The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 21, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 22

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Mysterious Flies Spread Infec
tion Throughout All of
Nile Protectorate.
Scientists Make Strange Discoveries
In Effort to Learn Cause and Care
: of Disease ' Now , Claiming
Thousands Every Tear.
LONDON, June 80. A correspondent
of the Times at Nairobi says: "Only the
traveler who has made a 'safari' right
through Uganda, steaming past the de
populated islands of Victoria Nyansa,
visiting the newly cleared foreshore at
Entebbe, Luzira and Jinja, Journey Ins
down the Nile through Lake Kioga,
from Namsagali to Nasindl Part, and
thence along the 70 miles of forest
road to Butiaba, on the shores of Lake
Albert, can form any Idea of the terri
ble significance of sleeping sickness.
"Still to be reckoned an 'approblum
medlcorum,' It has, during a short but
malignant regime . of less than la
years, claimed close on 250,000 of the
native population of the protectorate.
The irony of the present situation lies
in the fact that, whereas the govern
ment Is doing all that, with limited
ways and means, IS possible to check
Its ravages, the natives actually regard
the introduction of the malady into
their country as British work. Seeing,
moreover, that it really did travel to
Uganda from the Belgian Congo by
the trade routes opened up by Euro
peans, there is a half-truth in their
view of the matter which Is almost In
capable of explanation to the native
"The culprits in this case are a group
of terrible biting flies, .than which
only the dragon flies that prey on them
are swifter on the wing, exceedingly
mysterious In their habits of feeding
and reproduction, and the vehicles of a
parasite, or trypanosome, not like those
carried by, the 'Culicidae,' amenable to
treatment with quinine, but dashing
through the' victim's veins like an eel,
defiant of all drugs hitherto Indicated,
and poisoning him with a dreadful dis
ease that ends in madness, or at best
in stupor.
"That the natural enemies of the
tsetse are few and far between must be
apparent to any one who has had an
opportunity of watching the insect's
secretive habits and lightning flight.
A naturalist now studying the problem
on the .Sense Islands, in the Victoria
Nyanza, has come to the conclusion
that the only -native bird capable of
capturing it in the air Is a bee-eater.
It seems that the bee-eater devours
not only the fly Itself, but also a
dragon fly that preys on It; and, as If
still further to complicate this cross ac.
count. It also destroys a larger dragon
fly hostile to the 'Cacergate.'
"The only measure which promises
definite results until our knowledge
grows Is the clearance of bush on an
extended scale."
Bride-to-Be la Tall, Graceful, Beautiful
and of Sunny Temper Marriage Will
Be Result of True Love Affair.
BERLIN, June 20. (Speolal.) The
fact that Hohenxollern Princes have
never been given to long engagements
leads an interested publlo to believe
the marriage or Emperor wiiiiams
fifth son, Prince Oskar, to the Count
ess Ina Marie von Bassewlti-Levetzow
will be celebrated shortly. No date,
however, has yet been set. The en
gagement was announced on May 26,
to the surprise of Berlin society, since
It means a morganatic marriage, con
trary to the traditions of the Hohen
zollern family.
There are plenty of instances where
that tradition was oronen, out tms win
be the first time In 60 years that any
of the Hohenzollerns have married be
neath their rank. King Frederick Wil
liam III himself did so. In 1824, when
he married the Countess Harrach, after
the death of his first wife. Prince
Adalbert, nephew of Frederick William
IV, did so wnen ne marriea toe vieu
neee dancer, Therese Elsler. Another
and the latest instance Is that of Prince
Albrecht, brother of Frederick William
IV, who married a Fraulein von Rauch,
daughter of a former minister of war,
in 186S.
The Empress Is widely credited for
obtaining the imperial sanction of
Prince Oskar's Intention to marry the
Countess Ina, for she believed It to be
a true love match. She knew the young
woman well, for she had served as her
maid of honor until 1913, when he
close attachment between her and the
Prince is said to have resulted in her
resignation of service. She Is described
as tall and graceful, beautiful and of
a sunny temper. While her rank is that
of lower nobifity. her family lineage
has been traced back as far as 1254,
to one Bernhardus de Bassewicze, and
the title of Count dates from 1728. She
undoubtedly will win some new title
when she becomes the Emperor's
Prince Oskar has had the training of
a typical Prussian officer. Although
Oskar's general education has been
comparatively neglected, he Is de
scribed as a man of much shrewdness
and of quick Intelligence. He Is a cap
tain In one of the footguard regiments
at Berlin. People who know Oskar
best predict that he will be heard from
in any future war Germany may have.
