THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 28, 1914. 4 PJtOMttTEffT POftfLAKD LANDSMEN TRANSFERRED TO THE ADMIRALTY TOR ASTORIA'S NINETEENTH ANNUAL REGATTA, JULY 2. 3 AND . IT SEATTLE IS COMING TO BIB REGATTA - AFM7PAT "METSCHAN 1 unnHi-unir duui BILLED FOR TITLE July 4 Match at San Francisco Attracts Attention From Fight Fans of Coast. Portland Motorboats Will Have Real Contenders In July 2, , 3 and 4 Races. WCLGAST TRIES ANOTHER CONSIDINE BUILI CRAFT Miinnnv nnin nn ! Rainier Will Have Two Representa tives in Astoria Events, One of Them Being Oregon Kid II, Which Smith Built tat Son. For the first time in several years Portland motorboats Will Have to face against fast contenders from Seattle, which have been sent to the Astoria regatta, July 3, 3 and 4. Cemmodord McLaughlin, of the Lake Washington Powerboat Association, has sent word to Astoria that the Seattle club will be represented by ' three boats, the Wastrell, the Fockey II and the Bed Nose. The Pockey II and the Wastrell al ready have left for Astoria, having been shipped Friday, Their power is unknown and their Biae is not known locally, but Portland men are never theless looking for a vaee. Puget Sound entries thus far have failed to "bring home the bacon" and the Seattle men knew that it wa hot luck, but simply better boats which beat them. They did not ship any mere contenders here until they were pretty Sure that they hai boats Which can beat those on the Columbia. Connlillne to Enter fine. John Considihe, the theatrical magr tiate, is said to be owner of one of the coming craft. That means that JieltJief time nor expense have been saved In the construction and that the driVei" Will be the best that Consldlne could get for money. Rainier will have two boats in the Astoria regatta. Ohe of them is the Oregon Kid II, the boat which Captain Milton Smith built for his son, It is the exact duplicate of the Oregon Kid, which made the Eastern conquest tour last year. The other Rainier boat is tbo Yak, which has been pacing the Oregon Kid at Rainier. The method of racing has been changed. The motorboat events will be raced on points. Twenty-seven roints shall constitute the purse of 406, which makes $15 to the point. Three Hares oa Programme. This will hold in all three races, the 18-fost, the -foot and the free-for-all. That makes nine pdlht for each day's heats and in that Way boats Which run- two days atid then break Vp may still be in the money class. Following are the staff assignments: Admiral Phil JJstsenan, it. Board of retired admirals C. H. Callen fler, Charles V. Brown, Jotlft Fox, George b. Shepherd, W. W. Boblnon, E. W. Spen cer. John S. Beall, W. li. Morgan, G. B. Johnson. Chief of start vlc-Aamn-al R. w. ros ter, chief: Commodore Ralph Staehll, first aide; Commander L, E. warlord, second aide. Bureau of administration Vice-Admiral J. Frod Larson, chief: Vice-Admiral J. R. llnser. Vice-Admiral. Oeorgo M. Hyland, Vice-Admiral W. C. North, Yice-Admlral John M. Nnllv. Rear-Admiral J. H, Veon. Bureau ot naval affairs Vlee-Admiral OS. Wald West, chief (Oovernor. commander-in-chief. O. H. M.) ; VIce-Admira! W. E. tini er (Adjutant-General of Oreson), Vlee-Ad- mlrai John McNultjr (Lieutenant t;ommana er and member Btate Naval Board). VIC Admiral C. S. Guhdefson (LleutehafiUCoht- mander and member State MSVal Board) Vice-Admlral J. Fred Larson Lieutenanl- Commander and member Btate Naval Board) Vice-Admiral U. F. Blair (Lileutenant-C'orlf muiirter, commanding U 3. s. Boston), Vioe Aiimirul J. A. B. Sinclair (Assistant Sur