The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 21, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 29

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    K .. I I
ai a I n it fn n r i i - - " .
SPECIAL barg-alns for the coming '
order to maka room for all oim Doumt
from tha Meier Frank building.
100 rolU barb wire. g-alv.. $1.7 r";
100 .quarea corrugated Iron, 11.75 M.
60 bar'ele genuine coal tar. 4.50 boL
Rubber roofing. 60c per quare.
100 tents, all sizes, at Vx regular price.
8 large hotel or logging camp rangea.
100 iron, sanitary bed. and aprtnga from
logging camp.
H-lnch pipe. 214c per foot.
1- inch pipe. 3V.0 per foot.
114 -inch pipe, 6c per loot.
14 -inch pipe, c per foot.
2- lnch pipe, olio per foot.
8-Inch pipe, 11c per foot.
4-lnch pipe, 16c per foot.
All pipe guaranteed first-class condition.
Bemember. we also deal In all kinds of
plumbing supplies; we sell to all at whole
sale prices. Help us fight tha trust.
Front and Grant Sts.
1 18-H. P. JEWEL engine.
1 lH-n. p. Bulldog gas engine.
1 2"A-h. p. Eulidog gas engine.
1 e-h. p. Bulldog gas engine.
1 100-K. -W. 600 R. P. M, 650-volt D. C.
generalor or motor.
1 p. 1200 R. P. M., 220-Tolt three-
phase motor. .
1 10-h. p., 220-voIt B. C motor.
1 75-h. p.. 100 B, P. M, 220-YOlt A. a
Bl! 75-h. p., 90O R. P. M.. 820-volt A. C.
motor, , . . r
1 liO-h. p., 1200 R. P. M. 220-volt A. C.
- "iTo-h. p., T20 R. P. M., 220-TOlt A. C.
mi' 35-h. p., 900 R. P. M.. 220-volt A. C.
slip rlns motor. , ,
I 60-K. w, 2200-volt, ilncl-pli.
Cyf 6-nenp""20-volt, 16SO R. P. M., D. C
O. K. motor. ' .
See us for all kinds of new and second
hand machinery for rent or for sale, re
pairing and rewinding; all work g-uaran-.
"h'm. H. ELECTRIC CO., 81 N. 1st St.
phone Main 9210.
S-OR SALE One 17-foot Morris canoe and
outfit? dt. Inquire 452 Falling at. or
phone Woodlawn 2130.
The Globe Second-Hand Store Reopened.
Highest caHh price paid for ladles and
Sents' cast-oft clothing, shoes, furniture,
icvclrs, trunks, suitcases, etc ,
Call Main 2080.
MAIN 611)0. 203 MADISON ST.
Highest prices paid for econd-hand
Cloth's, shoes, etc 12D N. 6th. Alain 2S4S.
2'l Front St., buys second-hand furniture,
carpets, stovos, ranges, hardware or tools
of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 8U7J.
Our buyer cans proniyuj
... ,Tt.,,v.- xi7A vrir.ri.
"WANTED One second-hand egg and butter
wagon; would also consider buying route
and outfit. Telephone East 3323. J. Hall
lard. ,J2i East Uth St. N.
PRINTER'S paper cutter wanted for oasfi.
can also use h. P.. 110-volt A. C.
motor and rheostat. Dana Poulsen, SOT
11th st. ' Marshall 4o33.
"WANTED Hogs, cows, etc.; also services
of well dlBKer; will give In exchange real
estate and stump puller. Phone Main
5503 after today. ..--
SECOND-HAND tool for complete ma
chine shop; give price, condition and lo
cation first letter. X 74. Oregonlan.
vTir, buy player plnno and pay 2r cash and
$10 per month; must be cheap. What have
von to oner.- V pb"!""".
"WANT To buy some good office furniture
at once; must be cheap; state Just what
you have. AC 52, Oregonian.
Don't give it away; get our figures first.
Standard Fur. Co., I S2 1st. Main 4i73.
WILL exchange brand new talking machine
for brick chimney work. Hyatt Talking,
Machine Co., 3&0 Alder.
WANTED Second-hand ocaies for ware
house use, first-class condition. AO 01,
rrivrivr: io.-m ami clean woodwork fi and
up; pallium. iiHiiiaiiBiuoi . o.Tii.r
rr.iinimr. Work done first-class. Main 2UWU.
DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur
nlture betore you call the Bell Auction
House, litl 2d St. .Marshall 4783.
WANTED Watchmakers' lathe, sign and
tools. 18 Commonwealth bldg., Uth and
WANTED Pony for riding and driving ;
state price. Address M utt. Oregonian. Call
Tabor .
WANTED 7-h. P. Standurd stationary gas
oline engine, used; good condition. J. P.
Ulson, rtainier.
DRAUGHTSMAN wants set of drawing in
struments; must bo cheap. C o, Ore
STOKE fixtures wanted for dry goods,
shoes, clothing and furnishings store;
mist bo cli'.'S!.. L 3. Oregonian.
WA.V'i'ED Stump puller;
able. L 111. Oregonian.
must be reason-
FOKD AUCTION CO. pays more cash lor
anv kind ol turniiure. iuiu o....
WANTED National Cash Register.
WANTED o National caBh registers
once; will pay spot casn. aim
CSH Paid for hair combing.. Sanitary
"Beauty Tarlors. 400 Dekum bldg.
For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1682.
HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns,
cameras. Hochfeld. 44a N. 3d St.
WANTED To buy a good clean second-hand
tent and ny. nxis. -do
Vv' ANTED Sanitary roll-top desk, also flat-
too OOSK, UK"- I'ii"-.
SVANTED To rent, full-sised postcard cam
era. n . imf.-.u.
"WANT good canoe.
v i k inwi
State make and price.
WB TINT rooms for 2.3i. paint houses at
vnnr nrice. H S401. East 4003.
WHITE flannel suit wanted; else about !6
C 6", Oregonian.
WANTED Moving i-lctura operator, salary
l.-.o weekly; must furnish moving picture
outflt and feature Alms. Q an. oregonian.
1'IRST-CLASS salesman wanted in each
county In Oregon. Address Oner Mercan
- tile, 3I0C. and Wbldg., Eugene, Or.
r,rn, without children. Apply "'4D
MorrlBon. Monday lu A. fli.
W4VIEO Soliritor for grocery store to
.?.;.t r.,mmission: alve reference and
.r tent expected. K SB. Oregonian
for ex.-luslve men s shop: give salary and
references. ak '. uic(uui-n.
" k.... .it, .h.l rail
r ileminaton Typewriter Co.. So
Hrondw ay-
MAS' to l.ach who understands gardening
r.rnunir: state wages. E 0o, Ore
gon inn.
MAN i,h 2 t.n. will give us. of IS acre.
ire I or cuin
FI RST-l LASS cn;iiteur a ii.caa-...
trrivate cars. Must not be afraid of work.
References requtrea. -
t t Tr r-r acu man for farm and orchard
....ti,. annA teamster. D 53, Ore-
TWO tisht barrel coopers. Layton Cooper-
aii-a ;o., aver
MEN with patentable ideas write Kandolph
& Co.. Parent solicitors. wMnms-"".
n- a vrvn a first-class, all-aronnd cook.
at fcatacaqs. nmn, c?mvut, -
WANTED First-class carria- painter; day
i. 1' tin i rarrfT I a T
BARBER wanted: steady job for right man.
