The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 21, 1914, SECTION FIVE, Page 5, Image 59

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THE auditorium ofho JeKerson
Hierh School will the Bcene of
the grraduation ercisea of the
June. '14. class next Tsday evening.
The largest class In thhistory of the
school will receive diplomas at that
time. The programme will start at
8:15 o'clock.
James Sheehy, president of the class
and captain of the 1914 baseball team.
will leave the institution, as win Har
old Maison, another member of the
present baseball team. Marion Kyle,
two-time selection for a position on
the Portland Inter-scholastic League
soccer team and tennis crack, along
with Catltn Wolfard, winner of the
tennis title of the local league on two
consecutive occasions, -will be lost
through graduation: '
Turner Nell, Victory T. Phelps, Earle
J. Goode, Roy V. Casebeer and Vincent
Smith are other prominent athletes and
students who will be graduated Tues
day night v .
The class members follow, the num
bers identifying their picture:
1 Victory T. Phelps. 2 Erma Rlce,
3 Ross McKenna, 4 Mildred Frye, 5
Vincent Smith. Joyse W'lnslow, 7
Earle J. Goode, 8 Elsie Shirey, 9
Turner Neil, 10 Louise Corbin, 11
Wyville Sheehy, 12 Huldah Henholds,
13 Eugene Thurman, 14 Frances
Clarke, 15 Eugene Schleve, 16 Ches
ter Dailey, 17 Ellen Jensen, 18 John
Feak, 19 Marguerite Knight. 20 Carl
Rochat 21 Mabel Hall, 22 Frank
Kennell. 23 Helen Downing. 24 Har
old Maison, 25 Genevieve Strickland,
26 Carl Shroeder, 27 Julia Piatt, 28
Wylie Bent, 2a Kathryn Staton, 30
Allen Cutler. 31 Louise Watson, 32
Catlin Wolfard, 33 Mary Page, 34
Wallace Streng. 35 Margaret Mc
Namara, 36 Stuart Pratt, 37 Hazel
Wymore. 38 Marion Kyle, 39 Dudley
Tobin, 40 Roy V. Casebeer, 41 Alice
McKee, 42 Samuel Schlotthauer, 43
Helen Phillips, 44 Glenn Stanton, 45
Flo Killingsworth, 46 Gus Beier. 47
Edna Nyquist, -48 Francis Baum. 49
Lillian Ness. 50 Stella Bassford, 51
Marjorle Madden, 52 Ada Reed, 63
Grace Lansworth, 64 Wlnafred Curry,
55 Ammie Young, 56 Cora Phelps,
57 Alberta Benson, 58 Helen Hallgren
69 Julia Hedlund, 0 Myrel Bond.
61 Edith Maison. 62 lea Schultz, 63
Lillian Porter. 64 Edythe Montague,
65 Harriett Forest, 66 Anna Nelson,
67 Esther Pearson, 68 Gertrude t'un
ningham, 69 Loretto Dowllnn, 70
Alice Eckstrum, 71 Ada Otten. 72
Leolia Tormoehlin, 7.1 Alta Soule, 74
Esther Hagenbuchor, 75 Kffsle Ma
gWe. 76 Aline Warren, 77 Nellie
Springer, 78 Ella Anderson, 79 Wllma
Hemstock, 80 Frances Swartz, 81
Dorothy Watson, 82 Frances Soden.
83 Marie Utley, 84 Dean Hanson. 8r
Nellie Parker, 86 Mac Van Bunkirk.
87 Luclal Hughes. 8S Glenn Allison.
89 Rose Morfitt, 90 Herman A. Leader.
91 Anita Davis, 92 Roberta Sanborn.
93 Myrta Oerwig, 94 Mark Daniels,
95 Elsa Nelson.
Exceeded Expertatfoaa.
James K. Hackett, the actor, tells the
story of a mrrclmnt ho had ben trav
eling some months and upon his return
Informed of the death ot a valued
A fpw d.iys later lie called on t!ie
bereaved widow to offer his enpren
slons of sympathy. During the
he remarked:
"I was a good friend of your lata hus
band. Is there not something of Ills
whlrh I could have a memento of
She raised her velvety brown eys
to hfM, whl-li a few seconds before were
moist with tears, and said:
"How would 1 doT"
Near Ktveatlv Afcllltr.
. Atrhlsnn Globe.
Standing around and watching other
men do the work sometimes passes for
executive ability.
'. ' ; ' '. 1 ' ' t ....
Employers Should Learn the Power of Praise as Stimulus to Exertion Determination to Accomplish Requisite to Success Your Duty to Your Mother.
Author ot "Pushing tcie Front," etc.
(Copyright, 1914, by the iClure Newspaper
WHEN an employees a thing nn
W usually well, taS unusual pains
with it. tell him so. ; will stimulate
him to do it even bet next time.
When you see anyie trying to do
his best, who, perha has no one to
encourage him, give b a little lift by
a kind word or a bit praise. It will
not hurt you, and m do him a great
deal of good. ,
Form the habit of louraging people
when they do well, ive them a lift
when they are down.t costs you only
a little effort and Hay make a vast
difference to- those y encourage.