geon, U. ft. Navy). Vice-Admiral A. J. Ca- pron (paymaster, o. r,. M.) Cortimodore Louis Wolf (Huoft, U. 8. E. BoBteh Vlee-Admlrat Jlin Deck With (l.iutenant, junior Urade, O. X, MJ, Vics-Admirl Har- aid K Hilton ( Enaian. O. N. M.). Burpdu of navlgatton Rear-Admir! It. F. Cox, chief, Vice-Admiral H. u. Bowers, Vice-AUmlral Hy Btlers, Reaf-Adnilrai A, Lo rtnley, Rear'Admlral K Y. Heady, cap tain Max Lueddemiin, Commander William y. Brady, Commander Kufus C HOlman. Vire-Admiral ChaMett T. Early. Uureau of mafltie eniflneerlng,-'-Reai,Ad- mlral W. H. Curtis, chlefi Rear-Admiral A. i Moffatt, Rear-Admiral M. Uorman, Vlu- Admiral J. K. Bogera, Hear-Admiral ir, v. w, Cornelius. bureau ot naVai construct Ion Rear- Ad miral R. K. Smith, chief; Kear Admiral Jfi, vdti del4 Worth. ViceAdmirai W. L Uudiey, Commodore Oeotff K. Hall, Commodore Bureau of yards and dock -Rear-Admlraf K. Ji . Jeaaer, chiet; Bear-Admiral IStwooo Wilea, Commodore 1. Aronson. Commodore Dan J. Moore. Bureau of Medicine and BUfgefy Vice Admiral Dr. T. Koretrom. thief i Rear-AO" miral Dr. C. W. CofheHds, Vice-Admiral Dr. George K Cat bey, VlceAdmiral Dr. Charles 13. Mi!!, Vice-Admiral Dr. A. . fiether. Vice-Admiral Dr. H. S. Kbert, Vlee Admirat Dr. D. Johnson, Commodore tr, 1,. J. Wolf, Commodore Dr. Jay TUttle, Commodore Dr. n. J. filkincton, Rear-Ad-mlml Dr R. M. Emerson Vioe-Adrtiirai Dr. J. A. B. BlnHalr. Rear-Admiral Dr. Bitedtas K. Scott, Command rr Dr. F, K. Smith. Com mander Dr. Alan Welch (Smith. Pay department Vice-Admiral Georffe L. Bukef, thief ; VIce-Admlral R. L. Adartis, Vlc-Admiral W. C. North, Vice-Admiral Oerai M. Hyland. Olftrs of Judge adyocate-greneralVlce-Admiral K. K. Kubll, chief; Rear-Admiral Hub C. Mosei'i Commander Daa J. aUowra. Cornmbdore Harry Richey. Maritime police Vlce-Admiral B.- Gildner, chiel ; Captain J. E. Mahatley, Captain liar vy Wells. Commander K. V. Live ley. Com nnnidcr Walter J. Hultnan. Commissary department -Vlce-Admiral R. W. 8chmer, uhlef ; Captain Naca Grant, t'ommodore Dan J. Modfe, VIce-Admlral H. C. Bowers, Vice-Admira. Roy A Yates, Cap tain Theodore Kriise, Captain P. J. Foley. JSavftl serretnrieaVit-e-Admiral J. & Del li riser, chief; Kear-Admlral John . Uratka enmtaodore Charles A Taynei War correspondents Commodor Ralph J. (ttaehl), chleff Commander Dana Sleeth Cap tain Shad O. Krants, Rear-Admiral John liratke. Vice-Ad miral J. 8, Del I In gen Com mander Walter tilflardi Commander fiari H tiodwin. Ship's company Vloe-Admiral D ten ncy, Commanding offloef; Vtee-Admlral A. Bobleter the ship dtver; Bear-Admlral l.oult AUehoff. water tender; he it red Ad miral R. W. Spencer, admiral ot 4he tank; Retired Admiral . B. Johneort, keeper tif O the common point rate; Commander Al blusher, fenrth class ship's roekt Comttiahd er Dr. K. C. McFarland, first dog watch; Commander W. U. Daughtry, the UHnet'fc mato. llsH chaplain Captain John Waters. . I'roarrainfn la IAiBiilr-t, The proyiraifimtt follows: July ft. y :in A. M. Motorboat ra-e, lfl-foot elfte. t heata 'J times aeound course) 8 miles each. Total purse 27 points. $400; points $tii aeli. 10:1A A. M. Jletorhent rate. 20-foot ftlnsa, S h ea la ( U ti n t es arou nd co Uree ) tt miles each. Total purae 'dl points $-U5; points ir. each. ' 11 A. M. Motor te at rm, free fof all, 3 heats 4l times nrouhd large ooure) an miles. Total tmre lit points, H4--.; points $:i3 each. 1 Pt Mi fishermen's moterbaat rfte, for Columbia River Hah kvats ehiyi 4 koraepewer engines 1 heat, enoe around small course, 3 miles. First prise, $40; secendv $23; third, $1. 