The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, SECTION FIVE, Image 57

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Always Sold for $45.00 and Worth It.
These Rugs Are
Beautiful in Abearance. Soft and
I iiYHi-imi tn the Tread. Verv Durable and Posi
tively the Best Value You Have Heretofore Seen at a Pnce Like This
This is- a most unusual offering in itself, so great a bargain. you. can ' well attend this sale. e e the
What the Illustration
Cannot Convey-'
rr-i .. i . - wfl. fimwn from & Dositlon looking
down on the rug. and will give you a Blight Idea of
how the rug- will look when lying on the floor of
your llvingr-roora or dlnlnr-room, but It cannot portray
the quality of the texture or the manner In which the
rugs are woven, or the colorings as they blend into
each other. These you must actually see to appreci
ate, and. when you look these rugs over, no matter .
how critical you may be, you will be forced to concede
that rugs of the quality and beauty of these are worth
much more than the price named above.
The Texture Is of
the Finest Wilton-- .
Wilton, as you know. Is the
most serviceable floor covering-
that you can place on
your floor. It is not only the
most durable fabric, but is
easily kept clean and does '
not show foot prints as other
rugs do. This particular rug
is very closely woven and
comes in a variety of choice
designs and colorings, and we
consider it one of the best
values we have ever offered.
You Are
Welcome to Credit
Our "Dignified Credit Plan" provides for 5
every household want, and, even at the very
. special price at which this rug has been
marked for the week, it can be obtained on
easy weekly or monthly installments. , Such
service as this will surely appeal to those
. who desire merchandise of the better grade
but are not prepared for the cash outlay
just come in and select the .rug, you want..
Tell the salesman to "charge it": the pay
ments will not inconvenience you In the least.
Same Rug
8-3x10-6 Size
t 85
Reduced From $39 Thia Week Only
For those desiring a smaller rug than the 9x13
size we have included in this offering a goodly
quantity of the same patterns measuring 8-3 by
10-6. These rugs are of the same high quality,
and come in beautiful patterns of Oriental, floral
and medallion effects. The wearing quality of
these rugs is unusual, as the closely-woven
fabric, and. quality of material used insures
years of service and. satisfaction, "
New Three-Room Outfit
The Furniture and Rugs
Included in These Three
Rooms Are as Follows:
consists of a 9 by 12 Brussels rug. a
large size library table, an arm
rocker, a pedestal, a settee and a
large comfort arm chair. Finished
in quartered oak and upholstered in
Spanish chase leather.
The furnishings of the dining-room
are of quartered oak finished fumed,
and consist of a 45-inch pedestal
table, four slip leather-seat dining
chairs and one arm rocker. Then
there is an 8-3x10-6 Brussels rug.
The ..chamber furnishings
Include a 7-6x9 Brussels
rug-, an all-brass bed and a
dresser table and chair,. all
of quartered oak.
7 7 - .A? C ...liltl.,,.. i; III
7000 People in Portland
Are Now Using the Highest Grade Range Made
A-B Sanitary Gas Range
Go into most any home nowadays and you will find in the kitchen an
A-B Sanitary, every one giving perfect service "d "hVL ",rf,5?Vnttaw
housewife. There is no waste-no d ssatisfactlon where the , A-B Sanitary
is placed. The range pictured here is one of the finest models. It has a
large lower oven, a broiler and a pastry oven above, all fitted with rust
proof linings Then the burner box, dirt trays, broiler and oven doors and
back are all of clean white porcelain. The black-enameled body, which
stands high from the floor, is an item not to be overlooked Ne ver needs
polishing, just clean with a damp cloth. This range is fitted with .the
automatic lighters and measures 46 inches in width.
A-B Sanitary Ranges Up From $16.50
Your Choice $
Two Library Tables That
Originally Sold for $22.00
Quartered fJak.
exactly as pictured that will
interest young couples just
m 4
starting up
and ready to
step into for
Extend You
Use of
-feaeaiaaaH '
A Scoop in Dresser Values
The Biggest and Best Dresser
Pattern You've Ever Known
Of at the Price
Think of buying: a full quartered oak.
large size. Colonial dresser at so low a
price as this. Is there any wonder that
people come to Powers for real values?
The case measures 42 inches in width,
and has a heavy French plate mirror set
in a wide frame. The scroll mirror stand
ards and base posts are of extra size and
add greatly to the appearance of the
piece. It is a regular 27.50 dresser which
has been marked for one week only at
this extremely low figure.
