T . .. , TTTE STTXDAT OREGONIAX. POItTXAXP. JUXE 21, 1911. ; AUTO RACERS SOON FLOCK TO TAGOMA Pilots Will Arrive Early to Study Details of Track Be- -' fore' July 3-4 Meet. 23 ENTRIES ARE RECEIVED Drivers to Take Part Are All Vet . erans of Racing Game and Ex pect to Make Speedway His tory on Xew Course.. " TACOMA. "Wash.. June 20. (Special.) Messages making reservations for pilots of the racing autos and their mechanicians and attendants are pour Ins into Tacoma these days, and within ' another fortnight the greatest drivers of the game will be here ready .for the contests which are to take place July 3 and 4. They want to be ready and know every detail of the lightning fast track so no mishap may mar the races. Already 23 drivers have entered and others are expected. 4 The entries are: Tetzlaff, Maxwell; Carlson, Maxwell; . Hug-hes,. Maxwell; Verbeck, Fiat; Kennedy, Chalmers: Tay lor. Alco; Gordon. Mercer; Klein, King; Burman, Burman special; Cooper, Stutz; Taaffe. American; Welch, Fiat; Crpton. Chevrolet; Aubry, Mercer; Terrien. Re gal; Pullen, Mercer; Parsons, Franz; DeAlene, Marmon: unknown. Mercer; Barnes. Roman; Thomas. Locomobile; North, Mercer. '..,' They expect to make racing history In Tacoma. That they are well equipped Is shown by their past performances on the Indianapolis speedway and at Santa Monica. There is not a man In . i . i . .taran at thf tTfl-lrie. Ultlll uia.k ,w iiwt " - ' They are ready, and all they want is to become accustomed to the Tacoma course. That is the reason mat xney laxe me '- Every accommodation is' being made for the race ' patrons. Not only will they be given a feast of speed but also an opportunity tb enjoy themselves' In a. comfortable stand. For those who have autos, parking spaces have been reserved, and everything will .be done to provide for their comfort. The Quantity of one gallon was also personally measured and poured into the motorcycle tanks of the com petitors by the chief of police. Will Rundle. of ' the San Joaquin creamery, also riding an Excelsior motorcycle, reeled off 109.9 miles be fore his gallon of Associated, gasoline had all Dasserl from his tank. The two riders got away from Branch's agency on Weber avenue in Stockton at 8:30 o'clock Sunday morning. The route taken was out through Acampo, Chero kee Lane, the lower Stockton road ana back to Weber avenue, a distance of 35 miles. It was .8:40 P. M: when Perrin's machine gave a final cough and stopped. Just over the Calaveras Kiver. ' ine speedometers of the automobiles that accompanied him all day reported Ibi.i miles for the day's work. Perrin -was unable to stand after his 12-hour grind. having been continuously in the saddle since the time he started. Motorcyclists and automobile owners (n and around Stockton who witnessed the phenomenal performance credit tne purity of the gasoline as being a ma terial factor in' establishing the new world's record. Slip of Girl Manages Trans portation Works. Miss Hasel Scfcmeltxer, 16 Years Old, Directs Her Father's Of-, flee at Hillsboro and Attends ' to His Affairs. S A cosy little office In the Washing- X ton Hotel building at Hillsboro.' Or. there can be found every day a 16-year-old trirl sitting at a roll-top desk., a telephone at either hand, ' an order book and a stack of waybills and memo randum sheets in front of her. The Dhones are always busy. She is re- EXCEtSIOR MOTORCYCLE TRAVELS " ,162.7 MILES ON ONE GALLON.- Forlty of Associated Product Given ..' Credit for Remarkable Perlorm v uce by A. D. Parker. One hundred and sixty-two and seven tenths miles from one gallon of gasoline Is the new world's record just made at Stockton' by a motorcycle rider during the economy tests In that city. Eddie Perrin. driving an Excelsior motorcycle, with Associated gasoline as fuel, made thenew record. Perrin's great mileage record is at ' tributable,- In a marked degree, to the, purity of the gasoline he used,. It being generally conceded that the slightest adulteration or impurity detracts from the highest efficiency of the fuel. According to A. D. Parker, manager of the local branch .of the Associated Oil Company, the economy tests have been conducted with the greatest possi ble precautions for absolute accuracy, the gasoline, which was the regular commercial grade furnished to the auto mobiling public, being drawn from a regular sidewalk delivery tank by the Stockton chief of police, who had previ ously sealed it to prevent tampering. v " pliliiwi1! Basel Schmeltxer. ceiving business calls and giving orders. This girl is Hazel Schmeltzer. Quick and alert, she never misses anything and has an executive ability far beyond her girlish years. She at tends to all the many and various de tails of her father's transportation business. All outgoing and Incoming freight and express town calls and de liveries from a piano to a suitcase come under the active direction of this young girl manager. Just now she is enjoying the prepara tions she Is making for an overland trio .from Hillsboro to San Diego, Cal. A big one and one-half-ton Federal auto truck is tfeing fitted as an apart ment on wheels. Jn which her motner. her father and herself will live while she drives them over that long stretch of mountains and valleys to San Diego. Through her own efforts ana plans she has secured a well-paying , auto truck hauling contract at the Panama Exposition at San Diego ana sne ex pects to make a record trip for a. big truck and an amateur driver. The party will leave riuisooro juiy . "Pa, what's a contre-temps?" "I don't know. I've never learned the names of all these automobile parts. Exchange. STATE LIKELY UNIT Plans Made for Apportioning Federal Road Fund. INSPECTION ROCK RISES AUTOMOBILES GARRY SIGN OF RED GROSS IN BATTLE Test of Hupmobiles Proves Value of Cars for Service in War In Place of Heavy Wagons and Long String of Mules. r xtf r- F -Sew r "' ' ' 1111 y wm f ttTO.:.:-.:.- afei JWSS , ENOUGH chatter has been written about the motor car In the mili tary service, to ftU several volumes. . Motor trucks and pleasure cars have been tried out by the armies of Eng land. Germany. France and Italy, as well as the United States. The rival forces . in Mexico have been reported operating enough machines for every bugler, "marksman and general on both sides to own a private car, but the one nlace where the automobile has the best chance to show has been overlooked.1 Carrying the Red Cross nag or tne hospital corps, a field .ambulance is comparatively safe in modern warfare. Civilised forces all recognize the insig nia of the hospital service, and with the Red Cross in view an automobile would be allowed to cover the field un molested, picking up the wounded and rushing them to the field hospital which is attached to each brigade. Recently a Los Angeles regiment of the National Guard, during army man. euvers, used a fleet of six Hupmobiles. These cars were used by the hospital -corps, and in the report of the day's practice the commanding officer speaks highly of the efficiency of motor cars for such purposes. In the first place it was found that the wounded could.be removed from the field of battle in one-fifth the time it took in the old way by having the Red Cross men walk through the fields. Again, the wounded were rushed to the hospital with more speed, and, as a consequence, quicker medical atten tion could be given them, which would probably mean a saving, of many lives in actual battle. Then, too. the automobiles require a' great deal ' less' .attention tli&n the hospital wagons and a string of horses and mules. There is no possibility of a stampede from fright, and the ma chines were always under perfect control. The success of the MupmoDiies was so great in these recent maneuvers that when the Los' Angeles battalion was sent- to the Mexican border the cars accompanied them. k Question of Governmental Super vision May Start Trouble, Says Chairman Dlehl, of ' Auto Association. WASHINGTON, June 20. "In Federal roads legislation. It is a practical cer tainty .that .the National Government will recognize the state as the smallest unit with, .which it will deal. ' When the Senate Postoffices and Post Roads Committee reports the measure which came to- it from the House, It Is pre dicted that the so-called roads rental clause will be missing, and that what ever money is appropriated after divi sion among the several states, will be expended on whatever roads the Gov ernor and the Secretary of Agriculture mav decide. Through its National Good Roads Board, the American Auto mobile Asociatlon has greatly con cerned itself with the highways ques tion approached from a National standpoint, and Chairman George C. Diehl comments thusly on the -present situation: "The basis of apportionment of Fed eral appropriations to the respective states is a matter upon which there