The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Page 10, Image 54

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S30,rjrjD APARTI
Ground Broken, for Structure
4 of Two Stories in East
' Side District.
Home Telephone Company Erect9
Office for Larg Territory at Cost
of $15,000; Many Homes Are
' Under Construction.
JL permit was granted and ground!
fcrokeu last week for the erection of a
130,000 apartment-house to be built by
!E. M. Rasmussen at the corner of East
Twenty-fourth, East Irving street and
Sandy boulevard. It will be a two-
etory and basement frame structure,
but the outside walls will be covered
with rough-cast concrete. Mr. Ras
mussen has Just completed an attrao-
tlve building of the same dimensions
on the corner f Bast Irving: and East!
. Twenty-third streets at a cost of $30,
000. His buildings on this tract will
. represent an Investment of $60,000
above the value of the land. The Ras
mussen apartments are among: the best!
of the sort that nave been built on, tne
East Side this year.
Home Company Builds.
The Home Telephone Company 1b
'erecting: an exchange on Bast Tbirty-
jilnth street. In the Bunnyside district,
at & cost of about $ 15,000. It is a two-1
etory reinforced concrete structure, and
' Is being built to take care of the Bun-
Ztyside and Mount Tabor district. It I
will be completed In about two months.
Erection of this exchange is part of
the campaign the company Is making
to add 6000 names to its subscribers.
Hibernlana' Borne Unshed.
Substantial progress is being made
en the new home for the Ancient Order
of Hibernians on Russell street, Albina.
The basement has been completed and
work on the superstructure is under
way. The building will cost about $12,-
VUU eXmUBJVe VI Hit) lUrilllUm J.k WUi
lie completed and occupied this Fall. I
t.. xr ..i j
V Mill -ho. W th mti-prt for
irvinirton to J C Walker It will be
irvington lO J. . WaiKer. IT. Will OB
west corner of East Twenty-fourth and
Thompson streets. The plans indicate
that it will be one of the attractive
structures of the Irvington district.
Quarter Block Sold.
E. J. Oberle bought this week a
quarter block In South Mount Tabor
Ifrom J. Antos for $2900. The property
Is located on Everard street and the
county road. ,
Mount Tabor Home Sold,
Mrs. E. M. Holden has purchased a
residence located on East Salmon, near
East Firty-nlnth street, for $5000. It
Is described as lot 2, block 2, in Alroy
New Church Planned. ''
Plans for a new Presbyterian
Church in Sellwood are being drawn.
It will take the place of the present
structure at the corner of East Seven-
teenth -street. The cost of the modern
structure will be nearly $20,000. Only
part of the building will be erected at
Sale In Sunayside Resorted.
' Marie Jorgensen has sold her prop
erty In Sunnyside to Charles P. Toll
man for $5000. The property Is lot 8
in block 9, near East Alder and East
Thirty-ninth streets. The property in
cludes a house and lot.
j Tract Sold for 1600.
-' John P. Sharkey has sold a quarter
tilock In Waverleigh Heights to Wlnl-
red Barr for $1800. The property is
located in block 19 located near Frank
lin and East Twenty-ninth streets.
: ' St. Johns Sales Reported.
Charles W. Potter sold to John A.
Collier a lot In the James Johns Ad
dition to LHlian Olhus for nominal
M. I Holbrook sold to Mrs. M. M.
Ctephensson a lot in Holbrook Addition
to St Johns.
C A. Ruff bought a lot in East St
Johns from M. L. Holbrook.
The Commerce Trust & Savings Bank
old to R. O. Brand a lot In. East St
, Corner Property Changes.
Leone Weber last week bought a
house and lot. located at the corner of
Bast Firty-f lrst and Ivon streets, from
T. H. Powell for $3900.
Railroad to Build Clubhouse.
The O.-W. R. & N. Company has let
she contract to Moore Brothers for the
erection of a clubhouse for the rail
road employes at the comer of Knott
and Delay streets in Lower Albina. It
twill cost $8500. The building will cover
en area of 44 by 50 feet, with a wing
24 by 60 feet
It will lnolude an emergency hos-
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residence: of c. o. pick, located at iia tahhill street.
