T THE SUXDAT OliEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 28t 1914. 11 REAL E8TATE. For Bale Farms. U ? P B ft COLUMBIA HOG AND DAIRI RANCH 318 ACRES A mile Of Columbia River frontage A sutferb ranch, lying on the Columbia nouievara, 1 mne irorn riiiiunu Bianou ii Imvai. rtrn river bottom soil, hundred: of acres of the finest ALFALFA land, 50 acres in Onions, Potatoes, Artichokes. Cabbages. Soybeans, Cowpeas, "Wheat. Oat a. Corn. Roots, etc. Xew M-room houte. great biff barn, in cubator-house. WOodhouse. 2-room tenan cottage, running stream, 2 small lakes, 'rail and river transportation. Cultivators, harrows, disks, plows, rake, mower, buggy, heavy wagon, harnesses, cream separator, 3 incubators, and all crops In best condition, 16 Jersey cows, 15 calves, 30 head young stock, 0 horses. 00 hogs, 10 broo sows, aou chickens, idv aucks, w turjcey zv geese. The cash price Is $30,000. Wilt 011 on easy terms, or take email cash payment ana Balance roruana city property. ST. CHARLES LAND CO. St. Charles Hotel, 204 Morrison at. A FINE SMALL. FARM. 10 acres in Washington County, clot to Portland and eiectrio Una. all in cul tivation but 3 acres, best vt soil and lies practically level ; nice creek crosses main county road, R. F. D.. telephone and cream route, eood 7room house, good barn, woodshed, etc.: all kinds of fruit and berries. Price $2600, very rea sonable terms, FINE FOR DAIRYING. 30 acres In Washington County. 19 miles from Portland and close to elec trio line, half in cultivation and In crop or acres more easily ciearea ; prac tieally level, with never-failing spring on one corner; on good county road, K. F. I., telephone and cream route; mile to g-ood school and church; nice 5-room house, barn, woodshed and all outbuild ings; good family orchard, all kinds of email fruit and berries; 2 horses, extra line Jersey oows. brand new farm wagon, buggy, plows, harnesses and all small ioois; an ior x&uuu; sxwv casn, oaianoe years at 6 per cent. HOSTETLER A ANDERSON. 723 Chamber of Commerce. CAN XOa MILK COWfl? We want to sell a dairy farm in Tilla mook ; 50 acres, all river bottom land, meadow and pasture; It's close to th cltv on a fine auto road: with the sal goes 20 fine milk cows, horse, wagons na rarm tooib; a aanay large Darn; a good house; there It a cheese factory one mile and you can haul a load of milk each morning. It's dollars to the man that can , milk; $u will handle the oeal ; easy terms ou balance. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Oregonian Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 40 acres, 3 miles from Kalama, county seat oi cowmz county, so mues xrom Portland, on county road, close to Pacific - nignway ana Close to coiumoia River, with grand view; 80 rods to very goo3 scnooi, tne 4U is an xencea ana cross fenced. 18 acres in high state of cultiva tion. 8 acres in grain, 6 acres clover, 2 in s potatoes, io acres in nne pasture, oiacK, rich soil. 3 acres young, best, standard cherry trees; 4 acre strawberries, 37 acres can oe piowea an e ways; nne ounaings, w-room new bungalow, with bath, water piped to house and barn, 40x50 barn; with the place goes 7 head of cattle, horse, 100 chickens, hog, separator, implements, tools ana narness; gooa mommy income; ior this fine place only $4000, half cash, rest on easy terms : no traae. Aaarese MARTIN SKAALK, Kalama, WuRh. CHOICEST FARM NEAR PORTLAND. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. An ideal country home on tine automo bile road, 12 miles from Portland: 160 acres of finest valley land, 100 acrea In crop; 10-room residence, with modern conveniences; fine buildings, improvements and farm implements: tt-acre orcnara, two running creeks; can be reached by auto in 45 minutes and must be seen to bo appreciated, (surrounding land held at io to x.tuu per acre, .riace ouereu $2oo, on favorable terms. Address owner, 608 Worcester bldg., or S 'J, Oregonian. SNAP THIS SNAP! St;500: 8 a., all In cultivation, at Cor twtts on O.-W. K. A N. ; this la a fruit orchard : will harvest 10 tons of cherries this season: 6 kinds of apples, plums. prunes, pears; fine variety small fruit; this orchard is In full bearing, 4 blocks from denot and boat landine: beautiful view 21 ml. from Portland; 7-room house, all modern : large fruit dryer, chicken-house. woodshed, water piped into house; $3000 down, see Air. btani at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) MODERN FARM. A RARE BUY. Well-imoroved U 7-acre farm. 30 miles out 7 blocks from stores and depot, 4 blocks from high school. Good buildings, elec tric lights, bath, some fruit. The best buy we have had in a long time. Only $30 per acre, ou term. If 'you know a snap, ana want to live aajoining a gooa town on electric line, look this up quick. THBi ATLHISU.N-ALLhi CO. 210 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Aider .sts. - RARE BARGAIN $4500, or about half Its value, for 1ft! acres, 7 mi. west of Junction city; Jy mi. to P. E. & E.. where townslte is be ing established ; good school nearby ; SO V. in cultivation, CO In pasture, balance i 12 to 24 in. piling timber; small touse, large barn ; good spring water ind creek all year around; $1000 cash. Bee Mr. Stahl at HARTMAN A THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) IDEAL VALLEY FARM 87 A.. 45 mllea from Portland, 24 from P. E. & E. By., Yamhill Co. On main county road; R. F. D., phone and cream route. Splendid 8-roora house, barn 4oxo, hoghouse. chicken-house, etc. Running water all year. Small orchard. 60 A, under cultivation, best of soli; all well fenced; (100 per A.; cash will handle. Box AV 4l'4. Oregonian. OWNER MUST SELL. 234 acres, all in high state of cultiva tion; good buildings, fine orchard and well. Va mile to electric station, school and churches, near Forest Grove, 25 miles from Portland; was $5000, but owner cut It to $4000 for quick sale. Terms easy. C. DYOUNO & CO.. 514 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP IN A DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. .too acres on Yaqulna River and R. R. Alt In grass, 50 acres bottom land In cultivation, large orchard. 7-room house, 8 barns, a great snap at $20 dot acre, on good easy terms. Cannot be beat for the price. F. Fi'CHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. FARM BARGAIN. 24 acres iu Polk County. 200 acree Jn high state of cultivation, balance In oak timber und pasture; good new buildings; woven wire fencing; running water; one third of fine crop of oats, wheat and vetch goes with the place; $S0 per acre; terms. It. F. BRYAN. 