THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 21, 1914. CHURCHES PLAN NOVEL SERVICES FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS Music, Moving Pictures and Lantern "Slides to Take Place of Regular Programmes for Warm Weather. 155 INNOVATIONS are being introduced In many of the church services for the Summer. In some instances the evening service is omitted, in some churches singing is the main feature, with just a short talk on current top ics. Motion pictures and lantern-slide illustrations have been introduced into both church and Sunday school grath erings. Everything is being done to make the church Interesting and to meet the needs of humanity. As a re "suit, the attendances are well up to the mark. During the Summer months, begin ning with this Sunday morning, the ifnndav school of the First Presby terian Church. Twelfth and Alder .streets, will have lantern slides in Tlace of the regular lessons. The of ficers and-teachers of the Bchool have made a careful outline of the course they wish to present, and an inter esting and instructive series is the promised result. They will follow the life of Christ, and the work of the Church on foreign mission fields. Bible stories will be told and descriptions STiven of the pictures. , J. F. Ewing, superintendent of the school, will present the first set of pictures today, and give a talk on "New Americans for a New America," a study in immigration. This is a sub ject of interest to young and old, and will be held in the main Sunday school auditorium in the Church House. Records will be kept of the indi vidual attendance during the entire Summer, and prizes will be awarded on Rally day to those who have been present every Sunday. . Rev. John H. Boyd, D. T.. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will be present at both services today, and will preach at 10:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. The musical programme is aw follows: anda, of India, is in the city and will lecture tonight In Theosophicai Hall, 726 Morgan building. He takes as his theme, "Universal Religion." The swami does not advocate the doing away with any religion, but upholds the idea of "unity in diversity.'" He urges his hearers to give up narrowness and em phasizes the need of a religious life combining Intellectual and spiritual de velopment. At the Central Christian Church the pastor. Dr. Hawkins, will speak at 11 o'clock on "A Work That Pays." At 8 o'clock, instead of the usual sermon, there will be -rendered a so cial musical programme. It will be an antiphonal entertainment and ' will probably be the last special musical programme until after the warm weather. Professor LeRoy St. John, of Chica go, will sing at both morning and evening services. Mrs. Maud Springer Watkins will direct the music. The public is cordially invited to all the services of the day. Morning service Prelude "Time's Garden" Thomas Quartet "Dear Refuge" Baumann Duet for soprano and contralto "O Love " Divine" Macfarlane Fostlude "Allegro" Flotow Evening service Freludo "Andante" Weatrop Anthem "Eavlor When Night" Kraft Tenor solo "The Cares of Yesterday".... .........-.- Amcuuc nrat'lnde "Etndo Symphonique" Boss! Work of Warren Bible Class Described in Report. Teacher and Members of Board Tell of Progress M'ude and Result Attnlned. 4 REPORT of the Warren Bible class , of the First Presbyterian Church, "Friendship" Subject of Ser mon; Masons Guests. Dr. W. W. Youngson Plans Special Service at Rose City I'ark; Metho dist Church for Tonight. ffpRIENDSHIP" will be the subject f of a sermon to be given tonight by Dr. W. W. Ybungson at the special service at Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal Church in the clubhouse. St. John's day will be observed. The Ma sons of the locality will be the special guests. The service is planned in anticipation of the constitution of Friendship Lodge, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, which it is reported may take place Wi-dnesdav. Julv 1. In Vincents Man, Rose City Park. A charter has been c ran ted for the louge. Members of the lodge and their friends will attend to nlirht's meeting!. Dr. Youngson was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey Deiore coming to Oregon. There will be spe cial 'music by Mrs. Frank M. Taylor. The dates for the holding of Metho dist Northwest conferences have Deen changed. This change is compulsory, o Hlxhnn Cooke found one whole month of time would be lost between conferences, that it would be impossible for the representatives of the various boards to adjust themselves to tnese demands and that in zig-zaggins here and there between the given dates the expense of travel would be practically prohibitive. Bishop Cooke has therefore, after much telegraphing, fixed the dates as follows: North Montana, Chauteau, P. R. Mc Mahon. August 19; Montana. Forsythe, C. E. Fenton, August 26: Idaho. Payette. A. L. Howarth, September 16; .North west German, Crandon. S. D.. F. J. Hoff man, September 24; North Dakota. Car Tington. F. H. Farrand. September 30; South Dakota. Wessington, I. M. Har nett. October 7. ' Trades School Graduates to Attend Service. Special Musical Programme Arranged . for Both Services at White Temple Today. IN THE White Temple tomorrow morning Dr. Hinson