1:45 V. M 45antiary tenders' mterbmt race; Bang' A Cio Back, 1 heat (once around email course) 2 miles. First prise, $40; sec ond, $2..: third, $m. 2:30 P. M. Sailboat race. First prize. $; seceud, f3u; third. $16, . . - July 3. f:"0 A. M.--Mo tor boat rc. 16-foet class, 8 heats 2 times around ceurae) 3 mi lea eacn. Total purse 'JJ points $405 1 pldts $ir. eaoh. J0:li Ai M.-MotfkR4 race 20 fdet Class. B heats (2 times around coure 3 milee . - I 1 ,n. Mi . W . J . . C3vt Goo. eaoh. Total huree 2T voltiU $405; point $13 each. 11 A. fli. Motorooai race, iree ior mi, n heats 6 times around large course) SO miles. Total ourae 27 points $&45 ; points ftie eacn. 1 P. M. Fisher men' m motorboat race, for Columbia River fish boats only, to And ill" eluding 6 horsepower engines, 1 heat (once around email course) 3 miles. First prise, $40; second. $'2r; third, $10. 1:45 P. to. Cruieers motdrboht rat. Bang A Go Back, 1 heat (once around email course) 3 miles. First prise, $40; second, $25; third, $10, i.M P. M. Sailboat race. First prize, $40; second, $20; third, $10, aly 4. 9:30 A. M.--Motorboat race, 16-foot class. 3 heats, (2 times around course) 3 mile each. Total purse 2T points, $405; points sia encn. Irt-.m A. M. Motdrbofit race. 20-fool c!h fl bna.ta 2 tim arouhd course) 3 miles each. Total pufse 2T polhta, $403; points $1.1 eftdh. , . 11 A. M.--Mdtorboflt race, free Tnf heats (0 times around large course) mites. Total purse 27 points, $045; points $33 ach. SlEbOATS REACH ASTORIA Two Arrive Yom Seattle and Others Are Epccted In Day dr Two. ASTORIA, Or JuH 2?. (Special.) The first two speedboats to arrive for th coming championship races reached here this afternoon. The? are the Red Nose and Wastrel, of Se attle. Other boats from the Seattle Club will arrive within the next day or two, and it is certain that-the list of racer will be the largest In the History or the Astoria regratta. FISHING NOTES TWO new records Were made at ths casting' tournament of the Mutt' nomah Anglers' Club Wednesday and Thursday evenings, both in the quar ter-oUrtce buit casting; events, The record for long-distance casting with quarter-ounce bait Was raised from 96 feet to 103 feet. Dr. E. C. McFarland and Lester W. Humphreys tied at this distance. Ih accuracy casting with auartei'-oilnce bait, Dr. McFaHand made a new club record Of 98 9-1S pet- cent. The fly casting was unsatisfactory because of awkward Wind currents and eddies, which seriously hampered the casters and prevented their malting any good scores In the accuracy fly event W. F. Backus handicapped himself by easting left-handed. The fly casting events were neiu at tne east end of the Hawthorne bridge and the bait Casting events at tha Oaks. A hot her tournament is to be held the last week ih July, The results of this week's tournament Were as follows: Distance fly castihg, heavy rods w. ft, Curlotti 79 feet; Warren Cornell, 89 4 feet; W, F. Backus, 6 feet. Distance fly casting, llfrht rutls -w. B. Carlon. e feet; W. F. Backus, 73 feet; Warreti Cornell, 70 feet Accuracy fly casting, at 60, 5S and feet-Warren Cornell, -lS per cent! A. 8; Burghduff. 96 3-15 per cent; W. F. Backus. 93 7-15 per cent. Dry fly accuracy, at 35, 40 and 4o feet W. . Carloh and W. F. Backus tied for first place. 9 6-15 per cent; A. M. Burghduff and Warren Cornell tied for secohd place, 98 7-15 per cent; Lester W, Humphreys, 98 115 p"er cent. Accuracy bait, casting, quarter- ounce, flv targets, 60 to 80 feet E, C. McFarland, 96 -lo per cent: W. G. Block. 