THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 23, 1914. 13 V FOE KENT. Ho HOUSES FOR KENT. 6 rooms, 78 Kearney st., $28. 5 rooms, 47u Hoyt st., $16. t rooms, t14',4 Front St., $1j. 8 rooms, 11th sr., $35. rooms, 4s E. Davis st., f2U. S rooms, 214 14th at., $30. h rooms, 1'j4 Cherry st., $20. 8 rooms, 74u Irving st., $J.j. 5 rooms, 771 Javier et., $15 8 rooms, 413 14th st., $oO. 9 rooms, 4 "3 Hall st., 7 rooms, 2U5 Union ave., N., $-1. . 8 rooms, liM East GSth st., $25. 8 rooms. 884 Front st., $25. 6 rooms, 124 East lath st., $25. 0 rooms, 673 East Ankeny su, $20, FLATS FOR RENT. 5 rooms, 2iU 12th St., $21. 7 rooms, llu 13th. st., SiiO. 5 rooms, u0 Market st.. $21, Grooms, 2$Q 14th St., $20. rooms. 474 Hancock st., $21. 5 rboms, 31 Pacii'ic sc. $15. 6 rooms, 566 East Salmon st. .i rooms, '2-tl Grant st $2J. rooms, X22 Kearney st., $23, PARRISH, WAT KIN 3 & 10C Second St. CO.. ilEIJCft A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, loth floor. Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalow; la the city; make use of this service when V6u dfKira: this hoes not oDiiKate you any manner to this store. You wilt find us reaily and willing at all times to help you in locating, .ewcomen in roruanu will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private troDnv are iMMted to list tnair unoccu piad apartments, flats and houses at Aieier Ai Fra.ii lis' i iee Rental bureau. 4VHOOM modern house, 1109 Vernon ave. 3-room modern house, 32d and Emer on. Si ft. 8-room new. modern bungalow. With f Irenliip.ft. 415. 5-room, -new, modern bungalow, with t ireulace. attic. Slti. Last two mentioned have never been occupied. 5-room modern house In South Port land & I A. 2 and 3-room flats", close In, on East Bide. $ and $y. OTTO & HARKSON, First Street. ONE of the finest, up-to-date bungalows mi Portland for itase one or more years; terms SiiO per month, first and last monta . payable In advance. Fireplace, furnace. cement basement, buffet, hardwood floors, gas and electric llgnts, cement trays, v,m tlow shades and screens, gas stove, lino leum in kitchen and baih. beautiful elec trie fixtures with cut glass globes. In Hawthorne district, - near 37th; references required. Phone Tabor 44JU. L.AURELHCR3T HOUSES FOR RENT. We have lotnt new. strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; If they do not suit, we will build just what you want on easiest of terms, iaureiuurec to., XiVn btark St. Main ljliS, A 1516. IRVINGTON,. Modern S-room house for rent, southwest corner of East 2uth and Biazee sts. ; $40 per month. Will lease. See ilr. Junes, JNO. P. WESTON CO. ISO N. W. Bank bldg. HQ rent, wish refined parties with furniture to take my 7 -room modern house ex change for board; further particulars, call Sunday until 4 P. M., week days after tf;lf. P. M. 664 East Irving, two blocks north Sandy blvd. JMODEliN U-rom home lor lease, heat fur nished from centra! plant ; alto garaye, l&un and uarbaee cared for, near Wash ington Hign School,. Keferenees. OGti Eaat Anil st. a. IT K ACT I V E, clean, 6-room, tinted, gas. eleotrlcity. wash tray, etc., cement base. ment, yard, paved street, near oar, good neighborhood, i'Zz. l&v Williams ave. Woodlawn 46. IsEW o-room bungalow, modern and con venient. $lu per month ; fine car service. fb26 4th ave. S. ul. Key next aoor oi at Morgan, Flledner t Boyce. ii3-SJl Morgan bldg. BUNGALOW FOB RENT OR SALE. iiodtjtn. with ti rooms on the ground xluor, iirapiace. furnace, nice yara, on a. -3d at., near B razee, In Irvingtott. Phone John is. Bean, woodiawn aid or is. siys. -ROOM house at 081 Kearney st., corner Hint; good condition, furnace, fireplace and other conveniences; rent $3U per month. Call Main 1UU2. $12 FOR 7-r. house, 12h Union ave: North; bath, hot and cold water, bis: front win dows to show something. 1 osemite and Plea mon t, Inquire 12H4. VUHNllSHEI houses 4 to it rooms; bungal ows, t i ooms ; nuts, J to (t rooms, KliCCitlTY JJEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Call Monday, Ma.lnl 21 ;ueR lor Kirurd. J5 RENTS good tt-room house, 860 Weidlef Bt., near zi tn, lot ooxiuo. nice garaen spot, K. Ankeny or Broadway car. Phone Main ana, A HooiiKN, up-to-date tt-ioom home for rent 'In the choicest part of L,aurelnurBt, at oo per month. Wnl lease 'to respuhsiule turtles. See owner, ula Piatt bldg. 1-KOOM house, sleeping porch, nuW And well arranged, 7Uo East 42d st. North, Beimont; rent 2o. lloO Northwestern Bank bldg. Main Viij. ft ROOMS, modern, in first-class condition, newly tinted and painted, Eaut bide, $2t' Phone Woodlawn 197. Jj'OK BENT bmctiy modern house, six ruoniB, good location, walking distance. 331 Holladuy ave. East ttiu. WALKING distance, West Side, neat 7-room home, ait) JdaiKet, near 14th; small yard. Phone Main 4510. Kent ilia. -l-KUOM house In Irvington, furnace, gas, electric lights, phone. Forenoons East 1W67. 6 BOOMS with Bleeping porch; modern; $15; wilt sell furniture cheap. Apply 21' 2 East 4tHh st., near Salmon. $lo SUNNYH1DE, clean, 5-room cottage and bath, nice yard. Iu42 East Morrison, near tOth, Key next door. I'Oll KENT Eleven-room house, without guruge, five minutes w business center, call Main with or ilk from iiU.VTAVILLA. 6-room cottage very cheap; water, iur, gas. fruit, chicken yard. Phone Marshall 42S1. W'EtiT 4tlo Broadway, cottage fitted with hot-water heater, gas rang and linoleum. Marshall 4tiS& fl-ROOM cottage. ll'O E. liOth, one block to Uti and iit. Tabor cars; rent only Slti. F. A. Jacksun. Main tt4J'J. Jr'OH liK.NT 10-room house, oV0 E. Salmon St.. near loth. Modern conveniences, oo per month. Phono Main 4403. WiLLi lease tf-room bungalow, well located not over aO. Mr. Kupper, Main TTtfV. J 14 Chamber of tkmimeree. Portland beiohts, beautiful new 8- roum house, lovely grounds; roses, fine view, low rent. Owner, 2iil Clay st. "OH RENT Irvington home modern, 7 rooms. 1 -story bungalow. 533 E. 16th st., N. fe-ROOM modern dwelling at 123 East 29th North, corner Olisan; $16 per month. Call Main 1 a 4 3. I'OK RENT Modern 6-room house, full lot, at Tad Union ave. N. inquire Mrs. M. Major, next door. ROOMS, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, finished basement fireplace, splendid io catlou. cheap rent. Phone Main 201a MODERN, clean, two-story, uine-rooui house, 4ufi Montgomery at. Phone Mar. g46u, A SToU. 1'Oft KENT 4-room cottage, bath and gas, luoluding water; rent $17. BF 7h, ure g o nlau. . lu'EW 6-room buiiBalow, $J0. lin. iUwood 0H7. 862 E. Frank- "KslW 0-room bungalow; also a 4-room; unable rent. ;sU Constunce et. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, Clinton at., WR or WW car. MODKRN clean. Carutuei-s st. five-room oottage. HOT -HOOa house, modern, 699 Flanders, near 2.'d. Main t0SU or East 963. -BOoM nouw, autre 1110 4ti' 712 Lovejoy, near X-d. Main t2T8. In- 6-ROOM oottage. month; West Side, close in. Inquire B-8 Morrison. MODERN 0-room bungalow. 