The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 21, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 36

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SOCIETY lias nau a ousy. ween uu
teas, dinner-dances. : bridge par
ties and the customary festivitle
attendant upon . brides. :. On of th
irioBt elaborate and prettiest affairs or
the week was the Cartwrlght-Malarkey
weddlnsr, which was a smart event of
Wednesday evening'. The country ea
Ben has opened and each day has seefi
Wrge groups of pleasure aeokers departing-
for the various beaches and
fountain resorts, i ne usual exodua
Kast and abroad has decreased some
what but the trend of travel In all
directions will kerp up until the end
of the Summer season.
iThia week the little love prod will be
very active, as there are three lara;e
and very smart weddings on the cal
endar. Tomorrow dainty, picturesque
Miss Grace Honeyman will become the
bride of Alfred A. Aya. It will be a
small home weddins at the Honeyman
residenoe and will be fololwed by a
larger reception, the oruests Including
mostly the younger set.
;Misa Claire Moushton. one of society-
niost popular and chnrminp belles, will
wed on Wednesday William Hurd
l-ines. Thla will also be home ved
dlns and very small. The only attend
ant will be the bride's elster,- Mrs.
Marlon F. Dolph. The following day
vivacious and pretty Miss Clara Weid
lw and Andrew Pickinsson Norris will
b married at the home of the bride
electa mother, Mrs. George W. TV'eW-
Mra. WHllnm Bargent Ladd MIb
Babbitt), of Brooklyn. N. Y., and Mrs.
Charles. Thornton Ijidd will be honor
guest at the large al fresco reception
td be given on Friday by Mrs. William
Mead Ladd . at her attractive home,
Cftdarhurst. Another affair antici
pated with Veen delight Is the recep
tion to be given by Mrs. Laroy H. Par
ker and Sirs'. ' John F. Dickson, at the
Parker residence
There was a large gathering of the
smart set at the Waverly Country Club
last night, the Bummer dances attract
ing many diners, who revel in the
dunce as a climax to the fliiy's pleasure.
AcroDos of dancing, the dancing
masters in Cleveland have decried the
lame duck and the horse trot, proclaim
ing the "canter" the latest and accept
ed substitute for the much-loved
dances. The canter it Just the oppo
site of the. lame duck and is fitted
either to the one step or hesitation. The
Maxix is also one of the most popu
lar of the present-day dances and per
mits of many pretty combinations. One
excellent result of the convention of
the dancing masters Is the fact that
they huve standartsed the modern
dances and this year only a few of the
best combinations of steps will be used,
which Is making the dances much more
popular In the East than ever before.
However, the tango, as an exhibition
dance, still holds its own.
Miss Ellen Ann Newbegin. daughter
Of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newbegin, left
last week to visit Miss Vera Garrett, of
Beattle. Mtus Garrett and Miss isewoe
gln both attend St Helens' Hall.
Oskar E. Huber and Winnifred Hu
ber. will leave tomorrow for the Huber
cottage at Gearhart to pass the Sum
mer. They will be joined early In the
week by Mrs. Huber and Miss Eliza
beth. Mrs. William McBrida has cards out
fur a bridge-tea for Tuesday, June 3.
Mr. and" Mrs. Joseph Wiley have
moved to 198 King street, the former
home of the Stearns family.
Charming and artlatio In arrange
ment and appointment was the tea for
1 -
which Miss Henrietta Kllot was host
ess on Friday afternoon, compliment
ing her eister, Mrs. f redertck Alban
Wei!, of Bollingham, Wm6h who is
passing a few weeks with her family.
Miaa Eliot's guests numbered about
100 ot the younger matrons and maids
and their fascinating gowns, aided by
th floral decorations or tne nouee.
were effective and pleasing. The pretty
tea table was presided over by Mrs.
William I Brewster and Mrs. Gordon
Voorhies and they wera assisted by the
Misses Dorothea Nash, Elsa. Grelle,
Alice Strongi SLargaret Voorhies, Clara
Eliot Margaret llaeke-nxle and Marion
Voorhies. '
Mrs. Frederick 'vriiitrori and two
daughters, the Misses K&tk-arino and
: Helen, of Berkeley, Cal.. are. bouse
guests of the former's sister. Mrs. W.
