The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 47

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    1 1 1 1 "W,
With the Best, the Newest and the Most Dependable Merchandise Reduced
, This Store Has Come to Be Looked Upon
As the ONE Store With Reliable Sales
The Public Attends Its Sales With Confidence
Each Day Our Advertisement
Will Contain Announcements of
The Greatest Importance to Shoppers
i i
of cJ Merit Ony
Greatest Movement in Men's Furnishings-Tomorrow
Gut They Go8200 Men's Summer bhirtslNewreriect ruung-oiyusn
Madras Shirts underwear
Selling at$2.00 and $2.23
Clearance $1.19
Best Silk Shirts
$6.50, $6.00 and $5.00
Clearance $3.85
Not a shirt in this entire lot has
ever been on display before. ' New
every one of them. Made of
heavy twilled silk , and satin
striped silk. The collection em
braces the most beautiful color
combinations in lavenders, blues,
grays, pinks, greens and . other
delicate combinations. Some with
soft colorings others with con
trasting stripes. Made with soft
turnback French cuffs and each
shirt has a separate long point,
new Summer model collar of'the
same material. Made as fine as
the best custom-tailored shirts
perfect fitting. First Floor
Flannel Shirts
Selling Always for $2.00
Clearance $1.23
Summer flannel shirts the
first offering this season. The
shirt for business or outing wear
now in greatest demand. The
shirt of service, made in colors and
patterns that are both neat, and
dressy. .
Plain negligee styles with soft
French cuffs and soft pointed col
lar of same material to . match.
The shirts come in solid colors,
also many with hair-line stripes, in
.all sizes. Just the thing for Sum
mer wear. First Floor
These shirts need no introduc
tion. Thousands of men are al
ready acquainted with the remark
able worth of these shirts. This
is the last lot to be offered this
season not over 1200. They
will not be here long-r-that's cer
tain. rMade of woven madras and
fine percales with French turn
back cuffs and separate pointed
collar of same material to match.
' Also made of soisette and crepe
cloth. All sizes. If you buy 3, we
make you a special price of $3.00.
First Floor.
" $1.00 Athletic Union Suits 69c
Made of checked nainsook in the distinctive athletic style, sleeveless,
knee length. Perfect fitting. All sizes.
$2.00 Lisle Union Suits $1.65
White lisle union suits made in the regulation athletic style in a very
light weight for Summer wear, for people who prefer this material to the
cotton. Every garment re-inforced for service.
$1.50 Lisle Union Suits 98c
Clearing of two famous lines of ecru and white lisle union suits made in
an extra fine weave, in regulation and athletic styles. W have taken
all remaining stock, put a clearance price on, which insures immediate
50c Summer Neckwear 25c
200 dozen of men's new four-in-hands in colors and shades to
match every shirt and suit worn by man.
Select your Summer neckwear needs from this large assort
ment, which we show in plain and fancy silks of reps, silk crepes
and novelty silks. Made in full and generous cut shapes.
First Floor
For Every Young Girl Desiring Party Frocks, Cloth Dresses
Suits or Coats This Unusual HALF PRICE Sale
Holds : Rich Opportunities
Regular $10, $12.50, $20.00,
$25.00, $30.00 to $35.00
Half Price
Now $5.00, $6.25, $10.00,
$12.50, $15 to $17.50
Dresses of serge, crepes, rat
ine, broadcloth, corduroy and ,
In plain navy, tango, rose,
white, checks and plaids.
Dresses for ' all occasions;
some made with vests of net or
shadow laces satin and plaid
trimmings, wide girdles
draped or tunic skirts, high and
low necks.
' To briefly sum up, dresses
for all occasions and all ages of
young girls, all of fascinating
simplicity. Fourth Floor
Regular $15, $20 to $40
Half Price
Now $7.50, $10 to $20
Dresses of crepes, taffetas, mes
saline and poplins in plain colors
and figured designs. In navy blue.
tango, rose, wistaria and reseda.
Fourth door an
Reg. $15, $17.50 to $75.00
Half Price
Now $7.50, $8.75 to $37.50
Of serge, black and white checks
fancy novelty materials and crepes,
depicting the last word in juvenile
fashions for the late Spring arid
Summer season.