534 E. 50 th N. lioe City Park. Phone C -'tiol. 25. HOLSE of 6 "room i and bath, 69 K.lth N. Inquire 130 ttth st. Main 67S.. MODERN 7-room h o use, fireplace, furnace. attic, nice yard, close In. 74 E. Main. MODERN 6-room house, lirst-class oondl tloD. 643 East 17th st. W-R car. 8-ROOM houne. modern. near gad. Main 6817. 740 Irving at.. ttt KA6X 21ST. tn:e. with gar "-lOOJU ige. new uiodern eot- -KOOM houke, muderu conveiiienccc ; yard. Low rent. l! K. Stark, near jsth st. IRVINGTON Modern, sunny houae, t rooms. 7i Thompson, cor. aad. East 12-ROOM house. East Hide. 20th and Carl sts., $10 per montn. Phone Main 5171. 6-KOOM house. 412 llnll Pt.; gas, bath, 10 ininutes' watk to Foetoffice. IH only. 6-KOOM cotta ge, 93 E . 10th, co f. Wash ; 1J per month. ' 6-ROOM house, 6-J Union nve. N. ;;o llth st. Phone A leao. Inquire 7-ROOM modurn house. 4 K. lOih at. N. fntlth-Waao"Pf Co. Htock Exchange. HiCtflRABLE 6 and 8-room houses. :i:0 and S:S San Kafaol, close in. Eutt l(tji.-. MODERN f -room bouse for rent, it . 16th- FOB KENT. fioaMTh. ROSS CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5 KOOMS. 40TH AND TILLAMOOK STS. Unusuailv homnldtfl in its aDDointmenta. The decorations are out of ordinary and yet in eood taste. If you are in the mar ket, we would advise that you see It without fail, as we will close with party who has made an offer on Tuesaay an less your terms are more satisfactory Veiy close price for $10oo or more down, out wn; take tow down. tu H. BAILEY CO.. INC., Contracting Architects. MOUSES. J10 4 rooms, 4432 41st ave. S. E. (15 4 rooms, 4138 4th ave. 3. E. j jO 4 rooms, 407 Market at., near 13th. S-t 5 rooms. &49 Overton fit., near 17th. $i0 5 uoms, 535 Overton sL, corner 17th, $5t) 8 rooms, modern, nice yard, 438 E. Z6th st. N.: near Tillamook. 40 7 rooms, modern. 90 E. Conch at., near KL iiflth wnlltinff d atattoe. S40 10 rooms. 381 Yamhill St., near 10th. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. V6sd, A 2653. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS. $40 & rooms, modern, West Side, Walk Ins- dist&hca. 21 5-room bungalow, Hose City Park. Jo 8 rooms, hew, modern, Beaumont. $338 rooms, modern. Laureihurst. JlO 4-room cottage, 74th and etanton. 'UOJ-.UM.4JIA REALTY IN V Jbs i Jo. ISi X 617 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 8Ut8, WE have a moat comprehensive list of good houses for rent at f-0 and up to $lu0 mo., both East and West Side; all are rood, clean, modern Dlnces. well lo cated and worth the price asked; we do not waste our time and Will not waste yours on any old shacks. K. N. CLARK. A COMPANY, Title and Trust Bidg 8l 4th St. DANDY 5-room bungalow, R. C, Park, right near car: beautifully furnished; owner leaving town, will sacrifice complete furnishings, all brand new. at $550, and turn over lease to desirable tenant ; ren is John Hartog, litjy Jtark st. Main LARG13 GROUNDS. Modern house, 6 rooms, besides 2 at tic rooms, 'J large lots; abundance of fruit ana berries; on carllne, close in. East bide; rent reasonable. A. K. HILL, -did Henry bldg. MY nice home, on corner Vancouver ave. and Broadway, will be for rent about July i large yard, lawn, flowers and fruit; easy waiKing distance; reasonable rent to re sponsible party. East J343. J. H. Buck. FOR RENT Bmall Aouse, South Portland; $5; Curry st.; 0 rooms and bath, with tin bacic Dorch. 112. East btarit mil rooms, Apply 010 Chamber of Com merce biag. WILL rent my modern 5-room bungalow to eeiect parties; furnace, fireplace, screens, litrht fixtures, linoleum, all built-in con veniences, very fine flowers and yard, $2e, 4zv a. ytn sc. xaoor BUNGALOW 30TH 8T. 5 rooms, fine condition. v2i Oregon at. Sandy Road car. Addreaa owner, 1572 Belmont sL. COMB to 1091 Belmont, corner B. 7th, 3 to 5:Hu. Sunday, and inspect comfortable, partly furnished 5-rooin bouse; rights on canine; au. MODERN 8 -room house en Larrabee street, two blocks, north Broadway bridge j fur nace, gas,' electricity, lawn with fruit treee and roses. Inquire 4l! Larrabee at, FOR RENT Five-room bungalow in good condition ; good well. gasoline engine, chick vn yard in rear; $11 per month, Thompson, 823 Morgan bldg. Main 2Uo5. NEW. modern. S-room house. 600 East 2utb anu w tan ion sts., n, ivey at (jh m$. tn and Stanton sts. Bent reasonable to right party. FURN1KHKD u-room bungalow, player piano, sewing macnine. uuu tyraouee st, University Park. S-ROOM house, furnaoe, fireplace, fine cor ner, close in; io loth at., corner Asn. Apply owner, E. couch. PARTY leaving city will lease home. Nob Bill, 9 rooms, rent i4a; walking distance. Address a i it oregoniau. FINE Laureihurst home, 7 room, hard wood floors, built-In conveniences, lovely lawn. Call Tabor 3397 or 13J4 H. Flandera. ATTH ACTIVE corner, 4-room bungalow, modern throughout, ime growing garden. Tabor L'2:;u. MODERN tt-rot?m house, built-in conven iences, sleeping porch and furnace, rent reduced. 143 East 4ttth and Main. $1 MONTH 6-room house, 2 fine lots, plenty or iruit, n,at uiae, ciose in. Hi. j. Geiser. 4yJ Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Ei-room cottage. West Side, walking distance; only SU per month. M. Lee, ooroett mug. 410.50 NEW. modern 3-room bungalow rirepiace, narawoou rioors, etc.. on tvin st.. cloee to cai. Phone C 2'M'i. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 5-room cottage. modern; fireplace and fine view; rent V Marshall 1100. u53 Terrace Drive. 5-ROOM Bungalow, modern, partly fur nished. $15 per mo. 73 West Prescott BU Tel. Woodlawn 473. WEST SIDE 7-room neat, modern nouse; small vjrd. GIU Market at., near 14th, Main 4M0. 4-ROOM cottage for rent, modern, $7 per month. 7iu E lith st., r., between .ueecn and fremoht sts. wooaiawn 34.ia. FOR RENT 10-room house, furnished or unfurnished, all modern improved, gooa location. 148 N. 18th. Inquire mornings. FOR RENT 4-rooin cottage. hlce base Call Wood- ment, corner lot with rrui lawn 700. 5-ROOM house at H6 lth at., newly deco rated, electric llgnts, large yara. a. a. Steinbach & Co., 15 Corbett bldg. IN LAURELHURST A fine 7-room house nt reaaonabie rent, particulars, ous Benry Bldg. . LA RGB and prautically new house In Irv- lnston. moaern ana tato aeiign, f-o yvi month. Phone East 44H. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house at 76 East 10th North, cor. Everett, inquire at 7a East 10th North. ROOM cottoge, fine condition, cement basement, nl-e yard and flowers; walking distance. r4U Broadway South. MODERN bungalow, newly decorated. 3 rooms, bath and sleeping-porch, line view. SU'. Main 404l. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house, 1288 Willamette blvd.; diocjcs irom car; aia. Call Wood. 2164. Ei.EC.ANT MODERN T-ROOM BUNGA LOW, IN IRVIAUTOA, JUUl 1. JM Alt. 5403. NEW 6 ROOMS, MODERN, IN HAW THORNE DISTRICT; A BAKUAI.'I A'l $ 2 5. M A R. 54 ft 8. . RENT fl-room house, Phone East 5I'J. 0-ROOM house, good location, small fam ily, a 1 u. inquire gwj jvcroy ax. 5 JIODERN 4-room bungalow, 81 E. 30th cor. Stark. Tabor 3831. (13.50 A MONTH, 6-room house, ML Scott canine, information, mam iow. Furnished Hotwe. FINELY furnished 10-room house, best close-in w est siae resiaence aisirict, iwo or three months, S100 per month, AO 70, Oregoninn. FOR. RENT Furnished 0-room bungalow. all mouem, rent oo. win imbq ior one year. 1g(U East Madison. Hawthorne car. Tabor 4X12. COMPLETELY furnished rooms of 6-room modern bungalow, private entrance, Si'O including phone, water. Tabor 41i)0. lo5 E. S2d. W ANTE D Oouple to shftre. -with elderly ladv. five-room, moaern oungaiow ; rur nished; reasonable. Phone Woodlawn $30 8-room completely furnished house, Al bina; $:, 8-room furnished house, Bmlth Wagoner -Co.. Stock Eachange. FOR RENT Completely furnished house on Portland Heights, for July. August and September, reasonable. Phone Main WELL-FURNISHED house, piano; nice cation. clot im for 'J mo. or, a year. ' H Tavlor. E. R7. LARGE, modern 3-room furnished flat; Dutch kitchen, private both, beautiful grounds. 04 E. SOth. Hell. 70S. COMPLETELY furnished S-room house, $15 a month. Large yard. 7BJ -E. -th st., W.-W. car. FOR RENT 5-room furnished bungalow. 1117 E. Uraut. Inquire M. So45, or Tabr 5-HOOM bungHlow. thoroughly modern, well furnished; good neighborhood, nes,r Reed College; fireplace. Sell wood 13S7. MODERN T.-room bungalow, cheap. 1"27 Fremont et. furnished. FOR RiSNT Furr-islied house for Summer. Inquire 105 E. Yamhill St. rtlCELY adults: furnished cottage for Rummer; reference Woodlawn 1047. MODERN 5-room furniched bungalow. Reed College. Sell wood THREE-ROOM cottage, partly furnished, $6 mo. 110 H. SSth st. N. Phone C 14."2. FOR RENT -Conuortable furnished house. Apply 7.13 Wnisco st. - oi part i TamhlM. ' furnished house, elose Main 4415. r5 COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cotiape in Punnjvide at $-0. Phone Pellwood V'JO. COMPLETELY furnished 51.1. 708 Mississippi av 6-room cpttage. FOR RENT Home nicely furnish1?. 750 Williams ave, Call Woodlawn 1520. MODERN Slsned. 5-riom bunpaloV, completely fur 166 E. 20th, N. FOB KENT. Furnished Hoi WILL RENT July and August 4-room house fur nialied complete; piano, phone, gas, electricity '1 lots, good lawn, garden, fruit and flowers; ideal Summer home; rent reasonable to responsible party. 500 Kenilworth and W. It. oar. Phone Sell. 150. OUR friends have listed with us for rent a number of splendid furnished houses, prices from $:tu to $150 per month, both East and West Side; some good ones for the Summer only; several large places; all ure modurn, clean and good value. t F. N. CLARK & COMPANY, Title and Trust Bldg., t9 4th St. FURNISHED 5-room cottage, corner lot, garden, berries, roses. East 34th, near Hawthorne, $2.5Q. Furnished, 7 rooms, strictly modern, piano. East 37th st. North, near Braaee. Kossmere,. $3J.5'J. Tabor i50. LADY having attractive home with large garden and roses, 15 mln. out, restricted district, would rent to couple for J5 mo. during Bummer, including vegetables; no orjeotlon to child. Tabor 303 1. PIEDMONT a rooms and sleeping porch Victrola, baby grand piano. electric cleaner, tireless cooker, etc. July 15 to sept, l, $r0 per mo.; adults; references. Phone C 2070. ONE of the beat places In the city, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, all completely fur nished tor housekeeping, must be seen ti be appreciated. 5 per month. Call at 870 Belmont st. FOR RENT Furnished house. & rooms, suit able for two families; plenty fruits, nice lawn and flowers. All modern, two tire places, two baths. Corner lst and Haw thorne. Phone B 3 "-' 0. WILL rent comfortable, modern, 6-room home in best part of irvington; xurmsnea autnalair far month of July for $45; references required. Phone East 4154 or call at 71 Weidler st. COST little home; S-room furnished flat, nice neighborhood. West Side, 10 mln. walking distance; light rooms, sleeping porch and front porches; reasonable rent. Reference required, 44 Hail, near latn st 640 TAYLOR, near 17th, 4-room apt., 3 large oay windows, well siiflaea, nneiy nmsnea; brand now Axminster earoets. new lino leum; fumed oak furniture) upholstered in special leather,- all for 92a. MY nicely furnished home with piano, choice neighborhood ; paved street ana canine ; rent t-ia. adults only. ItilO Virginia st. Take "F" oar '2d and Morrison, get off at Miles St. Phone Marshall 12o. MODERN 8-room. nicely furnished house. with piano, fine grounds, seven large fruit trees, roses and shrubbery. Phone Miss McBride, Marshall 40OO or apply Si E. Jitn st., cor, tu. biara. ELEGANTLY furnished Nob Hill home, 8 rooms, Z baths, t.ieeplng porch, hardwood floors, extra larse rooms, beamed ceiimes, tvery modern convenience; garage. Mar shall 4017. MODERN 0-room finely furnished home, sleeping poroh. wide verandas, garden ; will rent for 4 months. F &0, Oregonian, or Woodlawn S4au. 5-ROOM Completely furnished house, gas. electricity, furnace, fireplace, piano, aauits Cheap to right party. 1118 East Harri-son-st. MODERN 6-room furnished house, sleeping noroh. fire d lace, siano. moe lawn, rea sonable to desirablo tenant for the Bum- mer. Phone Y oodlawn 1U47. IRVINGTON HOME, modern, furnished or unfurnished, hloe grounds, garrage, for unfurnished, nice grounds, gai-aga. East 15th North, corner Ciackamas. MODERN West Side furnished residence, 4 bedrooms, slcebina norchi good neighbor. hood: block from car: walking distance; July and August. 407 14th St., near HalL COMPLETELY Well-furnished 5-room flat. sleeDine porch, walking distance. West Side, reasonable to responsible people. Main 7Z42. PL hi AS ANT furnished house, on Willamette Heights, to lease for months, aiuu inontn. Phone Marshall lbbU or a vo, Oregonian. 90S BROADWAY, modern 6-room furnished house for rent at $Uo per month. Good yard with flowers and fruit. Call at 51;! Phut bldg. FOR RENT u-room bungalow, well fur nished, piano, newly painted inside and out, nice yard, rent $25 per month includ Itig water. Call H6 E. 12th N. or C 0021. MODERN S-room home, just re tin ted and ttleaned, witn piano, large grounds, xruit trees and roses. Apply tl East 27tn, cor, E, Htark. Phone B 1663. 10-ROOM modern bouse. furnished for housekeeping, close in, on Blue, S4U, OTTO &. HARKSON. 155H First mreet. MODERN furnished fi rooms, piano, large front porch, excellent neighborhood, rea sonable; no children. ?Jo East Madison. East 4000. LARGE, comfortable Irvington home for rent during summer months to trust worthy people. Low rent;, references. AC iv, oregoniau. MODERN 5-room cottage all modern con fer rent. ln- veiuences, all furnished, quire 5uu5 42d ave., S. wood '2224. E. Phone Sell Vv l-Ji.L. fi:rfiishtd cott&.are block from Sunny siue car, oargain, iai jn, ija st. win rent for two months. IRVINGTON Modern 7-room furnished house ana garage. 