He will be 26 years old in July, while
his bride Is Just a half year older. She
enjoys the double distinction not only
of having been born In the year -when
the Emperor ascended the throne, but
on his birthdays. January 27.
Late Lord Stratneona s tut or 3o,-
000 to Be Vsed Next Kail.
LONDON, June 20. With the late
Lord Stratbcona'e gift of $26,000. the
first leper colony in the united King
dom will be established next Fall in
a deserted part of Essex.
There are now only 20 cases of lep.
rosy in the entire United Kingdom.
They are isolated, but widely scat
tered, and. the bringing them together
for care at a central colony will not
only assure more comfort for the af
flicted, but will enable new research
Into the disease. A specially equipped
hospital will be a part of the new col
i.K,fVt (J 2 XiUriUr Xliluaio,
' 7 t
M-'V-- t
Oow7 &ri'r?ce and Prne-afsr, of Germany
erne? T&mfg'.
SnW. TsFasI
Mr. Fleischmann, of Buffalo,
Wins Immortality.
Charge That Dublin Police Lapse
Into Cruelties or Chicugo'e Peace
Guardians Nailed by Answer
Which London Cheers.
LONDON", June 20. (Special.) E.
Fleischmann, of Buffalo, X. Y., has won
deathless immortality in London by a
sudden fearsome attack on English
snobbishness. In an unguarded mo
ment a newspaper writer compared the
Dublin police to the police of Chicago,
and that was enough for Fleischmann;
it made him mad. In a flash he wrote
to the London papers: . .
"As an American spending a few
days and dollars in dreary, drizzly Lon
don, I desire to protest most respeot-
fully but emphatically against the
Imaginative flight- in which one ' of
your provincial editorial writers In
dulges when he assumes that the con
duct of the Dublin police in dealing
with the starvation-wage strikes there.
had too much of the bludgeoning reck
lessness one associates with the sup
pression of industrial riots in Chicago
or Denver.
"This is a libel on the American peo
ple and their police administration,
based on sheer Ignorance and unworthy
of a great Journal.
"The fact is that our police are too
often In sympathy with strikers and
rioters also a discreditable condition.
1 admit and many believe that the
militia Is not called out promptly or
often enough.
"Really, I do not think England,
either contemporarily or historically
speaking, is in a position to take other
nations to task on the score of cruelty.
brutality or selfishness, we Americans
have nofT as vet at leastanything to
our credit, or discredit, equal to the
corruption -of the Chinese nation with
opium for sordid gain, or the forcible
grabbing of the Transvail, not to men
tion the rower or Lonaon aiiu innu
merable bther manifestations of na
tional and personal brutality.
"Further. we . have no ancient nor
contemporary nobility sucking the life
blood of the nation, and can therefore
pay our workingmen wages which. If
allowed here, would give Great Britain
immunity from strikes for centuries to
come. .
"If the Irish love of a row ,or wmcn
you speak, now and then results, In
America. In an excessive output of
force, it at least offers the encourag
ing spectacle of as large a percentage
of sons of Hlbernla on the police -as
nn the lav side of the sauabble. We
do not hold either the Irish or the
English down.
"To sum up, people In glass houses
should not throw stones. The papers
here should Join hands with Lord
Haldane In Increasing the good-will.
and not the projudlce, between Eng
land and. America."
And funnily enough, the newspaper
men onlv smiled, threw ap their
caps, and cried, "Three cheers for
Fleischmann 1"
Rick Set, Anxious to Prove Blnrest
City Wants Music, Will Bnlld The
ater Capable of Seating 4000.
