11 $20,0D0H0MESALE M. L. KLINE 84r8S-S7-S9 Front Street WHOLESALER OF "FAULTLESy PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLES (Trade Mark Bag.) S WEEK'S FEATURE Irvington Scene of Several Brick Structure Will Be Five Large Residence Deals During Present Year. Stories Higi and Have Hundred Rooms. The best QUAL1TT in Plumbini? und lloatinj it essential for Economy and Health. "When the Plumber furaitthes you with our "FAULTLESS" Plumbinsj ami Hoating .Material jou are assured of perfect satisfaction. $35,000 HOME IS ORDERED ALBANY THE STHfDAr 0REG0NIA3T. PORTLAND. JUXE 29, 19U. fjORlH BEHD PLAHS LABGE THEATER AND OFFICE BtniiSINGS 'WILL ADJOIN EACH OTHER, j SlDaOOOHOSTELRYir - - -7 7:--- J 1 ws;? --s Safe . - T"""iw - : I I SCHOOL - LOOMS Lit iiHT ,3S - . M - . I V Contract Is Let for $SC,84 Cltj Hall Clatsop Oownty Ortfcvs. live. Steel Bridges Eaodos Eosy With Btrifdin; Plans-. Plans are being formulated for the construction of a modern hotel build ing at North Bend that wHI cost around J 100,000. It is proposed to build a structure five stories high, with, 10T rooms. Brick and mill materials win be used. George Courtney, of North Bend, ia in charge of the project. The site for the building already has been selected. Charles H. Burggraf. an Albany ar chitect, has been commissioned to draw mans ancf specifications for tne pro- pased new Juvenile high school to be built at Albany. The building probably will be two stories and basement, of concrete and brick construction, wltn an exterior of pressed brick and will cost aDDroxlmately $50,000. It will contain 12 class rooms, in addition to an assembly room and manual training and domestic science rooms. Bids for the work will be called for upon com pletion of the plans In about 30 days. Mr. Burggraf is also finishing plans lor the erection of a $500Q four-room school building to be built at Peoria, Or. . Klamath Cltr Hall Contract Let. The contract for the erection of the City ball building; at Klamath Fall has been let to Coffer Brothers, of that city, at a figure of $36,894, pursuant to the decision of the council, lae bias re cently were opened. Five Bridges Projected. The Countv Court of Clatsop County Inst week awarded contracts for the construction of five steel bridges ac cording to clans designed by the Ore gon State Highway Commission. The Portland Bridge Company, of Portland, submitted the lowest total bid, $18,500. and received the award. Two of the structures will be 125 feet in length. two 80 feet and the fifth t8 feet. Bandon Will Rebuild. Property owners in the business dis trict of Bandon are planning to re build the burned-over territory of. that town with tlreproof construction. Two two-story concrete structures are al ready scheduled for erection on First street, between Bandon and Cleveland avenues. Warehouse Going I p at Marshfleld. A warehouse, 206 by 7S feet in ground area, is about to be erected, at Marsh field for the C. A. Smith Company. portion of the building, is to be divided Into office rooms. Three Bar Let ta One- Day, The Redmond Hub reports, that one of the choicest business locations in that small Oregon town changed bands three times in one day this month. The McCaffery & Burdlck offices are located on the site. "In the beginning a half interest in the property belonged to Mr. Moore,' runs the story. "Ha sold to Mr. Anderson, and when that deal was closed, Mr. Lennon bought Mr. An derson's interest. School Goina Up at Gervaia. Fred A. Legg, an architect of Port land and Salem, ha3 awarded the con tract to Engstrom & Stewart, of Salem, for the construction of a two-room frame school building at Gervais, Or. The building will have concrete foun dations. The cost is approximated at $2500. MANY PERMITS AKJS ISSLKD I'rauiu Dwellings Hanging From , $1500 TTp Are to Be Constructed. These