The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, SECTION THREE, Image 35

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NO. 20.
. .1
All Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow and the Remainder of This Month Will Go on Your July Account, Which Is Payable on August First
and Young Men's Suits With 2 Pair Pants at $16.45 Continues The Daylight Store
The Fresh Air store Our Great Sale Men's
$4 Silk Petticoats at $2.48
Basement Bargain Center
Basement, Bargain Center Fine, soft taffetas and heavy
messalines in gTeat variety of colors, including black. Styled
with deep flounce and under-ruffle. All lengths. Regular
$3.50 and $4.00 Petticoats. Priced extra spe- (PO A. ft
cial for Monday's selling only your choice p&.0
Olds, WorttnanSc King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Store Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Every Business Day Saturday Included
Women's 50c Hose at 39c
$1.25 Silk Cloves $1.00 Pair
Center Circle, First Floor
Women's silk-plated Hose
seamless colors tan. white
and black. Regular OQi
50c grade. The rair -
Women's 10 -button length
Milanse Silk Gloves in black,
white and color. All t-'tr.
Regular $1.25 CI fkr
grade. The pair V
Telephones: Marshall 4800 A 6231
Offers Great Reductions
On All Broken Lines, Odds
and Ends, Remnants, Mill
Clean-Up Purchases and Depleted
Stocks, Every Kind and Description
Our annual housecleaning for the" Summer season is now at hand-a time when we overlook profits in order to close out all broken
past few weeks, unprecedented buying activity ii all sections of the store. Hundreds look forward to thit. event as d?JJ,PP "h- L SZ, , riT" wltt SchSSi
chandise far below normal. Be sure and make it a point to visit the store every day, for as lots disappear new ones will be brought forward. S. & H. Green Stamps given witn
foek Women's Wool Suits at 1-2 Price
w r s t, . 11 r J I -- oar "Sa. . i
Entire S
A Most Sensational Sale as Every New, Seasonable Wool Suit Is IncludedNone Reserved
July Clearance
Dress Goods and Silks
Department Main Floor
Prices radically reduced to clean up all short lines and small
lots. A season of bargain-giving thrifty women will be prompt
to take advantage of..' Note the following special reductions:
. $1.25 Dress Goods 79c Yd.
Special lot of wool crepes and assorted checks and stripes very
desirable light weight woolen materials for women's dresses,
skirts, waists, dressing saeques and kimonos. Reg- 7Qf
ular $1.00 and $1.25 grades. Special tomorrow,, yard "
$1.50 and $1.75 Wool Voiles and Marquisettes, the yard, 98
$2 and $2.50 Fancy . Wool Voiles and Marquisettes, yd., $1.39
Regular $4 and $5 Fancy Bordered Voiles, special, yard, $1.89
Pongee Silks Vz Price ;
Onr entire stock of Imported Pongee Silk Coatings in' the July
Clearance Sale at just V2 regular prices. .Note the following:
Regular $2.00 quality, 27 inches wide, special, the yard, $1.00
Regular . $20 quality,- 27 inches wide, special, the yard, $1.25
Regular $3.00 quality, 27 inches wide, special, the yard, $1.50
Regular $3.50 quality, 36 inches wide, special, the yard, $1.75
Regular $5.00 quality, 36 inches wide, special, the yard, $2.50
Our regular $1.00 grade Dress Pongee, 26-inch, the yard, 59
Other grades in dress weights at 79S 89, $1.12, $1.25
Clearance Fancy Silks
$2.50 and $2.75 Canton and Kling-Ling Crepes, special, $1.89
$3.00 and $350 Fancy Printed Crepes on sale at, yard, $2.19
Regular $4.00 Fancy Printed Canton Crepes at, yard, $2.89
$1.25 Fancy Silks for waists and dresses, special, yard, 89
$1.50 Fancy Silks for waists and dresses, special, yard, $1.19
$2.00 Fancy Silks for waists and dresses, special, yard, $1.48
$2.50 Fancy Silks for waists and dresses, special, yard, $1.69
$15 Wool Suits $7.50
$75 Suits $37.50
Department, Second Floor Our Annual July Clearance of "Women's Wool
Suits begins tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock." A thoroughvigorous clean-up
of the entire "stock none reserved at exactly one-half the prices heretofore
prevailing. As every woman knows, our Suits are strictly high-class best
of tailoring; best of materials and unequaled in style and fit. The assortment
offers wide latitude for every woman to'select a pleasing style, for all the
season's most-favored models are here, in the novelty wool materials, com
binations of moire and wool plaids, gabardines, black and white checks, serges,
poplins, crepe poplins, honeycomb weaves, Bedford cords, etc. Full assort
ment of sizes for women and misses. ALL-WOOL SUITS AT HALF PRICE.
