The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 21, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 38

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(Continued From Page 3.)
Hotel Multnomah on Thursday evening
at 6:30 o'clock. All alumni and former
students are Invited. Reservations al
ready have been made tor Cloe to 200
covers, and after the dinner a reception
wfll be held, to which the publia is in
vited. The speakers at the banquet
win be Dr. Wilson, W, M. Ladd, Frank
B. Riley, Dr. John H. Boyd, Isaac D.
Hunt and .James V. Ewlng,
The committee, in charge of the din
ner are! Ralph J. Hurlburt, president
of the Alumni Association; A. G. Labbe,
Ir. Q. Norman Pease, John Failing1 and
J. Frank Bell.
pretty wedding wag solemnized at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L.
Parkhurst on Wednesday evening,
when their daughter. Miss Lula Me
linda Parkhurst, became the bride of
Merrill Thompson Eastham. Rev. J. E.
Snyder officiated. T.he rooms were dec
orated prettily with roses and palms.
After the wedding a reception was
held, when about S00 guests called to
greet the couple.
The bride wore a handsome gown
of ivorytoned pussy-willow taffeta
trimmed with rare old lace and pearls.
Her V(il was wreathed ' with orange
blossoms and her bouquet was of bride
roses and valley lll'es.
Miss Frances Farkhurst was maid of
honor and wore a gown of fluwered
voile adorned with lace and ribbon,
and her bouquet was of pink roses and
Lynn Kastham was beet man.
An elaborate supper was served, and
the dining-room was a bower of Tes
teut roses and clusters of sweet brier.
Other pretty gowns noticed were:
Bride's mother, gown of black lace
trimmed in Jet. over canary charmouse,
touches of old rose and blue.
Mrs. James H. Eastham, mother of
bridegroom, handsome gown of wis
teria crepe, gold and lavender applique
and lace.
Miss Leah Eastham. sister of bride
groom, wore a pretty gown of apricot
crepe and oream lace, girdle of flow
ered ribbon.
Miss Ella Thompson, of Eugene,
. green flowered silk.
Miss Helen Eastham, pink voile, lace
trimmed. '
Miss Marion Farkhurst, blue silk
crepe and pearl garnitures.
Mtsa Emily Parkhurst, of San Fran
cisco, figured chiffon taffeta and plain
combined. . .
Miss Gertrude Cunningham, white
robe, girdle of American beauty messa
line. Miss Frances Dekum, white gown of
crepe, colored embroidered bands and
Miss Helen Dekum, . lavender silk,
crepe and lace.
Mrs. J. M P. Chalmers, of Vancouver,
ihandsome gown of plain and flowered
chiffon over lavender slip of charmeuse.
Mrs. W, H, Burton, gown Pf white
Ilk crepe trimmed In baby Irish Insets.
Miss Rhodes, of St. Louis, white lace
gown, blue brocaded girdle.
Mrs. M. G. Nease, lavender chiffon,
lace and black velvet. ,
Mrs. Robert Tegan, pink silk crepe,
lace trimmed.
Mrs. Carl Travis, aprioot silk crepe,
lariA and black velvet.
Mrs. Walter Yoe. white crepe and
Mrs. A. M. Ashby, white robe, laee
Mrs. James Smith, flowered silk
creoe. lace and chiffon.
Mrs. C. K. Morey, white embroidered
robe, trimmed in lace and black etitl
fon. Mrs: P. L. McKenaie. white crepe,
trimmed in net and colored embroidery.
Miss Bell Brandon, pink silk erepe,
cirdle to match.
Miss Li la Brandon, blue silk, girdle
to match.
Mrs. F. D. Iawrence, peacoek blue
charmouse, trimmed In broad bands Of
blue and gold lace.
Mr. and Mrs. Eastham left for a trip
to puget Sound cities, and on their re-
Mln Amorette Kaepper.
Miss Amorette Kaepper and
Joseph Tower Templeton will be
married today at the home of the
bride's parents in Piedmont.
Only relatives and Intimate
friends of the family are to be
The bride's dress will be of
white shadow lace. Mrs. Reginald
Bassett. of Pan Francisco, will
sing preceding the ceremony.
A wedding supper will be
served at the Hotel Multnomah
following the ceremony.
f :
I T - I
l A
I '
. '
Mln Amorete Ksepper.