building and repair permits, calling for expenditures of between $1000 and $2000 each, were issued by the inspector of buildings during the past week: S. G. Latbrop Erect one-story frame dwelling, Kills, between East Twentieth and East Twenty-second; builder, same; 31.100. . A Riffle Erect one-story frame dwelling, Buffalo, between Williams and Vancouver; builder, E. C. Dunning; SloOO. C E. Applegate Erect one-story frame dwelling, Melbourne, between Lombard and .Buffalo; builder, C. C. Martin; $1200. Jennings as Co. Repair one-story trick theater. Broadway, between Washington and Aider; builder, F. C Striegel; $1000. G. W. Kinney Erect two-story frame dwelling. East Yamhill, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second; builder, S. Golden; $1450. Meade Estate Repair four -story warehouse. Front, between Morrison and Yamhill, builder, J. I. Treabam and Montgomery Elevator Company: $1504. W. H. Monroe Move two-story frame dwelling. West Park, between College and Hall: mover, day work; $1300. A. A. Criswell Move two-story frame dwelling. College, between West Park ana renin; same; iuuu. Jennings & A-'o. Repair one-story or dinary theater, Broadway, between Washington and Alder; builder, P. C. Strieg-1; $1000. Irving Iock Company Repair one story grain warehouse. River and Gold smith; builder, same; $1800. W. F. Tate Erect one-story frame dwelling. Wilbert. between Portland boulevard and Oekuiu; builder, same; $1200. John Alfred Peterson Erect 1- story frame dwelling. Fifty-nrst street, between Forty-first and Fortieth ave nues; builder, same; $1400. C. H. Bauer et al Repair two-story frame stores and hotel. Alder, between Seventeenth and Chapman; builder. Mil ler & Bauer; $1000. Mrs. Frank Benedick Repair two story dwelling. Hail, between Park and Broadway; builder, S. Wing: $1000. George W. Betts Erect one-story frame dwelling. Fiftieth street South east, between Fifty-eighth and Fifty ninth avenues; builder, same; $1600. Blodgett & Co, Ltd. Repair steel frame theater. Stark, between Broadway- and Park: builder, Hurley-Mason Company; $1000. J. W. Schrader Erect 1H -story frame dwelling. East Eighteenth, between Al berta and Sumner; builder. L. P. Keeler; $1500. Lewis Wood Erect one-story frame dwelling. Bryant, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth; builder, F. a Hallock; $1800. S. E. Stansbery Erect 1-story frame dwelling, Bryant, between Fif teenth and Seventeenth; builder, same; $1800. S. E. Stansbery Erect 1 - story frame dwelling, Morgan, between Fif teenth and Seventeenth; builder, same; $1800. L. R. Kollock & Co. Repair one-story frame sand bunkers. Powell Valley road, between Fiftieth and Fifty-first streets; builder, same; $1000. - ! . - :HrsXt I Hill If f w ip i t I r. """"y-r i,,t r,.,,-, .'. , ,,.,,y,, l,,.,,,, ",m'j l In the foreground at th right of t picture are the foundations for the J100.000 theater and office build ing which is about to cover the half block on the south aids of Stark street between Park and w est Park streets. This building has been leased by- the- Farrell Investment Company for term at 2 Tears to tha National Amusement Company, which will operat a moving picture theater. The steel frames shown at the left eenter of the picture form the- skeleton of the future Orpheum Thea.