433 E. Uth St., xs. East 4352. ATTRACTIVE 3-room cottage, nice yard: adu its ; permanent. dod Sacramento. 1 1100. CONVENIENT modern 7-room house, well furnished, . beautiful for situation. (Sell wood luti. ARTISTIC bungalow, West Side, walking dis tance, a-room, furnace, beautiful view, reasonable rent. 48S College st. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house in irvingtom near z canines, none juarsnaii 4328 or A H72tl PORTLAND HEIGHTS Part house,- 10 rooms, unfurnished house 7 rooms, main 4S44. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, furnished. reasonable,1-for juiy and August; give rer- erencee. 4.'H B. 04th North. COMPLETELY furnished nice home for four months or less; reasonable; auuus. Bchuyler st. FOR RENT A modern C-room furnished house, with piano, elose in on East aide. Phone mornings. East 6325. MODERN furnished 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch for rent during uuiy ana August. Phone O 1179. . !5 PER month, 6-room, completely fur nished bungalow. 1189 East Grant at. Tabor 532'. FOR RENTWelJ-furnished 8-room house. large sleeping porch, West Bide, good neighborhood. Phone 7970. ROOM house, with bath, electric lights and gas, new furniture, $18 per month. 309 E. Uth st. gouth. Phone East 5285. $60 WILL Jeaae a completely furnished 1 4-room home on West side; suitaDie tor good class -of boarders. SOS Corbett bldg. ROOM furnished bungalow for rent July 1 to September 15, $25 per month. 841 -Brooklyn st. "WW car. NICE modern 4-foom cottage, E. 26th and Holgate, furnisned f e. unxurmsnea 41 j. E. 3325 evenings. 8-ROOM modern house- completely fur nished with sleeping porcn; rent $su. Phone Marshall 8181. WELL furnished house for rent, very cheap to responsible couple, during juiy ana Augtiet. Call 105 East 22djN'. "A" car. FOR RENT -10-room house, modern furni ture; owner wtli t-oom and board. 77s Gilsart. Math 4047 or Main 264. COMPLETE 6-room cottage, lawn, roses. garden, July and August; reierenoes, 3au East S7th st. Phone Tabor 4510. ROOM beautifully furnished house, with garage, in Irvington. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., 404 Wilcox bldg. M. 8S99. A 65$. rFOR RENT furnished -A modern six-room house -for Juiy and August, iify aiarsnan st.. near 2d. LEASE for it years Strictly modern 10 room nouse, rurmsnea or unrrnisnen. mod Hill district; rgferonces. Phone A -ROOM house, choti-e location, hardwood floors, Turkish rugs ana nianogany ur nlture. A 6211, Main 4011. WELL furnished modern 6-room house, In cluding piano, monni. 101 nuuiivj, uf Fremont. Woodlawn Or Alberta car. IRVINGTON- 7-room completely furnished. low rent zor muumi i imvuhsiui iuu East 1820. ....... . HOUSE TENT, nicely furnished, house keeping, view, snaae, cuy vtaier, eiecinu. 3i7 21st. near Market. JULY, August, 5 rooms, completely fur nished; moaern, yiwuu, iuku, iuivi. kuuilb. Main W Tabor It ML - S09 Yeon bldg. FURNISHED, new, modem 7-rooms, sleep ing porch ; west el one Mt Tabor; I or months. Phona Tabor 15. 5-ROOM completely furnished, thoroughly mudern, new and up to date; $20. Call East C7 or Main 2420. $2' r0 MONTH- 5-room modern cottage, fiirntshed. 173 East 35th, near Belmont. FURNISHED B-rocm house In suburbs, near good carllne. $10 per month. Main 2472 NICELY furnished house. piano, garage, close in. Phone B 1779. $14 8-ROOM cottage. Kern Park, modern. Malu $872. 309 Yeon bldg. FOR-! RENT Furnished house with use of piano. 1158 E, Yamhill. B 1748. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house In Irvington. on carllne; adults. East 42V4. 5-ROOM cottage, modern, rent reasonable. East Bids. Call Main 5313. FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. MODERN 8-room house, with sleeping porch, nicely furnished, -with piano, gar age, large lawn, roses, shade trees, three blocks to car. 9x0 E. 10th N. Wood lawn 1952. N 6-ROOM furnished house, modern, with lawn and rose bushes; rent reasonable to tella ble party; I am leaving town. 411 E. 39th N. ; Rosa City Park car. Tabor 1170, B 1713. FL'HMsHED 5-room modera house with pi ano, for bummer months. 10 (J East Stark, across street from Laureihurst Park, $-5 per month, call Sunday, 3 to 4. After Sun day, Marshall 2B5tf. WANTED Couple without children to share modern furnished home in fine neigh borhood, lawn, flowers. 415. References exchanged. 6m East Taylor st. FOR RENT Furnished, fine country home in city; all vegetables and fruit on place. Call Tabof 22TU. Summer Kesorta. FOR RENT at Newton (Station, Long Bench, Wash., one 2-room cottage for July and 1st week In August; one 2-room cottage for first 12 days in July and first 2 weeks of Aug.; one 1 -room cottage first J weeks of Juiy and last IO days of Aug.; one 1-room cottage first and last wsek in Aug. Kent il a day. All completely fur nished for housekeeping, electric Hght. running water, full view of ocean, free wood. Call Sun. and evenings. Tabor 2072. Weekdays A 3S11, Main 595ti. BPEND your vacation at beautiful Columbia Beach. Completely furnished housekeep ing tents, free use of tennis courts, base ball grounds; canoeing and boating. In formation T. H. Corate, 720 Northwestern Bank bldg., or E. D. Laudon, Warrentou, Or.( R. F. D. CANNON BEACH. Tor July and August, best furnished sna most comfortable cottage, 6 rooms and large sleeping porch; just the thing for six people; also furnished camp, 2 cabins and 14x16 tent, good for 4 people. M. B. McKay, Lueretla Court. SEA VIEW, 6-room cottage, nice and clean, ready to tisa; furnished except blankets, linens, pillows; three bedrooms; has elec tricity, city water, lawn, barn or garage; reduction to small quiet family; $2 de posit will hold to July . Hurry. T. O'Neal, nesvlew, Wash, SEASIDE COTTAGE WANTED for the season or by month; state price both ways; will also consider an exchange of Portland property tor oeacn property, H - C. Aim 1th, 401 Broadway at., Portland, Or. A VACATION in the mountains; Alpine Farm, on the Washougal River; good flsh-ins-, horn cookinz: limited number of sleeping tents; reasonable rates. Write Mrs. E. B. Waterman, Washougal. Wash. COTTAGES for rent at Newport on ocean front. Fine view or ocean, aibo nouse keeping rooms for rent. Address Mrs. H H. CroWdis, Newport, Oregon. PLEASANT rooms with batn. Will serve breakfast. Clubs and parties solicited. Mrs. Catharine T. Conlln. The Chester. Seaside, Or. NKAR-KAK-NIR HEiCH Comoletelv fur nished cottage; large llving-xoom, facing ocean, fireplace, running water, beautiful view. Sellwood 333. Call morning. OCEAN PARK bungalow, fire-place, large suhny living-room, good rang, pure water; home comfort; now Mo J uly 1 $15 to right party. B 1547. FOR RENT 2-room apartment, furnfuhed for Unlit housekeenlns. bv dav or month. Btewart