The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 21, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Page 8, Image 52

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Buildings Will Cost $160,000 Each and Will Contain All Latest Improvements Stereopticon Slides Are Prepared, Showing How Structures Will Look, and Patrons Are Given Opportunity
to Make Suggestions if They Have Any Objections to Proposed Arrangements.
SOLD FOR $150,000
R. H. Brown Cites Home Indus
try That Is Not Properly
Supported at Home.
La Grande Capitalists Take
iOO Acres Owned by Cor
poration in Salt Lake.
Unionists Look to County and Its Un
developed Resources for Homes
fl and Delegation Sees Sections
J-i Xow for Sale.
The interesting fact was told in
Portland last week that A. T. Hill,
La Grande capitalist; Horace E. Cool
ldge, of the La Grande National Bank.
arid Floyd McKennon, a La Grande
farmer, have purchased from the Amal
gamated Sugar Company, a Mormon
corporation of Salt lake, a 1600-acre
ranch for a consideration of $150,000,
and that they are putting the entire
tract In crop.
The 1600 acres are located in the
Grand Ronde Valley, between La
Grande and Hot Lake. In 1903 the
Amalgamated Sugar Company built a
large sugar factory at La Grande and
began to educate the people of that
Community in the science of raising
sugar beets. As the best possible site
for- beet, culture this Grand Ronde
tract was picked, and 70,000 was
spent lri Improving it with one of the
finest irrigation systems in the .North
" So perfectly were the series of dams
and canals laid out that every acre can
be flooded at any time of the year, the
arrangements of the gates making it
Continually sub-Irrigated.
,.This Utah firm raised sugar beets
for eight years, and, while it made the
place pay, owing to the adaptability of
its system. It did not receive sufficient
support from the farmers to pay to run
the factory. Consequently the factory
Was torn down and moved to Burlay,
Idaho. Since 1911 the firm has been
raising grain on the irrigated land in
'.'The expensive improvements on the
ranch, in the form of implements,
stock and buildings, are Included in
tne purchase by the La Grande com
pany. Mr. McKennon will be the
active manager of the project, Mr. Hill
will handle the livestock and Mr. Cool
ldge will look after the financial end.
Pendleton Men Make Big Deals.
A. B. Cooley, of Pendleton, last week
purchased from Ed Holloway a 1280
affe Harsey County ranch, located
seven miles east of Burns and adjoin
ing the State Experimental Farm, at a
figure of (45,000. pne-half of the tract
is .In growing grain. A full farming
outfit of tools and equipment, including
a caterpiller engine, is on the place.
Mr. Cooley is selling the largest part
of his leased holdings In - the Indian
reservation near Pendleton to Charles
W. Tulloch, of Pendleton, for 125,000.
Included in the purchase are TOO acres
of growing grain, 700 acres of Summer
fallow, stock and implements.
To Bruno Weber, of Pendleton, Mr.
Cooley has also sold 240 acres of Sum
mer fallow, located adjoining Mr.
Weber's holding on the reservation,
tor $7200. The place is already
equipped with a caterpillar engine.
'Yamhill Farms Bring High Figure.
Wilbur Cook has sold his 75-acre
farm, two miles south of McMlnnvlUe,
to- Pratt Sitton at a reported considera
tion of 15.000, or $200 an acre.
The 22-acre place of George Keen,
. not far south of McMinnvllle, has been
sold to Harry Brenneman for $12,000,
Some McMinnvllle property was in
volved In the transaction.
Cove Ranch la Sold.
Julius Fisher last week took title to
the 229-acre ranch of Harvey Dahlstrom
in the Cove district of the Grand Ronde
Valley adjoining the original holding
of Mr. Fisher. Last week's purchase
gives Mr. Fisher 400 acres of choice
Forcfit Grove Fruit Ranch In Deal.
Through the agency of the Good In
vestment Company, T. O. Goff, of Forest
Grove, has sold his 13-acre fruit farm
on David's Hill, near Forest Grove, to
C. M. Straus, who lived at Beaverton
before moving from Idaho and Cali
fornia. He will now make his perma
nent home at Forest Grove as well as
Mr. Goff, who moved to Oregon recently
from Montana.
Rone Farm Transferred.
A. O. Vogel, a recent arrival from
New Mexico, has' purchased from D.
