The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 22

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Appeal Made to Britain to Re
lieve Trouble Impending
on All Sides.
Possibilities of Home Rule Ac
Sir Ernest Shacklcton ard
Party Make Experiments
on Ice in Norway.
Bping Avoided Ridiculed
by Irish Leader.
JJEHiD says
Property Owners Lose Holdings to
Fanners TVlio Push Every AoV
vantage Given by Union
' Government in Step. .
CAPPE TOWN. June 27. (Special.)
A native deputation is leaving today
- for England to present a series of
grievances to the Imperial Government.
' The deputation includes the Rev. Dr.
Dube, a highly educated Zulu, who
studied for a number of years in
American universities; the. Rev. Dr.
Rabusana, .' late member of the Cape
Provincial Council, and representatives
of the Free State and the Transvaal.
On being: asked why they thought it
necessary to appeal to the Imperial
- factor, they said that there is very
grave dissatisfaction with tne manage
ment of native affairs by the Union
Government of South Africa. The land
. act has brought matters to a head.
This measure is not yet fully opera
tive, but the farmers are taking ad
vantage of it to injure the natives.
Thousands of native squatters, .more
. particularly in Pvatal, are receiving no
tice to quit, and have nowhere to go.
Many have sold their stock at ruinous
prices, and from tenant farmers have
sunk to the position of laborers, earn
ing 2.50 to- 13.75 monthly, with a few
mealies thrown in.
Natives Are Badly Treated.
The deputation bitterly complains
that the present unfortunate situation
might have been foreseen if the gov
ernment had been in better touch with
native opinion. The Native Affairs De
partment is doing its best to mitigate
' the hardship, but the fact remains that
the natives are driven off lands re.
served for future European occupation
. before other lands have been ear.
marked for exclusively native occupa
tion. The deputation will request the Im
perial Government to exercise Its right
and veto the native land bill. That,
however, is only one phase of the mis
sion of the deputation, which repre
sents an immense body of natives.
They Intend laying other grievances
before the Imperial Government,
notably the alleged failure of the
Union authorities to make an adequate
Inquiry Into tbe killing of two natives
by the defense force during tha Janu
ary disturbances, and the circum
stances connected with the recent
emeute at Jagersfontein mine. .Their
object la to convince tbe Imperial Gov
ernment that tbe latter has no right,
having due regard to native interests,
to hand over the protectorates of Basu
toland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland
to the Union Government, at all events
wftbout exacting the most rigorous
guarantee. .
Cape Town Surprised at Act,
The dispatch of this deputation to
England comes as a surprise to the
public here, who have heard' practi
cally nothing of these grievances. The
action now being taken serves as a re
minder, that the time is probably not
far distant when the colored people
auJ natives wil) begin actively to agi
tate. Speaking in the House of Assembly,
Mr. JJeyler, one of the Natal members,
said that the natives and colored folk
were beginning to think they ought to
exist for themselves. Denied the fran
chise, they would resort to direct
action, organizing themselves into in
dustrial combinations. Mr. Meyler pro
tested that he was not putting such
Ideas into the natives' heads. From
his intercourse with their leaders he
was convinced that the ideas were
there already. This speech has caused
some sensation among the members.
New lYencli Zeppelin Flying Over
k Paris Excites People.
PARIS, Jun J7,-Parlsians were
startled tbe other afternoon by the
sight of a Zeppelin flying over Paris.
Crowds collected on the boulevards.-and
the excited folk on balconies above
them shouted down that they could sea
the German flag.
. The Zeppelin flew very low as it
reached the Boulevard dea Italiens. and
a loud cheer went up from the crowd
Not only was the French flag then
clearly visible at the stern of the air
ship, but the name "Spiesg" was per
fectly plain to the naked eye on its
The Spless is thq first of the rigid
airships commissioned by the French
army, and its trial trip with nine pas
sengers on board in the two oars was
Selections Which Have Pleased
Crown Prince Are Filed.
BERLIN, June B?. Songs that have
pleased the Crown Prince and his (am.