Apartments, call or addresa Gearhart, Or. WANTED At Seaside, room In private fam ily by the week, with housekeeping privi lege, by two Indies; must be reasonable. A 81, Oregonian. Mtr.T, RON'S TENtT C1T1". Just a whisper from the ocean. Tents furnished complete for housekeeping. Box 65, Seaside. Or. GEARHART Well-furnished six-room cot- tagu, nne porches, electric lights, aiso lurge platform, tent and cabin. Phone East 0774, MODERN furnished cottHge at Gearhart, reasonable rent for season. Owner. Main 4. FOR JULY. 3-foom cottage on Garabaldi Beach, ocean front lot, reasonable, i-nono B 2ioX. 1VBO test aiorrison. FURNISHED, clean 5-room oottage: elec- - tricity; good neighborhood. Seaside. Phone East 2750. SPEND your vacation at Mountain Brook Inn, Trout Lane, wasu,; nrst-ciaas ac commodations; good Ashing, GLEAN 4-room cotUge at fcea View for rent; large sleeping porcn, eiecirio usuu and nreplace. Fhone Tauor jj.u. FOR RENT Seaside, cosy 5-room oottage. modern Conveniences, on uoujevra. in quire evenlngs Woodlawn 727. G-iiOOM tottage. Beach Center Wash; rtreulace, fine water, wood, Dedding fur nished. ?(i5 season. Main 8403. FURNISHED room facing ocean, with kitch en privileges, with private family, at sea view, after July 1. References, Main 1055. ROOM and board, also tents and cottages for rent at Ocean I'arK. Mrs. tin ma Mat thews, Ocean Park, Wash. SEASIDE Furnished modern house, over looking ocean. Key 91 fi south Bosra Walk. East 271, C 8163, Monday. HANDSOME Y-room modern bungalow, well furnished. 405 (South Board Walk, sea side. Or. SEASIDE Small cottages and suites of rooms furnished, for light housekeeping; very desirable, Godfrey Bros. NIB BEACH, 3 sunny rooms, furnished for housekeeping; also single nouseKeeping rooms; choice location. Box 326, Newport. EAt DE Will rent "Katoma Cottage," 7 rooms, very complete, ocean front ana 4th ae. Apply at cottage. Morgan. SEASIDE 4-room cottage, completely fur- nishHl, electrio lights and city water. Main 01S. OCEAN PARK, Wash., for rent, furnished. -room cottage. .o season; also furnished tents. Phone riellwood J724. Monday. SEASIDE cottage, furnished, on board Walk, ocean front, for rent for season. A. ii. Long. Main 3003. SEASIDE Low rent; sleeping rooms. h. k. loca- rooms, h. k. tents, tent ground; nne tion; cheap. Apply Fannie Austin. FOR RENT for July at Beach Center, a 6-room cottage furnished; rent $30. none Main 6093, A NEW, furnished. 2-room bungalow, with sleeping porcn, zor rent at uearnari. Phone Main 7539. FOR RENT Cottage and tents. Cannon Peach. Write, Mrs. u. Maneur. J.nappton. Wash. LUNG BEACH, Washington, furnished slx- rnom cottage near station. Phtme East 47i!5. SEAVIEW cottage to rent for season, well furnished, located Detween station ano ocean. Main eu7. Kast 5534. OCEAN CREST APTS., Rockaway P. O.. furnished light nouseKeeping; good water; sanitary. FOR RENT Clean 4-room cottage for July In Hermosa Park, seaside, or. Phone Tabor 1980. GEARHART 5-room furnished cottage. fin location. Inquire phone Main 1764. GEARHART 6-room furnished cottage, by the month r season, woodlawn 1122. SEASIDE -room modern furnished cot- tag. C 1628. ROOM Wash. furnished house. Mam 4154. Ocean Park, 6 ALT cnttage for rent. Address 505 joinery, or phone A 421 M. 6-ROOM furnished cottage al Seaview, Wash., facing ocean. Main U2)l. Bl XG ALOW furnished complete. AK IS, Oregonisn. Hood road. BE AH IDE Furnished four-room cottage. July, $5. nenr Nfvarticum. Main .04. SEASIDE; 6-room cottage, bath, electricity, for July: $.ij. Main y.ri9. FOR RENT Larue house-tent by week or month ; shady yara ; seaview. Mam m?ta. NEWPORT Convenient furnished fl-room cottage. Nye CreeK, lor rent. Main uw. SEASIDE cottage, furnished, central toy-a- tion. 1 7 1 Third near Yam h in. FOR RENT Cottage at pearhart, reason - BE A VIEW 5 -room bungalow on ridge. Call Tabor Bffle. : FOR sParmi, furnished cottage at Sea view. E. S24. FOR PENT Furnished cottage at Seaview for season. D. Kellaher. East 31M6. LONG BEACH Five-room furnished eot tage. Inquire Main 8894. CHEAP, 2 furnished cottages." Seavitw dis trict, near or?sn. 4U.T E. A?h St. TWO-ROOM pottage, at SaHuir on Garibaldi Beach. Phone Tabor 10"0 . . . COMPLETELY fm-ntshed housekeeping rnoms. eeaview. Wash. B. Bheparrt. t ESI R ABLE " and 6-room cot t ire over look in jr orifjin. nt Hfasn'.e. Marshall 4727. SEASIDE Furnished cottage, overlooking ocean, for rent reasonable. Tabor 481$. FOR Summer cot tapes snd beech lots see jsLEX GILBERT ft SON, Seaside. Or. BOARD or H. K. tent near Mt. Hood, sonaMe. East :t?? or Main 6120. TWO cottaaes at Seaview, Phone EaFt Sl'O. $125 and $.100. XISWPOilT'-Sl new 4 and 5-room cottages for rent, facing ocean. East 5-ROOM fiTrnished cottage, Long Beach. Wash- Tioga statl&n. CallMaln 450. 4TrOOM furnished cottsae. Beach Center, Long Beach. Phone Sellwood 4. f OR RENT. Summer Resort. On Barview Beach, on Tillamook R. R. A wi(t tn a n r. A vmi V- a ! Ion. With very little expense. We have all kinds of amusements: flrst-elass hotel and tent. Call, make your reservation now. Ralph 'Arkley Land Co.. 204 Falling bldg, c ner 3d and Washington sts. FOR RENT One of finest private homes on North Beach, at seaview, wasn.; stories, containing II large rooms Com -1 pieisiy lurntiaea, wiia every mouvra uu- venienca. hot and cold water, large bath room, sanitary toilet and lavatory; oeau tiful living-room with large tlreplace; will rent for July, Aug. and September Address owner, Root. J. looen, not lad ay ave. East ll. "THt k.NULL" easlda. 1225 for SvasOU beautiful yard, water, flowers and trees, furnished complete with best of everything, bath, fireplace, electrloity, glass-enclosed porcn, laundry, truna and maia s rouiu, besides two bedrooms, llving-roena, dining room and kitchen. Address boa 5J5, 01 call at S23 2d av seaside. IDEAL dun liner home overlooking Hood River canyon: magnificent view; one acre lnwn and trea: housa well furnished, all modern conveniences. Including electric range; owner will rent for three mouths or 11 at sac rl flee. Address Fording, Hood River. FOR RENT at Seaview, on Long Beach, Washington: a fine eight-room cottage, well furnished, with bath and electric Jig 11 is , stiso inuuDUiiD spring i . station and beach. Call Helwood 456 or ask for Renshaw at tieaview. FOR BALE A cool, mountain home a Wfflih. Or.: nnw. well built. 4-rooin bun s-alnw. nalntfld insidth. and out: fireplace. large front porch; lot 50x100; beautiful fir and alder trees; price. wu, uireci irom owner. au t, oregonian. 2 KOOMB and sleeping poroh. electrio linhta. runnlritf water, niceiy xurnisneu, located at Locksiey Hall; will rent to August 1 or 15. Leven Hardware St FurnJ ture Co. Main 9072. FOR YOUR VACATION, Our Beach, lake. Farm, ran oh nouse. cottage, horses, 00a is. booklets and ourselves seek you. Address Classlo rtidge Beach Co Box U, Portland. P. 3.i Beach lots low prices. Easy terms. AMONG THE PINES AT SEASIDE. Ffrnu-nnd cartafrA. 