B. Hunt the ISO-acre Rone farm located
12 miles east of Sutherltn. He has
alleady assumed possession and will
engage in general farming. Bogard &
Shields, Roseburg real estate men,
biEught the two parties together. The
place is highly improved.
Hotel Sold by Sheriff.
?5laf Severson, former owner of the
old Lakeport Hotel at Lakeside, about
three miles from Langlols, In the
Marshfleld country, recently bought his
former holding at a Sheriff's execu
tion. The building is three stories and
cost about $13,000, when built during
the Lakeport boom of 1907 and 1908.
SI. Severson is opening the place as
a Summer resort.
. Mount Angel Man Buys in Lane.
Anthony Boukoswky, of Mount
Angel, has purchased from Harvey
Iramilton the latter's 68-acre farm near
Hjolley at a reported consideration of
J r Border Farm Changea Hands.
!R. J. Cole has Just sold to W. J.
Bray and son, George Bray, of Bray,
1S00 acres in the northern part of
tffckiyou County and extending over
liito Jackson County, Oregon, at a price
of $55,000. It includes the famous
ofid Cole ranch near Colestin. The place
is! suitable for agriculture and grazing.
t Farm Laads Traded. . .
At a valuation of $25 per acre V. ET
Viay has traded the Shelby Lee place
lri the Heppner district of Morrow
County to Carl Tier, of Timber. Or., for
land owned by Mr. Her in Washington
County. Stock and implements were
not included in the transfer. George
Vt,. Flint, of Lexington, negotiated the
Mormons Look Toward Harney County.
J. L. D. Morrison, sales manager of
tlie Oregon & Western Colonization
Cempany. of Portland, and H. R. Sloan,
of Portland, a prominent representa
tive of the Mormon people, recently led
a delegation of Mormons to look up
l;iid In Harney County for the es
tablishment of a colony there. Those
included In the party going to Burns
wre: George A. Fuller, a bishop of
thft Mormon Church, his brother, John
Fuller, and J. W. Wilson, all of Eden,
Utah: J. Z. Stewart, ot Logan. Utah,
and E. S. Reid. of Preston, Idaho. It
Is 'aid that they represent many others
who also look with favor upon the
splendid agricultural possibilities of
the undeveloped Harney country.
It has ban discovered that the lava and
ashs which cover th cities of Hercti
Itneum and Pompeii contain a lrj per
centage of valuable deposits, which are
to be exploited commercially by the Italian
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ENTATrVE plans were completed
last week by F. A. Naramore, su
perintendent of properties and
architect of the Portland school dis
trict, for the new Couch and Shattuck
school buildings to be erected, begin
ning this Summer, on the two building
sites recently purchased.
The Couch building will be located
on 12 lots on the eastern portion of the
large block bounded by Twentieth,
Gllsan, Twenty-first and Hoyt streets.
purchased from Archbishop Christie
for $142,000.
The new Shattuck building will face
the park blocks on the block bounded
by Broadway, Park, College and Hall
streets, purchased recently from vari
ous owners for $126,000.
Buildings to Cost $160,000.
Each of the new buildings will cost
approximately $160,000. While these
expenditures are far below those for
the larger Lincoln High School and the
Jefferson High School buildings, the
specifications have been outlined by
Mr. Naramore according to most ap
proved methods and the buildings will
$50,000 DEAL JADE
Two Lots at Morrison and
.Chapman Streets Traded.
Scattering Sales of City and Subur-
Dan Property Show Transac
tions Reaching Into .
Large Figures.
Most significant among the property
transactions of the past week was a
transfer closed Thursday whereby the
H. W. Corbett Estate assumes posses
sion of the two lots on the northeast
corner of Morrison and Chapman
streets. This property formerly was
owned by Mrs. Eveline Richet and is
valued at $50,000 or more.
In consideration of the transfer, the
Corbett Estate assumed a $25,000 mort
gage on the Morrison-street property
and deeded to Mrs. Richet a 30-foot
frontage at 228 Yamhill street between
First fend Second streets, now Improved
with a frame building. This parcel was
placed in the trade at a valuation of
$25,000. The deal was made through
the agency of A. A. HalL
The corner acquired by the Corbett
Estate Is improved with a two-story
building. Robert H. Strong, manager
of the estate, said yesterday that no
additional Improvement would be made
on the corner at present. The fill re
cently made on Morrison street from
Chapman west to Twenty-first street
will be improved with hard-surface
during the coming Summer, and it is
understood that a carllne will soon be
built on that stretch under a franchise
already granted.
