The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Page 7, Image 51

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Opposition of Portfand's.Water
Board Answered by Boost
ers for Highway. .
Automobile ftoad Would Batoerit Fire
Fighters In Reaching Scenes in
Short Time Beautiful .Route
Would Be Open to Visitors.
Great efforts are being made by Hood
River residents and by citizens of
repute in Portland to open up for
automobile travel the road known as
the Skyline boulevard, which at pres
ent Is nothing more than a trail six
feet wide built through from Hood
River Valley over the Cascade Moun
tains connecting with the automobile
roads of Multnomah and Hood River
counties. The objections that have
been made to It up to date are that it
would possibly pollute the Bull Run
water supply and enhance the chances
of fire in the reserve.
These objections are met in the full
est possible way by Wilson koss
Wlnans. of Hood River, who is actively
signatures sufficient to get the road
Board's Objections Answered.
"The objections of the Water Depart
ment and Commissioner Daly can be
met in a very few words," said Mr.
Wlnans. "Mr. Daly says the city mav
need a new water supply. Instead ot
using condemnation proceedings to
procure new and costly water and land,
all that is necessary to do is to ap
propriate the Little Bull Run River,
which is within the Bull Run water
shed, and to build reservoirs along the
Bull Run River, where enough water
supply can be stored for all time.
"Where this Skyline boulevard passes
through the reserve is along the Clear
Fork of the Sandy, an inconsequential
stream which is 1200 feet below the
watershed of Bull Run Lake and there
fore It could in no way . pollute the
supply. Figures in proof of my state
ment can be secured at the Forestry
Service Offices in the Beck building.
Forestry Service Favors.
"Now with regard to the risk of
lire the forestry people are greatly in
favor of the highway because the pres
ence of a good automobile road
through there would enable men on
motorcycles to patrol the road and
would enable Are fighting men and ap
paratus to be rushed to the scene of
any fire much more rapidly than could
possibly be the case without such a
'""This is a strangely beautiful road
which will open up an amphitheater
of natural wonders and will make pos
sible a round trip from Portland to
Hood River. - -
"The United States uovernmeni uum
it over the summit of the mountains
through Wallowa Pass on a maximum
' grade of 6 per cent It connects the
wagon roads of Portland and Salem
with the system of Hood River Valley
end Eastern Oregon. It Is a road
through the only practical pass for
farmers and stockmen, while the fact
. . fc k d hn nnened has re
turn. U '
tarded the development of Oregon far
more than me avero-go m
ii ,ikla
iwk. A naa.Aa tn the north OI
the snow line of Mount Hood and goes
past the beauiuui lost um
traveler, it possesses much that is
i..iln. anri he&Utiful. going
through the valley of the Sandy and
taking to ine nina .,,..
.v..iaKarrv flalriB and masses of
Hlskmr Loon Needed.
"We or Hood River are asking that
v. ,a ho rnned immediately to the
public so that it can be made a loop
of the Pacific Highway in ample time
for 1915 travel.
I'Th. oTittr rinnnsa will be borne
.v. iTnt t tA statAfl Government: it
:m -not thn Citv of Portland
cent and we are unable to see what
hi-tinn the city Water Board pos
sibly can have. They say they are
not afraid of water pollution, but of
fire. The-Forestry Service heads say
that the road will prevent damage
., ni will aid In -putting out
t.nA ths service should
i . vaM.r than Mr. Daly. The road
is there and graded already only that
It lslioc more uau i" "
If widened and made into road for
-ii . it- win hA &n inestimable
boon. Why should the citizens suffer
because of an Inenicient water
valve-ln-the-head motor from the very
first one that was built way back in
1904." '
Knowing Chauffeur, However," Loses
Wit on Companion.
Two chauffeurs were glibly telling
stories while waiting for their fair
passengers to sip a lemonade in me
Los Angeles, Cal., Country Club.
"W wore lust crawline along," one
of them was explaining, in telling of
an experience. ine ouaa vuuu.i .
let me open her up. Something was
crabbing him right, although the air
was fine and everything was silent and
restful. .
"All at once a big car-shot by. It
startled us for a second, for we had
not heard it coming. it went uy w
fast and quiet that it seemed like a big
phantom. In the back of It "
"Must have been a Silent Knight,'
knowingly interjected the listening
chauffeur, who once drove a Stearns
Knight. "No, it wasn't," replied his com
panion ' very soberly. "It was broad
daylight" v
. A Mountain Road.
The idea of constructing a road
along the whole range of the Alps from
the Lake of Geneva to the Mediter
ranean was long in the air, and the
, ii. ii
Orchardists Help Pay for High
way to Mosier.
Thoroughfare From Majrerdale Is to
Be Best In County and Will Be
Used by Fruitgrowers In
Transporting Crop.