- ter being ereeted tba southwest corner ef Stark street nd Broadway by the Blodgett Company, Limited. The building, when completed about September L will represent an Investment of considerably over S290, In addition to the value of the property, which was purchased by John W. Blodgett for $400,000. Although the validly of the lease is still Involved In litigation, the building Is nominally leased by John W. Consi dine. of the Northwest Orpheum syndicate. - ' The buildings of the Star and Majestic theaters are also shown in the picture, as well as ths Morgan building asd the Imperial Hotel. i COST IS $29,000,080 New Equitable Building to Rise 38 Stories High. ASSISTANT MANAGER HERE Louis B- Daily, of Xew York, Praises Building Methods in Portland. Kealty Board Keeps Him Here Several Days. While in Portland last week, Louis B. Dally, assistant manager of the new Equitable building, in New York, had many nice things to say of the Rose City and told. Incidentally, of the worlds greatest office building now under the course ox construction. The giant building will cover the en tire block bounded by Pine, Cedar ami Nassau streets and Broadway. It will tower 53T feet, Inches above the curb line and be 38 stories above ground and three below. - The prime cost of the building will be about $29,000,000. It has been estimated that s,oo tons of steel will be required to complete the frame, which is now erected to the height of about 20 stories. Some 2000 skilled workmen are employed on the work. The exterior will be ot granite, brick and terra cotta. Because it will house, when fully oc cupied, 15,000 people In all stations of office servitude, it has been styled tne 'city within a city." The floor space will aggregate about 45 acres. It will have its own police, tire and health de partments. It- municipal ice, water and heating departments and a elevators. The nrooerty.at the base of the build ing is said to be worth $14,000,000, or about $280 a square foot Mr. Daily came to Portland on his tour of the principal cities of the United States. He expected to remain nere only a day, but found the buildings of this city so attractive and the methods of building management so up-to-date that he was Importuned oy memoers or the Portland Realty Board to remain over several days He paid high compliments to the many Portland sKyscrapers ana was loud in his - prediction of Portland's future. Road Fill Is fiOO Fleet Long. RIDGEFIELD, Wash., June 27 (Special.) The largest dirt fill that Clarke County ha yet made was com pleted last week when the Brazee SKYSCRAPER COSTING $29,000,000 WILL HAVE POPULATION OF 15.000. ,'.3 ess KQUTABIK BEILDIS6. tXDEK E4q! I If it 5M cc c fcSjf ;; 3S SCKKES OF THt riitl'Sii! OSVPHE11I AXD JTATIOXAL THEATERS. - .... Creek f ill, on the outskirts of La Cen ter, was completed at a cost to the county of $J50. The fill has been en tirely built of dirt The heavy rains fallen since the work started have packed the dirt so closely that it ia certain that there will be no further settling. Largo reinforeed concrete culverts have been placed in the till. DALLAS PAVIXG NOW POSSIBLE Legality of Recent Bond Election Makes funds Available. DALLAS. Or- Juno 2T. (Speeial.) Attorney-General Crawford having de clared legal the election which adopted an amendment to the charter, granting the city power to issue $7&ow worth ox bonds for the purpose of constructing a septic tank in this city, the City Council will at once take steps to issue the bonds. The city now can go ahead the present season and construct i number of additional blocks ot pave nient. The work of street improvement was held in abeyance pending the outcome ef the bonding Is&ue, fox. bad the bond proposition failed to carry, it would have been necessary to use the-' street improvement money for the septic tank. As to whether the improvement this Summer will consist ot macadam or hard surface pavement has not been determined. From all over the city property owners are demanding hard surface pavements: but it is doubtful If the City Council will approve ot hard surface this year, except upon a few business blocks. The outline for macadam pavement, however, takes in practically all of the city net hereto fore improved. Tho City Council will take action in the matter this week. MOW BRIDGE BEIXG RTTSHED Ridgefield Span Replaces Collapsed Structure Over