V. SECTION FOUR x Pages 1 to 12 VOL.. XXXIII. DRAMATIC, AUTOMOBILES AND REAL ESTATE PORTLAND, OREGOX, SUNDAY" MORNING, JUNE 28, 1914. no. so. juJ mi r It Is Not a Magic Wand -that has brought success to this store -its increasing popularity its growing business. t It is the realizing knowledge of the public- to the fairness of its prices, the genuineness of its sales, the service, courtesy and efficiency of its organization. - Alive to its responsibilities, it neither shirked nor dodged them. The persistent determination to establish this store solely upon the merit of its merchandise, the resolve never to be un dersold!, the fixed idea of gelling only reliable standard 'merchandise, has brought to this store aj growing and increasing recognition from the public that is being sfyown every day with an ever-increasing patronage. . j . . . Today this store stands, pre-eminent as the store for all the peo ple, selling merchandise from the most modest to the highest price, filling everybody's needs at less than you pay elsewhere for inferior goods. IN THIS CLEARANCE SALE you have our positive assurance that you will procure greater merchandise -worth than has ever been possible to produce under any circumstances in any former sale. This fact will stand out in prominence, judged from any standpoint whatever ruhen measured by unbiased comparisons. Om MecVia&s : of.cZ. Merit jOny Sale of New Cool Tub Dresses Clearance $8.45 Instead of $12.50 Tomorrow The Presentation of an Extraordinary Sale Making the Most Important Event in Suit Selling Ever Offered in Portland For Any Tailored Suit in the Store Regularly Priced From $35.00 to $75.03 We cannot possibly hope to give you in print a fair impression of these suits. All we can give you are a few IMPORTANT FACTS thus No better tailored suits are possible at any price. No better materials are produced than those used for their making. No better custom tailoring could be employed than was used in modeling these garments. No newer styles exist for Summer fashions than those presented in this collection. Indeed, many of these silk and cloth suits show the tendency of Fall modes. In order that customers be put to the least possible delay, we shall number each suit as sold. Where alterations are necessary, we shall delwer them in rotation. Models Illustrated Sketched From Suits on Sale No Suits C. 0. D. No Mail Orders. No Approbation Orders Fdlcd. Third ytwmr Dresses Exactly Like Illustration All white dainty dresses for "Women and misses, of fine cotton crepe of corded, crossbar and crin kled effects. They are made in the newest Mid-Summer models with long Russian tunic shirts and gir dles of Roman stripe silk OT patent leather. Some have collars of lace and others of white organdie in Gladstone style. Every dress has the new drop kimono sleeves and fancy turned cuffs. Clusters of buttons are used for trimmings. Third Floor We Hope Every Woman Will Read This Exceptional Millinery News It's an Extraordinary Tale of 438 Summer Hats That Sold Readily From $5 to $12 Sale of Sweaters New Sweater Section Third Floor See Page 3 This Section for Additional Clearance Sales 3505 Yards Maxine Ribbons Selling From $1.00 to $2.25 NEW 49c NEW Beautiful Jacquard and brocaded rib bons 6 to 8 inches wide, in dainty pastel shades and rich dark Oriental colorings, brilliant shades in floral designs and unique creations in Maxine' styles. Every yard new, in greatest demand at present for sashes, girdles, dress and millinery trimmings. Nothing like these ribbons ever shown before in any store at this price. First Floor I i Monday $2.50 The most wanted shapes. ' The most desirable straws. The most fashionable trimmings. The most sought-for styles. It's the smartest and the greatest gathering of trimmed hats ever offered by one store. It an nounces a collection of Summer hats that every woman who sees them will want one or more. It's an immense occasion. We don't want any woman to be able to say she did not have the opportunity to secure one of these trimmed hats. So woman can know so little about millinery that she will not recognize at once the extraordinary opportunity that this sale offers. When she sees that every hat is smart, up to date, of the newest materials and in most wanted shapes, in black and in every color that's now in favor, she will realize what an extraor dinary occasion we announce. BE ON HAND EARLY MONDA Y MORNING Third Floor. 4000 Prs. 1 6-Button Length Milanese $ 1 .25 Silk Gloves 85c Most Important Clearance Sale of Summer Silks The Weaves and Patterns Are Those Wanted Now . $1.50 BLACK TAFFETA, SP'L $1.18 Soft chiffon finish with high luster, black only. Very popular now for bathing suits as well as suits and coats. 