&. Dinwiddle- Mrs- Dinwiddle enter
tained on Thursday with a delightful
tea. In honor of her- guests, and during
th hour of 4 to i about 13 matrons
and maids rarted to greet them. The
room of the Dinwiddle- residence were
aglow with bright-hued blossoms, a
profusion of roses- being effectively ar
ranged in the drawing-room. The
hostess was assisted In the drawing
room by Mrs. George- Hoyt. Mrs. D. A.
.Patullo and Mrs. John -Claire Mon
telth. in the dtrrtng-reom. where a
charming color scheme of yellow was
developed, the tea table was presided
over by Mrs. Wallace McCamant and
Mrs. B. I- Donald. They were assisted
by the Misses Katharine Whlttoo, Del
berta Stnart Martha Hoyt, -Elsie
On Friday Miss Harriet Wood enter
tained with an Informal tea for Mrs.
Whltton. who la an old. collega. friend,
both being students at Vassar at the
same time. About 20 guests enjoyed
tea and a chat at Miss Wood's resi
dence, which wa decorated prettily
for the occasion.
Several other small affairs have been
given to honor Mrs. Whitton, who is a
charming and Interesting matron, and
during the next few days she will be
entertained delightfully.
Miss Margaret Mear Is returning
from school In the East and will arrive
this week. Her father, S. M. Mears,
went to Chicago to meet his daughter.
Mrs. Alpha E. Kockey presided at a
charming luncheon Thursday at her
suburban home, Rockholm. Ewahee
station, In honor of her son' fiancee.
Miss Alice Carey, and eight of tne
ntlia, nnnnlar engaged girls, including
Mis Grace Honeyman, whose wedding j
will be a smart event oi tomorrow.
Miss Clara Weidler, who will become
the bride of A. D. Norris on Thursday;
Miss Claire Houghton, a bride-elect of
Wednesday; Miss Rosalind Klngsley,
fiancee of Medford Reed; Miss Nan
Wood Robertson, Miss Dorothy Huber,
Mis Elizabeth Parker and Miss Sara
Catherine Emmons. Covers were laid
for 20 at a prettily-decked table. Flow
ers from the attractive Rockey gardens
were nsed about the looms, as well aa
on the table.
Mrs. Robert Strong's mother and sis
ters, Mrs. Dexter Knowlton and the
Misses Jean and Dorothy Knowlton,
arrived last night from the East and
will be house guests of the Strongs for
the Summer. On Thursday ; morning
Mrs. Strong . has asked a lumber of
friends to a Kaffe Klatscn to meet
her mother and sisters. They are pop
ular in Portland society and will be en
tertained considerably by the smart set
Complimenting Mrs. Frederick Thomas
and Mrs. Andrew Dicklngson. of New
York, who are visiting Andrew Dicking
son Norris, their son and grandson re
spectively, until after his wedding to
Miss Clara Weidler on Thursday, Mrs.
George W. Weidler asked a few old
frinrfj of the family in to tea to meet
the visitors on Friday afternoon. The
hostess was assisted by her daughter,
Mrs. Stanley Jewett, and Mrs. E. T. C.
Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooko enter-
lniru tn.wi iiium.'
bridge party on Friday in honor of her
mother. Airs, carter rimm reratroj, ui
San Fancisco. who Is passing several
weeks In Portland. Guests made up
five tables of the game, and pretty
prises were given the high scorers at
each table.
V .
" Mr. ami Mrs. .T. G. Edwards presided
at a charming dinner on Tuesday even
ing, covers being laid for-'eight The
latter part of the evening was devoted
to bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Edwads are
among the most delightful and Inter
esting hosts of the smart set, and their
social affairs are keenly anticipated. .
Miss Hildreth Humason entertained
ten of the younger set at a delightful
motor picnic 'on Thursday evening to
compliment Miss Katharine Nye. of
Niagara, New York, house guest of Miss
Mary Stuart Smith. The party motored
to Oswego, where tbey enjoyed supper.
A delightful affair of Tuesday was
the bridge party given by Mrs. George
W. Collins. Seven tables were arranged
for the games and a few additional
guests called at tea time. The rooms
wer attractively decked with clusters
ot lovely roses of the American Beauty
variety, a bowl of the same blossoms
being used on the tea table. Mrs. A.
N. Creadick, Miss Tlca von Bolton. Mr
Russell E. Sewall and Mrs. George T.
Wlllett presided in the dining-room.