98 7-15 per cehti Lester W. Humphreys, 95 1-15 per cent Accuracy bait casting, one-nail ounce, flv targets, 60 to 100 feet W. C. Block, 97 2-15 per centi A. Hi Burghduff, 96 13-18 per cent) Lester W. Humphreys, 91 1313 pef tent Distance Bait casting, quarter-eunca. average flvs casts K. 1:. McFarlana, feet; Lester W. Humphreys, It i-6 feet; w. C. Block, 83 2-5 feet Distance bait casting, one-half odhce. average live casts w. s. BlocK, 115 3-6 feet; Lester W. Humphreys, 108 1-5 feet; E. C MeFaMand, 101 4-5 feet In A small tdwn anyona who can spell "hemorrhage' right as Uie bat Is In the nign-Drow ciass. BIG TRAP SHOOT SET GUSf Cl.lB TOIiRNKY .WILL StAUKB iULf 30 TO Sa, S1SOO Alreadr Aaaarea la Prlsea and Prominent Shot Ftom Kast Will Take Part In Portias tinder the auspices of the Portland dUh Club, the largest' Pacific Coast handicap tournament eVef attempted will be put oil at the local club's traps at Jtnne Station. July 20, 21 and 2. Mure than 1500 In cash prizes has been secured, and some of the most promi nent nimrods' in the country have sig nified their intention of appearing here next month. - The shoot will be mainly for ama teurs, and they alone will be allowed to compete for cash prizes. All profes sionals will be admitted to shoot, but not for active competition with the amateurs, for money. This Will make the ninth annual Pa cific Coast handicap tourney, and the prises will be awarded by Both the Portland Gun Club and the Interstate Association. Already $1500 has been secured, and before the day of the opening the sum wilt be increased con siderably, according to local Club mem bers, Joseph A, Addlemafi, secretary of the Portland Gun Club, is in receipt of a letter from Fred Gilbert, one of the greatest trap-shooters in the Bast, stating that he Will be out here to shoot. The local secretary is "dicker ing" with several other prominent shotcrs of the fcast ahd Middle West and some prominent announcements Will be made later. The Bowler money-back system, with the low entrance fees and losses paid back each day, provides competition for the beginner ahd the mealbcfe shot, who can compete in regular programme events and have a chance to win some thins if he Is In good form. If he fails to shoot up to expectations his sport costs him the pi-Ice of the targets only. The local traps win be set aside July id d a firanttf HftV Tnr all Whn t&p to' get limbered up. The first event wiU start promptly at 9 o'clock en the following day, Tha squier' money- back system does hot how good on the practlce-4ay shoot Joseph A. Addleman, secretary of the Portland Gun Club, was elected to the s&me position in the Northwest Trap shooting Association at a meeting ih Tacorna last week At the meeting it was decided to hold the Northwest chaniplohships iH Portland under the auspices of the Ideal gun club, hut the exact date was not put on record. The Taooma Globe trophy, which has been shot for for the last 18 years, was finally won last week in the Northwest championships. The trophy had to be won three times to become the perma nent property of the winner. W. W. Caldwell, Frank How ahd Harry Ellis, all local shooters, had the distinction df holding the valuable trophy one year, while J. H Culllsoli, another Portland crack, was able to win the medallion on two occasion. CullisOn eld- hot compete at the recent shoot Tennis Popular at Hood nlvor. HOOD RlVfiR, Or June 27, (6pe clal.) Tennis has Become the most popular sport ih Hood KlVer. The fourth court has just been eenstructed by the Waucoma Club. The members of the new organisation