10 . J. XJ.JJ OU J-VJ- .- ,M,,,.,,M, iwa I , I .. KTtT. I KEU ESTAIR . 1 HEAL ESTATE. KI. rTTK. ,-,. : r,t- ---I ,Ht T-- ira-H-- . f-.r- ,-. $2700 S-ROOM new bungalow MODERN AND NIFTT HARDWOOD FLOORS SLEEPING PORCH NEAT FRONT PORCH WITH PRESSED BRICK PILLARS AND BUTTRESSES LARGE FLOORED ATTIC ARTISTIC FIREPLACE T-FOOT CONCRETE BASEMENT CEMENT FLOOR AND DRAIN 1077 SCHUYLER ST. LOT 50x100, JUST 2 BLOCKS FROM ROSE CITY AND BEAUMONT CARS. IX BEAUTIFUL HANCOCK ST. ADDI TION. SEWER, HARD-SURFACE AND ALL STREETS IX AND MOSTLJl PAID. HAS ELEGANT BUFFET; FRENCH MIRROR DOORS. LINEN CHESTS, DUTCH KITCHEN, PANELED DINING-ROOM, WOODLIFT, MED ICINE CHEST, ETC. RESTRICTED DISTRICT House all doubly well built, has cholca electric aud plumbing fixtures. The in terior and outside are finished, and paint ed in artistic manner. See this sensa tion! Terms. Owner, Sell. 75. 1077 SCHUYLER Rose City or Beaumont cars to 36th t., then 2 blocks north to Schuyler at. IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT There is a beautiful tJ-room house, located at northeast corner East 4od and Harri son streets, complete with light fixtures and shades, double constructed, building paper between, has b-vel plate-glass win dows and cut-glass doors in buffet and bookcases, if you are not accustomed to the Quality of the above material used In a house it certainly will pay you to Ko and Bee this one. Remember it will coat you nothing- to look. I know you will appreciate looking e)t this swell home. You are not under any obliga tion whatever to ouy because you look. The house is unlocked. If you can't go, phone J. W. McFadden, owner and build er. Tabor 5483. VOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE BY OWNER. Best-located, most attractive bungalow Jn Laurelhurst, spacious living-room, pat ent fireplace, built-in bookcase and set tes, large bedroom, dressing closet, built-in draws and lockers, tiled bath, guest's bed room with Holmes disappearing bed, clothes closet and linen lockers, r roomy kitchen, built-in lockers, refrigerator, elec tric cooker, etc.. artistic dining-room, at tic room for servant, concrete porch and basement, furnace, best of fixtures, Bur- rowes screens, hardwood floors, garage, at tractive grounds, built for a home and not for speculation; must be seen to be appre ciated. No trades considered. Call Tabor A REAL BARGAIN Furnished 4-room bungalow, 2 Mocks from the car; owner going East will sacrifice; might consider renting furnished. Ask Mr. Derr, WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 11U0 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. New 0-room bungalow, reception hall, sleeping porch, double constructed, facing east; built-in bookcases, buffet, breakfast table, Dutch kitchen, mirror door, French door leading from dining-room to pergola porch, cement floor and walks. Royal fur nace, fireplace with damper, best grade hardwood floors, fine electric fixtures, hades, lawn, laundry trays. t43 l7th St., 1 h blocks north of R. C. Park car. Price, $3000, terms. Owner, East 5435. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 97x100. Modern In every way, furnace, cement baeement, floored attic, fruit trees and berries, 1 block from car; will take auto or lot and some cash as first payment. See this ideal home and you will surely buy. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 603 Dekum Bldg. LOT FREE. The owner states that the bungalow cost more to build than he is asking for both; 5 rooms, with hardwood floors, fire place, beamed ceilings, panel walls, com bination fixtures, linoleum on floor, all built-in conveniences and $t00 takes It; $500 cash, balance like rent. BOID REALTY CO.. 206 Alder St. ELEGANT NEW BUNGALOW. Just finished, complete In every detail; furnace, hardwood floors, etc.; Rose City Park, near Sandy boulevard; paved street; contains five rooms; has sleeping-porch, fine basement; price only $3000; worth the money, too. W. A. BARNES CO., Owner, Bio Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts.. M. 2081. Z MUST sell my new 7-room home; it hasn't been lived in; It Is worth $4250; my price. Including ail street and sewer improve ments, $U70; on your own terms; go see U; it's on E. 47th st. N.. Just one block south of Sandy boulevard; my number is on the house. XX. Oregonian. GO LOOK. ONLY $50 DOWN. NEW 4 ROOMS. BATH. Brick fireplace, best plumbing, electric ity, ga. rooms tinted, 60x100 corner; lot alone worth $1100; bal. price, $1950, at $15 month: 436 Magnolia, near Union ave.; take Woodlawn car. Lathrop, Ablngton Xldg. STOP THAT RENT. $00 down and $40 per month will put you In a cozy 0-room house with carpets, shades, etc. Better take a look at it to day. 734 Wasco at-, near E. 22d. Then see me. O. A. LYMAN, 511 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON We have modern home for sale nd some exchanges from $4500 up to $25, 000. We will take pleasure in showing these properties. See Mr. Jones, care JOHN P. WESTON CO., 1302 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MT. SCOTT COTTAGE. K-room modern bungalow, with nice yard at 4812 E. 71st st., near 48th ave. S. F. on Mt. Scott line. Price $2000, terms like rent. H P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8699. A 2653. PRETTIEST 7-room bungalow In Rose City Park at a sacrifice; leaving Portland. Fine lawn, lots of shrubbery and flowers, vegetable garden; electric fixtures, cement basement, furnace, modern, up-to-the- - minute. Owner and house, 641 East 49th st. Phone Tabor 4705. 6-ROOM bungalow, lot 100x100; walnut trees, berries and lots of young fruit trees, chicken-house, sidewalks and curbs in and paid fir; must be seen to be appre ciated; $250 down, balance like rent. See Mr. Riffle. 27, Pine St. $1750. $1750. CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION. "Bargain-seekers opportunity; modern 8 room house ; cost $1200 to finish, then IMETZ '& RIXGLER. 316 Railway' Exch. A RARE BARGAIN Will discount for cash 1-3 my $2500 equity In modern 7-room house on large corner lot, 3 blocks from carline. fine residence district. AM 51, Oregonian. $1350 $25 DOWN. B-room bungalow, basement, woodshed, barn, lot 84xiu0, in garden: car 2 blocks; easy monthly payments. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. FOR SALE A 5-room modern house on Waverletgh Heights: lot 46x100; price $2600: must have $500 cash. Address S7& Brooklvn st.: Sellwood 573. after 6 P. M. WANT a home? Have 6-room modern bun galow, $iy50, small payment, good dis trict, sidewalk and street graded, water and gas; no agents. Phone Scilwood 882. HOCSE and 6 lots. 60th and E. Ash sts.. 7 room house, bnrn, opposite school. What will you give for it? Owner, 310 Chamber of Commerce. 7-ROOM modern house, fine largw lot. near Killinesworth and Union, Piedmont dis trict; price only $2,100. C. De YOUNG & CO.. 314 Chamber of Commerce. TRUSTEE sale. Laurelhurst house, new, 6 rooms, best location; house at actual cost: no charge for lot; snap. Mr. Joy, 339 chamber of Commerce. ACRE, HOUSE AND SMALL BARN. Near car. fenced and cross-fenced, well, etc.; fine for chickens; $lo0; $130 cash. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. NICE BUNGALOW NEAR HAWTHORNE" 7-room. modern in every respect, $600 cash, balance like rent. CALL AN & KASER, 722-24 Yeon Bldg. " JUST LOOK THIS OVER ONCE Choice 300x100, modern home, 1 block to best car, close-in: 2100; very easy; tf per cent interest. Tabor 2546. jROOM modern house, 956 E. 26th N.t near Prescott. $1700; terms. Owner, Wood lawn 3529. LAURELHURST Fine 6-room house, brings good income. $5100. Part cash. K 63. Ore gonian. NEW S-room home, beautiful garden, no incumbrance, for sale bv owner in Laurel hurst. Phone Tabor 2t02. $1075 6-room house, close in. terms; street Improvements in, paid. Citizen'. Agency. 1704 2d st. 6-room house. A REAL BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED, i . h n s. 93H r one block south of Hawthorne ave., close in and. situated umrniff- vrv nrtTiv homes: large reception hail, living-room and dining-room; solid oak liuors wun iancy uoruera, place with council, mirror and lights over amc. ! q t o- KnnkrniiP with dOUbltt DeV- eled plate art glass doors; French doors with beveled plate glass bclw-cii room and dining-room; full veneered pan eled wails and nifty buffet with beveled plate art glass doors and mirrors; aho electric lighted; handy kitchen and all the "built-ms"; gas water heater; breakfast room off kitchen, with mission table and seat; two fine bedrooms 15xjti down stairs; also large bathroom tuny equipped, large closets, linen closets, clothes chute, etc.; upstairs we have a large bedroom nr hllliaril.rnnm lfix22. with a den 8Xl, separated with an arch; also another bathroom with fine fixtures; large sleep ing porch, cloeets, etc.; beveled plat la in iront winaova; 41""T "1 cement basement, laundry trays; Hess gas heating plant; beaoitiful light fixtures and duplex window shades; 50x100 lot; 14x20 garage; cement floor and drain; solid 7 -it. cement driveway to street; I built thla home-by day labor; It is double construct ed throughout; free from incumbrance; I must -tell and will make a price acc lngly with terms. See owner, R. J. Srnitn, 3,0 E. 33d st., cor. Market, 2d house south of tbis new one. Tabor 864. $2250 TERMS TO SUIT $2250. Just completed this modern S-room bun galow, not a cheap house with a, high price, but a good house very cheap. Floored attic, cloakroom with plate nur-' ror door, fireplace, electric fixtures, solid hardwood floors paneled dining-room, plate rail, Dutch Tcitchen. Inside and out side entrances to full concrete basement, cement floor, drain, wash trays, woodllft, etc. Rooms nicely tinted. Interior fin ished in selected grain lumber, best oil stain, kitchen and bath white enamel, outsrde painted with pure oil and lead. Must be seen to bo appreciated. Chicken park, bearing fruit trees, small fruits, roses, lawn, etc. Between 2 cariines, near churches, schools and stores. A. J. BAIER, 86 E. 28th N. ' Take Alberta, car to 28th, then 1 blocks south. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A Bungalow that Is a Bungalow. Designed and built by a man who knows how a home should be built for looks and convenience. It costs money for space in this paper, o I would rather show you than tell you In print the advantage you have in buying this beautiful modern 5-room Anderson Bungalow on a 0xl00 lot. A small pay ment down and monthl payments. See Mr. Anderson, owner, 328 Chamber of Commerce bid g. "WOODMERE DISTRICT." POSITIVE BARGAIN, LOTS OF ROOM FOR GARDEN, CHICKENS. ETC. NEAR LY NEW COTTAGE, LARGE ROOMS, BATH, ETC. CITT WATER, GAS, ELEC TRIC FIXTURES AND A PIANO. ALL IN GOOD ORDER, "READY TO MOVE INTO." CHICKEN COOPS: EITHER 2 OR 6 LARGE LOTS. AND FRUIT, NEAR "WOODMERE STATION"; MT. SCOTT CAR SCHOOL, STORES, ETC. PRICE. WITH 2 LARGE LOTS, $2S0 (WORTH $3u0G). WILL CONSIDER SOME TRADE. ADDRESS OWNER, W. M. EMMONS. P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. $2300 ON RENT TERMS $2300. CUT OUT THE RENT LEAK. New, double-constructed 5-room bunga lows; hardwood floors, every possible con venience, ' window shades, fixtures, etc., and some new features; in Hawthorne ave. district, 320 to 34 East 4th St. Open 2 to 6 P. M. See them today. PORTLAND REALTY & TRUST CO., 214 Railway Exchange Bldg. NOB HILL RESIDENCE Beautifully finished, practically new, splendidly located in the best residence district on the West Side; 8 rooms; lot 50x100; $12,500; terms. BARRETT BROS., 303 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, and a splendid buy in a 6-room modern house; come and see this if you are looking for a good home or an investment; house No. is 149 Alberta st. ; half a block east from Mississippi ave. carline. 1 block to the Jefferson High School. $1750 $50 CASH. Only $25 per month, including Interest. 50x100, paved street, all paid; lots of fruit. 4-room house, including some fur niture. On E. 8th St., near Mason. W. A. Ross. 510 Spalding bldg. BEAUTIFUL Irvington home at a sacrifice; Oriental rugs and elegant furniture must also go; 9 rooms, modern and artistic in every resect. I am not asking anywhere near market value. Simply a pickup for anyone who has a little cash, balance easy terms. Address Owner. V 43. Oregonian. 5-ROOM bungalow, cor. lot, sleeping porch, full cement basement, built-in bookcases, Dutch kitchen, piped for furnace, modern Jn every way. This house should sell for $3500; to get $500 cash will let It gu for $:0O. P. J. Foran, lb38 Sandy boule vard, at 72d st., phone C 3272. IRVINGTON home for sale by owner: all built-in conveniences such as bookcases, buffet and breakfast table; hardwood floors downstairs ; white enamel wood work and mahogany trimmings. AM oti, Oregonian. 0-ROOM bungalow by owner; very attractive, shade trees, hardwood floors, built-in buf fet, fireplace, wash trays, 50x100 lot, in Portland's prettiest resident district. This is a bargain if taken at once. 450 E. 53d, near Division. Mar. 1636 Monday. BARGAIN $2000, worth $30 00, $1000 down. 10ux200; fruit trees; 5-room cottage, Bull Run water; right at station: 17 minutes out. Owner, phone Sell wood 1109. 6B4 Bast 6th st. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours ; pay us like rent. CHE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ' FOR SALE BY OWNER. Must sacrifice my 5-room bungalow at 81S Multnomah st.; fireplace, furnace and sleeping porch. Must be sold in a few days at some price. $S00 cash, remainder on terms. Tel. C 1245. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS, $1100. Neat little 3-room cottage, water, gas and electric lights, in first-class district, 1 y blocks to car; trees, flowers and garden in, $5U cash. Fred W. German Co.. K14 Cham, of Com. 7-ROOM cottage large corner lot, fruit and berries ; E. 37th st., near Holga te ; quiet neighborhood; easy terms; will take va cant lot lor first payment. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen's biuv. BUILD ON YOUR LOT. We will build on your lot; terms like rent; first-ciass guaranteed work. UMBDE.NSTOCK & LARSON CO. 286 Oak St. IRVINGTON. Elegant 8-room modern home, complete In every detail; east facing. 033 East 13th st. North, near Stanton; price low at $l2o0. Owner, East 535. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Facing east, 49th and Tillamook, 1 block to Sandy boulevard ; this beautiful $l00 corner goes at $S00 cash. Main oS0. WALNUT PARK BARGAIN. Beautitul modern home at a big sacri fice. 2t4 Sumner St.. bet. Williams and Vancouver aves. Owner, Cast 533. FOR SALE Owner leaving city; cottage" house; fruit; lot 50x100, close to city, car and park. Price $1275. 328 2d st. Phone Main 4520. 6-ROOM house and 2 lots 100x145 feet In Oak Grove, one block from carline; price $.000. Inquire H. G. Starkweather, near Risley Station. Phone Oak Grove Black 17. IRVINGTON home on 18th st., modern 7 rooms, in flrst-ciasa condition; small pay ment, terms to suit. Owner, AV 367, Ore gonian. $;ir.ii BKAN'D new modern 6-room house for sale by owner, block from Rose City Park car. $"HM cash, balance to suit. Phone Main 6348. CLASSY SUBURBAN" RESIDENCE. Ou acre. Or. Klec. Ry. ; 5c fare; high ly cultivated: excellent view ; ttu tennis court. Box 3.;. P. P.. Portland. 12 PER CENT, snap, 100x100 corner, san itary barn, small house, bearing fruit. 4 blocks car, $1200: fine for chickens, team, cow. N 56, Oregonian. WILL sacrifice $500 on my equity in mod ern Rose City Park home. If you are look ing for bargain call Tabor 4030, owner, and occupant. BIG HOUSE, LITTLE PRICE. $S"'0, terms, new, 8 rooms. East 48th, near Division. Owner, Woodlawn 693. WILL sell a $4000 house in Rose City Park for $350; this is the best buy la this dis trict. Inquire at 657 E. 65th at. $7o000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS residence for $7000. H casn. $6000 Portland Heights res idence for $4000. y cash. Owners. 455 18th. WILL sell equity in attractive C-room bun galow, corner. Particulars, call Tabor 507$. $10 50O 50x100, 18th and Love joy. finely improved, very desirable. Phone East 3399 for terms. . CHARMING houses cheap, less half price, Irvington; house for rent, furnished and unfurnished. .ast 273. W. H. Herdman. ,';,! EQUITY, modern 5-room bungalow, "near carline. for $75. part terms, balance, $107.5. at $10 per month. B 52, Oregonian. NEAT 4-room plastered bungalow, comer lot 80x141. By owner, phone Tabor 4137. BARGAIN for someone. 6-room house $2800, $U0 cash baL to suit. AL 9, Oregonian. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. JUXE 21. 1914. $2359. will buy a 5-room modern bunga low, with attic; has fireplace, largo front porch; the bungalow Is very artistically built, very nicely fin ished; has east front, cement walks, graded streets ; it is what anyone would call a cozy home; situated on 73d street, between Multnomah and Clackamas streets, surrounded by well-kept homes; this bungalow has not been built for speculation; it has been built for a home; never occupied: circumstanceh have forced the owner to offer this cozy home for such a low figure; owner will be on ground Sunday, June 21. from 1 to 5 P. M. Terms of sale, $100 or less cash, balance very rea sonable payments, any way to suit purchaser; may consider a vacant lot aa part payment. Take Monta villa car to 73d St., go north. ON 44TH and Hawthorne ave., 7-room bun galow; price $3500. On 47th and Hawthorne ave.. 6-room bungalow ; price $2600. On 52d and Hawthorne avo.. 5-room bungalow ; price $2800. On 57th and Hawthorne ave-, 5-room bungalow; price $2800. On 49th and Sandy road, 6-room bun galow; price $3000. On 53d and Siskiyou t 5-room bunga low ; price $1800. , The above house have hardwood floors, fireplaces, built-in bookcases, panel dining-room, built-in buffet, fixtures and shades all in. and are first-class and mod ern in every way; from $50 to $300 cash will handle them and balance can be paid in monthly installments like rent. I will take lots at cash values in exchange aa first payment. For any Information to day, call E. 1157. T. W. Nordby, owner, 602 Oouch bldg. $3500 will buy an 8-roora modern house, with full basement, large sleeping porch, large front porch, east front; lot 50x108, with cement walk, graded street; this house is not built for speculation; was built for home; it Is one of the best-built houses in the neighborhood; circumstances force owner to offer the property at such a low figure; property located ' at 1109 Vernon ave., 1 blocks north of Alberta street; owner will be on ground Sunday, June 21, from 1 to 6 P M., to meet any prospective purchaser; terms of sale, $1000 or less cash, balance easy terms. THREE BARGAINS. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. $2650 5 rooms, modern, brand new fire place, finished floors, etc Lot 6Qx 115. $200 down. $3000 5 rooms, modern, fireplace, nara wood floors, mirrored dressing-room, etc. Lot SOatlOO. $700 down. $3250 7 rooms, modern, fireplace, flow ers, fixtures, shades, etc $400 down. All on different streets, but only on block to car. Monthly payments to suit. Sunday only. Phone owner. Tabor-3040; Monday, Tabor o . Laurelhurst Bargain. New, modern 7-room house, 2 sleeping porches, fireplace, built-in sideboard, hardwood floors, good furnace, extra large bathroom, shades, good electric fixtures, well built; 1 block from carline. Owners price has been $5230; price now $40o0, . with a cash payment of 10)0, balance on terms. D. A. Shindler, 270 V4 Stark st. Main 150-3, A lb 15. CHOICE PROPERTY. (UK BALD. '7-room house, 2 large lots, all kinds of fruit, berries and flowers; paved streets all in and paid for; close in on Mississippi ave. carline; 20 minutes' walk from center of West Side retail district; this will make someone a nice home besides It Is prospective business property, which makes it a splendid investment; price $6000. A. K. HILL, 41 Henry Bldg. Face East, fine view of half the city, river and mountains, on West Side, Be fare on three cariines, in Corbett Terrace, opposite the "Oaks." Five rooms, mod ern, fireplace, built-in bookcase, etc. Very pretty view porch, Bull Run water. Just finishing. Prices $3000 and $3250; 10 per cent down and balance like rent. P. B. Van Nice, 709 Selling bldg.. or phone East G17 evenings. THESE choice houses and lots for sale 5-room house, Broadway and Clifton. 2-story house, 3d and Baker, corner. 4 flats, 2d and Meade sts., corner. 2-story house, 1st and Hooker, corner. 2- houses, 7H8 1st St.. 50x100. 2 houses. 1st and Hooker. 1 lot in Westmoreland, 50x100, corner. 75x100 f;et, good for barn or warehouse of any kind. Apply A. Lipman, 311 Sell ing bldg THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN IXTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEh. OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLDG. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $7,150 one of Irvingtons best built homes, complete in every detail, corner lot, two blocks from Irvington and Broadway cars, very best neighborhood garage, 7 rooms, beautifully papered, two fireplaces, large sleeping-porch. Price Includes in laid linoleum, shades, curtains, velvet hangings. 436 E. 17th N. Phone owner. Main 53S9, C 2446." x-xrn of a LIFETIME. On account of ill health and removal to California must sell comiortaoie .-room cottage, completely furnished, on beautiful 50x100 lot; $550 cash, or $650, half cash, balance terms. Better see it today. Take Mt. Scott car to Woodmere station, 4 blocks north, block east. 7912 56th ave. S. E., Sunday and Monday afternoon. BARGAIN $1500, monthly payments $lo, including interest; modern bungalow, ce ment basement and floor. 50x100 lot, most sightly section Reed College district; take Sellwood car and transfer to Errot Heights; ask for Wickman & Teepe at end of line; Sunday or week days call 269 Washington st. Main 6869. BEAUTIFUL $5000 ALAMEDA PARK HOME $:J500. Genuine forced sacrifice, beautiful new modern home; owners left city; must sell quick; $750 cash required. BECKER, --5 Lumber Exchange. Marsnaii iao FOR SALE: Modern house, 6 rooms and bath. cor. lot, good location, 15 minutes to business center; price $2500; will take emaller property as part payment if lo cated in Oregon coast town; for Informa tion write to owner, P. Madison. 526 W. Willamette, Colorado Springs, Colo. FOR SALE cheap, 6-room house, modern in every respect, $50. down, $20 per month; can trade auto, horses or acreage on this. 6303 25th ave. S E. Hawthorne car to 61st., 1 block east, 1 block south. block east. A REAL BARGAIN. 6-room bungalow, all modern conven iences; two large lots and garage, in Rose City Park; a great sacrifice at $250; must have some cash; no trade; owner, 617 Board of Trade B 1 do. , SUNNYSIDB SNAP. Modern 5-room bungalow, built-in ef fects. This place at a bargain: will con sider lot as first payment Call evenings, 1110 East Salmon street, or phone Tabor 4649. ' i-ROOM modern bungalow, with garage, sleeping-porch, furnace, fireplace, wash trays, full cement basement, hardwood floors; adsolutely modern throughout; best bargain in Rose City Park. Phone Tabor ll?7 or Tabor 5593 NOTHING DOWN. . $10 per month. Includes interest; 3-room house. 50x100 lot; 16 fruit trees, berries and flowers; one block to car. 1279 At lantic st. J. V. Guthrie. Main 3897. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst bungalow of seven rooms, 75xlOO-ft. lot, block from car; cost $7500-; make us an offer. -, HACKER & THERKELSEN CO., - 306 Spalding Bldg. M. 7592. $500 CASH as first payment on strictly modern 7room residence; good East Side location, balance monthly payments; value $5500. but forced to sell at sacrifice price of $2800. D 56, Oregonian. NEW 6-room, bungalow, 50x100 lot. Rose City Park ; hardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace. All built-in con veniences, electric fixtures, ice chest built In Easy payment plan. Tabor 771. f PRETTY and well-built house, with all conveniences and beautiful view; electric cooker In kitchen. 1073 East Davis, Lau relhurst. MUST sell this month, new 5-room bunga low on' corner, strictly modern; going NEW 5-room house, bath, 4 lots, cheap, part cash. East 74th and Hawthorne. A. O. Ross. Jennings Lodge, Or. FOR SALE by owner, desirable 6-room house on 35th st.. within a block of Haw thorne ave. ttoom n. .note! j'erKins. IRVINGTON SNAP New 8-room house: owner will sell $5400. worth $6500, $700 cash, balance monthly. Main 8073. 350O-MODERN" 5-room bungalow, lot 40x 97 $1000 cash, balance on time. Walking distance. 6S East 20th St. 2RO0 Five-ROOM BUNGALOW, corner lot, "Hawthorne carline; terms like rent; auto parj payment. iici . mwi ivirt A CHEAP little house on Belmont et., for $1250; call up owner, Marshall 1409. IRVINGTON new house, east facing, one block; ol Broadway, cheap.- East 1191, IDEAL Summer home overlooking Hood River canyon; magnificent view; one acre lawn and trees; house well furnished, all modern conveniences. Including electric range; owner will rent for three months or sell at sacrifice. Address Fording. Hood River. . NORTH BEACH, Wash., hotel, with large grounds- facing ocean, oniy jduu, iolb alone worth this ; virtually giving away hotel and all furnishings, including piano, etc A SNAP. Vanduyn Jfc Walton. 615 Chamber of Commerce. EIGHT beautiful lots, Ba ocean beach, fSSv. Terms. 324 Worcester bldg. For bale Houses. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Swell brand-nw 5-room bungalow, doubly built and finely finished, extra large, airy, light rooms, oak floors, fire place, panel dining-room, buffet, book case, oak floors, Dutch kitchen, brick piers and cement front porch; located on JUWVU10 Y CMUO "U'. - on the high knoll near the river; price $2750; small cash payment and $15 per III On in ; UltlU Ml O - ui iiicao buy on of them and pay rent to yourself. GRUSSI & BULDS. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7-i52, A 4401. SHORT-TIME BARGAIN. $9500 Beautiful home, easy, terms $3500. 51st and Alameda. 8 rooms, fine sleeping porch, garage. All Modern Improvements, ' Magnificent View of Portland. $2500 Home Clear of Incumbrances, walking distance, $300 down, balance likeent; other choice lots and housos, moderate prices. SEE INVESTORS BUILDING CO., p 3U8 Lewis Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW OF 5 ROOMS. 49th and Tillamook, 1 block of carline. It Is not a sacrifice, but priced within 10 per cent of cost and is worth much more than asked. It Is artistic and unusually complete in every detail. Don't fail to see it and then phone us or call. L. K. BAILEY COMPANY, INO. Contracting Architects, Owners. Phone Marshall 40. Abington bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 4-room bungalow, 80x100 lot, price $1200; a real bargain. 8 -room house, lot 40x120, price $67o. One acre, good 4-room house, on Oregon City carline; price $1100; a splendid buy. Bee Turner. HACK ER-THERKELSEN CO., 806 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. A SACRIFICE. Six-room modern house. Full cement basement. Large paneled den. Large sleep ing porch. Cabinet kitchen, numerous built-in conveniences, such as china clos ets, bookcases, etc. Heavy hardwood floors. Double construction throughout. 868 CHAS. G. STRUBLE. Phone B 2079. 1134 Hawthorne ave. CONTRACTOR'S SACFIFICE. 7-ROOM, 50x100. Price $2500. Take $1200 Lot. House Lb new; mahogany and enamel finish and right up to date; builder met with accident and must get in othr line of business. A REAL SNAP. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 603 Dekum Bldg. FOR SALE 2-story 6-room modern house; reception hall, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement; lot 50 by 100. corner; lawn, flowtys, trees, cement sidewalks, sewer, gas,' paved streets on both sides. Price 450, including all assessments; $500 cash, balance monthly, or will take good automobile up to $1000 as first pay ment. Phone Owner, Marshall 2400, A 5244. WOODSTOCK COTTAGE $1600. 