Ily cannot be indecent. At least, this
appears to be the rule of law from the
conduct of the state's attorney In an
- action against a Berlin muslo publisher.
The action began with the confiscation
of 15 songs. The prosecutor contend
ed that each of these was Indecent
and a violation of the law concerning
obscene publications.
The defendant's attorney set up that
10 of the songs had been sung at a
special performance in the palace be
fore the Crown Prince and other mem
bers of the imperial family by ft caba
ret performer. These JO were there
upon released, but the court upheld
the confiscation of the other five.
J'arlsiun Impersonates Noted Conn
poser Stifcetfull'i
PARIS, June 27,-A curious case of
Impersonation has been discovered at
til opera. M. PaladihI. the musical
composer, who lives lu retirement and
U seldom seen in town, came to see the
new opera "8eemo.'V As an author he
has his free entree at the opera.
'Vou cannot have M. Faladibl's ticket,
said the booking office clerk, "because
M. Paladibl, whom I know very well,
Is already here."
"But," the astonished composer pro
tested. "I am M. PaladihI,"
The seeond PaladihI, when called out,
confessed that, knowing .that M. Pala
dihI nvr used his right of free entry,
hid successfully Impersonated him for
Ibe lat.six years. - (
' : " rf ' . !
! i. l x , "v4 n $ " r i -i,
v , i r- vjp zp , ?' V - J :
Sr.- i .t.J i-Tf , ,-. v.. tj.MjuMi, ,f, ,1 i .rr.-B.hi r. t
princess; reitzes,
VIENNA, June 27. (Special.) prinoess Mathilde Reitzes, whose
reoent ball in honor of the debut of her pretty stepdaughter still is
being talked of in Vienna society, Tbe Princess, who is one of the
tallest as well as handsomest of Viennese grand dames, has trav- .
eled widely and speaks several European tongues. Her husband.
Prince Reitzes, owns a big estate in Southern Algeria, on the fringe
of the Sahara Desert. -
Exposition Now Designed to
Surpass Anything Ever Held.
History of Remarkable Feat of Engl.
neeriiig to Be Told by Lecturer
Who Was One of Corps pn Job
Durlpy Jts Construction.
LONDON, June 37.-London is to be
more Americanized than ever this Sum,
mer. Not only wil) the tnousanaa pi
visitors be doubled, bit they will Bring
with them samples of their wares, their
art, and their prowess generally, to be
exhibited at the Anglo-American Expo
sition at Bhepherd's-bush.
The crreat "White City" bas been
transformed into ft gorgeous picture in
green, buft, blue and pink. Above the
magnificent temples of industry and art
rises a glorious panorama of New York
City. Sky-scrapers mingle with the
olouds, and at night their illuminated
windows glow with myriad lights. In
the foreground mammoth iiners--mou
els of Cunarder-r-Ue at anchor in the
Hudson Rlverr and fleets of smaller
craft ply busily to and fro.
Another spectacle ia a, model of the
Panama Canal, constructed rigidly to
scale. The model covers 15,000 square
feet and the canal extend a for leet.
Ships pass from ocean to ocean, and
are lowered and raised In the locks.
Model trains also traverse tbe route
between Colon and Panama, while all
the history of this colossal triumph of
engineering, the ill-fated venture of
Lesseps, tbe difficulties subsequently
encountered by American engineers, are
explained by a specially seiecieo bc
turer who was himself one of -the en.
gineers under the Panama Canal Com
On the entertainments side, animal
from the Coney Island Zoo, wrestling
o?';,;.",;; J wil. w,V att)
and ragtime bears among them, are one
ranch monopolises the (stadium, ana
other peculiarly American sensations
are provided.
Probably the most thrilling railway
ride ever conceived Is the new joy
ride" over the Arizona Mountains. Un
like Us prototypes which are '"gravity
r(des, this railway, mere man one ana
a half miles In length, Is electrlclally
controlled, and Its terrible dips are not
Intended for the timorous.