will preach on the "Right Estimate of Values." his topic being "Stars and Comets." The graduating class of the trades school will be present and special seats will be provided. At this service the Temple quartet will sing the anthem, "Still, Still With Thee." by Arthur Foate. and M. L. Bowman will sing for an offer tory. "Eternal Day," by Stephen Adam. At the night service, which com mences at 7:45, Dr. Hinson will preach on "The Best Thing God Ever Did. One would think amid the myriad works of God it would be difficult to select the best achievement of the Deity, but the sermon will endeavor t make a selection and also to evidence that the selection made is right. . The Temple quartet will offer as an anthem. "The Evening Shadows," by Coombs', a duet. "Tarry With Me." by Nicolai. will be sung by Mrs. Chapman and Mr. Hoose. and Mrs. Hutchinson will sing "You Must Do Something To night." by Harkness. . The Sunday school, under the super- Jntendency of Professor Wilder, meets at 9:50 A. M.. with classes for all. Especial mention might be made at this time of the "Drop-in class." which gathers In the auditorium and is taught by Dr. Woods. This class Is for all ages, and every one is invited. . The Young People's Societies meet In the parlor and also in the lower Temple at 6:30. All young people will be welcomed at these services. e This evening nt 7:45 o'clock the Rev. John H. Boyd. D. D.. of the First Pres byterian Church, will begin a series of "meditations on subjects suggested by the early records of Genesis. The se ries will Include the following: June It. "The Image of God in Man;" June IS. "Man's Relation to Nature: His Supremacy and Domination;" July 5, "Woman: Her Sorrows and Subjection t'nder Conditions of Sin:" July 12. "The Curse of Pain and Labor;" July 19, "The Guarded Gate, or Man's Return to Paradise." Rev. Robert Norris McLean will have as his subjeci at Anabel Presbyterian Church this tnorning "History and Tenets of the Presbyterian Church" (requested topic). In the evening Dr. McLean will speak on "Mental Heal ing." - Last Saturday, Scout Master McLean hiked to Oswego Lake with the boys. The party took boats to the upper end of the lake, where they stopped at their cabin. Later they went to the Tualatin River, where a swim was en Joyed. An interesting speaker, a student of religious matters, Swami, Prftiashaa- given by Mrs. A. L. Ford Warren, the ttacher, and members of the board, is of interest to ail who have watched the growth of this unusually large and successful class. The activities of the class to a large extent have influenced the lives of many young women engaged in a busi ness and professional career, not only in this city, but In the far-reaching Influences that have gone out from this class 'Into nearly ... every - city in the Union and even across the Atlantic. Mrs. Eva Ballis Douglas is a mis sionary foni this class.-now serving in Teheran, Persia. Miss Lucile Campbell and M'ss Idii Pollard are trained nurses in the work in Corea. Miss Elizabeth Carothers served for six years in Laos, and on her furlough found a call to return , to her former field of labor as teacher in the'public schools, where she is now engaged and is assistant teacher also in this class and a mem ber of the executive committee. The Warren Bible ciass of the First Presbyterian Church began its work in October, 1896. From the beginning it has been taught by Mrs. A. L. Ford Warren. Starting with two members, who were from staunch Presbyterian families, the class grew rapidly, and at the end of the second year, having out grown the Bible schoolrobm, the su perintendent assigned to it a comfort able room apart from, the main school, which enabled the young women to begin- active missionary work of going our after self-graduates and bringing tlierr. back into the work of spiritual i and physical development, which has been a prominent feature up to the present time. In the new church house a large room has been thrown open for tne work. The members own their library of more than 300 volumes, and the books are kept In circulation by this eager circle. The devotional committee has charge of a service held at the Patton Home every fifth Sunday in the month throughout the year. This concert work held from 4 to 5 is a pleasurable an ticipation for everyone. Mutual Help fulness is the keynote which has brought into this class since October of this year 247 new memoers. The ac tive enrollment reaches more than 1000 the border members being located in many cities of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, engaged in similar work. Five have married ministers. The method pursued by the teacher in conducting the study is extremely flexible. As a general rule after brief presentation of the subject the closing moments are open for class dis cusslon. which rarely fails to be taken up with spirit, three or four voices fre quently pressing a point at once. The social atmosphere is a marked feature. A preliminary social, is held every bun dav from 12:20 o'clock, when the open ing song service begins, led Dy Miss Ella Van Lenwen. The theme of the lesson always takes the form of the evangelistic spir"- Fifty-three have taken advantage c the call and have united with different churches of the city since October, and