" Aside from the property obtained by
the Corbett Estate in this transaction
not be inferior In any respect The
Lincoln High School cost $524,083.01.
plus 5 per cent for architect's fees, and
the Jefferson High School cost - $288.
910.45. No figures are available on the
Washington High School, but it did not
cost nearly as much as the other two
There will be ns architect's fees to
acCDunt for this year, as all such serv
ices will be performed in the office of
Mr. NaramSre. Figures on the last
four buildings erected show that the
work of his office cost the district only
2.88 per cent. To this, perhaps, 1 per
cent should be added for office charges
and superintendence. '
Slides Show Plans.
In order to give the school patrons
In the respective districts opportunity
to incorporate their own ideas and
wishes Into the building plans, two sets
of stereopticon slides have been pre
pared, showing In detail the present
stage of the plans for each of the build
ings. These plans were exhibited to
the people of the Couch school district
at- a public meeting held In the Lin
coln High School last night. The
slides illustrating what the Shattuck
School Is to look like will be thrown
It owns io property west of Tenth
- Proposed Auction Arouses Interest.
The auction sale announced by the
Fred A. Jacobs Company this week, to
be held in conjunction with A. J. Rich
& Co., of San Francisco and New York,
within the next 60 days, has aroused
considerable interest. A large number
of property owners have expressed
themselves as ready to dispose of their
hlodings, And several down-town Port
land pieces have been listed.
Third Street Sale Made.
' For a consideration of $2000, Patrick
Murray has sold to Samuel Singer a
portion of tne quarter oiock huik
on the northwest" corner of Third and
Baker streets.
Suburban Property Sells High.
Property located about seven miles
east of Portland near the Powell Val
ley road and adjoining the Ryan place
has been purchased from William
Hughes, administrator, by M. H. O'Con
nor. The deed, filed last week, cites
$24,000 as the selling price. A fraction
over 100 acres are Included in the
IVob Hill Home Brings $30,000.
Through a. Sheriffs deed, Mrs. Esther-
M. Cook has assumed possession
of four improved residence lots, lOOx
200 feet In area, extending from Mar
shall to Lovejoy streets between Nine
teenth and Twentieth streets. The deed
stipulates $30,818 as the consideration.
There Is a large residence on the prop
erty. Bast Alder Street Corner Sells. '
A house and lot located on the south
west corner of East Eightieth and East
Alder streets was transferred by J.
W. Spiller last week to A. B. Gangloff.
The consideration was $3200.
Glenwood Park Property Moves.
Martin T. Duffy took title last week
through J. A. Bishop, executor, to one
block and three additional lots In
Holmes' Addition to Glenwood Park.
The consideration named In the deed
was $2225.
East Burnside Street Sale Reeorded.
For $2700 G. L. King has sold to the
Brighton Development Company a va
cant lot on East Burnside street near
Floral avenue.
Laurelhurat Site Sold.
The Laurelhurst Company has sold to
Rose Leland three lots described as
block 55, Laurelhurst Addition, for a
consideration of $4125.
Sale of Bartark Parrel Made.
E. P. Hopwood has taken title to a j
-z?3D Co luc A OSr
on the screen tomorrow night to the
patrons of that school.
If any serious objections are entered
against the present proposed pro
gramme, it is probable that .some al
terations will be made to suit their
wishes. However, a large number of
the school patrons have- already ex
pressed their satisfaction with the
plans laid by Mr. Naramore.
Work May Begin In August.
After the plans have been indorsed
by the school patrons and the School
ioara, Olas will De aavenisea lor sag
the contract let immediately. It is
hardly hoped that the actual consruc
tion can begin before some time in
August. Therefore, it Is probable that
the school will not be ready for occu
pancy at the -opening of .the second
term of the coming school year, Feb
ruary, 1915.
Each of the new buildings will run
two stories over a ground story or
basement and contain 24 classrooms,
Including domestic science rooms, sewing-rooms
and two open-air class
rooms. The general type ot consrttc
tion will be reinforced concrete frame
with brick exterior walls. The mater
ial going Into the exterior will be red
lot located on the southwest corner of
East Thirty-ninth and ' East Yamhill
streets. The property was deeded by
Frederick W. Drake for a considera
tion of $3269. N
Southport Factory Site Sold.