Painting and soulpture are exhibited
In four olasscs-British. American.
British-American and Continental.
American. The examples are of great
value, and the majority of them are i.
tended for next year's. San Francisco
exhibition. American Industries, of
course, take a prominent part.
Altogether, the Anglo-American Ex.
position promises to eclipse all exhlbl.
tien records in the-matter of stimula
ting nubile interest. Its beautiful gar.
dens, for example, are a revelation to
horticulturists, rer rouna ine ceuirai
bandstand alone more than 75,000 roses
bloom' In a splendor of color. A series
of -international sports has been ar
ranged under the chairmanship of that
all-round English sportsman, the Earl
of Lonsdale.
Visit of President This Summer to
Be neturned in October, -'v
PARIS. June 37. (Special.) Sime
papers announced that the Caar ef
Russia will return next peteber. th
visit th President ' the French R.
public will pay to mm mis cummer.
An official visit ef the Csar te France
will certainly take plaee within a few
months. .
Universities Overcrowded and Pro
fessions SuMe Accordingly.
BERLIN. June 27. Too many untver.
stty students Is the odd complaint be.
ing voiced In Bom uermany ana AUS'
The treubl In Berlin and Germany
is a whele concern! the medioal stu.
dents mainly. The flood of them has I
grown so rapidly that the ministry of
education is ouzzlina: over some way to
J lessen it. Two or three remedies have
been proposed, one pt wnioii is to umn
the number of foreign students at eacn
university. This would be an extensio
of rules nromulsated a year ago. 4
large increase In entrance and tuition
fees, and a raising of the standards of
admission have also been suggested.
The recent contentions petween pnysi
cians on the one side and state Insur
ance boards on the ether have shown
how overcrowded the medical proles
sion in Germany Is.
In Austria the complaint Is general
The Associated Press correspondent at
Vienna reports that frotesaor weiv
stein, rector ot tne university 01 yi
enna. -in a recent appeal to the Aue
trlan Diet for funds for a students'
home, declared that scores of students
were living under such conditions of
poverty that they were halt starvea
and sometimes wunoui sneuer. in
some instances, he said, the student
was unable to go to his room at all
during the day as It was used as a
workshop. They were actually lorceq
to spend their spare time in cafes and
cheap restaurants.
Administration of Affairs In China
in Chaotlo State Many Officials
Have Nothlos; at All to Do.
FEJUN. June 27. (Special..) Hsiung
Hsi-Ling. the ex-premier, Is reported
to ds leaving tor a rouna-tne-worm
tour with a view to acquainting him
self with different aspects of the pe
troleum question, He has been ap
pointed "Director Geperal of Oil Mines"
In China, and the native newspapers
are inclined to make fun of bis ap
proaching visit to the American oil
He Is reported to have drawn up and
su omitted to the president an elano
rate scheme for the development of
China's oil deposits, but as It is prob
able that be knows absolutely nothing
about the subject at present, the Fresl
dent appears to have filed the docu
ment far future reference.
Government administration in' China
is truly a fearful and wonderful thing.
The drafting of regulations provides
an oocupation for a number of other.
wise superfluous officials in the var
loua ministries. These offlolala under
take the task boldly of reorsanising
the complete administrative, judicial,
and financial systems by colorable but
badly drafted Imitations of Japanese
and other foreign laws.
The government is complaining con
stantly of financial stringency, and Is
now about to reduce the salary of many
officials, it would be better employed
ill dismissing fully half the underlings
at present employed, it is said. The
majorty of Junior officials of the mjn.
Isterles have absolutely nothing to do.
They attend the office for a few heurs
a day at a matter of form, but occupy
their time W private correspondence or
study or doing translations . for out
Peasant Entertains Entire Town on
Occasion of HI Marriage.