Sainton Creek. RIDGEFIELD, Wash, June 27. (Spe cial.) The concrete abutments for the new Salmon Creek bridge, near this Dlace. are completed, at a cost of $2000. The contractors now are hauling steel for the superstructure. The erection of the steel frame work has begun and will be rushed to completion. The new bridge will have a capacity for 20 tons of weight and will cost about $5800. It is the type used oy the American Bridge Company. It being constructed by the Coast Bridge Company. The former wooden structure fell about a month ago, together with an auto truck loaded with wood. Molalla Has Kew Band Hall. MO L ALL A. Or.. June 2". (Special.) Work is nearing completion or tne new band hall. The building la ao py 120 feet and will have a seating ca- jvimitv of 100 people. It will have modern eauioped stage. With its hard wood floor It will be used as a dance hall as well as an auditorium. It will be opened on tho Fourth of July by a grand ball. i&3iJ5N3SJw: USUI CONSTHVCTiaN IN SEW YORK. LAURELHURST IS ACTIVE NEW HOMKS ARB BULBING A-SD OTHERS ARK BEING LEASED. Irvln Butternorth, of Detroit, Takes McKeaxle Home oa Conch Street Mrs. C. M. Rohr Cboosea Home, The Laurelhurst Company reports continued activity in the sale of Laurel hurst home sites, the construction of new homes and ,.ie leasing of others. Irwin Butterworth, of Detroit, Mich.. ex-vice president and general manager of the Detroit City Gas Works, has leased the McKenzie bouse, 1092 East Coach street, Laurelhurst. Mr. and Mrs Butterworth arrived in Portland about a month ago and since ther arrival have purchased a nome tor jnr. ttut- terworth's mother and sister, who have decided to locate here. Mr. and Mrs. Butterworth spent considerable time in looking over Portland. EmmerBon But terworth. of Berkeley College, and his brother, Corbin Butterworth, of Trinity College. Hartford, Conn, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Butterworth. Mr. F. A. Wood has leased a seven room house on Pacific avenue, near Peerless Place. W. L- Douglas has leased an attrac tive seven-room house on Pacific avenue, near Peerless Place. Knight Pierson has leased a seven- room hungalow on Haasalo street, near Peerless Place. C. L. Fhilliber, of the Ladd & Tilton Bank, has leased an attractive seven room house on East Oak street, near East Thirty-ninth. E. M. Simonton. the broker, has leased a seven-room bouse on East Couch street, near East Thirty-ninth. J. F. Staver, the well-known real es tate man. has purchased the Haberly house, at 11S4 East Couch street, aud has leased it to A. C. Longshore, of the Northwestern National Bank, whose family shortly will arrive from Call fornia. F. J. Bolger, publicity agent for Meier & Frank Co., has leased an at tractive bungalow on Hassalo street, near East Thirtv-ninth. Mrs. C. M. Rohr after residing for 14 years in one location in Portland, has chosen Laurelhurst for her feome, and has leased a nine-room house near the corner of East Flanders and East Thirty-second street. John Blled has purchased a home site across from Mayor Al bee's home, commanding an unobstructed view of one of the most beautiful portions of Laurelhurst Park, on which be pur poses to erect his home at an early date. PLAN IS UP GRESHAM GROWERS TO MEET TO FORM ORGANIZATION. Lars-est Fertfoa of Stoek New Sab, erlbed and Ra Will Be ia for Report at Conference. Tho Gresham Fruitgrowers Associa tion will bold a meeting July 6 ia Gresham to effect a permanent organ tzation, elect officers and adopt plans for the. erection of a cannery in Gresh am. By that time it is expected that enough of the $15,000 capital stock ot the association will be taken to per mit tho organisation of the association tor business. At a meeting held last Monday night Secretary E. L. Thorpe announced that $40e had been subscribed, leaving $859 more to be raised. About $50 of this sum has already- been subscribed. Several subscriptions received were not reported at this meeting. It is planned to erect a cannery and run the concern as a co-operative plant, along the same lines of the canneries of Puywllup and Sumner, Wash., which were recently investigated by E. L, Thorpe and HC E. Davis. Mr. Davis says that the Gresham cannery can secure export advice from the Puyaliup operators. It is thought that this cannery will result la tho cultivation of many ad ditional acres ef land in Powell Valley, besides provide employment of many persons During tho berry season at Puyaliup, Mr. Davis reported, 15.00 pickers are employed. W. W. Cotton. of Portland, is also interested and is lending his assistance. The stock ot tho association ia being placed all over Eastern Multnomah and Clackamas counties. The promoters hope to got this cannery in operation this Fall for the vegetable crop. HOOD RIVER LANDS VIEWED Homeseekera Item East and Middle West Inspect Property. HOOD RIVER. Or, June 2t (Spe cial.) With tho Summer coming on. numerous prospective buyers, home- seekers from Eastern and Middle Western states, have been inspecting Hood River property. W. J. Baker has closed a sale for Charles T. Early, manager of the Ore gon Lumber Company, who sold to W. L Ktrby, of Wheeler County, a ten- acre orchard tract near Dee. Mrs A. M. Kelsay. of Holtville, Ca.1, has sold residence lots on tate street to W. il. Stewart, of this city. . Purchase of Roman. Catholic Cfrarch Site is Laurelhurst and Pro posed Home for Ralph Mod jeski Are Announced. xeaiuro rest esiaio wuo " " past week was the transfer of the ira- I proved resldenco property located on! h ramif of East Fifteenth and Knott streets from E. J. Mautx, president of the Mautx Bulldlnsr Investment Com pany, to Frank A. Seufert. a million aire cannery man of The Dalles. The consideration was $20,0a cash. No less than half a dosen other resi dence sales, each involving $20,000 or more have been consummated in Irving ton property since tho first of tho cur rent year. The. George W. Boschke homo locat ed on the northeast corner of East Twenty-second and Thompson street. was sold to F. L. ShuII for izs.uou. The former residence of . C Barnes on Thompson street between iasi Twenty-first and East Twenty-second streets, was sold, to capitalists from St. Joseph. Mo., for siT.ueo. 28,00a Deal Made. Archio Rice sold to M. A. Poppleton. of tha Portland Seed Company, the resi dence at East Sixteenth and Knott streets, for $28.0O. R. B. Rice sold tho residence on the corner of Blast Seventeenth and Brasee streets to W. J. McCallum, of Alberta, for $lise. r- n r uuu ins - xj. i, r m..u .. . Ralph Modjeski purchased from me Hushes Investment Company the half block on Knott street between East Twentieth and Last iwmij-.in thaT ho wlU improve the site withT. 150 0Q0 home. . m a ' AAA To- u un. umtnnn Oue other expensive residence. uii owned bv Daniel Kern, has Just been completed on Last Flfteenui street De - tween Clackamas ana waisey sireevs, at a. total exnenditura or Ja.i'U. ana . u hi. inu han let for the .on.tniatinn of another 135.000 home, to be built for J. L. Bowman, on Knott street between East Seventeenth and East Eighteenth street. . Catholics Bar a LanreLnarat. An tha nroDosed location for a new Roman Catholic Church. Arcunisuop Christie last week purchased from O. W. Tavlor flv lots on iuaat tnirty- ninth street, between Latldington Court and Coloncy Place. Tho consid eration was $15,800. The property is i in.