C O. Pick has occupied his handsome home at 1513 East Yamhill street. The residence cost about
$10,000 and is located in an attractive part of the Mount Tabor district, near Belmont street.
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No part of the East Side shows a more substantial growth than the territory bounded by Hawthorne avenue and Belmont, East Thirty-ninth
'and East Sixtieth streets. All the streets have been. paved and are clean and attractive. Practically every one has been built up from Haw
thorne avenue nearly to Belmont street with many .beautiful homes.
Bast Fifty-second street homes are typical of the class of buildings erected in this district. These homes range from $2500 to $10,000, but the
average cost is about $3600 and f 000. The more expensive homes are near Bast Sixtieth street and on up on the side of Mount Tabor.
. A considerable center has been developed on Hawthorne avenue, near East Fiftieth street, a new brick theater costing $18,000 having re
cently been completed.
pltal. The railroad Is completing a
general office building on Delay and
Knott streets In Lower Albina at
cost of $35,000. It will soon be occupied.
Sale In Roumera Made.
W. E. Joplin has purchased In Ross
mere a house and lot from Marion Rob
Innnn fni S3nOA. Tha nrnnnrtv Is In
cated on Eaat Forty-second street, near
lieorxe w. wusoa uiu mmt.
""" ""
llam CnunS for 3000- Tne PPerty is
... V.a, TMrtv.tTilrrt itrent
near Clinton.
Bastmoreland Sales.
The Ladd estate sold a lot In East
moreland to Winifred B. Hammond for
$1050 and a lot to Alice Butterworth
for $1050. Both parcels are in block 21,
Colonial Heights Sales.
The Colonial Heights Realty Com
pany has sold to Junius B. Wright a
lot in Colonial Heights for $2500. Rich
ard Scheidereiter has sold property to
James A. Marchbank for $3800.
Kenton Sale Is Made.
Kenton Pacific Improvement Com
pany has sold to H. J. Collins a quar
ter block located in the National Ad
dition for a nominal sum.
Central Albina Sale Told.
Alfreda Hedstrom has sold to Edward
tnin a 83-foot lot in Central Albina for
University Quarter Block Sold.
Henry Saalfield has sold a quarter
block in University Park to r. Boyer
for $3500. The parcel is near Kil
Patrick street and Willis avenue.
Altamead Site Transferred.
The Base Line Land Company has
sold a house and lot In the Altamead
Addition on the Base Line road to Rose
B. Heavens for $2200.
Irvington Lot Bought.
The Realty Associates of Portland
sold to Ada Allen lot 8, in block -95,
irvington. for $1250. It is located on
EaBt Eleventh, near Knott street,
available for a home.
Glenelyn Sale Closed.
The Provident Trust Company has
sold to Charles Reichardt lot 2, in block
9, Glenelyn, for $2300, with improve
ments. .
Vernon Property Taken.
George W. Beach has sold to Joan
Welsh a house and lot in Vernon for
$2250.. The property ia on the corner
GoinS and East Nineteenth streets.
Sale In Merlow Told.
Martin C. McMinn has sold to L. T.
Morgan a house and lot lnMerlow,
Rose City Park, for $3000.
Richmond Sale Ia Made.
T. H. Powell has sold to Leone Weber
the north 50 feet of lot 20 and part of
lot 18, block 2, in Richmond Addition,
land house for $2950.
Rossmere Property Changes.
Marion Robinson sold a house and
lot in Rosemere. to W. E. Joplin for
$3500. . The property is located on Tilla
mook, near East Forty-seventh street
ladd Addition Sale Closed.
Captain Clarence R. Hotchklss. of
the Oregon National Guard, has bought
a residence site on Elliott avenue, near
Central Park, in Ladd's addition, from
the Ladd estate for a nominal consid
eration. It is one of the most central
In this addition.
Quarter Sold for f2000.
A quarter block In Berhardt Add!
tion was sold by Frank Barnes to
Erwin L. Sells for $2000. The property
Is lots 9 and 10, in block 2.
Goodwood Sale Recorded.