others are oelng prepared for the July communion. A concert and reception was given in the church parlors Tusday of this week in honor of the winning section of the eight months membership contest.. y v pastor, will take for a current Inter est theme, "The Need of a Postman' Pension. The musical programme is as follows: Band, march, "Our Spe cial" Jewell): choir, anthem. '"Oh, Come Before His Presence (Martin); band, reverie. "The Wayside Chapel" (Wilson); band, overture, "With Hel met and Spear" (Panella); band, march, "Daughters of America (Lampe). At 11 A. M. the pastor will preach on "Becoming Christ-like," and the rhoir will sing "Oh, Lord, Most Mer ciful," by Concone. Mrs. E. S. Miller, the delightful soprano, will give Cos ta's "I WMl Extol Thee." Children's tay will be observed to day at the Third United Presbyterian Church. East Thirty-seventh street, near Hawthorne avenue. The following programme, in which every member of the Sunday School from the babies to the grownups will be represented, will be given at 10:30 A. M.: Prelude. "Consolation (Mendelssohn ; ton by the school, "Sweet Word of t'od;' prayer by Mr. Gingrich, lender of adult Pthle claM; rciltlon, t'hlWren 's Lsy," 'r"l Mack; exercise. "The Flower's Welcome." Mrs. Aiken's class; song by the primary le partment. "The Lord l,ovea all dialogue, "Sunshine Land." by four of the primary Chtklren; exercise, "The Caterpillar." pri mary department; solo. "I Am Jesus Little Lamb." Margaret Hlack ; exercise by the cradle roll; recitation. "Harr'e Report." Willie Lucius: offering. (Sahbath n'huol; chorus, ' Flower Song." Junior choir; exer rlse "Roses for the King." Ml Nelsons class- recitation. "Hta Little .lrl." Mary Louise Aiken: chorus. "The River." Mrs. Spalding's class; exercise, 'Sunshine." Mrs. Murdoch's clan; dialogue, "The Two Marts." Wade Spalding and Oliver King; Script ura rending, by H. B. Spalding's class: chorus. "Fling Far Love's Hanner," Ir. Spalding s class; exercise. "The Rainbow.' Mrs. tilng rlch's class; recitation. "The King's .rm.'' Margaret l.uciujt; solo. "Come Ye Children, Mrs. Raymond linden: exercise, by Mrs. Moodv's rlass; recitation. "This Pretty World." Wanda Austin: congregational of fering and announcements; chorus, Clitl dren's Iay," Junior choir; address by the pastor. V. A. Spalding. U. t. : song by ths school, "My Everlasting Portion rloslns prayer. Ci. 8. Acheaon, superintendent f Kabbath sehoot. t 2a . f. ' 1 1 -f I Services in City Ckurches first I:.l. Chrdrrn'l bunUsy school W.3o &ecr-e-&ry of Uter-rer? a3 JL3os, S'3sr?. JuGffor of "Wow, ' New Thought Convention to Begin Next Monday. Dr. A. C. Grler, of Spokane, Will Ad drrxo Open Sranlnn nt "hrlten aen'n Hnll Manr Will Talk. np HE Pacific New Thought Conven 1 tion will open on Thursday at Christensen's Hall. The first session will begin at 3 o'clock. Mrs. G. A. Kyle will be chairman. Dr. A. C. Grier will speak on "Our Measuring Cups." Dr. Grier comes from Spokane, Wash. H. G. Whipp will sing. In the evening Dr. Perry Joseph Green will be chairman. Mrs. Eliza beth Towne will speak on "What New Thought Is and What It Does." Edith Haines Kuester will sing. Friday afternoon F. O. Garrison will be chairman, and Helen E. Close, of Oakland, Cal., will speak. Miss Lina L,inahan will sing. Friday night the programme contains an illustrated lecture by Dr. Charles W. Littlefield. Mrs. B. O. Carl will contribute solos. Saturday afternoon the Clifford Junior Orchestra will play, and Henry. Harrison Brown, of San Francisco, will speak. In the evening there will be an elaborate banquet at the . Hotel Multnomah. Next Sunday morning Elizabeth D. Iyness will be chairman. Dr. A. C Grier will deliver the sermon, and a duet will be sung by F. C. Streyffeler and Arthur Wilson. Sunday afternoon Mrs. Florence Crawford will make a 15-minute ad dress; Elizabeth Towne will lecture on "Some Revelations and Experiences That Have Made Me," Edith Haines Kuester will sing a soio. 1-1. u. w mpp will contribute musical numbers. At S o'clock Sunday night Rev. John W. Ring, of the Progressive Church of San Diego, will speak. Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman and Mrs. Kuester wi( sing- Mrs. Althea Wiesendanger, pas tor of the Portland Church of Progress ive Thought, will preside. At the Piedmont Presbyterian Church this morning Rev. J. E. Snyder will speak on "The Larger Spirit." The 8 o'clock evening service will be directed by Westminster Guild and "Lumber jack" Davis will speak. Rev. Alfred Bates will preach at Brentwood Methodist Episcopal Church this morning at 11 A. M. and at Carson Heights at 3 P. M. and at West moreland at 8 P. M. Sunday evening, when there will be special music Lutherans to Observe Chil dren's Days. San Grael Society Hos Picnic At tended by Vi7 of ItH l ember, and flans MlHfflon Work for 1'ortland. IN St James' English Lutheran X Church, corner West Park and, Jef ferson streets, J. Allen Leas, pastor, Children's day will be observed in the morning, with appropriate exercises by the children of the Sunday school. In the evening, the Luther League will have charge of the services. The San Grael Christian Endeavor So cietj"of the First Presbyterian Church enjoyed a picnic outing ' and frolic at Peninsula Park -on Monday evening. One hundred and