500 Chamber of Commerce. EXCELLENT FARM BUY. SO acres very sood land, all In cultiva tion, best of locations, good buildings and plenty of them; running water, dirt cheap at $115 per acre, $40O0 cash, balance 5 years. If you want a good farm cheap, here It fs. Get particulars by F. Ft'CHS, -tl'Q Chamber of Commerce. fiO ACRES for sale or lease for 3 years $150 . per year; hatf pasture, balance timber; springs, creek, new barn, small house, 8 gal. milk route. SH miles from Portland: stocked with Implements; 300 cords of wood to haul at $2 a cord. J. Nordberg, Lents, Or. FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS. We have all kinds and sizes of farms and give you good value for your money and a square deal. If you wish to buy right see r . fhh?, cnamoer or commerce. 22u ACRES finest farm in Santiajn Valley, highly improved, all under cultivation and stocked. $30,000, part cash and balance city property. owner, izx rortn western Ha n K oiag. Main visn. FOR SALE CHEAP. $2H cash buys lO acres of good land, 12 mllea -from Portland on main county road, a real snap at $1200. E. J. GEISER, ::l Chamber of Commerce. 15 ACRES, new bugalow, near etation and Columbia River, at Carson. Wash., $4000. Cheap. Purse A CO., fi32 Cham, of Com. Nag. 240 ACRES, near McMinville, 25 under cul tivation, house and barn ; $1$ per acre. Gold schmldt's Agency, Stock Exchange, 3d and YamhllL 20 ACRES in Tillamook County, in the dairy section : price only $15 per acre; terms to suit buyer. M. E. Lee, 523 Cor bett bldff. AM compelled to eell fifty acres of 133 per acre land on main line of railroad In Flor ida; $1V per acre cash will take it. J. L. yrorla. K'2rt East 2d at. North. WANT best offer for 10 acres Douglas Coun ty timber. Price $2500v Address M. B. lgns, Kamela. Or. MlceUnneotM. SAVE $100 COMMISSION. Owner will sell I00x9ti-foot corner at Grays Crossing, bet. Wood mere and Lents; 3 store buildings, one with living-rooms In rear; largo chicken-house and stable, ?.'l.";i0; one-hulf down, balance easy pay ments, or $.'150 cash, or will divide the property; a real bargain. O 3S, Oregonian. WAJfTEl- REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE WHEAT FARM. 12S0 A. Wheat ranch In the best part or vv asco County, Oregon, Tnis rancn all equipped with stock and machinery, ana 13U nead ox nogs.- equipment worm $4000. 8-room house and barn, fine springs, over uOO A. in grain, crop goe with the place, and the owner says is good for $15,000. Total valuation $44,800; will exchange for goad Portland property, taking $2000 cash and $22,000 Portland property, and bal. on long time. Sam Hewey, 260 Stark st., at HARTMAN THOMPSON, OUR luck la running good and we are mak ing many trades of late between clients who wish to give and receive good value. If you have a good, straight proposition that will bear investigation our service are at your disposal. We have a large list on which quick action can be had. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 603 Dekuni Bldg. HAVE several well-secured mortgages which I desire to trade In even exchange for a Portland residence. $5000 or less. Will not assume except small amount city liens. Please give address and telephone number so can arrange interview. W. 7S, Oregonian. ' WEST HIDE PROPERTY WANTED. Client wants property on West Side; has $500 ca9i and unincumbered lots on Peninsula to turn in as first payment; must have long time on balance. Fred W. uerman Co., vi Cham, or torn, WANT the best, improved S acres accessible to interuroan car witnm in nines or Port land that $1800 will buy; purchaser can pay 700 cash. Geo. is. ttngiehart co., 211 Lumbermen bldg, WANTED. . Good city property, income oi1 residence, iu ct;xiaiij e ior guuu larnie. U. S. MORTGAGE & LNV. CO. 512-513 Yeon Bldg. WANTED A modern S or JT-room house in mga-ciass- neighborhood: irvtngton pre ferred; I have two caeh customers; the property and price must De attractive. ceo. Jii. waggoner, sua leon oiag. WILL pay cash for good lot or small house or 6-room bungalow near Alberta or union avenue carlme; no inflated values con sidered. T 820, Oregonian. WANTED To buy modern 7-room home in good neighborhood, from owner, wno win accept $500 casbr and balance country property. V 8 1 , Oregonian. WANTED 100x100 vacant lot bounded by K 7th. "Rroadwav. lth and Thompson stnte lowest cash price and all particu lars in answering. ak i, uregonian. WANTED An energetio real estate man who can seil $37,000 worth or property ior x2-i,ooo good commission, cau iot a. Broadway. WANTED A lot ih Rose City Park or Laurelhurst on my hew 6-room bungalow In Roso City Park. Tabor 080. LEAVING States; will exchange beautiful oil painting for Portland property, a to. Oregonian. WANT clear lot as first payment on 5-room bungalow, close in. Tine district. Ban ay road car. Owner, 172 Belmont st. WANTED House in Portland with large lot. Will give 5 acres west teiae aa first payment, au b( oregonian. WAiNTED -6 or 7-room modern house in good location, from owner; must be bar gain; state terms. N 78, Oregonian. LOT as first payment on modern 5-room oungaiow, nsw isasc vtn st. xyorin. rnoaB Woodlawn 1012. TO 8-room house, about $3500, in ex change for choice vacant lots. AM 89, Oregonian. - FARM In Yamhiir County; Portland lots to exchange. Phone Main vod-i, or i vu, Oregonian. CALIFORNIA property; what have you? .portiana lots to exenange. rnow main P534. or D 80, Oregonian. MODERN bungalow, large lot, Mt. Scott or Hawthorne: give location, price, etc. Ail. 43, Oregonian. LOTS at Oswego and some money for a 6- room nouse. jy to, oregonian. ANTED Cheap West Side prt-Krty for cash. R Gli. Oregonian. WANTED to buy small house and lot from owner only.'' lOJ E. zza. st. ANT two Irvinaton lots separate or a.d- joinlng, east of 14th.. A 7, Oregonian. 80 ACRES, unimproved land and $100 cash for house equity. Marshall gyp. WANTED From owner, 6-6 -room house; give phone. AiS l, oregonian. ANTED Lots, good carline, for building: give phone. AE -16, Oregonian. ANTED Acres near eiectrio line; give phone. AE 17, Oregonian. WANTED -30 to 160 acres; give phone. AK 79, oregonian. HOUS9 wanted; will give good lota for equity. 720 Chamber or commerce. FOR KENT FARMS. FARM FOR ENT Hlshly developed improved dairy and stock ranch, 4 miles from Oregon City, all in the pinic or condition; crops au in, mach Inery all new, and livestock in Al Condition. 8 cows. 8 heifers, bull calf. 25 hogs, 3 horses. Will sell stock. Implements and crops for $3000 and rent place for $400 a year.. immeaiate possession ana piace is in money-making order in every respect. ST. CHARLES LAAD CO. St. Charles Hotel, 204 Morrison St. GOLDEN opportunity, experienced farmer with sufficient rorce operate ovv acres, located Vermillion Valley, Alberta; black loam, running water, within one mile of Veirrevllle station, main line Canadian Northern R. R. ; 1200 population; will rent for cash or shares; immediate action and plant 200 acres to Fall wheat. AG DO, Oregonian. ONE of the largest and best-equipped stock ana grain ranches in enerman county ior rent ior a long term, on a capital oi iu,- V00 a fortune can be made la ten years. Address C. A. Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. 200 ACRES, 100 plowable, fair buildings. 