4 rooms, larza lot plenty shade. 1 block to beach ; $75 for the season, photos at office of Fred W German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. SYLVAN PARK INN. Mrs, R. H. Tabor. manager. Cannon Beach, Or. On the beach ovenooKing the ocean; win open juiy j to August 15. Board by the day or week. Rates reasonable. GET a room at Columbia Beach Hotel f per wsek for two; do Own cooking in community kitchen or be served meals in grove. Write for particulars. Columbia Beach, Or. AT Ocean Park, Wash., 7-room furnished rnttiiffP with flrenlace. for rent: wou.d sell Oh easy terms. Mrs. Wheeler. 3h5 E. Aid st. Phone B z83 or T. A. BeeOhey, ocean Park. FURNISHED tent at Elmore Park. Tilla mook Beach; accommodations tor 3 or 4 close to store and waierj ready July 4 Tabor 185. . FiTHNlSHKn one-room housekeenine houses. Manhattan beach. Address W. F. Cole, 5ifrt ave., city or Rockaay Beach 1 Tillamook county. Or. FOR RENT for season, "Red Roc cottage," on Cannon Beach; six rooms, completely furnished. Address W. JU. Torrey, Hotel Torcey. rtaslde, or. GEARHART Cosy 4-room cottage, com pletely furnished; $100 for season, water iucluded; good beds. Phone Marshall bo5. Bergen. MODERN furnished bungalow apartments by the week or month, very reasonable rent, on ocean front, near notei at nay Ocean, Or. eog Wiicdx bldg. Msln 8ti. SALTAIR, on Tillamook Beach; two good lots, each 25x100, ntoelv located, only , 4uu feet from the ocean, $1$0 each, terms. Q 67, Oregon Ian. FOR RENT At Gearhart, for July, at tractive cottage, new and completely fur nished. Including pis no. Four bedrooms, ocean view, near hotel. Phone Esst 460T. FOR BALE. Gearhart, 8-room furnished cottage, $475. Phone Maid lo07 or call at sta. E. Z. T. Banks. NORTH BEACH, sosy 6-room cottage, run ning water, electricity, near the ocean and postofflce. low runt, bargain. BOX63.6EAVIEVV,VAdH. COZY and eomnletely furnished cottaaa at Long Beach for the season, $t0. 306 Spalding bldg. for particular and see picture of cottage. FOR RENT Large and small houses, com pletely furnished, olose to store and ocean, running water, electrio lights. Write Mrs. 11. Schneider, fieavlew, Wash. FOR RENT at Long Beach Station, new furnisned oottage tnree diocks irum sta tion; also separate house-keeping room with tent. F 7ti, Oregonian. 4-ROOM cottage, furnished, on ocean front. Just north or Columbia Beach, ror rent oi trade for auto, ovs Wilcox bldg. Main U5ti. NICELY furnished 7-room modern house, everything complete, 2 blocks from board walk close to Natatorium. Address Box 5tt7, Seaside, Or. FOR RENT Long Beach, Washing-ton, small completely furnished cottage for July, reasonable. tttftt Montgomery St., room 5. 7-ROOM cottage for the season at Long tacn, wain., newton station, completely fui nished. Apply 2U4 Benton st., cor. Halsey. FOR RENT Seaview, Wash., comfortably furnished cottage, I blocks north of sta tion; beach lot, trees. M. N. Millard. Mll waukte, Or. Phone Black 512. FOR RENT 3 oottages at Seaview, Wash., fireplace, electrio light lawn, shade trees, running water, and $100. AE S3, Oregonian. ONE of very best 7-room cottages at Sea side; furnished complete; per month. East $074. FOR RENT Mayo cottage. Seaside on board" walk; a rooms, modern. East v-O, a-P-OOM new cottage, Newton's. Long Beach, August, rnon r.ast larvi. Stores. FOR RENT Large store In the best section in tne city xor a casn store, wnere people carry away their purchases; rent only $t.o per month. Store has over i!700 feet Moor space. M. E. Lge. 5aa Corbett bldg. CORNER Hawthorne ave. and E. Water et,, 28x401 will change front to suit tenant. Hawthorne Dock Co, Phone East HHX F R O NT space In B roa A w a y s t ore. near Washington; beet location in Portland. AO 77. oreffonian. elevator, heat, Washington it. Apply Ma Jestlc Theater. FINE location for meat market or light gro cery, 3 modern living-rooms; rent $lo. East eoOl," C 22G3. STORE and 6-room houre, good location, $18, or will rent separate .if preferred. Home phone B K27S. FOR BTOHKri, FLOORS AND BLDG8 BEE V. 11. WEBB. $06 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. MALL store, low rent, Washington at, Ap- piy Majestic Theaten SMALL store, low relit, Williams ave. and Rroadway. Inquire aflO Williams ave. Office. FOR RENT Rooms suitatble for offfiee or studio; 6th and Morrison sts. Sherman, Clay at Co. FINB desk and chair, both rHai)es, low rent to rlejht party. UlT Board of Trade. WANTED A responsible party to share of flccs In new Plttock block, $15 per month. AC 7". Oregonian. DESK room and phone, $5 per mo.. In nice, light offices. 62W Henry bldg. OFFICE for Mi'.ln hiMU. rem: also dPsk-ruom. i'hone DK5-K-ROOM, cheap, at 82 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for Reagan or Laaley. DKSK room and desk, phone, elc, $6 jcr month. 1H Cham, of Ooni. HALF light oftice to rent. With phone, $10. Lewis bldg. Main Clio. MiiweHiMieoua. APARTMENTS. 12 to 40-room house i stores, warehouses, all eises. HECURITS- lKVKLOPMENT COMPANY. 4th and Pine sts. SMAIit connected bar a for rent. Call East 177S. TO LEASE. TO LEASE 100x100 tr.icksge La at or West Side; will build te S'Jt. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Main 1721; ak for Hirard. business opronTrNrriKs. BAKERY, delicatessen. lunches, clearing $13 month above all expenses; price 750, ha'f cash. 3"3 Lumber Exchange. AVIATOR tets financial ?sis?ance to open fwctory and school. D 77, Oregonian. FOR SALE Mgar, confectionery anfl gro cery; good location. Phone Tabor tm2Qt. jrpVli: V'.lllnery store In thrlVlngtown of t-'QfK). AV 415, Oregonian. WnXsell law practice, country town: moving to Portland. AH 77, Oregonian. i 1 2 riO PI TS good rea'surant. fine location, 40 od reason ror selling. X 07, Oregonian. bi'sines orroKTt mr?. 1 OWN sevural bUca of d..:aeD r exuhange fur stock of general merchandise f groceries, loo acr- timber, mil. ft., Douglas County, or. i-. re tract on electric R. K., Marlon County, Or. Luvoilinr and two lets In Willamette alloy town lAO-srre improved farm, tn Colorado. 