are; Ben Breed, TV L. Breed, Will Allen. Mlnef Sosey. Elmer Wood worth, Oscar Jones, Kan Bhank, Leonard Howard, L. A, A. Henderson. Will McOuIre, Harry D. Wood, Glen Hunt ahd L. V. Drtsceil. Sight courts hav been completed id the different rural communities in tha past two yeafs. Credithicni Consider Portland. BUFFALO, N. JUfle !7. The executive committee of the National Credit men s Convention closed today in Kochester. It will decide in Janu ary between- Peruana and Salt Las, City for the 1915 sessions. ft BIG "FLEET'. IS CHOSEN OKKttOX YACHT CLl'B TO Bis: WfcLL RBPRKdEHTED. Balling Sanadren Leaves Today for As toria Md Will Pass 'lVlgnt t Willamette's Mouth. The Oregon Yacht Club Will b well represebted at the Astoria regatta, six sailboats, four cruisers and several motorboats comprising the "fleet The sailing squadron Will leave to day at 3 P. M. and plans ou passing the nignt at the moutn ot tne m lamstte. Monday night will be passed at Eagle Rock; Tuesday night they will lay to with Mason at wauaca Slough, and, barring unforeseen condi tions, will reach Astoria some time Wednesday, - Commodore Mendetihall will be lh command and will have the able as sistance of Captain Todd. Todd is Without question the veteran racing sailor on the river and it has been said that Todd was sailing a dinghy when Astor's expedition put into Youngs Bay. Be It as it may, Todd knows the Columbia Hiver as few do and w-iil be constantly on. the alert ta give any of the boys a nana. onow- ing are the boats and. crews: Vlrsrlnia-MTaotain Menaennaii, Chauncy Hasterf, Hugh Hazlett C, A. Sharp and Frank Hazlett Grayling captain toaa, rren ew- ten,.Art Butterwortn, rrana lomnn son. Chauney jortes. Riwfrow captain snonn, rrana Creasy, Duncan Irwin, Bill Twohy and Bill Bmith. . . . Kenosha- captein nicnois. tucK ura- ham, Charlie Prehn, Hayes and Adams. Swallow--Captain Stanley jriasien. Ernie Hailet Jim Troy, Carl Potter, Crag and Siderous.- Fore'N'Aft Stanchfleia. Thompson Cllf Downs and Harry HaiL Omiaers auna, uantatn. Doage, Althea. Captaifi MCBHde": Halycon. Cap tain Wylie, and the Naiad, Captain ne. All oruieers win nave a party on board. without A doubt this is tne largest sailing squadron that the club has ever sent and Chairman Johnson of the As toria committee lias promised some fast ahd Interesting sailing matches. OU Mdnday night, last, the three boats, Virginia, Sparrow and Grayling, fin ished ever the regular club course Within 20 Seconds, so close that the race had to be sailed dver. the Vir ginia winhihg by three minutes aha 30 seconds. The Sparrow ahd Gray llflg finished id close together that the race for second place will have td he sailed over. This is Close sailing oh a siit-mlle course. At the bimontniy oance neia at ins cluB Friday evening Commodore Meh- denhall. til Behttlf or tne kosb t cb tival Association, presented trophies to club membars who were winner at the Rose Festival water sports as fol lows: Mrs. Hartman, Henry Hartman. canoe, mixed doubles; Hartman and Hazlett, canoe tilting, and the Vir ginia, sailing. Albany Women Clever Bliole. ALBANY, Or., June 27. (Special.) Though none of them had aver shot a shotgun before, five Albany young women who tried trapshootlng for the first time last Thursday evening atlr- ceeded In breaking several ot tne elusive Clav plgeone. Out of IS shots Miss Velma Davis scored 7, Misses Vernita, Froman and Grace Ebertlng 5 each. Miss Edna Laubner 3 and Miss Pauline Burctt 1. State Tennia Entrant Sought for Tourney. Play - Writer Would Have Mor Ontslda at - Portland