The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1914, Section One, Page 12, Image 12

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You Can Sell
City Real Estate
as QUICK as first-class
with the same standard value
Man From Ottumwa Finds He
Good Time Is Certain for AH,
Can Tell Portland People
About Their Own State.
Regardless of Lack of Fire
crackers and Arnica.
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Repetition of Electric Parade or
Rose Festival to Be Principal
I Feature Park Celebrations
to Be Important.
Repetition of Ron Festival Elec
trio parade os West Side. 8:80 P. M.
Band concert by Portland Park
band at Mount Tabor Park at 8 P. M.
General celebration at Columbia
Outlne of Holy Cross parish at
Columbia University grounds.
Drills, folk dances, music, athletics
at Peninsula Park and playground.
Parade, band concert, patrlotlo ex
ercises and general celebration at
Lents district.
Special features at Oaks Amuse
ment Park.
Golf tournaments at Tualatin Club,
Portland Club and "Waverly Club.
Polo same at Waverly Club.
Double-header baseball game, Port
land and Venice, 10 A. M. and 2:30
P. M.
Celebration In Irvlngton district.
Even though firecrackers, fireworks,
red fire and arnica will play no part in
the) celebration, Portland will have a
good time on the Fourth next Satur
day. A look at the programme of
events shows now tne aay win do
It will be a day for the old as well
as the young. There will be no fa
talities from cannon-crackers or other
explosives and there will be no dam
acred eyes, singed hair or burned fin
gers to repair after the fun is over. It
will be a really glorious, safe and sane
Kourth of Julv.
The headline feature of the day will
be, of course, the repetition of the
Rose Festival electric parade on the
principal streets of the West Side busi
ness district.
1 n 1 n ii n Features Promised.
Woven in between the wonderful
fairylands of light in the parade will
V.i. .K nf unfnilA fAfltllTAH N t fl tT ft (1
by the Portland Ad Club, the Improved
order or -tea men ana oioer grKuu
4nn Ttinv nrnmlBA to makfl the Da'
rade even more interesting than it
was during the Rose Festival.
' There will be the same charming
young women on the floats and there
will be bands here and there in the
1-n n moVA t Vl 1 n "M HvftlV. In all
there will be nearly 2000 persons in the
parade, it is saia.
Next In importance will be the cel-
K ...In. In varlnita narba n n H rjlav-
grounds. The Portland Park Band will
give a concert at Mount 'la Dor at
3 P. M. and a number of drills and
athletic stunts will be held in the
park and on the playground adjoining.
A large crowd is expected at this park.
Lenta Celebration Elaborate.
In the Lents district there will be
an elaborate celebration, under the di
rection of the Lents volunteer fire de
partment. The Letter Carriers' Band
will head a parade through the prin-
-- r,r thA riintrlnt And SL n&t-
riotlc programme will be given in
j-ents f&Tn.
Thousands of persons are expected
to take part in the doings arranged
for Columbia Park. The Police Band
i will lead a parade from Portsmouth
avenue and Lombard street to the park
and will give a programme during
the afternoon. Athletics, games, con
tests and dances will be features of
the celebration, which will continue
practically all day and all evening.
At Peninsula Park a lengthy pro
gramme will be carried out under the
direction of the Women's Auxiliary of
the North Portland Commercial Club.
Prizes will be given in games, ath
letics, dances and sports of all kinds.
There will be a musical programme
during the afternoon.
Folk Dances to Be Given.
Elaborate plans have been made for
folk dances and games in the play
grounds of the city. J. Lee Thompson,
general supervisor of playgrounds, has
been drilling the children for the af
fairs which are to be held in all the
principal playgrounds. Special pro
grammes have been arranged for the
playgrounds at Lents, Sellwood. Lake
View, Peninsula and Mount Tabor.