Miss Amorette Kaepper and I
turn they will make their home at the
Parkhurst residence, while Mr. and
Mrs. Parkhurst are at Crater Lake. In
the Fall they will occupy their own
home now being built in Piedmont.
Mrs. ' Charles ' M. Bair and her
daughters. Miss Margaret and Miss Al
berta Bair, have returned home after
passing the Winter in the East. Miss
Alberta was In school and Mrs. Bair
and Mibs Margaret passed their time
in motoring. . They visited all the rela
tives and " friends en route. Since
school commencement Miss Alberta
joined them for a trip to Atlantic City,
where they visited friends and were
extensively entertained.
. .; ..
' At a simple home wedding Sunday
evening Miss Lola Senders became the
bride of Charles A- Cohen, of San Fran
cisco. The wedding was solemnized
by Dr. Jonah B. Wise at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
G. Senders. A profusion of white Can
terbury bells and syringa was com
bined with lovely pink roses and ferns
and effectively arranged ' about . the
rooms. About 65 close friends, and
relatives were present.
The bride was attended by her sister-in-law,
Mrs. , Arthur Senders, as
matron of honor, and little Miss Rosa
lie Deffenberg, of San Francisco, niece
of the bridegroom, as flower girl.
Arthur Senders acted as best man. The
wedding march - was played .by Miss
Amy May. a cousin of the bride..
The bride, who is a pretty girl, was
charming in a - robe of ivory-toned
crepe meteor, with a graceful drape of
Bohemian lace. Her veil was wreathed
with orange - blossoms that had been
worn by her mother on her wedding
day, and she carried a shower bouquet
of bride's roses and lilies of the valley.
She also wore a magnificent diamond
and platinum lavalliere, the gift of the
Mrs. Benders was gowned in her wad
ding robe, a soft white satin trimmed
with rose point lace, and her bouquet
was a shower of bridesmaid roses.
Little Miss Deffenberg wore a dainty J
frock -of cream lace over blush pink '
silk and carried a pretty basket of
Cecils Brunner roses.
After the ceremony a reception wan
held. ' Among the guests were several
of the bridegroom s sister and rela
Uvea,. from San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Cohen left for a short
wedding trip north and upon their re
turn will visit in this city for a few
days before going to San Francisco to
make their home.
A charming affair of Friday was the
luncheon presided over by Mrs. Dwlght
Edwards at her home on Willamette
Heights. It complimented the matrons
who assisted Mrs. Edwards - at her
"Willamette Heights booth" at the
Rose Festival center. The luncheon
table was adorned with a miniature
booth, with pink ramblers climbing over
It, and inside It was fitted up elm
liar to the one at the Festival center.
with tiny pota of flgwers. At each
cover little nosegays of old-fashioned
flowers for the guests added to th
attractiveness of the table. .
Later in the afternoon Mrs, lid wards
entertained a few additional guests at
tea, as well as her luncheon guests,
and she was assisted by Mrs. C. W.
Hodson, Mrs, Charles E, Rumelln, who
presided at the tea table, and those
assisting about the rooms were Mrs,
Hicks Fenton. Mrs. William Montgom
ery. Mrs. T. T, Strain and Mrs. A. W
Kutsche. Covers were laid for seven
at the luncheon table, and about IS
additional guests called at ta time,
A charming wedding took place
Monday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Steiwer, when their
son, Leland L. Steiwer, and Miss Ma
bel La Verne Armpriest, were married,
Rev. Henry Marootte officiating. There
were no attendants, and only relatives
were present. It was a simple affair,
and Mr. and Mrs. Steiwer left Immedi
ately for their new home in. Fossil, Or.
The bride was attired In a charming
white frock, trimmed with dainty lace,
and she carried a bouquet of bride
roses and white sweet peas. 8he Is a
Medford girl and has been visiting rel
atives in this city for a few months.
Mr. Btelwer Is the oldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. W, W. Steiwer, and Is assist
ant cashier of the Steiwer Carpenter
Bank at Fossil, as well as being man
ager of the Butte Creek Land A Live
stock company.
Mrs. Bruce D. Stewart has cards out
for a large and elaborate-tea to be
given tomorrow afternoon In honor of
her house auest. Mrs, Clinton tfuuer.
field, of Petrolt. Mich.; and Miss Sallle
Sterrett, brlde-eleot.