KstkolH nd Make Kvent Larger ( Affair, fiL WALTER A. UOSS. OW many entries should we ex pect for our Oregon slate tennia championship in Julyt , H The out-of-town players ate always an unkn- wn quantity, but In addition to McCor.nlck, who may be here to defend His title, why not make an ef fort to get in some of our neaf-by neighbors? The Dalles, Hood River. Salem, Astoria, Medford and many of the other towns have flourishing ten nia eluba. We should also call on Ore gon University and Oregon Agricul tural College fof a good showing, wa can always count on an entry or two from Vancouver Barracks, but why not seek at least half a doaen this yeaf from the men and aa many from tha women 1 But what about Portland T We should look for at least several dozen ehtrie rrom the larger organisa tions such a the Wftverly Uolf Club and Reed College. The Y. M. C. A heretofore barely represented, should send In a goodly number and each of the high echoola should be vailed on for material. The Multnomah Club should answer the call with 60 entries Ih gentlemeh'a singles, and the Irvlngtun Club should send as many mora. Then We nnd a prosperous flub id Ladd's Addition containing mucii talent, and never yet have we had tne pleasure of single entry, The name, is true ot Mount Tabor, Bt. jonna nas a pros perous tennis contingent and Piedmont the same. Laurelhurst has only started this season, but how better could tha Laufelhurst Club start than to be rep resehted at the official meet 1n July? Portland Heltrht. South Portland. East Bui-nslde and many other sections hae their tennis eluus ana eacn snouia send us their delegates. Ah experiment has met with much success quite recently lh some of ouf sister cities., where on Saturday after noorts thera have been fegularly sched uled matches arrangea in minea Dou bles. Tha scheme Is a good oh. I Wager the suggestion that wefe wa to double ouf mixed double entry list we would double tils gate receipt, double the interest In the whole tour nament, which mean doubling tha fun the eontestants. It Will be a big task fdr the tourna meht committee personally to solicit thia large entry list, but it will be a ,i mmtir for the secretary of each club to eomplle tha entries and for ward them to tne miin Entry lists are now open at the club. IDAHO MAS COnVfcLlS CHOICE W. V. Kllm9,'vafty Bow, la fclwrtcd Coiuidodore at Itnatk." ITHACA, N. Y., Juhe lt-Electlofl of W V. Ellms, of Mountain Home, Idaho, as' commodore of the Cornell navy for 191B. was announced at a breakfast ,ivp' the members of the Crews and Coach Charles E. Courtney upon their return to this city toaay. Ellms, a Junior in the agricultural eoiieire. rowed bow In th varsity race at Poughkeepsie yesterday. SWIMMERS ACCEPT BID TK FROM PORTLAND TO C'OMI'KTK AT ASTORIA RKtJATTA. Talt to Give Exhlbllloa of Fancy Hlah Diving Katrlra Are Made In Raring and Other Kvent. The Invitation of tha Astoria regatta extended to Portland swlmmera to take part In tha swimming event at tha mouth of the Columbia during the festival days has been- accepted by seven from the Multnomah Club and three from Portland baths. Talt Fulton. Mrllale and Balbach will go for all three days, entering tha fancy diving and special events. Talt and Fulton will stags their surf board atunt Which will be a feat re quiring soma skill un tha rough water of Young's Bay. The others who will go arti Cola, Portland Baths; McMurray. Multnomah; Wheeler, Multnomah Club; Howard. Portland Baths; Roller, Portland Baths, and Lynstrom. Multnomah Club. Talt will give an exhibition of fancy high diving from the prow of the big bsrga which has been acquired aa a grandstand for tha queen and hr retinue. Talt skill In that respect Is unequaled by anyone In the Northwest and will be a decided feature. The entries for the different events are: 50 yards Balbach. McMurray. Roller, Lynstrom and McHale. 