4 rooms, modern plumbing, electric lights, nice yard, berries; at 4139 49th ave. S. E., near E. 41st st.; WW car to 49th ave., 1 block from carline; price $1600, small payment down and balance like rent. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. S699, A 2653. " WHO WANTS THIS HOME? New strictly modern 6-room house with seat, fireplace, bookcase, writing desk, china closet, buffet, Dutch kitchen and other conveniences. A bargain at $2H50; $550 cash, bal.. $10 a month. Phone Woodlawn 2lu. or at 918 E. 18th St. N. Alberta or Irvington car. Today after 1 P. M. GO AT ONCE! E. 20TH ST. ONLY $100 DOWN. New bungalow, & rooms, bath, best plumbing, complete; cement basement, all walls tinted, electric fixtures; double con struction ; Sellwood car to Ellis ave.. 2 blocks east; (a mile nearer than tiell wood); bal. of $2300 only $15 month. 515 Abington Bldg. $7500 MODERN 10-room house, 2 sleeping porches, 2 fireplaces, $1500 worth of car pets, lace curtains, portieres, gas log, au tomatic gas water heater, light fixtures, several cords of wood and other things too numerous to mention; the best that money can buy ; full lot; nice lawn and roses. In the best part of Irvington. A. J. J5AK..V1-.U, ui aiucn AunaBc CHEAPER THAN BUILDING A HOUSE. Artistic 7-room house, Irvington, all modern conveniences, furnace, fireplace, etc., corner lot; will sell for $6200 If taken at once; property easily worth $7500 Is In best section of Irvington. Call us up for appointment Monday. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., Phone Marsh. 2248. 603 Dekum Bldg. NORTH IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $250(1 will buy 6-room residence, base ment, bath, gas, electricity, corner lot G7xlu0; both streets hard-surfaced and paid; 2 blocks from Irvington car; $200 down. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St.-1 BUNGALOW, GOOD DISTRICT. Near Jefferson High School, artistically arranged, latest built-in effects In living, dining-room; four bedrooms; price $3500, $500 cash, balance to suit purchaser; 50x100 corner lot, nice place, JACOB HAAS. Gerlinger Bldg. DO you want a good home In Hollatiay Ad dition? I will sell mine, it's almJst new and worth $21,000. It has plenty of lawn and porches; a big house, well built, and a home you would be pleased with. lOOx 100. on c-.rner, facing east and- south. AF 56, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A Keul fcacrmce. Prand new 6-room bungalow, everything first-class. See this and be convince. Ftr lull particulars and location, phone owner. Tabor 54h3. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE. Four blocks to east approach, lot 50 ft. front, good five-room house, fine future apartment site; a home and an invest ment; price 3250. $500 cash; good buy. JACOB HAAS. Gerlinger Bldg. MUST SELL at once beautiful 5-room bun galow, 20 minutes' ride from center of city: fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors and full cement basement. Owner leaving city and will sell at a bargain, cash or terms. F 53, Oregonian SACRIFICE. SACRIFICE. SACRIFICE. $6U0U takes bargain worth $9000; modern home, 15th and E. Morrison ; just bor rowed $4000 based on $9000 value; sell $5000 equity for $2000. DIETZ & RINGLER, 316 Railway Exch. 4-ROOM cottage, 90x123, with 30 blaring fruit trees, 18 minutes on Oregon Elec tric 5-cent fare; price $1200; terms, easy. C. DeYOUNG & CO.. 514 Chamber of Commerce. FOR quick sale, new fl-room modern home on view lot, all "built-in conveniences; also 4 very choice lots in restricted dis- ' trict; I need the money. Phone Sellwood 2021. A SNAP $1000 cash, 6-room modern cot tage, 50xlOO ot, full of fruit and berries; $;r.OO. beautiful 2." -acre home, stock, im plements, crop. Meet me at 761 East 33d. Woodstock car. Sunday. June 21. Owner. MODERN 5-room house, only 16 minutes out: cost $3800; will sacrifice for $2650 for ' quick turn. Will give terms. 90 !th St. Main 87iO LAURELHURST modern, attractive home; must aeW, make me an offer; modern 8 rooms, sleeping porch, den, breakfast room, large garage, lawn, etc. 133 Hazelfern, near unsan. aw Fine modern home, block to car, chicken-house and park; choice lot; $1600; $j0 cash; easy terms. Tabor 2546. LEAVING city, sacrifice. Take $750 new 4 room house. 100x1 00. near Base Line ; plenty of fruit. $250 cash. No agents, F 59, Oregoniaiu S E. CORNER 10th and Clifton. Improved With' good T-ron house. Beautiful apart ment house Mte, $S0V0. Terms. Owner. P O. Box I40. city. IRVINGTON, good 6-room house, full lot, 446 East 10th st., 53600. Terms. Owner. 202 Stoc't Exch. Bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. 9-room modern house, corner 39th. and Thompson sts. Call SHIwood 1Q57. $100 DOWN and $15 a month buys 4-room bungalow on 75-foot lot. Might take good lot as first payment. Main 444. FOR SALE Sacrifice, 5-room house and 2 lots. $1150 Take Hawthorne car to 71st at 7027 37th ave. FOR SALE Irvington Dutch colonial new modern, one block from Broadway car. Owner, 633 E. 25 st. E. 4538. CLOSE in, 2 houses, lot 50x100, West Side. Inquire ss cugene n. TWO months free rent to house buyer. Main aril 7. S.ROOM house and rowboat. $125: ft. of . nn T-lvei- hunk Ma(n fllRl NEW modern 5-room bungalow. Rose City Park; $2650; terms. Tabor 1351. 6-ROOM HOUSE, with fruit trees, cheap. ut S628. :tv.o JJ.-iU 706 EAST 1.1TH. 70S EAST 13TH. 70S EAST 1JT1I. 5-ROOM NEW CAt B I NO ALOW. 5-KOOM NEW CAI BUNGALOW. STRICTLY MODERN AND CLASST. STRICTLY MODERN AND CLASSV. HARDWOOD FLOOR8. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HARUWOOU FLOORS. HAS SPACIOUS GARAGE. ARTISTIC FIREPLACE. B O T N T O N FfRN ACE. FRENCH MIRROR DOORS. BEAMED CEILING. BOOKCASE. LARGE ATTIC. SERVANTS' ROOM. FULL 7-FT. CON CRETE FOUNDATION. CEMENT FLOOR, SEWER DRAIN. CEMENT TRAYS. MA JESTIC CEMENT STAIRS. WALKS. ETC. 60X100 LOT 1 BLOCK CAR. ' 00X100 LOT X BLOCK CAR. WE WILL SHOW TOO A SAVING OF CLOSE TO I10O0 OS THIS PLACE. WE HAVE JUST GOT TO GET OUT. WE HAVE JUST UOT JO GET OUT. PLUMBING. FIXTURES. PAINTING. ENAMELING' ARE ALL OF HIGH GRADE QUALITY. HOUSE STANDS S XC0 FT. OVER ALL AND HAS A VERY STATELY APPEARANCE. DON'T PASS UP THIS CHANCE. BUY THI. GET IT RIGHT AND SAVE MONEY ON THIS REAL HOME. 10 MINUTES' RIDE. Window shade,. creens. all delrBl built-in teature., street Improvements and ever all Included. If you haven' t lorai cash don't come around. Home all day. Owner. 