The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Page 12, Image 56

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$17,000 EXPENDED
t v unnrsw utttt t TV rnmPMrwT T
Hospital Erected and Exten
" sive Repairs Made to the
Old Buildings.
Paying Rent Is Improvidence,
: : Declares C. De Young, of
.Realty Board.
,V ; ft'
tiffin ?u
f .-1
i i. .
Argument That Insurance, Taxes, In.
. terest and! rpkeep Offset Value
, -' Discounted1 Time to Be
gin Never Too Iate.
Member Publicity Committee, Portland
xtealty iioaru.
T)o you own a home?"
" How often have you been asked these
Questions by a rriena or Yiaimr,
did you answer, with pride and satis
faction, in the affirmative, or were
you forced to admit that you were the
tenant, the slave to the landlord, the
Investor who utilizes his capital to
erect quarters for rental Income pur
poses, thereby extracting a goodly sum
of your nara-earnea aunt .. -
12 months of the year?
Too often we are told that it is
Cheaper to rent than to buy or own a
home. This is decidedly untrue, if due
. r, r, gi-.fui consideration
are displayed in the selection and pur
chase and tne location n cwuu uu..
ef a home.
Mnnfc WnnlTT Wasted.
I recall a conversation that I had a
few weeks ago witn a cerwin
his wife, who have lived In one house
for a period of 15 years, and for which
they have paid the sum of 30 a month
rent, or a total of $6900 for the entire
period. They told me that they had
k.iuv.. if tn h. cheaDer to
rent than to buy a home, adding that
they had been deceived wnn mo im
pression that interest, taxes, insurance
end upkeep on a home investment
.would consume practically all of a
monthly payment that would be made
Jn connection with the purchasing of
a home on monthly payment plan.
Just think of this enormous waste of
money. I have not had the time to
figure up exactly, but this same $6900,
payable the same as they paid their
monthly rent, after deducting interest
at the rate of 7 per cent per annum on
all deferred payments or principal, In
surance, taxes and a necessary amount
for the upkeep of the home during this
period, would have purchased a home
valued at about $3500. The building
might depreciate in value some during
this period, but the Increase in value
cf the lot would materially offset this
Opportunities Are Here.
n Portland Is the best place to start.
With all her surrounding beauties of
scenery and mild climate and with the
wonderful future n store for her. one
cannot conceive of a more desirable
place to make a home. It is a well
known fact that Portland Is an exam
ple to all other large cities of the
world for the ownership of homes. A
large percentage of its residents are
home owners. The opportunities here
for the man without capital to pur
chase or build a home are numerous.
Many companies and even private own
ers offer liberal terms to these buyers,
but care should be manifested by the
purchaser to deal with honest and reli
able agents or owners.
To those who through neglect, indif
ference, misunderstanding or misfor
tune have failed to apprehend the full
value and the beauties and content
ments of home ownership, much could
he said to Instill In the primitive na
tures of their humane souls the desires
and longings for the beauties and con
tentments which are manifest in the
Reasons Are Many.
We Bhould own a home, not merely
because It gives a vast amount of
prestige to the owner among his
friends and business associates. We
Bhould own a home, not merely because
we Intend making this city our per
manent home. We should own a home,
not merely because we can make a
fair profit on our investment, but we
should own a home because it means
the concentration of family savings,
which might otherwise be wasted. We
Fhould own a home, because it means
the happy medium In the home-loving
family. ,
We should own a home because it is
the greatest and best insurance for old
We should own a home because
we owe it to our family.
v. ..... t t. - i . .... r ...... t ATTRACTIVE SUMMER RESORT NEAR PORTLAND.
li 1b i ieAv f - ,i t 4 . " n , '.,i
?tJW r -vv vi ! -ew v - i - , :
4 -.- . s. TJ J- i Ttin Srn.1 x H' ? J - - v " 4
1 3oSS - jSSSai!si&LS- I
With interurban transportation over the big red car route along Fourth street es
tablished to Lake View, picturesque Oswego Lake is coming into its own as a Sum
mer home district and as a spot where picnickers forget the grind of paved streets
and the art of dodging automobiles.