In Goodwood Addition a quarter block
was sold by George Goode to William
Weist for $2115.
Tract Costa S2SQ0.
Lulu A. Ross sold to the Realty A
Mortgage Company a quarter block in
Irvington Heights for $2500.
Bast Irvington Lot Taken.
C. H. Kable sold to George L. Luders
a lot in East Irvington for $1500. The
property is located at Thompson and
East Twenty-sixth streets.
Many-Inquiries Received Indicate Large
Number of Bidders Will As
semble for Sales.
The firm of the Fred A. Jacobs Com
pany has listed the entire Portland
properties of three large .estates for
their coming auction sale, which will
be held within the next 90 days.
The -clerical force of the auction de
partment has been busy for the last
week with the rush of examining, list
ing and appraising various properties.
The number of inquiries for' cat'
aloeues indicates this auction will at
tract a larger aggregation of bidders
than has been assembled on the Pacific
Coast for some years.
The firm, is endeavoring to have all
properties, catalogued as early as pos
sible. In order to give prospective pur
chasers plenty of opportunity to ex
amine proposed investments at their
In commenting upon the results tf
his recent trip to Portland A. J. Rich,
who Is interested with the Fred A.
Jacobs Company in the proposed Port'
land auctions, said last week to a rep
resentative of the San Francisco
I am more than pleased with the
conditions in the North. I made a close
Investigation of Portland conditions
before I consented to use our auction
department in the Northwest, and I find
both real estate and commercial con
ditions, while slightly affected by con
ditions all over the country, in a
healthy state. Portland has shown
marvelous growth in the last ten years,
and from a small river town has
emerged Into a great city with a
promising future."
i i y -
Chicago Man Pays $15,000
for Medford1 Ranch.
.McMlnnville Farm Is Purchased by
Kansas Slan, Who Pays $300- an
Acre Numerous Filings Are
Mlad at Sliver Lake.
Hamilton Patton, of Chicago, has pur
chased from Earl S. Tumy and Charles
Boynton a 36-acre tract of five-year-old
pears and apples located on the Eagle
Point road about five miles from Med
ford. The consideration is reported as
$15,000. Mr. Patton will assume
possession immediately and erect a
$5000 bungalow on the place this Sum
mer. He was recently graduated from
Amherst and took: a course in horti
culture at the University of Berlin.
KanMi Comes to Oregon.
D. L. Longenecker, formerly of Lib'
eral, Kansas, has taken title to the 30
acre farm of W. S. Boorman situated
about one mile north of McMinnville.
It la understood that the price paid
was about $300 an acre or $9000 for
the tract. The place is improved, with
an orchard and several buildings. Mr.
Longenecker will live on the place.
Many Homeateada Filed.
The records of United States Com
missioner P. D. Reeder at Silver Lake
show that 12 homestead filings were
made there during the week. Four of
the homesteads are 320 acres in extent.
the others being smaller.
80 Aerea Brtna- 97850. .
A farm of 80 acres located nine miles
from McMinnville on the Salem road
has been sold by Rollie Smith to a Mr.
Dissmore, formerly of Weston, for
$7850. The deal was closed by W. J.
Farm Traded for Cottage Grove Home.
E. E. Houston, of Cottage Grove, has
traded 80 acres located about two miles
south of Cottage Grove to Stanley Mar
tin for a residence situated on west
Main street' in Cottage Grove. J. F,
Spray has sold nine and one-third acres
known as the McWllllams place, near
Cottage Grove, to J. A. Prophet.
Lane Timber Brlnga S40 an Acre.
R. G. Dunton, of De&er. Lane County,
has sold 820 acres of timber located
near his residence to C. H. Packenham,
of Boise, Idaho, at a figure of $40 an
One Room to Be Constructed So It
Can Be Made Into Sleeping Porch.
Wall Safes Will Be Installed.
Suvpral novel features are being put
forward In the apartment house being
erected on the northeast corner of
Twenty-first and Overton streets for
L Holsman, a Portland jeweler, pursu
ant to plans formulated by Claussen &
Each of the six apartments will con
tain six rooms. The "sixth" room will
be an outdoor room bounded by large
windows, which may be maneuvered so
as to convert the room Into a sleeping
porch, a breakfast-room or a sewing
room. East apartment will contain a fire
place, a shower bath and a wall safe
for the storage of valuables.