Perkins Hotel rarper anup
YOUNG men for s;eneral store work and
BOY, quick with hands, light work, $;
stage age, a u a a, vregon a.
GOOD talker wanted with auto;
big pay;
no sonoiiinn. - v. vBy'"".
WANT a good salesman for city work. J
Ol. LTTBl-IlI'l".
BOY wanted at manufacturing plant. Apply
82 lat at Kortlk.
All young men seeking employment In
commercial, clerical or technical lines
cordially Invited to consult tne employ
ment secretary.
Record, 1913.
Calls for men from employers 2floo
Positions filled 141
Employment membership, S5 per annum,
guarantees member will secure employ
ment, or refund of fee. Includes two
months' full and ten months social privi
leges. Issued bv Employment secretary only.
2d floor. 1. M. C. A. Bldg.
SALESMAN All or spare time to demon
strate and take orders lor "Amtirew.
Something new. enormous demand; well
advertised; lager beer in concentrated
form; makes real 4eer by adding water;
a good glass of beer now for everybody,
everywhere at one cent a glass; strictly
legitimate; small, compact, can be carried
right in your pocket; dealers, jobbers,
agents everywhere must be supplied; an
opportunity to make 50 a week and ex
penses for the right man. For full par
ticulars address The Ambrew Co., 16i0
Sycamore St.. Cincinnati, O
SALESMEN for states of Oregon and Wash
ington to sen most popular line ui c.i
domestic de luxe ana lmponea buybiubiub
calendars, novelties, cloth, leather goods;
every business man prospective customer;
only capable experienced salesmen need
work.' Address Sales Mgr. United States
Calendar Co., Cincinnati. -
MAGAZINE representative, Catholic for
popular Catholic family monthly; one who
will give all his time to securing sub
scriptions in his own and surrounding
towns; may appoint subagents In towns
he cannot work. Mention territory you
wish reserved. Address, with references.
f. v. BOX luit, INOW lora.
EX-GROCER, general merchant or man with
retail experience, to eU our cash-credit
system to retailers. Indorsed by promi
nent retail merchants and million dollar
wholesale grocers; earnings three new men
who began last week: Mr. Dillon, Ga.,
170; Mr. Hill, Texaa, U0; Mr. Perry, W.
Va.. $0. Ingle System Co., Dayton, O.
SIDE line salesmen, new, snappy, staple
lines aluminum, enamelware, chinaware
and tinware; direct factory shipments;
long terms; easy sales; large commissions
paid promptly upon receipt of orders.
Write for territory at once. Mercantile
Sales Co., 111ft walnut t,, N. E., Cleve
land J
SIX men for July 1, outside of Portland,
$150 to 250 monthly; we pay every
Thursday; no samples, no selling or col
lecting; simply determination to work;
small bond required. Write, secure splen
did income. L. V. Browne,' sec, 264
Bchwlnd bldg.. uayton, u.
SALESMAN wanted Good traveling salea
in an, experienced in grocery specialty or
advertising lines; position permanent; good
pay with good chance for rapid increase;
staple, well-known line sold from factory
direct to merchant; liberal selling plan.
AV398, uregonian
DO you want a 6-acre tract? Small monthly
payments buy home; factory 60 miles
from Portland will give steady employ
ment to several home owners; $3.26 to
start L. W. Damon, 2"9 Chamber of
SALESMEN or business men sell combina
tion cash and credit system in desk;
closed, forms fireproof safe; merits of all,
price of one; commission contract; state
qualifications. Champion Register Co
Cleveland, O.
EXPERIENCED salesman wanted to carry
my popular line of furs as a side line; ex
perienced man with an office and now
carrying Cloak, suits or waists apply with
full particulars. A. Ratkowsky, M East
WANTED Capable, high-grade salesman to
.,,.,, .3,,ra(liiiil institution: must
lsTtn si., Jew z urn. vyiij1.
reDresent educational institution ; must
be well educated, live wire, and have rec
ord for securing business; state past sell
ing experience fully. Address AO 54, Ore-
WANTED Salesman to sell best line of
temperance drinks on the market; can
earn $150 a month, salary and expenses;
80 years in business; absolutely reliable.
Red Cross Company, depu 21, St. Louis,
SALESMAN to travel for leading importers
of laces, embroideries, handkerchiefs and
white goods; territory not restricted; lib
eral commission; expenses advanced; sam
ples light. Address O. C. Feldheim, 116
117 East 23d St., New York.
SALESMAN, experienced, any line to sell
general trade. Pacific territory; unexcelled
specialty proposition; commission contract;
$;i5 weekly for expenses. Continental Jew
elry Co., US 25 Continental bldg., Cleve
land, KJ,
PERSONS to write and copy letters, $10 to
a week readily made by following our
practical directions. Bend self-addressed
envelope for particulars. Brooks Copying
Co.. l)jti Fa. eve- Washlngton,p. C
COMPETENT salesman to sell celebrated
Real Packane line Handkerchiefs; commis
sion only; would give complete line to ap
plicant with proper credentials. National,
470. 4th ave.. New York.
'J6B your spare time to build up a mail
i - l,.sUo.s 1 vnnr ii wn : wn heir, VOU
start for share in profits; 27 opportuni
ties; particulars free. Mutual Opportuni
tiRM Kuchance. Buffalo. N. Y.
NEWSPAPERMAN. 20 to 25, able to meet
,,i,iin. lLinhitious to get into more
remunerative line; splendid opening for
right man; state experience. Address Y
Ul, ureuuui.iii
r a vttfacTITRER wants salesman, make
cities of &u,-vw ana over; una u. u.u
grade specialties; J50O cash surety re
quired. Particulars first letter. AK 0,
EXPERIENCED, o&pable salesman to travel,
. . . i. u-i. ..i v. .x,, lln rlmt aalla tn
Oia esta-ui.sii-o i.sw
practically all classes of merchants; ih
commissions, with weekly advance to right
man D. W. barrows, Detroit, Mich.
SALESMAN Capable specialty man, Ore
gon; stapie line uw, .
vacancy July 1; attractive commission
n -j -svAnlflv KTneniM Mi lea F
Bixler, 226-5 Carlin bldg., Cleveland, O.
IMMEDIATELY, commissary manager, 4100;
: cut.- nfrina mn Mtfin out no h ers.
I., .aul'arc f'iitm foreman. SI 50: sales-
-mn fniil wriaht. Mack's. Little
Rock, Ark.
HUSTLING man under 60 years wanted each
i ti inrmiiiir'A our nnui iTi em be rah iDS.
either 'spare or full time; $50 to $500
monthly; experience unnecessary. Address
. i, t t tt 9HK0 rovlnaton. Ky.
SALESMEN to sell our check protector; It
..ti. .i-afi; fisrann ahn writ AS fheck :
ociio t.v on-' j , -
circulars, information free; sample 3oc.
