: V - THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, rORTLAXP, JUNE 21. 1914. J CRITICISES T EFFECT OF TARIFF Democratic Senators Stirred by Charge Disastrous Re sult Is Threatened. EXPORTS SHOW INCREASE Ketort Ma Be That Europeans Dis trust American Stocks, and Also Three Groups In Kew Tork i Are to Blame. WASHINGTON, June 20. Critics and friends of the Administration joined In a sharp ten minutes prosperity de bate In the Senate today. Senator Smoot held the tariff responsible for alarming conditions, while Senator Owen blamed three groups of financiers In New York. Senator Smoot stirred the Democratic leaders b." predicting:, on the basis of the Treasury statement of foreign trade during- May, that If the present trend of business conditions did not change within the next few months there would be "disastrous re sults." He said the report showed that Im ports during May Increased 119.900, 000 and the exports decreased $33, 000,000 as compared with May, 1913. He read newspaper clippings of the recent large gold shipments to Europe. "Forelga Distrust" Held to Blame. Senator Hollls, making the first re ply for the Democrats, said foreign distrust of American stocks, arising from the collapse of the New Haveji and of the St. Louis - San Francisco railroads had resulted In turning Amer ican stocks back on this country, and the necessity of the sending of gold to Europe in return. Senator Thomas suggested thai some European country must have profited by the business America was losing. Senator Smoot responded that the Treasury report did not enter into that question. Senator Smoot added he was In favor of American labor getting the benefit of business rather than foreign labor. Senator Thomas suggested Eu ropean laborers were crowding every ship to America to escape the prosper ity abroad the Utah Senator was pic turing. Owen Charges Conspiracy. Senator Owen advanced the state ment that three groups of men with headquarters In New York were re sponsible for present conditions. He said these men controlled $22,000,000, 000. practically all the railroads and every big Industry In the country. He added: "These men can forbid the railways to buy rails, or buy steel cars, or to. buy frogs and switches or buy lumber or to buy cross-ties, -hese men can put out of employment thousands upon thousands of men; these men can con strict credits In every district where a Kepresentative is to be elected this Fall and In every state where a Sen ator is to be elected. These men have it in their hands to send down to de feat any candidate, be he Democrat, Progressive or Republican, who does not sympathize with them." Senator Smoot Insisted that this had nothing to do with the decrease of ex ports or the increase of Imports. OWEN WITS PAMPHLET FEDKKAI, PUBLICITY FOR Alili VOTERS PROPOSED IN BILL. Charles." And Danny Cuptd cut a caper right there on the sidewalk: As soon as it could be arranged, the couple weot to St. Mary's Cathedral and were married by Father Ramm. Then they telegraphed their respective parents and blessings came bade in each case. Mathews Is associated In business with, his father. He was graduated a year ago from Yale University. The bride is the daughter of . 1j- jsoiujiubi, a retired river captain. She was named after the Columbta River jetty. MRS. JESSE GRANT SUES Son of late President BeclaVed to Hare Let Mother Support Wife. NEW YORK. June 20. Jesse TI. Grant son of President Grant, was named today as defendant In a suit brought by his wife, Elizabeth Grant, in rmnnpi t h United States Trust Com pany as trustee under the will of Julia Dent Grant, his mother, to pay ner a CIVII, WAR VETERA DIES AT TOLEDO, AGED 77. li ' rT Henry Edward Collins. TOLEDO, Or., June 20. (Spe cial.) Henry Edward Collins died at his home here. June 16, at the age of "il years. He was a member of Company H, 8th Kan sas Volunteer Infantry, during four years of the Civil War and was In several of the hardeet fought battles. At the close of the war he farmed In Andrew County, Missouri; later in Gra ham County, Kansas. Coming to Oregon, he settled at Woodburn In 1891, and in 1893 moved to Toledo, where he had resided since. Mr. Collins married Catherine Hubbard June 29, 1865. They were the parents of four boys and two girls. Senator Also Movea for Preferential $50.000. Ballot and Limit om Cam paign Contributions. WASHINGTON, June 20. Senator Owen today called on his Democratic colleagues to rememDer ine piaim " the party platform calling iw mo , - - .nrmmtlAn fra.lll 1111(1 m& chine rule In American politics," and offered four bills designea, ne uaiu, m bring about the needed results. t- . v. o ..u "tha Democratic Tarty now In power leaves the country under the machine rule system, wim me open to irauauiem praciitoo iu natlng Senators and members of Con a . I . nrnnilffft tn till gross, aiir ow. - American people. It will undoubtedly receive severe condemnation. Senator Owen explained that one of his bills was designed to prevent un limited campairi ontrlbutlons from -ii i j 1 mha tonnl nrnvidBR for a inaiviuuuo. " . -- Government publicity pamphlet, to be Issued at Government expauno citlien. in which can di dates for Federal offices would have an opportunity to explain their views. rt-l ,hl1 man nil r A WOUld legalize the use of the preferential ballot in making nominations lor tne ceumo nu and the last wouli aenne corrupt ym: .i i .nnnaiinn with camDalCTis. eenaiur - should follow President Wilson's advice and provide for tne nomination 01 " dldates for the Presidency and the u . V. ,r thA nreferentlal V icB-rroaiwuw " j - - nrimary by proper legislation and should lay down a few fundamental rules for the guidance of the state In this connection. Di CUPID CUTS CAPER MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. SEES SWIFT LOTB AFFAIR. sum sufficient to support ner m nnnnar. hflt!ner the Income and posi tion of her husband." The complaint says that from 1860 until 1902, when the widow of the late rilori tha defendant and his wife lived at the home of his mother. who supported them. Mrs. tyrant al leges that after the death of her mother-in-law her husband abandoned her. Mrs. Grant says her present Income is $100 a month, gross. That is the rent ihe receives from a nouse in Dan j-Mesu, Cal., which she owns. 7 Campbell Trial on Tomorrow. ToCTTRTTRri Or June 20. (Special.) The trial of Morrison Campbell, ac cused or Iirst aegree murucr, n wn- nection with shooting ana Killing jonn Becker, near Cleveland, April 16, will be taken up before J. W. Hamilton, In the circuit uourt, juonaay morning. Hospital Capital Increased. ti.. Aonltal Af thn Rallwnn Genera.! Roanltal and Training school was in rri -yesterday from S25.000 to ERUPTION Jettv Columbia" Wkltcomb, of Spo kane, Merta Old Friend and Is HU Wife In Lru Than Four Honrs. SAN FRANCISCO, June 20. (Spe cial,) When Charles Thomas Mathews, son of a wealthy Humboldt County timber land owner, met Mrs. Jetty Co lumbia Whitcomb. of Spokane, on Mar ket street today, they greeted each other simply as old friends.-'without a thought of what Dan Cupid was about to do to them. Three hours and 40 minutes later Mrs. Whitcomb was Mrs. Mathews, almost before she could real ize what had happened. Mathews went into a toggery with Mrs. Whitcomb a few moments after they met. Mrs. Whitcomb made a small purchase and was about to take It away with her when Mathews stepped forward and said to the clerk: "Oh; I think you'd better send that to Mrs. Charles T. Mathews, at the Stewart Hotel. Thank you." W-what?" gasped Mrs. Whitcomb, but the clerk was looking, and almost ready to laugh, so the girl echoed the order and, with cheeks flaming, stepped out into the street. Weill you're going to be, aren't jou'" ssked Mathews. - -I'd Well 1 guess r.QU know pest. COULD NOT SLEEP Looked Like Bolls. Inflamed, Itched and Hurt. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Hand Weil. " 7 B. B. No. 17, Thomtown, Ind. " My husband while working skinned a little place on his hand and it made a running sore and others broke out all around H. They looked like boils. The skin all around them was red and Inflamed. It would Itch and hurt so badly that ha could not sleep at night. "We tried several kinds of medicines but nothing helped It until I saw the advertisement of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I sent and got a sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after the first two or three days using it began to heal. Ee would bathe the sores with the Cuticura Soap and then use the Cuticura Ointment night and morning. He used one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment. In a week's time his band was well." (Signed) Mrs. Bertha Gleason. June 16. 