708 EAST 13TH ST. 708 EAST 13TH ST. 708 EAST 13TH ST. Sellwood car to Frankfort at., then Jusl one block eaat. CORNELL ROAD. Splendid home of brick and half timber, English construction; every convenience of a fine home; 10 rooms in all, besides halls, baths, and attic. ' , Special feature, are French doors separating downstairs rooms and . opening to flne view veranda; beau tiful tapestry brick fireplace, indi rect lighting fixtures of hand wrouKht braes; guests' lavatory In ' j-ecepUon hall; oak floors through out first story; tapestry papered walls in dining-room; private family- bedroom suite of t rooms with shower, lavatory and toilet; tiled bathrooms; very light, full concrete basement completely equipped for laundry use; built-in vacuum clean ing system; finished attlo with maid's room. . ,.L Grounds include 700' sq. ft wtth 170 ft. frontage on Cornell road. EOOO sq. ft. additional can be had; all Is beautifully landscaped by pro fessional and" enclosed by stone capped brick, wall; magnificent view of Columbia' basin and jnountalns; this house Is splendidly built; Its owner must leave Portland July 1 and offers a bargain price and moat unusual terms. See Mr. Wauson. F. N. CLARK & COMPANY, Title Trust Bldg., S sth St. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms, oak floors In Ilv-Ing-room and diningroom. built-in conveniences, cement basement, fire place. 2 blocks from the car. cement walk all the way; $2200, terms. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FIVE rooms and sleeping-porch; large liv ing-room, 1 -4X-U. iirepiace. iuijj,". wood floors, dining-room beamed and paneled, kitchen, pantry and bath white enameled; linoleum and shades: lot 00 100- improved with lawn, roses, good gar den and berries: this is In Irvington dis trict; $:i6."o; small payment, balance to suit. Phone C 2318. For Sale Business Properties. LOCATE jour factory at El Segundo, pn coast, close to Los Angeles; site of great Standard Oil refinery; model Industrial town; terminal rates, two railroads fa cilities for water shipping: cheap fuel; low-priced sites. El Segundo Land & Im provement Co.. 60D-813 S. Hill St.. Los Ange:es. NORTH BEACH. Wash., hotel, wlitl laige grounds facing ocan. only Jo00. Ius alone worth this; virtually giving away hotel and all furnishings. Including piano, etc A SNAP. Vandujn & Walton, bio Chamber ot Commerce. BUSINESS BLOCK for sale; I must have IS000 at once to put In my Astoria en terprise; will sacrifice this property for fllOOU; It is now paying 14 per cent In a growing part ot Portland with great future. R 7S,Oregonian. FLAT or business site. 50x100 Union avenue, near Going street: price :)!I0; no incum brance. C DeYOUNG & CO., 514 Cham ber of Commerce. FINE business or market site lot li, Mock 17 Alblna, for sale; make me an offer. A. E. CANN. S08 Spalding Bldg. SWELL apartment-house, corner, 100x100, lor the indebtedness against It. fctreei bonded. Suth. near Laurelhurst- labor 17V. or call Ei. Jim. STORS and apartments, prominent street. West Side, close In. $15,000. Owner. i24 Worcester oiog. FINE business lot. 1"0 feet, fronting Alberta street, corner ul riuccutu. 514 Cnamoer ot omiuen:e eitiburbap Home Vroperty. 4V4 ACRES, highly cultivated, prunes and garucn, iuwai ouwui., . munlly all In Forest Grove. Oregon; -room dwelling, all necessary outbuildings, excellent condition, near electric line; will bring good income on valuation of 12,ouu. 1-3 cash balance terms; might consider some trad. 1400-7 Yeon blag. Main 003, A 1B11. LITTLE CHICKEN AND GARDEN PATCH. In City: :t5O0. Easy Terms. Complete chicken equipment and sci entific orchard and garden; comfortable house and barn; 4 lots; beat district In Woodstock. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 0o Yeon Bldg. LINCOLN -WOOD ACRE TRACTS. 1450 TO 000. OREGON CITY LINE. Beautiful view and surroundings; only 35 minutes ride and close to car; can handle on very easy terms. riu.v KASER. 122-2i Yeon Bldg. 1400 BUYS an acre, 20-mlnute ride out; ex cellent place nZT Terms, iT down. $20 per month. This lies in a district with a big future and will pay you to see It. M. E. Lee, 5- Cornell Diog Good soil, city water, close to carline. easy terms. Will build to suit purchaser Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 47. . ALMOST an acre. 7-room house, modern, - i..... iru rtinn phlckpn runs. lawns, etc.. 6c fare. 4416,78th at. 6. E. laDor .aoi. FURNISHED house and 2 acres la fine cul tivation ai (leuMci , -" ' " l or rent; value $2iu0; rent $10 per month. Marshall S41. 403 Oregonian bldg. K1VER frontage on the beautiful Willam ette, ri. i " " nm (trove. Black 17. APARTMENT SITE. $2000 below value, near Dn.HU-av csll 3CS Victoria st. For Sale Acreage. YOU HAVE BEEN WATCHING FOR THIS. Two miles irum xjo.d-w.. . week only, 10 acres, all cleared, on good county road; small creek across one cor ner, no waste. One soil. Price for quick sale $1750. only $500 cash. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY CO.. ... , ' i . .. -Has nf 4 ' i m m r r tf lO Il-.-u-'. - - -- VEKNON. VERNON. VERNON 05O Two lots, corner 21st aud KJlllingsworth. This tj'ice is considerably less than owner Daid n S907. Tamk this over then see Fred V. German Co.. ift Chamber of O-mmerce. 40 ACRES of very good land, bottom, with creek, 5 miles from Centralis- Wash.; easily cleared; cheap for cash, or will wU on easy terms. M. Pederscn, 9X2 K. lth North, wooaiawn oo.o. OVERLOOK Colony at Strassel. Washing ton co Oregon. Very desirable tracts nearly clear at $40 per acre to settlers only. u. -rii.. .v... vs . IGO ACRES logged off level land near Rain ler? Oregon, at a bargain. Call 402 Pit- tocK Dioca. OSWEGO LAKE acre for sale, fine view, right at station, bargain prlca and easy terms. n gu, -ran HKAUT1FCL ACRES at Tigard. all cultivated and sightly; price. 10 ACRES rich bottom land on Tualatin River, $-500; wUl take good lot and some g ACRES garden land, bargain; mile east ; j i wauKie; no agcni. a " . H ..; T - mnnj if -7nVi far In -nl ri A Lr" acre, " ' , ..ttvat.on. wu wm ". - 10 ACRES unimproved near Raleigh station $3000. Marshall 262a. 20 Henry bldg. BENTON COVNT FOR A L.K ON EASY TERMS OK EXCHANGE. 1000 acres In 2 farms; i0 eorea 4 miles north; o arrs li mile south of Oorvalhs; mostly mer loi tom land; all levl: several hundred ore iu crops, iioth rurhM -tunable for dairying, atock rating or general farming. Karty will change for good Im-ome tearing property P Hft.0" n'1 aasume $.!d,lH0. A snap for 2 weeks. 10O0 acres, 750 tillable. 100 oak pasture, balance timber. li-O crop. 3 fioufus, Z barns, etur and othr good buildings; adjoins small town, grt-t mill, church, ahol and r.lltwad. Hplendld stock ram h. no waato. and well suited for aubdtvlftlon. t'rb cut from :.0.0-Hj to H an acre. ii per cent canh, bwtance with a yera at per cent. 1'srty will roPrtr ' income-bearing property In trade, but not at Inflated prices. 10-arre tracts, river bottom. 8 miles from Corvallta, ftw to 1T4 per acre, 4 down, balance within & years. Writ for free booklet, list of farms for sale and exchange. CORV AX-MS I-AND COMPANY, Corvallla, Oregon. 