The Irvlngton Club will hold a cel
ebration beginning at 4 P. M. There
will be fat men's races, women's races,
three-legged races, egg races and bi
cycle races. Those in charge of the
affair are R. H. Cousins, chairman;
Frank S. Fields. George Caldwell, C
Cochran and W. J. Hofmann. In the
evening a dance will be given on the
open tennis court. A band has been
engaged. The grove will be illum
inated. Athletics, games and contests of va
rious kinds will be features of a eel
r.ebratlon at Columbia University.
There will be dancing in the afternoon
' and evening and a general good time
"for all. especially for the children.
Holy Cross parish will have an outing
at this place.
Oaka to Hne Special Features.
At the Oaks Amusement Park all
"former residents of Portland now liv
- ing in Portland will join in a picnic
They will enjoy a dinner under the
-trees and will take part in other spe-
clal features arranged for the Fourth
of July celebration at the Oaka
In the sporting line there will be
several bl-r events. Golf tournaments
L-wlll be held at the Tualatin Club, the
Portland Club and the Waverly Club;
a polo game will be played at the
Waverly Club and there will be a dou
, ble-header baseball game at the ball
i-park between the Venice and Portland
- teams.
Henry Herman Runs Boat Without
Carrying Fire Extinguisher.
Henry Herman, a fisherman of
Prosper, Coos County, was fined $2.50
' in United States District Court Friday
by Judge Bean, following Herman's
plea of guilty to a charge of not
having complied with the Federal law
requiring that each motorboat be
- equipped with a fire extinguisher. Her
man pleaded that he had had an ex
tinguisher, but had lost it. "A lost
extinguisher is the same as no ex
tinguisher," said Judge Bean.
The fine was the lowest ever Im
posed by Judge Bean for that partic
ular offense, and next to the lowest
ever imposed by him.
j 'j
IwaBtlii: piiiiiiliiii Bi:feai
- r
Transportation Men Elect W.
Merriman President.
Membership of S71 Confined to Em
ployes of Kailroad and Steahi
ship Companies J. J. Hill and
C. M. Clark Recent Speakers.
They call this organisation the Port
land Transportation Club and that is
exactly what it is. It is a club com
posed of transportation men and none
Its membership is limited to actual
bona fide employes of railroad and
steamship companies. It has 371 mem
bers and Is growing like the proverbial
Every railroad president in Portland
is a member, but on the roster of the
club all such officials are listed, with
the minor clerks, under the common
term "employe." Titles and high posi
tions are not recognized when the club
members get together for their busi
ness meetings or for their social func
tion a
Thursday night the club held its an
nual election. w. Merriman, local
freight agent for the Southern Pacific
Company, was elected president. This
honor came to him, doubtless, in recog
nition of his interest and activity in
the affairs of the club ever since it
was organized. He was ene of the
organizers and a member of the first
board of directors. Last year he served
as vice-president.
C. D. Kennedy, Vice-President.
Other officers are: Vice-president,
C. D. Kennedy, agent for the American-Hawaiian
Steamship Company;
secretary, W. O. Roberts, contracting
freight agent for the Great Northern;
treasurer, E. W. Mosher, city passenger
agent for the Pennsylvania system;
directors, N. C. Soule, chief clerk in
the office of the general manager of
the O.-W. R. & N. Company; H. Sheedy,
local freight agent for the North Bank
road; F. E. DaMert, chief clerk for the
Portland & San Francisco Steamship
Company, and George Neilson, chief
clerk in the employment bureau of the
North Bank Road. Mr. Soule and Mr. I
lvJf .Z - ,'1
AS Da rtcr
Sheedy were elected a year ago and
will serve another year. All the other
officers were elected last week.
Within the next week an inaugura
tion dinner will be held when the
newly-elected officers will be Installed.
Martin J. Geary, general agent of the
Rock Island passenger department, is
arranging the dinner.
Club's Activity Shown.
The club has been exceedingly active
throuerhout the Dast year, particularly
in affairs that affect transportation in
terests, and generally in all puouc
The splendid appearance of the
Transportation Club In the Rose Fes
tival parade, by which it won two
prizes one for the best float and one
for the most members in line is an
incident of recent history.