1913. - In the care of baby's akin and hair, Cuti cura Soap Is the mother's favorite. Not only is It unrivaled In purity and refreshing fragrance, but its gentle emollient proper ties are usually sufficient to allay minor Irritations, remove redness, roughness and chafing, and soothe sensitive conditions. Assisted by Cuticura Ointment, it is most valuable In the treatment of eczemas, rashes and other Itching, burning Infantile erup tions. Sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston." ETMra who shave and shampoo with Cu ticura Soap will And it best for skin and scalp. Information for AH Lung Sufferers The makers of Eckman'a Alterative will be pleased to semi reports of recoveries from tuberculosis and a booklet of interest to sufferers, with information about diet and fresh air. Investigate this case: 1619 Susquenanna Ave., rninmeipaia, m Dear Sir: For two years I was af flicted with hemorrhages of the longs, and later I was taken with a severe attack of pneumonia. When I recovered sufficiently to walk about th bou I was left with a frightful hacking cough. whtch no medicine I had taken could alleviate. It was. at this time, March, 1902, that I started taking Eck man's Alterative. In a short time my cough was gone and I was pronounced well. I can nr iM'Ak too highly for the good It haft done." (Abbreviated.) ( S'gTieu ) nun aaw J-- x t. c.bn.n'i Alterative is most efficacious tn bronchial catarrh and sever throat and unw affections and upbuilding the system. Contains no harmful or habit-forming drug. Accept no subaXltutes. gold by the Owl Dru Co and leading drujrgisis. Write Kckman Laboratory Philadelphia, Pa., ior booklet or recovaria. . Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled Same Day as Received-Express and Parcel Post Package Prepaid on $5 Purchases-Latest and Best Styles Are Here in The Ladies Home Jourcal Patterns at lOo and 15o Each Women's Sample Neckwear In Lot 1 you have choice of values worth 10. to 35c for only..-0 In Lot 2 you have choice of values worth "27 to 75c for only . Our Store Opens Saturday At 9 A. M. OtherDays 8:30 A. M. The Most in Value, The Best in Quality Our Store Closes Saturday At 6 P. M. OtherDays 5:30 P. M. Women's Samplo Neckwear In Lot 3 you have choice of values worth CQ to $1 at only ... VUt In Lot 4 you have choice of values worth 'TQr to $1.50 at only. Fourth and Last Week of Our Great June Sale Pacific Phone Marshall 5080 V 4. V ZtftfZjflHl . r. j i i v i , ' 1 Homo Phone Number A2112 Never in the history of this store have we offered our customers such worthy bargains. In some instances Vxxl: nnnfl SveBaid In every case the opportunity to save substantial sums is marked and decided. AN hope to see j on nt this store during th SSat Si Whenou come, when you se for yourself the wonderful displays of Summer good,, examine the quality and note the special sale prices, you wiii see now wc ua c UUi a Tn-tranrHiTiarv Announcement! Tomorrow Will Be the First Day of Annua. Tune Sale of Beautiful Summer Silks i c? Anncinn nrxA Ann 'f lpf jinvfhin"-nrovent vour attendance. It's a brilliant dis- Kead caretullv or tne wonaenui vaiuess uxj-eit-u uuuwu ... , . ; :J - . ,.. Included are hundreds of yards of Plain and Fancy Silks in weaves, weights and colorings suitable for most and purpose. Silks of the best $1.00, $1.25 and S1.50 qualities this sale at They are the very fabrics, in plain shades and fancy colorings, that modistes from Paris to San Francisco are now using with a lavish hand some soft and clinging, some bright and shimmering, some that rival nature's own handiwork and ensnare the least interested observer in their rich wizardry of color and pattern. We have provided abundantly for several days' selling, but the prudent buyer will take advantage of first choice. You may select: Yard-wide Black Messaline Silks of bright lustrous finish. Varrl-widn Plain Colored Silk Poplins in thirty shades. 40-inch Crinkled Crepe de Chine in many colors. 40-inch Soft Clinging Tussah Silk Crepes. Yard-wide Rich Bulgarian Silks, various colorings. Yard-wide Brocaded Silk Poplins in a great variety. 27-inch Swiss Messaline Silks in most any desirable color. 02-inch Tub Silks in the popular new striped styles. Dress and Waisting Silks, in an endless variety of patterns and colorings suitable for both street and evening wear. Self-colored Fancies, Persian and Pompadour Silks, Novelty Brocades, ex quisite Floral Designs, etc. A variety so extensive that every taste may be suited. Silks that have sold all season at $1, flQr $1.25 and $1.50 yard, priced for this Great June Clearance. VJ Note Extra salespeople to serve you promptly; extra cashiers and bundlers in attendance. We reserve the right not to hell to dealers or to cut samples during this sale. rl Wnp'th--Women's Black Thread Silk Hose Sale Made with lisle garter top and double lisle heel and toe. AU sizes in our best regular 85c grade, priced for tomorrow's KQr sale at, the pair The important thing quality combined with underpricing is the most attractive feature of this sale of Women's Black Thread Silk Hose. They are strictly high grade Stockings, made with lisle garter top and double lisle heel and toe. They come in all sizes and are the kind regularly sold at 85 cents a pair, priced for this fi 9 C sale at only A sale it will pay you well to visit Wom en's Pine Silk Lisle Hose, made with double garter top, heel, sole and toe. All sizes in black, white and tan. Our best 25c grade, priced for: tomorrow's selling 1 fie Q Q nsti'r Another Hosiery item of importance. When we quote special prices, as we do today, always rest assured that, no matter how much has been taken from the price, the goods are of our regular stock and of our usual high quality. This item tells of Women s Fine Silk Lisle Hose, made with double garter top, heel, sole and toe. Full-fashioned Stockings, shown in all sizes in black, 1 1.1 T T I T 4-r.