1IKAVKKDAM. This la a HO-aore piece of the flnewt grade land in the world, containing 0 srree of the genuine, pure leaverdin. and 14 area of upland which la In pasture. The be verdam on this truct alone Is worth more than the price aoked for all. and It ad joins the finest onion garden in the whoi country, uhlcli produced 4 Kicks te the acre lant year and brought In a re turn of 1100 per acre. u account of settling up an etttate is the only respon this piece can be hHd at surh a cheap price. This la certainly iuicrifked to ie-a than GOc on the dollar. It Ilea on county road and 14 miles from the renter of Portland and one mile from electric sta tion. Price $3mm for all; H cnuh. bal ance 6 years, o per cent. 41 Chamber f Commerce bldg. . ACREAGE FOR EXCH ANUB I have one of the finest 13Secre places near Portland, which 1 will exchange f.r a nice home in the city, all und.-r culti vation except 2 acres in timber; line n-w modern house, cunt about $Jjh; barn, water ayeieni, 8 acres In crnp, balance in orchard and pasture; located about eight blocks from tShorwood. on electric hue; fine soil, lies with gentle slope to drain; will exchange my equity of $.ih (or rood home in cltv and iwume; price - fhOoO; balance per cent, long time. it. A. ft I r. n. luwnwj. M0 Lewis blJtf, 6 ACRES FOR $10 down and $5 per month bays acres of good level. oRged-ott land be tween Portiaad and Centralla, on the main line of 9 railroads, 1 miles from town of 1000 population, sawmills, shingle mills and other Induitriee, ltlu acres to choose from ; some of these tracts are about half cleared; a fine trout creek runs through the tract; aome bottom iauO. some upland; all is good. BELL. REAL EbiATB CO.. t ilia Hallway Uxcbanga. CLOSE-IN CHICKEN RANCH. Fractional acre, mile from Gilbert Station, facing Ruckley ave., 7 He fare; all fenced and under cultivation and Im proved with neat 4-room house with hot and cold water and telephone; chicken -house and runs; some fruit and berrlm; well settled neighborhood; price 17wu; $3i0 cash, bal. monthly. KACFEMANN MOORE, 3 Lumber Exchange. & ACRES $1200. With a good s-room houne with fire place, water piped Into the hoie, fine spring and running water, barn, chickea house, woodshed, moat all under cuiti a tlon, fruit, mile from siore, g.wd loca tion, worth $nno. this at once. E. V. OILFKHT, 101 Washington bt., Vancouver, Wash. ELECTRIC LINE, em tit blocks of itailon; chicken and fruit ranches, near Fort. and, new subdivision, near (Iresharn ; 3 acrea. $440, $5tK). $7tM; $ arres, $uti. 70o, 1 acrvs, $T;0. $Iho. $1ou per tract; beat soil, free wood, spring water; acreage ai Scappoose, Or.. $-5 to $imi per acre. FRANK M FAKLANO REALTY CO. 800 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. $1000 ACRE FOK $7:,lt. Just oft Huckl.-y avenufr, about $ block to car, level, Meul for country home with city advantage!.; worth $lou per acre, but this week w'll null one or two arres at $700, only $J00 down, balance $10 per moii t h. O w tier. It l :l Cb m her of Coin merce. or phone Main 0.H17. 4-ACRE HOME. Oood 8-room houee. cellar, closets, pan try, stable, chicken-house, etc., well; part ly fenced; many kinds bearing fruit; price riRht ; terms easy; Oregon City electric; might consider unulh houe and lot part payment. Fletcher. Ablngton bldg. :u ACHES MM. $:. down, $:rt every 0 months. per cent ; all good, rich pI1 ; plenty of ginae and running water, no rock a. lot a fw scattering stumj; good roi-k road ; 4 miles to county seat and creamer). F, H. Seachrest, Chamber of Commerce TWO acres, good house, cement banienl, big barn. 2 chicken-hour's, woodshed, smokehouse, pig pens, plenty water and a nice bearing orchard. Inquire l.oula Clauss. end Kings Heights carline. 1'. U box 12. A REAL BA It1 JAIN .To any one wanting -H acres near Port land and electric railway; clear, black soil; prefer to deal with principals; no commission. THUS. M'Ct'SKKR, 707 Swetland Hldg, GARDEN HOME. Purchase an acre at Garden Home (cul tivated). 10 per cent down and $10 a month. 8. L. N. Oilman. 20. l'lait bldg.; entrance on Park st. Main 771. 2 ACRES, one block from ,"ic car! lite ; aix room house, with furnace and all modern conveniences; chick en-house ; over hear ing fruit trees of different Kind-; all kinds of berries. nll Tahor 130 WHITE Leghorns. 00 young chickens, 14 coups 7 Incubators, I brooders, giati ary. llvin house, acres rented land Sunnycr-at Farm. Harrison st,, Milwaukia. -- Oregon. ONE acre cleared, tt-rooni house unfinished upstairs, good well, chlck'-nhouae. ard. etc.; five minutes walk fnm Metsger Station; price l700; best teims. Owner Main b.' FOR b ALE at a sacrifice by owner 11 a r. a. 10t miles from Purtlund, It minutes' walk from electrlo station; good building", young bearlug orchard, small fruit, easy terms. Maiu FOR SALE 3 acres, dandy room house, water, barn and chicken-houses, fniit, lb miles out. 10 mlnutea" walk from elec. line. $100, or will divide. AP 7i, Orego nian. i MARVELLOUS, wonderful bargain, 4 beau tiful acres, Aletsger. fine homes there, richest soil, lo0u; terms; cheap at $:ooo; must sell quick. Becker, 2-i Lumber a,x changn. Marshall 134. WILL sell 4-acre tract, part cleared. 11 cent fare, electrlo trains, for only $-oQ pr acre on easy terms. Don't believe you can Meat thfs. Owner. H M H, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 2Vi acres, natural park, stream runs through place; line for sub urban home, near Handy boulevard and carline; terms. Owner. Tabor .V'."l. BE AVER OA M OMOV LAND. T acres cleared and drained. blocks from stai"jn. aoe fare, :'0 per acre, easy terms. H F. Bran, 5"0 Cham, of Coin. BEFORE locating be sure and visit ths Wil lamette Valley. Information Bureau at Washington st. ( between .td and 4lh. Absolutely free. Bring the ladles. SACRIFIC K 7i acres on Salem Electric. t mll from Feller station; 2 acres clead. Jr In timber; price $000, $150 down, $; a year. 0 per cent Interest. J .VI, Qiegonian. MODERN bungalow and acre on Oregon City carline. between Silver Hpring and Courtney, $4000. Phone Oak Grove Ud U04. 2OO.UQ0 ACRES fruit and alfalfa lands. $10 Xo $li per acre; fertile syll, abundant water, ideal climate; write Board of Trade, Wilcox. Ariz. FOR SALE One hishly Improved acre, on Oregon City carline, 4. bearing fruit trees 9 years, buildings, cement walks, etc. Ad dress A. O. Ross. Jennings Lodge, or. EQUITY $1-10 In 5-aer tract at Rochester, Wash. Contract $Imi per acre, payable 7t oer month. Interest 7 per cent. No money uown. Main -4r. ONE acre. Inside city limits, pi ! e f 1 .".o. Terms $20 dow'n. $10 per month. V bit-mer-Kelly Co.. 711 Hillock block. H0 VERY easy terms, tt-acre apple orchard 4 "years old, near The Dalles, Or. K i. Oregonian. 1 TO $ level acres, fine soil, SO minutes out, on Oregon Electric line; term. Owner, 111 Lumber Fx.. ror. ?d and Mark. 1'pO CHOICE acre home; highly Iiimim-I. on carline; term. Waddel, Jio Lumber Exchange. TO & acres uncleared lend cloe lo carline, less than Ko fare limit. BD t Oie gontnn. 1" At RES sll cultivated, choice land. nsr "Oregon Electric line, $-i-0. dear title. I Mt, Oregot i&n BIG land opening 7.'