iff piwtfef n CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTISG ASD MARKET REPORTS SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 18 PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1914. no. FIGHT SHOWS JOHNSON IS RETROGRADING FAST Effect of High Life Evident in Go With Moran Parii Bout Second Tims Pittsburjer Has Met Champion "Gunboat" Smith Next. w m. uaosov & Dons UL. AAAIII. . III.-.- .. ... . - ..- V:,VC 1 o o neeillliisMau' ISISiaSM iljiiau" WT'" 1 I jWCJ"'1"'' I'l'Tj'T fHN' SI.S'MIH' J .HI Washington Street, Corner First ade in Oregon Feraitare Sale Factory Samples at Phenomenally Low Prices An Event of Extraordinary Importance to Everyone in Need of Furniture SALE BEGINS MONDAY AT 8 A. M. SHARP This Davenport for $25.00 HAS AUTOMATIC ACTION. Has a receptacle for bedding; makes a comfortable bed. Frame 1b of oak; seat and back are upholstered over oil tempered steel springs, cov ered In chase leather. Retails at $30.00. Special this week MADE IN OREGON $25 . MADE IN OREGON Gadsbys' 3-Piece Solid Oak Library Suite, Genuine. Spanish Leather, at $25 This Solid Oak Library Suite, consisting of one Arm RocKer, ne settee anu Arm chair.? Upholstered in genuine brown Spanish-leather." Spring-seats. Quar- JtOf5 GO ter-sawed oak, dull wax finish. Special for this sale.. eww Same Suite In imitation Spanish leather for $20.00. ? ! MADE IN OREGON $18 Oak Dresser for $9.85 Oak Dresser with French plate bevel mirror; we also havea few of these Dressers with oval mirrors; they are finished in the pretty dull wax. This is positively the greatest Dresser value for so little money ever offered in the city. Gadsbys' price MADE IN OREGON MADE IN OREGON $9 50 Y $19.00 Library Tables for $9.50 This Handsome Library Table ts quarter-Bawed white oak with rich deep natural markings, hon estly made, beautifully finished, either fumed or waxed golden oak; height 32 Inches; top 46x26; legs are 2 hi inch; large drawer with wood knobs. Other stores ask $19, Gadsbys' half price $9.50 MADE IN OREGON Gadsbys' 3-Piece Dining-Room Set Complete, $48.75 We have turned one entire lower floor over to the display of Dlntng Room Knrnlrure, where you will be able to find anything In that line you may desire. It will . v. i - r hnv np w ran sell VOU. for less. The three pieces above are solid oak, finished either In wax. golden or fcJQ JK the popular fumed. Gadsbys' price grgtJ 11 BASE, A ;-y- $ . 22x45 ..; I!'.. $45.00 Mahogany Dresser for $22.50 This large Mahogany Dresser with 28x34 French beveled plate mirror and large base, measuring 22x45, made of beautiful figured mahog any, dull wax "finish, two large, deep, long drawers and two small upper drawers at the top. Exactly as illustrated. This dresser sold regularly $45. Gadsbys' price for this Bale is ... $22.50 Sold on easy weekly or monthly payments. EVERYTHING to FURNISH THE HOME Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Gas, Coal and Wood Ranges, Go-Carts, Perambulators, Refrigerators, all at substantial reductions SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS $17.50 $18.00 $12.50 $ 9.50 Imperial Wiltons, 9x12 fljnQ FvO feet, each l$iJt)J Royal Axminsters, 9x 12 feet Extra Axminsters, 9x 12 feet Saxony. Axminsters, 9x 12 feet $23.00 $25.00 $18.50 Sussex Velvets, 9x12 feet each Metropolitan Brussels, 9x12 fet Eureka Brussels, 9x12 feet, each- Special Brussels, 9x12 feet, each CARPETS WERE NEVER SOLD SO CHEAP BEFORE RUGS REDUCED FOR THIS SALE. MADE IN OREGON $12.00 Mattresses for $8.95 These Splendid White Cotton Felt Mattresses, weighing 40 pounds, are compressed down to six Inches in thickness, re main soft and elastic and do not wad; equal to the mat tresses so extensively adver tised at 115; absolutely sani tary, durable and comfortable. Gadsbys' special tfj Q QC price only JOea7J Other Mattresses as Jo CY cheap as Every Mattreew Sold by Gadsbys I. Made Special and Made In Oregon. Everything to Furnish the Home Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Gas, Coal and Wood Ranges, Go-Carts, Perambulators, Refrigerators, all at substantial reductions Yafi fT-i-. M-riT- " r Thij Style $25.00 i i Gadsbys Gas Ranges Always Satisfy Buy your Gas Range while the price is low. $20 Gas Ranges, special at $15 Other Gas Stoves as cheap at $6.50. Gas Plates as Low as 50c Gadsby sells Gas Water Heaters, for less. Our Club Plan of Easy Installments Affords You the Most Liberal Credit BT ROSCOB FAWCETT. THE reign of the black, dynasty In pugilism has not yet cone crash ing Into oblivion. But the negro heavyweight cham pion' showing yesterday against Frank Moran convinces fistic students, savants and specialists alike that the Johnson of old Is retrograding fast. Some four years go Johnson stood at the very crest of pugilism. Moran would have had but slight chance of surviving 20 rounds In those days. Moran has never done anything so won derful. "Gunboat" Smith gave him a terrible lacing in SO rounds. Johnson's failure, therefore to dis pose of the Pittsburg heavyweight Is an indication that wine, women and revelry not only have fattened the negro like a Christmas shoat, but sim