BERLIN, June 27. (Bpeoial.) A
peasant of Meckelstedt, near Bremer.
haven, has regaled his friends and ac
quaintances with a Gargantuan feast on
the occasion of his marriage. ,
The guests, among whom was the en
tire population of the bridegroom's vil
lage, numbered ilO, and the comesti
bles consumed by them included bread
baked from SOS pounds of flour, an
equal weight of beef, soup into which
3S6 chickens had diBtllled their sweet,
ness, and 1800 quarts of beer. Accord,
ing to local oustom, the neighbors con
tributed liberally in kind to this stu
pendous wedding feast.
Volcano Explorer Leaves but $10Q,
to Sfeet Funeral Expenses
ROME, June 27. (Special.) Profes
sor MercaHj. the famous volcanologist.
who was found burned to death in his
rooms at Naples, has left an estate
worth J00. j
The sum Is insufficient to pay tbe
funeral expenses and legal proceedings
la connection with his unexpected
Amending; Bill" Declared Forced by
Vlster Rifles for Conciliatory
Purposes May Divido Na
tionalist Forces.
DUBLIN, June 27. In a statement
to a representative of the Freeman's
Journal, John Redmond said:
' "The union, as we have known It, Is
dead. That much at any rate is be
yond doubt or' question after the re
cent division of the House of Com
mons, There are only two eventual!
ties, and both ot them are impossible.
which could possibly prevent the home
rulo bill actually becoming a statute
in a few weeks' time. The first is that
the present session of Parliament
should come to -an abrupt end before
one month. an utterly unthinkable
proposition: and the other is that the
House of Commons should suddenly go
mad and pass a resolution to the effect
that the-bill should not be presented
for the royal assent. In the absence
of these two absurd contingencies, the
bill must automatically beoome law,
' The House of Lords Jias no power
to stop it, and even the government
has no power to prevent it golpg in
the ordinary course, for the royal as
sent, to the throne- The Parliament
Act provides that the bill "shall be pre.
aented for the royal assent" At one
time there were people idiotio and ir
responsible enough to suggest that the
King could, or would, withhold his
royal assent But everyone now ad
mits that Is an absolutely absurd and
impossible suggestion. . .
. "AmeadlHg; Bill" Explained.
"It is true that we are faced with
the prospect of what Is called, or, .rath
er, miscalled, an "amending bill." Let
there be no mistake about this; no
amendment In the bill Is called for
either by the government itself or by
the Irish party. We believe that the
bill is a good, workable bill, and that
it Is a charter of liberty for the Irish
people; but we are praatical politicians,
and. I hope, men of sense, and we all
recognize that It is worth paying a
great price to Insure that home rule
will come Into operation amid universal
good will, and to prevent its being
heralded by civil commotion ef any
"People talk of the possibility, of a
general election before the bill actually
comes into operation. Portions of the
bill will come into operation the day
It receives tbe royal assent. Other por
tions of the bill must necessarily come
Into operation gradually, and, at the
best, months must elapse before It oan
possibly be In full working order with
a parliament actually sitting in Dublin.
"I see no likelihood of an early gen
eral election, but. general election or
no general election, the return once
more of the Liberal party to power, or
the return most unlikely of the Tory
party to power, the union of Pitt and
Castlreagh can never be again set upon
t feet, and the assembling of an Irish
parliament, under the previsions ef the
home rule bill, is as certain as the ris
ing of tomorrow's sun."
Increased Reernltina; Reported.
The increased recruiting, of national
volunteers is remarkable. An evening
paper reports that one day alone
brought In 4000 new members. It Is
stated that progress Is especially rapid
lp County Antrim.
The Volunteer says: "With the plac
ing of the bill upon the statute book
the home rule question Is far from
ended. The Ulster rifles have made an
amending bill a necessity for the Lib
eral government, and It Is the duty of
Nationalist Ireland to have a control
ling voice in what that amending bill
will be like. The volunteers will be the
last to refuse to do anything that would
conciliate any section of Irishmen, but
there is a point beyond which concil
iation is cowardice, and that limit must
net be exceeded. However baseless the
fear that Irish freedom would Inter
fere with the liberty of any party In
Ireland, it can be allayed by reason
able .concessions. If it cannot be al
layed by concessions within reasonable
limits, then the people of Ireland as a
whole must let the result prove that,
while the Irish volunteers are here,
they are the protection of national and
Individual liberty."