The Association of Collegiate Alum
nae will srlve its annual tea and re
ception ta college women on Saturday
afternoon at Reed College from 1 to
8:30 o'clock. The hostesses ror tne day
will be Mrs. Harry Beal Torrey, Miss
Eleanor Rowland. Miss Malda Rossi'
ter and Miss Florence Reed. No tor-
mal invitations bave been issued far
this affair, but the association cordial
ly invites all college women, as well
as the senior girls of the high and
preparatory schools.
Mrs. David A. PattUllo has cards
put for a tea Thursday afternoon, Juno
?5, In honor of Mrs. Frederick wnit
ton, of Berkeley. Cal. Mrs. Whlttqn
is visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. w. . 3, Dinwiddle, on sherwpod
Mrs. James F, Ewlng entertained a
bevy of young girls of the sub
debutante sat luncheon yesterday.
Starrett and Carrington Dinwiddle
have sent out card for a dancing party
at the Portland Heights Club on Tues
day. George Walker entertained a number
of his young friends at a delightful
party Saturday at the home of his par.
ents on Sherwood drive, Portland
Miss Elisabeth Creadick returned to
i . 1 J , a n an vtinAH
TiHlt In New York and Philadelphia.
n. I . J V. . ri- r r.1
ane was acowfvjitsa o .wnH,
of the latter city, who will visit for
weeks at the Creadick home.
on Portland Heights,
T" . ........ o 1 7 a (u I nl, tin- was held
yesterday at Estacada. The Zetes left
Portland by private car and had their
annual banquet at the hotel at Ksta
cada. v Among those present were:
vPullta V Hnlmin. Chester Q. Mur
phy, A. B. Van Dor Werlen. Dr. Paul
Rookey. Yt llliam a, noDerison, n. ju.
Plummer. Dr. R. J. Chipman, George
nr 13 D nKst Vt?( Ilia m a 12aln)i J.
Hurlburt. Jasper Stahl, J, R. Holman,
George C. Durham. E. P. Stott, Clar
ence Olmstead, R. W. Hawley, Stuart
Freeman. Robert Fithlan and Jack
Mrs. W, J. Hofmann and Mrs. Marion
Versteeg will entertain with bridge
parties on Tuesday, one In the after
noon and one in the evening at $:S0
O'clock- They will be given at the
home of the former, S5 East Twenty-
Jhtrd street North.
Mrs. Clara Waldo is ooeupying a cot
tsfee at Nehalem.
Chaplain Osiewaarde, of the Twenty
first Infantry, has arranged for an ex
cursion for the enlisted men and their
friends In Vancouver on Saturday, June
37, when the Bailey Getsert steamer
will be chartered for a day and a trip
made to The Dalles. Amusement will
be furnished on tha trip up and down
the Columbia River and ample refresh
ments w!U h served.
The members of the Musical Aftej
noan Club were greatly pleased Friday
with the programme furnished by Dr.
Emil Enna, a Danish musician of Port
land, at the home of Mrs. John C Fair
fax. Dr. Enna gave a lecture on the
various Scandinavian composers, and
illustrated . it by playing selections
from each: much to the enjoyment Df
all present.
While the Third Battalion is at the
target range there are about 13 "wid
ows" left in the post. Mrs. Young, wife
of Colonel George 6. Young, is also a
"widow" while her husband is in Hot
Springs, so she gave a "widow" party
fit her home Wednesday evening. Two
tables of bridge and one of "S0O" were
played. Mra. Harts and Mrs. Glbner
won the prizes for bridge and Mra
Bennett fof "600." Appetizing refresh
ments were served after cards. The
"widows" present were Mrs. Lucius
Bennett and her mother, Mra Blessing.
Mra Jennie Stewart, Mrs. Joseph C
Castner. Mra L. H. Taylor, Mrs. J. B,
Richardson, Mrs. William R. Scott. Mra
Rutherfurd S. Hartz, Mra Walter C
Sweeney, Mrs. Herbert C. Glbner and
Mrs. Robert L. Weeks.
" Mrs. Lucius C Bennett is enjoying a
visit from her mother, Mrs. Blessing, of
Belt jntalne, O.
After the hop Friday evening Mrs.
Tatntor, wife of Lieutenant Harold H.
Taintor, gave a "hop supper," compli
mentary to Mra Davis .who recently
arrived to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Moore, wife of Captain R. C. Moore, of
i A- i mm) mMM
yr jk i f z.
