The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Page 8, Image 52

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Electrical Mechanism Said to
Eliminate Chance of Harsh
Braking Effect.
Patented Controller Is Considered
3 tost Important and Jforel Part
, of E. V. Hartford's New
Invention for Auto.
' When George Westlnghouse gave to
the mechanical world his air brake ie
practically revolutionised railroading.
His device Insured greater sarety, re
duced operating cost, increased effi
ofanrv and n Tactically limited the man
Hal labor necessary to bring the brake
. shoes in contact with the moving
v. Hartford's latest lnven
tlon, the Hartford electric brake,
ehould be of even greater Importance
than the air Draae, dochub. h. -more,
while the entire mechanism
weighs only a fraction of the most ap
Iiruvcu mi oc.
If the foot or hand-operated brake
..h...uj the railway vehicle.
why should it not be Just as much out
of date on the modern auiomouno
Every automobile engineer nas aomn-
j . m aia fnnt that he em-
LflU 1L UJ l"C ... u - '
ploys brake lining. This brake lining
Is employed .not actually 10 mna
gripping surface, as there is no better
mHnntnir .urfnnA than metal to metal.
under sufficient pressure, but to cause
sufficient motion dsiwwo u uu
metal band to slow down the moving
Wheel without binding.
Unal Method Is Reversed.
Every motorist knows how Ineffi
cient his brakes become when once
the lining is worn through. It be
comes almost impossible to slow down
without locking the weels.
This sudden locking of the wheels
could be overcome by the presence of
oil between the brake drum and band,
and allow gradual slowing down, but
the presence of the oil would make it
almost impossible to bring the vehicle
to a dead stop, owing to the fact that
sufficient pressure could not be ap
plied by either foot or hand levers.
Thousands of dollars have been
cn..r.t n rl osi ETtll n AT automobile axle
housings and parts to prevent the
grease and oil necessary lor me mo 01
the axle from coming into contact with
the brake drums and shoes.
The Hartford brake completely re
verses this order of things. The brakes
are oiled, with the result that a film
of oil between the parts coming In con
tact must necessarily be squeezed out
by the pressure of the brake so that
the car is gradually slowed down au
tomatically, and as the pressure over
comes the resistance of the oil, the
brake becomes proportionately more ef
fective. Harsh Braking; Eliminated.
This eliminates any possibility of
the harsh braking effect noticeable in
the use of the ordinary type of brake
mechanism which Is so destructive to
,t he tires.
It is said to be possible with this elec
tric brake to drive an automobile at
a speed of 60 miles per hour up to
within about 35 feet of a right angle
turn and easily make the turn at IB
gniles an hour. i
Another result of this gradual but
flulck and effective operation of the
Hartford brake may be seen In its re
lation to skidding on wet pavements.
The car is slowed down gradually be
fore the wheels are locked, so that
Ithe momentum Is reduced to such a
degree that there Is practically none
left when the wheels are stopped,
whereas, with the brakes now la use,
the wheels are suddenly locked and
the momentum of the car produces the
System Compact and Light.
The complete system Is compact and
light, weighing only about 85 pounds,
consisting of a small type of the Hart
iford electrio reversible motor, with a
worm and worm wheel attached to a
drum. To this drum is attached a steel
cable, the other end of which Is fas
tened to the brake equalizer arm.
The most important and novel part of
the brake is said to be the patented
controller. It is email and compact and
placed within easy reach of the driver's
By this new device any desired nicety
and fineness in braking effect is ob
tainable by purely electrical means. By
actual demonstration a car of 60 horse
power weighing more than 4000 pounds
may be controlled by the mere pres
sure of one finger on the operating
With this type of switch a two-point
control is given. The first point sup
plies enough braking power for serv
ice purposes and the second for an
emergency stop. Pushing the switch
back to its original position Imme
diately disengages the brake.
Powerful Pull Possible.
The brake motor has on the end of its
armature shaft a worm, which, through
a reduction of 100 to 1, drives a gear.
This gear In turn operates a drum by
an internal gear through a reduction of
' to 1. This gives a total reduction
"of 400 to 1. On the drum Is wound
a jsteel brake-pulling cable which di
rectly transmits the pull of the motor
to the braking mechanism.
"When running idle the motor Is cap
able of 10.000 revolutions per minute
sno when under load it can apply 1000
pounds pull at about the same speed as
would be the case with a quick applica
tion of the hand emergency brake.
.A'ter 1000 pounds pull is exerted on the
cable, a slipping clutch prevents any
further pull and a ratchet prevents the
brake from slipping off.
Because of the powerful pull on the
brake cable the brakes run in oil. The
amnere draw in putting a 1000-pound
pull on the cable is 40 for two-fifths
second, and the weight of this equip
ment for an" automobile Is about 35
pounds. The net weight would be less
than this because the emergency brake
lever and much of the linkage would
be removed.
