SUMMER FASIIIOSS AND FEATURES SECTION FIVE Pages 1 to 12 v. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1914. .NO. 2.". VOL. XXXIII. NO BEAUTY SECRETS ARE REVEALED BY FILM STAR Leonard Cleanable emgeraior. and Distinct Walls That Annette Ecllcrman. "Modern Venus," Who Appears t Heilij ia Thoio Play, Learned to Swim as Child. Merely to Oain Strength. Are Constructed With Ten Separate Keev the Heat Out and the Cold in m "Dignified Credit" for the Newly -Weds This is the Home -Jiirnishiiigs Store that promises an . efficient and trust worthy credit service and fulfills the promise it lends assistance when and where it is most needed. It has a per sonal human touch that young married couples want it helps them to provide for future happiness by lending them help Today, and it asks no more from the customer than the customer feels he can easily afford to pay weekly or monthly as he chooses. Young people ambitious to own a furnished home need hesitate no longer for lack of ready money because we. will furnish it for them just as they, say on the easiest kind of payments. A Refrigerator to be really good must keep the heat out and the cold in. It must keep its interior dry, for moist, damp, cold air will injure its contents almost as quickly as warm air. The Leonard Cleanable has ten separate walls outside is the wood, then wool felt, next a dead-air space, then a layer of parchment sheathing:, then comes Polar felt, after that another layer of parchment sheathing, waterproof slieatinjj, wood and then another air space between the porcelain and inside case. Is it any wonder the Leonard saves icef The Leonard Lasts Longer The life of an ordinary Refrigerator averages only about five years. The life of a Leonard is fully 25 years. It lasts for years and years after other Refrigerators have been cast aside as unhealthy and useless. It's So Easy to Clean Parts are all removable. You can take them out in a minute, wash them thoroughly, clean the smooth porcelain walls, and in another minute have every part back in place. There is no spot where dirt can possibly hide or stick. ( . f " -'- i AT VA $19 25 J' Refrigerators as Low as g , A1 Qriin t TTti With an T!asr W A Price Range That WilJ Please You .25 Refrigerator Special is ice az&&bw$:& I Another Big Shipment of Those Splendid $1.50 Inlaid (to - Linoleums Offered atr JL e JL Q Do not fail to see the splendid patterns offered in these Linoleums if you are interested in new floor coverings for your kitchen or bath. Excellent new designs just from the makers that would ordinarily sell for $1.50 per yard, specially priced while they last at a great saving to you. (See Cut Above) Here is a Leonard Polar King Refrigerator of 9o pound capacity, that sold regularly for $24.00, marked nt a special nrice for this week. Tt is white enamel lined, has hardwood case and best of insulation. Provision chamber fitted with two wire shelves. It is 4.1 inches . high, 27 inches wide, 17 inches deep and ice economy is one of its strong points. At Powers' You Will Find the Greatest Assortment of Porch and Lawn Furniture A Number of Wanted Pieces Greatly Underpriced This Week f26.50 Buyer Gliding Settei-. four-passengi-r s-i.o with moving: platform. This gliding set tee is cut t,o ."lO-inch solid oak Swintr with shit seat and back com plete with chains and finished fumed extra special at . . . . 3.2j Rattan Porch Chair, very light in weight, yet of superior strength and durability. Priced at . . $6.50 Reed Arm Rocker with continuous roll scat and back, closely-woven panels, shellac fin- tf A "B ff ish, special P'x.AtP f4.25 Porch Rocker, has hard white maple frame, fin ished dull with three panels in bad; ami- double woven cane scat, now. S.V7.") Old Hickorv Rocker. Andrew Jackson design. double splint scat and back, comfortable sloping arms, reduced to. :' $18.75 at and back com- "'$4.95 in weight, vet $2.45 $3.10 acksou design. $4.45 1 Ji fr OVEN MADE JN b v n IM if n at Another Seasonable Offer From Powers 1 ftis a-d oanitarv uas m Specially Priced This 'Week at Only Why You Will Like It Thn hetter articles am alwavs anDreclated most no nntK wants inferior merchandise unless compelled by cir cumstances to use It. This range is the highest grade procurable, yet at the special price any one can afford to own. one bear In mind you can buy for cash or on credit. A Large Gas Range A size larfte enough to give sufficient service to any familv. It has four larpe removable burners that can be put in a pan and cleaned. A splendid black enamel body mounted on a sanitary base that occupies but 43 inches of space. It is the very latest model in A - B sanitary construction, and is very economical in the con sumption of gas. Has Glass Oven Door and Black Enameled Body It's Exclusive Features Extra large cooking surface