twenty-live young people trooped out to the park with laden lunch baskets. The San Graels re planning to run a series of these outings through the Summer, and ex pect to Ret acquainted with each other and Portland's lovely picnic facilities betore tne an worn opens. This society is also interested in the serious work of social missions, and this afternoon a large delegation will go out to the county farm to hold a religious service there. The Christian Endeavorers leave Third and Morrison streets at 1:45 P. M. and will return in time to be present at the regular meeting of the society at ' fe30 at the church. The topic for the day is "In fluence Through Service," and the even. ing meeting will be under the leader ship of Miss Ethel Mitchell. "Every noble life leaves the nbre of itself in terwoven forever in the work of the world." Children in Programme at Methodist Church. AddreeM Are Maile by PaNtor and Mrs, E. J. Uoyal, While YounKNtcra - Heclte and Sine; During; Sen-Ices at Carson Heights. ME.V AM WOME.V LEADEHS IX CHURCH WORK. Mrs. A. L. Ford Warren is teach er of the Warren Bible class of the First Presbyterian Chuch, one of the largest classes In the West. Miss Grace M. Slater is secre tary of this same Bible class. Miss Elizabeth Crothers is a member of the class who has been a successful missionary in Laos, Siam. Rev. William H. Fry and Mrs. Fry left on Wednesday for Hono lulu, where Dr. Fry will take chargre of the mission work in the islands. They will be great ly missed in their former church, the Sunnyside Methodist. Rev. Elmer Smith and Mrs. Smith and daughters have 'come from Honolulu, and they will be welcomed in the place made vacant by the departure of Dr. Fry and family. Dr. Smith will now serve as pastor of the Sunny side Methodist Church. Henry Harrison Brown, of San Francisco, author and editor of "Now," will speak on ' "Dollars Want Me" at the Pacific Coast New Thought convention, to be held here June 25-28 Inclusive. A SUCCESS FUT Children's day serv ice was held at Carson Heights Methodist Church on Sunday last. Har lan Royal, superintendent, presided. The Rev. Alfred Bates and K. J. Royal gave interesting addresses. Miss Trout- wine and Mrs. Coffin were the accom panists for the singing. Among those who took 'part in the programme of songs and recitations were: Josephine Troutwine, Kdith Steurman, Sidney Duncan, Dow Polier, Dorothy Pinnock, Martha Kassabaum. Maude McGuire, Leona Bell, Fontalla Finch, M. Dun can, Chester Shafford. Lucille Thomas, Mr. Royal, Cecil Shafford, Helen Dixon, Nellie Bell. Ruby Hatton, Willard Dun can, Miss Singleton and others. The Rev. Alfred Bates returned to Portland on Thursday after attend ing the Epworth League convention in Harmony, Wash., and the W. C. T. U. convention in Woodland, Wash. At Woodland the Rev. Mr. Bates was a judge in the medal contest on Wednes day evening. . w m At the First Norwegian Danish M. E. Church, Hoyt and Eighteenth streets, a special musical and song service has been planned for tonight. The church orchestra will be assisted on this occa sion by Miss Rose Robinson, who will sing; by G. Haug, of Tacoma, who will play the "Harpeleik, and by several American friends who will sing and play English songs. Rev. L. C. Knud sen, of Milwaukee. Wis., will deliver tfcQ! sermon, Rev. iir. luiudsea is iiere, on a short visit, and the Scandinavian people are invited to hear him. , Mrs. Elizabeth Towne, editor of Nautilus Magazine, will be one of the principal speakers at the New Thought convention that will be held In Port land this week. Mrs. Towne comes from Holyoke, Mass., but at one time she resided here, in fact she is a na tive daughter. Mrs. Towne's doctrine teaches cour age, self-reliance, work and success. Fifteen years ago she started out to make her way in the world. She had no money, but she had an idea and she has ever since provided well for herself and children, and has become one of the interesting literary char acters of the country. Her books have been translated into many languages and by great determination and energy she has found success. Mrs. Towne will give an inspiring address on Thursday afternoon and' another on Saturday night. Many of her old friends and all who have been in touch with .her writings will, doubtless, at tend the meetings at which she is to be the speaker. The Rev. I C. Knudsen, from Mil waukee, Wis., one of the well-known pioneers' among the Norwegian-Danish people in this country, is visiting the Pacific Coast for the first time and will be in Portland today. He will preach at the Vancouver-avenue Norwegian-Danish Church, on corner of Skidmore street, In the morning at! 10:45 o'clock, and at the First Church in the evening. Miss Rose Robinson will render a solo at' the Vancouver avenue Church in the morning. The annual rally of the Women's Missionary Boards -of the Congrega tional Churches will'be held at Pilgrim Church, Shaver street and Missouri avenue, June 26, continuing from 9:45 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon. Noon luncheon will be served at the church. All women interested in mis sionary work, either at home or abroad, are cordially invited. The Lettercarriers and Clerks Band, u-hirh whi one of the features in the recent Rost Festival parades, will playrf fP'e., today at 7:4o P. M. at Centenary Church, East Ninth and Pine streets. The members of the National Letter- carriers' Association are invited to at tend the service. Seats will be re served in the best portion of the house. Xiie Jtey. Jjelmer H, .Trimble, tUe BAPTIST, First. White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets Rev. W. B. Hinson, U. U.. pastor. 