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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1914)
11 All Showcases, Fixtures and Equipment for Sale at Bargain Prices Going Out of Business 1 WIJWtUM JJUPJMKrjV! tV WJHOJUZXE "BSE5H3 BBS THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 28, 1914. I 1 The Holte StoF SeElEHUg Qnaft j 7H Eetire Stock Now at One-Half Price ict MBMHn0 . !MHMMa3 A stupendous sacrifice of every article in the store Beginning tomorrow morning and through the entire week, the Holtz Store offers $200,000 worth of seasonable merchandise for one-half ths original retail prices A clear saving to the Portland public of $100,000 This is the greatest bargain opportunity ever afforded this community A genuine closing out sale Everything half price Women's Suits for Half Price Women's Dresses at Half Price Shirt Waists now Half Price Women's Coats for Half Price Corsets all go now at Half Price Undermuslins now Half Price Infants' Wear now Half Price Millinery will go at Half Price House Dresses now Half Price Dress Goods to go at Half Price Linens go for Half Outings now Half Wash Goods Half Linings go at Half Silks now for Half Prints go for Half $4.00 Red Cross Shoes for $2.00 All Women's Shoes Half Price Children's Shoes for Half Price Summer Oxfords at Half Price White Sum'r Shoes Half Price Embroideries go for Half Price Laces all go -now -at Half Price Trimmings now at Half Price Knit Underwear for Half Price All Hosiery now at Half Price Silk Gloves to go at Half Price Monarch Gloves go at Half Price Handkerchiefs now Half Price Umbrellas all go at Half Price Women's Neckwear Half Price Ribbons, until gone, Half Price Men's Shirts now at Half Price Men's Collars go at Half Price Men's Underwear at Half Price Men's Hosiery now Half Price Men's Sweaters for Half Price Men's House Coats Half Price Men's Bathrobes at Half Price Men's Neckwear at Half Price Men's Gloves all at Half Price 80 Men's Overcoats Half Price Men's Raincoats for Half Price Boys' Knee Pants at Half Price Men's Straw Hats Half Price Men's Felt Hats for Half Price Men's Caps now for Half Price Boys' Overcoats for Half Price AH Art Goods go at Half Price All Jewelry now for Half Price AH Leather Goods Half Price All -Notions to go at Half Price Drug Sundries now Half Price Stationery will go at Half Price Lace Curtains now Half Price Blankets all to go at Half Price Bedding all goes for Half Price Trunks and Bags at Half Price Rugs to go at Half Draperies for Half Beds to go at Half Matting now Half China now at Half Kitch'n Goods Half sab SHEET PEA SHOW PUS COMPLETE Society Issues Prize List for Exhibition to Be Held July 7 and 8. RULES ALSO ANNOUNCED Kntrles to Be Received TJntl 9:30 o'clock Morning of Display Ex bibitors Classified in Compe tition for Awards. Preparations for the fifth annual ex hibition by the Oregon Sweet Pea So ciety have been completed and a prize list Issued. The exhibition will be held at the Multnomah Hotel July 7 and 8, inclusive. " The secretary will be at the head quarters In the Multnomah Hotel from 1 to B P. M. to receive entries until ' July 6. entries will be received and . placed up to 9:30 A. M. July 7 in the exhibit room, and the show will be thrown open to the public at noon that day. .Exhibitors are required to supply their own containers and the committee Bug: crests ice cream soda glasses as most suitable for the purpose. Exhibitors are urged not to cut their flowers for exhibition until near sundown of the day preceding the show, so that they will keep fresh over night. Officers of the society are: President, George Pope ; vice-president, Mrs. Thomas Gray; secretary-treasurer, Mrs, Harriet Hendee; nomenclature commit tee, F. V. Holman. A. L. Peck, T. J. Bach or, Albert Kahn, R. L. Scott and William Pfunder; committee on awards, T. T. Geer, Mrs. Gray and President Pope. Rules Are Given. Following are the rules governing the judging and the classification of - exhibits: t "Rules and regulations as adopted by the National bweet Pea boclety oi America win govern the judging. Points In scoring will be apportioned follows: Length of stem. 5: color. 25; size, -5; substance, 15; num ber of flowers on a -tern, 10: total. 100. "The National Sweet Pea Society suggests that an Ideal bunch of sweet peas consists of not mora than -3 sprays. The Judges will be Instructed to regard the overcrowding of a vase as a fault. ' Growers Classified, Commercial growers, section A This class Includes florists, seedsmen and any grower who raises flowers to sell at retail or whole sale. Private gardeners, section B This class Includes -all professional gardeners who sell their services as well as the amateurs who employ them regularly. Amateurs, section C This class Is for amateurs who do not employ professional help regularly and those who actually do their own gardening. Juveniles and school children, section D This class Is for boys and girls under 17 years of age. Flowers not grown from their own planting and care must not be shown, Where an entry calls for more than one -rase, unless otherwise specified, they shall be separate and distinct varieties. This list may be obtained at any seed tore, or from the secretary oa application. Classes and Prises. Commercial