Terry Mfg. Co., Colton bldg., Toledo,
SALESMAN calling on clothiers, gents fur-
- ii -.A lcv ar.inAm tradp to bandle
rsrnr snfl full nartlculars. Rex
?, ii a riHanJa lnM f hlrfn. I1L
t a i nwnt t-t-., aa w. -y. w. -
WANTED Salesman to sell temperance
salary and expensea Crown Cfder Co., Zv
So. Commercial St., Dept. 'H," St. Louis,
WANTED Responsible contractor to take
j J i - i . iipsrilmr n t v n t wnlkf- ilfl
eignt-acre iruui, cmw . "
unincumbered property in payment, u A
r...,v . nnt In rttfifA VllllldillfC:
muxc n exutsiK-uucu. nv ... ... -----
room. See Mr. Myers bet. 0 and 10 A. M
Mrtndav. "Otf Washington st.
WRITE moving picture plays; 150 each; all
..I . nnipaanrinanii I-AliriA:
details free. Atlas ruonmnms
Cincinnati, O.
TWO energetic salesmen, neat appearance
and pood talkers, only live ones need ap
ply S A. M. Sussman Co., 122 Chamber
of Commerce
YOUNC. mani 18 to 21, experienced in office
, .i. i A , tl-a r In own
worn, wnuiMKi mmuo-o,
handwriting. State age, references, phone
numoer. F 50, Oregonian.
L - ' a ai - m A ar si til a nt TJluln line.
UV.., Z.rWu, Punch Board Deals Five
...... mm Atripriran Factories Co.. St.
Louis. MO
. t ..a.. M,alr1v nal 1 In tr mv hacdv
. ..-. aiAo; int ihit torv huts-
tiers make money. Washington Nursery
Co.. TOppenien. ub"
home; everything furnished: don't woiry
about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha,
tribute samples, take orders, or appoint
K ); C It IS, JBUimueii .. v tr
BAisCiCJlAA caning ui in" j B
general stores to seil on commission well
uaviUI HlUtJ illtU Uiro B .rwv
i-. . itiiu i) "Pa
tir II TV 1 JAU.O, llliau-Jiyi ,
MAKE monev writing stories or articles; big
w v. 1. l . v. ..- A A 4rcca TTnit.
ed Press Syndicate, San Franci-sco.
SALESMEN. nv contest plan, special offer
. i t- . t A X3 1 iTrtl ll
to experienceu men. iwiin. -aw.
Dept. Wl. Cedar Rapids. Iowa.
null M J U VI anil irunra I nalur S.hOUt
kttcnen: state wages expected. Bay Side
Hotel. Bay ucean. ur
EXPERIENCED man to work prune orchard
bh riamllo hnMM Tt ITllleH ilOm KtSW-
PHOTO coupon agents, excellent offer; 1
nv -i .riea weekly. Northup Studio. 13
8TRICTLI re 1 IB Die UU ,WW U cam TCTB..
agreeable business; gtv age and referencea
to noneaty. n ov v tuuisiu.
AT once. 3
men to learn auto driving and
is. 1IU1 sc.
EXPERIENCED man to push circulation of
" ni.n maeasine. Phone Wd in. 1337.
PHOTO solicitors; salary guaranteed;' new
PHOTO coupon: new ticket for liv. ones.
Cutberth studio, Dekum bldr.
...... 1 -. I - mraj" wastep malb. 1 help vmv-m.x 1 rATrjv-MU I --r .-J-
WANTED A reliable man in every town.
uregon ana nruBuigivu, . "
form health and accident policies; our
agents will have an easy opportunity to
qualify for free trip with expenses to
Panama-Pacific Exposition; we pay lib
eral commissions; no previous experience
required. Call or write I. C. Cunningham.
SupL, Ocoldental Life Insurance Co.. Jour
nal bldg., Portland, Or.
WANTED Salesman In kodak de
partment of large store, prefer
ably young man of fair experience
in this line. Steady position and
fair salary to start. Addresa n
60, Oregonian.
active roan :is oiticer. r -il
aren flrivo a car antl run a motorcycle.
Fhould have aome knowledge ot stocs
Wlfe expected to answer telephone ana
keep olfico clean. 7ree rooms over ottXc
Waees 70. Apply to manager at olflce
SHOE SALESMAN A young man compe
tent lO lo cuarsv 7
m town close to Portland. State age,
where employed In the past and extent ot
experience. Best of references required,
both as to character and ability. AV 340,
PHONE. AJ OP, ytt.BijKJrtia.v
WANTED If unemployed and looking tor
someinina mi wot" w - ' ,
II employed and would like to make that
easy siae money, uu. w"r . ' .
4S4 Consolidated Realty bldg.. Ls An
geles, CaX
MAN. with family, tor farm work; good
wages; opponunn-y w - -
; .or.A t. KR ilri7rnlA.n.
quires mvv. " "t -
200 PER CENT profit made every 15 rain-
..... In 1 1 ia 1st sf.fl sm.u L.D
Utes putting monuirai" - u"
mobiles and motorcycles. See Mr. Schwab.
301 Worcester bldg. Sunday 10 to
M. Week days 8 to 9 A. M. and 6 to 6
P. M
HIGH-GRADE .sale s eJV?'
agents ann sen a"-" tr ir, a.iT
terious Clook. What M,es It Go Be"
on sight. See representatives of World
Wide Sales Oo Milton U. Levy, Imperial
HAtnl Portland. Or.'
WANTED Capable organiser. Must be good.
i i a 1 1. n ,nA siriAnlr OiaTTTlfin 1 1U-
ently. Former experience not essential for
a versatile man. Reply at once J to P. O
Box 937. Splendid opportunity for a good
man to mane gwu -
BIO Eastern manufacturer making
"a".hringt,,n and British Columbia; exclu.
eJve territory given: build a business ot
vour own. Call or write. Mr. Jepp. 401
Hawthorne ave
PAINTER can rent nice 6-room house, nva
. t. . .i - -1 aoK nr modern 4-
etn ana a. llD . , .nrf Mv
room apt.. West Side, at 26. and pay
tor same In work; reference "quired.
Smith-Wagoner Co.. Bin stooa
WANTED- Several ood Bale-men to handle
S7n. yu can " make money If you oome
with us. Call 208 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Monday from it to
DE NTIST wanted. Eastern Oregon town
.yon-operauon-if you -"tie ; have
10 irrigated seres and lot in town to sea.
616 Bemng piog.
modern 4-room aPC West 'Sld , ; k
and pay for -am. , in work; re erence. re
qUirea. ammi- ' v -f"'--
CbcAI- food manufacturer h . opening, for
."lllng traded outside territory. Appli
cants must be in position to finance. M as.
SALE SM EN n'?, J?ili""Taindootm-
fry Good proposl'tion tor parties adapted
ioV our lineP of work. Best of references
,,ixi r.nnd Union Tea Co., Portland.
WANTED-Good. live man
have auto: $200 cast. bond, good for 1B0
Jer monti". clear of expenses. The Suss-
man co.. - w
STEADYemployment good I
work" positions guaranteed. Watohmaklng
Engraving Optical School. 316 Common
?5fS. i,m.. ntb. and Ankeny. Portland.
GOOD salesman for dividend paying ln-
mak? "oo"ln two moilnlT AL, 05, Ore-
WANTBD-Capabi. sorting tab!, marker;
experienced. West Oregon Lumber Com
pany, Linnton, ur.