7T. j,rj f. hWA-e i; &ss SX?y,
Fotvilery Mis tfecin PAay. J'.rSa'tssncxo'
Miss Jean Shay and Karl H. Walker were married last Wednesday evening
at the home of the bride's a-unt, Mrs. I. M. Bates. 772 Kast Taylor street, nr.
J. J. Staub read the marriage service. The bride was attended by her sister.
Miss Greta Shay, and .Miss Jean Bates, maid of honor. Douglas Bates, cousin
of the bride, was best man.
Miss Mary Coddlngton. of Salem, dang "O Promise Me." William Lowell
Patton played the wedding march.
The guerts included Joseph T. Jones, Miss Beatrice M. Tait, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Cowen. Adrian Mann, Miss Kophie Huff, Miss Mary Coddington. Stanley
F. Richardson. Miss Flora M. Crego. Rex G. Fuller, Mlsa Graoe Goodwall. Miss
Genevieve Kirkpatrick, William L. Patton. Miss Lillian Steel, Miss Gladya
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Pick, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Staub, Mr. and Mrs. K. J.
Moore E. P. StelnmetB, J. J, Thompson, Miss Gertrude M. Thronson, Miss Mil
dred Steinmets. Miss Elaine Ewell, Wesley Hewitt, Miss Lillian Oren, Leo A.
Garrew. Miss Myrtle Huff, Elwyn W, Marston. Miss Faye A. Steinmetz, Miss
Mabel Clarke, E. H. Hiliias.
the engineers. The guests present
were Mrs. Davis. Mrs. R. C. Mojre, Mra
Margaret Waring (of Vanoouver), Lieu
tenant Oliver P. Robinson and Mra
Robinson. Dr. Hasrood and Mrs. Haged,
Majjr Ralph H. Van Deman, Lieuten-
, annw T T?ilv T.fAtiten-
ant Heeler and Miss Mae La Huis.
, u v.-.-, Mra Hrthann. wife of
Lieutenant M. Hobson. Jr.. was host
ess at dinner, her guests being Chap
lain ana jura, .ussewaarao anu muir
niece. Miss Mae La huis. juajor van
i-t.m. Ufa I T t-t x T)r. and Mra. Ha
good and Lieutenant Gonser.
a a
ILTr-a Uarli berself a. "widow." (rave
a "movie widow party" Thursday eve
ning at tne nex ineaier
u - naWAinini, "A RnmiltCi of
the North." was witnessed. Following
the party supper was served by Mrs.
Hartz at tier nome ana iaier
w. n 1 aoiAtjnna wer nlaved. The
iimsiv, o.-w.. -- -
i ... j .i ..." i. ,i .. at a vnri Mra
George S. Tjung, Mrs. Jennie Stewart,
Mra Lucius C. Bennett ana ner moiner.
Mra Blessing. Mrs. Castner. Mra Tay
lor, Mra Richardson, Mra Scott, Mrs.
Weeks and Mrs. Sweeney. Miss Vir
ginia White was present also.
a a a
X r r1lk.-l Van Tt WllUeR Wife Of
iUIB. vjiiuui ' .. , - -
Lieutenant Wilkes, entertainea
ladies of the post at tea Tuesday, in
honor of hor sister, Mrs. Shelby Blat
terman, who recently arrived from
Maysvllle, Ky. The quarters were dec-
-., -id-ioiiv with ferns and
daisies, making an attractive effect
Mra Herbert C oinner anu v.""
Ossewaarda assisted in serving deli
eloua refreshments.
On Wednesday Mra Wilkes gave an
auction bridge party also for her sls
a a TaIin K Rinhardson won
first prise, Mrs. Samuel V, Ham sec
ond, ana Mra lieorgje o. louiia .r..
Mrs, Toung. and Mrs. John F. Morri
son assisted in serving the refresh-
ments- . . .
t x?IVi-A ,nn a in of Lieuten
ant Richardson and Mrs. Richardson,
was Just four years old Thursday and
a party to commemorate the event was
given to his little friends in the post.
, .u ..... ... - - attrveri and srathered
around the table were Allen Fry, Mary
Lou Fry, Georgie kockwbu, issoei
a. -.- V.nn.lh kWAAMIV. MaUdlO HartS
m;i',L, ....... - ' ... .
riaiA Rnhlnfiin. Various kinds of
children's games were played. '
.a a a
Mrs. Bucrbee. wife of Captain Bug-
bee, yesterday entertained the ladles of
' i
rhoto by Grove,
Mlsa Claytle Grs.y.