100 yards M Hale, McMurray, Roller and Lynstrom. 220 yards Balbach. Cole, Wheelar, Howard and Lynstrom. 440 yards Cole, Wheeler and How ard. Portland boys who ara going to at tend also may tak part In the meet The boys also may go over to Heaalrie to give another exhibition oa Bunds following the regatta. VOtXG CLEVELAND IS HOXOItrJl Son of Fbrllicr Prenitlent Prominent in School Athletic World. EXETEIt. N. If., June ti. Richard F. Cleveland, son of . President Grover Cleveland. Is getting lo ba on of the best sliot-putters on the track team cf Phillips Exeter. In addition he is orte of the best student and an officer In mora soi-letlea and associa tions than the average mllllohair I a member ef directorate. He has ben elected president of tha InterscliolustIC Association of Amiitour Athletlce of New England, in prefer ence to hundred of leader ef pre paratory and high school, and I alio president of the Exeter Christian Fra ternity ahd a member of the students' senior council, one of the biggest hon or In the gift of the Etonian student body. He I also a foolhall player. Though h will only be IT years old next rail he I listed as a Sure thing for one of the Una, positions on tha varsity eleven. CHAMPIOV BllLDS I'AsT IlOlT Henry IJIson rlnishtu Mprfdrr to Enter K.xltlbltkMi Jaly 4. ABERDEEN, Jun ?. KieoUl. A new 16-foot gasoline speedboat ca pable of 43 mile to the hour has Just been completed here by Henry Dixon, Coast champion In th 16-foot cla of boa ta. Dixon w formerly a Portland tn and won hi Coast title In 113. Th. new boat I 5 feet 7 Inches beam and Is equipped with 90-horsepower en gine. It is named the "Grays Harbor" nd cost li'OOO All the building work was doh hv Ptxnn himself Dixon will make h! first formal appearance In the new boat on July t her. He t.s ststied a fi-ntr.! rr.eint to drw a man on a ll-tmh pin n It While the boat I making 40 miles an hour. Ftormrr t lni,Un, Frw at lloavrt Over lrfrnt, ritno-a to t4Mn Hack In Hal Ho With It: vers and lie Ha Chant f'tr Honor. nr HARHT n. aniTM SAN KHANC1XCO. June IT tvpa ctal.) Jundflng from th tarty Indl rations, Jimmy Coffroth la going ta have soma bumper ef a bousa wlwn Fighting Billy Murray and Gora Chip come together In their mirtdU weight bout that l stad lur lly City on th ourth of July. It haa bn a long tlm sin the middle weight division of the gam hss roused nTthln resembling enthu siasm, and that there Is such a fealta at tha present tlm Is du Id tha fact Ihst thlnai look very much a If va ara getting down ta a p,int whr.a a rhampion may b namsd In the Im mediate future. Coffroth ha billed hi Murray -Chip match for th mlddla-weiVrht ciiam plonshlp. Chip Is sltossthsr a newcomer, and ronaquently th fane have takan mora than the usual Iniartst In wsuhlng hi workauta. Lu Anaelffa fana hav taken la bl tyl with a rush and tnlnk ha will b a sure winner avsr Murray. San Franelar judiae of th fistic game ara mora rnrvtlva. al though they admit that th pnnsyl null bay I dangerous proposition, and a Ja k Wsh to ptit It, a bad prnpnsltlon t bt gainst.'' Murrav 1 located at th Seal Roefc House. Ha la wall down la wslahl r Jack Kesrns deridad that It M b belter to take his protete where the roollua hra Mow. FIM'n Hilly