10. Sunday school: classes for all ea; n preaching; by the pastor; theme, "Sitars or Comets": ::.0, B. Y. P. U.; 7:45, preaching bv Dr. Hinson: theme. "God at His Best. East Side Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 10. Sunday school; 11, service In charge of Mr, Hutton, of the Anti-Saloon League: 6:80, B. Y. P. IT. : 7:30. reaching by the pastor; theme. "What More Could God Uo for Man?" Highland, Algeria and East Sixth streets North Rev. (V B. Elliott, pastor. Morning worship. lO o la, devoted to Sunday school children's dav service: exercises by children, sermon hy pastor, "When Moses Appointed Children's Day"; 0:.W. B. Y. P. U. ; 7 :w. sermon by the pastor; theme. "Has America a King?" Arleta Rev. W. T. 8. Sprlggs. pastor, 10::;o. children's day exercises; IS; 13, B. Y, p. V.; 7:.V. sermon by the pastor; theme. "A Whirlwind East Forty-fifth Street Rev. A. B. Walts, pastor. R :.", Sunday school; 11, children's dav nroeramme: 0:30. B. Y. P. U.: 7:3W, or- mon by the uastor; theme, "The Man Who Lacked ancestry or posterity." Calvary Fiev. Walter Duff, pastor. :5.'i Sundav school: 11. sermon by the pastor theme. "Question Unanswerable"; 0:45, B. Y. P. L; 7:4.1. children's day exercises. Tent meeting every night at 8, Twenty-fourth and Lowell streets. Third, lvnctt street and Vancouver ave nue Rev. Webley J. Beaven, pastor. 11. "Honoring Jesus"; 7:"0, "The Temperance Outlook." In charge of Antl-baloon League. Other services as usual. Tabernacle Rev. J. Clark TIbbits, pastor. Preaching, 11 and 7:45; Bible school, tf:45; B. Y. P. L. 6:45. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. 1 1, preaching by the pastor; 0:30, B. Y. P. U. ; 7:30, preaching services; 10, Sunday school. Italian Mission, East Eighteenth and Tib. betts streets He v. Franc eaco Sannells, pas. tor. 10, .Sunday school; 11, preaching serv ices: 7. uustur's circle (prayer service); 8. preaching service; 10:30, short sermon for English-speaking people; 7:30, preaching. St. Johns tiev. jfi. f. no men, pasior. Services, 11 and 8. Elmo Heights. Lents Sunday school, 2:30 o'clock. SwedLsh. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets- Rev. F. Linden, pastor. Preaching, 10:43 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12 noon; B. Y. P. U., 5. University Park Rev. A. C. Saxton, pas tor. Sunday school, 10; 11. preaching' by the pastor; 6:30, B. Y. P. U.: 7:30, preach ing by the pastor. Second, German, Morns street -ana Roaney avenue Rev. Frederics; iiuerrman, pastor. Sundav school, 9:40; preaching, 11 and 7:30;, B. Y. P. V., 6:45. I Grace, Montavllla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45; services, 11 ana 8; B. Y. P. L, 7. Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Magett, pastor. Services, 11 and 8; Sunday achool, 12:30. Chinese Mission, S53 Burnside street sun- day school, 7; J. G. Malone, superintendent. Russellviue schoomouse, under auspices or Grace Church, Montavllla Sunday school. 2:15. First. German. Fourth and Mill streets Rev. J. Kratt, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30 Sunday school, Sell wood. Eleventh street and Tacoma ave nue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; a. X. f. u 6:30. CATHOLIC. St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill streets Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, hi eh mass and sermon, 10;iO: vespers ana benediction. 7:30. Hnlv ('mu ITniversitv Park Rev. C. R Finner. Low mass. 8:30; high mass and sermon. 10:30: vesDers and benediction, 4. Ascension. East beventy-sixtn ana n&ci Morrison ctreets Rev. James B. FitzpatricK, rftnr. Low mass, ft: hlffh mass and sermon, 10:30; Sundav school, ft: 30; benediction oi ho blejssed sacrament, 7 :u; weeaaays mass, 8:::o. Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams ave nue and Stanton street He v. W. A. Daly. Low mass. fi. S and 0: high muss and ser mon. 10:30: vespers and benediction, :ju. St. Francis". East Twelfth street oeiween Pine and Oak Rev. Father Black. -Low- mass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; ves. ners. Instruction and benediction, t :-tu. Holy Rosary, East 'intra ana tiacnamH street a Very Rev. ti. ti. iveny, u. r. iow mass. . 7. 8 and 9: high mass ana sermon, l: vesners and benediction. 7:du. on tne first Sunday of the month rosary procession. sermon and benediction, 7:30; third bunaay, sermon, procession of the most blessed sac rament and benediction. 7:30; every Thuis- dav evening, holy hour, from to n:w. St. Andrew's. East Ninth and Alberta streets Rev. Thomas Kiernan. Low mass. 8: high mass and sermon, 10; vespers. In struction and benediction. 7:30. St. Lawrence'. Third and Sherman streets Rev. J, H. Hughes. Low mass, o. & ana " high muss and sermon, 10:30; vespers, in trntMinn and benediction. 7:30. Kt M:irv's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass. 6, S and O; htjrh mass and aer mon. 11; vespers, instruction and benedic tion 7:45. fit. Hose. iftv-fourth and Alameda Rev. Cornelius A. Maher. Low mass, 8:30; high mas and sermon. 