..0'"' acres, r-1 particu lars now. LohmkubL $44 4Ut st, , HOAri-oosr a r $"-. T ITU A- nf EAi-Y Mo.MMLV I'ATMFMIl Pome ereeb bottrrw lard. eme rl i mg up . and, le ) bn- H I -.ltd, intl'iini went re fru, brrie. garden. j"tate, da try, beg or rhtrkn ran- h. e l rteep. rw a 11. no r ht, aburdsn fine creek aini aprltiga, easy c-arlng. HATT.no a r Timot'cH l.avn, M MILL FRi'M i-lHTLALA We ar veiling tb's lenf la trarta ef 4 lo errea. wtin ama.l psym-nt 4on, ba'aire r rr"mb.y e tnenta; aa mile aa $ " raah will Iwcate you en ame ( theae trece. We wanr to shew y eoe tt-aeta, and can take yen la thta prnp- mt any da , ask for d-npue literature. ivrnrniAVM, nn.rT a ecu Via. Chamber of Coinsaervo. S AND I ACR TRACT 7C TA R K -WKT HVK. 20 mlnutea frnm Yamhill at esj $4 Pt. Kleclrlc, 4-nil,e rit'le 'Wrm., IT) minutes bv in'n oitt 1'aMop, et imrAn Home mails; fa'-e en wan b Is I etr roail, which has rw-fniiv iti.fM". This Is the let i-at.d le4 in t s section, about half riar4 and a p' g rove f se'nd (nwit with e I i . Kee tt and compare with -1 'o.n t in for price and u will It a tarsal, l'rlre tk0 per a- re. ror $l . s -t S pretty a-ree Just ? minniee fem the heart of the M, the pri. e oj fa ff a lot in the c ty and tek-s y n itrh iei-er to r-ew h It on a bcal lariln. per eeat cash, 3 per cent per nwmh, .1 O. KAlNkt, Iftrn Teen l'l-lg. VaesKalt 1TT. 10-ACR K UARAIN. I MILK ClfULB $:.i0 pee a "re for tMe eoi. a te-t S miles of I'ourlhoiia. a'ceM.l.'a trm MH Can) on and ierd.n Home roai , a toiif 4 aree In cultivation, most of raiei-e slashed and ewsllr fleered. crek on ere side with some nattva i mlr whirl ettd be nisde Into a beautiful park for coun try hum. This p;ai-e la Worth $wn f,mr aera but owner must make a a'tUM sale and aeeri f.ces at tills low prl. e II ou want a f irst - oIms lo-e-in country p ace, by ail mean see this place. luii w,l never bay Cheaper. Half tash will handle. J. rt. RAINKT. 1$n Yeon Hldg Marshall 1TT MTTLK lli'MIS AMI Ai'KKAUk 4 lots and up-to-date lit I hot,--, eleee In. KhiI hide, biohs from tarn., rh H fuM of fruit trea 4eariis. a.l kinds of berrlea and wonderful sat den, -rtitlAi chicken equipment; $.;.Oo eastr terms S acres, new Inn. as ow, on b rd. ber ries nnd chicken equipment; 4 mtiea f-etn I ortland at electric line elation, $.1 . VU, $7.t cash. Two new bung Allows. Ron City Vak. $.10oo and l.'Ut U, ensy termst severe! Irv ington houeca chap, 4 acn-s. 14 miles from Portland, electrlo line. So acres In 4 year-eld trees, balance In cultivation et- ept 4 acres timber, geo4 house, $.'ort pr acre. tibiO L. W AC.OOVKR. . Yeon Hidg. ACRKAOK. I, 2. $ and lo acre tracts, $0 mta atss out ea NEW, DIG. Ttrn htkei. xi.kc- THIC CA RH. 1 2-cent commuter fare; very beat of soli, waer and fmmimttr con veniences. $l.'.1 to $'"'0 per acta, Installments. the miAwrmn company. 12 Fourth Pi. Main B.V A $VW. PKNPKMEER. Keep yonr thoughts an rnrimeer, the pew count ry h"me rilst rlct . en e let i tie road. In Tualatin Valley, lfm'le lr.)e, lies nearty l-vl, some tracts all In ru' tlvatlon, others with clumps of nak and fir trees Vow hlng and at f srm prlrea. to'$3.'n p-r acre. In acre trarta. 10 per cent down, balance at Pr ca. The cholca tracts are going right mow. LririPFMAxs. itt i rT ro, Vl$ chamber of nminerre. HKAV r.ltl-A M. A eerea of genuine, pure beevetdam. Tb's 1p not black awMll, but the efy e-e- er4 bfglieat Blade beaver.lam In the world, I fM't deep. I acre of this Is rlnd, fac ing on main county rd ; baa mnninc nter, i car bad a off man tire n the land, about IS acres la In onions this year, -ro-tlursd oei 4"tt ea ka per e'ra last venr. T ! Fnlna f-n 1 a.-ta f this ground brousht $11 last seeew. l;t miles In.m cents-r of I'i1'ihI rn piai '.H'tin md In the atate. mite from elc trio station. Prb-e $ i.-.no. 1 cash, balnce l-ng t-rm, This ta a.rlfted f,o on tle dollar. 12 t hamler f merce bldg. . deWFtlO LAKK. a4 Ai'HKM. $11. Terms. $i:.n doan. balsn -e 115 pr niontb; p-r KT. tltAltl.l"' L A N If in, t fbarlee lt-'ie, ;t4 M'rit 'reet " iiwl .VTHY HOVK-I"- W I I.K ' 1.1 font a ins iai. on lm oyi,i v road, $ hlurki from e!e trio rallwav rnrA st--tlon. two thuds in trop. --l t.lrd Hna h!g ftr and oak tre.s nisk.nrft tine btn air g Bite, n s' land f.ne I " h "!', nsi ,f ex; In Tnaiatln VaU- . on v 4o n, balance M t i . nt. I" ! !"."' LI K1H 'I w A N X, Mi l I V a CO 1H:i I'himl" r nf inmtr'- Hi A -KK M.1 iW N- 1. W'NTHLV Only '' mi'es frotn r''!sns. on roe t n 'le 1 1 Kin re 1 1 n at.' -n. i "I no tork. ro.d sio'nss rine r rh(rh- .t hog ranch r for dl e. m i d farmin. I'rlce Lt i ii-r.,t an v. ro, II!,'. I Ii.hi I e if '. fee Ai'KKAiiK- HJ..." II acrea aithiti mli-s of ToMiand, n Pase Line road , new modern bouse and tmprov.n.-nie. I'ull m air: a eatil fill rei(-auppoitlug Bul-urban home. i.ee $1 L54mi. ii. p. r ALMrn-jovr.a ro., 4i4 WMrnx Mdg. I'hoi.fi X M.wti, A I I.1VK H 1KM I'STF AT, In fentral Oregon . -ae been there 4 years; I know toe country, some good, omim not; J MD soo. .. t I'M n the good and locate )m oa homesteads ta delops lorahiv; )"U ran see Jsrgs f slog of grain now rowing, have gnwd achoeia, desirable uinnnuiillt. l'-e me at Hotel Al'ier. 4ih and Aider, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. ALVTV . HAUK. fNo deptjeit on loiation ree; yeta pT only If you fll. . 11 UM F S F K ht K R f" etcuraloa to Victoria, Australia, at-out lwmbr L, 1 1 4 peeta low atfemship ratea, free transporat..aj or Victorian rail ae. cheap Irrigate lan da, goemment asslstan'-e, perfeet el tnate, fine marketa U htaftan, ll Jtecfe K' hangebldg., Hd and Yamhill. Ill ACKKS heavy tiinler i.oiih o I.n,nl. .ttm iodi from t oiui.ilda Lit, omcei v ogmg cloe by, van tlml-or claim of boint-stead. IH'ii for mv r-Hi.fjuli.fnent tak'Mi soon. Mar $"41. ( '"i' idg. 40 ACUKS li-avf tltnher north of Portland. itU rods from i uiuniDiB r"'o(s?ir logging close b , an tliiil-r cletm o' hmneairad; l"i fr .v t linMU'snment taken s-oii. Mar 3i41. ttui"n.infmi. r UK HAI.K-A fine homestead reMnquiah- ment. arres. in t en-rat irn-i"" --, all level and tillable, and smsll hmise, on road tall eenlnge at t Clay U 1'hnne Main fif4:i. T1LLAMK I'otimy relinquishment, ! a. res. timber an. no-iotn iar.., n-in, trout stream, go.-d horse, aeddle, cheep. Vorf-sier lung. KKI.INWrisHMIINT In Malheor .. two niilea from n. r.. nlan. HMiTKAl leMnqiilsliitiil, : milee fom roillaiid. lier i H"i" sansiii. e n - h.oise I'all st li I". 1 h St.. N. lsii ACRFS b'avy tlino', tiosa io ma'-a-i. will reitnnn.si t"r ' u n"i -. phone Ma ehall JtH. t tre,.n'an Ml. FOR oeniment land battona. rail ee ea? write fmltn at Ma ri WAMlW-T'i l'i a g-.d boii.eeiead re- iinqulthment. r.ninn. iM 3 Jrt A H ' H In 'ret-k oijnt V 1 lir.a ml le H'pm rai r..a.ls. i-i(rn,i. MM iswinrn. I ar ale TEN DOLLAR AN Af'ftTC We M1 "! fsrm fhr ni'ae from Tlllsm h lay on a 0'1 t'B'1 ,;.,. to o..ol nd nist t rs f .r an H, re peHe ad a-d st an mn a fine V.Min Irsh .'!. nt gi.t take bait 4l'wALLA' V NViTVP.ST CO., I 'Uiia t.ua- FOR SALE, by owner; Simpson st. N. 4 r