Mies Claytle Gray, of Rose
burg," was a house guest of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E, Gray during the
Rose Festival. .'
m&fm m t
' -."S'S-;,- !- .
' s K V: , I
4 ' ff
. . . . . miititrv enrhre party.
me ' - L - J , - ...
Next Wednesdsy evening she also win
A very elaborate birthday party was
celebrated at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Staubsandt. 338 East Forty
first etreet, on Sunday afternoon in
honor of the -hostess' birthday.
The living and dining rooms were
profusely decorated with carnations,
sweet peas and roses. A dainty lunchr
eon was served and music was the
feature 6f the evening.
The guests were: Mr. and. Mrs. F.
W. Staubstandt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lud
wlg, Mr. and Mrs. L H. Cserny. Mr. and
Mrs. L. Brandt and Miss Brandt, Mr.
and Mrs. Stenmets. Mr. and' Mra Peck
endorf, Mr. and Mra Holber. Miss Gert
rude Holber and Ralph Holber. Otto
Ambrosuls, Matt Warhendor and Louis
Mantel). Guests from Vancouver,
Wash., were: William Young. Tony
Young, Miss Laura Young, Mr. and
Mrs. Watson and 'daughter, Mr., and
Mrs Westhoff and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Black, Mrs. Huth. Mr. and Mra
Wilkinson. Mrs. Betzing and R. Bets
ing and Fred Wolff.
Mra "Allen T. Anderson entertained
on Friday afternoon with a BOO party
in honor of Mra. R. L. Ewlng. of Med-
loru, Ur., w 11 u is ncr nuunc eucot. ,
The home was decorated prettily.
Roses, noneysucme ana terns naonim
the living-room, where the card tables
were placed- The players were Mra.
L. C. Darland. Mra Fred Blschoff, Mrs.
Richard Fulta. Mrs. M. A. Darland, Mrs.
T. A. Merril, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. M. Mai
son. Mra C L. McKenna, Mrs. Samuel
Jost. Mra F. W. Valentine, Mrs. I E.
Steaphen. Mrs. Chester Hall, Mra
Charles Lomerin. Mrs. Moorhouse, Mra
W, W. Pearse, Mrs. W. E. Elliott, Mrs.
P, W. Hawklnson, Mrs. Kuhn, Mrs.
Osher Nelson, Mrs. George Fisher, Mra
Macarl, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Mayer, Mra
Uullivan apd Mrs. R. L. Ewlng.
A family reunion of more than or
dinary Interest took place when An
drew Lounsbury, a banker, of Albion,
and I. H. Lounsbury, a merchant, of
Minidoka, Idaho, accompanied by their
wives, arrived in the city to visit their
brother. Daniel C. Lounsbury, of 350
East Thirty-seventh street. The three
brothers had not been together since
boyhood. Andrew and Daniel are Civil
War veterans. They crossed the plains
together to Montana In 1S66. They
had not met for more than 43 years.
A week was passed In visiting, sight
seeing and a trip to Seaside. They are
Uncles Of Messrs. Earl R., Harvey E.
and Charles A. Lounsbury, well-known
residents of this city, and Mrs. F. C.
Brewer, of Tacoma, is their niece.
Dr. and Mra Roscoe William Cahill
entertained very delightfully at cards
Saturday evening at their home. 1361
Mllwaukie street, for their house guest.
Miss Georgie Barry, of Belllngham,
Wash. A color scheme of yellow and
white was used very effectively
throughout the rooms.
Card honors fell to Mrs. E. A. Reed
and Dr. P. J. Kelser. Those bidden te
meet Miss Barry were: Dr. and Mrs. E.
A- Reed, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Moore,
Mr, and Mrs. Horace R. Landfare, Mr.
and Mrs. George Ackerman, Dr. and
Mrs. Herbert F. Leonard, Dr. and Mrs.
Dwight Miller, Miss Myrtle Taylor and
Miss Kora Kessllng, Dr. John A.
Hughes, Dr. Harry Blair, Dr. P. J.
Keizer and Dr. E. H. Straight.
Mlsa Jessie Elan was hostess at a
pretty affair on Wednesday evening In
honor of Mies Marjorle Mayballe
Hurlburt who will become the bride
or George Walter Holcomb this week.