$?iW' n ' if III t iff! -1
i'1' 5 Mi I I i v- - ' . f
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company has remodeled and enlarged Its Mount . Tabor exchange,
at the southeast corner of Belmont and East Fifty-fifth streets. The structure has been generally improved
at an expense of about $20,000. - '
Modern Apparatus Installed at
. Springfield.
Fuel Storage Bin Put in, Feed C3iutes
Changed, Automatic Dampers Are
Added to Furnish Supply for
Booth - Kelly Ml 1 1.
SPRINGFIELD. Or.. June 27. (Spe
cial.) Improvements and repairs which
have been in progress ror the past rive
weeks at the plant of the Oregon Pow
er Company here are now nearine: com
pletion and additional machinery will
be ready for use by the time tne opera
tion of the Booth-Kelly sawmill de
mands the additional power. The im
provements Include the construction of
a huge fuel storage bin and the instal
lation of a number of devices for mak
ing the operation of the machinery
more economical and safe.
Placing of the conveyor system be
tween the fuel bins and the boiler-room
was completed this week, and the ma
chinery will be given test runs early
next week. The fireboxes of all eight
of the boilers have been relined with
firebrick and the baffle walls repaired.
Chutes of uniform diameter have been
substituted for the tapering ones which
formerly carried the fuel from the con
veyor to the boiler. The old ones, on
account of their shape, frequently
Recently an automatic aamper regu
lator was Installed. This device pre
vents the steam pressure varying over
a pound and a half from the point de
termined 10 or 150 pounds as the case
may be. If the pressure rises above
151. the dampers are automatically
closed, and if the pressure drops, the
dampers are opened. In the engine
room this week an automatic feed
pump control was installed to regulate
the feed pump and insure a constant
supply of water in the boilers, no mat
ter what the demand.
Along with these improvements,
which are being made under the direc
tion of W. T. McCullock, recently ap
pointed chief engineer in charge of the
steam plants of the Oregon Power
Company, has been the repainting of all
machinery and the greater part of the
interior of the power plant.
These improvements, made in the in
terest of efficiency of operation,
demanded In a large measure by the
demand for power which will soon be
made by the Booth-KUy Company in
the operation of its mill, which is just
across the mill race from the power
house. The lumber company will re
quire from 1500 to 2000 horsepower
when the mill is in full operation,
JjaVe Lytle Beach Folk Preparing for
Visitors From the City.
(Special.) The season is opening up
with a rush. Many new cottages are
being planned for this Summer. A
charming' rustic cottage has just been
completed with a splendid fireplace and
chimney built entirely of cement brick
manufactured on. the place by Mr. Hart,
who has been wonting tits small plant
day and night to meet the demand.
Outlook Inn shows many new ar
rivals, among whom are: Mr. and Mrs.
Morris, of Portland; Mrs. Hugh Logan,
of The Dalles, and Miss May Enright,
of Portland.
Miss Enright has opened her new
beach cottage on the "Ridge" overlook
ing both lake and ocean.
The motor train operated four times
a day between Mohler and Tillamook
is greatly appreciated by the visitors
and affords great opportunities to the
disciples of "Sir Isaac," as It puts the
"fishing holes" of the Nehalem at their
cottage door.
A number of new pleasures boats
have been placed on Lake Lytle, and
the days the fish bite are eagerly
watched for. The numerous little
streams are well patronized, too., sinae
the local school has closed.
A beautiful new church is being built
near the beach. The stores are put
ting on a holiday air and everything
bids fair for a "full season."
The "G. A. R. special" passed up the
beach Friday morning with all its
stars and stripes flying.
Manager Prepares for Summer Vis
itors to Mountain Resort.
HOOD RIVER. Or., June 26. (Spe.
cial.) Dorsey B. Smith, manager of
the Tourists' Agency and Travel Bureau,
who will operate Cloud Cap Inn, was
in the city yesterday making prepara
tions for the opening of the hostelry
on July 1.