The building will have an entrance
and stairs and wainscoting of marble,
with ornamental plaster ceilings In
the lobbies. There will be the usual
built-in conveniences such as buffets
and bookcases. The floors will be
The contract for the erection of the
building was let recently to Otto Salz
raan at a figure of $17,500.
Albany School Baliding to Have Im-
- provement Adding to Safety.
ALB ANT. Or.. June 28. (Special.)
Inclined planes Instead of stairs will
be a feature of the new $50,000 school
building, which Albany will build this
Summer on a site bounded by Ferry,
Broadalbin. Ninth and Eleventh streeta
far as known Albany will be the
first gU la Uw PaciftQ Northwest, ex-,
cept Spokane, Wash., to install this
modern improvement, which is de
signed to aid in the prevention of loss
of life in case of fire.
An election will be held on July 20
to vote on the question of issuing $50,
000 W3rth of bonds for the erection of
the building. The site of the new
structure is part-of the campus of Al
bany College, but was purchased re'
cently, as the college Is beginning the
development of a new campus on a 48
acre tract Just southwest of the city.
Increase in Values In District Is
Expected by Farmers.
ELMA. Or, June 27. (Special.)
Charles Swayze and John Osborn have
sold their farms to parties living In
Hoquiam. The places are well improved
and are close to Lima.
Considerable Inquiry is being made
ror rarm lands in this county. Good
prices are being obtained for lands, and
the indications are that the values will
steadily increase. The development of
the berry business and the excellent
results obtained from dairying is giv
ing an Impetus to the farming Industry.
Home on King's Court to Be Girt From
'Mrs. Mnrphy'a Father Gearhart
Cottage Alao to Be Erected.
Architects Whitehouse & Foullhoux
were commissioned last week to pre
pare plans and specifications for a
i ,000 residence to be erected for Mr.
ahd Mrs. Chester Griffin Murphy. It
will be located on King's Court off the
head of King street. Just west of the
A L. Maxwell residence, on a 76x100
foot area owned by Mr. Murphy for a
number of years.
The home will be the gift of Mrs.
Murphy's father, Timothy Kinney, of
Salt Lake.
The residence will be of pure Old
English architecture, both' exterior and
interior. The material of the exterior
will be red brick with buffed stone
trimmings, while English oak win be-
the interior finish. -
There will be 10 main rooms, not in
cluding a sleeping-porch, a largschll
dren's playroom on the third floor and
a small gymnasium in the basement.
Mr. Kinney, who Is passing the Sum
mer in Portland, Is also building for
his daughters, Mrs. Chester Griffin
Murphy, Mrs. James T. Dougherty, of
Portland, and Mrs .Charles W, Whitley,
of Salt Lake, a Summer cottage on the
ocean front at Gearhart. The locatfbn
is between the places of B. M. Lombard
and James D. Honeyman, on property
purchased recently from Mr. Honey
man. The Kinney cottage will soon be
ready for occupancy.
MoIaJIa to Celebrate Fourth.
MOLALLA- Or., June 27. (Special.)
Preparations for a big celebration
July 4 are being made here. This will
be the first celebration which has oc
curred since Molalla had train service
and it is thought that this will in
crease the attendance. Walter H.
Evans, of Portland, has been secured
as orator of the day.
.!:.:. ' - " "-.: , T.-' "vflee-J' .
j h fc, : - m m VSSL, xa-- h V I. -
Frank A. Seufert, president of the Seufert Brothers Cannery Com
pany at The Dalles, last week paid EL J. Mauts $20,000 for the hand
some Georgian colonial residence on the northeast corner of Eaat
Fifteenth and Knott streets, facing Knott street, with lot 90x100 feet.
The residence was built about a year ago for Mr. Mauts, who haa
occupied it since that time.
The house contains 11 rooms, with solarium on the ground floor
and a billiard and dancing-room on the third floor. All floors sre
hardwood and the finish of the interior Is of mahogany and oak.