ultaneously have extracted the sting from his terrible punch. Johnson still retains his ring skill and his uncanny generalship, and that's likely all that saved him from the white usurper yesterday. The victory of the black man. while a victory in name, raises new hope In the breasts of Caucasia. Flstlanf. now ti.rns to "Gunboat" Smith as the savior o.' the white race. The Gunner has gone through a strenuous campaign of elimination, dur ing which he has beaten Langford, Mo ran, Wlllard. Miller, Wells. Ftynn. Stewart. Morris, Kodel and itou, and be seems to be the logical man to meet Johnson in the next real championship bout. Smith gets his final test July 1 against the sensational Frenchman, Carpentler, who refereed the Johnson Moran battle yesterday. If he defeats the French Idol he will be able to demand- almost any price for a battle against the negro before the sanguinary-loving, frog-eating Frenchmen. Locally there was very little betting on the Johnson-Moran bout. Some few wagers were laid at 3 to 1 on the "smoke," but even money on Moran to stick 10 rounds predominated. FEW sportsmen know It. but John son and Moran fought once before. The record books don't show It, but It's the truth Just the same. Their previous bout took place In the Gaiety Theater in Pittsburg about five years ago, just after the Inky Kink returned from his triumphal Australian Jaunt. Moran at that time was studying den tistry at the University of Pittsburg and playing football on the side. Also he was doing a little boxing. So when Jphnson came through the city booked as a vaudeville attraction Moran Im mediately decided to try himself against the big dlnge. The big football player didn't suc ceed In pulling a "Monroe" on Johnson, but he did make the champion hustle, and that was where he first conceived the Idea of becoming s full-fledged pug. JOE M'GINNITT finally took a tumble to himself. The "Iron Man" came West to the Northwestern League with the Idea that he could "hog" the whole show, but It didn't work. W. W. McCredle, Fielder Jones. D. E. Dugdale and a few other pioneers of thia nartlon objected occasionally to Joe's bulldozing methods, while on the nlavlns- end McGlnnity found nimseil about as popular as a prime minister at a suffragette meeting. Now McGlnnity has capituiatea ana Run Hall Is to manage the Tiger. with McGlnnity sitting by tnotely a a pitcher." Rues Hall may consider this post la the light of an improvement over um piring, but so far as we are concerned we'd Juat as soon have a Job spearing Nihilists' bombs on the Oars front stoop as to be manaeer of the Tigers with McGlnnity on the premiss. Harry Wolverton essayed this seme role of the goat at Newark when Mc Glnnity first broke In as an owner about six or seven years ago snd be soon tired of the task. Newark trained In the Kouth that Spring, and McGlnnity drifted Into camp about two weeks after tne other boys. No sooner had he made bis ap pearance on the field than he beaau to criticise and anathematise hi plar era "See here." Interrupted Wolverton. his blood boiling, "I'm msnaglng this team. If you have anything to sy to me as owner, you csn say It In the of fice, but I'm bos out here and It you expecrt to pitch get busy and run around the park about ten time as a starter." Hy putting sand on the track before MoGlnnlty took the upper hano Wol verton Kas able to get away lth his Job, anJ that I Huss Mall's orly hop at Taconia. But. under any circumstance. Rus can have the Ambaaeadorshlp for all of . . . WALTER JOHN HON attribute Ms 114 slump to a chan In his style of delivery. What wss wrong with the old style? BASEBALL Is Just like Hepteniber Morn tha deeper you're In. U colder th water and th leas attractive the picture. If September Morn haln t healtateU nesr the shore she ouM never have been the popular favorite she is today. a HATS off to George TurribulU Chand ler Egan and Jack Neville, If for no other reaaon than In recognition of the fart golf Is a game of skill snd not of chance. Without question thee three men tand out pre-eminent In Pacific Cosat golf, and tMelr demonstration of the past week tends to the reasonable con clusion that III golf chsnce is secondary to skill, after all. Oregon golfers should feel psrtlc. ularly proud of their renreaenletlvea. Tumbull nd Kgsn. for they wr tin against a big fleM, yet came streisM through to the finals like cup defen-leis In a stiff breese. RL'SS HALL faces next th worst Jon In th world. Th worst Is selling fish to Mr. Ty Cobb. a a IF th slides along th Tsnama Canal equal In extent th preaent slide of th Pan Francisco Peals, th expoeltlon had better postpone for a year, pending completion. Nobody seems to know mhst alls th Peals or the Tigers, for that matter. Hoisn hes tossed off so many pennants In th paat that the wla fans have been waiting anxiously for th cra k to come. But, Instesd. the Hoesnttes appear to be Increasing their strides. Portlsnd hss plenty of tint In whirs, to win the pennant yet. but it would help the box office considerably to have them hold a consistent pac for a few weeks. Walter Mack' club looks Ilk a re