Keceipt, Written on Back, Clatter
From Woman's Hand In Church.
LONDON. Juno 87. (Special.) A,
fashionable young Western dootor will
have cause to remember this year's
Derby. On his return from Epsom h
found a rich maiden aunt a pillar of
the church and a great aati-smblina
crusader had dropped in to dinner.
During tne meal, greatly enamored of
a certain dish, she requested the reoipe,
which her nephew, who is somewhat ef
an epicure, wrote down on the baok ef
4 card which he took front hi pocket.
The sequel took Place jn the parish
church last Sunday, On her way to
her pew. en taking a handkerchief rent
her hag, the card fluttered to the
around, and the verger, on restoring t.
was astounded t ee a raoe card with
penciled note of Derby day betting
transaction. Needles to say the par-
sh and also the sporting young medieo
have received a rude shook,
Russian Minister Suspends Order
' That Wonld Cripple Mines.
ODESSA, June 117. (Special.) The
order given, under the new Jewish disa.
aDinty act wun regaro to jewisn oireci.
orshlna in nublia companies, for the cles.
ipg of ii eellieries n the government
ef Ekaterlnesiatr, owned or leasea ey
ewa. has been suspended, and the
Sub.Governer ha been requested to
furnish the Minister of Trade and Jn
dustry with a piere complete report on
the part take by Jews In the working
of th coal fields in Question. The
Been, which nrst called public atten.
tion to the matter, said that the coal
mines affected by tbe Gubernatorial
order employed 60Q6 men, but it Is new
stated that they give employment to
16.000 miners.
If this new Jewish disability act p
rigorously enforced it will dislocate or
paralyze, it is creditably estimated,
seme 40 per cent ef all the industrial
enterprises in South Russia.
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LONDON. Juno 2T. (Special.) Lady Dorothy Feildlng. whose
wonderful toilettes at reoent smart - dances have excited keen ad
miration, and who Is renowned as one of London's best dressers. Is
one of the seven daughters of the Karl of Denbigh, the "t'uer of
Fifty Activities," as be has been called. Formerly a Lord-ln-Walt-ing
to Queen Victoria and King Edward, the Karl la, among other
things, an all-around sportsman, who specialises In angling, and
runs a fish hatchery. Born III 1159, Lord Denbigh claims to be de
scended from the royal house ef Hapsburg, and every man of the
family has Rudolf for his first name, facts of which Anthony Hope
may have been aware In penning bis most famous novel.
Supply From United States
Ceases and Effect Felt.
Importer Says Situation Is in Danger
of Becoming Serious and Working
Folk Will Not Take to Substi
tute Easily, I View.
LONDON, June it. (Special.)
Though much has been heard recently
of the Increased price of feod, and so
f livina- srenerally. the British publla
have scarcely yet realized that It is
threatened with a scarcity of meat
which may easily and in the opinion
of some authorities must Inevitably
become nermanen L Tho history of the
scarcity Is the history of Increased
meat consumption, Aieai-eaimg, uno
always been a feature of prosperity.
When a man's position In Jlfe improves,
he generally Increases the range of his
diet, adding to It more of the stimu
lating foods, of which meat Is the chief
The vast stream of emigration irom
Poland, Italy and other European
countries to the United States did not
at first greatly affect tho consumption
of meat In that country, xnese emi
errants lived largely upon a diet of
oereals. Prosperity, however. Joins the
ranks of meat eaters. Meanwhile Japan
has appeared in the market and varl-
ius European eountries, including ius
la, are beginning to absorb larger
meat supplies.
The results are wan Known to moss
Interested In tbe meat trade and are
viewed by them with considerable mis
giving. The United States, which used
to send huge consignments ot mm
this country, has sent nothing at all
during the last two years: instead It
has abolished its meat tariff and is Im
porting on a large scale. At present
the keenest competition is taking place
between the British and American buy
ers for tbe available supplies of Ar
gentine and Australian meat.
