TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 28, 1911. 12 tOK SALE. Horse, Vehicles, Harness. Etc HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SAX.E OR : RENT. . ' Second-hand ve-idcs bought ana sola. new wagon and auto beds made to order, r livery lurnlshed to business parties at special rates. ,T HAWTHORNE STABLES, phone East 7-. B 1509. t0O-LBt. team and harness, nearly new, jjooseiieck. wagon, sood Ute wood wagon, barn for 10 horses, old liarntsss and .extra i. e...- oe sDamte. collars: maae oner - , will consider trade. Sundays or alter o l'. ai. signers, oil in. .iai. i'lSE pacing- mare, U years old, very fast, gentle lor lady; Meyer buggy, J's'f''' Harness; must ne oo.u, 0. bought for lialr what It is worth, till rast atn sr. HAVI.NO purchased electric 'bus. tlieHotel teams, both In excellent condition, weight about :iu and -MV pounds, respectlvel. LiVKKV. feed and sale stable, good busi ness, long lease, also two. good fj'VX liorses, welgnt aooui v. - T - dapple gray, sound and true. , Ziegler & Mistier, c. nil FOR SALE One first-class team, well- matcnea, Diactf., o yei ,.. -r,--lbs.; one team, well matched, weighing 2800 lbs.; ono young uuiac, . IDS. -t rtusseu aw I HAVE sold my farm and have 6 head of horses. Will sell i plows, 1 harrow. -wagons. 1 single, 3 sets of harness. -7U East Ttn st. WILL exchange good lot at the beach tor team, wagon and harness. Must he food ork team, not less than it2ul lbs. At, oJ. Oregomau. MARTIN & MARTIN lady's side saddle, val ue 100 price 40; also Martin & Martin bridluMn perfect condition for 10. Address w. A. Al. i-jrec, ai-i WANTED dood span of mares, not under litsuo; also harness. Must be bargain. Casn. Woodiawn ii 74. . ioK SALE 1-year-old gentle driving mare, rubber-tire buggy and harness. cheap. Phone Marshall liS'J". WANTED Good span of mares, not under uonu; also harness; must be bargain; cash. Woodiawn ,-ii4 RLBBER-TIRED buggy and light deliv ery wagon, suitable for cleaning works. Phone East out4. WANTED Team outfit, 0 or a teamB with wheelers and plow; good wages. .n. r. Labor Agency, i J a FOR or trade for motorcycle, one 4- ton camel-back furniture wagon in good condition. Caro APJi0,Oregonlan. HORSE, buggy, saddle and complete outfit; wiil take Jersey cow In exchange. Booil. A L i J. uregunittn. TEAM of heavy mares for sale cheap; also good wagon and harness. F. M. Council, LJ, , 1 1- AD 7'J. Oregonian. UEAD horses and cattle taken away ireu. Phone Tabor 4l'UJ. RUBBER tire buggy and harness for sale cheap. UOtt E. 7tn si. J.. WAUONS and horses by day. S1.25.. J- Co- ben, iOl Water Bi. mown PASTURE for stock, near Portland. S8 Slierlocit Plug., or puono ax FOR. SALE Block mare, 5 years old; price reasonaoie. loaw uwinaioji ilanoB. Organs and Musical Instruments BALE or exchange Player piano, almost new, 5700. Kingsbury player piano, new est attachments, mission style, mahog- ' any case. Party leaving city, will sell cheap or trade for diamonds. Vo9, Ore gonian ilCT sell $3:15 piano, almost new, 10; fumed oak leather upholstered furniture, fM dining set 25. Davenport ls, chair JlO; library table 7; might trade; no oeaicrs. .iijsa xcgu, x EVpEKT piano tuning, repairing or pol ishing; special player. 4J1 Stark St., cor. llth st. rwione main -.-no. r. FOR S LEt Pianola piano, first-class con dition; 50 records; a bargain. Hoi) East jdurnsiae st. FOR SALE cheap, a Kerbren snare drum with drum sticks, stand, triangle and carry Intf case. A bQ. Oregonian. WILL sell elegant player piano for the highest offer made up to July the 4th. Call at 17 Lumper ixcuange oma- FIRST-CLASS pianola, with lot of rolls; price $."."., J7.50 down, $iSu monthly. Hyatt TalklngMachine Co., 350' Alder. rRIVATEparty will sell new piano cheap or exchange for nice diamonds. B U7, Oregonian. FOR SALE 75 Eilers piano purchasing check, li3. SOS Davis KIMBALL piano, good condition, paid .500, sell lor it o. CREDIT check on Eilers for JS2 for 3. G Ul. oregonian. FISCHER piano, paid ti00. sell reasonable fur cash. No agents. 1193 11th st. WANTED Old piano for cash. 04, Ore- gonlnu. W NT PIANO for 2 good lots in good coast town. column, ovj jw.....ew. FINE Rittersliausen low-pitch Boehm flute. 1. MiceolL Main COSii. S00 Montgomery st. TO TRADE Ludwlg piano for diamond. Millll HUU-. il'i- BRAND new player piano for $76 below cost. Phono sellwood 56: t X.E VINCI city and will sacrifice a Dew piano; ca?h or terms. Call B 27S8. BEAUTII'TT rnission piano for sale, cash or U'l-rns. A r tHJ. uregoman. P1AND fT sal' A bargain for $100. Wood- lawn l!4f3. PIANO fur rent cheap. AK 77. Oregonian. Dogs. Birds, l'et Stock. MIGHT beautiful toy bred Boston terrier puppies, very best in the West; 3 small bitches, one in whelp; 2 male French pups, 4 months, cheap. Little Priseo Hoy and Little Salem Boy at stud. Frisco Kennels, East 14th and Morrison. AIREDALE STUD. Tlelon Tip, grand young show dog by eh Illuminator. Reasonable fee to a few approved Lilch-s 77 Chamber of Com merce bliig. Main 4M2 FRENCH poodle puppy, five weeks old, thoroughbred. H. Miles, 1000 E. Taylor t Punnyslde car to iiSd. Call Sunday or Monday. loll SALE clood clean-talking parrot. Call at otto Iceland ave.. bet 3 and 7 P. M. or WANT to board my dog for month of Au gust: please state terms, H. Kerble, 1-6 th st. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pups, 8 weeks old. 4 male, one female. Inquire 206 14th st. AT A BAUGAI.N 3 pedigreed Boston ter rier pill's, x-iiune iiwjt .ivir. FOR SALE Great Dane, lii years old. $10. KOR SALE Boston and bull terrier pup pies. $lu earn. Call Tabor 630. IRISH water spaniel pups for sale. P. M. Boose, care Home Telephone Co. REGISTERED English setter pup for sale. 126 2d st.. Phone Marshall124a; AIREDALES, great pals, guards and hunt ers. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada. Or. FOR SALE Thoroughbred English water Kpnniel. female, ail1 r:ast .nornson. FAIR Belsian hares and 7 young ones, $4. otil'i N. 201h. PERSIAN kittens for sale, reasonable. East 4StH. I 'OR SALE Spitz puppies. 410 Alder st. ' Tnmlture for Ssa S ROOMS, elegant furniture, good location, walking dtslan'-o, suitable for renting 4 rooms and cletu- $20 monthly. $100 cash and l!2..M month. 