THE . SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLATfD. JFXE 21, 1914. WASHINGTON HIGH TO GRADUATE ITS SECOND LARGEST CLASS 7 V IV -1 J L- ...j " sfi 3 , r l:.', XT'' ' A: JA i ) A Si i -i 4 A j A kx:: -i ,'. V I - , IV fWASA ( : '5 -i-'1' : ST1: j A" !i v i rt'SS -v, f 7S J 6 J9 32 22 3 2 26 27 23 rfWlMIMIIItl I 1 1? f A?; v 1 jo 31 32 33 34- 3S 36 37 39 2 -c S !;' -sf tfF 1 5' in Lit V 4 1 1 7 3'0 J2 3T3 3-3- X 67 62 63 r - - - ' 8 iLi V7 (.v hi - 4-1 ST' l.'r. S '1 1 ' " i '-4 6a r I x I i 6& 1 r x ) 70 7 7-5 73 7 7J- 76 77 78 BO 81 82 33 VV, 1 s kT ' """Hi, 1 . . ?. 03 S3 r 773 &6 i I OA J J 4 d ;;-ZJ 7S-6 702 703- L 1 J 7 THIS graduation exercises of the June '14 class of the Washington High School will be held in the school auditorium next Tuesday even ing, with the programme starting promptly at 8:15 o'clock. The class Is the second largest since the school was built several years ago. Although several prominent athletes will be lost this time, the number Is not aa heavy as In former classes. Kent Wilson, wtai;er of the 100 and 230-yard dashes in the Portland Interscliolastlo Ieague track and Held meet, is In the present class as Is George Davis, man ager of the 1913 football team, and Alvln W. Miller manager of the famous championship team of 1912. Clifton Johnson is another athlete who will be missed by the school. The members of the class are as follows, the numbers referring to the accompanying Illustrations: 1 Mildred Graham, 2 Hugh Breckoo, J George Davis, 4 Howells Dickinson, 5 Helen Day.,' 6-Hasel ' Gerretson, 7 Clifton Johnson, 8 Ellsworth Young, 9 Luolle Hugglns. 10 Said Neer. 11 Fred Downing. 13 Portia Baker. 13 Margaret Weeks, 14 Esther Evans, 15 Ixiretta Jennings, 16 Esther Knyske, 17 Mildred Kicgsley, IS Vera Lang don,, 19 Harold Lake, 20 Willomay Olinger. "1 Chloe Hayes, 22 Isabelle Pease, 23 Eva Burns, " 21 Ivy Ten Eyvk. 25 Llnnette Lewis, 26 Harry Sellick, 37 Clara Manny, 28 Dorothea Prier, 29 Helen Walker, 30 Logan Stewart, 31 Eunice Downing, 32 Rosa Ten Eyck, 33 Margaret Mooney, 34 Lucile Hood, 35 Luclle Cooley. 36 Ruth Schmuckll, 37 George Schwarz, 3S Earl Heltschmidt, 39 Edna Von Readen. 40 Elva Smith, 41 Bessie Earsley-42 Adelaide Wilson. 43 Lydia Arnold. 44 Anna Panley, 45 Laura Dikgle,- 46 Kent . Wilson, 47 Mabel Molen, 48 Mildred StelnmeU, 704 J27 FT A i v 3 A7- ' 7 &2 &3 5 703" 706 77& 729 r S J PA f 708 727 I V xf 73 P 722 731 -J 70S 1 it , .. J 723 A A :-i 70 ' ft 72-r- 1 , - 7 :A A A 5 726- 77 i " J. A ul - S16 lUeuib'e Lyer, o iiiram numpnrty, I DeWilt Lyman. t Grace Brucknian, 199 Eurl Webster. 100 Wllmoth Osborne, 101 Donald Cowan, 102 Claudia" Seachrast, 103 Russell Makeltm. 104 Rachel Hickman. 105 Eva Santee, 106 Margaret Lehmann, 107 Pearl Taphonsa, 108 Ellen De Haven, 109 Frances Htilea, 110 Ed- mond Bewen, 111 Oraoe Reed. 112 NeunertLang, 50 Georglna Jones, 51 Forrest Lowe. 53 Florence Vail. 53 Elva Shank, 64 Fay Barnes, 55 ' WUhelm Grondahl, 56 F. Lynn. Peter son, 57 Ernest Morgan, 58 Naomi Bil. leter, . 59 Bernice Miller, 60 Frank Lyons. $1 Franklin Fowler, 62 Wilbur Morrow, 63 Mary Vinton; 6i Barbara Mensing. 65 Sophie George, 66 Anna Erickson, . 67 Varna Carothers, 68 Mabel Byrd, 69 Helen Lewthwaite, 70 Gladys Reid. 71 Edith Moyer, 72 Edgar Garbade, 73 Alfred Hobson, 74 Beulah Dickson. 75 Oscar Noren, 76 Ernest Klein, 77 Fern Sherrod, 78 Miriam OBerg; 79-Stuart VIggers, 80 Helen Hall, 81 Bryan T. McMlnn. 82 Ernest Peterson, 83 Catherine Smith, $4 Oscar McPherson. 85 Walter Miller, -86 Lois Richmond, 87 Anita Howard. 88 Dorothy Rood, 89 Ralph Winehell, 0 Faye Shea, 81 Roy Steele. 92 Irene Ban com, 93 Helen Woodburn, 94-Addle McCullougb, 95 Rolaml IIi-bTt. 113 Irene f"lrobr1d, 114 Hoy Walton, 115 Anna Orace Tallett. li Byron Muthews. 117 Ruth Anderson. 118 Alvln W. Miner, lit Trea Rich!. 1 J Msrle Korea. 121 Msdellno Murphy, JJJ Ortsvia Lee. 131 Adah Voting. IS WUroy Anderson. 13 Lthel Gnudy. 134 Jam Carroll. 137 Heln H-rner, 133 Albert Closterman. 12 rlpha Gil son. 130 Cyril Meyers. 131 Ora !"vU. LA GRANDE BUILDING KEEN Indications Point to Year of Uon dcrful Growth for City. LA GRANDE. Or., June JO. Ep clal.) The Y. M. C. A. building, to cost 135.000. Is under construction. The new addition to the Grand Ronde Hospital, to cost 140,000. has been begun, a con tract for the Cathollo Church, to cost 145.000, has been let, a score of houses are being built and rontrsrts for a dosen more have ben let. No previous year In the history of the olty lias si-en so much arllvtly In the building line, and Indications point to activity for tha entire yesr. AH this, with tha proposed improvement 1o cost 15.000 for which the O.-W. K. 4k N. has made provision, will make a year of wondrous growth In e renl estate of tha city. Cran1 (Ittuhr of IMM w 8.M3.M h.hsbilanu.