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Colter, of
Cincinnati, Ohio, returned to their
home Thursday evening, after a de
lightful visit in Portland. Mrs. Colter
passed a week as the house guest ot
her cousin, Mrs. Frank M. Warren, Jr.,
and was entertained at dinners, lunch
eons and bridge parties, as well as nu
merous motor parties, with tea at the
country clubs. She is a charming and
interesting young matron, and became
very popular during her brief visit In
this city.
One of the prettiest June weddings
was that of Miss Margaret Malarkey
and - Vernon Cartwright, of London,
England, - which was solemnised at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Malarkey
Wednesday night. Rev. George Thomp
son ,of the Church of the Madeleine, of
ficiated, and the ceremony waB wit
nessed only by relatives and a few
intimate friends. After th ceremony,
a reception was held.
Edgar E. Coarsen played the wed
ding march,- and a string orchestra
played throughout the entire evening.
The house was artistic In Its floral
decorations, an aisle being-, formed
from the staircase to the altar of
chains of daisies ajid roses, and the
altar was of Dorothy Perkins rambler
poses. The " staircase was festooned
with garlands of the daisies. -
Mlas Mary, Stuart Smith was maid
of honor. She wore- a chic frock of
pink accordion-pleated chiffon, with
long tunic of lace, and carried a bou
quet of pink Killarney roses. The
bride, who Wa given In marriage by
her father, was lovely In her wedding
gown of Ivory charmeuse, with bodice
Of exquisite Carrickmacross lace. Her
veil was becomingly arranged in a
Juliet cap banded with grange
blossoms. The bridal bouquet- was
an artistic shower of lilies of the
valley and tulle. - Neil Malarkey, the
bride's brother, acted as best man. Mr.
and Mr. Malarkey and Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Holman, uncle and aunt of the
bridegroom, received with the bridal
party. A decorative acheme of pink
and green was developed throughout
the rooms. Pink blossoms and ferns
banked the fireplace and were ar
ranged In basketa and urns. A buffet
supper was served, and presiding in
the dining-room wre: Mrs. Edgar B.
Piper, Mrs. Andrew C. Smith. Mrs. Clif
ton Nesmith McArthur and Mrs. Arthur
Maxwell Mears. Stationed at the punch
bowl were Mr. W. C Holman and Mrs.
A. U McCully.
Mr. Cartwright Is one of the pretti
est and most Interesting girls of th
younger set She Has been prom
inent in society since her debut,
and It Is the source of much regret
to her host of friends that her mar
riage 1 to take her so far away. The
young people met several years ago.
when Mr. Cartwright wa visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Holman. Th engagement
was announced last December, at a
The "Eastern"
Agniii drmniu-l.raJ.oi iu adequate fa
I'ilitie of always bring firt to how
the newest. Tomorrow new ailvancr
nfrie Suifii will a ready b shown lirrr.
Tliry arv utrietly tailoml, in fin
all-wool mail-wear bluo serpi". The
jackets am of fingr-r-t lonjftba,
ulijrhtly cut away, mannish curved
collars ami reveres, lined wilh Skin
ner satin and equipped with mnit
proof arte shields. The i-kirts are of
the lonjr Russian tunic effect. They
are worth $30. Introduc- QOft Hfl
tory price pJ.UV
Summer Oai-, Tout, Suits, llrensea
ami AYa'tit very temptingly priced.
White Suit
Just DO AYhite Suits, in crKmjjeis
Bedford and series. Semi
tailored and fancy effortx. Ideal
parmenls for this time of the
year; Very neat and attractive;
none in the lot worth lex than
$20, many even $2-" and some, a
high as $30. Special for tomor
row and Tuesday CO
at only ...V7''
Open an account wilh u whereby you
can have all your pun-hawc- charged
to you and remit in eiiny payment in
stead of having to nettle Hie entire hill
on the first of each month. Thin ac
commndntion i free.
Ask for Peoples Brown Trading Stamps
Comer of
Tenth Street
3 The Store of Service Q
tea given by Mrs. Malarkey. Mrs.
Cartwright Is a graduate of Portland
Academy, and later attended the school
of the Madames of the Sacred Heart In
Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright
are at Gearhart. and upon their return
will be with the Malarkeys for several
weeks. They will sail from New York
July IB. for London, Kngland, where
they will make their home.
One of the prettiest dinner tables at
the Waverly Country Club last night
was that presided over by Mr. and Mrs.
Charles T. Whitney. In honor ot their
niece. Miss Anna Barron, who has recently-
returned from the East, where
she has been In school. The table was
artistically arranged with baskets
filled with two shades of pink, sweet
peas and ferns, sjme of the blossoms
being strewn on the cloth, the en
semble making a pleasing effect.