A prominent importer said recently
that the position was exceedingly ser
ious. The price of cattle bad gone up
very much, and was Increasing. It
was . bound to increase still further.
While the population of the United
States had gone up 10,000.000 the num
bers of eattl had deollned by 1,000.000.
breeders were snatching the opportune
Itv of hiah orlues and selling with-
out .regard to future necessities. The
Continental demand for veal, too wa
resDonaibla for the slaughter of lm
mensa number ef calves in Argentina.
"Jn my view," this merchant said, "we
have a real and absolute meat scarcity
at present, which in a year or two will
have beoome acute. Britain will prob
ably b forced to grow her own meat
as in the old days, or to pay some
thin like famine prices."
Thi view was supported by another
very large importer, wno aeciarea mat
already th very high price of eanned
meat showed how difficult It was tq
obtain supplies. "Th prospects of ob
taining supplies," he said, "are gloomy
In the extreme. Democratic govern
ment tend to plit up large ranches
Into small agricultural holdings, while
industry steadily nroaches upon the
available grasing land."
The effect of this change wouin c
far-reaching and important. British
farming and stock rearing may be ea.
pected to enter upon an entirely new
shase. In which scientifio method will
be of the greatest practical value, La
bur will be attracted baek to tne land,
and if the people want meat they will
have to get it home grown, rather than
from abroad.. A meat diet Is widely
believed in as' an essential to hard phys
ical toil, and there are no eupauiuie
which approach the original In nu
tritive value.
It takes about four yrs to brlut
an animal- to beef-yleldlng age. This
fact must be set against th Idea that
in Mexico and Siberia th world' pos
sesses great cattle-bearing countries
at preseut net fully developed. No
doubt in time these countries will eon.
tribute to the world' supply. When
that tint eemes. however, th world's
consumption will have advanced still
Germans Like Olynipje Gomes.
BERLIN, June JT. The Interest that
German sporting circles are taking In
th Olympic games to be held In Ber
lin In 1S1 la reflected In a remarkable
Increase in the organisations of th
turners. The annual report of the na
tional organisation shows that 460 new
clubs with a membership of (S.uoo
joined It within the course of th year.
The general organisation now consists
of 11,000 clubs, having a total member,
ship of 1,400,000. The turners are try
ing to Induce th military authorities
to prescribe a certain minimum degree
of physical development to entitle re
cruits to lighter military exercises. As
a part of the military drill, particu
larly In the first year. Is designed
merely to develop the phslcal strength,
the turners argue that much of this
oould be dispensed with In the case
of the young men who have already
made themselves strong through ys
tematio exercise, and they believe (lint
the exemptions asked for would give
a great impetus to their organisations.
Navy to Be Clnllrely I'haaged With
Officers LI via Abeve or Below
, Bars ip larralnr.
LONDON, June !7. The recent asser
tions by Sir Percv Bcott that battle
ship are fast becoming archato have
received wide attention because it was
Blr Percy who did so much towsrd
perfecting the big-gun service of th
British dreadnought.
"The Introduction of vessels that
swim under water has," says Xlr
Percy, "entirely done sway with the
utility of the ships that swim on tou
of the water, since warship would
not dare oome within sight of a ooaat
that was adequately protected ry sub
marines. No fleet oan hide Itself from
tbe aeroplane eye, and 'the submarine
oan deliver a deadly attack even In
broad daylight.
"The navy will be entirely changd;
naval officers will no longer live on
the saa, but either above It or under It,
and the strain on their syitema and
nerves will be so great thst a very
lengthy period of service will not be
advisable; It will be a nuvy of youth
for we shall require nothing but bold,
ness and daring.
"In war times ih scouting aero.
planes will always be high above on
the lookout and the submarines In
oonstant readiness, as are the etiojnes
at a tire station. If an enemy Is sight
ed. the gong sounds and the leaah of
a flotilla of submarines will be slipped.