Two lots in block 1, of Southport Ad
dition have been sold by L. G. Wiede
witsch to the North Star Iron Works
for $4000. It is understood the prop
erty .was purchased as a factory loca
tion." McMlllen'a Addition Transfer Made.
A lot located on the southwest cor
ner of Cherry and Goldsmith streets. In
McMlllen's Addition, was transferred
last week to John G. Tracy, through a
Sheriff's deed, for a consideration of
$11,164. .
Portland Homestead Sale Reported.
For $4000, E. I. Karr has sold to
George H. Ribbecke and others 70 by
156 feet located near the Intersection
of Corbett street with Bancroft avenue,
in Portland Homestead.
Glenwood Park Sale Made.
Four lots In block 2, of Holmes' Sub
division to Glenwood Park, have been
transferred by Martin T. Duffy to Wil
liam R. Lacey for $3200.
La Grande Man to Construct Grande
Ronde Addition.
LA GRANDE, Or, June 20. (Spe
cial.) The contract to construct the
annex to the Grand Ronde Hospital has
been awarded to G. H. Rush, of La
Grande, and the work will be started
as soon as the excavation, which was
begun this morning, is completed. The
building is to be completed by Septem
ber 1.
The new part will be modern and
fireproof, and is to be equipped with
an electric elevator. The additional
room will be utilized as office rooms,
private rooms, additional ward room
and special rooms. The cost will be
approximately $20,000.
Every St. Paul House Occupied.
ST. PAUL, Or., June 20. (Special.)
St. Paul is able to boast the distinc
tion of not having an empty house in
the town. A number of new dwellings
have been erected this season and
others are In course of construction,
but the supply 1 still less than the
Thfr English poaTTofflce is said to make
$50,000 a year on unredeemed money or-oera.
face brick with terra cotta or. artificial
stone trimmings.
In addition to the classroom allot
ments, the principal's office and ante
room, the teachers' restroom and an
assembly hall with a large stage and a
seating capacity of about 600 will be
provided on each of the first floors.
The open-air play roof, furnishing
adequate playground facilities for the
children In safe quarters, will be lo
cated directly over each of the audi
toriums. An emergency hospital room
will also be provided. No classroom
will be located over either of the au
ditoriums, the latter being on a level
with the second floors.
On the ground floor will be situated
the swimming tanks, the manual train
ing rooms, the playrooms, or gym
nasiums, the boiler-room and the boys'
and girls' toilets.
Features of the equipment will be
electric lights, inter-communlcating
telephones, an automatic clock system
and a vacuum cleaning system. The
heating and ventilating will be effected
by low pressure steam boilers with fan.
thermostatic control, air washer and
humidity control, liberally designed In
all parts. The blackboards will be of
slate or glass' and the plumbing fix-
Device at Booth-Kelly Mill at
Springfield Marvel.
From AVaterpond to Storage Beds or
Cars, 1-ors to Finished Lumber
Are Carried by Xear
Thinklng Systems.
SPRINGFIELD, Or., June 120. (Spe
cial.) The first operation on a log, as
It is picked out In the pond at the
Booth-Kelly Lumber Company's new
mill, now nearlng completion here. Is
Instead of the old-fashioned log haul
up, the new mill has a device by which
the log is lifted vertically from the
water until the winding chains have
rolled it onto the log deck. The main
saw is a steel band. 1 Inches wide and
9 feet long, and will cut a board nearly
six feet wide.
From the main saw the boards are
carried the length of the mill and
transferred, by chains, across to the
trimmers, which are operated by com
pressed air. Pressing of a little lever
raises and lowers the proper saws to
give the board the right length, and
then the stick is carried back to the
initial end of the mill to be resawed to
the finished sizes.
Once finished, tne boards are aeiiv-
ered to the three sorting tables, ex
tending nearly 300 feet beyond
the mill. As the boards are carried
along on. rope cables, workmen select
the different Bizes, drawing them off
into piles, until there Is a supply for
the monorail car to take away, either
to the storage yards or to the dry klin.
The one sorting is enough and. when a
load of lumber is delivered in the yard.
tures throughout will be of the most
sanitary vitreous ware.