The rooms were decorated with hearts,
cupids, ferns and red rosea. Miss
Hurlburt entertained the guests with a
number of charmingly-rendered piano
selections, and Miss Sarah Brasheari
sang. Those present were Misses
Imogene Seton, Minnie Bartman, Lillian
Bartman. Floy Henkle, Helen Mclver,
Mae ' Wilson, Beulah Clark. Thelma
Darcy, Ruthoriel Long, Wilma Zlegler,
Parah Brashear, Marjorle Hurlburt
Miss Dixon, Miss Dalslnger, Miss
Clemens, Miss Kemp, Mrs. Clark, Mrs.
Nisewonder and Mra Nelson.
A pleasant housewarming was given
at the new home of Mrs. J. M. Steiner
on Maanolla avenue Thursday. After
playing 500, at which Mra G. S. Crego
won the first prlbe and Mrs. u. Love tne
consolation, the guests assembled In the
dining-room, where all enjoyed a de
lightful supper. Those present were:
Mrs. H. Brown, of Vancouver. B. C. :
Mra J. R. Frazler, Mrs. H. Edmund
son, Mrs. a. 8. Crego. Mrs. J. Kyler, of
Chicago. Mra. L. Love, Mrs. O. Love.
Mrs. D. Quinn, Mrs. Bigourney. Mrs.
G. E. Nichols. Mrs. O. Bell, Mrs. K.
Tester. Mrs. F. Wall. Mrs. A. E. Land,
Mrs. W. Ross, Mra W. E. Bell and the
Misses Florence Crego, A. Fink, Bessie
Land, Clara Love and Constance Nich
ols. ....
Mrs. Edward II. .Cahalla entertained
at her home, 743 Kearney street last
Wednesday with a luncheon In honor of
her niece. Miss Josephine Mann, prior
to her departure for California.
Covers were laid for seven, the In
vited guests being Miss Mann's most
intimate classmates of St Mary's Acad
emy. The decorations were in keep
ing with the school colors, red and
white. Tie afternoon was spent with
music and grames, the prises falling to
Miss Julia Duffy and Miss Eva Kelly.-
. a a
A delightful entertainment was ar
ranged by Mrs. William O. Spencer and
Mra G. Towneend on Tuesday for the
members of the J. P. Mann Home In
Laurelhurst A charming programme
was given by the orchestra of the
Grand Special Sale
sell them at a reduction of
On top of this we give double S. & H. Green Trading
Stamps with each cash purchase on these Low-Cuts.
An Unbroken Assortment to Choose From .
129 Tenth, Bet. With, and Alder Hit.
Boydon Shoe Kstsan Shoes
First Congregational Church under the
direction of I'rufessor Wnlter A. Bacon,
and solos were sung by Mra F. D. Heal.
G. Towneend and J. G. Kilpack. Ml.a
Honey contributed to the programme
with an Interesting reading. Mra
Towneend gave selections on the piano.
Mrs. Henry Leaf entertained Wed.
nesde.v at her attractive home, r East
Catruthnrs street. Throughout the aft
ernoon music was enjoyed. Mrs. Clar
ence WIlllHtns presided at the vlano
and sang several vocal uiinher. Thoe
present were Mrs. J. B. Miller, Mrs,
Mary Wausnedur, Mrs. t'larenre Will
lams. Mrs. P. A. Besm. Mrs. ('. A. Kh
ersole, Miss Thora Larson and Miss
Edna Weneberg.
On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
B. Lee I'aact orened their be.utlful
country home at Osk Grove to 350
friends. The on-aslon wss the cele
bration of the TOth birthday of Pr. W.
T. Kerr, former pastor of Taylor-Hlreet
Church. A cafeteria supper was served
on the spacious lawn. The evening
was passed in games and music Ml.a
Harlet Leach and Mies Klorenre !.ecn
and Mr. Tlndolph were the eololrts.
From Frederick. Md., ome sceounte
of the gala parties and rounds Of rn
tertalnment being provided for the
Misses Margaret and Miriam Hugrdorn.
of Portland, who have been spending
the past Winter at Chevy Chase Hem
I nary and as Ruests of their eietrr.
Mrs. J. Allelne Williamson, whose hus
band Is a prominent physician In the
(southern city. The Misses llagedurn
are expected home this week.
. .
A delightful event of the week was
a lunoheon and rard party at which.