10:30; vespers, instruction and benediction. 4, Holy Redeemer, Portland' boulevard and Williams avenue Redemptorlst Fathers. Rev. Joseph A. Chapotan, pastor. Low mass, ti and S; high mass ana sermon, nen ediction, 7:30. , CHRISTIAN. First, Pari and Columbia Rev. Maxwell Hall, pastor. Sunday school, 10; 11. "The rhnrih a Farce" : 8. "The Primacy of Righteousness": Christian Endtavor, 7. Rodney-Avenue Rev. O. P. Burrls, pas tor. Sunday school, 10: preaching, 11 and 8 Christian Endeavor. 7. Central, East Twentieth and Salmon Rev. S. R Hawkins, pastor. Sunday school. 10; preaching. 11 and 8; Young People's meeting. 7. Mnntuvllla. East Seventy-sixth and Hoyt Rev .1 F. Ghormlev. pastof. .Services 11 and 8; Sunday school, 10; Christian nnaeavor, i, KMiunnri Rev. Mr. Norcross. pastor. Sun day school, 10; preaching 11 and 8; Chris tian Endeavor, 7. St. Johns Rev. J. K. Jonnson, pastor. Sunday school. 10; preaching, 11 and 8 Christian Endeavor. 7. Gladstone Rev. K. l. uunn, pasior. nun- day school, 10; preaching, 11 and 8; Chris tinn Endeavor. T. Vernon, East Fltteentn ana wygani rtev. John A. Milton, pastor. Sunday school. 10; preaching, 11 and 8; Christian Enaeavor, 7. CONGREGATIONAL. Virmt Park and Madison Rev. L. R. Dy- ott, minister. 9:50, Bible school; 6:30, Y. P. S. C. E. : 11, A Better ivnowieuge oi uon ; 7:45 "What Men Live By," Dr. Cabot's boot. Hassalo-Street Rev. John M. Lowden, print or. 10, Sunday school: 11, "The God of Deliverances"; no evening sermon. Highland. East Sixth and Prescott Rev. E S Bollinger, pastor. 10. Sunday school; 11 "Entangled With Power"; 7:45. "One More Lesson Jn Mathematics"; 6:45, Y. P. Sunnvside, East Thirty-second and Tsy- Inr Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor. 1 1, "The Happiness of a Christian Life": 7:45. "Char acter Revealed In One's Chief Desires"; Sunday school. 10; Christian Endeavor, :t0. University Park, Haven street, near Lom bard Rev. W. C Kantner, pastor. 10, Bun day school: 11, "Christ's Prayer for His Study.' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Fifth. Myrtle Parle Hall, Myrtle Park sta tion. Subject at 11, "Is the Universe, In cluding Man, Evolved by Atomlo Force?": Sunday school, 9:30; Wednesday evening's meeting at 8. First, Everett jtreet between Eighteenth and Nineteenth Services, II and 8; subject of lesson sermon, "Is the Universe, Includ ing Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?"; Sun. day school, 9:45 and 11; Wednesday evening service. 8. Second. Woodmen Hall, Kast Sixth and Alder streets Services. 11 and 8; subject of lesson sermon, "Is the Universe. Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?"; Sunday school, 9:45 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting, 8. Third, East Twelfth and Salmon streets Services. 11 and 8; subject of lesson ser mon. "Is the Universe, Including Man. Evolved by Atomic Force?"; Sunday school, 11 and 1S:15; Wednesday evening meet ing, 8. , KPISCOPAU Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services, 8, 11 and 8: Bunds y school. 9:45; Good Fel lowship Society, parish house. Nineteenth and Davis streets. 7 to 7:55. St. Matthew's, Bancroft and Corbett streets Rev. W. A. M. Wreck, vicar. Sunday school, 10; service and sermon, 1 1. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen. Thirteenth and Clay streets Rev. H. M. Kamyt dean. Holy eucharlst, 7:30; Sunday school, lu; morning service, 11; evening service, 7:45. Church of Our Savior. Slxileth avenue and Forty-flrat street Southeast. Woodstock Rev, E. H. Clarke, vlcnr. Services. 8 and 11, also third Sunday In month, at 7:30; Sunday school, 10. St. Paul's. Wood mere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, rector. Sunday school, 3; evening Driver and sermon. 4. St. Michael's and AH Angeis . nrnaawaw and East Thirty-eighth stre-i North uv. T. F. Bowen, vicar. Sunday school, 1; morning service, 11; evening service, 7:45; holy communion, first Sunday, 11; third Sun day, 7:80. All Saints'. Twenty-fifth and Savtrr streets Rev. Frederick K. Howard, special preacher. Sunday school, lO; morning praer and sermon. 11: celebration of the holy communion the first Sunday In the month at 11 and the third Sunday at 8. Grace Memorial. Weldler and Esst Sev enteenth streets North Rev. Ueorse H. Van W a t ers, rec tor ; Rev. oi ws 1 d W . T a y I or. vicar. Holy communion, b; Sunday school, lu; morning service and sermon, 11; no evening service. Good Shepherd, Graham- street and Van couver avenue Rev. John Dawson, rector. Sunday school. 9:45; morning service, 11; evening service, 7:30. St. Andrew's. Portsmouth, north or lom ird street and opposite public school- Services, 7:3, lO:30, 1 1 and ; Sunday school, 10. The new vested choir will sltis special music. The vicar, t. M. Bauin, will preach on timely topics. St. Davids, East Twelfth and rieimont streets Rev. H. R. Talbot, rector. i :M. eel ebratlon of holy eucharlst ; 9:4.1, Sunday school; 11. momlnr prayer and sermon. St. John's. Milwaukie Rev. John V. R vicar. Prayer. 8; holy communion, .0, nrst hunday or month. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. Good Samaritan Hospital Rev. Frederick K. How ard. chauUtn. Holy communion. 