white porcelnln dirt trass glass oven door white porcelain panel broiler door sanitary b-iff -black enameled body that can be kept as clean ns a china ilish. There are over 7000 A-B sanitary gas ranp-es in use in rortlanu alone this is the kind of gas range we are offering yon. The Price In the regular way this gas range would cost you a great deal more, for the usual selling price is $tl. Thiiik what you save You not onlv get the very best gas range that is made today, but you are procuring it at a special price. You get our personal guar antee of service, economy and satisfaction the same ns you would were you buying it in the regular way. Remember, this price is good for this week only. Any Wonder There Are So Many Young Folks Starting Housekeevini m.M OST women socials t ho r.i!.' Annette Kt'llorman with talk on li;ly." and the gnrHl Imprenfion of theatrrgners alwnys h:iM birn th:it If th brauti'oiis Annt tti ovrr brraiiu1 a film i tar, hr wonhl n-vt at In r urcri'ts of beauty and make homi ly Rirls hope ful In 12 ri't'ls. MisH KulUrman ny slif vr.n not always tin poi f' t woman if her "n. As a child Jn her native Austral!., .'he was a little, undeveloped, homely thing and it was only to g:lti utreiiKtn that she took to pwtmniinK. Venus ram from the na nnil nn""tr exercl.Mf made u modern Vemm of An nette Kellernuin. Lot of other u'rU sw im and only t:;tin fre( kles and ykinned nont. They would pay ui'Oil money to larn how to t r.i nf orm thenielve into heiiutiifl. H'lt perhapw the Kt:i r is rejervf n her nee ret of pulchritude for another m-t ol" pie tures. Anyway, nhe kIvi-h tto bentity eourne in her photopUy hirh come to the Helll- Theater thU week. 'Nejtune-M IaiiKhtt r". Im tho name of M h Kel lerman's phot op la y, which was written by Ke."lio T. I'eaeoek". The scenes were filmed in Heriiiii-la, where the water is nice and warm for diving and swim ml tin, for it does not take a good g uef r to tell that a photoplay with Hiieh a deep Hen tiaine us ".Neptune Paiihter linn un am phibtouH heroine. !'a 1 1 of the time MIxk Kel lei run n In a n.erma Id and the rem n i tide r of the time hc x a lanT yatd. In one nef n they throw hr into the water with her ha mix tied end she un fit Hie tin the knot with her teeth tn the w.Wrr. Hoth in tlie nea and on I. Hid fhe n n r-utiliir HWMnhbuckler. UIDIng f f most ot lh villalnn and b; ra I u. h tn I ng out nil the tangled pol it i e n the iitn i n ionn of a dry-land kinif named William. AHer she hn boiled all the einpi i w t m Miws Kellerman i-ettN'M ilowu an a mor tal and marrtt Wllliani. Annette K ellerma n recently rx prepped gre;i t liking for the pht nt e. "becatiPB they npeuk a bin-1 guage and offer a mean of roinmiml eation to all the world Jn a common tongue; the name thought, the rame id:ta. and the name Mory." . xtd- v n ' : y r : ; i i ' n i . ; J) I tf.ii ,' ' v - v A tine tie PATRIOTISM STIRRED BY CRACIJLIBERTY BELL Visit to Scenes Famed for Events in America's Birth Calls for Analysis of Modern Fourth of July Celebrations and Their Motives. IY FRKPKRU' ft. IH'NN. WITH the approach of another July the Fourth, t here an men back upon my memory a aeries of prieelesK vignettes that felt to my possos.sion many years ago, when living for a time In one states A child of readily appreciate eagerness I seized poitutilty to vi.sit of the far Kantern t li e V cat, one m a y with what boyish upon each first op- a n y lora I ity asso- 1 Three-Room Outfit for This And It's So Easy to Pay for. Just think how easy it is for young folks to start house keeping these days. They can come in and select a fine three-room outfit, like the one pictured here, and take practically their own time to pay for it. Just a small pay ment down and then a little sum each week or each month provides them with a home that they can be justly proud of. The combination pictured here is the very best we have ever assembled at this price and we invite all younir couples who are contemplating "starting housekeeping" to come in and look it over. Every Piece Bears a Double Guarantee Furniture is not bought every week, every month or every year. : When you buy furniture it Is to live with you for a lone time. Not all furniture- lasts as Ions as it should, therefore a guaran tee of quality is a source of protection not to be under estimated. Both the makers of this furniture for every one of the three rooms and ourselves guarantee It in the broadest way. This guaran tee is an insurance policy against dissatisfaction. . It costs you nothing. When Thev Can Buy 'a I 1 r4 3 j$Jm Bill I I! ' ' 1 1 1 The Furnishings Consist of a two-Inch continuous post gold bronze bed, with fifty-pound roll-edge mattress and guaiant rd supported spring: a large dresser, a roll-seat arm rocker, a chair, a lrg fi.e ta'de. witn drawer, and a 9-by-12 