Is verv little disagreement, and it is Drobable that population, area and post road mileage will be factors finally adonted for . determining the proportion of Federal money to which each- state will be entitled. "Finally, our solons will probably begin the programme of Federal aid with a modest appropriation, probably not. to exceed $5,000,000. This sum. together with an equal amount to be provided by the states, will involve an expenditure or. siu.uuu.uuu curing me first year's operation. To start with a modest appropriation and increase it as conditions warrant would be to In sure the success of the policy .from the nntRet. "The question which has ' threatened to become the rock upon which the Federal-aid' good road forces would snlit is that of Federal inspection. There are legislators who stand aghast at the possibility of another great Fed eral Dureau growing 10 uuu uyui -tlons as to cast its shadow upon local autonomy. They profess to see tne crumbling of 'state's rights,' the stif ling of local initiative ana enaeavor. and the growth of a political machine. If Federal inspection Involved tnese consequences, it would be a dangerous and highly undesirable policy. As a matter of fact. Federal Inspection, un der reasonable legislative restriction, involves no menace whatever to local liberties. "The weight of precedent, and tne common sense or uongress are buhi ciently powerful to make certain the inclusion of any Federal-aid bill .'that may be passed of an adequate amount of Government supervision. 'Federal" revenues come rrom an oi the states, and the right or a state to do as it pleases with its own property does not carry with It the right to do what it pleases with property inai comes from all of the states. To say that Federal inspection of work for which the Federal Government pays a portion of the cost is either unwarrant ed or unwise, Is to say that the Fed eral Government should from year to year make appropriations for specific purposes, and yet take no steps what ever to ascertain whether the money Is applied to such purposes. "The contention that Federal-aid un der a . plan of Federal inspection will stifle local self-help, is not borne out by experiences in the respective states where an analogous plan has been in effect for some years between states and counties. In 1904 the total expen diture on public roads throughout the United States amounted to $80,000,000. In 1913 the total expenditure aggregat ed about $206,000,000, and this in spite . ' : , , . Quality First V ' VP,' Ballmers . JUgM Delivery Now Call or Phone for Demonstration H. L. KEATS AUTO CO. ' Portland, Oregon Seattle, Wash. r - . 11 . i of the fact that state participation In road work has haa lis spirn oi est development since 1804, and inai the total expenditure or state iunu up to and including the year 1913 amount ed to about $165,000,000." ' Limousine Electric Fan Novelty. A diminutive electric fan, especially designed to ventilate the Interior of a automobile, is a French novelty. The double-Jointed mounting provided with the fan permits one to airect me air current toward any part of the car. The motor is completely inclosed, so there is no leakage of lubricant, and the fan Is self-contained in an alum inum body. It uses but little energy, and takes up very little room. Big Track. Built for Poles. An electric truck of unusual size used by an Eastern telephone company in hauling poles for line installation. It Is 31 feet long, with a 20-foot base, and has a four-wheel motor drive with four-wheel steering. It has demon strated Its capacity by hauling 90-foot poles, a feat seldom considered possible without a trailer. A winch In the cen ter of the car, also operated by elec tricity, enables two men to load these ooles easily. The truck carries storage batteries of 43 cells below the body of the car, and has a speed of seven miles an hour with full load. ed to the action of the fluid. The loca tions of the rotary pump and control ling valve, as well as the circulation of the liquid. The three positions of the valve enable the driver to move forward or backward, or to stop the car without change In the direction or speed of the pump motion. The liquid is driven through two motors, one on each ) side of the car, each controlling- one of the rvsr wheels. The circulation l rf quallxlng, and ho gear differential Is required. Mill Llttl drp pt n tr. L.IUI grain nf