There is a double machine fireproof garage.
Mr. Seufert, who is a millionaire, will move to Portland.
a.JUL-a,ajL j. a JLJLSULXJL LU-tl ajajaj..jji
Permits Call for Three to Total
Cost of $174,000 if Plans
Are Completed.
City Authorize Work of $800,090
Exclusive of Decorating and
Plumbing' Contracts Later to
Be Awarded by Bld.
Two of the largest recent building
permits call for the construction
theaters. The larger authorisation.
one for $100,000, was granted to the
Farrell Investment Company for the
construction of a two-story fireproo
concrete theater and office building
on Stark street, between Park and
West Park streeta The work Is being
done by the Boyajohn-Arnold Cora
pany, following plans formulated by
the firm of Aaron Gould Son. The
building will be occupied by the Ni
tlonal Amusement Company, which
will operate i. moving-picture theater
A movlng-pictute will also be housed
in the three-story concrete building to
be erected for A. C. Ruby on the
southeast corner of Fifth and Burnslde
streets. A cost of $50,000 was cited
in the permit granted for this con
struction. W. C. Arthur at Co. have this
contract, and the plans were designed
by W. B. Bell. Stores and a hotel will
also be accommodated in this building.
Nlrkelodlaa Vnder War.
A permit was also issued last week
for the erection of a one-story brick
nickelodlan on First street, between
Main and Madison- street for Joseph
Clossett. The coutract has been let
to Thomas Mulr at a figure of $24,000.
Another large instrument was Issued
to E. M. Rasmussen calling for the
erection of the $30,000 frame apart
ments on East Twenty-fourth street
between Sandy Road and East Irving
Representing the Meier A Frank
Company, the Dinwiddle Construction
Company entered application last week
for a building permit of $800,000 d
nomination covering a large portion
of the work on the 14-story fireproof
Class A building to be erected on the
half block bounded by Fifth, Morrison
and Alder streets, owned by the d
partment store. The entire structure
111 cost between $1,000,000 and $1.-
500,000. The working drawings pre
pared by Doyle & Patterson have been
tiled with tne building department.
The permit asked for does not Include
the Interior decorating or the plumb
Public Market started.
T. Scott Brooke, owner of the prop
erty located on the southeast corner
of Fourth and Yamhill streets, ha pe
tltloned for the special privilege of
erecting a one-story mill-constructed
building on that property for public
market purposes. Mr. Brooke plans to
make the building a part of the pres
ent public market. Since the property
is within the fire limits, the city oral
nuance stipulates that none but a fire
proof building can be erected on It
Rattroaa Comiaay Telia Tlans.
The contract for the construction ef
one-story frame clubhouse to be
erected for the employes of the O.-W.
K. n. Company has been let to Moore
Brothers at a figure close to $10,000,
the building cost cited In the permit
issued last week. The building will
be located on the northwest corner of
Knott and Delay streeta It will be
used for club, recreation and emergency
hospital purposes.
f7S0O Hnlldlas; Plaanel.
Plans and specifications for a one
tory and basement reinforced concrete
tore building sre being prepared by
Goodrich & Goodrich, Portland archi
tects. The estimated cost of the build
ng Is $7500. The floor space, 80 by 100
feet in urea, will be divided Into two
Porllaaders Bid ea Beattle Job.
It Is reported that several large Port
land contracting firms are bidding for
the contract for the erection of the
proposed Seattle courthoiin. The plans
for the building were designed by A.
Warren Gould, a brother of A. H.
Gould, the Portland architect. The coet
s estimated at $960,000 with alternate
bids for a structure to cost $L360.000.
The bids will be opened tomorrow.
Ilolladay IIoa Planned.
For the Eastern Builders' Associa
tion, Contractor G. Balllet has begun
the erection of a two-story frame resi
dence on East Broadway between East
Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-ninth
streets. Completed, the residence will
cost about $3000. ,
Plana far Twe Bridge t'p.