- n.rth nf tha Mrs. Harvev W. Scott aud tho Dr. Homer 1- Keener residences The old Hazel Fern dairy han was formerly situated on this nnot. which commands the highest ele vation in the district Definite plans have not been formulated for tho erev. tion of tho church building. Sale Made in Conch Addition. t - u...rth nf the Tnltad Rtaten pany sold to H. P. Bam hart tho hand- wn nM Deen ... soma home on East Nineteenth and business matters with that" nrm. ren Knott streets. I dered it advisable for the time bving National Bank, took title last week to ago James Park, Jr.. in building ia a fractional lot located on the north I first Bessemer tel plant in this coun side of Northrup street, near Twenty- try. protected the backer of his Infant third street, in Couch Addition. Tne property was deeded by Alexander Mc- Innls. Murrayanead Sale Annonaced. Per a nominal consideration Waflace D. Fraley has sold to Roy O. Powers a quarter block located at tne soutn past corner of East Twenty-fourth and Carruthers streets in Murraymead Ad dition. Tw Deala Made la One Ben Reisland has sold to Frank C. Powell two lots on tho southeast cor ner of East Forty-first street and Har- oid avenue, Woodstock, for $5S0u, andrie9 i.oa,000 In favor of his flrm: Mrs. an improved residence lot In Bucking- I jfetcher, of Chicago, Injured tho Boston ham Heights for $:ooo. una M-j- u-.inat Park. George A. Taylor has closed a deal with Anton Klrschner and Charles J. Schnabel for tb purchase of a house and lot in Walnut Park. located on ' VcaeIulc Tnultr Rrasrtte. T.nnl T? Rohortson has transferred I title to Patrick J. Maker on Improved residence property on Castle avenue, I near Mason street, Overlook Addition. I Tha nronertv sold for iiiaV. I D-.a Vlaeeat Sella. I , ". !r,V.V'T..- x. land Realty Board, has sold to 1'. M. Randlett and others an improved resi dence parcel located on East Forty fourth street, near Hancock street. In Menefee Addition. Tho consideration was $4500. Prleo la Keanlnal. A nominal consideration was cited 1: n tha deed transferring four lots on w ....... ":-'- avenues, on tho Peninsula, from A. C Egan to G. C Goldenburg. Sale Mad oa Eant Tenth Street. fhuri R in has cloned a deal 1 with i .... stanwono- far the nurchasa of I m int. on the esLat nida of Eant Tenth I street, near Rhono street, Etrowbriugol AH.ti.inn foe isiifts I , . , , i f-ive-nooni naasaiuw I Through the agency of C. De Young, Edna M. Ryan last week sold a five-1 room bungalow located on East Twan- ty -second street, near Clinton street, in Henry's Addition, to KatBerine vogos. Consideration was nominal in the deed I filed tor record. I Vavaat Lata Briaa- I73. 1 Myrtle Chamberlain has taken tiU throuah tha Ladd estate to two vacant lots In th south end of tho Eastmore- I.-.. .,..-t The ue nri.-a wajt H7E0. Holladay Addlttoa sale Made. I ... . i George W. Joseph and associates I havo taken title to two lots on th northwest corner or uui sixieenut ana i Multnomah etrests. 'ine property was daeded by C. M. Barnes for a nominal consideration. I a .i. l --Sm. Let Sold. a f.Mi...i i. .tr.,t he. I tween Harrison and Montgomery streets was transferred last week by Edward I M. Lance to David Nelson for a nominal consideration of $L EDESTRIANS HAVE RIGHTS Drivers of Velticles Respect Them, Says Judge. PHILADELPHIA. June 13. "Pedes- rians have the right of way at street crossings and drivers of vehicles must! recognize this right at their risk." de- clared Judge Solxberger In the Quarter! Sessions Court In refusing a new trial to William K. Hoskins. driver ot au I automobile, convicted of involuntary! manslaughter for runiiius dawn and killing Mrs. Eliza B. Both well hero last November. Hosklna was sentenced six months to jail and to pay a fine ot $2a, Wife Driven Out lor Loe. T IV i n l.n. "tl rJ ,, nlin iT M., which had divorced him, it Is al Ug-ed. Grant glsaon early on mornlns; recently took matters in hia own aaads I by entering tho old bom on rine street, tailing posmslon of his own bed and driving wife- and children to BUSINESS INSURANCE IS BUSINESS SAGACITY Heads of All Great Enterprise Now Are Bnyimt Protection of Tair Concerns Against Dancer of Death, at UnfortunaU Moment. BT EDOAR W. SMITH. F1rt two chapters en tba ubjet "Bul mm Insurance; lu Value to Individual Plrraa and carvoraUoos" . 