Courtney to Drive Kissel Kar.
Charles Courtney, of Hartford. "Wis.,
lias completed plans to drive a Kissel
kar truck, with carryall body, across
the continent. It is Courtney's Inten
tion to start late in the Summer, visit
local fairs and conventions on the way
and pull up at San Francisco in the
Spring of 1915 for the Panama-Pacinc
Exposition. Cortney's truck has been
in service three years, running between
Wisconsin Summer resorts.
Car Used as Iocomotive.
Recently when members of the Harris
Hardware Company, of 'Washington.
N.. C went to the railroad yards to
superintend the unloading of a carload
of automobiles, they found the car so
placed that the work could not be ac
complished. They promptly hooked thei
machine a Studebaker "four." to the
freight car and drew it up a stiff grade
to an unloading platform.
i 1 1 4'A " w
' nAr f,k A
I J y f
mud Hcqon
Adventurous Motorists Come
From Salina, Kan.
One Blowout, Two Punctures and
No Kepalr Bill on Journey of
Nearly 2000 Miles Hudson
Weathers Jannt Well.
Designating this as the hardest trip
he had experienced in. over eight years'
driving an automobile, D. A. Nelson
reached Portland last Monday with a
party of five other adventurous mo
torists en route from Salina, Kan., to
Sedro-Woolley, on Puget Sound, where
the party will spend a considerable
time fishing before returning either by
the Northern trail or by the Santa Fe
to their homes. This Is one of the
earliest tourists from a distance to
reach Portland.
There were five people in the party.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall, Miss Lydla
Marshall. Miss Lola Matkins and Mr.
Nelson. They left Salina, a city in the
middle of Kansas State, on June 6. in
tending to go to Yellowstone Park by
automobile. On learning that the car
would not be allowed in, the party de
cided on a fishing trip and made their
way by the Lincoln Highway as far
us Granger. Wyo.. and then by the old
Oregon trail, of Ezra Meeker fame, to
The Dalles where tney snipped oy Doai
to Portland. Here they will remain
for a few days before going on to tne
scene of their piscatorial picnic
The trio was made In a Hudson six
64, which weighed 6600 pounds with the
party aboard. The trip as far as The
Dalles showed speedometer reading of
1885 miles, which was done on 18U gal
lons jf aasoline. or over 10 miles to
the gallon, and which would . have
shown an even better average had it
not been for sand and misdirection onto
poor roads In and around Pendleton.
Fisk tires were used and the party had
two punctures and one bljwout, which
must be considered an unusuany soira
record when the state of the roads Is
"We left our home town on June 6
and in spite of stops at points of in
riute. we reached Portland
on June 22. taking actually 12 days for
running time," said Mr. .Nelson in tam
ing about his trip. "As an actual mat
ter of fsct we made the trip about a
month too soon, because the roads have
not yet recovered from the Spring rains.
In most places the streams had run
down the roads, leaving nothing but
the hard rock bottom, which was ex
ceptionally hard on the car.
"The Lincoln Highway, which we fol
lowed as far as Grainger, "Wyo., Is well
marked with sign posts, but it Is in
poor condition' practically all the way
from Kansas on westward. The roads
In "Wyoming and Idaho are the worst,
the Oregon roads not being at all bad'
except for lack of sign posts. We lost
our way In Oregon more than In any
other state and, through being misdi
rected around Pendleton, got Into some
very heavy sandy going.
Work on Oregon Roads Shows.
"From Wasco to The Dalles they are
working hard on the road, carrying
out some great Improvements and wid
ening the raad In the narrow parts
along the cliff. We went 25 miles out
of our way through having to get off
the main road where the improvements
were in progess and got into some ex
ceptionally bad going, which reduced
our mileage fDr gasoline from about
12 to 10 miles to the gallon.
"Our longest run was on the first
day, when we made 245 miles from
Kansas, but we did the drive from
Pendleton to The Dalles, 161 miles al
together, taking Into consideration the
amount we went on wrong roads, in
the afternoon of Saturday. June 20.
"One hill in the Blue Mountains Is
nine miles long and the road Is noth
ing but a bunch of rocks, while we
found the sand In Wyoming very hard
on tires and hard on the car In gen
eral. "We shall leave Portland saon on a
fishing trip In and around Sedro
Woolley. near Tacoma. and then we will
return home either by way of the
Northern trail or by the' Southern route
along the Santa Fe. In all probability
it will be the latter, because i am tola
that the Northern TDUte Is very bad and
Almost impossible. t
Mr. Nelson has toured all over the
Central states of the Union and said
that he had never has put his car to
such a severe test in all his experi
ence as a driver. "But," he concluded
"she went through 1t all beautifully
without any repair bill at all and after
all It's not the bumps and the hard
road that makes a man tire of motor
lner. but rather the heavy repair bills.