SALESMEN wanted at once to help promote
one t dsh i p. a.. 1 1 1 u
market; experience not necessary. "
Spalding bldg-
WANTEDapable. olean-cut young 'man
peek" Must 8. suitable references.
BO 58, Ure gonian
WANTED Aua.tor " "B' " t.
kgt for w esteru ui v. ...... ..,t-,
Sin.Henca and salary. Replies strictly
confidential. BP 60, Oregonian.
ASK US IOr (iwv"""'"
nerlenced only need apply. North Amerl
Accident Ins. Co.. 1038 Ch. of Com.
WANTED High-class advertising man for
. . -.-ll xfnnd.v T-onm 1. Alns-
EhiS.: ask for Mr. Kupfer.
EWELER and watchmaker, good oppor
tunity ior youiis ,
WANTED A miller to run a flour mill of
ftO barrels capacity.
St Sons, Monroe, kjt
WANT one or iww n-iani.-o- v -
berries; muni i " fc
telephone. aiaiu om-j.
WANTED Janitor. day dally, small
wage tna uuu-Huvooyf - . -
WANTED Working foreman for gold mine,
. a--en aaasvlnv nnH TYllnlntr m-sl-
chinery. Aaareaa j 10. og"-"-
RELIABLE man to work on ranch, by the
n.' htrh -piv references first
tetf-rT. Y 53. Oregonian.
How to Buy Rare or Second 'Hand
Books Cheaply or Find Bayers
For Your Books
He that Loveth a good book will never want a faithful
friend; a wholesome counsellor; a cheerful compan
ion; an effectual comforter. Isaac Barrow.
Nothing inspires one like a good book. They are the silent friend
and counsellors that enable men and women to do things worth while. In
this city are stores and individuals who offer rare and second-hand books, as
well as many new and standard works, in our Classified advertisingjsection
at prices surprisingly low. There you may find the very books you want
from time to time at your price. Or, if you have books to sell, a Want Ad
may find a buyer among the many book lovers and readers of this paper who
regularly read our Classified adver
tising. Try a Want Ad if you want
to buy or sell a book or any other
article. It is always profitable
"The Want Ad Way
nm-m DTXKnf IT -a- A VTT a TTTi A
SOLICITOR for cleaning works. Phona Main
aionaay, aner o a. m.
GIRL for general housework; must be able
to cook; good place for right person. Ap
ply Monday, Tuesday evenings, East
11th North.
WANTED Middle-aged woman with ref
erences and no Incumbrance to take care
of small apartment-house and cook for
janitor, jlu , (jresunwih
WANTED July 1, experienced woman cook,
small Summer hotel; state salary wanted;
referencea required. Meeka St Hays, Ocean
View. Or.
LADIE3 and girls to prepare lists of names
starting Jbc an nour ; particulars,
Rankin ft Dodaoa, 629 Oak St., Hillsdale,
WANTED Neat and competent girl for
general housework and cooking in sub
urban home. Apply Portland Artificial
Ice Co. .
WHOLESALE Arm wanta stenographer to
substitute for three months; salary $50;
write letter, giving age, experience, phone,
machine last used. AD SO, Oregonian.
CAPABLE, experienced girl for general
housework, with family going to the beach;
good wages. 440 E. 8th mu North. TeU
East 6Vr4.
WANTED Woman for general housework
In country. Ail adults. No objection to
one child. State experience and wages
expected. L oa, oregonian.
WANTED 3irt for general houaework and
cooKing; one wno can go num nig""
ferred. Call after 11 A. M. 2tt0 N. 24th st.
WANTED Lady to look after small rooming-house
for a nice housekeeping room.
Call 88 10th. Marshall 1298.
YOUNG lady to help In small boarding
house for room and board evenings. U5
11th st.
WANTED Unincumbered lady cook for
pleasure party going camping ; not over o0.
T OA oregonian.
GIKL wanted tt- assist i general house
work; willing to go to Hood River. Main
W ANTED Pianist; must be good sight
reader. Apply, mornings xo v, nsu
lens Honir en op, o-zc v B-.iiiiismii ot.
STEADY girls to learn to sew on furs.
Apply bet 4 and 6 at Silverfleld CO., 28
Morrison st.
WANTED A good cook; must have refer
ences. Apply mornings, 400 Vista ave.,
Portland Heights, or phone A 8-iOO.
WANTED Woman or school girl to assist
with light housework for board and email
mniixry. i a our
WANTED Girl for general housework, fam
ily of 6. Call Sunday, 7S9 Glisan st, near
CAPABLE women to develop outlined ter
ritory; goods will hold trade; salary; re
fined work. O 06, Oregonian.
6 YOUNG ladles to enter training for grad
uate nurses; high school education. N la
bet h -Sanitarium, 616 Love joy.
GIRL or middle-aged lady to cook two
meala and help with housework; good
horoe place; wages $13. Phone East Z'2Ki.
MAKE monev writing- stories or articles
biff pay; free booklet tells how. Address
United Press syndicate, an r rancteco.
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay
while learnlna: position guaranteed. 400
414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors.
WANTED Girl to oare for child afternoons.
Apply mornings. 180 Ford st. Apartment
APPRENTICE to learn beauty culture; pay
while learning. The Hair Bazaar, Maj est it
Theater bldg., Washington and Park.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced trimmers and m&k
ers ; none other need apply. Lo wengart
& Co.
WANTED Young girl to help with house
work; good home; must give references.
Apply 101 E. 12th st.
WANTED Competent and experienced for
small family; wages u. Appiy imme
diately, 285 Cornell road.
WANTED Young Norwegian girl, cooking
and some housework. Phone is 8320.
TWO lady barbers 2u-& at. North, or In
quire ai'l Kurnsicie.
WANTED Experienced girl or woman for
general housewora. bzm j.earney mi.
WANTED Girl for general housework Ap
ply mornings, irving st., near iom.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework;
j3 per week. Call x) 8184 mornings.
WANTED 3 good apprentices hair store.
120 6th. .Learn a goou iraae iree.
LADY BARBERS wanted; steady Job; $14
guarantee; reply Rose stone, r. ad st.
CLEAN, willing girl to assist in general
housework. 461 East 21st st. North.
EXPERIENCED body Ironer. Palace Laun
dry Co., East iutn ana -evereu.
WOMAN wanted for housework.
4th st.
GOOD home for girl who will assist
llgnt nOUBeWOri. i-jv jhpi Aim nui ..
GIRL for general housework. Grace Apts.,
ann auu z "
GOOD neat housekeeper for faintly of four.
r non Aivi
WANTED Experienced sorter or stacker,
at wnsm Org nn I.fllindrv.
GIRL wanted for general housework. -
Weldler st. E. oii-
WANTED Five girls for dictaphone and
Stenograpnic worn. -wi jj ",v-"a
SALESWOMEN to canvass for special line
I soap. Appiy -ivy urei.umu mug,.
WANTED Girl, wages $15; no washing or
ironing; or i'"" .ip...b.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework. 345
Montgomery ncmi cm-P.