' Skirts that show the ruffled or
tunic style and the draped effects.
Jackets that are modeled inthe
youthful short lengths having col
lars and cuffs of lingerie or novelty
Reg. $10, $12.50 to $42.50
Half Price
Now $5, $6.25 to $21.25
Coats for all occasions, for
sports wear and for afternoon
and evening wear.
Of silk, golfine, serge, whip
cords, fancy plaids, checks and
In Copenhagen, tango,
green, gold, black, mahogany
id tan. fourth Floor
Reg. $i40, $18.50 to $48
Half Price
Now $7.25, $9.25 to $24.00
The beauty of these party
frocks for girls and young
women lies in their simplicity.
- So when we bought these
party dresses we did so with the
- idea of pleasing the young girls
with simple though beautiful
: styles, because a young girl
knows intuitively that they are
most becoming to her.
Of dainty chiffons, crepe de
chine, " taffeta and crepe in
white, light blue, pink, apricot,
Fashioned with low round
necks and the popular V-shape
neck. -
Some of these models are
accordion pleated, others hav
ing overskirts, or the bustle ef
fect, and there are also com
binations of plain and figured
rliif fons.
Sizes 13 to 18 years.
A Cleanup of the Newest Undermuslins CQp
Selling From $1.00 to $1.50 Each for . . . UJ
Gowns, Combination Suits
Princ ess Slips, Drawers
Corset Covers arid Skirts
These undermuslins represent various assort
ments which were left from the June White
Sale and include some of the finest and pret
tiest garments we hfcve shown this season.
They are all new and fresh, as they were
not even shown until the last week of the sale.
The Gowns come In V-neck, open front
and slip-over styles with yokes o trimmings of
laces, embroidery, insertions and medallions.
Combination Suits in waisted styes, lace
and embroidery trimmed.
Drawers in open styles, having ruffles of
wide embroidery, also lace insertions and edges.
Corset Covers in round neck. loose or
tight fitting styles, embroidery and lace trimmed.
Princess Slips in many styles.
Skirts with ruffles of embroidery, lace and,
tucks. ! Fourth Floor.
Fourth Floor
Goods Purchased
; Monday
and the Balance
of the Month
Charged to Your
August 1 Bill
Clearance of Corsets Now in Greatest Vogue
$2.00 W. B. Corsets $1.69
Of coutil and suitable for the average figures being built in sizes 19
"to 30. They have the low bust and extreme length over the hips and
back. Embroidery finishes the top. Three pairs of hose supporters
attached. ' '
$3.00 W. B. Corsets $1.95
Up-to-date models, some with the very low bust line, others medium
and many medium low. but all have long hips arid back. Some have
elastic gores inset to give ease when sitting. - Neatly finished with em
broidery. Three pairs of hose supporters attached. Suitable tor all
figures, in sizes from 19 to 30.
, $3.50 W. B. Corsets $2.29
These models are made of coutil in a striped design with medium
bust, long hips and back. Elastic lacings to give ease when sitting.
Three pairs of hose supporters attached. Sizes 1 9 to 30.
$3.50 and $4.00 Nemo Corsets $2.45
These models are made of a good strong quality coutil lace brimmed.
Self-reducing models with Lastikops webbing. Medium high bust, ex
tremely long over the abdomen. Sizes 22 to 36. These are discon
tinued models, which is the reason for this most unusual reduction.
Clearance of
Three lots, comprising 45
inch and 27-inch flouncings, also
edges and bands ranging from
2 to 6 inches.
It's a collection of Nainsook,
Swiss and Cambric in especially
selected designs showing elabor
ate and simple effects. Eyelet,
floral, pompadour, semi and
blind designs. With small and
medium scalloped edges.