It Is customary through the Winter
months for the club to conduct a
luncheon at the Multnomah Hotel
alternate Mondays. Sometimes a
speaker of prominence addresses the
members on a subject relative to xne
transportation business, and frequent
ly the programme is in the form of an
entertainment designed to illustrate
various elements of transportation ac
Amonsr the prominent speakers who
addressed the club within the last year
were James J. Hill, the "Empire
Builder," and C. M. Clark, chairman
of the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company.
The first president or tne ciuo was
L. F. Knowlton. He was succeeded
by J. E. Werlein and he In turn by w.
A Robbins.
lrr-nh dalr nen are experimenting
with cocoa shells as fodder for tbelr cat
tle. .
v s
Reports from Toronto. Canada, say that Adele Blood has made an
interesting selection when she chose Corlnne Reiily Barker to play
fmportant roles In various productions. Miss Blood is managing her
own stock company at Shea's Theater, and Corinne Rellly Barker is
learning the first steps in the theatrical walk tf life.
She is a Portland girl, the daughter of Charles Reiily.
Portland Woman Only Member Llvingi
Same Officers. With One Exception, ,
Have Been Chosen for 10 Years.
The tenth annual reunion of the Bo
zorth family was held at Woodland,
Wash, Thursday. The first reunion was
held at the home of C. C. Bozorth, with
ISO members of the family present, 10
years ago. Since then all the family,
most of whom live In Oregon, Washing
ton and California, have met at Wood
land. There are nearly 300 members.
The officers are: Christopher C.
Bozorth, president; Alfred N. Wills,
vice-president; Milton B. Bozorth, sec
retary-treasurer; John O. Bozorth, his
torian. With the exception of ChriS'
topher C. Bozorth, who died In 1912,
the same officers have been re-elected
from year to year. At the meeting in
1913 Howard C. Bozorth was made
president of the association, and is
still serving.
In 1845 Squire Bozorth, with his
family, came from Missouri to Oregon
with an ox team. Where Portland now
stands there was then only a few
tents and log houses.
Mrs. Emma Caroline (Bozorth)
Thyng, whose home is at 789 M, East
Yamhill street, Portland, Is the only
member of this pioneer family now
living. As she Is unable to attend
regularly the meetings of the associa
tion, it has been the custom for the
last few years for those who find It
Inconvenient to go to Woodland to
meet at her home for a portion of the
day. It was decided at the meeting
to hold the next reunion in Portland
or Vancouver so that "Aunt Caroline"
could attend.
Gift of f-00 Is Made to Bliss Carmen
Swanson to Carry on Study In
University of Oregon.
Following a custom of some seven
years' standing, the Portland branch of
the Association of Collegiate Alumnae
has recently offered a scholarship of
J200, available for study in the Univer
sity of Oregon. This scholarship is
open to any girl in the state who has
been graduated from a high school, and
the award is based on the evidence of
her health, character, ability and the
promise of success in her chosen line
of work. The scholarship for 1914-15
has been awarded to Miss Carmen
Swanson, of Salem. Miss Swanson's
record in the Salem High School has
been admirable, and the committee
making the award believes that the
association will be well represented by
her in the university.
Answering the rollcall of colleges and
universities In the membership list of
the Portland Association of Collegiate
Alumnae are women from Stanford,
Wellesley, Vassar, Smith, Radcllffe,
Barnard, Oberlln, Grinnell, Cornell,
Northwestern, Syracuse, Chicago, Mount
Holyoke, Bryn Mawr, California, Min
nesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa. Ne
braska, Missouri and Kansas. The
founder of the Portland branch was a
Stanford woman Mrs. R. I Donald
and the largest number of representa
tives from any single university comes
from that Institution, with Wellesley
and California second.
The scholarship offered by the Col
legiate Alumnae is awarded as a gift,
not as a loan, I
Visitor Asserts Beauties and Possi
bilities of Surrounding: Coun
try Are Unnoticed by Res
idents of City.