I am fortunate in my Hudson, because
her running cost Is extremely low.
Among the cities visited en route
were Denver, Cheyenne, Laramie, Twin
Falls, Boise and Pendleton.
Little Boar's Head May Be Saved.
In order to save historic Little Boar's
Head, one of the most beautiful spots
along the coast of New Hampshire,
Colonel George M. Studebaker, of South
Bend, whose Summer home is nearby,
has offered to donate funds for the
erection of a sea wall. Little Boar's
Head is now being washed away at the
A Higher Price Does Not
Insure a Higher Value
ONE of the most misleading and
most misunderstood things
about automobiles is their prices.
Because one car is priced at from
30 to 40 higher than another
car it does not follow that the for
mer car is worth more money.
A higher price is no sign or ex
planation of superiority. In fact
the unfortunate experience of
thousands has proved that in most
cases Just the reverse is true.
Other cars cost more, becauss
other manufacturers do not build
50,000 cars in a single season and
therefore cannot produce as eco
nomically as we can.
For that reason we urge you
to be guided not alone by the bare
price of a car, but rather by its
reputation, . performance and
In no other car but the Overland do you get all of these
costly featuresunless you pay a much mgherrjee
a powerful and econom
ical 35 horsepower motor.
a long wheelbase of 114
inches. ...
33 inch x 4 inch tires.
large, positive and
powerful brakes.
a big, roomy and com
fortable tonneau. ,
genuine hand buffed
leather and tufted upholst
ery. .
complete equipment of
. ! r t x. J
tne very cignest KrHie
rrorfii11v fashioned
and magnificiently finished
Brewster green body snap
py and modish lines.
a chassis, the parts of
which are made of the fin
est special formulae steels,
and are as accurate, precise
and as lasting, both in meas
urement and performance,
as the corresponding parts
of the highest priced cars.
Yet this represents but a
very meagre portion of the
Ovprland value. But
it i3 such value that has en
abled us to sell more cars of
this type than any other
manufacturer in the world. ,
Why 6hould you pay a
higher price for some other
car when the other car gives
you no more, and in a great
many respects, not as much
value as you get in the Over
land? Why should you?
529 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
;-' Phones Marshall 3535, A 2444.
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
lhtnW. tUt,
SS-lmuttmtr mltr
114-inch mkmlham
irnfcirrir : r . 71 J'l
js' '''' zzd
! :.: I:
4r jfMX,
MaWfr. tftlf. Wfe Ml0 t. Gf4 VtiUt, Tmclu Mfim - rl
fvatiTfBI " 1 1 1 i1 iWM ' IllUri UTiTllTT' -TT"""-"MMi
rate of four feet per year and threatens
to topple Into the sea
TJ of Aluminum on Increase.
Because of the development of
many new uses for aluminum in the
automobile Industry, the consumption
of that metal In the United States
amounted to more than 65.000,000
pounds in 1912, as compared with 46,
125,000 pounds In 1911. The production
of bauxite, the ore from which alumi
num is obtained, was nearly 160,000
long tons in 1918, or an Increase of
4247 tons over the previous year, and
yet this amount was not sufficient to
supply the American demand and a
large amount of the ore was Imported.
A large amount of aluminum Is being
used for tubing for automobile wiring
and manifolds. Besides being used to
lighten the various parts of motors,
aluminum is used as a most desirable
material out of which to manufacture
automobile and cyclecar bodies.
Ancient Car on Long Tour.
Patrick Kennedy and A. E. Moore sre
Diamond and Michelin
Who will pass by such an extraordinary reduction as
this on high-grade, absolutely new Tires, fully guar
anteed. All atv25 per cent off list prices! Investi
gate at once, before stock is entirely sold out.
Front and Grant Streets.
Phone Main 2002.
If you deal in values you'll
appreciate the Ford. Its simpli
dty its economy and its de
pendability give it a value that
cannot be measured by its price.
The Ford is the one car that has
"made good" in world-wide
$500 for the runabout ; $550 for the touring
car and $750 for the town ear f. o. b. De
troit, complete with equipment. Get cata
logue and particulars from Ford Motor
Company, Eleventh and Division 6ts, Port
land. Phones: Sellwood 2323, A 234L
making a tour from Los Angeles te
New York In a Studebaker car of the
vintage of 1909, which already has a
record of (4,000 mile. Under the terms
of a wager the men are not to replace
to make such repairs as thr can make
unassisted en the ra1.
' For younsstere. the folding sm
maeka self-filling air pillows and lit-
a single part on the car and sre only tie msttrw are invs'.gsM
Announce to the Public
They have opened their Service and Re
pair Department to all of its customers,
regardless of the make of car. Hereto
fore the Keats Repair Department has
been exclusively for cars represented
by the firm. This change in policy has
ben brought about by increased space
and added facilities.
H. K. Keats Auto Co.