30 miles out; 70 acres or crop, implements and eome stock for sale at $1250 cash. Woodlawn 3073. GOOOD 20-acre farm near Oregon Electric beyond Tualatin; $15 per month; all buildings good condition; reasonable price for growing crops. Phone Main 0195. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. 50x100 VIEW LOT. 2 blocks from car. clear of incumbrance, that I will exchange for a good timber claim worth about $2,500. H03 Dekum bldg. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c. J. Mccracken. 304 m-kay bldg. GOOD sugar-plue claim In Jackson County; $15 per acre. AV 429, Oregonian. FARM WANTED. WE want for buyers now waiting at the hotel. 5, 1 and -O acres imail xarms, priced right, near some carline. - Also 40, 00- and SO-acre farms, in good location, improved, stoeited etc. Alto have party with $:i5,w0 caah for best farm-land bargain offered. Send complete details. Bear in mind that prices must be absolutely right. ST. CHARLES LAND CO. St. Charles Hotel, 204 Morrison at. ' FARMS WANTED. Will trade two income-bearing busi ness properties for wheat or alfalfa land. $ 61,500 equity, East Side Business. $110,000 equity. West Side business. Thia is not "bunk" property and we will only consider good land in ex change. Principals apply to R. H. Blossom, 316 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED, for cash, about 10 to 20-acre farm. Has to be In eood location, aood soil, running water preferred. Also good neighborhood. No Inflated "values consid ered. This is for a client; give fullest and true description In first letter. F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or exchange A well-established automobile business. Have Al agencies for both pleasure cars aud trucks; doing nne business. Price $45,000. Would exenang for good real estate or improved farm. Address, giving particulars, T 3, Ore gonian. WANTED ii-acre improved farm within 15 mllea of Portland, must be near railroad; will pay all cash for right place. X 05, Oregonian. WANTED Homestead relinquishment, state price, township and range, county, roads, school and fulr particulars first letter. T 87, Oregonian. WE SELL your property, no matter where located, quickly; pay no commissions. Na t local Farm Exchange, Oakland, Cal. WANTED iO-acre Improved farm for cash. Price not to exceed $5000. AH 70, Oregon. Ian. EXPERIENCED young married man wishes to run dairy on shares. Write or call 645 E. 20th st. N., Portland. WASTED TO RENT FARM S, WANTED to rent, email farm within V - miles of courthouse. Will buy crop it' In. L S3, Oregonian. - IF YOU have a good farm to desirable tenant, address AV 4-7, gonian. WANTfcO TO RENT F. RMS. 34 ACRES with modern fi-room bungalow; fir-land station, Mt, ficott oar aheap. East) TO EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE, 1100-ACRE wheat farm, Sherman Co.; well Improved. Price $30,000. clear of mtg.j consider first-class Portland property: is income, mi bus assume s iitlie. Alberta farm. $12,000: well Improved, close to town ; consider any good Oregon I or tvasmngton property. 800-acre farm, Sherman Co.; 250 sum' merfallow, fine siring, good improve I ments, farming Outfit; $20,000; consider I payment m otner gooa property to oovu. oaian:e your own terms. For wheat and etOck farms why not I come to the man who has the property ana Knows wjtat n ia aoing Have timber. and stump land clear of mtg. : $35,500, and Can put in fireproof, income building, equity $17,G0u; want I property in Portland or large place In val ley suitable ior stock. L. K. MOORtt, 17 Board of Trade. . 233 ACRKS. R. R. stationn the place, 8 miles north Of Corvallis, 8 miles west of Albany: 140 acres under cultivation ; 02 acres pasture and some timber; 20 acres Clover, good house, 2 barns, all other necessary Duna- i Ings, 4 horses, 3 cOWS. hogs and chickens, 1 2 sets of harness, wagon, nacic. ouggyt olovor seeder, disc harrow, plowi, drill. Marrow, bmder, mower, rake, hay fork, cream separator and the growing crops. Price $70 oer acre, clear of incumbrance; you can't beat this In the Willamette Valley; considering personal property and growing crops, this is only $61 per acre. Will take a home up to aaouw in Port land: arrange terms ror oaianoe. HARRY B. HUMPHRY. 213-213 Chamber of Commerce. WANTS A FARM. Have a nice 7-room modern house, 50x100 corner lot on the West Side, value $4500, clear of incumbrance, to trade for a small farm. Will as- . ume up to $500. Means busi ness. N DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d floor Chamber Commerce Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY $100 per month. West Side property. ?lo,UUU, mortgage ovu o yearn ur iuuboi, iuf ronf: will AKohnnira BO uitV for resi dence on West Side near good carline; will pay some cash difference. 3H acres Wichita Station, 5-room house. water system, eto.; owner ytuu mortgage of $2750 one year 8 per cent; Will exenange equity ior city iota. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, lA.Irt ISd'nrthwaatarn Rank Bids!. Marshall 3718 A 62fll PARV vdVt CITY PROPERTY. 271 acres in Yamhill County, 100 acres In cultivation, 80 of which ie fine bottom land, 4o acres slashed, balance In piling and tie timber, Yamhill River through the place. 5 flnesprings, fine well, all fenced ana cross-ioncea, o-room nuu , mn i.t iwu Btn PrWfl s7r tier acre, i Will take cltv oroperty in exchange. Ask - for Mr. Reinhardt. wlih 31S Board of Trade. Main 7452, A 4401. SOMEBODY'S OPPORTUNITY. I want a good modern 5 or 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park; will give in even exchange new A 1 double stores and flats building; good lo cation,. East Side; mortgage, $2500. Good Income property. Call 710 Lewis bldg. Marshall 4200. ROSE CITY HOME TO TRADE. Xew (.room house, strictly modern. In cluding alee nine ooroh. 1 lot: situated 1 4 blocks from carline; all Improvements in. Will trade equity for clear lots or acre ha valued at about 42000. This is a lovely home, but must be sold On account of death. Call for full particulars, room 618, yeon oiag. nO ACRES. In the famous Palouse country. acres unaer cultivation, iuu acres in croo-. eood improvements, 4 acrea oi or chard, creek and sorinvs. leased. To ex change for Portland property. Price $75 per acre.. Can put in other property. Ask for spooner. HACKER-THERKELSEN CO., Main 7592. 300 Spalding Bldg. CAN YOU BEAT THIS 7 '482 acres of rood, tillable land. 4H miles of Lebanon, Linn County, all fenced, good buildings, spring, creek and well water, gasoline engine; price $25 per acre, juBt its value. May consider some U-ade. It's a snap. M'KENZIE A CO.," B15 Gerllnger bldg. WE CAN SiiLL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real "tate for cash or trade for other property, it will pay you to see us foi quick results; 10 years' successful business la our guar antee for a square aeai. M'KENZIE As CO.. SIS Gerllnger bldg. Main 280 1, 108 ACRES In Tillamook County, 15 acree I in cultivation, nouse ana Darn, l mue to i church and school, on R. F. D. and tele- I phone. Price, $4500; will exchange fori city property or acreage. HACKER-THERKELSEN CO., 300 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. ACTUAL equity in modern 2-story I residence, oak floors, beam ceilings, arch fireplace, furnace, full basement, lot 100 Xiao xeet, pave a struct, mortgage zuuu, due In 3 years; will take 2-carat diamond aud notes or vacant property for equity. Address owner, a m. o.i, uregonian, TEXAS VS. OREGON. 