"A large percentage of you average
Portlanders are lacking in one very
Important regard," complained B. 8.
Strong, of Ottumwa, Ia as he left
the Business Men's dinner at the Mult
nomah Hotel.
Mr. Strong, although a vigorous man
of middle-age and in the prime of life,
retired from business 13 years ago.
and has devoted that time to almost
constant travel.
"Why lacking?" he was queried.
"Oh, I don't mean the entire popula
tion," laughed the man from Iowa,
but I believe that fully one-tnird 01
the residents of your splendid city have
not as much idea of the beauty and
Dosslbilities of the surrounding county
as I have and I've been in Oregon Just
five weeks.
Business Men Questioned.
"At the luncheon I have Just left I
was introduced to a dozen business
men and in conversation I learned that
seven of them did not know that Me
Mlnnvllle was beyond Forest Grove and
Gaston, and one man told me, when 1
spoke of Newberg. that he had passed
through that town on his way to Hills
bo ro.
The -eneral knowledge of Portlanders
regarding that Immense and beautiful
valley of the Tualatin and of the val
leys beyond has been acquired from
occasional glimpses from Council Crest.
If we of the East and the Middle West
had such pleasing environments, I am
sure that we would become bette ac
quainted with them, lour ignorance
is almost criminal.
Why." continued Mr. Strong, "tns
friend with whom. I am visiting has
been in Portland nine years, and while
he has taken trir south on both sides
of the river he never stopped off, and
In solte of his otherwise intelligence
and good fellowship, he is a dub. The
first day I arrived my friends took me
to Council Crest. We saw a string oi
red cars In the distance, and when I
asked the south terminal of the road
neither my friend nor anyone In the
party knew. The next day, being Sun
day, I urged so insistently that quite
a party of us took one of the most in
teresting excursion riaes It nas ever
been my good fortune to enjoy.
Loop Trip Is Made.
We went by way of Beaverton,
Hlllsboro. Gaston and Carlton to Mc-
Mlnnvllle, where we remained two
hours, every moment being taken up
In seeing something new and getting
acauainted. We returned by way of
Dundee, Newberg and Sherwood, on the
other side of the Valley, going and
coming through the very heart of a
territory capable of sustaining halt a
million families and of unsurpassed
beauty and fertility. Our party left
Portland after luncheon and returned
at 7 o'clock in the evening. Just late
enough for us to enjoy the grandeur
of the sunset beyond the Tiuaraoo-
hills, which can only be seen from the
Valley or the crest of the hills west
of Portland.
"Since then I have passed a month
in the towns between here and 11c
Mlnnvllle. riding about the surround
ing country, and have purchased a zoo
acre farm near Gaston, which I will
rent out, but upon which I will build
a new residence for a Summer home.
"You Portlanders should awaken to
the beauties and possibilities of your
own country."
Gates Man Refuses to Ron for Con
stable on Both Tickets.
ALBANY. Or June 27. (Special.)
J. E. Welch, of Gates, was nominated
for Constable In Justice District No. 12
by both leading political parties and
yet declined to run.
There was no candidate for the of
fice on the ballots of any of the
Dartles at the recent primaries, and
voters of both the Republican and
Democratic parties wrote In Welch's
of Portland City Real Estate
We will examine and appraise fifty piece of
' improved and unimproved properties.
Apply now for listing
Remember This Is Your
See that you are listed in our great illustrated
New Blood, New Methods
New Ideas, New Money
Write, Telephone or Call
But come in if you can to
The Fred A. Jacobs
Auction Department
269 Washington St
U1V Phone Main 6869
In conjunction with
A. J. RICH & CO.
"Greatest Realty Event in the Northwest"
Work Dose at Helsskt f 210 Feet Re
quires Three) Dars aad Costs (ll.
Last Wsr-sus Fell.