Some employers se to think that if
they do not find fauwitn an employe
he should take it forantea that tney
are satisfied. But t Is not enough.
Employes are but cSren of a larger
growth, and they n encouragement
They thrive on praiand appreciation,
and if they deserve they should have
it. Besides, even ffi a purely business-
standpoint, tht is no better in
vestment an emptor can make than
to stimulate those no work for him
by giving them Irty praise and
plenty of it. by giig encouragement
whenever deserved.
Many an employ has crippled his
business, has strand its growth, has
never gotten the k out of his em
ployes, that extrapontaneous, glad
service which comirom a happy and
contented because of his
lack of appreclatlof their services.
Few employers r learn the power,
of praise as a sulus to exertion.
Many are too mean acknowledge ef
ficiency; and inenam, iney ininK lr
they praise an emye, he will get the
"big head": thatien he knows his
real value to the oern, he will either
demand more sal, or will be so
"chesty" that the will be no living
with him.
Did it ever ocoto you that when
an employe is doing his best to please
you and further your Interests, to make
your business a success, that it is 3
sin to keep silent, a sin not to encour
age him, praise him, show your appreci
ation of his work?
Many an employe has become dis
heartened and given up trying to do his
best just because his selfish employer
has never given him a word of praise
or encouragement.
There is nothing more blighting or
discouraging, especially to the young,
than not to get recognition when they
do well. They were brought up as chil
dren to expect it. They are disappoints
ed when they do not get it. and unless
made of very superior mettle. they..are
not likely to try many times the su
perior method which gets no recog
It requires very heroic qualities to
go on year in and year out, putting
ones very life Into work for a man
who has no appreciation of it- It calls
for rare ability and solidity of charac
ter to go on day after day, year after
year, doing perhaps many times what
one is paid for, trying in every way to
advance an employer s Interests, work
ing overtime, furnishing new ideas, in
troducing more progressive methods,
when the employer never shows the
slightest appreciation of it, but thinks
it is your duty to help him along in
every possible way. To do one's level
best in the presence of the mean, con
temptible silence of an employer who
never expresses tne least gratitude,
even when he knows perfectly well he
is getting several times more than he Is
paying for. Is a very difficult matter,
and it is a rare person who will con
tinue to do his level best under such
I know employes who would work un
til they dropped down for employers
who generously commend their efforts
and show an unselfish interest in their
There is all the difference in the
world between this spontaneous, loving,
service and the mechanical, indifferent,
"don't care a rap" method of doing
things which prevails in establish
ments presided over by hard, mean,
selfish employers.
That little extra service, tht finer
quality of work, and the enthusiastic
effort which come spontaneously, lov
ingly, and not grudgingly, because the
employes know that everything they
do will be appreciated and recognized,
may make every difference to you, Mr.
Employer, between-an ordinary and a
very extraordinary success.
Follow the Vision.
IT IS astonishing how much power
there is in an intense desire and a
determination to accomplish a thing,
no matter whether it is hard or easy.
As Napoleon used to say, a firm reso
lution can make realities out of possi
bilities. - ' ' . -
As a rule, it is the intensity of that
divine hunger within us for achfeve-
ment, that, thirst for knowledge that
must be quenched, which measures .our
success power. .
Bury a pebble, and it will obey the
law of gravitation forever. Bury an
acorn, and it will obey a higher law
and grow. In the acorn is a vital force
superior to the attraction of the earth.
All plants and animals are climbing or
reaching upward. Nature has whis
pered into the ear of all existence:
"Look up." Man, above all. should have
a celestial gravitation. The ambition
of every true man should be to be more,
not to have more.
We see today with a clearer vision all
the wonderful things that are waiting
to be manifested. We know that the
manipulator of all human law is mind,
and that the master builders are our
thoughts, and with tools a thousand
times liner than toe methods ol the.
past, we "build more stately mansions
for the soul. ' -
Even in the commonest and most
medicore lives there are moments and
hours of such nobility and unselfish
ness that if they could be made per
manent, those lives would be lmmeas-
ureably lifted.
But If we would see the color of our
future, we must look for it in our
present; if we would gaze on the star
of our destiny, we must look for It in
our hearts. The aspiration of today
decides the action of tomorrow, and
every thought, every impulse, goes to
the shaping of both. With every
breath, we either move toward the
realization of the greater of retrogress
toward the lesser. There is no pause in
human existence, no neutral, ground in
the kingdom of soul. We are always
moving, either toward the front or to
ward the rear.
Professor Peabody, of Harvard Unt
versity, used to say that a firm decis
ion to be an educated man is itself half
an education. If a boy once gets a
thirst for an education, gets his ambi
tion fired to do something, there is
very little danger of failure. "Content
ment Is, after all, simply refined in
A determination, to accomplish some
thing, obstables or no obstacles; a firm
resolution to make a way if no way is
open, is an indication of ability to suc
ceed. But the determination must come
first. Without a firm resolution, with
out confidence in oneself, success is
impossible. It is the thing we deter
mine to achieve at all hazards, which
indicates the line of our possible suc
cess. The thing we long for, that we
It is not enough now and then to
mount on wings of ecstacy into the in
finite. We must habitually dwell there.