45-in Flouncing
SELLING AT $2-$1.50
Clearance 59c
27-inch Flouncing
SELLING AT $125-$1.00
Clearance 39c
35c AND 25c
Clearance 19c
, First Floor
Introduction and Demonstration Triangle and American Beauty
Electric Heating Devices '
-Mrs Strckler comes direct to the Upman. Wolfe & Co. Store from the Detroit Factory. She is here to introduce to the women
of Portland the Remarkable economies, the conveniences and the superiority of Electric Heating Devices over the old-fashioned
methods of cooking. In assuming the agency or uiese lamwu umvau.---r" 3
tee every article sold. Not only this, but if. you buy a Triangle Article in Portland and move
to Florida, the agent there will refund your money without question or replace a new article.
To introduce to our patrons Triangle and American Beauty Devices we otter
100 $5.00 Toasters,' Special $2.48
100 $3.50 Irons, Special $2.88
$5 Toasters $2.48
Come and see the Electric Ranges, the Percolators, the
Chafing Dishes, the Curling Irons and Disc Heaters. It
will he a liberal education and the economy of it all a de
lightful surprise. . Sixth Floor.
Hand-Made Genuine
Old Hickory Porch Furniture
Specially Priced $1.95, $2.95 to $12.00
These reproductions of famous Old Hickory
are especially suited for porches, for lawns, golf
clubs, verandas, bungalows and Summer homes.
The most comfortable and substantial of out
door furniture chairs, rockers, swings and tables.
We also made a display of the very beautiful
reed and wicker furniture, which is also specially
priced and for Monday feature
$9.50 Cane Rockers
for $4.95
Just a limited number of
these beautiful rockers. Firm
ly made of hard white maple
in light finish. Has double
cane seaj and back. A rocker
that is both comfortable and
durable, as well as being attractive.
All Odd Pairs of
Regular $1 to $15 Pair
Lace Curtains Half Price
These curtains are accumulations of a season's
busy selling and if you can possibly make use of
one pair of lace curtains you surely ought to pur
chase one of these.
There is just one pair of a pattern and kind in
white and Arabian color.
They are 2l2 and 3 yards long by 40 to 50
inches wide. , r
All Drapery Materials Reduced
1000 yards of drapery materials of all kinds enter
this clearance sale. Madras, Swisses, cretonnes, chintzes,
fancy and plain scrims, nets and Sun Fast draperies.
25c materials at 14c 40c materials at 28c
We Bought for You
An Exhibition of Pictures
They Are Yours
For Less Than Half
We bought the entire sample line of pic
tures from one of the largest and foremost
manufacturers in the United States these
pictures were used for exhibition purposes
,and represent the finest and most beautiful
collection we have ever had to offer at a
special sale. ' x
There are 500 different subjects prints,
reproductions of celebrated paintings and
copies of the old masters, photogravures,
etchings,, carbons, colored artotypes and
German reproductions in color.
Each picture is most artistically framed
to suit the subject in old gold, walnut, ma
hogany, oak and mission mouldings.
In an infinite variety of subjects and sires;
for bedroom, boudoir, hall, library, den, living-room
or dining-room.
50c, 75c and $1.00 Pictures 25c
$1.00, $U5 and $1.50 Pictures 50c
$1.50 and $2.00 Pictures 7Sc
$2.50 to $3.00 Pictures $1.00
$3.00 to $5.00 Pictures $2.00
J5.00 and $6.00 Pictures at .$2.50
' And there are other pictures priced as
high as $10.00. Sixth Floor
35c materials at 19c
18c materials 12V2c
25c materials at 19c
50c materials at 34c
60c materials at 43c
$1.00 materials . ,79c
$1.25 materials . ,89c
45c materials at 37c
Fiftft Floor
$3.50 Irons $2.88
Victor and . Columbia Talking
Machines, $1 Down, $1 Week
Notable Three-Day Clearance of
Gray Hair Goods
It males no difference whether your
hair is just beginning to gray or is snow
while, you'll find switch and transforma
tion here to perfectly match your. And
at the greatly reduced price quoted, the
offerings are indeed exceptional.
18-inch Switches reduced to $1.45
y 4U-wcn awucnms
ZZ-mcn Switches J J. 3
24-inch Switches $5.25
Gray Transformations,
reduced to $40
Gray Transformations,
reduced to ..... $7 J 5
Experts in attendance
will insure a perfect match. Second f loor.