0 N Saturday. June 11. 1S10. titer appeared In a trade paper of New York an advertisement signed by J. W. Mcllck & Co, of 28$ Washington street, containing an announcement of a business crisis in tho affairs of that 1 firm. This announcement stated that I tne BUdjen death of Charles H. Treat. I.,, ex-Treasurer of tho United State. . ... , . ... ,. i to turn over an consignments or mar- I chandise Intended for Meliok & Co. to notner flrm. Th announcement fur- that after tha settlement of I - " th. affair, of the d-d tD firm . expected to resume its business along iormer lines. m. aimw I fnr time and natlenca oa th Bart at Its f customers to allow It to weather a sud- . - , wlthout i -- I warning. I This episode is one of those ordl I nary business happenings that might I con, o any man or group of men. It I u f tae ver eM-nco cf business that I sudden and unlooked-fur devclopmcuta are in the nature of hidden liabilities i on tno hooks. Life, ia most business concerns. Is a conttngenv iiaoiuu a call loan, as It ware, subject to a ana den demand for payment. When th call comes there la no temporising. A heart stops beating, and with it per- I haDa comes the necessity for such an announcement as tkst uiad by Mttlick Si Co. ! Buataesa Iaaaraaeo Now Widely I' Nearly a century ago Sir Walter Scott Insured his Ufa to protect nia creditors. A half century ago Cyras W. Field, when laying to nrst cauie. took out $323.00 ef insurance to pre- tact hia enterDrlses. A generation i enterprise oy itov. .nr.... ....... John Wanamaker. still, with his soa. I the most heavily Insured persons In th worio. eariy aaw - i'.'T S.."Vt flrin. as well as th physical prop- prtT often not only far lea valuable. but valuable chlany bavause oi tne Uvea of a few men. Businesa Insur ance Is becoming so common that wa hear almost daily of larg policies oe- Ing secured or of larg deatn Claims paid. Henrr u. iseirrraffc. or wmon, cer store for $1,900,000. Tho Peavey miu I Iiit ComDany. of Minneapolis, wicn JI rec-l"d J?J I. ""'; ""i,. '? LI-,,," fles that smbnt on " "!cr',' "'."T ":,;:'- 'r.;2..V .-ort.t.a I, ,ni kn.ln.1 men off America. v- Bnalaeea Iaaaraaeo Eaalalard. Corporation or business Insursnce Is life Insurance taken by and payable to the corporation or partnership; to ben- etlt th surviving partner or partners tn neirs or a ikmin parmer. u. stockholdors. banks, creditors and gen- oral credit ot a Arm, or to covar taa los ef brains, special ability or repu tationoften mors valuable than its hvnioal assets, and whoso loss la more certain to occur than by Mr, it also creates an Increasing sinking fund certainly available for borrowing In time of need: for redeeming bond or other obligations, or In various ways , . ,1,. unrf canaitlnna of each particular nrm. Mo.. Mrnoratloni Most corporations depend largely upon one man. or at moat upon a very few men. for their succaaa. .o ooune. wif relishes replacing a good rook no firm likes to lose a good office boy. And the mor valuable tho mau th wt-ro difficult to replace. Any man of Isrze affairs can tell at onco ot numbers or nisiiesi pwmvuB u.ee.-- ,...,! hii.j - . flrm. nt.auatlns .m. for li.