LONDON, June 20. (Special.) Plans
on a more ambitious scale than any
thing so far attempted are being pre
pared to give London the benefit of a
grand opera at cheap prices and in
vast and magnificent theater which it
is proposed to build. The scheme ori
Inated In the fertile brain of Thomas
Beecham, the pill man. and Is being
backed up by several wealthy music
They are prepared to spend a vast
sum of money in putting up a ouuaing.
Oscar Hammerstein spent a fortune in
erecting the London Opera House, and
this, doubtless, would nave been ac
quired by the newly-formed syndicate
but for the fact astonishing as it may
seem that It is too small. It seats
only 2400 people.
It la proposed to build an- opera
bouse with a seating capacity of 4000
the largest house ot entertainment in
London, with the exception of the Al
bert Hall.
The cost of the building will run to
over a million and a quarter dollars.
AikXi Xi v Xi.' x a viu nviu .v - .v
T ST MA Ufa- 1.
ir k5 is 3rv
As a result of the pleadings of the
Empress of Germany, there has just
been Issued, from the Royal palace,,
the announcement of the betrothal of
Prince Oscar, the fifth son of the Em
peror, to Countess Ina Maria Vcn
Bassewits, a great favorite or the Em
press, to whose suite she has long
been attaohed as lady-ln-walting. ' As
the Countess is not of equal rank, the
marriage will be a morganatic one that
is to say, while strictly In conformity
with the legal statutes, she will never
be able to take her husband's , rank.
The Countess, who is about 26 years
old, the same age as her affianced hus
band, belongs to one of the oldest
Mecklenburg hobllity, the members of
which have served their sovereign
But it Is to be an opera house for the
masses, with popular prices.
The millionaire promoters of this
scheme of grand opera for the masses
ar j anxious to redeem London from the
reproach of being indifferent to opera,
and to this end they are putting down
a hugs sum to bring grand opera with
in the reach of all. Their first aim
will be the filling of every one of the
4000 seats.
Mrs. Julias Stern, Patron of Art In
Berlin, Drowns Herself.
VIENNA, June 20. A large section
of Berlin society has been shocked by
the suicide of the widow of Herr Julius
Stern, director of the National Bank.
Her husband died suddenly of heart
disease a few months ago, and as early
as the funeral she told friends that she
could not live without him, and was de
termined to follow him to the grave.
These words were not taken serious
ly, but recently she went out alone in a
small motorboat from the estate she
owned on one of the beautiful Havel
lakes, and when some distance from
land deliberately upset the craft and
was drowned before assistance could
reach her.
Herr and Frau Stern were well
known as lavish patrons of art. and a
selection from their collection of mod
ern French pictures forms the most
Interesting feature of the exhibition of
the "New Secession," now being held
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with honor and ' distinction. Prince
Oscar is a captain In the First Garde
Regiment and as a student in Bonn he
provoked much comment owing to the
seriousness with which he took his
vocation in life.
A striking new exclusive group of
the Crown Prince and Princess of Ger
many, with their four sons. Both the
heir to the imperial throne and his
consort have evinced a marked liking
for Americans .and a warm friendship
for the United States. Assisted by his
mother, one of the young Princes, It
will be noted, is holding a Teddy Bear.
The Russian aviator. Slkorskl, has
built a plane which seems -likely to
solve the problem of long flights. It
is a regular omnibus, and carries 16
passengers with comfort. It has a
Graduated Fee Ranging In to MOO
for Flrst-Claaa Combats Advocated
Affair Is Held Advertisement.
PARIS, June 20. When tha new
Chamber meets a newly elected Deputy
intends, it is said, to propose the Im
position of a tax on duels. His argu
ment will be that duels are a form of
advertisement, and as such are as liable
to taxation as posters and prospectuses.
He suggests that duels, like railway
trains and funerals, shall be divided
Into three classes third, second and
first In ascending order of taxable
magnitude. "
For a third-class duel, with the or
dinary four seconds, a couple of gen
eral practitioners, and a scratch In the
forearm, the tax will to $10. The
proces-verbaux, or official accounts of
the duel, must be written on paper
stamped with a 12-cent stamp.
For a second-class duel, giving a
right to decorated seconds, that is, sec
onds with orders in their buttonhole,
hospital doctors and descriptive report,
ere, the tax will be $20. There will be
an additional charge of $4 per camera
and $12 per cinematograph apparatus.