442 lid si. FURNITURE of f.-room cottage, excellent condition- to appreciate must be seen; rent $15. 4S11 70th St. S. E. FOR SALE Massivft buffet and dining table finished early English; nevor used; a bargain. 474 E. Caruthers. ..OM PLETELY furnished o-room flat. No :lsunaMt! offer refused. Not by piece. F'hone Tabor 2741. HAVE complete set of office furniture. Will sacrifice all or pari: used only 3 months. AC Jt. Oregonjnm FURNITURE nice suburban home, cheap, rent only $12; electric light, plumbing. Island elation, near river. V 79, Oregonina. DESIKAH1.B furniture of Ave rooms, very reasonable; modern fiat for rent, nice yard. West Side. 232 11th. F-KACTICALLY new furniture, rent $15 West Slue. A 31. SOLID oak rolltop desk and chair, prac tically new. C;t!l at :1S7 Bnmslde st. 4 ROOMS of furniture cheap for cash, 27i N. 16th St., bet. Wash and Couch. FJKST-CLASS furniture, clean and up to dat?. cheap East 3117. FOR SALE $1011 buffet cheap for cash. 1174 E. Lincoln. FURNITURE of 6-rooni house. Including everything, cheap for cash. 393 II th sr. l.ADT wants work by day or hour. Phone East o-'7'J. Apartment 9. FURN1TUIU3 new 7 rooms. $150. 1754 Foss si., back Columbia Park. CINE steel ransre and other furniture, must he MM by Monday. 411 E. 11th North. $ ROOMS good furnl'ure $-25; rent $25; walking distance. 63 K. Hth. $9 ALL cotton mattresses only $.-.45 deliv ered. C-r. 3d and Market ata. Main 599 FOB SAI.E. Furniture For bale Err.LiAij i . , ON SLIGHTLY USED GOODS AT EDWARDS CO. 1 green velour couch. $4. 1 green velour couch, $6. 1 genuine leather couch, $10. 1 flat top desk, $10. 12 new reversible rugs, Sft. by 10 It, B, $4.50. 1 7 cook stove. $7.25. ' 1 8 cook stove (including water con nection) $13.50. 1 8 large steel cook etove, good as new, $13.50. , 1 copper coil gas water heater (con nected) $11.25. 1 Hi Jewel gas range, double oven, $24.75. 1 refrigerator, 35-lb. capacity. $.. E WARDS COMPAXI, 1C!-.iai TTlrar St A Good Place to Trade. vVlLTON velvet rugs, 9x12; library table, fine oak buffet, pedestal extension table and chairs, dressers, iron beds, sanitary couch, sewing machine, etc.; also Buck range. These goods have been used less than four months and are almost new; half price or less, Monday only, from a to 5. 5U37 32d ave., S. E., ML Soott car to Clarits station. CIRCASSIAN walnut bed, dresser, writing desk chiffonier, rocker and chair, Englisn walnut buffet, dining table, six chairs, library table, rocker and chair, three rugs. 8x12. etc. Will sell intact or otherwise. Call Marsnaii jai. FLAT for rent; sunny, convenient upper six room, absolutely clean; first-class golden oak furniture, three brass beds, hair and ostermoor mattresses, princess dressers, t ..ti Ki.ffo ilin nz Duay urusseiB rues, onci u table; cash. Afternoons only. 567 Everett, LARGE roll top office desk, quarter-sawed oak, almost new; also revolving arm chair to match; small payment and terms lor oaiaimc. xamj, -gv. FOR SALE Furniture of 5-room flat; will sacrifice at $125:' rent of flat $22. oO; 2 rooms rented. H. Kemp, 55214 3d st. Jlar shall 55S2. . FURNTXURE of attractive three-room apartment. Complete, a bargain. Apart ment 27. Claypool Apartments. Main i-r-nvlirrDD UAO Cll.R Flat-top desk, table, filing cabinet for architect's plans, bookcase, chairs, rack. 601 Broadway Ding. FURNITURE of 7-room steam-heated apart ment, rent t-.ov, guou iulouv, pay all expenses, leaving best of apart- ment for yourself. AP SS. Oregonian. Automobiles. PRICES CUT ONf ALIj USED CARS. Don't forget to call on vm when you want REAL bargains In used cars. TERMS. . WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. Factory Branch. 23d and Washington Sts. Portland. Or. Open Sundays and Evenings. THIS WEEK WE OFFER THE FOL LOWING: Chalmers "30" A 1911 car In good condition, fully equipped. A bargain a $450. Cadillac "30" 1911, thoroughly over hauled and repainted; has fore doors, seat covers, electric horn, bumper. A good looking car. This is a snap. $650. Knox "40" Electrically lighted, has de mountable rims, seat covers, bumpers, 5 brand new tires. Five or seven passengers. If you want a high-grade car for family use, or for rent, here it is at an excep tionally low price, $950. Great Western "40" This is a 1913 car equipped with electric lighting and Blartlng system. Has wire wheels and an extra tire and wheel. Just through our paint shop and looks .like new. If you want a classy car at a bargain price, buy this at $1000. Apperson 4-45-1913 This car has the famous Gray & Davis lighting and start ing svstem; thoroughly overhauled and repainted. You cannot tell this car from new. yet the price Is only $1150. We can recommend anything we offer, as our expert goes over each one before we accept it. These were all taken in on new Apoerson Jackrabbits. APPERSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Main 031. 58 N. 23d St. A 7338 BARGAINS IN USED CARS. These cars are all in good shape, ma chines that we have taken in trade on new Mitchell cars: Mclntlre roadster lo Regal roadster 600 American, 4-cylinder, 5-passenger car (A-l condition) 1250 Auburn, 5-passeenger, 4-cylinder, In good shape, with automatic Presto lighter, good equipment 750 Mitchell. 1S13 model, 5-passengor, 4 cylinder car, ran less than 2000 miles, has over-size non-skid tires on rear and extra tire; a bargain at 10OO Mitchell 1914 model, 6-passenger, 4 cylinder, used by us for demonstrat ing; reduced to 1350 Overland, 1912 model, 5-passenger, 4 cylinder 0 1911 Mitchell, 7-passenger, 6 cylin ders. In fine shape 1150 Mitchell. 1912 model, 5-passenger, 6- cvlinder, THE BABY SIX 800 Come and see these cars as early as possible. They will be snapped up fast at these prices. MITCHELL, LEWIS it ST AVER CO., East. Morrison and First, FOR SALE Oakland roadster, model 26, full equipment, new tires. r ireaiuiic w. D. rims, also extra tire; run only ioOO miles, cost $1350. Will sell for $600. This is a bargain. Phone Main 7891 or address AE 70, Oregonian. ft BARGAIN Fine Michigan 6-pass., only -v v. ntuo- Vunr rlallvarv today $45. Repairing repainting at right prices. Garage E. 10th and Mill. Phone FOR SALE 1011 30 H. P. Studebaker de livery, J-iUU i loll xi. x . at m truck. $45; both these cars have been thoroughly overhauled. East Side Auto KeDtiir Co.. 001 Hawthorne. FRANKLIN runabout, 4-cylinder, just over- . . . j a i j a i Hon . ft fnr liauieu unu $u swuu , w-- quick sale; might consider an exchange. 