MOSIER, Or., June 27. (Special.)
Work being done on the county high
way known as the River road is proof
that the Wasco County Court is a firm
believer in good roads and is eager to
assist its citizen taxpayers in procur
ing them. ', ,
The River road runs from Mosier
u - -n. Fritt Clausen
sioners v-. xvwwfi. "
nt - tka pnsii &cceDtea Mr.
Mayer s proposal ana wur. ...
A large crew of men and horses has
been working on the grading for the
past two weeKs ana i;v;iiiif".u -
Ik... n-, nrv that ordinarily would
i - An Th nountv has
require 1 " - . , ,
muni In furnishing road
UOCU iixwofc
tr. var nrnnured an auto truck
rrr, PurtiinA tn haul the gravel from
the rock crusher Just east of Mosier
to the new road. This truck has a ca
pacity of four yards a load and is doing
the work of eight four-horse teams.
ma when comDleted will be ay
.v.- Ka.t in Wairo County. It will
make a delightful driveway for auto-
k.n .. ,m v.pfttiv facilitate the
IUUUI1CO O - , . in. transporting their
t- i. ,) ta (rntiipii 24 feet and
crops, j. ic iia. o . j . . -
will ha macadamized to a width of is
The following persons, in conjunc-
.1 v,k rnimtv Court and Mr.
1 11.' a.uw " j
J - t nnooiVllA llV t Vl pt T finaJl
fliayer, mauc n K"-' J -
... . i . thin niAPA of road:
Clai aiu lu guiiow . i
Dr David Robinson, the Misses M. and
A. Shogren. F. A. Shogren. K. D. Chat
field, Mrs. William Johnson, Morton and
iie-psheimer. C. C. Isom. H. M. West
t t.t iin.i.i T W T.Aiter and O. E
j. ii . -txyr "... .
Wilson. Mr. Mayer personally superln
.71 . .1 ... ,.1
tenutsa " ......
t . .) n,lnninir rcnrnaontlilF V asCO
County, is to start work on the Co-
lumhia River highway and will begin
proposed route was nationalized by a
bill which was passea iwu
The expenses were to be borne partly
t on nortiv hv the differ-
y y tile BiaiD . -. - . j -rf ---
ent communes through which the road
passed. ' (Jkw Ac
The worK was cuiiniuciaUV -
i il. i v.n ; ft nnA or Lao tum-
munes to pay its -share.-and this
eenerously male up ior uy k.....0
Club of France, which contributed ine
sum o 188,000 franca, or about 40,000.
The road already ,. exists
Thonon and Seez, and improvement
have now to be carnea om
Seez and the Val d'Isere. Prom Val
d'lsere to" Bonneval, the road has to
be entirely constructed: it will rise to
.Knn nnnn feet, and will.
therefore, be one of the highest roads
in Europe. , .. ...
When the road is completed. It wftl
. . , . JA.. mntnrfn? mil t A Oil the
Continent, passing through Alps which
in every way rival mueo .
land, and offering gradients that will
make touring easy for the smallest
cars. On the -parts of the route already-
existing, regular motor excur
sions have been organized for the Sum
mer months by the railway
Will it beat the Columbia River High
way? We think not.
eastward through hundreds of acres of
orchards, acknowledged to be among
the finest and most scientifically man
aged In the Northwest.
This road was ordered opened by the
County Court three years ago and was
intended to connect at Rowena with
the old O.-W. B, N. & N. right of way,
which is now used as a inuruu8"'"'
by the residents of that hamlet, con
necting them witn une iauea.
n wirir wall done east
from Mosier and west from Rowena, but
operations were stopped beiore me iwo
ends were connected, leaving unfinished
a gap of perhaps tnree miles.
Grade Less Than 2 Per Cent.
The road from Mosier east to Mayer-
i i A r.Ha if ipGa than 2 per
cent to the top of the hill, where one Is
presented witn a view ox uw
River for miles both east and west.
mi. ii .....rainu nn thA 'Washington
Alio can wwuiiM""" m -
side give a vivid Impression of nature
never to be iorgonen.
n , 1. A u.v.. thnlltrht it would be
possible to interest the County Court
of Wasco to assist in iiiu.n.iii& k -nent
road from Mayerdale. his beauti
ful country seat, to Mosier, and he
made the proposition to the county to
expend dollar for dollar on the work.
County Judge Gunning and Commls-
operations Just as soon as assured that
Hood River county win oo us mu -
Motorcycle Notes
THE first annual pienfe of the Quincy
(111.) Motorcycle Club was attended
by about 35 riders. Many girls took
nart in the run to the picnic grounds.
In a recent membership r campaign,
28 riders were affiliated with the mot
nmvdle club of Rochester. N-T.