$45.00 Suits now $22.50
$47.50-Suits now $23.75
$48.50 Suits now $24.25
$50.00 Suits now $25.00,
$52.50 Suits now $26.25
$55.00' Suits now $27.50
$57.50 Suits now $28.75
$58.50 Suits now $29.25
$60.00 Suits now $30.00
$65.00 Suits now $32.50
$68.50 Suits now $34.25
$72.50 Suits now $36.25
$75.00 Suits now $37.50
$15.00 Suits now $ 7.50
$20.00 Suits now $10.00
$22.50 Suits 'now $11.25
$25.00. Suits now . $12.50
$27.50 Suits now $13.75
$28.50 Suits now $14.25
$30.00 Suits now $15.00
$32.50 Suits now $16.25
$35.00 Suits now $17.50
$37.50 Suits now $18.75
$38.50 Suits now $19.25
$40.00 Suits now $20.00
$42.50 Suits now $21.25
Women's Panama
Hats at $1.49
Millinery Department, Second Floor ZS7 ImiUtinn Panama
Hats for women at a phenomenally low price for quick dipol.
Beautiful, soft, pliable straw not filled. tiffcnod or tarch-d.
Six or more new sailor block. Priced for Mon- CI 40
day's selling in the July Clearance Sale at, choice -
Infants' and Children's
Wear Reduced
ycyM biucuvi wwvv "' - - -- .... ,
small lots, etc., of infants' and children's app.frel to be clocd
11 r i .. i : - 0 i v. ; . -.1.
out at extremely low prices.
Infants Coats
Infants' short or long Coats of
fine cashmere. Plain and hand
embroidered cape and cuffs.
Also Coats of silk or wool pop
lins. Entire line selling from
$70 to $21.00.1- riff
Now on sale at
Mothers, take notice of thi m!.
$1.85 Dresses 89c
Children' White 'Lawn
Dressed. Fmbroidery end lace
trimmed. Dutch neck and
sleeve. Age fl to 14 y-r.
Worth to $!.&. Choice QQp
tomorrow, each, only-''-'
Oirla' $1.00 Woomer Qf,
Dresses, pgc 2 to 0"
Infants' $3.50 to $12.50 Hand-Made Slips Dresses, at U OFF
Infants' Knit Afghans in pink, white and blue, special, $2.08
$7.25 to $17.50 Hand-Made Padded Robca and Quilts U OFF
Infants' Slips and Short Dresses, priced fpecial Monday at fS
Girls' Wash Dresses (with Parasols to match free), special, PS?
July Clearance Silverware, Dinner Sets
Department, Third
ware, Dinner Sets,
$13.30 Dinner Sets,
$15.50 Dinner Sets,
$18.75 Dinner Sets,
$40.15 Dinner Sets,
German Decorated
German Decorated
A large assortment
Floor Annual Clearance of special lines of Silverware, China, Glass
Cut Glass, fancy-China, Electric Lamps and Kitchen Furnishings.
63 pieces, green border and gold green key, special the set, $ 8.85
60 pieces, Old English design, in bright colors, special, set, $10.35
55 pieces, tnrquoise enameled border, special the set, only $12.50
117 pieces, dainty etched gold border, special the set, only $26.00
Tea Pots, Sugars and Creamers on special sale now at one-half price
China Plates, Fruit Saucers, Bowls, etc., on sale now at one-third off
of English China Plates in the July Clearance Sale at one-third off
Reduce the high cost of living.