WANTED Girl to assist in housework, $3
par wrek. PVione P 31ft4. mornlngrw.
hark old books for sale we bsT. in
eur stock of new snd second-hand books
rare volume, snd tint wlltlon bocks . which sre
real bartalna Corse In and m Tou will
slM find standard works, flntlr bound, st
low prices. When down town todsr drop in snd
nndliturbed Mrtk out what you want. Addrjui
BOOKS WANTED Will pur a fair pries for
Mcond-bsnd of Istest trillion of the Jtn
erclopedla Britannic Or will sxebarm cora
ptete work, of Cnrlrla. Termrrmn, Huso and
Pursss, all fine!? bound, on some BUtuallj sat
lsffMorr b.rda Adrtre: .
I a r orawAu tv aa-s aw
Lumber grader from planer, A3 ; car
riage rider, $3.60; sash and door machine
man. $2.50 up; 10 mill and yardmen, -and
$2.25; farm bands and milkers, $30,
$33 and $40.
Others too numerous to mention her.
Open Sunday 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
222 and 224 Oouch st. Bet. 1st and 2d.
RPRPTit.R rrrn Monday.
Two cooks, out. 10 week, room and
board; cook, out, $30 month, room and
board; cook, small, new, 30 month, room
and board; cook, out, 2. month, room
and board : waitress, out, $25 month, room
and board; waitress, out, $'20 month,
room and board; four waitresses. In, S25
month, room and board; laundress, beach.
S30 month, room and board; new positions
Ladles' Dept.,
265 Morrison St.
COMPETENT girls, cooking, general house
work. J5 to 35.
Young girls for general housework
Housekeeper, good home for refined
middle-aged woman; small pay.
Young girls, good home, one who likes
children and willing to help, some money.
Apply to Catholic Women's League, lit
4th St., 2d floor.
WANTED Eper!enced girl for Jewelry De
partment. Must be cofhpetent. Apply be
tween 0 and 10 A. M. Superintendent's
office. Sixth Floor, Ueler & Frank store.
A RARE. opportunity make oomtortal)!. liv
ing home, sewing plain cloth seams; no
canvassing, no trlflers wanted; snd 10c
for samples. Returned If not satisfactory.
Home fsewers Co., Jobbers sewing, S Ke
hoboth, Delaware.
GIRL can get good position and a good
home after the 25th; wages to start, 120
per month: pleasant surroundings; pri
vate bath, etc Last girl stayed 2 years.
Give reference and phone number by ad
dressing a letter to AC C7. Oregonian.
GOOD straight salary to woman with bright,
snappy business ability, with thoroughly le
gitimate and higli-clae concern; gener
ous opportunity for advancement; no
phone numbers answered. Address with
particulars AO B3. Oregonian.
POSITION open to energetic, cultured wo
man capable of earning .50 a week: one
who has had teaching experience in the
grade schools preferred. Inquire J. C.
Conway. S37 Henry bldg., Seattle.
MUNICIPAL, llureau for Protection ot Wom
en Is now located at room SOU new Police
Headquartera Information, protection or
assistance gtvsn to women and girls. In
terviews confidential.
WOMEN sell guaranteed hosiery to friends
and neighbors; 70 per cent profit; full or
part time; big seller; mske 110 dally. Ex
perience unnecessary, international Mills,
Box 4029. West Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED A telephone girl who under
stands the meat business to take orders;
must be experienced in this line or do not
apply; references required and give full
particulars. AM 65, oregonian.
We have 2 excellent openings In city
for lady solicitors. The work Is pleasant,
pay ample, future for right parties. 418
Mohaw bicg.
COMPETENT, experienced stenographer for
permanent position In Portland whole
sale house; reply with details ot experi
ence, references and telephone number.
N 55, Oregonian.
312 Morsan Bldg.
We need competent women for several
positions now open; register Monday.
WRITE moving picture plays', $60 each; all
or spare time; no corresponueoue
details free. Atlas Publishing Co., 42.
Cincinnati, O.
WANTED Young lady piano player and
to help out on rush days in dining-room
for-Jlrst-class mountalu resort. Phone
aellwood I4UB tjorore noon.
GIRL'4o go out a few evenings each week
as companion for young -married woman;
no work, expenses paid. Address AH BJ,
oregonian. .
IlTb UnSUh l-.nuio ,au.
onstrate and sell dealers; $26 to $.0 per
weea; miiruau
to., aepu sin, oiu.ii .c.
WANTED Good cook and housekeeper on
farm 2 miles west of Satsop; family of
4; no children; wages $6 a week. Address
George rwiaweu, oawi
WANTED Lady solicitors. Steady, pleas
ant work. Nothing to sell. Salary paid.
nil rcum .If., ..mvs IO,U...,,,
HOUSEKEEPER for small house;
woman with email enna. a
COOK In beach hotel. State wages expected
in first letter. Bay Side Hotel, Bay Ocean.
Or. '
MAKE money writing stories or articles big
pay. Free booklet tells how. Address Lnit
cd Presj Syndicate, San Francisco.
TEACHERS wanted; principals, peclallsts,
grade; half-rate enrollment; state qualifi
cation N. W. Teachers' Agcy.. N. Yakima
MAN and wife to work on ranch; year's
work Answer Dexore auiiuy. t wi
Oregonian. '
WANTED Men or women for fraternal
work. 61U Dekum bldg.. Portland,
Flsk Tsachers Agency secures positions for
teacners. si. jomuw ... .
RALHHMEN Experience unnecessary, easy
work, big pay; write large list openings
offering opportunities earn $1K to I'MlU a
n.nnth while vou ltiiril. Address nearest
oltlce. Dept. .811, National Salesmen s
Training Associaliun, Chicago, New iork,
Kansas City, San Francisco.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date
cars; electric, civil engineering,
survnyin., methods most practical; room
and board whlie learning; position se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue
tree. National scnoui oi n.asJi ,us
2110 W. Ith St., Los Angeles, CaL
GOVERNMENT positions, postofflce, railway
mall, other branches, are good; prepare
. . - 1- U (Mvll Knrvli.
tary-examlner; booklet H 35 free. Write
today. Patterson Civil Service School,
Rochester, N. Y.
MAND Learn to operate moving pictures;
actual theater experience given; 400
churches will exhibit moving pictures
starting Oot. 1, 1UI4; learn business now;
lessons reasonaoie. -on u. near jwu.
son dictating machine. Columbia dicta
phone, shorthand, bookkeeping, compto
graph, mimeograph and all modern busi
ness courses. Fourth . floor. Broadway U..l,ni1 Or
HOW to get on the Stage. Full course In
acting. Public appearance guaranteed.
Amateurs wanted. Monologues and
sketches coached. Studio 203 Royal Annex.
niUtt fliorrison st.
RAILWAY mall clerks, P. O. clerks, car
riers; exam, soon; parcel post demand
many more clerks; act at once. Pacific
States school. McKay piog.. cny.
Ki i.'v ..m,.n vet (Government Jobs: big
pay examinations announced everywhere
July 15; sample questions free. Franklin
Institu'e. Dept. 8u. Rochester, N. Y.
WOMEN for Government clerkships, $70 a
month, Portland, examinations soon; spe.
cimen questions free. Franklin Institute,
Dept. 703 N. Rochester, N. Y.
DO easy, pleasant coloring work home; good
pay no canvassing; no experience re
quired. Illus. particulars free. Helping
Hand Stores, Chicago.
MOLER Barber College will teach you
quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you
while learning, furnish tools free. vVrite
for free catalogue. A 4S 2d st. N.