1916 E. Gllsan. Phone Tabor 45L'5. TRUCK BARGAIN. 2-ton truck, earae as new, cost J230O; for quick sale will take $500 cash. Phono Marshall 47&:i or after 7 P. M. Tabor RENT An auto for July 4 and 5. Special prices oy me aay. u m u.ni.i.i..co, $2.30 hourly. 6-passenger. Rex Auto Co.. 350 Alder. WE have Sume good properly to exchange IOC- (J lit XI tST.-UlHl - J-'i liu a ui.wi .v..-;.-. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 003 Dekum bldg. FOR 4LE Cadillac, tJ12, just overhau.ed ana pamiea, jusv pump, tires good, $30. Home cash, rest paymems. c o, have a 7-passenger. six-cylinder car; just . , .iTL f.. -t run- lnnlt at this car hpf.ire vou buy. AO 02, Oregonian. A BARGAIN. $550; Mitchell 7-passenger . . ; : .less ...AnrilHnn PhnnA mouei, in in ofc-v-.o ,V j , Woodiawn I5t between iu aim luoj-, FOR SALE 1311 Maxwell 30 H. P. foedoor. Oxman-t1 ami auxq J 1 v CHALMERS? 30. l!m model coupe, in Arst- 1012 40-H. P. torpedo front Overland, cost xisU; win in he guuj v,-,, y, cash difference, loro.n. .uo mrr GARAGE, private and tip to date, near Jef ferson ii 5 n im-huoi, """"- v ' M OU IlOn. '.tiQ uaiucimrni GARAGE for rent. Apply 257 12th at. Main 3l.iV. A FOR SALF. Herreschoff roadster, newly pairtea, nifup. - i - FOR HI KK 7-passenger pierce, $G per hour; 5-pass. auto.. $1.5Q. Main 6729. Slightly used tires from $3 to tUX ea.; vul canized. 2!c tire; repairing. 207 Madison FLANDERS 0 runabout. A-l condition, com pletely equipped; price jm.iu - NEW l14t roadster, cheap. N 76, Ore gonian. GA.KAGE. close to street, specially suited for private car. 689 Flanders, near 21st st. FLANDERS roadster In good condition, price Is right. Bf tter see this. &i0 Marshall st. FOR PALE -oylinder runabout. Inquire of Ecott, 103 10th et. Marshall CADILLAC 5-passenger in good running or dr; new tires; $4Q0. Main 3350. No trades. il'5 METZ runabout, newly painted, tires good. 846 Mississippi ave. Woclawn Slid. FOR SAX.E. Automobiles. USED AUTO EXAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEX. Buy now and sava money. "We are go ing to dispose of the following list of cars at big sacrifice. 1014 Cheviolet - roadster. 2-pass., nearly new, electric starter and lights. Guaran teed. 1913 Reo 5-pass., fully equipped. Just overhauled. Guaranteed. 1911 Studebaker-Garford 7-pass., fully equipped. 1911 Studobaker-Garford, 4-pass., fully equipped. 1913 Owen 6-pass., fully equipped, A-l condition. ' See our line of used cars before you buy. Open today 19 A. M. to 1 P. M. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Broadway and Couch st. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. IN REBUILT CADILLACS These cars have been thoroughly over hauled, all worn parts replaced, and have been repainted: there are many reasons why they are better buys than any new 'car selling at the same price: 1913 touring car, complete equipment. J1400. ' . , 1912 Five-passenger, $10 00. 1911 touring car, fore-doors, $S50. 1909 touring car, $450. We have several other makes of cars that are priced at figures that will move them rapidly: let us demonstrate if you wish a good machine at a bargain price. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. Washington St., at 21st. Main 624 4. A 6218. A RENEWED PACKARD is the best motor car lnvestmen possible at less cost than a new Packard with ths first and heaviest depreciation removed. The same pride of ownership remains be cause a rebuilt Packard has the appear ance and ability of a new Packard. We guarantee these cars the same as new Packards and purchasers will obtain the full measure of Packard service the same as purchasers of new Packards. We now have few of various types, FRANK C. RIGGS COMPANY CORNELL ROAD. 23D AND WASH. ST3 REAL BARGAINS. 1912 Overland SO, fore-door roadster, fully equipped and In finest condition, new tires, original cost $1150; price $490. 1913 R. C. H., 5-pass., fore-door touring car; price $550. 1912 Reo truck. 1500-lb. capacity; price $275. 1912 Chalmers $0, 4-pass., torpedo, fully equipped and in finest condition, having been used very little; original cost $1925; price $775. -These cars must be seen to be appre ciated. FRANCIS & KADDEBLT, East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. East 1199. APPLICATIONS will be considered for the exclusive agency for the Hewltt-Ludlow line of motor trucks. Made of the best material, moderate in price. Built in Cal ifornia The company's representative will shortly visit Portland to confer with applicants. Address, stating ' experience and responsibility, Hewltt-Ludlow Auto Co., 604 Mission st., San Francisco, CaL 1913 BUICK. $Gu0, TERMS. 5-passenger touring car rebuilt by us and guaranteed; cost new, $lti60. HOWARD AUTO CO., Buick Distributors, 14th and Davis sts. FOR SALE Two 7-passenger Peerless au tomobiles; one can be seen at Auto Top Co., 525 Alder; other Broadway Garage, So 10th st. . Inquire R. D. CAMPBELL Trustee in Bankruptcy, 909-14 Board of Trade bldg. $350 1911 ROADSTER, standard make. Just overhauled and painted. Mechani cally perfect. Good tires. Best buy in the state. Cash only. Phone Main 1523, Home 1523, during week. Ask for Mr. Peck. FEDERAL truck FOR SALE cheap; this car has been rebuilt, repainted and is In hrst class condition in every respect. COLUM BIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. Main 2S92. 209-11 Front St. 7-PASSENGER Peerless, overhauled, paint ed, line condition, to traae lor lot or smaller machine. Will pay cash differ ence, if any. See car at Richmond Gar age and make otter. Main 9438. POPE HARTFORD roadster, 1910 model, strong, speedy, recently overhauled and painted; good equipment, chains, tools. Presto and trunk; all new tires; extra tubes; $375. No trades. Woodiawn 3041. HAVE your auto painted and your trimming nlckel-piatea at x-urtianu n.im oe uiu Painting Co., also upholstering; 22d and Tburman. Main 943, A $30 and up ward, according to the work. GARFORD touring car in fine condition; will sell on terms; il you are considering buying a low-priced car, see this. AG 53, Oregonian. FOR SALE 1912 Peerless, fine condition, $1000, -worth $3000; take clear lot; small auto, good driving team and buggy part payment. 