.4."., " on-
earning I.lara.
hunnyalila. Kaat Thlrlr-ami and lair
Hey. J. J. Hlauh, paalr, 11. ' Tha nti-
t raining powar of "hrtt's l.ov; T ,4ft,
"Whrra Character la Mad": Sunday hoai,
10; Chrlatiaa Kndaavor, 4:34.
Trinity, Nineteenth sad Kvaratt airaa-e
P.C. Ir. A. A. Morrlann, Karvlra,
K It and S; Pundar achool, 4J. fj d -lowahtp
Soclaty. pariah hntiaa. rtnatoania
and Lavls atraeta. T to T:f-
t. Matthaw'a Haarrt.fl and rnrhatt rtraats
Hav. W. A. U. brack. vlax. Suodar
achool. 10: arvlca and armnn, 11.
I'm-Csthadral of Ht, Staphan. Thirteenth
and Oay at rela Bev, 14. M. Hamper, dean.
Holy eucharlat. T .JO; Sunday achool, lit,
morning arvlca, 11; aranlng nl. 1.4ft.
Chur h of Our savior. HUHath avenue and
fort) -Aral atrvat Sutheaat, Wowdeio fe
tter. E. If. 'larka, vicar. Servlcea, S and
1 1, alo third Sunday In month, al T .3.
Hundar achool, 10.
St. Michael's and AM Angela. U road ay
snd Eat Thlrty-elBhih etreat Nrth 4iev.
T. K. Bow en, vicar. Sunday achool. I;
morning eerv Ice, 11; evening aarvlea, f 4A;
holy communion, first Sunday, 11; third Sun
day. 1:Jfl,
AH 8a I nt a. Twentf-flfth snd ftarier atrae
preacher. Hunday achool. 1o; morning prater
and Mrmon, 11; relehratlon of lha hlv
communion lha flrnt Sunday In tha mom S
at 11 and the third iil)f at M.
Oreca Memorial, W'aldier and TCaet Sav
entaenth atreets North Her. (leorva I mn
Wat era, ri tnr; Hav. Oeaald W. Jat lor,
vicar. Holy communion, b; Sunday achool,
10; morning eervlre and Hrmmt, II, ae
evening aervlce.
St. 1'suls, Woodmara SJee. (teasl W.
Taylor, rector. Sunday school, m avanintl
prayer snd Mrmon, 4.
iood Shaphard, O re m atreal and Van
rouver avenue ne v. John l-awan, re tr.
Sunday achool, p 4r; morn I tig arvlca, 1 1 .
evening eervice. TrAi.
St. Andrew'e, lortamotlh. ofth af
bard Btraet and Of 1 4 n piiIHe tehAol
Sarvlcaa, 1 :3f. ld:.4t, II and ft. .eder
ohool. Id. Tha new ve1xl rhor pn(
pe tal mute. The vlrar, l", M. Haum, a ll
preach an tlmelv lopira,
Ht, David '. raat TaeffiH and ietmoat
etreafa K-T. . H. Ta'ot. re t-f . eel.
e bra Don of holv aurhanat; IV ftunday
achool; 11. morning prrr and iimo
St. John a Mllaauklo liev. John It. I- tea,
vicar. rraver, a; holy commwitlan, S
flrt Sunday of month.
Blah op Mnrrl Memorial 'hapel, Oood
Samaritan Moaitta Me yrdrt k K 14"-.
ard. chaplain. It oiy rmmun ion, 1 , aaspere,
St. Math a. lnt flr-i and Mar ei
atreata Itev. J. 14. impt-n, aotor. T
holy eucharlat; 9 4, Su dav e hool . 10 l -,,
matlne and litany, II, hm urha1al ead
aermon; avanlrg eong and Mrwn, ft
St. John a. Sellwood Hev. 4h O TA tea,
vicar, a. hoiy communion, awapt oa flrat
Sunday of month; 10, Sunday ahooi ; 11,
mominr f"iir; 7 lo, evening prarer; soiy
eommnnlnn fl"t Sujidar f mo.H,
Swadiah eervtcea ill hid ne
Methodat Chun h In O -" 1 in annov
afterntwa at Z 9 rlooa, with tha Sev. Jiha,
UvaJI preach Irg, ard at inc" ac St t ha
aame Sour with lha Rev, f J. St, e( frart
land, preaching.
hT urn A X.
M. Jamea KntMih, Wet Vmtk a1 J-f
fereon Hev. J. A. ieo. pei.r. ftrtr-ra tl
and i; Sunday a h 00 1 , 10. ithr f.
Portland Norwegian. 4A Nrt h, "out i-nih
Kev. Dlimir l.araen. pimr. Mfvhi II
and T 4. ; Sunday a hool. 1i.
St. Paui'e l.erman, Kt Tatfth and
ton K-v. A. Krauee. sator Sunrt r a tol.
9.:tO: ffetlvel aervlcaa. 1 " a'-Q n-
evening service; HtMa eaou, Thurprtaiv, ft.
First, Third and T'r Hev r. I.. t,ov
Istid, nilnlfttr 30, r ae; l":f , MM""t
From the Life of a lawgiver"; 12 I ft, en,
day at-hool; S U, Ft or III leje, 1
"The Sanity ef a SaJnl."
Roaa lty far a. IWo Ot y fprfc l..t.
houa -Rev. W. W. Vntingann, mlhlir a
Hundar fhool; II. MTh bile -f il fttMin '.
f:4 "The Heal r,r Rpii,,,,,,'
Punnyplde. f act Thirty. fifth and lemhUt
Rav. R K'mtr Smith. pa"t.r s i;.. ftn.ipy
p.-hool : ll, ".lepue snd th t oipwh Te..p
7:4B. Tho Uimi af life". S., p,potth
Centenary, Eftt Ninth end fine R r.
H. Trimble, mm later II. aarmon . T 1
( onciitded on F 1 1