"Whether it be night or day, Una or
rough, they must go out to search for
thoir nuarry; if they nnd her she la
doomed, and they give no quarter, (hey
cannot board her and take her as a
prlue, as in tbe oldan daya; they only
wait till ah sinks, than return noma
without even knowing the number of
human beings that they hav sent to
the bottom of the ocean.
"Will any battleship expos herself
to such a dead certainly of deatruc
tion? I ay no."
German private Refunea to Work nn
Saturday and ! Jailed.
BERLIN, June 17. (r-peclal.) A
private named Much, In the Forty
third regiment, ha been sentenced by
a court-martial at Hpandau to three
months' Imprisonment for obstinately
refusing to da any military duty on
Hi defense was thst he was an
Auabaptlst, and that It was contrary te
hie principle. The aect te VhlcH ha
balonns believes In the hernud Cnntlns;,
nd keeps Saturday holy by doing n
work on that day-
Berlin Population Grow bIuvjIjt.
BERLIN. June ST. The population of
Greater Berlin a growing at a si ewer
rat since th preaent period of bual
ns depression vet In. It lncred
last year by only IA 400. whereas tbe
gain had been 1H.100 for lilt, n
111.000 for 111. "Berlin iiaalf actually
lost population In l!l for th flrat
tlm In vary many yaara Th reduc
tion vii about 1 4.000, whareas th
pravlou rate of ttalii had been about
13,000 a year, Thr.t th than In
prosperity waa the cauie f.f thie move,
meut In population la evident from the
fact that the number if concern In
l-roter Berlin employing many
tt parson was reduced la 111 by
Trip la Made From Plnw Hot-1 U
Ilardanrn Glacier Cndt Con
dltlon Cloiwly r.neetrnMIng
Trto of Antarctic.
LONDON. June 17. rcll ) Im
portant rosult aav bean obtained by
Blr Ernest Bharkleton and om of the
member of th Imperial Trana-Antaro-tlo
Expedition, following a eerie of
experiment mad la Norway with
qulpment and ration for the great
Journey aeroa the Mouth Polar conti
nent. Th test war made en th
cnowfielda of Una and Kardangar
Ulaoler amid condition a nearly as
posatbl approaching thus encountered
In th Antarctic rxparlmouta with
tent, motor eladrea, and haulm
aled sea and fond. Th party ernaiatad
of Mir Lrneet hhsralalon, frank win,
t.eorg Maraton, Captain rde Laaa.
Koyal Marines, In chare of I ha nmmr; Ilirkerton. and Lieutenant
Dobba. Royal Dublin KuIUrea, who
will b aais(ant In chr of th d
of th expedition.
Tlnae proved an ldtl place for th
original trial which nir Lrneat con
ducted, far above th tree Una, at an
altitude of soma 4600 feet, there Ilea
an extensive enow-covered froten lake,
surrounded by lofty peaks and (lacier,
and except for the considerably hither
temperatur the lake baaia competes In
a striking manner with tha topnara
phloal feature of th Antarctic conti
nent. '
Waatner gever al Arrival.
Th party' arrival waa uahered In
by unusually sever weather for h
tlm of th year. A atrona northerly
wind waa blowing through th hill,
bringing with It drift and lalllna; anew.
While th Vlaltora at the Flnae llot.l
war oonflned to th ImlMltig by th
billiard, HIr Krnaal ptorearied with the
assembling of hi equipment, which had
been brouarht up en the fhrletlanla
Pergen railway, and t 11 oclnrk on
the morning of May 1 ha Bet out far
th glacier, hie team of five men pull
in; tha heavy eledee with tenia, food
nd H th can. pins ear. Mter In
th day thla party camped t th foot
of th Hardanaer.