603 East Davis. 1912 WHITE "40" ; has only run 11.000 miles; newly paintea, new tires ana in first-class condition; a bargain not seen often. AO 04, Oregonian. VELIE Racytype roadster, extra parts and equipment; 40 li. p., classy car for travel - lng; absolutely in A 1 condition; see for yourself. East 5353. NO REAL ESTATE WANTED But will give reasonaoie terms, nave two truca. and must sell at once, lu and 3 tons, cheap. Get busy. AE 69, Oregonian. MY 1910 Winton, in first-class shape; has factory guarantee lor one year; new tires, newly painted; make me an offer. AO 53, Oregonian DO you need a light delivery car? We have such a car, a Mitchell, 4-cylinder, price reasonable. H. L. KBATS AUTO CO. DETROIT electric. If our price of $500 won't sell It you don't want a car very bad" H. L. KEATS AUTO CO. 1913 CADILLAC, phaeton, lst-class condi tion, tires almost new, one extra; Kellogg pump. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO. TIRES, slightly used, $3 to $12 each; tubes, $150 to $3 each; tube vulcanising. 25c " PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO.. 32.1--I jsurnsioe at. DO you want a Job hauling? Buy .our sllght- i D...llTWfn.H Kf,Ti ti-nflr and eet busy- our price will interest you. HUPP Sport" roadster with electric lights, .. 1 winri-Khlelri : S.-150. Dul. mage Auto Co., 46-48 N. 20th. itil'O FOR new 5-passenger car; 1000 miles; .better than when turned out of factory. Phone East Sol. F 07, Oregonian. WANT AUTOMOBILE; have $1400 clear lot, Laurelhurst, except city liens. Conklin, 30S Gerlingcr bldg. NEW cyclecara direct from factory to you, $275; need few live dealers; details free. Auburn Motor Chassis Co., Auburn, Ind. 1914 Model cycle-car. Automobile conven ience at motorcycle expense. 74 Sixth street. WILL take $500. real money for the best 5-passenger uargain in r-oruanu. xuuuase Auto Co.. 46-48 X. 20th. 1911 CADILLAC, in good order; no trade. Phono East 1992 after P. M., or call 463 Weidler. 1909 CADILLAC, good running condition, S00' H. L. KEATS AUTO CO. AUTO TKI'CK, Federal, stake body and top. cheap for cash. Will make terms. AE 6S. Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, Detroit electric, good HB lit . ---"' r r - - -. MAXWELL convertible delivery; $350; In splendid condition. Dulmage Auto Co., 46-4S N. 20th $" '5 CASH takes 30-h. p.. 5-passenger auto in good condition; new tires and magneto. V 77, Oregonian. giX-CYLINDER'rar; thoroughly overhauled; new tires, newly painted; best buy in Portland. AO 55, Oregonian. STODDARD-DAY TON. 1912 model; must sell this car at once; best condition. N S20. Oregonian. WILL sacrifice my Maxwell car; make me an orrer. a. i, uresuiiwu. WILL sacrifice 5-pass. car on account ill ness, ufv rv. umv" - 1913. 4-TON Rockford truck, easy terms. E. FOR SALE. Automobile. FOR VALUES IN USED CARS VISIT THE OREGON MOTOR CAR COM PASY USED - CAR DE- PARTMENT. . W do not chares vou a Drofit on Used cars, because we are not second-hand car dealers. We take used cars In trade on new car sales and sell the used cars for exactly what we allow for them. SAVE THE SECOND-HAND DEALERS' PROFIT. Buying a used car of the Oregon Motor car company entities you to our erm-c in other words you have a home instead of being cast adrift, which is the cass when buying a used car elsewhere. WE GIVE LIBERAL. TERMS OPEN SUNDAY. 1 Cadillac, 1313 model, like new, $1150. 1' Chalmers 111) touring ear, in first class condition. $375. 1 Krit roadster, 1913 ' model, in fine shape, $400. , 1 Overland B-pass. touring car In first class condition: repainted, $t50. 1 Stevens-Duryea o-cylinder 5-pass. tour ing car. $450. 1 Studebaker "SO" delivery car. panel top, overhauled and repainted, $375. 1 Studebaker "30," 1913 5-passengor touring car, fine condition, runs and looks liks new, 735. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Building. Corner -Chapman and Alder Sts., Phone Main 94U3, A-7U06. MAXWELL ROADSTER. fliOO; TERMS. 2-pasenger roadster, torpedo style, re built, 5 new tires, extra tube, chains, trunk and complete tool equipment; .$150 cash and payment. HOWARD AUTO CO., Buick Distributors, 14th and Davla Sts. CADILLAC DELIVERY $400. TERMS. Covered body, 4 cylinder, 1500 lbs. cap acity. Al condition. $200 cash, balance terms to suit. Car at SPEEDWELL GARAGE, " 14th and coucn sis. AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS A NECESSITY. We sell you a, truck of anv capacity, no initial payment. You can ay for It in monthly installments. Don't delay. A postal will secure full Information. Ad dress AO 69, oregonian. Automobiles Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will trade 5-acre traot in Marlon Coun ty, on electric R. R., clear of Incumbrance, lor late model automobile In good condi tion; give description, make, year and price. Aooress av .o., wb"1" WILL trade four-room cottage on ocean front near Columbia Beach for auto In good condition, no worn-out car consid ered. Give full Information first letter. AC 68. oregonian. WANTED To trade for a four or five passenger late model auto, some subur ban lots, free and clear of all encum brance; state make and model of car and price. AM 61, oregonian WANTED To buy used automobile; must be of modern make. In good condition and cheap. Give full Information and price In answering. W 79. Oregonian. FOR SALE White steamer. In perfect con dition, 1910 model; or will trade for prop erty or small auto. Phone Columbia o. 717 Lynn ave.. fat. jonns. FOUR-PASSENGER car. Ford preferred, to $700 as payment on 4-room cottage, with large lot, fruit and garage. W bo, Orego nian. SMALL house, full lot. Sellwood, value $1000. Income 7 per cent, to trade for auto worth $500, balance cash or mortgage. AG 77, Oregonian. SECOND-HAND roadster, standard make, A-l condition; answering give full oe- Icnption. p ui "3"u..u. WANTED Good 5-passenger touring car or runabout; must be cheap for cash. P 78, oregonian WANTED Ford auto; must be good terms; not necessary to be overhauled. Phone East 637B. WILL exchange seller's contract for automo bile, pay casn uniercncc oo, -Ionian. - $400 EQUITY In Rose City Park lot and some cash on a light 2 or 4-pass. auto. 406 McKay bldg. Main 934. $750-NEW player piano to exchange for foredoor 5-paas automobile.