LADIES make shields, home, $10 100; work
sent prepaid to reliable women. Particulars
stamped addressed envelope. Eureka Co.,
dept HOB, naiamasoo, jaicn.
AUTO repairman and chauffeur. Get paid
whlie learning. I give correct Informa
tion. Send stamps for Information. A.
C. Detleraen. hoi iij, i-oriiauu.
OREGON Barber College Now Is the time
to learn the barber trade; position guar
anteed; paid while learning; tools free;
tuition reduced. 233 Madlsun st.
GIRL between 18 and 23 years to learn
comptometer adding machine; good posi
tions provided when couise is completed.
Call 44S Morgan Diog.
YOUNO men and women should read our
free booklet, "The Stepping Stone to Suc
cess." Central Commercial College, loth
and Alder.
BE a detective; earn $i0 to $100 weekly.
....... i .11 n.e world: write United States
Detective Adjusting Agency. 20S5-BB
Railway iLxcnaiisw .cub-.
GOVERNMEN'T positions are easy to get. My
tree booklet T-36 tells how. Write today
now. g.ari nuytm.., ,, v
instruction. GREdG SHORTHAND, book,
keeping. 404 commonwealth bid. Mar. 42:S.
PICTURE MALMift.3. w r. i&Aun
WATCHES cleaned. 75c; spring. 75c: work
guaranteed. 216 Commonwealth bldg., 6th
and Ankeny.
RAILROAD flr.m.n, brakemsn, $li0; ex
perience unnecessary; send age, postage.
Hallway, care oreguuiau.
WANTED Names of men. IS to 4", wishing
to be Portisnd mail carriers; $T month.
A iiu. met"" "
WANTED Bright youi.g man to learn auto
repairing. ...,,.,, ...
iHORT HAND. TYPEV. Hi I lu, . rr.n mj.
269 14TH ST. M. SS93. EXP. INSTRUC'N.
LUMBERMAN, bookkeeper, stenogrspber.
wants situation; experience in .i''""'T
and mill offi's: best of references, ciesn
record and can lurln.h bonu. Iiiniiuar with
cost accounting, freight isritls and l
work pertuuilng to a luroeer office. AJ
5.,, orcgomuu.
YOUNG man 22. with high school snd
business college education, also X
office experience, desires po.nlon: bst
local references; Will start ou $ui. AL
57, Oregonian.
HAVE a gocd knowledge of snorll.and anil
typewriting; a. so know bow to run a
mimeograph and letter-press: l've ha-1
experience In odlce woik. list have u
to offer? Phone Marshall UJ:
YOUNG man bavins t.iree ear. of . i e
r.enc. In bookkeeping and strnograpnle
work wants position: can also speak the
Italian languase; lias hln-cla.s refer
ence. O !. Oregonian.
ALL-ROUND clerical man. good ollu-e ex
perience, open for engagement at Binl
or otMce work: " '
keeper and stenograpn.r. Phone atx.r
UOOD ofll.e man. b.Kkkeeper, steuograpber.
etc. desires eiiipioymeui. ',,.",,,,
manual labor not too hsaxy acoeplaole.
I'hone Tahor 24UJ.
WILL pay 10 pr cent first mouths sa.firy
for suitable position; evpert
and ottice msu. attorney, hign-eiaaa ri-
erences. age 3o. AJ J4. oregoiau
STENOGRAPH ER wants position wllh "r"
relluble firm; one years i""""-
construction company; Al relerenc.s tur-
H 1. ureaonian.
YOUNG man studying phsrruecy wants drug
store experlenc; has bad some eaperlesiv.
In sign and card work and typ.arltiug.
Woodiawu .
THOROUGHLY eiperlenced all-around olllce
and bank man desires position, country or
city; excellent reforeuces. All 0, ore
gonian. EXPERT bookkeeper and stenogrsph.r : ex
perience In law, banking and ofllca wor.
tmaie.; m ii, witv..
l'OUNG man with considerable of rue ex
perience would like fatur.lar ad.rnooa
and evening work. X H. oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by experienced sales
man with complete set of grocer fix
tures. M S!. Oregonian. .
ACCOUNTANT icertlncd) de.irss .ngags-
ment. D 74, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 23. want, position with som.
whole.ala nouns or snMiuna with a good
chance fur advancement; have been wun
a furniture company for $ years; good ref
erencea J fl, oregonian.
WANTED, by responsible Couple without
. 'i,,. in i.ii. cliarse of while
children, a nome to tea. - -the
family Is absent, or would t.k. obais.
of an apartnisiit-liouse; references tur-
nlshed. AD 47, oregi.nisn.
Young man. l. hun .enool grsdua ..
wishes light ork on tarm- can a.... muK.
for good home and very small wages, t-.
H., oil I'oweii Bl.- Portland, or.
i...L i-t. i.v..,. i,itiii.iii. orlv
delivery; can do own repairing . will do
other work; can furnish rofsreuces. Inw
ouenly acquainieu Willi city. Pnons Main
HIGH school student wants any It mo "
v ri Kumnier: 2 years' r.aspaP"
experience; relereuees. W 73. Or.goniai
tLDEHLY American. Imell gent, handy,
pres.utable, wishes any kind of lif t
Plovmenl. city, or countty. wages Imma
terial. AB 44. oregonian.
ENGINEER wanls wor, ears u. "
refrigeration eiperleiue with electricity.
Parson turbine.; age :io, sober; -have you
n thing ': J ui. ii e. .1111,0.
CHAUFFEUR, Japsness. ws.her. Pb'1'1'":
good cure car, has experience; ,
would like position with private family.
ref.rence. O 03. Oregonian.
BRIGHT, energetie orphan boy of it ';
desires nome wun - ,
give me a chance; best referencea t- -.
WANTED Position In general merchandise
or doming .tore wy ..iw.wm.,,, --r
enced man; best reference. P L oiego-
111 1111. r
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wauts position
with private family; will take cars ot
garden; city or country; good references.
C 71, oregonian.
CIVIL engineer and mechanical draftsman,
now employed, wishes position where In
itiative ability and knowledge of patent
matters will have neiu. a- ".
HIGH school student sttendlng Bummer
school wauts work afternoons or .even
ing.; business experience aud refcranoes.
Write A.N 00. -ircgoni-u.
WANTED By man and wife, situation,
man for gardener or butlei, woman ss
cook; thoroughly experienced, l'huiie .
CHAUFFEUR, experienced, Japanese, desires
position in private lainlb . can do own
reuaiiing. al-o ood, careful m. hanic;
good reference. Art 71. Oregonian.
Al STEAM- englneor desires position ereat
lng or operating engineer; lll go any
whore: best references. A K. 74. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man and wife want Janitor
work- capable of taking full churge of
anartmem-house. s bo. oregonian.
- - ., . .a,.orlii me nosltlon:
salesman, timekeeper, wst.'hman or some
. , f.. llietfonlun.
otiier aooa ooino. " .. . . .
Al PAPER-HANGER wants o,r,
expeVlenc- at painting. Ask for West,
Marshall sopo.
8V.V.WX wife ; .7- re,ere;Vodre
Joseph t rus, o"- .'
JAPANESE wants Job of any kind, night,
day or all day; private family preferred,
v 71. Oregonian.