Never overlook the Powers
Store when seeking dresser
values. Nowhere else can
you do as well nor choose
from so great an assortment.
IttV a
Take your choice of these two splendid library
tables and pay us only S12.95. Both are built of
quartered oak tops measuring 42 and 44 Inches.
One a pedestal pattern, the other built on mis
sion lines with magazine ends. The construction
and workmanship are of superior quality, and,
at the price named, these tables are the great
est value we have ever offered.
35SSST rf"" : rvm -
Two Younjsters Revel in Country Pursuits In Three-Day Visit to Hood
River Three fish Prize Capture of Expedition.
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SOMU of the amusements which
Portland children nnd In the coun
try are illustrated by the experi
ences of Robert and Sarah Louise Koake
at Hood River. The children's father I
H. J. Roake, 6829 Fifty-eighth avenue
Southeast. Robert is three years and a
half old. Sarah Louise is five.
The children, accompanied by their
parents, went to the Home Apple Or
chards, owned by F. W. Buff, last May.
During their three days' stay they
fished, picked wild bachelor-buttons
and played with the pigs and duck.
The pigs were the chief attraction. Mr.
Roake says they begged to play with
them all the time. He feared the moth
er pig WDuld bite them, however, and
refused to allow them in the pin-pen
when he could not be near to protect
A flock of small ducks proved a
great attraction for Robert. He Insisted
on chasing them whenever he met them.
One day his mother saw him In pur
suit of the ducklings. They were too
small to run fast. They were flipphi
their wings and staggering down the
roed In a vain effort to escape.
"Robert!" she shouted. "What are
you doing to those ducks?"
"Nofing, mamma," he responded.
"Those nasty little ducks have been
chasing me all over the yard."
The children caught three small fish
while they were on the expedition.
Programme for Southern Oregon
Session Is Announced.
ASHLAND, Or, June 27 (Special.)
The following is the programme of the
Southern Oregon Chautauqua, for the
10 days. July 7-17, Inclusive: July 7,
Tuesday Concerts, Chicago Glee Club.
July . Wednesday Ministerial confer
ence of Southern Oregon. July . Thurs
day. Kansas day Mining Congress for
Oregon and California; lecture, Mrs.
Lillian Mltchner: reading. "Aunt Jane,
of Kentucky." Miss Edna E. Lowe. July
10. Friday, Grants Pass-Ohio day Min
ing Congress for California and Oregon:
Orants Pass day. programme by Grants
Pass talent; entertainment. Ash Davis,
cartoonist. July 11, Saturday, Iowa day
Reading, "Kentucky Cardinal." Miss
Edna E. Lowe: concert, Simpson Ladles'
Glee Club. July 12. Sunday Sunday
schools in the churches; morning wor
ship, union service: union young peo
ple's meeting: evening service, with
special music. July 13. Monday
"Worms Beneath the Bark." Charles H.
Plattenburg: concert. Dixie Jubilee
Singers. July 14, Tuesday Concerts.
Dixie Jubilee SingerSi July, y,
Wednesday Cnnoerla. Katelle GraT
Company. July 1. Thursday. MortforJ
day Programme by Medford talt-nt;
lirltnores clrcua. July 17. Frldav
Programme furnished bv Federate
Women's Clilba: "Panama -ParlOc repo
sition." Pr. Frederick Vlnlna Fierier,
official representative of the eipoaltlon.
Clackamas Pioneer of 1J Tsaaea
at Floda ( II Years,
At 7:3" Tueaday night Mrs. William
Enunctt died at her home in Hatara-la.
Mrs. Emniett wil In her 7th year.
Old age caused ner death.
Sho waa one of th early Clackamas
County ploneera. having croaaed the
l) ul in In ox team with her paranla
from Mianourl In lMl and located ner
nrnon City, Her malilen name waa
Mary Lamb, and about aha mar
ried Isaac Htormer. of the then reon
Territory. Later she married William
She had eight children, five of whom
survive her Frank Htormer, of Giant
County: Abe Stormer. of Mc.Minnvllle;
John Htormer. of Katacada; Mrs. M
Anderson, of Bend, and Mrs. M. Han
dle, of Tillamook.
The funeral waa held at the !,ona
(Ink Cemetery, at F.Marada, Thiiranay
afternoon. Hirvliea were conducted at
Xbe Christian Church, . . . .