- Phone Mar shall 2432. WANTED Roadster or light auto for clear Sherwood half acre, on electric Lapham. Clyde Hotel. WANTED Roadster or light auto for sub urban lot; alio have homestead relin quishment. B 78. Oregonian. WANTED Light 5-passenger machine for beautiful line-tonea piano, r-nune j-jiq. GOOD lightweight 5-passenger car for clear Cliy 1UL. - J J mm. U , w-o . PART trade, part cash for a late model 4 or 5 passenger auto, ao iq. oiegomai nvr!u r-.,nnr,n JtRch lots for auto. AR 79, Oregonian. WILL give $500 Prov. Trust Bond, acreage , .u On nrprnnlnn. or loia lvi gum, o.uw. " " Motorcycle. FIRST-CLASS 1913 twin Excelsior motor cycle, Prest-o lamp ana taint. uiuu.m, etc Splendid condition. Price, $lSo, $oO aown. . ihuuuiij. 2 -CYLINDER Reo runabout, fully equipped; demountable rims, electric horn, new tires, Just newly painted. $275. Tabor 5062- LARGE r,-passenger, up-to-date auto, only $2.50 hourly. Special dally prices. Rex Auto CO., ajv Aioer. 8 H. P. 1913 HARLEY-DAVIDSON, fully equipped, $180; terms. 9030 B4th St. S. E. Take ooasiocn car. i-.mO NEW twin M. M. motorcycle, terms -uu ,-,i,. rArhin iiflrt Alder to naiiuuB""" - , street. - 1912 MOTORCYCLE with free engine, good condition, $35 cash. 1105 Clinton st. Ta bor o-o STRICTLY A-l Harley-Davldson, lamp, rear seat, tine mecnanicai coiiumuu. im-.. . 540 down, l--.uo a mmim. -w" FOR SALE 7-h. p. Indian, 1913 model. In Al condition and fully equipped, for ilio cash. T 79. Oregonian. 5 H P TWIN Indian motorcycle, quick sale $80, terms. 462 Flint st. Take TJ car. TWIN Yale motorcycle; tandem seat; per fect condition: $90, terms. 443 Rodney. MY TWO beach lots for motorcycle. AR 78, Oregonian. INDIAN 7-H. P., 1911 model, equipped. $100. ClhtnAil Ull GOOD motorcycle at a bargain. Terms If aesirea. iui XHOR single cylinder. good running order. only JJo. rnone ca.i mii. 40 4 h. P.. new tire, good running order. terms. B 3323, Tabor 3323. 191S EXCELSIOR motorcycle, tandem, mo tor In best condition. Main 19o2, A 490i. Auto Ttree and Acceesoriea, AUTOS repaired at your own garage. Work done at night. All work guaranteed. Ta bor 207- Fool try. FULL-BLOOD Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red pullets, hatched in March; early lavcrs; cheap. 110 Johnson ave., ' Lents. Tabor 2074, B 6111. Ask for local 3921. WILL purchase from 2 to 500 White Leg horn pullets 2 to 4 months old; 10O In dian Hunner ducks, 20 to 100 pair homer pigeons. Give best price first letter. AC tia. oreKouiari. OLD and young Thompson Ringlets, Par- trlcge wyanuoneB civiu." All pure atom, ii. q--" .--, CLOSING OUT Old and young R. Reds. B 1 inr-uhiLtnr: cor. loth and Gordon sts., Lents. 8 Jt. I. REDS, laying hens, $S. Main 307 Mcrariano, oi'y xcon WANTED Chickens In large quantities. 838 S. Dawson St.. St. Johns. Phone Col. 205. Livestock. THREE fresh cows, large Durham and Jer sey young and heavy milkers, suitable for dairy or private use. 14S0 Macadam su; Fulton car, foot of Idaho at. WANTED Immediately, carload 200 An gora goats. Will pay spot cash. St. Charles Land Co. St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison si EXCHANGE good lot at beach for good cow brood sows, Leghorn chickens, Indian runner ducks and homer pigeons. -AC 6", Oregonian. FOR SALE 23 head of heifers, with calf, 2 and 3 years; would call at once. A. lor rerl. Route 1, Forest Grove. Oregon. " KEEP COWS IN CITY. Splendid rhance, a living and safe in vestment- ,..,. FOP. SALE; Jersey heifer calf, eligible to registry. Inquire R. Sherwood. 1159 Mall s JEP.SF.Y cow for sale at 1154 Graham ave. WANTED To buy good fresh cow. B 2S34. Machinery FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, contractors" machinery, all kinds Railway Equipment Cos, 1st and Oak. FOR SALE. Machinery. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Alternating current, 1-10. i4, 8, TH, 10, 15, 50. 40, 50, 75 and 100 H. P. . . Direct current, fc. 1, 2, 3, 5, Ttt. 1. 15. 32. 50. 100 HP. Motors guaranteed in every respect. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. We rant or sell. FOR RENT OR PALE. LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINES. -Derricks, scrapers, clamshell buckets, concrete mixers, pumps, ete. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. 46 2d st. We sell or rent. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL ANYTHING of any kind SEE BARDE The House of a Million Bargain 240-244 Front St., cor. Maltu Centrally located, 4 blks so. of Morrison. GASOLINE ENGINES. 2.1-hand Fairbanks-Morse Co. gasoline engines of all sises In guaranteed A-l condition, for half of new price. STANDARD MACHINERY CO.. ROCK CRUSHER. Mo. 3 Aurora crusher plant, with screens, elevator and engine: cheap. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. Typewriters. ALL MAKES. irvnKR WOODS: , Model 5. 84 characters '. $40.00 Model 4, 7 characters $.15.00 Model 3, wide carriage $40.00 REMINGTONS: Model 10, back spacer, two color rlb- hn. ..$45.00 Model 6 and 7 $20.00 Model 5 Olivers $30.00 Model 2 L. C. Smith & Bros $J0.OO Model 10 Smith Premier $35.00 Model 3 Smith Premier . ..$20.00 All thoroughly rebuilt and tuny guaran teed. TERMS $5 cash and $5 per month. Machines sent for 3 days" examination to any point on Pacific Coast, and li not sai. isfactory return at our expense. Retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St.. Portland. Or. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. DO nroauway. rv n.m, w. WE sae you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our illus trated foKK-r, retail department- WHOLE- tit.- cmr-iiij Vn TTmlerwood tvc-ewrlt er, latest model, splendid condition. C 19, oregonian. TYPE WHITER an miklces. $10 to :er co. $04. NORTHWEST TYPEWRIT 202 Stark bireei. SECOND-HAND Underwood or Smith type writer for cash; state price and number. H 02. Oregonian. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D C:, 231 Stark St. Main 140 1. RMINOTONNO. 10, visible, bargain. Call at 808 Commercial block. Owner direct. Miscellaneous. REMEMBER, If you are ever In mted of anything in the machinery line, see us, as we positively can save you money. We carry a large stock of boilers, engines, pumps, dynamos, pulleys, belting, chain, I-beams, rails, cable, rope, wheelbarrows, pipe, corrugated Iron, roofing papers, and every thing else In the Iron and ma chinery line. Without doubt we carry the largest stock of second hand merchandise In the city and save money to all who buy from us. J. SIMON BRO. Front and Grant sts. . Phones Mala 2002, A 2002. FOR SALE Speed launch, length 28 feet, beam 54 feet, 15-horsepower Ferro motor with magneto; reverse gear, electric aearch light and horn; engine under hood, entire auto control; 30-gallon gasoline tank on after deck; oak combing, bulkhead and decks: sided with Port Ortord cedar. Ken yon folding boat top with side curtains, folds on after deck; open cock pit with seat across stern; fully equipped to comply with Gov't regulations; as good aa new and in perfect running order; price $850. Address E. N. Howe, 72 Broadway, or phone Main 692. BANKRUPT'S fixtures sacrificed. Tole do corapL scale, Dayton meat sllcer. Na tional register, cheese cutter and case. Bowser tank, floor mill, typewriter, etc Call or write Irwin. 600 E. Ankeny. id PAIRS of Richardson ball-bearing roller skates, with tools and extra parts; used only a short time; will sell at a bargain. Write or call. G. W. McGulre, Woodburu, Or. PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS, A complete set I. C. S. text books con taining 6 volumes, for sale cheap; 'trade for good camera considered. Call 7 o'clock eve.. 655 g. Bumaide. East 3090. WOOD STOVE and pipe, 60-ln. sanitary oak desk, flat top, tfOO-lb. Howe scale, slightly used, lu perfect condition. 87 Broadway lortn. SOU SALE 12- gauge Fox double barrel shotgun, 7H lbs., automatic ejector. New. Would exchange for 20-gauge, Armstrong, 4 SO Clay. KENYON. takedow-n house for sale cheap. Ideal tor Summer use anywhere. Size 18x30. 5 rooms. Phone East 794. 94 Union ave. SELL or trade, general collection of Indian relics, sea shells, stamps, coins and other curios. F. W. Leasla, 717 East Richmond St., St. Johns, Or. MIRROR, large, French plate, beautllul hand-carved frame, for sale reasonable. Brown Apartments. 14th and Taylor, apt. 40. A 5543. FOR SALE. $350. ' In city limits. 7 acres tine potatoes; ma ture in' August; estimated yield bet. 700 and 80O sacas. C 78, Oregonian. ONE drop head New Home, $1$. One drop head White, $15. These sewing machines will be eold Hon da yat 849 aiorrlsoail FOR SALE .Mi-foot new portable French range; double warming closet and oval canopy; $100 value, for $55. Phone East 3823. FOR SALE: 1 Shamklin oil burner with 10- gal, tank; 1 BO-gal, tank; 1 four-hole range with reservoir and water coll. Phone Tabor 2W(. TRUNK, steamer, fine condition, for sale very reasonable. Brown Apts., 14th and Taylor, apt. 46. A 5542. REFRIGERATOR. White Frost, all metal, used but very short time; cost $31; will sell for $20. Tabor 3117. 429 E. 39th. FOR SALE cheap, electric vibrator, new, perfect order.310 Fliedner bldg., 12 to 2 Monday. BARGAINS In rifles, shotguns and revolvers; all makes cheap. Beauregard' a, 702 Main St. Vancouver, waan. POSITIVE sacrifice, high-grade 21-Jewel Hamilton watcn, unuee uivuc :i7 1 .1. FIRST-CLASS 4-foot fir wood. 5 per cord delivered. West Side only. Phone Mar shall 132S. STORE FIXTURES of all kinds for dry goods, shoe, clothing and furnishing store. AH 89, oregonian. SAFES All sixes at cost; safes repaired. Mosler Safe Co.. 409 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 7876. LATEST model Ansco postcard camera, with case; will sell or take smaller cam era as part payment. O 11, Oregonian. FOR SALE A very complete printing of fice equipment; motor, press, type and ac cessories. Address D 64. Oregonian. ONK 12-gauge Winchester pump, almost 'new, also new Stevens 22 repeating rifle. 10 each. 203 East BOtn street .ortn. EASTMAN 3-A P. F. kodak for sale; auto matic shutter; postal card siie: first-class condition; reagonauio. - nui.nroi.i'a . ..... . , I buy, sell and exchange kodaTa, cam eras and lenses. conn ou w. SEALSKIN coat and muff at your on price no reasonable price refused; give r,j' i iti 7H (Ireeonlan. BUUICI I" el.-... , - YOU CAN RENT visible typewriter, three months for $4: convenient at home. 244 stark st. jaam "-', -.-. FOR SALE Nearly 2-karat, good-line dla mond. bargain; also beautiful 7-8 karat; see these, j 1 1, ha FES -New and second-hand, cheap, cash or terms. 101 First au Main 8565. Jno. E. Davis CARPENTERING and screens msde to or der J. W. Lemolu, 249 2d st. Main 6U9S. $94 PURCHASING check on Eilers Mus.c House for $10 or trade. Mr. Butler. 630 E. ltfth st. GASsteel range, canopy top, and gas water heater, good carpets and furniture. o3 Sumner si., cui. - - - A "00-ACCOUNT McCaskey register for $25; a 100-account N. C. R. credit register $1... Call Main yioo. jus. jrnn SALE 19-ft- motorboat In first-class condition and fully equipped; a bargain Air V'J. OTCiw. - SOOD steel range for sale cheap. M. E. Mattock. i-i" FOR SALE Overland wagon cheap, sult able for Sunday paper roule. SMI .529. Mattock, zi r-. GAS RANOE, oven, 5-bumer, almost new. cheap. jengmi-iu wam tj-,-w. T-Rinc my motorboat for auto or sacrifice for cash. Call Mala 8118. tOR SALE. MWcellaae STOP If you want anything. LOOK ' around at the bargains and LISTEN and think, and then WblLL DO BUSINESS 2S Boilers, 2 to 250 11. P. 25 Engines, S to 1600 1L V. 8 Gasoline engines. 14 Pumps. Mi In. to 8 In. 16 Centrifugal pumps. lis Woodworking machines. 16 Motors and dynamos. 1 Spray pump and enjtlnr. 5 Pipe-threaillng machines. 10 Fans and blowers. ' - 4 Kock drills. - Sawmills and parts. 18 Hesd blocks. 15 Centrifugal pumps. 40 Tons cat-wheels. 20 Tons chain, all kinds. SPECIAL. 1 12-ton Steam road roller, $1500. 300 Dry kiln trucka . 35 Tons grate bars. 40 Assorted ssw mandrels. 