110 TO any on. for a good Job- In rilr at
carpenter, automobile or team wora. v-
EXPERIENCED bell boy mid elevator op
erator wants position. Mr. Dudrey. Mar-
ihall 0440.
A YOl.'NtJ man, healthy and of go.l char
acter wants a Job as a larm hand. 1
i-.rt-na f.H2 Waier St., Oregon t ity.
i'Ot NG married man wants or k on a"''
farm, close i" i ee,
slst. Phone Main " '2-
FIRST-CLASS orchesira, singer Included, for
u.,..a -nil Bit Social lllliciiooe, , v.u. .r
Charges. Phone wuuuiawn irL
MR. EMPLOYER I am a young man look
ing tor steady work; sober, reliable and I
..,0 worker. W f. Oregonian.
.nci teamster. wauu, .ork In this lln.
or us Jstiltor. .viaio ti.
A .MAN wun.s a sob. 60 cents a dsv an.l
board. Odd Jobs. 21) cents an hour; nlj
relerences; K 54. oresoulan.
T."7".oV.'n-'.' .n.'-.ntteA. 1 Vettl' COIIlLliUilng-
-fr.n-.r- want work. C "i. or-ionin.
YOUNG nmrrfod iTn"ii. plumhir by trl
-ith nti.tsmnnhlA mngfn. AJ .'i1. Orrno.ln
' . . s ... ,.hllilrii want wnrtc on
ranch; wlli take full rharge ol aniftU oam
If desired. H ft-u Orconinn.
KXPKRlKNr.KO rroopry clork uranm woik
in or out of city. Ur. Audrey, AitirMiall
.". ..." ' 111.1, t.w.n llh fIIl-
II y would' Ilk Miv6y pnnitlnn, beat of
Itur work or !tutlon iuij kind, mmu
WMC". AI. f V.rKMTTian.
BY young married man 4 yira' fxp-rTiv-n.
in r-uait Ktocmy; will tk any .;.dy
work; rpf?renc-a, AM 2. OrrKimia.
MILKER, -pxperlenr-Pd, lnh- to handl 2
to :to cowi. AU -tl. on-KonlHii.
f rvv.T I.KHSONH itc. with orhMtra
i.,iu.s l-linnt Woodlawn 17U
EXPERIKNCED nur want mental pa
tient. yv ri, mva..
CAKPiiNTKH wibhea potuiun by Uy or co
tract, a i.
GOOD bread and take baker; will go In the
mm try. N 7-. Oregonian.
COLLEGE artudent, age 21. anti work
GUrin g auiiuiig. '.,.
CH1NKSK wanta work, doin chamber work
or family Cook. B 54, Oregonian.
S1NUI-K nian wipnee po.ltlon as farriihand.
A tt nrfni'iiuiu
YOL'NO MAN. with motorcycl
tion. C l4a.
Wants poel-
A MAN wiahea puatilon ae carpenter
MAN agfd 29, wants farm work.
nA 'mi I'hone Main 1670.
73 N.
EXPERT niBL-hlniBt and drariPman deal re
position; nave own U'ii. I inm-n ......
AYOUN(i"japaiie boy wants a poltlon as
OOUK ior mi'ii'ji " -
TEACH you to drive Ford auto I'hone
MARR1KL) man, .".. strong. liealHiy, will
take anymmg; gMu r "
L,OT clearwd lilgh 'eed and grass cut. P.
C. lennnn. r.nni nir-.-r.
pOrilVluN wanted as nwcier m:l.anifl or
chief -pnrlneer. Y 44. orccnnlin.
i'Ol'NO ma: ried man i.i tn any
mcn.v work. A 117, Main 71
mloipt wante position In
qua i t'
V ..3. QregonlniK
CARPENTER want work.
A K-17, ftla
GAKi-tsNEll wanu ork. A 117.
MAN and wife want poattloa aa noek aef
watrreaa, roeieuraat. boil, eamp. hoi
workTa, saving, wuuM caniuitr pla4. en
rHrrntre; Vt ef wfr-rM ae te
ety and rellatriiity; duo t mok r dtiD.
)umt ram to Ort-go. O. ii. kliilk, tihi
4th m.
LlNt'TT PK Biiehln:t-ft,- atr ihor I. . v
evTerif nrwi in a;i parte or as, pr
Work. wants f-lt Inn 111 Oregon.
- straay and reliable; nanMd. rea gi
bout of re fe renews, stata m ! 1 arni
Address H. 1. llonnee. taa i.4 . iu.
Vot'S-. man illra position with s.ini-rn
W'h(re merit and iioiity are si1 iraftil,
will go nnywhore in the Uei, i.ete
Ity and aupineee ek)-rln.-e tnh mi
capital, and ran furuh bond It reuirW.
A V 4 , creg.-niaa.
Al K It C li A N D 1 f I. P Ki7 -U KSi'i"n 1-'T rn
S'tln Julr 1. klp-kfienr in si"-tMilv and
general lines In urn aid iti -
t un ell an)ihing that has merit. .
stata nature ot fcas.neoa. W ur
gonian. CHAtTKn 11, Anieilran, , pr n-el mmU.
er, pvllltei , -btue clean ins, ii ii'nui ,
wants steady position In filvais ar !--
Ilvanng. l rfe t h:h, steadv and er-i.
11 ;. iiounijov, UtMiiim st , Pert. ana.
CH At KPkl It, lauaohmsn anft repBrrraa
wants .Ooi, prixat r m,e -
eri-ti ytri' nit in. a In gas ens'rte
en,t."rate bnli.t. rarefnt, tr me; ref
erences. A. M Gib!, 4.1 Teniae si. leL.
Kei: wood.
IUwkhetefa Bad aiWnrwfaera.
Oet a stt-n-i rspher thai csa spelt 4
rui.t'timia .itvl., . U tea Ki, fra m
et. B. hi.
Till 'KOI Ut :. Y afcp-r ieilvel ftrs l'-re.
flTk 1"-ir e poaM-n, n lad , i
of rferenri's. i..,v VL.aia ae. lei
nod 1 w n J .
WANT nddr-airiff. malllns sdver'ieing rit
trr on typewriter, durii.g oTening. labor
1 1.
W AN TKl l'it'iin as r"aie e-rerf ar
III law oflira y ooii,p(nc stegogf ay g
71. Oregnruan,
i Si lady a an is saitlnn h l.".l r
coiitfany or lank; f -natal ofli'e ra,
eev-ptal j-f-are' eiperlencei now impm
lilt -IO 1 insnhii ,-.
1'v'M I l.iN aotsd l y stem.a '
keepvr. I yeaie' eserttors, itui 4, Hiisa,
W a-H.
WANTMI Hy ait e pf rir.t'd o(eist.r "-
siiton to band s it rh ttai -i . ten do ftome
off u-a ork. I hime kt m.l.
Af'l-'TANT bmihheefr or general r"al
kmk, highest r(t-tencns. AC A, ore-
n 1 1 u.