Th new tent, which baa bean ae-
algned by Bir Krneat Hharkleton and
Mr. Maraton, proved a voinplole air
eeas, especially a resarua one of h
meat difficult operatione ff aledslr
Journey, namelyi pitching It In a htH
wind. I'p to now no really atifartotr
solution of th biiarbear of Antarctic
exploration hee bean devleed. It may
eem a email matter, but with tha cir
culation rendered lu-teh by tha In
tense cold of th Antarctic, tha mre
raising of th arm bo th head in
pitch an ordinary lent rati enly ka
don at mtnnt risk of frot-hite
Jw Tt I alaaple.
Th new tent I aa simple a II I
Ingenious, and can be likened In cou
ple of motorcar hoo'1 Joined tethr
nd foMrd flat In th (lisp of late
D.'f All thai I nec--.r la pit. h It la
for one man to lay H flat on th (round
nil another msn throw epow en
tha snow. doth and a third rul n a
(uy and ralaea the etrui lur In
a few second in aa iimrenirr I ''r
weather It can be ralaed by one man
Th aledarltir party remained In ran, n
undl th nlaht of Nay S3, iwo of them
undergoing a (oud test and living ei-
rlualvely oq th new polar rallnna
which have been devised (or Ih
pedltlon, th camp being aluftcd from
day to day to Ilia neteaaary
amount of muaeular exertion by maana
of alediclng Journey of aiaiuata.1
length. In aplt of Ilia alrenuou er
ciae taken, th tihjecla of the eiperl
mental diet were unal.l lo est more
than a third of th ration, time pro.
Ing th tilth ealorlflo value ana' etla-
fving nature of th preparations .ie. t
ed. Th Prty returned to lieadquar
tera furnished with valuable Informa
tion. On of tha motor ldsa was dtlven
by an aerial propeller and waa ranahl
ef carrying heavy loads at an ais
speed of la mil an hour over a fair
now (urfae.
Cambridge Thralrr Allow Tlxm lo
Brrak' Kpewlnnaklnj ltnlr.
LONDON. Jun 17. (Cpeclal t
Cambrian th Irving hav ala n
Joyad a remarkable piivll.a.. I.rtrr
company visiting the New Theater la
beuiM by th term of It connect In
refrain abaolutely from 'ee h-niak ll.rf
on th ta(. In th tea of an IivIhk.
till clauae I not only always Indulv
ntiy ovriooaa, sui aova. n hvi.i
th atus at th close ot Ih perform
ance I taken a matter ot course
Laurence Irving was fond rf making
rood-huniored fun of unlr raluala
ultiicea. At Ih con. of Mant
let" on on occasion l remarked: 'II a
delightful to aee that, after Die Intel
lectual Ubor of your arduous day,
worn a you ar with acquiring in
learning ef th . I hav been bl
perhaps, to offer you a llttl modicum
of Intellectual entertainment."
Vh-ar Makro I'nhcard of Offrrlng lo
Poor of Mldiiur-I.
LONUON. Jun 17 Lodln at
penny a wen are aiiaian m ... r"
of Mldhurat, In Pusses, by th hv.
r. Tatchell, vlcr of h parish He
baa turno.1 an eld vleara over tsj
hi. mimosa. Th rny a wk -
cure a b4 lttln( -roetn In raa rf
genuine poverty.
Th ron for h penny rental
s. heme lies with Ih rlisrllr eernmla-
alonera -of Ih lawn, wno hav tti
letting Ih publle almshouse I Ih
hthet bidder. The leault haa been
that Ih vry Mr ' f'.rce.l
to py mor than Ihey rauld afford
fur loiln(. T overcome official
competition. Ih vlear lrl4 r.n
penny lodslnaa
.warier) lo Mrll Hrprr-rnirrl.
CTOCKMOUM. Jun 17. e-
pects lo and Ih largest lormU'l".
gation of apectatora I lb t;?mpio
imn at Ferlln In Hi i n
ol.vmpla committee, ne psusnt a noi
tion of ass la nat te the wlnnieer
poat. Th ctin will seat r
rl and I t a t la Ih sett n(4
(or Ih t lilted flalas
fl'-tlen heroines don't fsint aa much
formerly. "l llteitir la lmie.
lug lo vrl rested.