H. W. Holmes, of the city depart
ment of highways and bridges, bas
prepared plans for a steel bridge on
Holgate street over the Southern Pa
cific shops, to cost approximately $68,
000. The plans were drawn at the re
quest of the O.-W. 5!. &. N and rhe
Southern Pacific railroad companies.
'Xhe viaduct will be 800 feet long with
approaches totaling 150 feel. The road,
way will be 28 feet wide with a side
walk on either side.
Bids submitted for the construction
of the two-span steel ortdge over the
Sandy River near the Automobile Club
SELLS FOR $20,000.
.'9 AU..
house were opened last wwk, the Inn.
9nl being offered by th CnttMrurttnt
Company, amounting to $IT.?4 Ti
firms submitted rigurea The bids Iiftr
been referred to a committee. The
Plans were prepared by 1L 1- l'owlbr,
state highway engineer.
MM t'tir Park lleee rteaaed.
A one-storr frame cottsre to cet
i:noo la being built at (78 IHlr
third street. North, between MpaWiq
and Klickitat streeta, !: Cltv ItarV,
for F. U. htlff. The hulMer la I', t'.
Vieataasrelaad Maeaalew Itrtea.
lw Wallaca raa let lha contract te
D. R. Held for the ere-tmn of a one.
storv frame dwelling on Nine
teenth street between PvhM an1 l"lr
bourne streets. Weetmoreland. The
permit authorising the work rltea l:o9
as the probable coat.
Eastern Campear I4ea fntrari
The Portland Gas V Coke f'mnranr
has commtaaloned the Camden Iron
Works, of Camden, N. J, to rnntrint a
large gaeholiler to ba tui:t on Xtilwaa.
kle and Clinton etreeta. Tba ere-ttmt
will be the largent gaa tank tn I'nef.
land and will coat rpf"lmatelv
000. It will hold 2, f-et ef aaa.
having a diameter of Its feet and a
height ef 175 feet. Etrept for the
concrete foundations, a permit for
which has already been laavjed, ta
material will be used.
(.vt.ona ritr Ham Ordered.
At the direction of the City Cnnnnll,
the City Bureau of Itulldlnis la draw,
lng plans for the new city stables tn
be erected on the rite of the preaent
barn at Hliteenf h and Jefferana atresia.
The building aa-II 1 be twe stories and
basement of reinforced ooncrete eoa-
struotlon and win cost ab-ut lis.eoe, a
sum that Is already available. K. XV
Kramers Is in charge of the plana.
ana Cvrtaare started.
E. M. Hablrhorst has let a contract
to G. G. Larfleld for the conatrootion
of a one-story cottage on Tinbetta
street, between Eaat Thirty-third and
East Thlrty-flf'.h streeta. The esti
mated coat of the work la $2150.
CutM-HaaM Wreere HrpaJra.
A building permit was leaned laat
week authorising alterations and re
pairs to the five-story Cuatnm-Kouae
building which covers the block
bounded by Broadway. Parla, Park and
Everett streets. Tha contract for tha
work haa been let by the Government
to Edward Barrett
Baaeralae Ham Plaaaea.
Pursuant to plana drawn by "toko
ft Zeller, a one-story frame dwelling In
being erected for 11. W. Sheas en tt
Morrison street, between Kant Thirty
seventh and l ast Thirty-eighth streeta,
Sunnyslda. The work has been Irt to
L. Bailey at a contract pries of $?:00,
Maaltaa Addition Geta Haaaalew.
Ground was broken laat week for a
one-story bungalow to be erected for
A, J. Tourtellotte on Fremont street,
between East Thirty-third and Km
Thirty-fourth streets. In Manltou Ad
dition. Builder Evert Lneananttt Is In
charge of the work, which will coat
approximately $3800.
Leata Man Bailee la Clemaaa.
John Mans, of Lenta, has aaarded a
contract to w. A. Thompaon for the
erection of a one and a half atorr frame
dwelling to be built on Clemaon street.
between Katella and Asate streeta. In
Clemaon Addition. The home a ill nut
Permit Given Uaa l'aaiaaa,
The Portland Gas at Coke Company
obtained a permit laat wek f r tha
construction of a foundation for a fire
proof gaa holder on Mllwaukie avenue
and Clinton street. Tha Improvement
will rnat tn the neighborhood of 4..on.