Regular $4.50 Sandwich Plates at $3.15
Regular' $3.75 Sugars and Creams, $2.49
Regular $6.00 Cake Baskets now $4.15
Regular $6.30 Fruit Stands now at $4.25
Regular $4.80 Butter Dishes now at $2.40
Regular $8.40 four-piece Tea Sets, $5.88
Regular $9.95 Silver Nut Bowls at $6.97
Regular $9.80 Baking JJisn now at ?D.oa
Kitchen Needs
$1.75 two-burner Gas Plates now at $1.25
Regular $1.00 Gas Ovens on sale at 75
Regular $4.00 Electric Irons now $3.20
Regular 75c one-burner Oil Stoves, 59
Reg. $1.50 two-burner Oil Stoves at $1.15
$1.75 Med. Cabinets, mirror door, $1.40
$2.25 National Carpet Sweepers at $1.75
. . -I ' S 1 1 TIT 1 4 -J
Keg. ODC V acuum Glomes vv asners, v;
Regular $2.00 Boss Drip Coffee Pots,- priced special for July Clearance Sale at $1.0O
Reeular $4.50 Aluminum Coffee Percolators, seven-cup size, on sale tomorrow at $3.55
Regular $o.0U Aluminum uonee jrercoiatora, iu-cuji dicb,
All Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezers are on special sale at July Clearance Prices
July Clearance Sale of Table Linens
Towels, Spreads, Sheets. Pillow Cases, L,tc.
i r:t. an in
Department Main Floor And now comes an opportunity for economical women m
below regular prices. The Jiuy wwi -
ol Table Linens, Towels, Mieets, ruiow uases, urasnes, etc.. i .ru iumi R . ke cnsh riirP,.
Don't lorget xo an iw - -
galow to supply the wanted supplies at far below regul
of Table Linens, Towels. Sheets, PJlow Cases, Crashe
prices prevail on household needs of every description,
Mercerized Table Damask, Yd. 45c
fitting up the Summer collar or bun-
Is and ends and ronuiHins
mint h. Low
Large Size Bedspreads at $1.35
Just the grade for Summer cot
tage will save your ' finer
linens. Several attractive pat
terns. Launders extra well.
Priced for July Clear- jEZf
ance Sale at, the yard"-'"
72x90 best quality "Wearlong
72x99 best quality "Wearlong" Sheets priced special at 80J
81x90 best quality "Wearlong" Sheets priced special at 80
81x99 best quality "Wearlong" Sheets priced special at 85J
72x90 Standard Sheets in the July Clearance Sale, each, 5S
81x90 Standard Sheets in the July Clearance Sale, each, 65
Full bed-size Crochet Bed
spreads in handsome patterns.
This same grade in extra large
size at $1.58. Full bed size
priced very spe- CI O J
cial tomorrow at P J- C J
Sheets priced special at 72c
Extra Large Bath Towels tqr25c
Heavu Toweling at 12y2c Yard
18-inch Bleached Roller Towel
ing. Red or blue borders and
extra heavy. Soft and ab
sorbent. In the Julv Clear
ance sale at, spe- l J
ih v.rd
Extra large size Turkish Bath
Towels. Splendid heavy qual
ity, in white or white with col
ored borders. One hundred
dozen in this lot. On Q CZr
..,;. l chIa at. each'"
64x64-inch Bungalow Table Cloths, $1.93; size 70x70, $2.3S
Fine grade Irish Linen Napkins on tale at, the dozen, $2.f0
45x36-inch Pillow Cases, extra good quality, special, yd, 12V!k
Mercerized Damask Napkins, hemmed, special, the dozen. frCx
45x36-inch Pillow Cases, regular 20c grade, special, each, l ie
60c Checked Eponge, yard, 29S-25c Crepe Fllsse, yard. 1S
Jujy Clearance of
Wool Blankets
Department, Third Floor Great reductions on Wool
Camping Blankets, Indian Robes, Slumber Robes,
etc. Supply your needs now at great reductions.
Regular $8.50 Wool Army Blankets, special $5.95
$6.50 tan. red and gray Wool Blankets at $4.95
Regular $6.00 Wool Blankets, special, pair, $4.00
Regular $4.00 Wool Blankets, special pair, $2.60
Regular $4.50 Wool Blankets, special pair, $3.25
$7.00 Indian Robes, Couch Covers, etc, now $3.98
Imported Scrims .