Those who desire a first-class duel
must be prepared to pay Jloo But for
t J v m t m r' . hi. ,
sw-r. uTracTAW AtrTATfVR.
cabin which Is heated from the exhaust
of the engine and lighted at night by
electricity. The wing span Is 120 feet
and the total length ea reet. ii re
ported that the stability of the large
sized aeroplane is greater than that or
smaller ones. But the chief value of
the Slkorskl design lies in tne inae
pendent multiple power unit. There
nni- mntnrn on the Slkorskl aero
plane, running Independently, and It Is
reported that in trials it nss uttn
sible to stop three of these motors and
still keep the aeroplane afloat. It is
said the Russian government nas or
riarmA t.n at thCSB biff CI.1ir Car
nr. .f n cost of 160.000 each. It is
believed by many that if the ocean Is
crossed in an aeroplane it win oe in
one of the Sikorskl type.
tnat mey .re .iikiuvu . .........
a Jury of honor, a famous swordsman
as oirector ui tum'. . ......
tion on the field of honor to the ao-
coinDaniment of a brass band or
stringed orchestra.
The sanguine Deputy estimates that
such a tax, loyally imiiuwu anu
acted, will bring more than $5,000,000 I
year to the exchequer.
Conviction Follow Theft of Dlarj
and Demand for Money.
VIENNA, June 20. (Speolal.) Baron
stralendorff. who was arrested In
March on a charga of blackmail, was
today sentenced to one year s severe
imnrisonment with loss of his title.
The baron came to Vienna the past
winter and took a room In the same
,aii ss the Immensely rich Countess
Vera Esternasy. He learned from her
maid that she had a carefully locked
containing certain secrets. The
baron bored a hole through a wall of
his room Just opposite the Countess'
apartments and managed to obtain ac
cess to her rooms and carry off the
large diary.-
Then he began negotiations with the
Countess for its return, demanding
tisono for It. Tha Countess' lawyer
laid a trap for the baron, and had his
conversation when negotiating for the
return -of the diary taken down In
shorthand. This led to his conviction.
In tome parts of oermany and gwltsw
land cliurclic are heated nilh lettrlctiy.
' 1
. Hmu,,,!,,,,,,!!,,)!-,,.,. '- r
this side or water.
German Seniors' Cruelty to
Recruits Causes Action.
General Ordered to 6eo That Morn
Measures Are Vsed Against Old
er Men YV!u Torture Xew
Arrivals In Camps.
PRRLIN-. June 10. (Special) The
question of cruelty to recruits In the
German army is once more inniu
public attention. Beth the recent
speech In the Relchstar by the Mlnls-to-
f w.r raneml Falkenhayn. and
irinl on nonesl of a couple of curias
slcr guards at Potsdam, have brousht
the matter potently to notlie again.
nr,ri Kslkenhavn adopted the usual
attitude of the Prussian Minister of
War in making out tnat cases oi enmi
ty were lews grave and less frequent
than generally alleged, but later in the
speech he surprised his hearers by an
nouncing that the Emperor had once
more Intervened In person In hopes of
abating these disagreeable atiairs.
Renreaaloa Measures I rani.
In his annual confidential address to
commanding Generals, too, be made a
very pressing appeal for sterner meas
ures of suppression. It was a strange
coincidence that a few days before there
had been a serious Incident, Involving
m. nrotest to the Imperial Government
from the French Ambassador, arising
from the German campaign against the
French Foreign Legion, and that, a
few days later, there should ne an ap
peal bv the prosecuting counsel asainst
two otherwise rather sharp sentences
against a couple of cunaesier giiaraa.
This case had been by no means par-n-.iiariv
severe. The two men had
eomt back to the barracks late at nlnht
rather under the influence of liquor.
Thv had then routed the younger re-
crults out of their beds, and had made
them stand, sleepy and shivering, on
the tops of their cupboards and tiieis
sing comic songs. Home had been rath
er roughly knocked about with the flat
of the sabres. One, maeea. was wounu
nn th. shoulder and cut in the face.
Thouah Intoxicated, the two accused
were well able to dlstlnauixh between
the rooms occupied by ths seniors and
those oouupled by the new recruits.