first dlvlsloner, yet apparently Walt had It slsed up right when he uttered a prayer for "lucky" pitchers. CORBETT'S PURSUIT OF FITZSIMMONS IS TOLD Story of Refusal of Al! Challenges by New Champion Related by Brady One-Quarter Interest in "Way Down East" Sold by Jim for Small 8um. (Copyright, 1914, by William A. Brady.) CHAPTER XV. AFTER Corbetf defeat by Fltsslm mons at Carson h seemed to lose heart In everything. He pre pared to go back to San Francisco, de claring that he would never return to the East again. Not long after he had reached th Coast' a mutual friend In San Francisco wired me of "rompadour Jim's" resolve, and I promptly wired back that as soon as I had settled with Stewart I was going to fan Fran cisco to bring Corbett East with me. The receipts of this affair $44.000 were very disappointing, but from other sources we got about 20.000, which went to defray expenses. Th pictures made between $j.i00 and (700.000. They were exhibited everywhere, the world over. Phenomenal prices were paid for stat rights this was tha first time moving pictures wer shown In high-class the aters. They played tne Academy of Music New York; the Grand Opera house, Chicago, and the Boston Theater to enormous receipts. One machine was sent around the world, operating In Australia. China. Japan, India, friouth Africa and Cairo. I believe that these pictures made more money than any others up to the present time, and that It wss they which proved the valu of moving picture for great event and for show purposes. Notwithstanding the fact that we were to have 60 per cent of the picture receipts. Mr. Stewart took the films to New York, formed a corporation with himself as president and his brother as treasurer, took the entire manage ment of the thing out of our hands and left us helpless thankful for what we could get, I think each man received about (80.000. After the settlement with Stewart. I Jumped back to Frisco to find Corbett. He had no more ambition and was re luctant to go East. I told him that al ready a very strange thing had devel oped. It was this: Fltxslmmons, al though having fought a wonderful fight, was distinctly unpopular with th public Scheme Is Breached. I laid before Corbett a little scheme which I had conceived and workel out on my way West. We would tak ad vantage of Fitzslmmons' unpopularity and by a little engineering and schem ing persuade the public that "lanky Bob" had actually been knocked out In the sixth round at Carson City and that Corbett had been robbed of the match. The scheme was Immediately to start East, oppose the new champion at every point, play against him. give him a dose of his own medicine, nag and bait him In the way fa used to nas and bait f Corbett. turn the tables on him, mas him the pursued Instead of the pur suer as he used to be put Corbett In the position of the men clamoring for Justice and Fttxslmmons In th hsteful position of th man denying Justice, and all this time w were frequently to keep demanding another flsht and to prove, or try to prove, to the publlo that Fltxslmmons wss afraid to meat Corbett again. Following out this project, w played against Fltxaltnmons In Kenvar end again In Kansss City. Kemember. FH slmmon had had a play written for himself In which he was trying to set. We had so brought the capricious pub llo around to our way of thinking so that th Cornlariman played to ;n'r benches, while Corbett packed the the aters. In creating this sentiment I had lot upon one Idea: to use the mowing pic tures. These were to be shown In Nw York at the Academy of Mualc. The people at that time knew llltie sbnut this new form of entertslnmenl. The mechanical method of producing It had not been exploited In the funday sup plements as yet. And this n whet ;7isde It possible for me to use tlie pic tures for my purpose. Th peopl did not know that on could run th pic ture fast or slow. When the pictures were prantel In New York I Inalsted on being aJlowxl to do the explanatory talKIng befoie th curtain. In the derk I derrlr. the fight. I had poatd-the operator that when lie got to th sixth round of the contest, when HUalmmnn was knocked down, h was to run his ma chine very slowly. Before the round started I called the attention of th audience to what was coming, and ut tested that when thejr cam to that par ticular part they watch Ihe referees hand, hold a watch on Mm. and how many seconds he counted. At the proper time I said. "Now watch!" and then counted. "On, two, three, four, five, six. seven, eight, nine, ten. eleeea. twelve, thirteen." "He was down II seconds, lsd'es snd gentlemen!" Meldoea the . But Just then one men In th 'Sil ence tood up and ho-ted. "Vo re a liar!" and I rcognlcd the voice o William Muldoon. Muldoon, you will remember, was the referee t th Cor-bett-Fltislmmon f'.ght. But It wa no us! W could elth-e taunt nor lur Fitsalmmone Into a bat tle. From the moment h became cham pion he eeemed to be struck with ring fear. II was fearful of his Isurela. He wanted to live on the show busi ness, and so he trle1 to avoid a h.Mle with anybody. It became harder to get (Couuuutvi ea 1 )