"The chef and corps of domestics
will pass through the city Sunday en
route to the inn," said Mr. Smith. "We
will put on an automobile stage line
from this city."
Mr. Smith is expecting the usual
large guest list from Portland and
Eastern cities. The inn, however, has
never been veYy popular locally. Mr.
Smith says that he will attempt to
induce Hood River folk to visit the
scenic point this year. Many in Hood
River have never traveled up to the
are Dase oi me iiwumaiu. i " j
base of the mountain
Its three miles of water" afford, pleasant and surprising scenic effects, its .Jm
ming features are unequaled anywhere, and when the big bas are biting, as tney
are right now, life among the cottagers at Oswego Lake bcrne . Five
pound bass have been common during the past week, and to add spice to tneir
Metxger A Goodklnd Arrange to Follow
System Successfully Used In East
In Selling Property.
Bringing the buyer and the seller of
real estate ' together at auction sales
rs to be the particular function of the
Metzger & Goodklnd Auction Realty
Company, which has Just opened of
fices In Portland. ,
The new company will investigate
listings Tth it and book them for
auction as soon-as they have passed
satisfactory, examination. An ' ap
praisement will then be made by reli
able real estate authorities and a
minimum price set upon the property.
The auctions are to be held at reg
ular intervals in the leading hotels of
Portland and will be conducted along
strictly business-like lines. Judging
from the frequency of inquiries and
property listings, the first sale prob
ably will be held within the next 60
Herman Metzger, the senior member
of the firm, has lived in Portland for
half a century, while R. H. Goodkind,
his partner, has been associated in
real estate work in Portland and other
Northwestern points for 20 years.
"We mean to bring buyers and sell
ers together who would not otherwise
know of each other's existence," said
Mr. Metzger yesterday. "We propose
to create a permanent real estate auc
tion market, thus Increasing the ac
tivity in Portland realty circles and
establishing a standard of values.
"This method of selling has long
been practiced in financial and Indus
trial centers, and no line of business
is better adapted to it than the real
estate business. Auctioning is the
coming thing in real estate In Port
land, just as it already is the thing
in the East."
McMinnville Commercial CInb Closes
Deal for Plant.
M'MINNVILLE, Or., June 27. (Spe
cial.) The local commercial club
having obtained a site for a cannery,
Messrs. Booth and Turner, of Eugene,
have closed a deal to have a building
.rsotui hprA tn be readv for the Fall
crop of vegetables and fruits.
The site seiecieu is near me iiiuuau.
Work will be begun within three
The cannery will supply a market
for all kinds of fruit and vegetables,
of which there is a large crop raised
In this county.
Faculty Members From Oregon Agri
cultural College to Give Instruc
tion In Poultry Raising
and Gardening.
Preliminary plana for the construc
tion of a new building, a hospital and
extensive repairs of the Frasler Deten
tion Home have been prepared by Da
vid Williams and work will commence
next month on the remodeling of the
old building of the institution.
The County Commissioners made al
lowance of 17,000 in the 1914 budget
for construction work at the Frasler
Home, and of th amount but 1600 has
been expended to date. Architect Wil
liam is donating his services to the
county, without compensation and the
advisory committee of the Juvenile
Court is assisting him.
The plans , provide for the construc
tion of a hospital constructed along the
lines of a portable building with com
plete lavatory and hospital equipment
At present there are two Inmates of
the Home, 111 from contagious diseases,
and danger of contaminating the other
47 children is apparent. Extensive Im
provements already have been made
since County Commissioner noiman
took office June 8, 1913. Mr. Hoiman
chanced to visit the Frailer Home a
few days after taking office and the
condition of affairs, he declared, was
Many Improvements Made.
"At that time." said Mr. Hoiman, "ln-
sufficent bedding was suppuea tne
youngsters and the sanitation was dis
gusting. The school room of the home
was between two dormitories and there
was no fire escape on the buiiaing.
The plumbing was leaky and refuse
was thrown out into the back yard.