200 Boom chalna Heaters, all kinds. Steam boilers. Hot water boilers. Tanks a big assortment. SPEC1AU 220 "Winchea all kinds at less than H price. 60 Tons saihwelghls. 3 Rock drills at less than H price. 40 Tons angle Iron. etc. 60 Tone 1 bams. 100 Enierywheeis, less than H price. 8 Finery stands, almost new. Babbitted metal, all grades. Lubricators, pop valves, etc. Saws, a good assortment. Anvils, only 1-0 left. SPECIAL. 2000 rolls, all plys. Investigate. Wire, all kluda Lath yarn, and at the right price. CABLE, CARLE. CAHLE. We have anything In cable you want. PIPE. PIPE, PIPE. See us about your pipe wants. It will pay. SPECIAL. Brand new solid tires. See us and save half. Manila rope. Dry batterlea Forges. Rlo ks. BELTINO, BELTING. BELTING Any kind of belting you want And at the right prii e. too. Transmission machinery of all kinds We guarantee our prices to be right. Cotton covered hose. Scales. Shears. GRINDSTONES AND BTANDS. Tarred felt. New toilet seats at P5e. SACKS, SACKS. SACKS. See us If yiu want sack. Oil. all klnda Drum. Al good assortment. Log hauls, anything In these. Shafting, all sues. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS. KAIL. KAIL. RAIL. IN FACT,'"eWBAK,,DK FOR ANYTHING. IT Pais. M. BARDE A SON'S. Th House of a Million Bargain, 240-244 Front at., corner .lln. Centrally Located, 4 blks. so. of Morrison 1 18-H P. JEWEL etiglii. 1 lH-h. p. Bulldog gas engine. 1 2"-h. p. Bulldog engine. i ioo-k.'w. WOX P. M. J.'.O-vOlt D. C. 1 100-K. W. generator or motor. 1 35-h. p. 1200 R. P. M.. 220-rolt three phase motor. 1 10-h. p. 220-volt D. C. motor. 1 73-h. J. 12O0 11. P- M. SUO-vola-A. C. "TYo-h. p. 900 R. P. M.. 220-volt A. C. mitO20-h. p. 1200 R. P. M., 220-rolt A. C TTi-h. p. 720 R. P. M., 220--olt A. C. mi"s5-h. p. 800 R. P. M.. 220-rolt A. C bIId ring motor. 1 60-K. W. 2200-rolt, single-phase. 125 cycle generator. . - .. - 1 5-h. p 220-volt, 1050 R. P. M, D. C. G. E. motor. . . Seo us lor all kinds of new nd cond hnd machinery for rent or for sale; re pairing and rewinding; all work guatan- 'hM. H. ELECTRIC CO.. 31 N. 1st St. phone Main "210 SECOND-HAND MACHINERY AND BUP- 1'LIEB. See "BARDE" for BOILERS. ENGINES, PUMPS ETC. PULLEYS, SIM-TING, BELTING. CABLE. CHAIN. ETC See BARDE IT PAYS. M. BARDE SONS. The House of a Million Bargains. 240 to 244 Front St., Cor. Main. PLUMBING TRUST BUSTED SO SEE BAR DB FOR Bathtubs, Tollcls, Sinks, Boilers, Lavatories, Laundry Trays. He. Pipe and fittings of all kind". And about I.OOO.iiipcI other bargains. Plumbers furnished if dtslied. SEE BARDE. IT PAYS. The House of a Million Bargslna 240-244 Front St., corner Main. SEWING MACHINES. Singer $1.V'H. -White, $12.50, New Home. $20.uO. Wheeler A Wilson. $15, New Royal, $10.50. Minnesota Cabinet. 18; Standard, 1S; also stand ard Dressmaking Machine. $12.00. At tachments complete and guaranteed. Cosh or terms. Hewing Machine Em porium. 190 3rd. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Machines rented. Main H43I. FOR SAI.E. CHEAP-$I5 take a nro,.-Iu-d rotary singer seln machine; $ J -0 takes a Columbia disc graphaplione, nickel horn anil 4.1 record-. Call Tabor w:i. LAUNCH for sale cheap Engine Just over hauled snd hull painted; be't coiidltlon. Call at 503 Couch bldg after V A. M. Mon day. $25 WHITE crepe dinner ''w". nsver worn, accordion pleated tunic, slse IIS. for $10, also mahogany color gown, slllman tyle, same price. Wood. 2928. SPECIAL Dry Batteries. 3c Each. h a n nR. The House of a Million Bargains. NEW moving picture machln. "" machine taken on mortgsge and mut o ",ld. $65 takes It. Call Sunday or Monday. 403 IKt SI NICELY furnished. complete houseboat, modern iu every resnt. t:'. Easy terms. Kelly. 7-3 Chamlier of Commerce building. REAL estate furniture, new. good quality, for sale very cheap. 405 Stock txchangs bldg. FOR SALE Four shares Pacific states Fir Insurance Co. stock. X 70, Oregonian. PEACHES FOR SALE ON TREE. About lfcOO bushels, close to shipping point A. R Norwood, Hsrrlshurg. or. LONGS PAT. corn, popcorn snd crlspelt machine, new. a bargain. Address Vk, 14. Brandt 416 E. Wlphkuti. Aberdeen. Wmh. BUY and sell canoes snd rowboalB, s!po storing canoes. Favorite boathouse, fool of Morrison FOR SALE invalid s chair, adjustable foot-rt-sts, nearly new, reasonable; also crutches. Glenn ave. LAUNCH. beautiful, 12-pannnger. very cheap; essy terms. Main 04. Mr. Bow man. O ht BALE Royal Ann sod Black Repub lican cherries, either picked or on tree. K. 47th and Davis. Tsh-r :t. SCHOLARSHIP In I. C. S.. cheap for cult llsft E. loth Nortli FOR SAI.E l-aunch. $400. 18-hors engine. AV - 414. Orrgunlan. FIRST-CLASS $:i0 M.-Usy re.taursnl re fricerHtor. !ri'-e now $15. 1st St. FOR SAI.E Restaurant range, Maje.Uc .t.el chean. 1-,7 11th st. X.r -2. $75 RUN A BOUT launch, e people, cost w, Mitchell s boathouse. Purnsl-le St. 330 GUMMED fruit Inbels. Irtc. Agent wanted. Box 1174. Portland, or. FOR SALE. $110. 10 II. P. motorboat. Call Woodiawn 3455. 20 SQUARE yards linoleum, 1 Ne. 20 Ruud hei, ler. cheaiK G 77. ores-m mn. ROLL top d-sk. chairs, large new offlc safe. 8T1 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE IS-fl. 0:iliiin tanne. aiiuoftt new. Coll East 27t'l between 7 snd H o'clock. GOOD launch engine for sal cheap or trade. AH 9. Oregonian. WOOD snd coal range, price $15. tall ivii- Ings. 7.. ssin eT FOR SALE: Rolllop deek and chair. 29 Yumiilll. CHEAP Dental office, partly furnlsli.d 628 Morgan bldg CHERRIES. 3 and 4 cents a pound. 63 East !lth and Stnrk ete. BICYCLE, excellent condition, new lire, for sale cheap or trade AF 90. Oregonian. TEN 9T12, 5-ft. wall, Poles and stakes. Phone C lOSI, NEW 8A Graflex with leul, cost $125; piles ft. AD 76. nrfconinn KOWBOATS snd houseboats fer sale, bsr- galns. Inquire fool of East Humnlde. HOUSEBOATS for ssle and built to order. J. I,. Gllham. a iiii ' FOR SAI.E. c1enp. firil class lent. ltUI2. Phone Main '"". ONi: S-li. P. Keystone t . nclne. good con dition, bargain. .11" Abmmun bl'le HOUSEBOAT for sale. bU 4il- t IftlleneAtis. BPECIAI. bargain for tti eorotnr wee m order to muke room f-r ail --"la bu,4 tiom the Meier A Kiauk bolMiu. ion rolls bsrh wire. gl., 11 7S roM. squares rorrussled Irea, $1 T: sriA 5l barte.s genuiue coal tar. 14 50 bbl ttnbber roefing. ,'k'c per sqnAt loo tents all si- at resyisf rr'cA S Urge hotel or InBBin Clliip ran," loo lion sanitary bed su4 Bi-ilitcs Irons logging camp. 1-in.ii pip. 3lf pr foot. I1-1 nch pip. -c pr fool. ' 1 'i-liKh pip. c pr f'ti.t, li-inrh pip, 'o pr f't. 3- iticl. pip. He Pr foot. 4- iiuh pip. 10 pr ffoi. Alt pip fuarntHl firtt-rUM conditl. ncninibr, w also d! tn tul l.i.