THE SUXDAT OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 23, 1914. All Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow and Balance of Month Go on July Accounts, Payable August 1st 0,000 Meier & Frank Inaugurate, Beginning Tomorrow ene ecracoomi Dme 16 On 1 of Stock-R. UNEQUALED IN SCOPE --UNPRECEDENTED IN VALUE-GIVING - UNMATCHED IN MERCHANDISE CORSETS! Sto&-RediictionNiimberl CORSETS! Most Radical Reductions on Broken Lines and Discontinued Models of N Ncig d1 1 1 Such Famous Corsets as gK "Successo" fIVYf CORSET "IT CUNG" aaaaaaaaa "Kabo" $23 Every Woman in Portland Should Supply Corset Needs Here Tomorrow! Because such an opportunity for TRUE ECONOMY is rare. Oh, it's true you often have the opportunity to secure Corsets at reduced . prices. But can you secure Corsets of reliable and famous makes at the same prices asked for cheaper grades? Our offer tomorrow embraces just this opportunity. Corsets that bear the trade-mark of world-famous corsetieres samples, broken assortments, discontinued models and complete lines of present-day models, made of coutil, batiste, brocade and tricot. Included are the famous "Nemo," "Successo," "Ivy," "Kabo," "Redfern" and other Corsets equally as trustworthy. ' i Famous makes of $1.00 Corsets at. .79 Famous makes of $3.00 Corsets at $1.95 Famous makes of $1.50 and $2.00 Corsets at. 95 Famous makes of $3.50 to $6.50 Corsets at $2.95 Famous Makes of $2.50 Corsets at $1.45 Famous makes of $7.50 to $10.00 Corsets at. . . .$4.95 Famous makes of $12.00 to $15.00 Corsets at. . .o.ya Corset Dept. Fifth Floor Slita-M. Bide. Furniture! All Sample and Odd Pieces From Our Immense Stocks Reduced 25 to Tcmpttrarr A a ex. 50 SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Net Top Flouncings, Edges, Laces! JUST RECEIVED Novelty Net-Top Laces, Edges and Flouncing which promise to be one of the popular Fall styles have been received by us in immense quantity. An advance showing, in white, cream and two-toned effects. Reduced as follows : $4.00 Net-Top Laces reduced to, the yard, SI. 69 $3.00 Net-Top Laces reduced to, the yard, $1.39 $1.50 Net-Top Laces reduced to, the yard, 98 75c to $1.25 Laces, 18 to 36 Inches, yard, 59 Daintiest Lingerie Gowns Are Made From These Crepe, Voile and Batiste Flouncings . Handsomely designed Crepe, Voile and Batiste Flouncings one of the most remarkable offerings of the season at this reduced price. Ideal for making dainty gowns and for the fashionable long tunic. To $3.00 27 and 45-inch Flouncing, Yard, $1.69 To 25c Shadow Lace Edges 2V to 6-inch widths, in cream and white, f suitable for pleatings. The yard.... To 65c 18-inch Voile and Crepe-Embroidered Flouncing plain or scalloped QQf edges. Suitable for tunics and three-tiered skirts. The yard J7C Match Embroidery Sets Nainsook, Swiss and Cambric Edges and Insertions. ' Eyelet and conventional designs. Suitable for undermuslins. To 85c Qualities, Yard, 39 To 50c Qualities, Yard, 25 ' First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING White Millinery Is Ultra For Mid-Summer Wear We Are Featuring Lovely New Models From $2.50 to $15.00 1 They're all WHITE. HATS, and yet the diversity of styles and materials renders each one distinctive. Straw, satin, crepe de chine and felt materials are used extensively, with jaunty wings, bands, chic bows, and various other smart trimming ideas. Some show touches of color, but in the main white predominates in this distinctive showing of White Millinery. Priced $2.50 to $15.00 Outing Hats . for Women and Children ALL REDUCED: ' A splendid assortment of Jaunty outing or vacation Hats has been assembled, and we're reducing the prices most radically for our mid season sale. Hats for women, misses and chil dren, in ratine, felt, duck and corduroy, in white and a wide range of colors. The Ideal Hats for Vacation and Outing Par poses at Prices That Are Deeply Reduced - Second Floor Slxtfc-St. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Here's a Little Announcement GF A BIG SALE Dainty French Undermuslins $1.00 French Chemise, hand embroidered, designs and eyelets $2.00 French Chemise, of fine nainsook, hand embroidered SI. 29 $3.00 French Chemise, fully laundered, hand embroidered S1.93 $1.60 French Drawers, band embroidered, with slashed leg, pair 78 $2.00 French Drawers, beautifully hand embroidered, pair SI. 20 $3.00 French Drawers, hand embroidered, slashed-leg style, pair. . .gl.OS $4.00 French Petticoats, hand embroidered, new models, each S2.79 $5.00 French Petticoats, hand embroidered, new models, each S3.59 $7.50 French Petticoats, hand embroidered, new models, each S I. OS $4.00 French Combinations, open and closed style, embroidered.... S2.9S $5.50 French Combinations, daintily hand embroidered S3.9S $7.50 French Combinations, hand embroidered, various styles S 1.9H $4.00 French Gowns, hand embroidered and scalloped, laundered. . .$2.f9 $6.00 French Gowns, sheer nainsook, hand embroidered, scalloped. $7.50 French Gowns, hand made and hand emb'd, French nainsook S 1.98 Soeoad riaar Slata-at. Bias. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Fashion-Favored Apparel Is Underpriced Here Handsome, Stylish Garments Are Offered at Irresistible Price Reductions! $12.50 to $20 Novelty Suits for A special line, fashioned of serge, poplin and crepe, in staple and high colors. Jaunty short coats, peg top or tunic skirts. One Suit is illustrated. $35-$40 Silk and Wool Suits at A" remarkable reduction on this special line of Suitsone is illus trated. Moire, silk poplin and a few taffetas. Exquisitely trimmed, and in the newest models. Handsome shades of Copenhagen, navy, tan, wistaria and black. At this price is insluded a number of high-grade Novelty Wool Suits. . . $25 and $30 Extra Size Plain Tailored Suits, $16.45 An offering of special interest to large women. Odd sizes to 49 bust measure. Plain Tailored Suits in navy and black serge, made with wide skirts. Also good assortment of the season's best modes in semi-fancy effects included at this price. $20 and $25 Silk and Novelty Dresses, $12.75 One of changeable silk illustrated. Suitablo for street and afternoon wear. Crepe de chine, taffeta, and combinations of plain satin and checked material. New est and most fashionable modes, and a splendid assortment of seasonable colors. Special Lines New Summer Dresses at Half Price Dainty Dressea of crepe, voile, batiste, lingerie lawn, ratine, linen and gingham One illustrated a $6.75 model. Taken from our regular stock selling regularlj at $5.50 to $25.00 now Va Price. , $9.55 $21.35 TEMPO RART. ANNEX Rag Rugs Greatly Reduced! Rag Bags, size 18x36, special 37 Bag Bags, size 24x36 special 4S Bag Bags, size 27x54, special B9 Bag Bugs, size 30x60, special ttO Bag Bags, size 36x72, spL S1.2r Bag Bogs, size 6x 9, ipL 94.2. Bag Bags, size 7-6x10-6, 96.85 Bag Bags, size 9x12, spL 88.65 All Other . Bag Bugs Specially priced at 25 per cent off. Large Display of "reltox" Bugs in all sizes. Seveath Floo Tcaaorarr Aaaex SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. See Alder-St Window Display of I.indt Chocolates, from Berne, Switzerland. Rademaker's Hopjes, from Holland. . Barker . 4 Dobson'a Candies, from Liverpool, England. Meier & Frank Co., Exclusive Oregon Agents. -Caadr Star. Baarmvat Mxta-M. BldK. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. A Remarkable Sale of Washable Gloves Tomorrow At 85c Pair Reduced from $1.25 Ireland Bro.' and Bmo lWkin and Natural Chamois (iov. Om--claup Htyle, pique and P. X. f. newn. Dependable, arrvireable and fashionable. At 98c Pair Reduced from $1.50 White Dorttkia Cloven, Irrlund Bros.' and Bsc mo brand. Every pair fully piaranteocL Full ranpa of sizes. One-elncp and half '. K. ewn. Klrat llwr-aiita-M. BH. Fourth Floor Slxth-St. Bid $16.50 to $20 Coats Now $10.00 Coats cf golfine, serge, tweeds, checks, plaids and a few black moire made In flare ruffle style. Short and three-quarter lengths, sport, Balmae&an, cutaway and belted styles. Immense variety of colors and styles for selection. , fr-aarta Flow Sixtfc-St Bid. $18 to $30 Silk Coats, $12.45 For street and evening wear. Pussy willow taffeta, moire, chiffon taffeta and novelty silk Coats, in cape effects with raffle. Also plain moire Coats in black and colon. All sizes, and a wonderful offering at this deeply reduced price. 1 the- q.ualitV Store- of- Portland 1 rVUv 3ixl) Ttorrisoty AUar 31 V I