T m n hv nvr nllplt
policies for life and accident Insurance
from W. B. Nutting and his 17-year-old
son, steeplejacks, who yssterday
completed an extra hazardous )ot on
. v. - t . V. T." I prMhrllirlsn
Church, southeast corner of Twelfth
and Alder streets.
The entire work consumed three days.
i-- . v. . . 17 .1 1 1. that n
missing from the steeple: then they
cleaned out the joints In the masonry
of the steeple and pointed them with
rich mortar, and, lastly, they fixed the
weather vane and painted the top ot
the steeple. All that remained for them
to do yesterday was to take down tbelr
"..-i" nr "clean iwiT." They re
ceived 1110 for their services.
The weather vane on tne r irsi tree-w..-ion
t'hnrrh Is 21S feet above ths
ground. The climbing up and down
was done alternately by the father and
o 1 u' v remalnlne below txf
aid the man on the rlKging. Two yesrs
ago, while this steeple was being re
paired, tne woraman, a can - man,
The Nutting boy to"K to tne srt or
steeple-JarVlnir three years sso. wh-n
only 14 years oM. He Is an adept tin.
Itrcord llrarlird In San llrgo 111
hlblt. 8as J. V. Ulna.
"The Pan Dleito Exposition next yur
will be like other expositions. In tl at
It will be a record of human achieve
ment," said John W. Kln, paator of
the Progressive riplrltusllst Church, f
that city, yesterday, "but It will be un
like them. In that It will be an a tusl
demonstration of what men are dome
to make the earth a better plare tu
live, and an anticipation of what the
earth will be when man have made the
waste places pleasant and fruitful."
A unique feature ot the han Dleio
Exposition will consist in showing the
desert In the actual process of re lame
lion. " said Mr, King. "Six hundred of
the M00 arras that are Included In the
fairgrounds have been set aside for
agriculture. The land was most barren
and It was necessary to blast with dy
namite to loosen the soli so that It
could be planted. Vatr has been put
on the land, and the transformation Is
complete. The contracts, with the land
In Its orlRlnal state, is slartllnc."
Mr. King says that the fair bulMlms.
which eta practically completed, are
nearly all of a permanent character
and are designed to be seats nf agricul
tural experiment duration and exhibit
after the fair Is over.
The buffalo ef the !'! "tts
Canada now aumber St'tfut tines Isow
r W :
f ' i
fc: ly-i-v. rtiftiiffH'ii-ilftirrtfnti'irn''rr-r lift
Jobs Lt. Castle.
John I Castle, for many years
in the livestock: business, died
from chronic heart trouble last
Bunday at his residence, 1001
East Twenty - fourth street.
North. He was born In New
York, February 7, 1847.
In 1873, he came to Yamhill,
Or., where he lived until 1890,
moving to Portland. In 1900v he
located in Dallas, returning to
Portland eight months ago. He
married Miss 'Annete J. Eggy
early In life. Seven children
were born, two dying in infancy.
His wife died in 1898. He mar
ried Miss Lorena J. McCohn In
1905. He Is survived by his
widow, Porter'and K- B, Castle,
of Portland, and Castle, of Mill
City; Lynn and Perry, of Illi
nois. He was an Oddfellow, an
Eastern Star and a Kebekah.
Funeral services will be held
at Flnley's undertaking parlors
at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The
body will be cremated.
Oll'rr i3-
aa lllMt-r-.
This Complete
Tbe trust charges other plumbers wholesale more than 19 fnr
an outfit that compares with this. You would p"T 10
retail. We buy in immense quantities from indrprn.lrnt fac
tories pay spot cash sell direct to anyone at wholesale price.
Outfit consists of first-class, cast-iron,
white-enameled Bath Tub; f olden-oak,
low-down Toilet, and white-enamel, cast-
iron Washstand. Special price this ween
Mall Orders Killed If Heat at Omro
Plumbing Trust Hit Hard
Kenrf or call for our complete wholesale price list on plumbing
supplies. References, any bank or commercial asncy.
Corner Front and. Grant streets. Take "S" car south on 3d t.