an1, Slop i arliurt-lora wmkltiff n1 rnlB ruin ( l'"l -ti. Hydraulic Transmission Introduced A - new type-of hydraulic transmis sion for motorcars is being Introduced, which combines a pump running at con- .J-stant speed with a motor of varying speed, the variations Delng aue to tne varying surface of the pistons subject The Extra Millions Spent on Goodyear Tires Let No Man Charge You Higher Prices For Tires Not Made Like These k"!!j 1 S2 For many years we have had scores of experts working to better No-Rim-Cut tires. They are in our Department of Research and Experiment. Their efforts have cost us, in your he half, $100,000 yearly. Every No-Rim-Cut tire gets our extra' On-Air' ' cure. This is done to save the countless blow outs due to wrinkled fabric -It is done by no other tire maker. This single extra process costs us $450,000 per year. We create in each tire, durintf vulcanization, hundreds of large rubber rivets. This is done to combat tread separation-o reduce the risk 60 per cent. The simple rights to this method cost us$50,000. Another costly, exclusive feature makes rim cutting impossible. No other satisfactory way is known. And .these tires alone have our All-Weather tread. That's a tough, double-thick anti-skid. It rides as smooth as a plain tread, yet it grasps wet roads with countless deep and sharp-edged grips. These efforts and fea tures have cost us millions of dollars. They have saved tire users tens of millions, perhaps. And not one of these foui the greatest features in tire making is found in any other tire. f tOODYEAR : SC AKRON. OHIO No-Rim-Cut Tires With AIl-Wea.tb.er Treads or Smooth Note the Result Goodyear tires have come to outsell any other tire in the world. And this yeai after millions of these tires have been testedour tire sales Jump 55 per cent. Never before have so many men discarded other tires for Good years. Sold at Prices Others Cannot Meet But these costly tires are this year selling below 16 other makes. Many tires cost one-fourth to one-half more. Not an extra-price tire excels the Goodyear in any way whatever. Not one embodies any of our four exclusive features. Not one has attained, in the test of time, such prestige and such sale. Our lower prices are due to mammoth output. They are due to efficiency, to modern equipment. They are due to low profit. Our last year's profit averaged 64 per cent. Every dollar of higher price means extra cost t per mile. . Don't pay it You will get in Goodyears all the value that anyone caa give you. 'And any dealer will supply them if you say you want Good year tires. V THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO This Company bas no connection whatever with any other robber concern which tues tne Goodjemr nam Any Dealer can supply you Goodyear Tires. If the wanted size is not in stock he will telephone our Local Branch. r2 fHWfll ill 2!a1l WE WILL EXCHANGE Any make of magneto, or any ipnition ylm tliroiiRliout low tension, dual,' self-containrd high-tension f-yMc-mn and Any type coil and transformer for SI'LITDOKP model. AND SAVE YOU MONEY You ran liavn vntir cur euipix-H willi llii new stvle Sl'LITlH'UF TKANSKOKMKIt to work in eonneclkm ttli th. M'l.lT DORF MAGXKTO on jnnr rr. Tli- TS i.i intereliaiifrenhle with any tyH tub or aKh traiiRfnrmcr. and ran be allarliod lo any ear. W will make you a I.IIU.UA1 ALLOWANCE on your old roil in rxrlmnirw for a transformer of lh new style, hirli is the most eff relive instrument of it kind on the market today. A New High Tension Magneto for low-powered uigh-peed eninne, .ean bo serured on an EXCHANGE BASIS. Willi reserve jwwer sufl'i rient for a 30-horsepower motor at hi?b Fpoed the Sl'LlTDOKF "KU 4" HIGH-TENSION MAGNETO five a wonderful "snap" and "kirk" to motor that sadly need it. It is a simple instrument, simple in wiring and easily installed to proJure the hottest of hot, fat sparks and piar- anteed to give small hijjh-speed engines a flexible ignition system and a world of reliable "pick-up" power never at tained before. "New Ignition for Old" in a feature of SPLITDORF BRANCH HOUSES. We have an exchange proposition of-the greatest interest to every owner of a gasoline motor who would save time-and money. Splitdorf Electrical Co. 1628 Broadway Seattle ford Special Magnetos Plugs, Batteries Cable v Nam"- S AAArt .-. ! t i I am la- lartd In rhncl mr motor lanttlon for tn up l the mlnut PrLlTDORF outfit. mo details. T