-r. T?nmiloi 95- llTIPSJ nt. JS wmte ana sxiaues ui urn. xicguw -Misses' Maco Cotton Stockings, our regular o m-nde sTip.fiial at. the nair t this sale you'll find that we are equally as well prepared to supply your needs m unuareu s oivuimgo. """s r aHccps' -Rpst Grade Maco Stockings, shown m a fine elastic rib and in all sizes in black, white and tan. The 1 A c kind regularly sold at 25c pair, priced for this sale at x-x 14c We Decided to Continue Our Great Mary Jane Pumps Sale In Patent Leather; also Silk Velvet, Dull Kid and Gunmetal Pumps; regular $3 and $3.50 lines, specially tf o A O priced this sale, a pair pc.0 No woman or young lady should pur chase Summer footwear without first inspecting the unusual values we are offering in our busy Basement Shoe De partment. This sale of the popular "Mary Jane" and other new style Pumps, is worthy of your best atten tion. It is a special underpriced pur chase .of 500 pairs, including the new broad round-toe lasts and with extra wide crrossrrain ribbon bow and very short vamp; also one and two-strap styles in silk velvet, patent kid, dull L-irl a-nA mnmetal. as well as a fine lot of velvet and patent Colonial Pumps with steel buckle. All sizes and widths. Regular $3.00 and $3.50 lines, priced for at the low price 01, a pair J f J n , v 'J 2 r this sale $2.48 Deep Price-Cut in Boys' Moccasins Two Hundred Pairs on Sale for Only $1.19 the Pair Included are all sizes for boys in numbers up to 51 L d many sizes for men in numbers 6 to 9. They are made of heavy calf skin and are linen stitched. At this sale wc reserve the right not to make exchanges they are not guaranteed. Closing-Out Sale Men's Shoes, Reg. $4-$4.50 Qualities, Pr. 92.70 Our entire stock of several popular styles in Patent Colt, VYlour, Kid, Kangaroo and Box Calf, sizes 6, 62 and 7 CO 7Q only, regular $4.00 and $4.50 values, at, a pair V"" u Extra, Special at the Notion , Counter Six Spools of Thread With a Nickel Holder OCr and Pin Cushion, for . .a&J Our Notion Department is re plete with many bargains of special interest to home sew ers and dressmakers; for to morow we place on sale a lim ited number of Nickel Thread Holders with pin cushion and six spools of thready You have choice of Bowstring 6-cord ma chine thread, Peri Lusta and Kloster Silk, in black, white and ' colors. Six spools of Thread with nickel holder and pin cushion, all 1tt 1U1 J-L-J A Sensational Underpricing of Women's Charming Dresses Distinctive models beautifully trimmed and finished. All sizes and all colors $ 1 0.5 0 in values to $25.00, on sale at for choice Y A striking difference in the new and novel ideas will be apparent at first glance. It is a special pur chase of f prominent manufacturer's entire sample line of Silk Dresses comprising a full showing of the season's best styles, but as no two are alike, it is quite hnpossible o describe them u, this Inn ited space Suffice to say that they are made of the most fashionable silks in black, the new brmvxis, slate green, naw, etc., in plain shades or with small floral patterns in charming colorings All arc r,x finisW in a sunerior manner. One can easily become fascinated when beautifully trimmed and finished in a superior manner. looking them over and you'll sureiy De lempira iu p- -" - A w A thev have been underpriced. You have choice from values up to SI 0.50 $2500 tomorrow, at the extremely low price of Women's Dainty White Lawn Dresses Various styles in the popular long Tunic effects. Unusually good . $3.50 values at $5.00, on sale tomorrow at , ' If you would be conlf ortably and becomingly gowned these warm Summer days your wardrobe should haclude one or more Of these dainty White Lawn Dresses, especially when such fine garments can t , inciuae one uj. ,1MLmOT1t windes various stvles in the popular tunic effects with naa ior so iiuiemui.c;. rou'T., .JT- n t. ar, ro r- embroidered waist and skirt trimmed witn lace msenion. vji OU.OIJ r xms saie at vmy j voung ladies Our regular $5.00 lines, priced for j v! T ll I P 1