160 acres good land In the "Panhandle" close to Dalhart, free and clear, to trade ior eometning in Oregon. What have your 7io lvewis oiag. Marshall 4200. ACRE , on west bank of Willamette and 2 lota in Oak Park Addition, St. Johns, value $35oo, equity $220, for bun galow; will aasume. MR. KUPPER, Chamber or commerce. $Ialn 7ii9. $14,400 320 ACRES in dairy stock farm near Corvallis; some improvements; will take Portland property up to $8000: bal ance easy time. Columbia Realty Invest ment co., vii ijoara 01 Traae iiag. FORCED acrince: 40. near Portlahd: sub stantial improvements; $5000: exchange $3000 equity for unincumbered residence;! Willamette improved, SO, necessary build- ings, cyitow. owner, Box Ob, Astoria. WILL' exchange most beautiful half block on East 3d st., Holladay's Add ition ; some Improvements Xor unincumbered acreage or email tarm near Portland. An 51, Oregonian. - - -- -- ; -i one of the best building sections of Port- miiu, ior nouo miu iui ui Kiunmr vmuei BEAUTIFUL 0-room home, Sunnyside; will take clear lots, acreage or little cash) first payment, balance easy. L 76. Ore-J gonian. WANT city property In exchange for farm iana ciose to rortiana. HARRY B. HUMPHRY, 212-2ia Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE for building lumber, two lota) 3 in Mentone Addition to Portland, value $1000. Address H. O. White, ftOl Kingston ave., oaKiana, cai. AM looking for good, improved Portland I property from owner who wants to x-1 change for luuy improvea ranch, r ou, uregonian. A SNAP 26 acres near Sheridan, two-thirds! I clear, running water, easy terms,; win take I part traae. can it. eius. Main 570, I A 7570. I EXCHANGE New 7-room modern house, I on west slope Mt. Tabor, for lots or larger! house in irvtngton or iaureiaurst. a an, Oregonian. WANTED a team, wagon and harness for $100; equity in 10 cleared acres. See Beach, 41 selling qidg. WILL trade lot, 3Sth and Hancock sts., for second mortgage or seller s equity. C. D. JtfcConahy, owner. Marshall loSl. MODERN buncralow. on E. SOth and Haw tborae, to exchange for other property. Adaress iv. ,-s. Maenr. f orest throve, ur. B-ROOM modern bungalow, central location. 60-ft. lot, furnished or unfurnished, for Improved acreage, a 67, oregonian. mv fiO ii P. Stearns. In rood condition, all new tires, for unincumbered lota or close- in acreage, pnone laoor a v. 56500 NEW, 9-room modern home, gale or trade for acreage or smaller home; equity $:S00. 0S7 E. 43Q st. im. MODERN house In Irvington district, for exchange. a. aa. iomoaru. ix maaieon bldg. Main 5692, A 2bZ. GOOD BUY 40 acrea improved, near Wil la mina: will take part city property or aell on easy terma. Call Main 50. SURE, we will trade. What have yon? We have lots, farms ana personal property. Information, 415 Belling bldg. HAVE 10 acrs good land, unincumbered, on Oregon Electric line. What have you to -trade? A 6", Oregonian. WILL exchange income Irvington flats for well-selected vacant lota. F. E. Bowman A Co. 12 ACRES, all fine land, near car; $3250; trade for city property not heavily in cumbered. T-Tfl, Oregonian. HIGH -CLASS irrigated land. Eastern Ore gon, for auto. Call, 400 Sd St. 12 ACRES, near Portland, ciear. for clear bungalow or lots. K 79, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE -MAX ESTATE. SOME GOOD EXCHANGES. $21,000 Teton Co., Montana, 040 acres partly improved and partly in crop with buildings, etc.. 6 miles from county seat, railroad through land with siding, clear oi in coumbrance. ant income prop erty and will assume reasonable amount,- $ 8,600 Full half section In Washington clear of Incumbrance, 3. miles from 9 railroads, and 3 miles from good town. Want City prop erty. Might assume. $ 3.500 Fourteen lots, clear of mcum brance These comprise lots in various subdivisions not in Port land. Will exchange for good equity in Portland resiaence. $ $,275 Mortgages and railroad bonds, all income securities, that can b easily investigated. Will ex ""vnge for a residence in Port land that la clear of incum brance. $ 2,000 First mortgage, S per cent, three . years. win exenange ior small East Sldo house and lot. Must be clear. 9 2,000 Equity tn fine Portland home. Owner cannot carry the mortgage and will exchange this equity for anything that la clear and worth about $1000. W. B. ROBERSON, 702 Title & Trust bldg. Marshall 240. MT. TABOR HOME FOR TRADE. 7-room modem house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and all modern conveniences, 50x100 lot, ex cellent view, rented for $30 per -month; price $5000, Will take clear' Iocs or close-in acreage up to $2500. H-14S7. DORR E. KEA8EY CO.. 2d Floor Chamber Commerce Bldg. GOOD DAIRY OR STOCK. 98 acres, Z miles east of Oregon City, on Redlacde road; about 60 acres in crop; about 100 acrea slashed and seeded to pas ture, balance good fir and cedar timber estimated worth )70o0 for cordwood; fine en fines and live stream: 200 acres fenced: ' 6-room house, good barn and outbuildings. price st per acre, will consiaer nan in good Portland property, balance long time. TJ. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO. Blif-Sia Yeon bldg. $2000 EQUITY. Fine, modern 6-room home; nil cement casement, xurnace, xirepiaca, narawooa floors, shades, fixtures, extra good finish, etc First-class surroundings- exchange lots or land. See owner. 017 Board of Trade Bldg. , G00 ACRES. S miles from Brownsville, Or.: 23 acrea have been cultivated, about 150 acree more can be cultivated: bal. hill land: abundance of springs and streams on'i piaoe; partly xencea; nas email nouse ana num. Thla tv-111 male . Srnod stock ranch. i Price $15 per acre, clear of incumbrance. win exenange ror .rertiana property, x 81tt, Oregonian. FREE AND CLEAR. 275 acree of A 1 land, unincumbered, near Elgin, to trade for houses or vacant lots. Submit what you have promptly for quick deal. 710 Lewis bldg. Marshall 4200. I CLOSE IN. new. modern 7-room home, lo cated at 20th and E. Sherman sts., near 8 carltnee. Hard floors, cement basement, xurnace. pavea street, trice euuw. Aiy equity $3000. What have you to offer for my equity? Owner. E. Q. Nelson, 613 Dekum bldg. 5 : A DANDY. 274 acres wheat ranch. 100 a. in crop 140 a. Summer fallow; mortgage, $2300; long time, 6 per cent; to trade for city Income or small improved suburban acre age. I au iewis oiug. Marshall 4iiOU. 4SO ACRES of logged-on! land 40 miles from fortiana, o miles xrom railroad, good stream and springs, 60 per cent tillable gooa sou, to exenange xor small improved farm close in. Price, G000. Ask for Spooner. HACKT7R-THERKEL6EN CO.. Main 7592. 