Beatrneec Are laereaeed.
The prosecutor made' a point of this,
and at the first trial the chief culprit
was sentenced to two months and his
assistant to four weeks Imprisonment.
But tho proiscutlon did not consider
this exemplary enoush. At the trial
on appeal sentences of as mut-h as six
months and 11 weeks were asked for
by the prosecuting counsel.
Surprise would have been universal
had such sentences been passed, even
though the general opinion Is that the
prosecutor was quite ngni in rim
that unless examples are made It Is
Ilka tlltlna- at the windmills to attempt
to put an end to exaggerated hazing of
young recruits, t ne coun viumir iu
Increase ths sentences. Public opinion
is curious to know whether this case
1 to establish a precedent.
Frencb Societies Start Movement to
nestore Old Edifice.
PARIS, June 20. (Special.) A new
society has been formed to protect the
churohes oi rrance,. w -
in mint country districts
This Is specially true of communities
where ins iocai """ -
i m.i. nti.rllrtnftL
Tn. condition of these village
churches has inspired moving repre
...I.... V, v M Henri Lavrdan. M
Maurroe Barres and many others. M.
Barres has written a book, calling at
tention to the subject. Now M. l'ela
dan an artist, has founded a society
a niiit artists and archl-
QBUKUIU . w ..-- -
.hi.ii h hti alvan tha name
of "The Btona Cross," a reference te
the cross surmounting country spires,
nr Palawan's idea Is to seek the prac
tical halo of artists In restoring
churches, beginning with ths most ven
.1 . la ihnMa dating from be
fore tha itth century, of which there
- - nanv HimD Mil in I ( II V w. jmv
society will be kept clear of eccleslas
tloal or political Influence.
William James Sldls Youngest Grad
uate or Harvard.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 17. Wil
liam James Sldls. Is years old. will re
celve a degree of bachelor of arts from
Harvard this week and will be the
youngest student ever graduated from
the college.
He completed hla full course of
studies last year, but was declared
then too young to be given a daaree
H Is a son of Bjrls Sldls, a psychologist.
Native Ethics Encourage Mur
der for Fancied or Rral
Wrongs Done.
reopl- VTiO Havo No Prrod f Jail
Fear TVilp and leaders Taror
Old M-thod lo Mop Itapld
Increase In Criminality.
CAino. Krrpt. June : (p..M )
Egypt, the land of th Thsrsns as wall
as ef eontraats and centradlctlona. rinHa
hrrsalf today conirontad by an ueir
problem. Tor some years crime
has grown In volume Tha Jo.ll-lsl Ad
visers annual rapnrt. Juat p'll.llaliad.
Shows It to be stnl growing Tha fi.
uras are ominous. i rimmai in ifnr,.
have Incraasad s.l per r-nt, 1 par cant
bains commluad by foreign sublets
w hanavar the moral proaraas of a
oountrv falls to heap pace allh Ha
matrrlal proaparltv. la ronar-lrunua-ly
the case with K.gypt. administrators
basin to 1mibt the efficacy ef thair
methods. This unewslnaas msr be r-ad
between the Unas o Mr Malcolm Mf
Ilaraltn's report.
For some of the causes of crime
common In I'.nrope thara are to
parallels In Tgvpt. povarty. ror i
Staaca, that abject, eruahlng daalltil
tlon that la ona of the moat e.ctlva In
centives to crime In F-uropaao oom
munltlcs, hsrdly exists hare, where tha
simple wants of tha people and a
beneficent climate brings the firat
necrssarlee of life wttbla the reach ef
Taraa Klamvuta Praaaat.
In modem Ksypt, where Ks.t
Jostled by tha M eat, are thrae dominant
elements. Thera Is the active ptiahing
Levantine alamant a rnamopolllaa mix
ture of dubious ra''s In hsnda
Is centared moil of (ha trada ff tha
country. This elamant is without anr
national tradition, and lis sola aim l
make monay. To Its activity and com
mrrclal adaptability tha country owes
not a little of Its malarial presraaa.
Behind this varlatsted fualon Ilea the
great Mohammedan element as It a
bean modified by Turkish nila. This
element has ethical wldaif
differing from and freqiiantlv contra
dictory to tha othars. Tn the.e two
elements a third was addad with tha
British occupation.