In order to keep the classrooms as
far from the abutting car tracks as
Dosslble. the new CDUoh School win
face the east This will necessitate a
different arrangement of the rooms on
each of the floors, but the number and
character will be the same In each of
the buildings.
Shaltuek to Pac Park Blork.
The Shattuck building will face the
park blocks with a central court In
front of the auditorium, and with sev
eral entrances.
The Couch building will be located
about 130 feet back from the frontage
on Twentieth street and five feet from
the Glisan-street line. This provision
Is made to preserve the valuable
shrubs and trees now located In the
front yard of the Portland Convales
cent Home site, where this school
building Is to go. Each building will
cover an 'approximate ground dimen
sion of 130x195 feet.
The Shattuck School will be moved
as nearly to the Tark-street line as Is
feasible In order to keep the building
away from Broadway, where It Is pos
sible car tracks will be located at some
later date.
the workmen know the whole load goes
Into a single stack.
Big timbers are carried the entire
length of the mill and out. Into the open
dock, to a timber slzer. capable' of
smoothing a timber 16x30 Inches. Tim
bers here are handled by machinery,
one man being sufficient to do tlie
work. The big sticks are loaded di
rectly onto the cars from this dock.
Automatic devices cut ths number of
men required at the dry kiln from six
to one, and the lumber, Instead of lying
the broad side down In the kiln. Is
clamped Into a bundle and goes, through
the kiln on edge, so as to get better
distribution of ths drying heat.
Lumber for the planer department Is
delivered along the south side of the
shed. Is worked across through the
planers, and then delivered on the
north side. Into the runway leadlnK to
the storage shed for flooring, siding
and other finishing lumber.
Precautions hare been taken at every
point to safeguard the workmen and the
mill. Nearly all the motors are placed
In the basement of the mill, with trans
minion chains coming through the
floor close against the frame of the
machine. Starting boxes are located
near the machine they serve, so that
the machinery may be stopped with the
greatest speed, should tnere be need.
Automatic sprinkler devices are scat
tered throughout the mill and a looo-gallon-a-minute
pump has been In
stalled. All the wiring, both for the
power wire and the light service, are
In Iron pipe conduits, and. as far as
possible, these conduits are burled In
the ground, below the mill, running
from the main switchboard to a point
underneath the outlet where the power
Is to be used. The mill throughout
have been coated with fire-resisting.
salt and lime solution and ths dry kiln
Is constructed entirely of hollow tile.
W. C. Arthur A Co. to Build Blork
for A. C. Ruby on Fifth Street.
A building permit was Issued yester
day to A. C. Kuby for the construc tion
of the three-story fireproof concrete
building to be erected on the southeast
corner of Fifth and Burnside streets.
As previously announced, this building
will cost about $r0.000.
The contract has been let to W,
Arthur A Co.
A Berlin protestor estimates the commer
cial value In electricity of a riash of ngnt-niog-
lasilns for one-thousandth of a sec
ond at 29 cents.
Chairman of Portland Realty- Board
Publicity Committee Calls Atten
tion to Need or Patronising
Coant Manufacturers.
pt n. if. unowx.
Chairmen publicity Committee, Port
. land Realty Hoard.
I wonder how many of us, tipon en
terlng a store to make a purcha.
ourselve. -Was It made on the Taclflo
Coasir The Pacific Coast Is my home,
and I trv not to be narrow enoush to
base mv lovalty to the confines of Ore
son, for the Interestn of this entire
Coaxt are IJentiial and 'home Indus
try" means Induntrles on our West
Through the efforts of the Oressn
Development League and similar or
ganizations on the Coast we are bring
ing thousands of farmers and tillers of
the soil to this country every year, and
this agricultural development will
eventually develop the cities, but why
wait for agriculture alone. It alone
will not do IU
laaastrlee sad Parralle KerSed.
The mnnufarturliig Industry, the cap
ital to build It and the parroll to oper
ate It. Is what the -Mf of the Tscirio
Coat most nee'i. Our cities are grow
ing and IIicbs people need employment.
Thousands f settlers rnme to Ihet'osst
t'arh year who would trve on the
farm. It Is up to us to develop our
How tan 1 do my part, insy headed.
Easily. Hy patronising those Inilus
trlts already here. If any readers have
not visited the dni'Uv of 'home-made
products" In the corner room of the
ground floor of the Commercial Club,
he should mass It his duty to go down
tirrafrwt la m4.