308 Spalding B 1 d g. iyi3 CADILLAC auto, run less than Gooo miles, electric light, starter, etc: cost $2250. House In The Dalles at $1800, mtg. for $400 and rented. Will exchaniee auto ana nouse ior gooa resiaence m Portland and will assume. CL DOKH E. KEASEY A CO., 2d Fir. Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOH SALE or exchange A well-established automobile business. Have Al agencies for ootn pleasure cars ana trucKs; aoing nne business. Price 45.O0O. Would exuhanee xor good rai estate or improved farm. Address, giving particulars, T 53, Ore gonian. - WHEAT OR STOCK. We have best wheat or stock ranches in Eastern Oregon and Washington to ex change for city property and ior sale, or crop paymen t pian. V. B. MOKTUAUJfl A 1 - V. CO. &12-S13 Yeon bldg. WANTED 5 or 0-room bungalow freo from incumbrance, about saooo value, in ex change for fine tillable acreage, black loam sou, no rocK, near waanougai, wash., 0 miles from Portland. See Mr. Riffle. 275 Pine st. WILL trade atock in the Provident Trust Company, Portland, or the Inter State Silo Company, of Spokane, Wash., for xirst-ciass t or e-passenger automoom and a 2 or 3-ton truck. Telephone Wood lawn 817L I HAVE Income properties up to the value of w.ouu, ciear 01 incumDrance, to ex change for Upper Morrison, Washington, latunm, a ay ior or samion sis. HAHRY a. -HUMPHRY. 212-213 Cham, of Com. WANTED An automobile will trade fine tillable acreage, black loam soil, two miles from Washougal, Wash. ; 20 miles from portiana: preier uupmooue. bee Mr. itix- fle, 275 Pine st. " 6,000,000 feet timber on the Siletz for a Portland residence; we will trade this in below market value If the residence Is de- fclrable. C Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldg. WILL exchange 130 acres all In cultivation. xin sou, 30 miles irom Ionian a, xor Portland Improved property. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 27i Pine st. inunwuwnui, utvuoiu muv uuiiRam n f iti .. Scott district. What have you for $10OO equity? Owner, o 7, Oregonian, SALE OR TRADE Two fine Portland homes; would like Sacramento, Cal., prop erty. Call or write owner. 1240 Jrichi- gan ave. Wm. N. Price, Portland, Or. $300 DOWN, $20 per month will build to suit- you on gooa lot J oiocks irom car; this is the snap you have been looking for. See Mr. Riffle, 275 Pine st. LOTS, small house, water in house, ber ries, roses, no incumbrance; exenange ror o-room nouse, win assume., rice Owner, 3S7 Railway Exchange bldg. HAVE 80 acres of timber land in Wash- ing ton. Would trade for acreage of cleared land close to Portland. S, H., 407 Fairbanks ave. WILL trade my equity in one of the best quarter blocks m Moiiaaays Aaaition ior a good 1813 or 1914 o-passenger car. aq- dress AD 42, Oregonian. GREENxfOUSE with 6-room modern bunga- low. on 8 full lots, will trade my equity of $2000 for unincumbered .city lots. Room 8. Washington blag. HAVE 2 acres, Gilberts Station (Foster roaaj ; win exenange ior .eastern prop erty. wna,t s oiiertia .' oive iuii partic ulars. Porter, Hyde Park, N. Y. 160-ACRE homestead relinquishment, close In for sale cheap, or to exchange for real estate; wtu assume. Address lock box U, Forest Grove, Or. INCOME or vacant property close in wanted for 897-acre ranch, well improved and stocked, about 20 miles from Portland. See Beach, 415 Selling bldg. FOR SALE cheap by owner, or will ex change Tor modern bungalow, 8-room modern house and two lota. East Side, well located. Phone seiiwooa 1895. EQUITY $1000 in $1650 B-room, for city lots or improved, under $3500. Write 62 Eaet lutn st. North. . FINE HOME. large groundg, splendid lo cation. Exchange for farm lands. Owner, AK 76. Oregonian. CLOSE East iiide corner, with large,, mod ern house; want smaller house or acre age; owners oniy. T 4iT Oregonian. MODERN home $1000; premises highly im proved; for acreage on good stream, Wm. Dietx. 111& Arnold. I WANT a good farm, have some good Port iana property to traae on one. ao agent AG 80, Oregonian. 10 ACRES, all in cultivation, close in; my equity for house lot not over $2500. R 80, Oregonian. WANTED Ford auto for $1050 equity In lo cleared acres, bee Beacn, 410 Selling bldg. WANTED House for 12 cleared acres, valued SIM 00. Bee Beach, 415 Selling bldg. WANT Oakland or Berkeley for flhe Port land home, ts 4i, oregonian. TO EXCHANGE KKAL ESTATE. TOUR PICK TO $50,000, $ 6.000 30 acres, 2H miles Oregon City. $ 6,000 80 acres. 4 miles Oregon City. Cordwood will pay far p. ace. $ 9,000-Mto acres, 4 miles Oregon City. H cultivate, lair buildings. $ 4.000 f0 acres, 9 mi as Ortgon City, mostly good timber, good soil. $ 2,000 40 acres. 13 roile. Oregon City, partly cleared, some timber. $ 3.750 acres Kendall station, O. W. P. $ 8,000 J acres at Willamette, Ore gon, partly cleared. $ 2,750 0 94-1O0 acrea at Willamette, lm- - r proved. 9 4,50X 2 acres. Courtney, Oregon City car. (air buildings, highly culti vated. 9 9.000 7-room modern bouse three lots, Mt. Tabor view. 9 8,600 6 rooms, sleeping porch Waver- ly Heights. $16,000 New Buck business block, close In, on Milwaukl street. Want Improved alfalfa or stock ranch, or good Inside Portland property. Have small incumbrance, but will assume. CALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Yeon bldg. RIVER FROS'T FARM FOR EXCHANGE. 20 acres of good loam soil front ing on the river, only M mile to good town, S3 miles south of Port- xland, IB acres In cultivation, I acrea pasture, good 6-room bungalow, electric lights, new barn 2 4x43, chicken and hoghouaes, woven wire fencing; all implements and equip ment go with the place; also good team, 2 Jersey cows, Jersey calf, brood sow and about loo chickens and ducks. Prloe has been cut to ' $5000. Will take clear city prop erty up to $360: l&oo eash and give long time on balance at $ per ficn DORR E. KEASEY A CO., id floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. TWO VERY DESIRABLE LARGE TRACTri IN BOGUS RIVER VALLEY. About 100 and 15(Mi-acre tracts to ex change for apartment-house or business property. The 14ov-acre tract has three sets of buildings, about 400 acres cleared and under ejravity ditch; good airnira land; balance choice red soil. An iaeai stock ranch. The 1500-acre tract has several build ings and is a good combination fruit and stock ranch. There is 40 or 5o0 acres now in grain and fruit; near transporta tion, PRIGMORE & YOUNGER. INC., 84S-S4H-&50 MORGAN BLDG. EXCHANGES Highly Improved 29-acre farm . 25 miles from Portland, poor house, out au ainas of equipment, stock, etc., $4000; want Portland clear home up to $4000. fl-room house, clear of Incumbrance, $2400. for Kansas farm. Several farms lor Portland Income prop erty. Want Improved, equipped and stocked farm (about 25 acres ) with good house, for Portland clear home worth $4500 and will assume. BLAIN A BTROW, Ablngton building. 