A faw days ago Mohammarf Klh
Korashl Bry, a niamber of tha Lasla
latlve Council, proposad a modification
of the criminal rode that would pr-.
tloally lasallse tha hilling by tha hua
band of tha wife and lover guilty of
adultery. Many reapa taSle Moham
medans warmly sympathliad with
Korashl Bay.
Aaaorlatad with this dealre Tor van
geanre Is tha msnuratute nf falaa
charges. Tha Ingannlty lth
these are fabricated and tha aaa wit i
which perjured evidence can ta oh.
talnad constitutes the grcaust ohsla
cle to Justice throughout tha llta.
MaraVr Is ("aaaaaa.
Murder on soma Irlfllns pto n. Mioti
Is tragically common with r:sv.un.
murdsr to svanse lapaa of vhtna on
the pert of (hair womankind balne si
most an unwrlttan law, h1le far nf
death Is far lass pnt.nt ss a taairslnt
than among a Christian population.
Crime generally Is tslian sa a maiiar
Of course, unleaa It he an nftmre
against the religion of Islam. In many
cases It seems merely a pl-tuiso,iie In
cident In the village life.
Formerly communal responsibility for
crime uaed to be enforced, with the re.
suit that evil-doers mere almot il"'
handed over to tha authorltlee. This
method, however, was alMmdoned under
ths British administration, end im II
Ihe difficulties of detection luimens-W
The Kgyptlan pres baa even inl so
far a to recommend the Komhaan as
tha most salutary Instrument In tha re
pression of crime. Tha paaaant i
dreads not Imprisonment dieada tha
polk H im mnn:
MOME IIGH FLAT t r.!i:l.
Elder Kalla Irtles Mret aea lease"
Call! ealolde. Is the Tae-rr af
Tswea V ea Make 1U aer.
BKRL1X. June 20. ( Hpeclal. ) A
tragic Ulecovery ass made In a small
flat in the noithwe.frn part of tha
city this week whrn tha polks forced
sn entrsnca and found tha t"'
two sged sisters, Antoine and Minna
Sparser,- dead
lhay were the daughters f a blsh
state official who riled neaily .' yets
ago. and lor 3a years they had lived In
a flat In J'otedmoretrsee until the
rent became too mm h for them
They moved 0 years aso Into 'ha
rooms whhh wra tha a. ens t.f the
traseuy. Th4 little household i
maintained by tha elder eieter. an ar
list, but with advancing years her earn
ing capacity dlinlniahed and pariatt if
lief had to bs eoushl.
Than lllneae atlecsed h eld" !.
and It Is believed she died on Ihura.
day, and thai the younser neter. In
her grief, committed suit Ida by hsng-
"?he old ladles bad for tha pet 4
yeara lived aa herrolta. and Old not re
ceive a slnsle vlaltor. Kven the nei
door neighbors would not have known
them by slsht ... .
On a table In the bedroom was a
faintly written note. "Plaaee bury us
In the aame grave."
NAME SPELLED MANY WAYS Vaed In Ms 1 Mven lintrlra
In Word "Shake-pcare."
IJIMJO.V. June JO. Koine InlMealilia
fhakeapearaana are published here. It
I, wall kl.On that in hl.skeap.aiea
im. . Inn. account. -J
Of and that himself would
have considered the uue.llon of spell
ing his name In one way and net en
other a mere waste of time, it Is. how
ever worth recording how the nam.
struck the Bodlelnn officials, when lha
first folio was given a place and inalk
In the lihrary.
Tha entries are aa folloae. and weia
all written In l2J.
Hhsk-sper. fUmse-spearr. hhe ki- P'a c.
Hhake-spesre. hliake-Fprarc. hhalt
sp.are. Shake-spcare.
Tha testimony, eo fur a. II -..
obviously In favor of the form "MiaUa-.
Kpeaie." and vf I1'. .r.-crt prono. ii.c
lt.g of the W.ll.l. II Is cllllooe thai th
olnslfl or double hw.hen ahotiM l u,i
In slk out of llii! t-ev.n cull lea