36 inches wide. $1.25 COLORED MARQUISETTES 79c Silk marquisettes in all the new shades, 40 inches wide. For overdrapes and fancy waists. $2.00 SATIN CH ARM EUSE $1.29 1000 yards of yard-wide colored satin charm euse of a beautiful soft quality, in a full range of the most wanted colors, including the new sweet pea shades. $1.25 NEW TUB SILKS 98c The newest tub silks for both women and men's wear, shown in a variety of different stripes, in blue and white, green and white, black and white, lilac and white and gray and white. $1.50 COLORED TAFFETA $1.39 Yard-wide chiffon taffeta, soft finish, in taupe, brown, reseda, Nile, rose, American beauty, lilac, pink and black. Suitable for one and two-piece suits, coats, skirts, sashes and trimmings. $1.25 SILK MESS ALINE 98c A beautiful, soft quality of messaline, in navy, Alice, ceil, rose, lilac, gold, brown, emerald, myrtle, pink, American beauty, Nell rose, white, ivory, cream and black. 36 inches in width. . Second Floor Clearance of the Prettiest Tub Materials 25c PRINTED CREPE 17c These crepes are in medium weight white and mot tled grounds over which are scattered buds and sprigs of effective color combinations. 40c JACQUARD TUSSAH 25c Silk and cotton mixed crepe-like weave in brocaded designs of self colors, 25 inches wide. In lavender, . golden brown, tan, cream and light blue. 20c AND 25c WASH FABRICS 12c YARD 1000 yards of the choicest wash fabrics including satin stripe voiles satin stripe poplins and blaiser stripe cloth. In a fair assortment of colors. 75c RATINE FOR 35c A light weight ratine in rough weave with a raised cord stripe effect in tan, pink and cadet blue. 40c JACQUARD FOULARD 25c ' Sheer foulard weave with Jacquard dot in wistaria, mahogany, brown, taupe, leather with contrasting colored floral patterns. 50c COTTON CREPE DE CHINE 25c 36 inches wide an exact counterpart of the silk fabric In silver, mode, tan, russet, light blue, lavender, royal blue and marine blue. 65c "SILK" POPLIN 49c A silk and cotton mixed material in solid colors with self satin stripes prominently woven about one inch apart in pink, Copenhagen, tan, mahogany and maise. $1J2S LONG CLOTH 98c PIECE 36 inches wide soft finish absolutely free of starchy substance 10 yards to the piece.- Admirably suited for fine underwear. Basement. LINENS One-Quarter to Half Less Pillow Cases Triumph Sheets Linen Damask Towels and Toweling Lunch Cloths Separate Cloths Napkins Bedspreads Linens from the foremost looms of England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany. The world's best linens at Clearance Sale Prices. Housekeepers, hotel-keepers, thrifty housewives who know the merit of our linen sales eagerly await this semi-annual occasion. ' Basement A Sale Without a Precedent Never Such Gloves at Such a Pries EVERY PAIR BEARS OUR NAME AND CARRIES WITH IT A GUARANTEE No mystery about this sale just the force of circumstances. Through an error in this great glove factory, a duplicate lot of 16-button length milanese silk gloves were rushed through, stamped and labeled Lipman.Wolfe & Co. After they were sent and ordered checked, the error was discovered. Without waiting to hear from us whether or not we would accept these gloves, this manufacturer wired us to make a sale, to get as much benefit aa possible out of this lot and he would stand the loss. That is how we come to offer 400Q pairs of 1 6-butlon length pure silk, heavy milanese weave, double-tipped, guaranteed silk gloves at a price less than it cost this manufacturer to make thrm. They come in white only, sizes 5 to 8. Fint Floor. Every Parasol in the Store at Clearance Prices All Parasols $5.00 and Over at Half Price Not one Parasol exempt in this great Clearance Sale Parasols in every color every new shape every fanciful whim of fashion. Some women carry' parasols to shade their face; others because the sunshades are so pretty and add to much to a costume that they can't resist them. Be the reason for parasols what it mav this fart remains: WE HAVE ALL THE NEW PARASOLS AND ALL AT CLEARANCE PRICES. Parasols of linens, pongees, plain silks, printed silks, Dresden silks in regulation shapes the palm shape, the bell shape, the India shape, the morning glory and many other new shapes. I landlrs in many beautiful shapes and finishes, plain, carved and mounted. First Floor $ .85 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.70 $2.00 $2.50 $3.50 Parasols ...'...$ .69 Parasols $ .79 Parasols $ .98 Parasols .$1.19 Parasols $1.39 Parasols $1.59 Parasols $1.98 Parasols , $2.49 $.5.00 Imp. Parasols $2.50 CHILDREN'S AND $ 6.00 Imp. Parasols $3.00 MISSES' PARASOLS $ 6.50 Imp. Parasols $3.25 25c Parasols 19c $ 7.00 Imp. Parasols $3.50 50c Parasols 39c $ 7.50 Imp. Parasols $3.75 60c Parasols 47c $10.00 Imp. Parasols $5.00 $1.00 Parasols 79c $12.50 Imp. Parasols $6.25 $1.25 Parasols 98c $15.00 Imp. Parasols $7.50 $2.50 Parasols $1.93