Later I found that the fault lay with
the County Commissioners In that not
enough funds were allowed for main
tenance of the buildings. Juvenile
Judge Gatens has done all in his power,
but he had but a very small budget on
which to supply the needs of the
Artintr at the behest of the advisory
hoard. Judee Gatens has appointed Miss
Mariam Van Waters, as superintendent
of the home. The boys have Deen re
rolvlnr manual training from instruc-
ors of school district No. 1 and elemen
tary schooling from a district teacher.
Judge Gatens and Mr. Hoiman are mak
ing arrangements to nave rroressor
Evans of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, visit the home once or twice a
week and instruct the boys in garden
ing. At present all vegetables used at
the institution are raised in the gar
den by the boys under direction or
George Frazier.
Care of Poultry Will Be Taught.
Professor Dryden. of the Oregon Ag
ricultural College, who recently, at. the
request of Mr. Hoiman. instituted a
modern system of caring for poultry
at the poor farm, will teach the Fra
zer boys the proper methods of caring
for poultry.
Mr. Hoiman. has petitioned me ncnooi
Board to continue the morning sessions
of school at Frazer Home throughout
the Summer." "These boys are only at
the home for a short time and I believe
they should get all the training and
schooling possible while there." de
clared Mr. Hoiman.
The advisory board has requested tne
County Comrtjlssioners to purcnaee a
small tract of land adjoining the home
on the north for future use. The plans
for improvement Include the utilizing
of the attic for a dormitory to be used
by the delinquent boys. This will allow
the dependents to be separated from the
delinquent boys. The plans also pro
vide for the erection of a small build
ing where the delinquent girls will be
housed and where they may do the
laundrylng for the Institution.
Skate 700 Year Old.
Springfield. Mass., Republican.
In New Haven, Conn., there is exhib
ited the earliest known skate, roughly
fashioned out of the bone of a horse.
It is at least 700 years old, is abjut 12
inches in length and was found in an
excavation made in tne cuy or Lonaon
EUGENE Or.. June K. (Special.) The nw turtle Court prt-ment-house,
erected In Kuen at a cost of MO.OHO. thrown
open to the publlo last week. It Is the most modernlv eauli-ped
apartment-house In Eugene, with 24 two and thrwroom suits.
The building 1 considered a model for it typs of rchltertur.
One particular feature 1 It built-in equipment. The kltrhsn In
each apartment 1 a hug cabinet with vrn the lc chest an Integrsl
part. The bed not only fold up, but awing on hinge Into clothes
"Don't Walt I'ntll New Crop Are In
or Half Grown, and Then llnnale
With Old Tenant," la Advice Given.
In considering the purchase of a farm
most men overlook the Important ele-
tm. ,i -r t tit the year
when a farm can be bought mont ad
vantageously. 1 ne majority i
. ., . . .ki.P In linrinr or rail.
Dusy uii IN, u u u J ... . ... . ,
These are the two period of the year
when tarm Duying is mo uni
The nonresident owner of a farm
i i - ,.nt,r pari V In
usually ivr I
the Fall, for the tenant wlthfi to pre-
. - .i l- I ...... n Tha
pare ins tana lor inj roi ib
resident owner of a farm, a oon as
any portion of the crop 1 harvested,
begins preparation of the ground for
the succeeding year. In the Pprlng
usually half of the year' work has
been done on a farm and the owner or hnuid the farm be sold, wants
pay for the work he has put In.
The Desi possiDie iiui i
i - r . In tha months
ine purciiaBo - ... -
of July and August. In these month
the harvest is in progress or m tn..
. ,i ; ., iHai, hAjit bo that the
ftr, Bioiiuiiin ....... "
purchaser may see with his own eye
. . ... i l' I . K ,K
what tne lana win pruuuio.
harvesting of the crops the owner or
tenant has received pay for his year'
work and he I willing to ell the land
without asking any bonus for work
m, I. t..n.llna- shout rilvMtnC
1 11 CI P IB IIW ' "
t ho crop and no worry about the possi
ble yield or the vnlue of crop to bs
divided. The farm Is In th best possi
ble condition for changing ownerehlp
in juiy or aukusl. ii ......
hla L r I T i mnA Stork and
move away and the new owner can be
gin at once in prrpmrsnuo
for the.comlng year's cropping.