Mra Anna Hsaner was hostess Tut,,
day at her home In Piedmont. rilie
was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Va
dor Darling. Guests made up four ta
bles of cards and highest scores were
won by Mrs. Theodore Habecost and
Miss Elsie Hesse, consolation te Mrs.
Henry von Grunewald.
s .
Miss Shirley Eastham, one of the
most vivacious and Interesting young
girls of local society, who has been
studying languages In Italy and France
for the Winter, returned to Portland
Thursday evening. Miss Eastham is
considered one of the smarteet-drsed
girls In society she has so much style
and distinctiveness.
Mrs. W. E. Stewart was hostess for
a pretty bridge party on Friday In
honor of Mrs. Charles Stewart and
Mrs. Joseph Ralston, of Albany, and
Mrs. H. W. Harper, of Oakland. Five
tables were arranged for the games.
Mrs. C, A. Ebersole was hostess for
a pretty tea Tuesday at her residence,
it East Twelfth street North. The
house was prettily decorated with pink
roses and white carnations. The guests
were Mrs. Martha Nelson, Mrs. U. P.
Edwards, Mrs. J. O. Wright Mrs. Cus
ter. Mrs. F. Schans and Mra A. O.
Mra. U C. Xoyes and Mrs. Lydla
Turner entertained a five hundred card
party on Thursday evening In honor of
Mrs. Edward Long, of Chicago, who is
visiting Mrs. W. W. Chrlstensen. She
has been extensively entertained with
theater and motor parties and will
leave this week for her home.
Mrs. Edward W. Mueller and Mrs. J.
Diets entertained at a pretty luncheon
on Friday at the home of the former.
J00 Fargo street. In honor of Mrs. Lee
Frlck. Mrs. Mueller's sister-in-law,
who will become the bride of G. Free
land on Monday evening.
A delightful event of the week was
the launch party given for the 1914 class
of the Portland Trades School Thurs
day. About 60 students and rhaperones
passed the day at McGowan's Park,
pear Oregon City, where a picnic
luncheon waa eerved.
a a a
Mrs. H. O. Warnshold. accompanied
by her daughter Betty Anne, returned
to her home In Seattle, after spending
ten days visiting at the home of her
mother, Mrs. A. Leary, In this city.
Miss Violet Mersfelder entertained a
group of young -people at a dancing
party at her home on Thursday even-
'" . . .
Mrs. K. H. Kltts and Mrs. George E.
Tupper presided at an elaborate din
ner in honor of Ml-s Csrrle FltipHtrlck.
In order to close out
our Men's, Women's
and Children's Low
Cut Shoes, Colonials
and Pumps, we will
whose to Jm M'lntvie
UllHs lll be an event of June J". fink
wss the keynote of the color eihenir.
Covers were laid (or II.
What promises to be an tn)esfcle
event of the early season Is a moon
light excursion, to l given bv Hie
postuffli-. tlerks. on next Tiir,!iy
Tvenll'a. The steamer K'"i 'b b"
rlisrl.ied Ir tiio 0'islon t"l will
lesva the V.htngtin(t'ert 14-a et
1:10 r.Vli"-li. ere cent.. i
nev be hail at the msl" I'oftef ri-
while tliey last, lined lan lr.C
and refreehnients will me.e up the -tertalnment.
Te i imirtnttee are: " N.
Achesnn, A. I', M A Men
hlng, M K. R"s and K. A. Tsrrent.
. .
The min of li e Altar b- letv f
(it. Lawrem-e Cliurrti will rtile'ta'o
with rards at the home of Wr. L. I".
Mn.hcr. 314 Mierroen eire.t. Thiirsd.v.
from t to I P. M. A tnu.liel r'
grenim. It, he.n srT.ne1 mwl re-
Culling Car.!,
Hirth Cards, etc..
the bekt quality
in all the
New Styles of
The J. K. r.i!l Co.,
Third and Aider Ms.
Long Shetland Golf
Spencers in Beautiful Art
Shades ron Men and Women
K.S. ERVIN & CO.. Ltd.,
General English Tailors
20 floor selling building
Sixth ano Alder Streets
If you want a suit, hurry! as Mr.
Stern will leave foe New York earlv
In July. Shop will be closed durlns- ab
sence of Mr. Stern, but store will re
main open lo receive orders.
Reduced Prices Prevail
447 AM:H HTHEtT.
1 .