34 lots, county ast. beat county In Ckla u timber. $ S. mil. ft. In Willametts Vaiisy. Address AV 43. OregrtnUn! WANTED Two oting mtn around R' !, with fsuntlica. with flrr sooda. shoe und flLhlnc iDrlfni. to ink .'f..K In t eat each In gtKd general etre. beat low bj and best location in slate, i nia is a pi-n. diti nuuart'jiiiiv for a touni man un small cBpital to get into a g-t grow lug bu.mes and ao tate hiinaelf wit m. mm uf brmdMl nT. liiniLtiK eaLrt nj. Hive full and tf r- ences Must be American. AJ Oi WWTTKR THAN A GOLD aCINIS. Excellent paying bekery. confectionery nrf A,ir HiiKinaaa mt lolnina a inov in a nicturM theater. enulpid with oven and kithn iiorkfld to Its capscit y rent only $5 per mo., 3-year lees.; pi tee and terms to tint; may consider trade. McKeniie Co., 31 Uerllng bldg. ; unviva.pirTrnv: and vaud. houoa f sale, in sood Watrn Wash, town of lo.oOO; equip, conaists of over Tto opeis chairs, etc. ; modem fireproof bulMing . good location; reannnable rent; thre vear lease : at present time clearing .'o weekly. Winter months over $lu; entire equip, and good will, o7i0. AV 4dH, Oregonian. TEXAS land free To quickly advertise Joint ownership income p. an will give on lot rloaeiv Surrounded bv suher ull lleMa. lot msy beanme wort h over f Iu0 unU-r our drilling system; ganulne oner; nigneRi references; inveai lent ion cnurted. for maps address Dapartmant S) ndlrate. BJ First National bldg., HuuUn. Tea. BAKER V FOR BALE od buamea fr min oolng his own baking, who has fsimiy help to tend counter. Equipment about $40. Location In busv town about 4t miles from Portland. Hullrltng rental $-'0 per montn. H, L. Uoodwin, Kalama, afh. A liUTCHE K tllOr equipment In 0"0 prtp. ulation town, .Mi n or-n . i-itn meat to several hundred wheat (rmr and ship stork. Prire $-.''. nartv claims owner can show pront of $iit.ono pr ysar. No other show titers. Geo. K. Waifoner, Yeon bldg. WANTErv-A partner In a rimt-riaMS los- ging Iropoaltlon UO.iW.'tw Tew OI limner, avei-age of a tnns ti tMewater, aiump srs 11.3m ppr thousand. los ran be ion tracfed for In the prFnt msrhet. $:ik) to o000 required. AdnrsS Ii7U ttl St.. morn 1. Phone Min 7-L':t. MILLINERY MTOllt. Treated In m thrlring little town. nar Portland, doing $lt.(Hi) a year builnesa: otabliahed 8 years; will Sell fr cash or trade for acreage or city property. For purtf'ulara call Room 19, Yacn bldg. (0 f.fl4. TKANSFKl'C Ptornge, downtown kuntion; nrst-elMM. compit equipment : re-ii"s average iino to t-"0 monthly: long eatit Italied : regtilar rnitom ; would consider good llveitork or reel estate part payment, nil Lumber Eohsnse. WANT partner tn oiIrk selllo mail srder position; should net fioo'i eacn in two months; have letter heads, advertising mattbr, tc. ready stsrt; require tnvept ment of $$00 snd couple hours dally: ex perience unnecessary, B 92, Oregonian. M A NCFACTt'RKRft agemy, w-ll estat). liiihad, encloalve territory, wrejmn Washington: artlrl In large demand; will ell for artual Inventory ato-h en hM end areounts; not to aped $.KK. AH . OreRonlun. . FOR SALE Htork, fixtures, lea rtf two oorner miUlnary stores, noing io.h-ii oii neas annually; bent bliPinea diatriftw ; selling a. ("Mint Ickna-aj will involr iiuhhi. Ad(lras Wsltsr A. slullsr Co., Til Market st.. Kan Francisco. MOVINO-PIi'TI'HK HHOWi. We are heln,uitr leu for this clsas of bitalnesa. If yu wsnt to buy, sell, lease or build a picture oho, alt her In r out of the city, vail on us at Room el. Yeon bldg. PICTI KK-KlloW HAR! A IN. On of the beat paving mburhnn shnwS In Portland; seats goo; will sell ese end good wiii for s-tOU. This is getting Into s paving buainepa pretty cheap, fall Room 6 1 k, V en n b l d t i ."741. WANTED. WrrCHER. The beat lorstion In Portland fr a markat. all rssh, apt. diatrlut. Inquire 2 Orand ave. Phnne Kast 43, Home, H SOJd. Phone and light free; cheap rent. DO YOU WANT Ti KKLL YOUR DL1.VKHH7 And sail It quickly snd prunlnhly? If a call or phone us and wa will tell ynu boa ASSOCIATED 1WEC7MFNT CO. 18-C1 Yeon bldg. Main 4AK GROCKHY TO 7HAPJC. Including building and BTn.'k. grtinl rent $40 a month; cash eiiles from I -'0 to $:i3 per day; will trrde fr good prop rty. Call Boom 18. Yeon b Ag Q r 7 i . jo OOOl toes. t Ion. stme Ith all oouniera, showcaeea and llitturs coiupieie fr gro cerv and confectionery, with rooms com pletely furniiihed, all modem, vim Com merolal at. Phone W'"llwn 17, BAKERY, confections snd lUht atocery. old-eatnhllRhed pines, rinni4 location, low rent, with 6 living rootna, fine trn-le; lady owner retiring; real bar rain; I16hi, part cash. P. Y. rersels. 2iV Mfark St. WAVTSD Practical ynnnpj man with shout $'i.oo cah to take liiiereat in paying ro cery, stor eatfll'liahed nlS y-nra ; reason a given In interview ; man ll h ofTlee perience prpferred. Y 7i. Oregonian.. LIVB genet h I store wanted in proapeious town ot Hii ibnatern megon; iann, ranchers and town will co-operate w n h right party; have nothing to sail. Kirk Patrick, 'M Polling bltlg. Main U.V MFG. Pi AS T, fully equipped. d.lng nl e business, no competition. mucninery. patent rights, etc. Owner wl-tlis to retlrej fine opportunity, $4600. Diets A Itlngiar, UKl Ky. Kch. . GROCERY, dolnif $. daily, all cnah, no de. livery, low rent wiin living -rooms; mere la surely nothing hotter for t he money in town; invoice fl.'.Ou. P. AV. Peiaela, 'Jt'.B Htark st. MOVhVi-PICTI R G alien, fully equipped, firet rlaes; good inostittn; will aeu cpeap for rixn or on easy terms. AN Da, Ore gonlsn. WANT pertnsr with $l(ioil to help erect mill on flevelopea mine pimil ; i j.oou tons or ore aeMSylng up to $1!? per ton; thia Is a tplendid chance. AH 8. OrpfMiiwn. WANTK't Partner with ."riin or IHk to join me in pmmsui nninM in hun rran clco or Suet I ; sttli-tlv lesitlmate; will l.paf Invent isa Ion. A P tA iregmitun. PSiiPONMIBI-P Portland men wleh to net a man of some rnanoiai strengtn io sooiate wtth In financial and promotion work; bank referencea. A13 M. Oregonian. HOT Eli, etritir modern, live nearby town, nu rooms, utiufusi furnisiungs. evei y iea ture rlgltt: 40tm, cash or trade. P. W. PerdelF. "Jtifl Hlsrk St. GKOrR HY KTARi'4 'VW have some --pt!oiieiiy good buy a In thia line. Hee our hat before buying. Call Room fil. Yeon bldg. REST AVftAXT-The Orand Vnlon, at Ml K. Hvirntl'le, sacriired for 3.iU. Hpcnaii bnraMin for tha right rarty. Apply r. Dtippler, taS th St., Superior ftes'aurant. BE Af'TIKl'L atore, confectionary, 4n; furnished ll lug room ; tremendous eneii : clearing 1 l6 per month t worth double. f2 t'onrh blg WILL Martfice etwl-llelied office bilaltieaa for amount of first numlh'a liuslneas. In vewtljtMte. A . Oreg.nln. Ml'HT Sfli on account of other hualne-a. pins II erocerv. ronfttlonery, oisar store, Knee Hide, doitig po.l huglneae. Kaat 1141. WAN7KO WorMltie pttrtner for well eatnb liehed atitd repnir bueinesa, cent rally le ft ted. A 5. Oreotmlnn. ORor-ERY. eorfertlonery, etc., ISOO; 4 ltv-Itig-rnoms: rent if': will Invnl.-e; AJl. oi Couch blig. Wontlerful bargain. R E l T AVR A N T first -rlaaa plaa, paying business: owner going Last. Bargain. Ta bor 3374. MOVtNfJ-PICTritK THEATER. OOoP LO CATION: Mi'T hell; Cost j;.o, WILL TAKE 11100 I'A.H. rug OA K HOTLL dinlTie-t onm. b-al te n tn Wali in c ton ; 4.(0 payroll ; soo1 opening for rijrbt fnrtie; :tto. r'hor.e Kast !'H'T, GKvCERY. eonfectlona. niasoainea. flue lo- outloii; transfer point; e.