Is doing from elahl to ten ronni of lln every flsrnoon, II sdmll that h hsn t picked an easy taking on fhlp. and wants ta a In II a best piwlhla shape fur wlnavr hap pens. Chip h with him Tom alrMshan, a havy-wlhl wlm Is looking for P. KlMe mal' he. Mclhon I Ih fellow who was beaien i a len-rnind hmit ty llunliMl Sn-illh. and lar stopp,i bv tha Gunner In fr reaiid Ma Is fairly goort-laoklng ropt-r for tha orainaiy hvy.wight am. and thra a chatn-a HisI will ba seen harbout In th lotir-rouad rank. Ad Wlst Is doing Ms lrsli.ll. I Lo Angele tor Ihs Kauri h at Julr truagla with hi old-time Mlvars. Ad lUlms thai h Is "" ver, which of rur could b " parted, for na fighter aver gooa Wak In his own estimation. Judging from tha smilem papata Wolas.t I putting In ' r Ing Wlllla ftttrlita. If a a strsnga tlilti In this puglllalle gsma thsl a 'hi""' plnn moat cordially despise Ihe m.n who ha taken the honor awsr from him. That la tho rasa wllh Wnls.l All tha venom In Ma oul I '' ...... ,1,. nsn,. af Rlti-M I mernnd. tpon arriving In Lo Anela Violgsel gave an Interview In Iha course or which ha declared that Wlllla IUt. HI waa the port rous for a light weight champion he had r heard about, and that any na if half a dosen mon could l-oat the tar out of tha San Francisco boy. The Wolsh-HltrMa match." hv tha way. la how sialyl for J'lly I In-lead of tha Fourth f July, a waa original ly planned. Tha pres. dl.pat, !. have also told u thl Ultchl and Welsh have IBna.l a contract for a return engagement In london. Just what I the reason for uch a contract has not bsn fully explained and word from Kltcl.le on that point I wslto.l with considerable interest. It looss an unwlaa move on the part of b"t" llghtwtlghta. Perhaps tliera la sul n. lent reason for what they hv. dona, and tha best thing la lo hold ba K judgment until tha explanation ta furthcoming. Mtrange to say. thale ara a lot. or wiseacre In Ssn Fran, laco who llaura that Welsh will ha return.! tha win ner In tha London haltle. They hold that tha English rules, which nrlctlv prescribe claan hraks and na hlllina In the vllnches, will worry Hiichla and that, unaccustomed to mmlltioh, ha will not bo at M heat. TheV forget that Ritchie hsa aven something or that sort of game In the last and that ha la equally good l " ranga aa whan in tilm h. ass Jimmy Coffroth siwaka In high tcrma of Kuaena Corrl. who haa been elected as the referee. Corrl Is M I broker. who haa retereed moat of tha big mutchea In the National Sporting Chin end has dona It bwauae ha an- Joya tha sport a a Sailor i;d Petroskey left beta tha other day for Kansaa City, whera ha la to boa 10 reunda wllh Jack Dillon un Independence, day. Wtillo Pelroakcy has bocn knocked out of th runnln. so far a championship honors concerned, ha Intend to ramaln In Ih game aa long aa It la worth while. a Tackey McFarland h announce hut t, aa t,a la inurrltd. wl.l. h event will take place this Hummer, h la goinif to retire from ma an,a i"r keapa. Ha will take a trip around the world and vlalt Australia, but doae n" propoi.e o dm nnv nahtlng In Itia An tlpudea. It Is said that hia Pane, and her Miila ohlect most trenuously I boxing a a profsaion lor hr pros. .., tlva husband. I'aekar la a llliiia. becunse ho ha a """ I'K'a fortune and prefers 101111 kind of a legltlniata nil sin. as. Tho Sport for fl vcrybody V ClsXJiS XrApshootlng' KIrTO ALMIOHHO, Jnhn rhiiiip sous, big ( i.aW Oer and J-rank Cotck ara sdl fp-hnr-. Wna ktr ft-eo Sock let "Tt prtrt aVQurint" and sxidreoa M nasrsst i.ub P Pan! faw-dof Co. mm g . Ever n