-i mt pluiiiblrt up;ll,, to ail at " til price. Ji?tp u tijiLt tltt ttusk J HI-OV BRO From id liraut MiW HA. I'uWfri ji.tur mnrhtn. rtiiat Cliokf Coll. It'l 'Oltrt on I -nm unj fa of film, pne -Vi' A M Or--i in, 11 Hh. H AM hiU Th (.iob h-uiid-lit.iil Mui hopn4. HIfti ( prti pd 1-tr ioa 4 (l. la cal-ulf tsiuiiir.a. Inna, tuwailyrat b.ct-lv trunks, iu k-i. av. tail kta u .v lErOvn-MAVD CLOTH I NO 1M'TKR liU.VK.ST U- AU t'A. Hih. Ji. ) ! EHV I'KK'K H'U M-M AND UiMk. 4 l.oTllr.. blloi.S. i.l''. 7HV L a. UU. MAIN .UJ MALll0. Hr. SECONP-HAN t CLOTH I NO W A T KfX l.lBii! prlc pii lr Ifr-na ha4 Cltllica, a.iua, viu. .V tb. Mi l LLM.N IIAiil'iVAHhi HHMTl Bl i:l Krvui al.. trUa a-coo-l band (km CO, 'Ma. rarpota. iua, imitri, lnmir r !. ol any kmU. f'a-l , ! Mam v . A, our bp r call prupmtljr. K I'AV TllliMlw.-r CASH l'Hlt 1. I'tM hKl'U.M)-HA.NU aUli.l.Ni.. AMI . ivu .Nil ti er u t-f ur fy Ditura blurj oa ra.i i.a - Ayvii I lln.M, lit Id H Mt.l,,jl. I I IrVR VoLH Kl irll ltd. i.V MIW, 1 OO... M At li I MU., HkRv liAXi'lls CAM. MAt.N UlI. - W AM Oll.- f.4 .f I it '". . ti d rlpuon and (.rif. iit ii in ! ra'itai'.M. AK ' ' "t " KU liOAT anld; brn I-'-1 tr fewifciuir nar dryuo K ttut tit wl I . It l(. U. A lr Mi . At. W AN I tl J-h. p. hian la-a taii.ai g villi aiicm, bitl . fuvil t:iiiti.vtt. J. Uln, Kiiuitr, Or. Lv-u as IT I-1 h.nT'i i rt k. rr"7. Tsi"i l.ni t mlm It mnm) , Htamlatti Kut. , 1' WANTKI .N- h atr furi a buttKAiow ; aiata ptv wi i tr Ionian. f., A U a UI,L . h.tnua ti.-,...p t. Itir pluitiuitia- at a 1 1 I Mi i..M A tlMl. a h. t fVHLt AUCTION i O. p w aiijr kind of lurnitut. alain Mil. WAMh-O Nal.onal Caah tt-..r. aoiij. AdaPrt tttt Norlhruy at. TWO good rima, ii m lift ta ria'ai. It' i. ti I WANT uat iiaf Y tw. ti- i an. M-oT CAMI Kof your furmtui. I it on r"-l.ml 11. ivAMEU i .Nation... c't rg'r ftl once; will pa pviiaaa. Mala . ON K-HOIXHK attong farm aon, c lp. I1 bong taK .rot, lt.ai k 14. A u-lli -KKKI'tiWEII Ilobnrt inr-.tt i n.lr ltriiatin corrni. i-v, nr a'i ii n ri A. no, futnnur, a.ut. or lor f-w CASH paid for iair romb.a& aoHarr Hautjr I'arlora. W lHftu.ii bidf. VTi.Is TKM'B r'-M -ln fi f Pr pita value hhi T att, Oregunmit. iloToKHOAT. niiinhlt lor ht f.pt')a 0arriplion himI pi It AK J. ( r'K fi i n n. WK TINT room for I. iO; pa nt ltiuaa at our prlc. 'labor !. WANTKU OIU ptaim tor taati. li a 4. Ort IKinrnti. HO I'.S Mill fluNril WMUt-ll. .-' I" 1 i AI-TtiliiK. ffc-p( buiniay, e?T' ''W, wTvrF I IH V"hV: 'M'HAMI alO I.Nli FICTCKK MACIUXKS. Zil OA K. WA.NTKL 1' of j)Hii f t r. i fr- n !' at ut 1 4 WOll-U lika to trava. H vat!. buy to i:.o a t'i i . Iii4 lit labltat WAM'KU - lK 1 S trtit. Sim i Mi.Oill"Ti ana pnc. Y fcO. Orotilaiu liioii KhT pnr-a paiU lor r itia, liiQ'luiH i!nraa. Hothfld. 4a N. 3d at. IIKI r W AMMt-M AI-K. bAl.KhMA.N. uptTlPiH-tl In am Ln. to I 'ittral trail" I'aol.c t"ii iior . a an. .Juiv 1 iinl'n-. Bp"- ia.iv j.top-.-ltioi. r-ommtBtiloti iontrat; ..' ri :y for -pvtii!-- Conunntl Jpwltr o, i Cont lnritl bllK.. i l-latM)1 Obi.-. A NTKI Man to put In rmp at a l-rt'-a, HihJ lilwr, on aharB. - r pont. I hav lnd and watr to lrrt.-i. M'- Coy. SIM fc-aat Ptrk. Alt m"td rar fa vnl. 4 block north. I ant. CP n.otu tngw. WANTFP .Mn aitd uiii-r to ali tha and f.tatBt allir(r n-aaity on t' mar ket: Ml) Bt rjr Bior. offl , Btiip " ltom; It b11b rv-r)tr- H l hir't cIhbn and a good m"ny-mak-r. 411 chang bl'ly . A ntl. m HA VK au upnlnc for two l.rt I4 pp. i.l ty iun. Ihow havln m yri-i'i . ! rni-i prfrrd , lou t-t iik.i w .. Cnll ftr 2 l. lsUliilr Kvrl.mut MU. - jKN In avcry ny at,i tfi U ' thra la a g"l, prn.annt pr"i" v t'-r ttia rltllit man lain-u---. ---e. - - -4.i.l-4;i4 Coiiaolldated Ha.l bU.B. AH- -ia, rai. . WANTK1-An ni S't u k aalan-an l aoll a hlgh-araoa it.duBirial ii..i Itlon vt ai.rpllonal m-nl. no fltan arruunt. hut good inony l tn man ran hu-tt and pn'duc. K 4, t.H- UKNTIHT ined h- all il. a- re. ne.r propel,i. l..lein to. n of IOOO. no f otii--tl'"0. e- ro-nperatlnn m n-i --nr p - pain. K. I'l H- ;ili. M.1s y J ' ' ' WAXTKf Two men who h. t.usl't I'l th piiblle honl. of Oreg .n, f .r l-.lil v.e.tloo work: chanr. to m.ke be. for Kail: ot,lv .lert, e.nsh". etyll people coasilere.1 V o. or.-en'a. BlllJ"7! II IKK f'T te... C-.fle,. ....e IliMie. , .iivB.ems . CM ne ni-n ..nnn.lr.l. tlielC Bl'liH M. .le-IO- l, premium indue. m.lits. tir.iid I nl I'l. n Tea Lin vou w.nl HO a o.i. -I. e er r.t.ll. premium, poe- h.l.oerd fl' 1 ' pr..p-.iliiena American I i "i " . "' 1UI. M'l 1'OllTI.A N II brsneh ef II. . M.nrtsrd H cl.lty il-.l'e pnle.man. liberal pro...... tlon. Call t: t.il or " ,"n'1' and rrr.B. for Inter, lew. WAMKlvli'ul'S x'"","r"ll .",','" tor. to ten el v.nn iee. -llnble. .lata age. e perl. I., e, .'e AH Si. ire. out. n. WANT -SO""1 f"r " ""'." !".r1" plant who I. win, i,. to love., '-' '' good busine.. propositi"". A'. . ,Fr IllHi.K-A',i:i .00.11 for ork and care for la. I. rM t.oo-' I, -led .ll'l rheumatl.nl. " (lr 11 A. JU Ha I.. I TWO llil MkT-n w..,-..l for Porneed Td vi.mitr. "'V i; J'"TX' rl.anga bl.ls Vo.,.lr nnoriueii, - q Hire a - ... ore.o ek w iTo r.n f.irr,..h r-ferene... Ii.ouli. X l.e. I."! I "two 00,. MEN Willi paltnlab a Co . l-ate. t S'll'i WAVTI'.li I -' ."H.l.ora to .nun ...unlir d,.trl.-ia. ti 1. f-egooi-iri ir-STiM. ho, waolel at IM Mark '" day morning. Chanr. to l-.a CAr.pKNTrn to mii'flkntii , " '"' prt ro"" dJoia' Avply Ha Macadam M. STOCK HIVX w.nt..l: Het-' gltlm.ie. lnt-.nt-or..l l-r.n.. Co.. box tl.'l. II'1 ''""i. '' . txrmniEN'CK ert,.ir.s aeeklX tap... trade "'""."'. "'""" ion, rlv.la AgeB-JK-- "' . l-ieea " - -ah 10. 1 on. II 1 ' ..ii.K'i roit t-r faoii . imn". in ton .,..,' -V1 iIfintiVt ....I p'.. ol..,,. ';:,-,,i.",-,rr.''.1"" for lioitir.iQ l'eH " e. ' """. ' 1. n.at. .Ol i.aiuwvo.