-ellei.t buelneas; low rent; 7". Ull Limrer KMui nge, PAHTNKR to take e, (ive l?nrt In live insnufacturlrg proposition. Al 7. Oregonian. CI' '.A H. ft ult, n1 v. ii-e rre ni a; ore . o h' r for 20 years w lshea to retire; a snap. 2i first . KO better location In ruy nt canriv, hakery gooia and lunchroom; cliaap itnt. ftil hi. Morrlafln. . FINK millinery lotion rent. 8'M E. Morrier buay corner; cheap FIVE (oration for retail ahoe store, at'l C Mrrlon at. HAND Irundry rhesn; will lea h the busl neas. Woodlawn 1 tt mornings. MOVINa-PTTI'RE MACHINES. CAM rtAP OAK ST . MIL1 IVERV store In Una lwiion. fnr aa.e at a bargain. fllf Williams ave VBt.LEQTTlPPvH wooriyitrd fr ala; flu opportunity. Inquire 4th mt, i-c ii' our 'lift . bua. opponunliiea Diets Ml, 10 L&co. Tils; V II"!.E WOWKH Might as aetl say ikat t - man tha low O. It ta the s ' t f'i cibch w have er n i ni . i. Is a hsi4 bin te bat. Hi t. It A tump! snrl m uny a it i nt a 1 1 1 1 lie t'il oi u nee e e si..1 L.. H n-, d SKKk an A no In f a li n A fe4 ii a i rase .t. A h st'itnsa anU a A g-i'rJ B4i'ir..ti at-i I t eJ i.m of iNitu, a I in ar a'f.'.fn. pfjiii, (it., pidukiug 1U ivs an a-i.a far .rrfln. t I'MiS t iiw gtis Tlnv.- simJ g"iH . Me la tn the bat of ta Br et eh a't gM tn run ii I r ' on M h a ' 4 Umn t m tiM' i ml f.r rn.iei ir n i r..i (. H la the btAel bune i.i,.lt tt) 'e goiu UMtier has ciesned up atid it.u te re tits. I ilee tUOttrt. e. luane of tnr. i.nJ Sim a, atiivU om ( eSaet li,etv Can nia t v 1 1 at r. ciiAiu.ta LAXn r Ht. hr,e 4.ti. -4 M-r.e'r, streev oi r u 1 1 .n 1 1 . 1 have ettMthet caatt feuainaaa sm Itig bM,is and "mi Worth -f e'tnle; WwUiU give undivided heif luteieet in r isth a laoil ruDr with iue te refer man with wuiu. I nney et.J wtll give the rtnt mm e-jvia.i rtt'. This ta no fnke. Answer at u e. tenir, W 7V Oreguitten. kAl.K V A N An "tn orleieil tur an nmttit t in ,K'Utr Mlmrt, f the valiey. who has the ..f f 'lilt. ..I sales nminfr ft a con. e. n with a to Ht-mt rtf rl ren res rj mre-t and ' Annwir at once, giving jh with out Una ( epneu.s. Auaieea 1 office bos ', etiy, I' LAKA HON F 'l ITATK. I hare good t j good, clothing nnJ ptioa l.'itrttiiriit . town of ' c"ti hit y t r it da pa w mII monih; rout raa.nai Inn. AJ 77. iiefiiai. Hi Ar - r fit',- T U f-d i imi r i e Anit - AV fippf'FTI' VITT Including It A V. UPA1N atij IKH) M'M MLs, 4n ninia I ne nr Poitiand. m a ra,piKy ft-nwlm oo1mrr-. ienl with owner, wh has ether and terser Ititereat a. For pnrticuisrs wrtta Ail T. Oregtiuit. " R A R BF ' HM' T Pituated li e:.e u( 'r n-n s t town. HOwu p.p jiti u.n . 4 K"k n clii . tmnary vninuind. d m'tr'-r nt m . a cat over HOwO. rent m y 'i ut-u $ f'-n W to $110 a w'k. "', !1 t. or 'i0, ail raah I'artsi 'i at t and Imvn al. Yeon " .'T.i. IKl,ICATEr-KN Uorated In tie htaft ul ti b trti l en Xbm V, at Hide, nr-ar l" rent etiiv it."i0, !i!t a S y-'e' !. ajVa averase f"om 91 to S' a . $ cash tikes fhia. P-Msr " k It up. R.-orn his, Y-..n Mil n Tl F( K fAl.F To pity with eeMitte ni-i.n.. an Interest In mutin t a ( lut i. mn- ' r In thia rltv ; scoria it.a.l r i-n raillv snd e-;ilng tei rttott- vniuni'-'i. on iv party with h and at-i hi newer. Writ. sttlig wb-n an Ibiei -view inn e lii- I'M. I'odnd FOH HALK Tleaiiirg and pr,nt "M'" wagon, band m r. met y , t ti s a tMi buy fr-r nin and t;; a na l. ntlcit 4 years; good rnn for eelung; IU l-h huver the buinuea If ileeii- Ph-le et You can see this auitd , y ch, hal. ternia. OKO'-l.ltV Hf-OKIC and ll Ins i'tua, I buy atoi a uti i '1 1 ii s dally pn rt oT '", a. I en i b ln'reae, Mil yeni .y boie iJ'lng expeneee Q eweary. AJ a. .; ci"n ! t. r..f if of ll. .k S'-ti- MKAT mahklt. Well located on K it-, rent enir ? good ! e ii ai.d rl exiles ;; a dy. In I a i.a i H'tum Jlt h KR Y. unuauat efffrlns ot Mih-e.eee m t -! i S iw reiM. t ' to h- ' e t . n atore, in very lat an. 4 lat r let. Wll h r rtia ; a , . Ine sto'-fc etry m"tn. a u tfrrel, '."."". I. V, I'eiar roll HI-.NT- et-.t.. t t in the city ir a n r tny away i heir pup $!.' pr i'""h it" e n.'or t-ar M K Jj"iJ" t'AKi: A.NU 14 !' wing l. 111 hea't n $!.; a plendcl t' I It i thriving t n cX Xhi, n.,.n Tenina, Haan. LK T -tJOOl aril (urn la hut bin lomllcn, ee.lni tn g.ctI re'n f'r e-.:ina. . Pel eea. JlUV; caau or pui t.l a tatk UAIt'lAJV in cefelerli. i. er r . e eat i.hahe.l , scetlent eautpnieol ei .t ) nil S a - itta f e $11. l'Umltr r. ' htis t'P-TO-I'ATlC coti( tionsrr In g--0,ir eat torn n rlnee lo ftHIrl. s" d heaa, good locntioi. S'm wee, nx ag-iis. Adirera AV '""nUn' M MALL. mni'. lung .,. n. .li:e man an. .'. i I n-- maker. 9 A. Al. to I P. i -ta s-th at., N. Piiufotin s rMKH- ;. IctatiMti tnr photo puetcSld t aa(le, r. ha v MH.te lln-l ' CAM! anij n er It 1- m1 ir.l-, a mi ion p. t ' ! nt iitd UteasnteSef A rNP. Well Mtabliahed leaning Md rre'li nualneas lu hotel and lheirMal iliatiiLi. gr-od huatneaa. App y 144 la' u at. NKW movlt.g pnture ma 1 . niachme taken on rr" t .. and aold, su: lakes ll. tall aundar ur 4"4 lat al. li f ALli A parlur. for ee'l.i TV, Mtf- caah A. I MEAT i"' k"i. dolt'i I- ttees. In fine rum petit inn, evet v lfaire t i shop. too. V. w. letaeia. j..r tlanu r aata st. a n t. rt.l. dalrr lunrh doing good Nuei - neaa. 10 Will bennie d-.I Never an market before. Can offer eaifartnrr rea son for selling. AO Oiti.ten. CLOTH IV and frnia r-t. ';k, poml Vnliey ion; u- J.a.I ran li, half om! ft OiegnniHii, PATKNTKU INV f V I I' ' N xi i M r n- velnped. iimniil' lui"l ' poll, v la p nareaeUe (!.;,' t'ofial l- '-tsUv i".,!4"i . MHVIN'1 pirtiire ehow. niu-t July I fur ih tnlv. gnt o bueineaa. Must lee a town, lumlna '". Moii1yJ Na- evil tor n'-. a pepin "r " Inveallsaie tilia lippittd P gniilsn, . . . iiarai'.IC fnr eele. full enit'pei. fine nation. -od ide, sto.k ni e.i-p"a aroeneorles. fltH takes It. AV 44i. I WANT to me- la1 o ould take active ln"e m a tm 'alluring propoelt t gotileii. Oin.I) npnr I unit v t I'H a I if i O.e- Mrrola ehui fur al er-na er all: d1 gfeeinenl hi p' tnrtt. j'- a 7. irefcn i it KiT:HA NT for sale; price rM-titb'", Ju1 I rails'. 'lall ptn.e, citeep rroL all 4 t'tiitm ac jm KH HALeV'ne nt Me t ret.-t. ! In f(rrs..i fr aile. ato a al ut Av 4'tH. iiraniiian. l7lU"TT(irtK,rt f'f m . "l lit 4 etatea. Address P. V. Knl-t, ( ml ha. Net.. . . .. . OfNTlT aiilel: rleiil'et on ait uld te Prtjg Co. I"- a e(r its ( tn er . Vtt - t,"J Pn.i it ri'hran nKrnr. d' t-uetftesa. no O.'ltery. P V T, (iregonlsn. IN vp: vTiNd r-isie'.i n. rUl in ft e I ' r;)S 4 f J I ii a I -f t pee let '"'ion. a r -w ' "ti. i vuk y. toi'h ('vvnrrn mimskt , . , r t r a ' . ' I tlT rn:si.d In P. ft jr iH lA LL. '"' tnliii. io Htl'l gri- l a ne Ih neea t INTrTMFr f-U In i-rofita fa tur ' S bus "a f'it sm ,-.e el a ."l 4lstae . ri anae. in'"""" ' -;.rf.rt . A t I Tv Y V, " I I' N" t-'i V. .te:y fun-r, '"' fi. p w r-'ts. pp l l H K 11' hua'tea, Y TV. ff..l r, iio. emu X ',. T t ho ojpoiii.yn. A V 'r (..aat. gmitan. .v H' VAN Ul AT 7 ITU !.M u fern It ;u"l t ft.', AMM'N'I M f H M I A I i ''"Vl'AM, 4.'---'4 hsmlir of . e G3 106.0