The great man is he who abides easily
on heights to which others rise occa
sionally and with difficulty. Don't let
the maxims of a low prudence daily
dinned into your ears lower the tone oX,
your high ambition or check your as
plratlon. Hope lifts us step by step up
the mysterious ladder, the top of which
no eye hath ever seen. Though we do
not find what hope promised, yet we
are stronger for the climbing, and we
get a broad outlook upon life which
repays the effort. Indeed, If we do not
follow where hope beckons, we gradu
ally slide down the ladder In despair.
Therefore, whatever happens, follow
the vision of the soul. It is the one
path that reads to the heart's desire.
You Owe It To Your Mother.
OU have been the best mother In
mother 'on her deathbed. She was
widow who had struggled hard to sup
port her son. She took in washing
and did scrubbing in order to send him
to college, but this was the first time
that her son nad ever told her that she
had been a good mother. She turned
her tired eyes upon him and said, "Why
diJn s you say so before, Johnr'
Think what it would have meant to
this poor, hard-working mother if her
son had only shown his love and ap
preciation for her durlngber lifetime!
How It would have brightened up her
long, weary yearsl
"If folks could have their funerals
when they are alive and well and
struggling along, what a help it would
be!" sighed Mrs. Perkins, upon re
turning from a funeral, wondering how
poor Mrs. Brown would have felt if
she could have heard what the minister
and her children said. "Poor soul, she
never dreamed they set so much by
her!" -
That young Abraham Lincoln was
no ordinary youth is indicated by his
attitude toward his mother. The hard
ships of a pioneer life were too much
for her delicate constitution, and after
they, moved to Gentry vlile, she. laded
away like a flower, and died of con
sumption, when Lincoln was only 10
years old. It was a terrible blow to
the boy's sensative nature. His moth
er was burled In a plain wooden box,
under large trees adjacent to his cabin
home. Every day for a long time he
would sit on the grave and weep bit
terly. He became sad and melancholy,
and "a far-away look crept into his
eyes," which never left him.
The boy was so impressed with the
fact that his mother should have
more fitting burial that nine months
after her, death he wrote a letter to
Parson Elkins, whom they used to know
in Kentucky, asking him to come and
hold a burial service for her. The
good minister came 100 miles on horse
back, and preached the funeral ser
mon over the grave. The neighbors
came from many miles around In ox
carts and on horseback.
This Incident showed that young
Lincoln u made of no common
"staff." This tender side of his na
ture cropped out all through his life.
Many years afterward, when he was
President, he said: "All that I sm or
hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."
I have never known a man who wus
neglectful of his mother to mtike a
real man. Such men are Invariably
selfish and mean.
General William 890th. founder of
the Salvation Army, shortly before his
death, said:
"I had a good mother. I loved my
mother. From Infancy to manhood I
lived in her. Home was not home to
me without her. And yet one of the
regrets that has followed ma to the
present hour is tnat 1 did not suffic
iently value the treasure while I pos
sessed It, and that I did not, with suf
ficient tenderness and sssldulty at the
time, attempt the Impossible tNak of
repaying the immeasurable debt 1
owed to that mother's love."
You owe it to your mother
To remember that she Is still a girl
at heart so Xas as dellcat JHUo at-
tentlone are concerned, even thou ah
1 she imy be old and wrinkled.
To Berk her comfort and pleasure
In all thlnss before your own.
To minlfeit an Interest In whatever
intfrepts or amuses her.
To maka her frequent, simple pres
ents and to be snr that they are ap
propriate and laKleful.
To give per your full cnnfldem-e.
and never 1I0 anything which you
think she would disapprove.
To mk her a pvri.k.r, mn fr mm
your different aaes will permit. In all
your pleasures and recreations.
To lift all the burdens you ran front
shoulders that have grown stnored In
waiting upon and worKlna for you.
Slot Machine for Joll-.
The Independent.
A slot machine which offers 11 op
portunity for employment when you
drop a quarter In the slot has been
tried out with success y a Los An
geles Inventor and will Installed la
Eastern as well as Western cities. Tlie
device Is of simple ron.tructlon
glais-covered rd rs' . rsrH
being exposed under gls.s In a com
partment of Its own, which may be
orened hv Inserting a coin. The rarde
hear a brief description of the position
offered, wages, hours, quallfl. atlons of
applicant required, etc. The person
who thinks he ran meet these require,
ments ran secure t!ie card for it cents.
and will find the name and sddresa on
the back. There Is no risk or even
this small sum. for If the position Is
filled the applicant can ret his money
back by returning the card. As the
employment bureaus chsrae a fee of
from IJ "P, and are far frnm reliable.
the new Invention should be a boon to
the man seeking employment.
Semi-official statlstlca place Ktissia'a
beet auear production list season at
abuut LluJ.JiO short tons.