growers, sectloa A Class A first, best general exhibit In vases (without foliage), first and second; class A second. , best table decoration, other than sweet pea - foliage allowed, first and second; claas A third, bt basket f swemt peas, other foli age allowed, first and second; class A fourth, best floral piece, either wire design or set piece, first and second. Private gardeners, section B Class B first, best 1- vases. Spencers; class B second, best six vases, Spencers;- class B third, best four vases. Spencers; class B - fourth, best vase orange or salmon Spencers: class B fifth, best vase any color of a 1913 variety, first and second. Amateurs, section C Class C first, best eight vases. Spencers, eight varieties, first 1 prize, Portland Seed Company's challenge trophy: class C second, best six vases; class C third, best vase white Spencers; class C fourth, best vase lavender Spencers; class C fifth, best vase salmon or orange Spen cers; class C sixth, best vase crimson or scarlet Spencers; class C seventh, best vase primrose or yellow Spencers; class C eighth. Dest vase llgnt pinx spencers; class J ninth, best vase dark pink Spencers; class C tenth. best vae striped or mottled Spencers; class C 11th, best basket of sweet peas; class C 12th, best vase or centerpiece for table deco ration, first and second. Best tea table for four covers, first and second All exh bits must be accompanied with a neatly written card specifying name and shade of each vase. All exhibitors should register one day pre vious to the exhibition and obtain their table number. Also to leave with the registrar their card and address. Juveniles and school children, section X, 0 to 12 years of age Class D first, best in dividual display of not less than six vases (six varieties) of ten or more stems each. either Spencer or Grandiflora type, first and second; class D second, best six vases; class D third, best vase, white ; class D fourth. best vase, red; class X fifth, best vase, pink; class I sixth, best vase, primrose or yel low; class D seventh, best vase, lavender; class I eighth, best vase, blue; class D ninth, best vase or basket mixed colors of 1 not less than 25 stems, sweet pea or other foliage allowed first and second. Special prizes, section E. Class SI first, largest and best display of not less than 12 vases from any amateur grown outside of Multnomah County, first and second, award president's trophy; for best and moat worthy exhibit by an amateur, grand rib bon of honor; class second, new varieties, products of Oregon. No member of any commercial grower's household Is eligible to compete In this sec tion. 2 HINDU GIRLS HERE GAS FRANCHISE IS SIGNED Oregon City and Clackamas Com pany Agree on Terms. OREGON CITY, Or- June 27. (Spa cial.) After several months of quib Ming, the Clackamas County Gas Com pany and the City of Gladstone have come to terms, ana today Mayor Howell signed & franchise for the com pany. The principal differences between the city and the gas company were the length of the franchise and the rate, but these were settled at a meeting of the Councilmen and representatives of the company earlier in the week. The life of the grant is 25 years and the franchise prescribes that the com pany shall not be allowed to charge over $1.40 a thousand cubic feet to resident consumers. The city may pur chase gas for municipal purposes at 50 cents a thousand. HINDU CHILD REN WHO WILL BE EDUCATED FOR MISSION ARY WORK. :'VKf1 : . If if.. J f : !iy -.Hi- 1S-, - : a : - W.' : i ' i s ' ' ;! ' ' - ' : .. .v :. -. . . : - . . . . . .i- x .: . . :iv . : I v J s V g. -W. " .A: SREESHU AJiT BEBHA BROUGHT TO PORTLUiD BT CHURCH OS" THE SAZAKIXE WORKERS. LXJL..t..f. JkAJJi. Both Will Be Trained for Mis sionary Work in India. CHILD OF SEVEN IS WIDOW Rev. E. J. and Mrs. Eaton, of Xaz arene Cbnrcb, Return From Work In Calcutta Where Rescue Home Has Sheltered 13S Wives. Rev. B. G. Eaton and Mrs. Eaton, of the Pentecostal Mission at Calcutta, India, accompanied by two native Hln du girls, are in Portland and will speak tonight at the First Church of the Nazarene, East Seventh and East Couch streets. Sheeshu, aged 7, and Bebha, 14 years old, the two East Indian girls, are being brought to the United States by the missionaries to attend the Nazarene University at Pasadena, CaL Ihey will be trained In missionary work and on graduating they will return to India to spread Christianity In their native land. Rev. Mr. Eaton said yesterday that It was after much importuning the im migration department at Vancouver, B C. allowed the Hindus entrance to the United States because of the law, which provides against alien children under 16 years, not accompanied by parents. being admitted. After a delay of four weeks the Sec retary of State's office, by special or der, permitted the two Hindus to cross the boundary. According to Mr. Eaton, Sheeshu, the 7-year-old girl, was mar ried at the age of S. Shortly afterward her husband died and, according to the custom of the race, she was forced to go to the Hindu temple In Calcutta, where she was held for Immoral pur poses until rescued by Mr. Eaton 18 months later. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton were residents of Portland for ten years. They left this city four years ago to engage in pas toral work at Pasadena, Cal. Two years ago they were sent to inaia oy me Church of the Nazarene as missiona ries. Immediately upon, arrival at Cal cutta, Mr. Eaton said, a rescue home was established. They have rescued 133 child wives and are caring for them in the home. Some of the marriages are contracted while the principals are but Infants In arms, but as a rule they do not live together until the girl reaches the age of 10. Mrs. Eaton Is known as he Amer ican mother" and has been acting as superintendent of the home. Several years ago she visited India and was so impressed with the revolting moral conditions that upon her return she organized a campaign for funds to es tablish the rescue home and carry on the missionary work. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton will remain n Portland another week. SCHOOL EXHIBIT IS HELD Work of Various Departments Shown at Woodmere Closing. The Woodmere School closed last Tuesday with a fine exhibit from the various departments. In the manual training department 14 prises were warded to pupils excelling in work manship. x Everything from the finest UDraries to small tools were made by the tu dents. In the domestic science depart ment five prizes were awarded to pupils making the best cake, bread, pudding and candy. The home garden shared In the prize list, 21 prizes being given to those who raised the best vegetables. The pets of the students were all ex hibited in the boys' department First and second prizes were awarded to the pupils whose pets scored the highest points. ' The sewing department had a fine exhibit and surprise was expressed that so much could be done in such short time. Twenty-eight prizes were awarded in this department. The composition work of the gram mar grades made an excellent exhibit and a book was given to each one hav ing the highest average In the class, 120 prizes being given to the various departments. Races In the afternoon were enjoyed by all. Alleged Teggman Arrested. Three alleged yeggmen, one of them a cripple, were arrested yesterday by I Detectives Coleman and Snow, and were was continued until tomorrow, lodged In jail on a vagrancy charge. Frank Edwards, the cripple, came out of the house at Ninth and Flanders streets, and was followed by the detec tives, who thought be was connected with the robbery of a laborer at Hille boro. He went about the street, ped dling small cards asking for sympathy. JEWELRY THEFT CHARGED Confectioner Says He Found Accused Han in Ills Bed. Claude Scoffln, owner of a confection ery store at 142 Washington street. told Municipal Judge Stevenson the when he went home In the early morn lng last December 27, he saw a man In his bed. This man, he asserted, was J. F. Willis, alias Boston 811m. who In bis hasty departure left a watch, which Scoffln declared belonged to Willis ana had been Identified as his. Willis was on trial, charged with stealing miscellaneous Jewelry from Scoffln to the amount of 116. Old coin were among the alleged loot. The case i COMEDIANS WHO WILL BE SEEN AT THE OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK TODAY IN NOVEL, HUMOROUS SKIT. l i - - f ; " f ' 1 '. - ' hi f: j -' J C I " "7 - - j i ! i . I I J - I ' . . .. .. .:;.,., :: x. ' . ' ' 1 AL A3TD JE.VBflE DDNSTAJT. ------'--, JLur . n ji.a DOUBLE BILL IS Ofl Rose Festival Pictures to Be Shown at Oaks Aoain. NEW ACTS ARE ENGAGED Films to Be Talreil of Big IV4nga at Tlay Park July 4 and Will B Shown One Wcrk Later. Betnr Weather rromlsed. The Oaks Amusement Park will earn. bine two entertainment bills today when the cream of the Rose Featlvel pictures will be added to the new programme opening this afternoon. The pictures are being shown again by special request and at Urge - pense. Tbey will appear op the screen for tbe last time tonight.' For the next two or three weeks It Is Manaser Cnrdray's Intention to feature diversified vaudeville acta. In addition to the band concerts. eta en the programme. Durliur the current week Bell and Van. two capital blackface comedians, will appear dally, while Al and Jennie Dunstan will be seen In a novel end mirthful little eketch. The Hawaiian Troubadours have ben re-enored 1 hie week, as they do not seem to have io( their popularity. After the prolonged drenchlnr It has received, the park la In Its moat beau tiful condition. The walks are a mnae of rose blooms from the rhules to the skating rink, while she lawns are perfect. Swimming Is expected to prove one ef the most popular diversions this week, as the weather men imi to In. cllne to a warm weather view. The motion pictures which were postponed last Sunday will be taken at The Oaks July 4. Every feature rt the big celebration at The Oaks will be reproduced In film and shown one week later In the amphitheater. We are providing a maanlflrent en. frtalnment," eald Manager Cordray. "We have been handicapped moat un fairly by the weather, juat when peo ple were beginntnv to learn of the numerous Improvemente at The Oak this year. I trust that now the etormi have ceased we ahajl have a continua tion pf old conditions. Eat more bread Et ) moat ftnd othr hair fnAtfm. ill ffl bfttar and will kn dewi com ( llvini. Kw Better .Voae eSnt ae CieeeX Butternut Bread t'. Bakery, K. lltk ae4 Maailare.