More Than $300 In Prlifi 4 Be Given,
and Award Will laelnde Trip 4
State Kxhlbltlona,
BUENA VISTA Or.. June 27 (Spe
cial.) Rule and regulation govern
ing the fifth annual school children's
fair, to be held September 17. IS and 1,
have been Bent out to the various dis
tricts of Polk County, and the pupil
of the Uuena Vista School are attempt
ing to win for the second time the Urat
prize for the best school exhibit.
In preparing article to be exhibited
each child must do all the work. In
gardening the ground may be prepared
by someone else, if delred.
In other work the parent may In
struct the cnua now io no m woi
fi-h dinners the visitor to the lake drop over
a .at aw rr.. i . :
During the past Winter all old logs and n wer removed from the
fleet of power boat and canoe now ply It waters.
vm -4-- -i -
but the child must be the one to art.
Every boy or girl In the county !
than It years old Is ellsthls to enter
the contest, which will b divided Into
three classes. Class A will Inrluda
thos between the ages of 14 nnd 1.
class II will Include all less than 14
year old. and class C will Inrluds those
less than 1 years old who have moc
than five months' training In domestic
science or mantis! arts.
More than t.tflU In prises I to be
riven at the fair thl Ksll. and th
children' department will draw a lsre
part. In special primes alone thsy am
to receive 1147. Th, child making th
lamest exhibit will a't 110. sa-rond Is.
The two boy making the highest
core on any two projects will be sent
to the Oregon IStste Fair for a week ss
member of the school rsnip. The boy
or girl msklng th hlahret score tn
each project In each class will receive
a one day' trip to the Mate Fair with
expense psld.
Clarke County ntcr Ulster Ir
Tlian Last Year for Krnsm.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. June it. (Spe
cial.) Th work tif the field Pi-poty
Assessor ha been completed end the
office force, und-r Assessor W. K. Mor
ton, I extending the rolls nd prepar
ing them for th Hoard of I'.quallsatlnn.
which meet August 1 for three weeks,
to take up complaints and allesed over
aament. The assessment nf the roimty I hla
year will probsbly b Usher than ever
before, and more money will b ta
b ralaed for county ri!ense. The
enormous um of $Mi.nOO will hsv to
be paid by the taipsyers this yesr.
There I hope that next )'sr th
assessment will be lower, and om are
o hopeful that they predict about 41
mills. Instead of 41 to to mills.
Gravel riant Heart) to Orwraie-.
OREOON C1TV. Or. June S7 li-e-clul.)
Two new gravel pli.nt" belona
Ing to the county will l.e put In !
eratlon th first of next werk. on lo
Inrsted at Hurton ami th other si
New F.r. The mschlnery Is on the
ground and hunkers, screening plsnts
and other equipment Is heln Inslsllert
The product t Itsrton Is s hliih r-1e
of cement prsvel snd at Sew Kr the
best quality of river gravel. The two
plants represent a total investment of
several thousend dnl.irs for mhtner
Puiikartls M I-otale- In Orrgoii.
I. W. Gray, represents! ivs nf tho
Oregon & Western I'olonUalion Com
pany t Redmond, 'r. returned In
Portland yesterday after stlen.llna
National convention of the liunhsrrts
at rleattle, wher he went to persuade
member of that organisation to settle
In (Vntrl Oregon. II" reports a largo
number of Immediate sales prospect.
Ilex. Mr. CN lo Ailtlrra Y. M. C. A.
Rev. H. L, d. pator "f the Kast
gill Friends' Church, will sneak at
th Portland Young Men a t'hilatlan
Association this afternoon st 1 14
o'clock. The meeting will be hsld In
the lobbv. The subject of th address
will be "Whst Is a Chrlstisnr' Th
Werren Platers' yuartet will sing.
th hill and rr.wflah
from th
lake, and