Our Mggrst field of possibilities Is
In the development of line of manu
facture using wood as Its raw material.
It Is a well-known fact that when the
lumber business Is la. k In Ihe North
west, our whole buMness slai hens.
let's all of us Join forces and boost
for anything that will help the lumber
I'll wager that not one-hslf ef ens
per cent of Portland's population knows
thst oak. mahogany and other ral.lnet
woods are manufactured from the log
right here In Portland. I II ! ven
ture to eay that not one-tenth of that
small number knows Hint hlgh-rlesa
office difks and ladles are nm'le right
here In South Portland from this asms
oak and mahogany by a o l nlany,
organised a year and a half ao ay
two Portland men and now being oper
ated successfully. Ihe only one west of
the lllsslsslppl lllver.
I'pon being Interviewed rei-enlly on
this subject, the proprietors of this
company gave me to understand ther
could get better tipMrt. I have bought
two of their ilei-ks through a lo-al sta
tionery house, and they are giving en
tire satisfaction. Of all the hiah-rlass
stationery houses In our city. I am
advised that only two of them support
our local desk factory and handle their
line; the others are not so loyal.
One big stationery house even goes
out of the way to do these local people
all the harm they can, and those same
proprietors of that stationery house, t
am told, are native Orsaonlans. or at
least have lived hers a long time. - la
that the proper spirit T
I'fcoae t'aaaaaay's Spirit Itlafct.
In dwelling further on this suhlect,
I like to give credit to those to whom
credit belongs. I'pon completion re
cently of Its fine new building, one of
the finest on the Coast, ths Paclflo
Telephone A Telegraph Company found
It was going to require :0 new desks,
and accordingly circulated the Inquiry
among all the Portland dealers. Includ
ing the one manufacturer.
I'pon receiving quotations and exam
ining various lines, several of the of
ficials of the telephone company took
the trouble and time away from their
business to go ontto Houth Portlsnd
and Inspect the plant and line of our
"one manufacturer," and upon Investi
gation found their desks of an squat
quality with Eastern desks of a sim
ilar grade, on an even basis of price,
and without further consideration gavs
the order to our own manufacturer,
thereby keeping that money at horns.
Now, wasn't that the proper spirit.
Let's all of ns practice It.
Kugrae Prrsslla g2O.0n for Una I a.
During the month of My building
norm It. amounting to 120.000 were Is
sued by the building Inspector In Eu
gene, calling mostly for moderate-
priced residence construction.
A largo number of residence sre
also under course of construction at
Hutherlln, a thriving town In Douglas
Krnest Kroner, a rortlsnti arrnitecv
has awarded the contract for the con
struction of the Wnodburu library
building to A. A. !-loneld. a ood
bnrn contractor, for tll.
Directory of Promintnt
Life Insurance Agencies,
Mtmbtr$ of Lift Vndervnurt
Aoda6on of Oregon
w m oalamea. atasafee,
lreutaa I'lug.
11. u. toltoa, Manas.
ASSAC'li i:ni I I mliiai. UrtV
tkamlr of (omsiM HISS-
U H. rJ. .
facirio m ru a i.
Title A Trulce. liag
B U. Hermes, Masse.
I-EN XI UAL 1.1 rg,
Mortswirn renk Hlag.
lloreo Me- kim, kisneeer,
HEW kS'H.M !'1U1. Lift
Wertkw tra lsnk Mtdg.
u. Ksis, y .
ci. eg H. Ve
Crtt loss-
Harry Rlcbr, 0aral AL
IF I 1 Kb! 1 IU
apaidirg Bills
C. a Bllaa, eaerel Aat,
COLtMiM l.irgi TP. LIT CO,
Sllverinn, Oregoa.
a, p. Lorkwooo. i--fr. ass JMM. alga
COLL Mill A l.llt THLST LO,
Spalding ins a.
FM!-remS)r C., Ural AfelA
So ilO Urn. IlinS.
T. H MrAlUa, Mn-r.
V'KION kill u l.lrK ip, a. CO.
MT Phorlnrk Blag.
Joha Fever, Mesas.
RnthrhllS Peg.
Northwestern pans tles
Jvdd Uwri. Msregr.
ft Ixkiim P leg
kc, iriir. )iai.a A l.ivl. Mx sgarSj
AETNA l.vsi haNCB ,,
Teoa BiSs.