40fl iPRKH KKAH JUNCTION CITY. 250 acres under cultivation, crops and some hay; 0(1 acres light ash. oak ana brush; U0 acres cut off several years ago, making it easy to put Into cultivation; house. 2 barns and outbuild Ings; family orchard; fenced and cross-fenced; soil is of a rich black loam; no better in the state; will take clear residence and some cash, balance term to suit at low rate of interest. CALLAN A KASER. 722-24 Yeon Bldg. BIDS SEALED. ROSE CITY PARK. 2 50x100 lota adjoining, lfy perfectly level; lots 4 and 5, block 152, Rose City Park on 52d between Klickitat and Fre mont; lots adjoining eell for $750 each. Write your bid on these two lots and ad dress to 269 East 40th for information. Call Tabor 6224. I HAVE 8 good houses, each one on a lot 60x100, facing east, on East 12th St.; every one of the houses is rented at a good rental, winch I wish to exchange for eome good business property In a good live country town, but no dry town will be considered. Meister Inv. Co., 404 Ger llnger bldg. Phone Main 4893. 40 ACRES CASTLE ROCK. ?0 acrea cultivated, 30 acres is bottom land, 3 acres orchard ; 1 mile from boat landing, 3 miles from Castle Rock; house, barn, team horses, 2 cows; all implement; running stream on this. Price $4UO0; ex change for home In city. Jacob Haas, Gerllnger bldg. . GENERAL SJDSB. BUSINESS To exchange for clU' or farm property up to $80 00; doing $To,(K)0 yearly business; good location; run about 11,000. What have- you? E. F. GILBERT. 101 Washington bt., Vancouver, Wash. I HAVE an equity of $1800 In a fine home, close in, on the East Hide, cost $'7u; strictly modern and leased for 3 years at $30 per month; will trade for a lot or lots and assume. w. J. davit;. 525 Corbett Bldg. 166 ACRES, CLARK COUNTY. $20 an acre; will exchange for Portland property.- This is free and clear; old buildings. Few acres cleared; running stream; lots pasture; on good road; Pec. 8, Tp. & N., R. 3 East; 4 miles from Ya colt. Jacob Haas, Gerllnger bldg. HOME WANTED. Will exchange beautiful site on Council Crest for equity in modern 6 or 7-room house in restricted dietriot; price, sauuii mortgage $1MW, five years at. 5 per cent; will give equity ana assume to looou. CALLAN A KASER. 722-24 yeon Bldg. 160-ACRB ranch In Klickitat County, Wash ington, near i.oiumnia itiver; spjenoia soil, 110 acres In cultivation, small frame house and other improvements. No in cumbrance; a bargain, $3200; will give terms and might take a Portland home. See 519 Worcester bldg. 40 ACRES. Al flrst-rrowth timber: 12 mites weft of Portland : verv slehtlv and ideal for L platting; price $8000; will exchange for mouern cny avuiv. CALLAN A KASEt. 722-24 Yeon Bldg. AO ACRES In oldest Irrigated district in Oregon, no incumorance; win proaure v tons alfalfa acre; prosperous, deiightrui community; can't farm it ana win ex change for city Income Owner, 016 Bell Ing bldg. Main 135; 1104 BELMONT ST.. next to 3-story brick. near tfitla; o-room resiaence, gooa ousness location; trade $louo equity ror otner realty; will assume some; price $4aoO. Poulsen, 719 Chamber of Com. ABSTRACTORS, ATTENTION. For sale, half interest in up-to-date, well-equipped abstract plant that is pay ing well; located near Portland. AH til, Oregonian. - WANTED I have $27,000 worth of property which I want to traae ior improvea stocn ranch, including stock ; will accept best proposition offered. Address with full par ticulars, Percy Alexander, t. Charles, Mo. I HAVE $500 cash and 25 acres, not far irom fortiana, aoout 0 acres in oun orchard, improved with good house and well, to exchange for Portland residence In good district. V 89. Oregonian. I HAVE some highly Improved wheat and stock ranches to exchange for Portland Income property up to $0.000. E. J. GEISER, 420 Chamber of Commerce. SEVEN-ROOM modern home, nearly new, good district, paved street, value $4100, in cumbrance IlSOO. Want farm land near Goldendale, Wash. AR 88, Oregonian. $800 EQUITY In 10 acres near Hubbard for light auto : Ford or Studebaker pre ferred.. Phone Sell wood 8. 40 Francle ave. FINE big modern house, fine corner, 16 large rooms, brings $110 per month; arrange $"0 more; 2 carlinea. Exchange for cottage. 616 Albtna. TO CONTRACTORS. Would like to build and give lot, value $2200, as first payment. AL 63, Orego nian. I WISH to exchange two fine lots in Rose City Park for close-in acreage or an equity in a house, not to exceed $3000. W 00. Oregonian. " HOME in Tacoma, Wash.,' value frtfXK: lo cated In one of best residence districts; will trade for Portland property. Address A 52. Oregonian. WILL exchange lOO acres Irrigated alfalfa land for residence or income property; equity $7000: will assume any reasonable amount. AD 9, Oregonian. ONE ACRE adjoining town of White Salmon to trade for good horse and eome cash; bay, weight 1600, age 4-0. Address Box 215. White Salmon. Wayh. WILL trade my $4000 equity In 120 acres near Portland, for residence and assume. W S9. Oregonian. 4-ROOM house, good location, trade for acreage; price $1600. Call tS 10th, near Stark. 5-ROOM modern bungalow; will sacrifice: have $70 equity, bal. $15; trade for anything of value. 88 10th et. WHAT have you In exchange for $1000 equity in 5-acre tract worth $20007 AG 61, uregonian. 3ACRE5, Durham, O. E.7equ!ty" Df00 and some beach lots for house equity or clear lots. BC 85. Oregoninn. WANT to exchange lot In Albany for motor cycle: must be In good condition. Phone E. 2947 after 6 P. M. WANT clear city tot as first payment on furnished cottage at Gearhart or small city home. Main 444. WANT clar city home for 40 Kcrrs of clear land, bo per cent tillable. Main 444. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, HERMIPTOX ALFALFA LAND 8. Twenty-arrs will ralte 120 tn ISO ton I undeT averase tillage. Title Will feed v I cows 12 in .ait hs. What nior dn you want than a rtntn oo w i. Some bos. hl Msns. a iornn d. good onhard end brrrios. bers aad r dfn? Yitu can bsv all this on a XO-acre divvrsltlrd pace under Irrigation. t can sell or trade you is alfalfa tm7. Improved, part'y Improved or unimproved. with prices according, if you are tu mo.i- rrate circumstance start with 10 erres. If vou am a Imutove the land I ha fww tracts with no mony down and good iTiiii. I can get you whet eu wsnt In 20, 40. 100 or fo0 aorea. J mil In ftllaife Is a dividend payer, as alfalfa can h and Is be?t fttai keud la bmL pel k, muttoa and buttef. Hermlftton ie'the centr of 100. 0OO ecre of aifaila land. It Is tributary lo eix Ir rigation projunra, whose lands sre ad; cent to th Columbia rlvr. The O.-W. H. A S piMfi through, and boats will b rut attfr January, ii. we nave tow vatlon and en ideal ellmaie for the fann er whose days are spnt out of doors. Harmiston has a good cimry ud the slate and Government maintain a detrr expert heie. If you want to buy or trade for a tract I ox this land write me. E, P. POPD, HKRMIPTON, Oft. WILL vou trade for 20 arrs. Smiles from R. R . boat lending and town, oa good highway, about 14 miles down the rivr from Portland, at ftidnefleln ; has a 0-room house, barn aad chlcken-houue; all fenced, bal ance small tir timber; Al soil; good neighborhood. Prise $:i500. Will take a house and lot value at $35vO or less. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO,, 204 Falling Bid., ror. ad and Washington. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. IsOO rea. Lincoln Counlv. Waehlnr ton, 100 -a ere fresh water lake, & mll4 from R. R. station : oriue Hv per good stock ranch, with enough, food tllia-1 bla around for all arain neoaaaary: will exc'iange for Oregon or Eaetern property. Three 40-acre tracts near OoMendale. Wash., free from Incumbrance: will change for automobile, Portland property or stock of goods. 20-room house. IS minutes' walk from 5th and WaahinRton sts.. suitable for fam ily hotel. roominr-house or boarding house: nrice XlS.OuU: want wheat ranch or I valley farm; will consider stock of mer - chandlaa. REPASS A BROOKS. 40 Railway Exchange Bldg. tv i It RA1.P )U TltAL)l. 672-acre dairy, hog and stock ranch, close to good Valley town on P.. E. I Electric; only 60 miles from Portland; 2.".0 I acres cult l vat ea, gun oi wnicn w nvn black bottom land, li!3 acres open pasture and easily cleared, balance Al timber, un. limited outrange. Entire property can be cultivated; watered by never falling stream and spun RS. water pi pea to cummmii complete soil survey in our poeses ion : I one of the finest dairy, hog anlatok ninohM In the atate: 10.!M worth of I stock. Implements, furniture and crop Koea J with the Olace: nr Ice. liK.0UU; :u,vw cash, balance to suit at 0 ir cent: or will I exchanize ior clear improved city properijr. CALLAN & KApK It. 1 eon urns. LIVE WIRES. Fine 9-room residence, fine location. value $So0. tor smaller residence or good lot as lirst payment. 12-room house, value $3000. for small house, acreage, farm or vacant lots up to I A-room modern house, rood location, will take vacant lot or acreage up to $10001 aa first navment. Fine H-acre tract with elegant T-room California bnngnlow in Red (mid s. Cel., vaiuA eihjoo. for Portland troi)riy. Many other good trades, mil and let ua know whnt yuu want to iraae. K. KL'L'HS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. 320 ACRES Al wh?at and stork ranch, good water on ptare, all fenced with house and barns, near Prinevllle, Or.; :i20-acres tim ber ranch at Canyonvilie. Or., all free of incumbrance; an equity of SM0 In a $fHSH home In Portland, all or part for Bale or trade for clean stock oi narnware or mer chandise; store in Oregon, warn., or Cali fornia. M. L. Hacker, 67 E. 43 t at. N. 43 1-3 ACRES, near Dundee, and close to station, 30 under cultivation, 4 acres bearing peaches, good improvement 4:O0, for ctty property. im 0(kL citw DroDtriT. residence and lots, free and clear, for a farm near Port land; assume or pay difference. GULUSCHMIUT'S AGENCY. Stock Exchange, Id and Yamhill. 1RVINOTON. Wanted, modern irvlngton house, up to ffiOoQ. Will exchange my monern nouse. East Side, close In, value $10UO, and pay $J0o0. See Mr. Jones. JNO. P. WE.TOM CO. 1302 N. W. Bank bldg. SO Ar-RES DOWN COLUMBIA ttlver near Rrook field: li acres culti vated ; lots of pasture; house, barn and orchard: water piped to buildings; lot cedar timber; make lu0 corda bolia; good place. Price J3000, clear; exchange for house In city. Jacob Haas. Peril ngorbldg. WILL exchange fine, new, modern home 'f 8 roomo, com pie 10 tn every roipvci, m choice district, and take good lot on firat rmvment: nrlce IwOi), encumbrance -'., Mirht consider first-class aurease at rlgtn price, ("ail at 610 Lewis blug., ask for Mr. Barnes. OKLAHOMA INCOME PROPERTY EXCHANGE I7r.no worth of valuable Income prop erty In Frederick, Okie., to exchange. fr property in or near rorttanu; no jun considered. A. W. E!teK. Kalama, V ah. LOOK1 160 acres neaii Redmond, Or., 0 acres rlfitr. houi. burn. eto. Absolute seer nee; $16 per acre; would tako late auto to SiuvH, ana fioov caen; oaiance per cent. Owner. Main wnm FOR SALE or exchange, a fine 4i or eO of th, kAit alfalfa and fruit land near Her- mlston: also town property Improved; theTWO mrr on Powell Valy DCS l iana 1 'luiui, i-.i mi n, valley or good Income property. a Oregoirlan. A I-STORY FLAT to exchange for good building lota. 'The flat Is on West hide. and furniture will be Included; now bring ing good Income. Will trade ctty lots or acreage up to 1000. John P. Weston Co., 1303 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 4020. 04O ACRES fine land, 500 A. tillable. 2 mil Hon feet timber: hard, level road, ad Jolnlpg Improved farms; large stream: actual value. I15per acre: sacrifice fori cash or exenange ior city property or good business, owner, si sin show. HAVE two 50x100 lots together, clear title. in fine bulldlnr district, valued at ii"w; will trade aa first payment on modern house and email acreage or email acreage of about equal value on org, Elec. or etn- st, Elec. owners oniy. jtij n, oregonian. WANTED Automobile, a five-passenger Ford or other light cars for good land, 40 to 100 acres Improves near t.uiver. ur. enn use several cars, no Junk. Address, Bond. Or., Fox FOR SALE, exchange or rent, 32 acres flo miles from Portiana, 1 mtie 10 n. rt.. mile to school. Near sawmills and lumber camps. Value $2u0. 720 Chamber of Commerce. Main ll. 1 :. a CU V.A near Clackuliiaa. well 1m- nrovert. to trade for eO or 9 'i-a ore farm I with some Improvements; 48 acres clear near Oakuaie, i. l.. tor city property. Room 14, 231 H Morrison. - to SAT .E or t ra d e. 7 ac res. s 1 1 u ed Kails View. Oregon City, by ownej all In potatoes; no Incumbrances. Call on prem ises or address John Vinney, Lock Boxjj.r nOK ree'dence 1" l'J, Oregon City, Or. " J iii,oh. Uhnikuhl. :t"' tr ivp acres In White1 Salmon Valley, $1600 three-quarters mile from White Salmon, to trade for small bungalow In Portland; owner. Address Box 215, White Salmon, wasn WANT income or residence property for my stock ranch in western v asmngron ; everything complete, including stock; lit acres; equity 112.500. AH b6. Oregonian. WILL exchange stock in dividend paying building company this city, stock guaran teed, for first-class light roadster or tour ing car. No Junk entertained. Tabor 771, lino-ACRE dairy and stock ranch in Wll laraette Valley. $20 per acre. Will take about half trade at right price. Aj Ss, Oregonian .nnnv bnnsalow. rented $111. near car, 12700: sell easy terms; will take clear lots or acreage to $1500. Owner, P. O. box 103. WILL give equity $1100 good city property, balance straight mortgage, $000, and eome cash for auto worth $0o. X want an auto. AJ B7. Oregonian. 5 ACRE Jennings lyrtro for $nOoO; will take ci- ar 101s 10 inuu. uwner, r. j, box lOM.'i. (jOOD 1 9-room hotel, cheap rent, exchange for team, stock, tarm macninery, vaiue $12iH). AH 4:i, Oreeonlan. WILL trade close In acreage or lot as part payment on drug stor. city or coun try. 208 Stock Exchange bldg. WA N TE D To exchange SO ac re o f g"?d land, covered with a. 000. 