7: vespers. St. Mark's. Twenty-nrst and Msrshall streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. 7 80. holy eucharlst: 9:45. Sunday school: IU:1-V matins and litany; 11, holy eucharlst and sermon: evening sons- and sermon, 8. m, jonn s, Kenwood Kev. jonn u. vicar. 8, holy communion, except on first Sunday of month : 10. Sunday school : 1 1 morning prayer; 7 :30. evening prayer; holy communion first Hundav of month. Swedish services will be held at th Methodist Church In Oregon -City. Sunda afternoon at 8 o'clock, with the Retr. Joh Ovall d reach Ins. and at Vancouver at th same hour with the Rev. p. J. Berg, of Port land, preaching. EVANOKLICAU First German, corner Tenth and ' streets G. F. Lurrlng, pastor. Sunday school, 9 :S0; preaching, 10:45 ; young po pie s meeting. 7 P. M. ; preaching, a r. m weekday prayer meetings, young people' prayer meeting. Tuesday, H P. M.; old peo pie's prayer meeting, Wednesday. 8 I. M These meetings are conducted In the Ger man language. All Gennan-speaklng friend are cordially Invited. Christian Yoga. 811 Central building, Tenth, at Alder street. Sunday, 10:30 A. M meditation; 11, Bible study; i'2, young peo ple's class: 8 P. M.. lecture by F. O. Gar rison; topic, "The Key of Unity." Church In the Kins-lorn"; 12. ftundey -ioel; i, ', K. : . "Finny J. "rh. I'ledinont. Clevemnd and Jurrett Hev. J. E. Sn 1r. tMntor. II. "The Larger l.teM" ; H. l.umhrje k Davie will sMk. f-y.tdsi school, 9.45; C. K., 7. German Hp O lfnr, Taa(r. y epr tp-, a, sermas, V. I. K, 7. MM KITl TM. Spiritual Uhurfh f the Km.1, AmllmrltMa Hall. I'ohi, Third street Hev. J. M. I, if-, pastor. 11, fonfrem-e; . im. 8. me dium's meeting, mriMtN fee; a. lecture r Bro. Hesmans. follow-.. .y tnepae. IMTKI1 I'RKHltVTMtliy First. Hlth and Mnnimmfy -Krv K ! Kind!, y. minister. ) Th , h( t9imn View of Divine Provident" , H'hle . tifni. 12; Christian Knrtevor. an; ;s "m , n Wondrr in t'ontnbtl.n !.. Church of the Htrangers Her S K tHt Bola, piistor. M :m, a lr Th.t Opens but Onrt Q Kvn Days": a. "Mudera L. sons From an Ancient Kiorr.1 t MVMtH.YUnT. hunh of I he fjoo TWIpii, Prosd a and East Twrntv-fnurih ireet M-, r. James Dlmond Corbv, mintsier U or. hip with sermon by the puPlot, 1 unhHi ln.ur Sunday p. ln.ol. 1 imon . n evening preaching servli-; trmn tnpl 'Un nriM cans Men; Heltglon 1 hat 11 li Men." (MTAKIA. Church of Our Father. Hmedwer ent Tamhlll street Hev. William G KU m pmm tor. Morning errvtre. II; rmn hv the pastor. "The High point on th Road': Sunday school, U:4.; Fraternity. :. en. Ing services omitted for the Hummer. IMTKI) bRKTHHr.V First Rev. J. D. Nlsewonder, psster. tlible school. lt; preaching, 11 and ; 1 hHdr- n s d ay services, 10.4 ,. MIH KI l-A.XF.Ol . Divine Truth chapel, Seillng-Hlrsch build ing. West Park and Mev T U. Mliiard. pHUtor. SirWi re J 1 ; midweek meeting. Tuepda. 2. New Thought Tempi of Truth. KHcr building. Mi llroadwny K v. p. J. t;r,..n. mlniHtr. Uetture at a by Hnry Harrisoa Brown. Theoaophleal FmMely. Morgan hull- Ing ft, "Prenma and Visions," by pwaml I'rHkashananiln. Church of the New Jonisalern Rev. f A. NuHhaum. pantor. Service. t Rental Hall, W1 Tenth street. 1 1, uhied. ' W hat 'Hullding on a HmkT'" Theoaophleal Hoctrty. 7:''l Morsr.n u1 til ing. Sunday at H, by Swsml Trafc ishuamia; sun ieci, i 'reams and VI !,. ' The Salvation Army, Corps . 241 AH street Adjutant Alfred W hitney in com mand. Sunday sen I- en. J I, a z and ft; Nn. day school, 1 3u; Young people's lglnn, . services nightly at (I etcept Mmda. W. C T. U. Not INTERNATIONAL B1BLK HTtDENTH. Christensen's Hall, Eleventh and Yamhill streets Discourse at il by A. A. Yere topic. "He Maketh Wars to Cease": Berean Bible lesson, "The Times of the Gentiles, 4:30; address by C. W. Field, 7:i0. Ll'THKRAN, St. Jamea', English, West park and Jef ferson streets Ho v. J. Allen leas. pastor. Children's day will be observed in the morn ing. The Luther League will have charge of the servii-es in the evening. Bethany. Dantsh. I nlon avenue North and Morris street Kev, M. C. Jensen - K tig holm, pastor. Services, It and tt; Sunday school and Bible class. 10; young peoples meet ing. Tuesday at M. German kivangoitcal Zlun Missouri synod Salmon nnd chapman streets Services, 10:1."; preparatory services for holy com munion, 0:45: Sunday school celebration. L';30. at Concordia College, lu v. H, H. Kop pelmaun, pastor. MKTHOniST KPIHCOPAL. First, Third and Taylor Rev. F. I Love. land, minister. :;iu, classes; liP;at. "Ul versitlea In the Christian I.ltu"; l:l."i. Sun day school; 0:46, Epworth League; 7:40, Breaking an Alabaster Box." Laurelwood, Sixty-third S. E., near Fos ter royd Rev. V. E. Willing, pastor. rv Ices. 11 and K. E. 1.. 7; subjects, "Chil dren's Day Services by the Sunday School Children and A W nrld s w oul-i . ' Patton. Michigan and Alberta, Hev. . r . Hopkins, pus tor. Sunduy school, 1U; Epworth League, 0:40; 11, "Godliness With Content ment Great Gain"; 7:4.., "Keep Thy Heart midweek service. Thursday evening. First Norwegian -Danish, Eighteenth and Hoyt Rev. Ellas GJcrcilng, pustor. Freai.ti Ing. 11; 8. Rev. L. C. Knudsen. MMwauke.. Wis.; Tuesday flight, loung People's meet- m- Thursday nlaht. prayer tneettns : r rl day night, loung LaJics Missionary meeting. Epworth, Twenty-sixth and savicr Rev. C. O. McCulloch, pastor. Sunday school, 9:4."; 11, "The Working Model of the Chris- ian" ; 8, "An Inspiring Possibility ; Ep worth League. 