rug. The dining-room contains four panel-back chairs, one pedestal din inir table, one rocker, one full size couch, one 9-by-9 rug. The kitchen Is fmntshed with one household treasure, one kitchen chair and an A-B sanitary range .with broiler oven. elated uu matter how slightly with the history of our Nat lonal independence, t remember the trance that came over me a I en terea Faneull 1 1 all mid, sitting down In the assombly-room. famried Samuel Adams in one of his Impassioned harangues. t rested beneath the shadow of the Id Kim Tne in Cambridge, where, as recorded upon a gigantic slab. "Washington first took command of the American Anny." I went up I'utnum'B Redoubt, clambered over the cannon, hhJ looked down upon the Mystic, where British men-of-war can no longer ride t anchor. rambled over tho green sward of Hunker Iff II and traced the low ridge's still marking the line of the. Intrench men ts. Oiixlng up Into the. handsome face of tlenetal Warren's, rftatue. I felt myself being almost mes merised into thinking that those bronite lipa were repeating for me "1 on t ?hoot. boys, till you see thn whiten of tin ir eyes." I climbed the stairs up into the belfry of Christ Church ami peered down from the very window where the lanterns were hung to warn ul Revere. Yes. and T followed that midnight dash, up thrmiuh the hills of Arlington and on Into Lexington and stopped there on the villace ureen, hair wondering If I might riot still hear that menacing cry, "Idsperse, ye rebels. l;iy down your arms." 1 passed on to Concord and musel by ihe little stream with the fame so big. The figure of the Minute Man ha u nt s me now. with t hose un forget table lines on the pedestal: By th neio brid(f that srfb'rt th fi. !, Their flair 1" A prl!" hrwzv unfurl!. Hr f!rt th eni hat i ld farmer stinil And ftrt'd thr hit h'id round tn worm, (tne Fourth of July I was one of an excursion party on a steamer dwn th" j t'otomac to spend the day st Mount Vernon. My eyes brimmed laree with tears when, all unexpectedly, the bells of the steamboat, began to toll nd the militMry band on board hushed Its rev elry to pl the mjette chords of "My Country, 'tis of Thee." for we were op posite the resting place of that "first in the hearts oi mi countrymen. ia, the city of VnihifiiihMi t sw- 1h sc. tui I fl i ft ep . In Ttvmn m Jf( f mnn own hundwrtUoi. nf iir Mhkmh Chtirt. And. tlm n In lniivhnni;i. I si rolled ah.Mit he tititf lef ldd f.f !et rtmotow n and over the site of thst dread Winter encampment at Vnlby huap, Hot in Independent Nt I'TiIIh delphtii, tht-re still, as If torn x of all tfie leelatioos accorded me, wns the old Lihftrty Hell teif, whl. h filing out its gospel on that firfil Kointh of July of 1770 To me then, as tt ph r has to mil I ins. it snefiied a ma t vel ous coincidence that Hint brll, Mt in Kim land as It whs. should hate en graven upon l those words of proph esy, "Procl a jni 1 1 her I y throne hoot alt the land to all the Inhabitants thereof." As those were my youthful dHM, all such t'Xp(rien-es mmle lndflttie Im pressions upon my mind, irlvinu me nt Incentive towrtrd pa I riot (e pi de. the happy Influence of whl' h I shall carry with me tu the end. I whs tsuKht In undying I en I is in the true sis nl f (- ore of that u I un nt nmaehy. In which mi r patriot forefathers statted America toward her destiny. Hut. ninnlUB hrre end there, thrnush all this stalely ot a tot In In pat tiof sm. there were some iiierr minor chords that st tl I J a n u le n my nerve. I M -nlfied old Kanewft Hall wa In the mblvt of a seething, noisy Iraifie, M lower stor.V a blve f markets. The old Kim Tree was In h pitiful decay, far soil pitch were plMHtered over ft in un si c tit ly manner, end Ir on b rs if strained to ken the limbs from split tin off. Mvstie Ittver was ell but mth, and Hunker Mill ss tod Hunker Hill nt all. Ik'fnrs VflPhlni("i,p t.-mh some ilesplcnble youths rud ly Jostled earh other and mo ked at the pUi wrd w hb h reo,ueled t he remo a I of hsts. I was dtunppolotod stirf startled to ftod thn old Liberty Hell In fhtb.delphla with m great erark leavln It almost from ape to rim. An uu I v rent In tbi prb elesa old relic! It was a rude shot k to my Imag inative nature. To tht very dv. I n not think of H.e old l.lbeitv lieit with toit suffering that great rrark to tun athwart my vision. The fourth of July celebrations of our day m r left tn b m i f a t i-e-l. w ot k'd -u p sion s. the res sin f"f w hit h la often eft I re I v per vet t d by the masses who parti 1tsIm. It not nn unfounded conjrlure thst perhaps the vast majority of the people w tvi throng th Jubilee hse Very IM 1 le con ception. If arty, if the origin of our nt ft nstsl dav. Honor thy f a I her and md her, t h1 thv dns nmy be boK upn I he Isnd wlmto the Lord, Ihj Ood, fcivelh thee."