September 9 and 10 are set for the
450-mile endurance run of the Oakland
fal Votorcvcle Club.
mk... A nw 97 fifi7 rlnlA1a affillAted
with the Federation of American Mo
torcyclists. In three weeks of service as a motor
cycle officer, C. B. Arthur made arrests
which netted the city of Topeka, Kan.,
J125 more than his month's salary.
The Danville (Kans.) Motorcycle
Club is planning a 100-mile race meet
to be held at the State Fair Grounds
track at Hutchinson.
The annual convention of the. State
Federation of American Motorcyclists
of Ohio will be held at Dayton, June
Local Manaser of Howard Auto Com
panr Finds Idea Adopted by Buiclc
( Loss A;o Still Holds Good.
uy am.. further nroof is needed to
Justify our oft repeated claim that the
i . I . n l.aa.1 mAtAf dAVelODS IT1 OT
power and speed than any other type
of motor ever pui in an uimiui...i
this proof Is furnished by the winners
of the recent ouu-muo rm i i.iu.c..
apolis," says Mel G. Johnson, local head
of the Howard Auto Company, distrib
utors of Buick cars. Mr. Johnson was
an Interested spectator at the world's
automobile classic on May SO, and to
say that the results were highly satis
factory to him is putting it mildly.
In speaking of the race, Mr. Johnson
Bays without doubt the contest was the
greatest racing event ever held, and
the ability of any piece of machinery
to stand the punishment that those
cars were subjected to for approxi
mately six hours demonstrates beyond
the question of a doubt that the build
ers of automobiles have solved all the
problems of automobile construction,
and that the future will see- very few
radical mechanical changes.
"Of course, I would very much have
preferred to see an American car win
first honors." satd Mr. Johnson, "but
- v. i .. n h. T vim more than
pleased to see not only first, but also
second, m iru ana lourm uuuwi, ' ,
tured by cars UBing valve-ln-the-head
Thi HArisiv virtorv not only
gives the valve-in-the-head motor the
honor of propelling an auiomoono
miles in a shorter space of time than
- Wir hut nrovea conclusively
that the valve-in-the-head motor is the
most powerful ana most rename wi
of motor ever' put in an automobile.
"The Buick factory has long since
withdrawn from racing, but all who
have followed the automobile Industry
" ... i..- that in 19(19 and 1910
the Buick racing team won practically
every automoDiio event i j im
portance, and the Buick then as now
Arf valve-in-the-head motors. In
- fact, the Buick baa always been a
" WeEuildBetter Tires
Than Goodyears
That in efrect is what makers say when they charge you higher
AA 1 A mnlc-f-r An that. 1 hev are ask-
ing for tires up to one-half more than present
Goodyear prices. The inference is wrong. Those
extra prices are all unjust. The verdict of users
as shown by sales is that No-Rim-Cut tires are
the best in the world. And in four ways they
certainly are.
That Is Impossible
It is utterly impossible, so far as men
tnkuiM a better tire than Good-
yean, measured by cost per mile.
V. ..r snrl veaTS Wf've em-
w jw. j r j
ployed scores of experts to find out
ways to better them. Their efforts
have cost us $100,000 per year.
No-Rim-Cut tires mark the present
day limit, to the best of their belief.
How They Excel
No-Rim-Cut tires, m at least four
ways, excel every other tire.
Out No-Rim-Cut feature which
we control is found in these tires
Our "On-Air" cure is employed
by no other maker. This extra proc
ess costs us $450,000 yearly, but
it saves many times that in blow-outs.
Our rubber
rivets formed
to combat tread
separation are
a patent feature
found in no
other tire.
Our AI1
Weather tread
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With All-Weather Treads or Smooth
rkr m-eatest anti-skid is an exclu
sive Goodyear feature. It is tough,
double-thick and enduring. It is flat
and smooth, yet it grasps wet roads
in a resistless way with countless
deep, sharp-edged grips.
What We Save
Our matchless output and mod
em equipment have immensely cut
cost of production. They have cut
our overhead cost 24 per cent, our
labor cost 25 percent Wehave also
cut our profits, until last year they
averaged 64 per cent.
No-Rim-Cut lire prices dropped
28 per cent last year. They are
half what they used to be. But
never before was the quality so
high as it is today.
Smaller makers can't compete
on any high-
grade tire.
That's another
reason for get
ting Goodyear
tires. -
Almost any
dealer will sup
ply them.
HUDSON Six-40 For 1915
The New Price is $1550
Thim HUDSON Six-40 me a wleoma I ami uon whlmh frroke
ma Hadmon recent. It to mat ntn UmU thmt thm and oftht
uon Uft 3,000 orrfere vnfilUd. Thm dunmnd compela tha
factory forTSlJ to treble it, production. And thmt trmhUd
output which Ioumt th eM pmrmitm m reiwUMl of
mndnr last yar'a priem.