Covers were laid for the Misses Mun
ly, Violet Ersklne. Polly Young, of
Vancouver Barrack; Charlotte and
Katherine Uaidlaw, Mary Srownlle.
Helen Ladd, Elizabeth Jacobs, Grace
Honeyman, Florence Burke, of Ban
Francisoo; Mr. 'and Mr. Charle C.
Hlndman. Mr. and Mrs, John C. Banks.
Mrs. James T. Barron. Lieutenant and
Mrs. Rutherford Hartz. Lieutenant P.
Schneider and Lieutenant Snow, all of
the Army post; Seaton Taylor. Donald
Tarpley, MacCormack Snow, Berkeley
Snow. Leland Smith, Howard Stoke.
Raymond Munly. Maurice Dooly, Alfred
A. Aya. John Wheeler. Varnel Beach
and the host and hostess.
After dinner the guests enjoyed th
regular Saturday night Summer-season
dance at the club, as well as the
promenade on the spacious' veranda
and walks .
Cards have just been sent out for a
large reception to be given on Monday
afternoon, June 29, by Mrs. Andrew J.
Qiesy at her attractive horn on Port
land Heights.
Mrs. William E. Towne, of Holyok.
Mass., Is visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. William H. Orfndstaff, and
will be entertained by a number of
prominent matrons.
One of the most delightful affair of
the early week wa the elaborate tea
for which Mrs. Henry Brookes Van
Duser was hostess on Tuesday in honor
of her house guest, Mrs. James Sey
mour Rogers, wife of Colonel Rogers,
who Is at present In Mexico. The Van
Duxer residence was decked prettily
for the occasion with a profusion ot
fragrant roses, the drawing-room be
ing especially pretty. A color Bcheme
of pink was developed with KMaroey
: jj.ii l ... ..t nmam in thrt
rVBBBtKmuiuii y
drawing-room, where the guests were
received, an. yeiiow .
library, where punch was served, by
Mrs W. L. Wentworth and Miss Leslie
Smith. Baskets of pretty garden now.
ers were used In the dining-room ano
also on the tea table, where Mrs. War
ren E. Thomas. Mrs. Herman Than
hauser, Mrs. David A. Shlndler and
Mrs. A. J. Oiesv presided at the ssmo-
vjsmNG CARD engravers
Third Floor Morgan Building.
Broad way and Washington.
40T fcllrrs Bids.
Is Maklac Hodwctloaa oa
Plata St raccy Tellr-Msde Suit.
Vara and served Ices. Little Miss Mar
garet Therkelsen received the guests
at the door and he hostess was esslst
d about the rooms by Mis . Jean
Bvownlle. Mrs. Lawrence K. Therkel
sen, Mrs. Roacrun Morse. Miss Msry
Stuart Smith and her house guest. Miss
Katherine Nys, of New York; Miss Na
din Caswell. Misses Constance and
Rachel King. Miss Kslherlne lrsliiwii
and Miss Mdara Hll In the 4lnln while Mrs. J. t.lMeit Kln.
Mrs. K. A. Prey and Miss ".lltalth
I'aln helped In th dr,wlns rcim. Put
In the afternoon the room wer
thronr"d with smartly sttlr4 i1t.
Mrs. Rogers will psss Ins Hummer
months In this city, awsitlna lh return
of her husband from ths Mrni.-sn bor
der. hh Is m rhiirmlnf woi ,nl
Silver Services in Sterling
Silver Plate and Sheffield Ware
for .
Wedding Gifts and Utility
Fribes Most Eeaaonabla
produces most artistic work in diamond
mounting, also repairing at the lowest price.
Corner Washington and Park Street
Established 1888
j StJt! ci-v
WASHINGTON HOTEL, with its five
fireproof stories, of rooms and
baths added, makes this more than ever
the leading American and European plan
hotel of the Northwest.
The perfect service, the location in the heart
of the city, Bnd the remarkably low ratei mark it a
the first choice of commercial traveler", tourist and
those seeking permanent home.
Mrs. H. W. Hogue
Prop. Nortonia and Waahlnfton Hotel.
EleTenth at Stark.
Washinetort at Twelfth.
Phone: Main 7160
A 6821
ttlsaers tbe " tardea sro bains; ssrved t the whs r
"i"t It In adv. me. It I. truly a rtllfer.nt way to ent.rtam
Why not have your gathering there?