Til "itOltlH 1. V si r tended eiert.. . Bpitee
and dtrl a phone opei a tor des 1 e i'(ini.
nenl or sul'PMtii'e work. hi n
EX I K I I I'.Nt'f l oaehler 1lrei .xii n In
riUurnt or moving picture shew hnet
V.t Ntiv lay nographer diii-a e po
sition; s-. t ur.4ie. n-a t-appear 11 . ge (u I
pattt-ulars. HO H.. irt-i n r
b rK.NO'llUl'H Kll with lO years' t hi- f
e'rkri)c wants pweltlon. AJ Si. Ue
lonmn, bVKN'i'JKAl'llKIt muet have wnra.
exp-rteniL-e; moderate aaiary. 1'hone II .i-ti
AS experienced young lady bill Clerk 4ealre
position. A B 6i, trevonian.
V( ' - lady a ants ofTu a t"i '"B 1,4'
rlenr-d In t pew rltlns. f"s It I- aet ,.7
Tl'l N' lady wliih''" nffii'a -rk, pen ur k
prefcrre-l. AK ronlan
ireemaa era.
C01iEri made ptrt;ly to miinfm.til
s .id -Jslrned to tha requiremen 1 f t ia
fiRure. To Insure peilect sai isfa-'ilAn
rtnve your comets made aa you u)-i
our g't n or suit. hot isfr-tlua s'"r"n
t"ort. Mrs, Penn-ae. expert oret lere.
Komfort Korset Co., 404 Morrison, lioonrts
1 aud 2.
VANTKl By a good needle woman, hem
stitching andl embroKery work to do nt
home; price reasonable fiieno labor
IjiiKSM AKIN tJ. fainl.y sea 11. s. a.ierai ions,
by dny or boms. A lUbd. Ask for 0 reas-
VI Ul T-C LASH dreae maker w ishea sng-se-ments
by the day; evening gowns a spe
clnlty. I'hone labor ftl.
EX Pi; H I ENt KL drr-sma hT wishes rnt
monta by the day; 1.73. I'hone Columbia
MAK MAUI.. moili'ta. Hulls, gowns,
drrsses, alterations and makeoers. Mam
'.tJJ. l.'thj st., corner of Ai-ier.
Kl KST-CLAHH drassmakert fitter and da.
signer ; party d rr-dm and eventn g coa ie
a spoclalty. Esst 11. M per tay.
FAShlONAHLK dressmaking, tailored suite
a speflait v ; eattsfat lion guaranteed. M ia.
Thomas. Wsln oj
CAI'EH, fancy Jacket suns, afieir.i'-n
goans, sausfsctlon guaranteed; city reier
encs. Main 4774.
DlIKSSMAK I N) done at home, worh guar
anteed, .'ifiie Mar. 44u or A n;i7. Al
tiitrn Apt. ln.
L.t Kilt. Nt 1 1 .rren.ah r and tslmr-e-e,
wishes engsgetnents by day. I'tiona
Mnin MfO.
EXPKltIKN'Kll dressmaker wishes e-tC-nieiiLe;
lsdt'S" taiiortrs n specialty, 1 per
day. -Plione 00 J la an 9.
more etigagemenia 1'hons Marshall ?.ll.
Jlt ESMM A K I p. am ea Ing a i.ns.
mending by day or st home Mm i.t.'4
7ki:hsmaLi.NJ by the day. call Weod.ewn
I'UKShM AKI-'H. late of New York w-tuld
llkn en-iarments ty day. Main Ifl 1
EM Lit fll Kit T and l'U ro het n sde to
ordor. reasonsble l'4t K M4th st
FlHST-fl.AMt dies
muhn'ivtri V a rs"
aiif atlons sad
LA 1 V a lull fa sea lug by dsv, raaat,abte.
lain Ttt, A 4t;a,, (unlsy vnnimt.
t'uMlk'l EN T (ress'tiaker
home or out ry -. I'h"
1 ISl-es 1
a et
WA NTEI Oreasmaklng by the day. I bona
Main S211.
lli ESlSniakin end la-He' In..
iiiv, . l-h-o.e Is ior 4-.
iB 11 the
YV ANT El K aing ly 'he da ; f...i -itees-IPBkfT;
refetctpes, f'hona t J?.
1'REriKMAKKR by day, slllali, rap.d,
erenre labor 444
ONK-I'IKCK dresses; -l.
BlTl AT ION wanted ; parlen ca J kn,
would lke c-Tf :rmei,i .- or .-thr
OurPir.fl; for particulars rail at 41 1 r.oa
ave.. i'ortland. Or. Mrs. t'hartes Lssng.
THAINKI nurse would tael with vaaiti.r
pat tent, either mi. to It op., in lu, t iia
intent. Enrol- or mIhiuI the I i..t-d HtaUa.
A 1-' t,'ii'B iiiinn
WILL ( AKK fur our Mirtrn in our
home r rn'r-e, morulnss. nf ertxions or
eenings. U til s!o sew f..r them, pii
,1-essriiiHiMe. i'i.I lihT 4f12.
E.Ni-VLISH tiainsd imr w Ishea lninl sly
or gmitlemai ei ertcn' e. in mint si ai
rohi.itc il 1 ug liattll, referoinea. A L U
lUMI'KTr.NT rhsufau-jua nutae wants a
sitton to care lor a vhld. K. a. lra,
gn. del., e.ty.
A N I 1:1, y prs. t o a I liufse, 1 at if el
rietly p.opie, intulld of clilidien. I hrne
Mu n 4-. 1.
I' It A 'Tit ' A L nuiaa warns Woik. rsn n-st.-ec
home and not afia.14 to woik -Vast
f7t 4.
YVAN'IKI 1'osition as prH.tial nursg r
care of Inva id. I'hone
J-H A . Ti' A L .Nl ItsK wsia menial, diug
sid a.rohoilc cses 'h"rs 1 munr ''77
1J1'ATK rooms, tram! nmaa. Invsmls,
elderly, homelike; rel. Tal-r:l.
FTl HSE. "e-per'snred, city refs.. help woik.
fi.tft wk. HiNidiiwii 1141 Monday
AH hure girl or vomaniou nt beaih. AL
M. t 'regonlan.
jJ7l 'I lsEAi l"-l, prsftlrnl nurae, docturw'
fTfllll'K. I'lM'lie VtMttl "-J
If uueek eevera.
WoVAN' unns wisp.-e position, lnuHMr
or companion; wou d go tn rt tr nut
if town, good home wanted. AN PI, tte
gonlan, Y IHTIC wltu if rlunlreiv wants huea
keeping In white widower e or La he -.r s
home, count-y ptal.tred.; where -ta take
children. A H ' t,,'.ri"1 .
OlH)l, experienced housekeeper wishes poai-
lh n wiiiowec s (inioi gowu co-k. I i
MlJOLK -AtlEl tlerman woman, gooj ou'k
and housekeeper, wants position let ID
and 1 I. M. Itoum t;,l,''r.'. "t-'
A lu with fli lid would J -ke Ifwi'""'
keeping house tr I do er, i M, ,re.
1'OHITION SB hausekeeper hv Easier n Is'i 1 .
good cook; rsn give reference; w dowers
fitmilv, Main .. or U4irof.isn
r"kPINE1 wld-'W. 3. would Hfce lmusek i
Ing. goori cBie .if home; or l.i.l.
t 40. itr-gonian.
tr ) M" he ' or. I(
J1 M a'b
irnsn wsnts
it v miHiMi; 1 -1 -1 - " ' " .
7m".I 'ook at.d h"uskee Work.
city or country. E frs, crg"iiui.