Last Year's Record
The HUDSON Six-40 has now run for a eaon
in thousands of hands, on all sorts of roads, in Eiiropfl
and America. And not a single shortcoming developed.
All the qu estions men had have been answered. Every
innovation has proved itself practical. As the car re
vealed itself, men flocked by the thousands to it. And
the end of the season left 3,000 disappointed.
There was no rival in sight of the HUDSON SLx-40. Andthia
year -with a trebled output, with thirty-one new features and a
much lower price effective rivalry ia out of the question.
Leads Popular Class
The HUDSON Six-40 is the leader in a new.
Immensely popular class. It marks the sane medium
in size and power. It marks the top limit b quality,
beauty, finish and equipment. It marks the low limit
for such a car in price, in weight, in operative cost.
The more you know of motor cars the more this car
will appeal to you.
The Larger HUDSON Six-54
The HUDSON Six-54 built on the same lines, with
135-inch wheel base and greater power sells for $2350.
It is for men who want a big impressive car.
Wo expect demonstration ear and first shipment nT d,T'
ThwViU be waiting orders. Better call TODAY and in us.
C. L. BOSS & CO.
Attractive Features
of the 1915 Car
A li.tteuiaSl stnesa&ae
All huitmeaeeaaM.
rnlux teak ia daaa.
Extra era ahead ef
Seats for n se 7
Extra toane
HanX WW UnW ohel.
Jllreat finiaa ee body.
UUndi wnrd bue.
WUer setts oiahar beck.
Mors roam for the drfur.
"CWMx" tap. witn ooiik.
ed jtartinf earth ettaehea.
lattfral rin-rltiee wiae
Dunreini teinfiBfhta.
Smphtird startaaa, liVh
aad igaitioa systeai,
Sanplifiei wrtn ia BMtal
Leek oa ianitiaa aad EgbtiBS
Erea bttar earborttiea.
Spdantr drtvee frees
Aetaraatie anerk iitieo
Tabular aroecfler shaft.
All iiMtnuaents aad
virhia reach of the drmr.
Tnmkrack ea beck.
Still Use weigh XIW
Rnr sHc t a k
Ddrok. Witi RaatlAr.
n. i nf vnts are De
Ing: arranged tor the entertainment or
the motorcyciiBiB, i'u,"s -climbing:
conteet at Fort Ancient.
In Tale, Wis., motorcyclist are very
popular with the rarmers for delivering
milk to the creameries.
On June 27, Joe Esler, of Quincy, 111.,
and John B. Hogg, of Kansas City, will
start on a 31,000 mile motorcycle tour
of the world.
London. Paris. Berlin. Borne, Cairo,
Africa. South America and Australia
are Included in the itinerary of J. H.
Cooper, of Akron, Ohio, who haa Just
started on a motccycie worm-uju.
A motorcycle officer has been ap-
AVhcn In IXrabt Try Beerl
Lacking material with which to fix a
puncture, Richard Whlttemore. an au
tomobile driver of Taft. mixed tn
pounds of flour, the remains of rations
from a camping trip, with several hot
ties of beer, and pumped the fluid Into
the tire of his automobile, which had
gone flat. Revolving the wheel until
the liquid wae directly over the punc
ture, he pumped up the tire. The beer
paste acted perfectly, and Whlttemore
saved hlmlf a walk of CO mile ovr
the desert. Whlttemor had u. me
.1. h. had (ak.n with him
on the trip, and wae too dlelant front
any gareae to rplnlnh hie supply he
fore etartlng on the return trip. The
beer compound held up all the wer
after the tire w pumpM up. '
St. Ilelcne to Hare Mllilia.
ST. HELENS, Or.. June IT. ("P'
clal ) St. Helens le to have a com
pany of th Oregon National Ouerd.
M.yor Mueller and Attorney White are
In communication with 0"""n'
and Lieutenant HMinee.ey. ef Corv. lie.
t forming h
. r..,"'."!l. r.J.-r Tir. If th. wanted xize U not in stock be wJl telephone our Local Bnch
And on Display-Now
1915 MODEL 21
rA car that rides like an ocean yacht. A motor xnth majmifirent
power, equal to any load or climb-as flexible as the hair-sprinff
of a watch, and nearly as quiet. Equipped with everything worth
while including electric starter, if you want it. And best of all,
a car of rare and exceptional beauty-the kind of beauty that
impels people in the street to turn for a second longing look.
Furthermore, we give your personal car a distinct individuality
that will please you. Ask us about it.
The Winton Motor Car Company
' Twenty-third and Washington Streets