7. Wood la wn. East Tenth and Mighisnd Rev Louis Thomas, psstor. Sunday school. 10; E. L., 7:13; II. "Horn Old Heresies"; Prisu Nights , prayer service, Thursday evening. Centenary, Kast isini n inn fine hp v. ii. H. Trimble, minister. 11. "Becoming Christ- Ike ; 7:4.. "Aiming rtigm at tn ttistit Aim": Sunday school, 9:io; Epworth League, Trinity. Est Tenth and Sherman Rev. A. B. Calder, psstor. Sun Us y school, in; K. L., 7: 11, annual educational sermon ; 8. Children's day exeiclws. Rose CHy Park, nnmn ( ity iarK Club ouse Rev. W. W. Youngson. minister. 9 4."., unday school; 11, "The Greater Crusade'; :4ft, "Friendship." Central, Vancouver avenue and Far go- Rev. C. C. Rarick, pastor. Sunday school. 4."i; "Pnexpected v Isltatlnns of od. 1 1 . la? meeting, i'JA'i; Kp worth Leaiciie, 7. Folly t'nder a Kings Crown, B; mid-week service. Thursday, h. Mount Tabor. Esst Sixty-nrst and Stark Rev, C. L. Hamilton, pnstor. Sunday school. 45; Epworth Lcsguc, ,; 11. children a day programme; 8. evening worship. PRESBYTERIAN. Firs Rev. John H. Boyd, pastor, Pss tor will preach 10:10 and 7:45. Spokane-Avenue, Eaat sixteenth and s po me RcV. J. E. Youet. pastor. Sunday school. 9:4.; 11. "Your Reasonable Srvlci-"; "The Ministry oT Rpst. Fourth. First nl Glbi-s R'v II. G. Hun-: son, pastor, iv.iiv, ' iu Jdissiou vi. tn THK regular meeting of Ontral Union on Wednesday- wii i.f spe cial Interest. Hcneca Fnuta addressed th meeting. Mra. N. Inman. of okl. homa. wag present and spnWe. Mrs. Ada rnrtih. who hag been III for sotn time, wag present and gave a talk. Mra. Alphln, superintendent of Al bina Ixiyal Temperance legion, an nounced the cumins; of an all-day picnic to be held In Columbia Park on June 25. A modal content and programme by tho Alblns Ioynl Tempera ore Legion will bo given. All Interested In the children are Invito to attend. A basket lunch la to be the noon f-a-tur. Arleta t'nlon nnd liyal Tempergnr Legion held an all-day picnic ( the residence of Mra. Murray. A nml programme was reported. M nun t He nt t I'nlon p resen t d rash prtxes to four assay contestants from Lents Public School on Friday. On Monday the union will give cash prlie to the girl or boy having the most attractive and beat basket of vegetables den-orated with the flowers raised from the garden contest of the game school. A allver medal assay contest on purity topic will be Judged at next week'g meeting. Mrs, Nettle Iumtmr, prealdent of th union. Is maklnit visit with rela tives in Nwbmsr. Th next regular meet Ing w HI n held at the Kvnngelirai Church oti Tupaday, June 23, t 2 V. M. Mra. Henrietta Ttrown, slal presi dent. In In the city attend! nit to of ficial huatne. She wan the gueat of the Prohibitionists M a noon lunch nt the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday, and sev eral of the leading: while rlbbonem In the county were also in attendant . Still wood union will hold Its annual picnic June 26 at Kellwood I'ark at 3 I. M with a basket supper at 1. M. All the unions In the county era In vited. There will be a aood programme with some prominent speaker and irod muftlc. Arleta union hld an enjoyable Hil da y picnic nt the renidence of Mra. Murray, and the I T. U nave an In terest In if prnuiumttie. Tho monthly Institute of Multnomah County held an Interesting: mIii Krldny, with W, 8. T'lten and Mrs. Henrietta Hrown na speaker. The meetlntr wag largely attended and in- thuaiusm prevailed. e e The Women's Christ la n Temporanre I'nlon ut Woodland, WHHh., be a run ntlon. open In ir with a banquet on Tuesday night- Toastnilstrena, Mra. Kute Hogarth. Hpeitkers: Kev. Mr. Stewart, pustor of Presby tet lati Churi-lt. Woodland; Rv. K. K Hen-dlc, pnstor of tho Kelso Methodist Kplac'tpt,! t.'hurrh: lr. Sims, Mrs. Cnrri Hob- erts. Mrs. Hufkltk. J. P. Hiiford. W. J. Matrhette. Oeorge M-irsh. J. U Pu- und and .1. I. Young. The hlRh school prise essay contest was won by Charles Leonard, of Ctle lt( k, Ws-h. The pi tte was IU. Th prtxo r 10 for seventh and eighth grade wag woh by Leona Ktalcop, ReW go, itsh. The hygiene essay for fifth and gutl. grades w is won by T'on Tunstall, Kit. lamrt. Wash. The prise Whs i. Medal contfMt. elocution flve cnntestantsl. wiia awurded as fd lows'. First prtr pold men it 1. a wh riled to Mai Jorle W ells; irrand gold medal to Mtsa Uenevleve Mat hette. Now a Tlirn. Wall Street Journal. 'f served with tirneral Washington n the leglslat ure of Virginia, before the Hevol ntlon, and. during- It, wit'i I'r Franklin In Congress. I never heard either of them speak 10 minutes at a time, nor to any but the main feint, which was to decide the ouestton "They laid their shoulders to l'ie arrest points, knowing that the 1 1 Ml once wotihl roiiow oi inrmcivea. it me present Congress errs In loo much talk- nic. how can It be otherwise. In a bodr o which tha people send I&0 lawyers. whoe trade It is to question everything. teld nothing. nd talk by the hour? That 1 50 lawyers should do huelrteag igether ought not to be ex pet ted. Thomaa .L-fTeraou Visit OUR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BOOKS. BIBLES. TESTAMENTS MAPS. BUTTONS. CARDS CERTIFICATES. ETC. THIRD AND ALDER STREETS