000 feet of good timber. V 06, Oregonian. LOTS, al'o cash for cot tag e. store business $700. $LT'0O. AH 42, Oiegonian. PORTLAND lots or Income property for lata model auto. AK 4-. Oregoiilau. NEW 8-rr.i-n h7.,iae, $:moo, tir.ou Wort gage, fulot. liD 79, Oregonian. JTO KXCIIAM.K flTAI. MTUR. $;a,0 44 rrs; well impfo, ar i4 ior a, ior gooa property. (l.0ti0 eoree. Marrow Courty. tm proved; crasiar laeeme piprp m,D Ivl ecree. Improved fruit fwi Oisms I'tftt, toniidtr In. "ml property. S4,O0 .! aci. FntrfiriM. f'e wej farm, eons'iief l'ari.aa4 preivefty $lt,o ecrve, ar Oregea City; eeev eider auuate. $11,000-11 eeres, Fnreet Of at, well im. provd, wlil eoattder large 4irj , ran eh. Il0.e0$ 10 a'fa. ar Tsett; e"-; ImpU'iieaie. eosier ktuf, ihuim a.stnwu $ ! H enrea, Tirel bue, rtuit eie. whl eoas.aer aoue, $ l,lo One acre, Lenta, eaidr e4 lot. OT.r.VABT WTALTT CO. tvc. 10 ACKLrit, All In r m. 1 t I.. ft. ( M 1 r n hnii. wlih b'ti"nt, r w Vtn ta wan liey loft, iuofcn ln.i, .ite " ler, eic. Ooo4 ti ami tun p, tuni t'u. Ily vruhatd, plenty of ier; ei acon. rhlrkens, ewv l.e ! l fvnred and le n fine read. 1 mltH front Tai(,n, fl mliee ( om Nincoaifr, V u Prio tiou. Hill trade evn tt s"4 houae and Int. or iMatn aume r-m house biin' tr i-"m,rs buamaae St. KUITli INVkeTMk.NX Ct. Prt Hti at. Vain e??y iNCoVk PHOPaiKTY Ala-i. Improvfd hf t farm n a aar Wauinfi'n, ell In ei. ueii"n id binirar crop frdx lo harvest. Vt eis pro.arty any A"d ih up e ly hi, i Rut im othrr riopr,iy rn .arir tie-la. A i iv big trart irricaiad a.ia:f taed in Raatarn Orsn. i i $ fnr city rrtnr i an put tn thr lands up to $1, and will 'iise. Ll'KI'UKM AN N, 1U 1-KV COH IMS Charrhr of Ci.mmr.e A t'Al.lKOl-.M A Il'Mt Ftne (alllutnia ho'itt vf 14 !. htshly Improved. 1 rmiee from !. ! ; s0'1 building, modem piumMtig, al ait.u ! fmlt and fl.)'!". an lleal llt'ia H ',r nia hoiiia; pi u e $Tiuy, mA rwaatdar laud rt'niof ti . luki'ukmanv. nvr.frr CO., I , n t'hamtr of C..;,tmrra 4V aeres In Lmiin ounty. Or, eiil ebie for dairy, aora ti.'.abie hn cleared, T ml. from R H 1 Pr" e $Ji ro per re. no innimbrint e. K change for Tort, and property and clftaa ii aortga. Will Hium if propoeit ton tuas good. ft. !. "ark ( , at T1ARTMAV TH' 'Ml'rtOX- lrOR Improved airtaga, tHge, at 411 fcaai .itflh, UkWIhvut Qis- Ui;t. or sale, my home near J after so a Hga School, on tianianbeut eve. Ua.Uk alwLLTi S, Mln PVT6. yVeahififn. WHEAT TAMMH TO THAlli. Arg you looking (r wheat lemla In ea change fof yur pmpertyt We have some good ones, Trotn so to acre, aud will give vou a gowd tral. LLKPDEMAN.N. RLLaiY A CO., fig Chamber Ot 4 otn ntet re. feXi'li ANtt U. We hare huu.-a aud lola for farm a. acreage and riium t"r h.-ue. If cu want to rhi;ue "n tih ba-.a gf-e u. G I. K.N A It T fl EA LT Y t O., 4 1 - 4 J J I hamber of Contmei re. A HKATTIKI L HOMK. Modern 7-rom Imuae. lt.ee Cltr Tark, lot T.UKH); very s.ghdy; egniiy $4Uyo. f trade fur vacant city r a.-raag Will iMumi Catl 710 Lewis blug. Marshall W'AN'i good propMiy u I'on and 11 iva . - view. ori n iieac n, i - i ou quarter b;uk t trade; i Im uti .ratM -i Value $ii'OU . r"uri niuat a how , j a ' ciar iu. i . give ursvripiion. Boa f-J. view. Wah. m LAl ltEl.llUK.-T HMii. $l4.o l.'.xlOO. 10 r-nits hiuI gar as- tippohg) Laureihurat Paih; w'U lek- luvS In Laua e Addition or other hinb-gan lo.ahiy tt ,wt. rash. be. am 4 r" r r4 160 ACKr. in Crook Co.. partly Improvedi alao l-e a area near t.ennu, .nw v unimproved. Tot 1 murfg . "0. v i 1 trade equity of $v.oo f-r n.od lier ln proved W. . 1. J' bna Or. ROOMING AND AA R i aia-N i-lK'LH.1 V AN 1 k-V. Large or small, e bava good trade wiiitlng for good houses. Lenhart A K... 7 J ilmtitbur of Cuuutierf. HAVE well '.orated Pott and '.i"B t' i uiiMitu Cor arnait lurm or Ihujs ar lnt in suli ur us; miai clear t-f incum bi an e and not ever $.o" viiiun, A. K, H1L1. 41 henry bMg 4 J,OTs Ih heart of Mdlor. nr.. vao ll'.Hio ; want modern Duns a . r grreage; might pay some difference. AO U0, Oiegonian. ONR boartllng-hnuae and tw rtwelilnffg, tn Rainier, Or., va.ue or fi"-. change for land and $100 la caeh. B-a 4T.7, Rainier. Oregon. . . , V ILL eat-hanga lateet M 1- K.r.g ma chine for plumultig. It'toe pjinm.g r - - A'der. . . fXK N. Y. or I k. lii(-onie proper', a ft" rents $:!" month; no itirur?iir an. ; e-ue $oio O Hwawrd. C"t "!,-,r WILL tlnntt clear l.'t. rlae I". i-aat le. tor new or a. i nii--- -n" '- lot valued at I ::; anw-r. gtn.g run deacrlplion. AN' 54. Oregonian . NOW Irt VOl ft CHAM K. A n.room liuuae in in h Portland. IOokUKI lot, value $UO0. What have 4 "1 ,M Ky bid g. WANT acreage or lots on Mi. li-d t tauada catllneg in e nn f-r ail Port I U un ouaineea in m i hours. T OMKonlwn. L , . WK put through moi e tiada the rat V liat nave )u. n- - - - getting tiiy and farm erhangea mu iMiftir. "12 A blrgh'n.'de. , . , - M0 A"REK. of mile to station, on n"i line H. r. ior gooo r""f-" Henry bl-lg. . . . d. rir 1 ' T. for equity In house or god lot. !i' Pu'k Exchange Ding. . 10 ACKfctf clear liooU ttrr en- IliMMJ. eirnatiae inr nuf. h.m.h - , g.ime rFh. M'.' Con h .. , IMPROVED and stocked valley tarn. i acres, r-r l omaim pii"ui, aion. 61S Cham, of I'nm 4h0 ACKKS of logged-off lan l. -er Colum bia River, to trade for email farm or gr-ie- age near Portland. A ert, eg.mlen. what hivt you to e hang for ft' lin.e i .... si h ,.r.t 1 wntr ri i " FOR EXCH A NOV. amhM " " - 40 ACREa land, llm.1 Hlvr eilev. tn change for mouern nnuw i um-."-. U10 Yeon bldg Mafhalt yirta. TRADE $:' enmtv. -i e -' building, ior n. r Clear ft. A F K., reg.fiiwr- 40 ACRES '.'2 mllea from Portland. H spile from railroad, for rooming-house. i"i Henry bldg. .. , TO exi hana-e. good Weal f " P""'1"' ;" IIO.OOO. Ior inirrovm ih.im. P M. Oregonlwn. 1 ACRE and partly fl" ahed buae. Oak live spring ; ll on easy nr.ive: WITH terms. H 14. Oregonian. FOR PALE or tra1e, &-rofm lBgalow en tne East riioe. s . . . FOR HALK or trade. 7 PTea. i r inwwi house ana mu or 1 j ' " l.r etocked rnth to , n ff . . 9 I OTH In he'it t le. elf ar "t mnimwni:1 for good houee equity. ,103 Henry bldg FTRNITt'RE of 4-room bungalow to trade. Woodlawn 821. . . NEW -room house, trade ftrm ar acieage. Woodlawn 821. to Y.xctiW' u ni ror. nn r a,ill rt r trurl fu ititiiV'a R'ver f" boa't M-ff . .Vh. p faml.y laun'-tt, haid w ..ofl rineli. all i;ofcip'e t ouirmm, I A TS, " " ' BlIlTH-FRKMIr-n tM'wr.lr for go4 tent or prion.graph. AH 44. '"nni- ron 4Lr.. Horaee. Vehicle. Perwe Foil fALf raneie.1 top ""rT -ranele.1 newly palntea. wi:i wruii'i f K I tat. ---- FOR eAl.K Pony fP driving and aaddle. phone L'oi iimhn '.?. TOCR rrice. pair horees. 2' h arn a prti a a -ri 1 0 I be , imn aa, iou an CHKAT outfit of I am. I.'i for ki 1 - " WAXTKT) Medlnm-e.ted used mtlh wegoa. Call Monday. Vain Al ' 1 K'V M Uitia y, K"t 'b at. Jmraee an 4 HV PfI"R tit-e buggy cheap. Tabor f.174. r"h n 4 -., itr e 1 Ucltita k UK 8 ALU 1 IU ew NiilU, ton loaoj1