The Job will be done by company work
Irvlaataa llama Rrsia.
For Mr. John L Collins, Contractor
A. W, Kutsche bas begun the ate tloa
of a one and a half storv frame real
dance on Kaat Twenty-second street,
between Krnitt and Htanton streeta. to
cost about $4500. The plana ware pre
pared by Hntiahtallng 4k Iwuean. Tha
residence will have hardwood floors and
furnace heat.
Railway r recta teal Seed.
The O.-W. H. N. Hallway Company
has let the contract to the T. . Know
Construction Company for I he erection
of a one-story brick coal shed ea Kua-
ell street, between ielsv streets and
the Albina railroad yards. The eatl
mated cost of tha work Is $4oo.
Aid aaetety riaaa tlaeaalew.
Bide are being received for the con
struction of a one-atory frame hunaa-
low to be erected In the rear of tha
Bora' and Olrls' Aid Hociety hnildins.
Tha dwelling will contain tha iieual
modern conveniences and met shout
$2500. The plans aare prepared r I ail
A. Roberts and Lee A. Thomaa.
Pealaanla lleaae I eaer Way.
Ground was broken laet ek hf
Contractor W. K. Tata for tha con-
truotlon of a $:ooo dwelling on Wil-
bert street, between Portland boule
vard and Iiekum avenue.
$785,000 IX feKATTM'. K1.K
Property That hJold for tJOO.000
Year Ago Cliangee Ilanda.
Tha firm of Frederick A Nelann haa
purchased Weallake Market property
In Seattle at a reported riniarunn
of $785,000. Included In tha (leal Is
the eouthm-eat corner or inna avenue
nd Pike street, the site or tie oia
rtnoqualml Hotel. This properly wss
sold for $Miq.u ao'iai a year aaa oy
John F. OMhea and J. B. ONhea. of
Portland, who recently made a large
urchase of business property in
An eight-story Building, navmg a
floor space of 400,000 squaia feet, will
be erected on the alts. The property
Includes 11 lots In all. tha frontaaes
being on Pine atreet and Klflh and
Sixth avenues.
This sale forms one or the feature
ealn made In feattle in recent year.
Directory of Promintnt
Life Insurance Agencies,
MtmbtrB of lift Vnitrwrifr
Association of Oregon
WB Ooldeftn, M I . f r.
crcgunlau Itltis.
H. O lolloa, kiil,
MAIHArni riviiH Mi a ai. l.tfR
Caarabar ef cominwrre slids.
H. H. Waid, ataoes'r
Pacific hiti'al link.
Tula a Tnwl Ce. Itmg.
X- L Uartnoa. Manecr,
PKNt M11LA1.
Norttaweatvrn i'enk lilds.
Uoraea SI'klam. Manasar.
stew fcN'ii.A.Nu sni-Ai. i.ira,
Horlhoeatera liana fcl'os
Alma 1. Kata, Maaasr.
HUTU AX, Lla'C IN"! HAN' a. to. K It l
Cerbelt Hlds.
Barry Blch, Uenrral Af-at,
1. 1 r a a l HtBl cia
C. aulas. i-nrl Asat.
anvartnn. Orioa
a. f. Leckwood. Vlce.yrea. and Oen. sasa,
fipaldlns lllds
lattla-lroamayr ( o., 0nral Asaata
K ilo wii...E nida
H Mr A Ilia, llimiT.
Mt'Tl AL, LlKk I.N. CO-
MT Sh.rlork R'd.
Jobs raiaer. Manafar.
PRUDEMIAI. ins (' . I AataKr.
Rotbrhlld Rid.
B. W Aneh'trv
V. - .
Nertheeetern I'ana l'H
Judd I ...e r-r. M'.ar
AMBItlCA.N rt.NTKAL I 'Hi ia. CO,
IW'8 leni'n T'l1t
Met ",
AEl.t A
.a'fl e l.v.U. Mar ra,
Line !' "i.vci kvA,
J as a fiMa.