-lr of imhI men. A. T. c,...r... ,- -v nonvninua with dloL Tll MmQ buaineea. , ,h- um, builJIng, street and city. ,H th. -mkeiei. mills of tha Con necticut Valley wer a monument ot h fatlur of hia choa surressor. Judg U'.ltou. John Wanamaker bought tbo business and In in nam Business. street and city wonaerruuy increase too business A. T. " had founded and that VJudgo Hiltoa-had nearly ruiueu. VjIr,. indlvlduala are almost IVDOnvmIlul with tb success of cr- U,.,,, corporations: Rockefeller and the Ktantiurd Oil Company: Carnegi ana thB Carnegie 6tel Company; J. P. Mor !.. aDd J. P. Morgan Co.: Henry B. Hyde and tho Equitable; Jay Cooke land later E. H. Marrlman ana tne Union Pacific: Marshall Meld and his company, .. j. Hill and th Ureal I it la not always that PLUMBING SUPPLIES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, STiRK AND DAVIS CO. 2-47-249 SALMON STREET Don't fail to get our prices before lcttiug your contract. Contracting andJobbing. Our prices aro fair. Our references are our customers of the past 12 years, PHONE MAIN 737. tho front porvh, whore solU-e found them at dRybrvss. hfn cn1lf noiKhbors. tltsaon Is under arr-L, Hi declared ove drove him lo do It. Ihu police say. trrad of the Wlrrleu. l,ondon Ntamlard. Alt Daninh paamnser aam-ra add ferry-boats on tbe main btwn dwedrn and Germany will prnbahlr soon bo equipped with the wlrelMa tl eohone. Telrphon stations wilt be erected oa the coast. McKlnley la followed by a KoueeveU. mora often a Ltni-oln In followed by a Johnson or a ttart by a UUton. Llf Mar alaaUa Tbaa lvatr. One-third of th romnvrr-ial tallare Is from lark ef raiiltal tba trol.'t final t-aus. It this Is I rue aba thoa upaa whont a Nrm dt-ala aro II vl us. what dl(TICMl1 eadlns- In In-aolvanf-y ar rmaoead upoa nian r a arm crippled not only bv la k of rapitl hut by ttiu rasa f t-re.llt. as well as eiri clone', aalas t tha dttli mt oaa ar mar ef Ita important memlx-ra? How many narta-rhlp have el.at dlsastmunly ba.-auaa the d-ath ot uiember not only Itnpnaed ason Ma survivor the additional and aflea vain millur work of th do-aaad aeriner. but la ad.lltloa tha carrying af thin burdi-a with too Utile capital aa.l wits th credit of th llmt Inipatre-I bv th aartnar'e death? urta adited la all this falla th nerenaity at SHttMna witu tha partner heirs at a time when th nrm Is least abl to spar money. Death at Critical rertoda IHnaatTaaa. When would th snot-si ful Avl-in"1 cable have been laid had t'yms Ftrld died aftnr the first failure, aa-l what atate would h hav Irft bad li then died? How sites ban death f llie principal mfmucr tii a irin uuim crlllciil Juncture in Its hltory n-n caun.d by the bard work of Hue a tlmi Involved It In finam-iai trouble? Th fatlur of Karetner. I'm brook tk Cok. Ian merchants f New York, was attributed to th deelk uf Its treasurer in the crltl'-al peri.td t.f laoa. Th paralynla or J. Ernest r-wart put th thoroughly suet-eapful I'van sylvsnia Lead Company Into tb hasuS of a receiver wlthiu ft sours. Th extra strain linpoe. d upon the surviving members by oun death ard its consequences prediapoH others I disease: If. as Is often I lie cse, niom brs of a firm are doe friends ar re lated, they ar apt tn be tos.allicr anil cspised to tha nam accident. Wltnesn the three out of four mem bers of Well in an, Seaver at Mornaii. killed In th Mentor rk In It'1-, th thro principal officers at tb Carbon Steal Comp.iny, killed in the llanU burg wreck that same year; lb death of a treasurer of the Heal Ketste. Trust Company of Pittsburg fro fit - posur th uisbt of th acciuaulal death of anotbur leading member of tlio firm; the death of the five Mant'l officials ot th Colorado Futl A Iron Coinpany within tlire years. Are any corporations unaffected by such losses? Is it fair either to th sur viving partners or to the creditors I add financial loss to the burden of death of members vital tt au organisa tion at a time that credit Is moat nec essary? FANS Keep cool during th hot waather. Prices to suit on Electric I inn for sal or rent Wo repair all makes Western Electric Works 313 sixth Bree see V3 roa SCREENS WE WILL MEASURE FAINT AND HAKO THEM PAREUUS MANUFACTURING CO. C 2612 800 MULTNOMAH ET. East 7134 PORTLAND Garden Furniture and Ornaments ERNEST THOMAS S3 Union Aro., N. rortland -