Hand appliqued borders, in blue, pink and yellow,
in beautiful designs. Genuine imported Scrim Cur
tains, selling formerly at $7.50 to JJO SQ
$10.00. July Clearance Sale at only P- ,rr-'
Regular $1.25 Yoile and Scrim Curtains. OQn
Hemstitched and lace edges. Special, pair-'''
35c and 40c Voiles and Marquisettes, the yard, 19
95c and $1 Sundour Draperies, 60-inch, yard, 59
$1.75 and $2 Imported Drapery Silks, the yard, 95
Regular 35c Tapestry Pillow Tops, the yard, 19
Regular 75c Tapestry Pillow Tops, th yard, 38d
Great Sale Wilton Rugs Continues
Offering Most Unusual Economies
Dept. Third Floor We have decided to continue the sale of Rugs for another week in
order that ALL of our customers may have an opportunity to aae these splendid bar
gains. Extra good quality Royal Wiltons in all sizes from 27x54 ins, to 9x12 room sizes.
$45 Rugs 9x12 at $35.50
Grass Rugs Reduced
Special reduced prices on Chi
nese Grass Rugs ideal for
Summer cottage. Note prices :
$2.75 Rugs, 4.6x7.6, at $1.95
$4.50 Rugs, size 6x9, $2.98
$6.50 Rugs, size 8x10, $4.98
$8.50 Rugs, size 9x12, $5.95
$25 Rugs 9x12 at $18.90
This i3 a special line of high-grade Axminster Rugs,
which we place on sale this week at same low price
as we quote on the Wiltons. Beautiful line of pat
terns and rich colorings. Size 9x Q (f
12. $25.00 Rugs priced special p X 0ivLf
$40 Rugs 9x12 at $29.75
Yovi may choose from sixteen different patterns in
this assortment. The patterns are all new and most
attractive and the colorings superb. Fine quality
Wilton Rugs, which sell ordi- ?01 7
aarilyat$40. Size 9x12. Special DlZs 4 J
$25.00 Wilton Rugs, 9x12, special $18.75
$37.50 Wilton Rugs, 8.3x10.6, now $27.50
$45.00 is the price you are asked for Rugs of this
quality at other stores a clear saving of $9.45 if you
select one of these. Fourteen handsome patterns.
Beautiful reproductions of Orien- (T O j
tal designs and colorings. Choice iDOutul
$60 Rugs 9x12 at $47.50
Choice assortment of Oriental designs and color
ings in this lot. Extra fine quality Royal Wiltons
Rugs that will add distinction and beauty to any
home. Rugs selling ordinarily J A 7 Efl
at $60.00, priced special... Z)r 4 iJU
$5.50 Wilton Rugs, 27x54-inch, now $3.45
$8.50 Wilton Rugs, 36x63-inch, now $6.45
uuuu'LTiri- "- ""
Standard Scwi ng Machines
In the July Clearance
$23.50 Sewing Machines $ 1 7.98
Beginning t o m o r- Z ', . -
fw w nffcr Ww r" ?
most extraordinary Ll (
Standard and
"OWK" Sewing
Machine. A small
deposit down will
put one in your
home, and you may
pay the balance on
the club plan $1
a week until paid.
0 Norwood Central eile
ewinir Machines are reduce
$26.00 "OWK" Sewing .Mflcliiiicn CTQ CiQ
rri..a.1 f nr Julv ('lprnn(l lit mil
;0 ' OWK .New Central Si Stl 'IX
ille Sewing Machine, pccial V7- V
Uegular $35.00 "OWK" Cabinet CO, Afi
Sewing Machines, July Clearance V7-" U -
$25.00 Cleveland Central Needle Machine, SMS.fS
$.V.00 Standard Rotary Machine, special, $20.4S
$40.00 Grand Kotarv Machine, fvccial.
$40.00 Rotary Central Needle Machine at $2!.9."
$."0.00 Rotary Central Needle Machine at S.'17.1S
$."50.00 Rotary Central Nee. lie Cabinet at !KI7.J