The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 21, 1914, Section One, Page 12, Image 12

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Prominent Citizen and Educators Maxvel at Farming and Gard ening Successes of City's Pupils or Often Uninviting Plots.
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slrSeta Garden, ft. JSace n Cfas&-ZZ.: Wvy'sorr. 7-
Sparer Jc6oe jr-f7Z
OME of Portland's most prominent
citizens, members of the Board of
Education and others Interested in
school garden work had their educa
tions greatly Improved on Friday. They
learned things they never had even
dreamed of before, for they made a
tour of Inspection of the school gardens
of th clty." The'trlp w s planned by
Supervisor of School Gardens M. O.
Evans. It was a personally conducted
tour and proved of great Interest to
those fortunate ones who made up the
There were many amusing incidents
to enliven the programme. On one oc
casion two members' of the School
Board got Into an argument as to the
Identity of a certain row of plants.
"I tell you it's flax," said one.
"My dear sir you are mistaken, it is
' alfalfa," said the other.
Back and forth they argued, until
they attracted th attention of some
other wise ones, who knew in turn' that
the plants were onions, carrots and
parsnips. At last Mr. Evans settled the
dispute by informing tho group that
the plant was buckwheat.
Old Generations Dented Chance.
"We never had such a chance as' this
when we were boys." remarked many
of the men In the party, as they went
I from one garden to another, marveling
-at the wonderful system that has
evolved them: wondering, praising and
, asking questions of the supervisor and
the Oregon Agricultural College's rep
resentatives, who were among those
The teachers who have hoed, raked
and dug with the children came in for
; their share of praise. No weeds were
found, and the paths between plots
were straight and well kept. Clous
" were unknown quantities.
The immense size of cabbages, let
: tuce heads, turnips and beets found in
many gardens made the visitors wonder
If they were real. At Woodstock, the
big prize cabbage, grown by Homer
Bowden. brought J3.25. O. M. Plummer
wanted that cabbage, but Dr. Alan
Welch Smith out-bid him. The honor
of the Commercial Club was maintained
by C. C. Chapman, who got the lettuce
away from several other contestants.
Montavilla has a wonderful first
. year garden that is well laid out The
I green, peas were especially fine. The
'' potato patch is the pride and Joy of
the Montavilla boys, who have had
treat success with their "spuds."
Wood! awn Man at Arleta.
t Professor Newbill. who was formerly
principal of the sweepstakes school,
AVoodlawn, is now in charge Df Arleta.
and he and bis teachers have directed
the children most efficiently. They
have a large garden, arranged scien
tlficallr. with various fertilizers dem
onstrated and with scores of varieties
of every kind of vegetable, grass ana
fruit growing. A fountain centers the
rirden and the scenic arrangement is
narticularly well carried out.
Canterbury bells nod their approval
of the loveliness of FultDn Park's
school garden, where choice vegetables
vie with flowers for honors in a gar
den which Inspires Just pride.
Llewellyn children had an eye to
beauty when they selected the nastur
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100: Vegetable growth, 40; freedom
from weeds. 20: condition of soil, 20;
arrangement, 16; distinctive features
and decoration, 6.
The Judges were Professor A. Q. Bou
quet and A. I. Peck, of the Oregon Ag
ricultural College, and N. C. Marls, of
the State Department of Public In
struction. They were oomrpnlil t
(. M. freiro, the Commercial lu
photographer, and M. O. Kvana, super
visor of school ardn work.
.... . . i,- . t-. xt xt TTorri- . r-oiic.h ravls. Chanman end Fulton.
i j .... e, thuir trim nmxs . mesLic scieiice, i luitrs.;. - - i . - - . , .
tiura u a. v T , ,, , Pro- Tn the city there are a scuoui
of potatoes, onions, cabbages ana omer man . -r . ''-'A-. rrteo ares. 16 acres: number of
Miss Marie Williams. Miss Edna uroves
Lents did good work witn garaen ,
tools and seeds, and besides their fine
axhoM o-nrden they have about 100
home gardens to show for their efforts.
Shaver's garden looks oui upuu
river and the factories, mills and docks.
It is a well-kept plot and a credit to
the children who made It.
Much has been written in praise or
the 'Woodlawn garden, but. like the
proverbial articles that are advertised,
"it must be seen to be appreciated.
Praise Is Given All.
The men and women who made up
the inspection party of Friday were
enthusiastic in their praise of each
garden. The small ones and those
made on poor soli received Just as
much recognition as did the big. fine
gardens, for the members of that party
realized that each garden represented
hard work, loyalty to school, determi
nation, a fine feature of education,
something practical, helpful and good
in every way for the health, happiness
and success of the boys and girls as
they grow up Into manhood and wom
anhood. Professor Dickson, who has farmed
in Illinois, is in charge at Woodmere
and his children have made a system
atic study of gardening. In 15 days
they sold $2.49 worth of radishes and
$ 1.05 of onions, besides large orders
of turnips and lettuce. Woodmere's
beets are noteworthy.
The middle of the day was marked by
a delightful visit to Washington High
School, where luncheon was served.
Miss Lilian Tingle, supervisor of do-
and the singers, as well as the girls of
the domestic science class, helped to
make the ' luncheon memorable. The
menu consisted of the following:
Tomato Bouillon
Green Tomato Relish
Toung Beets, Pickled
Baked Ham, Washington High School
Style ,
Scalloped Potatoes
Green Peas, Buttered
School Garden Salad "
Strawberry Shortcake
W. H. S. Hot Rolls
Following are interesting notes rela
tive to the luncheon:
"Planning, cooking and serving by
the domestic science department; deco
rations by the art department; menu
cards by the Jefferson High School
printing department: music by the
Washington High School Glee Club;
vegetables for this luncheon were sup
plied by the following school gardens:
Peas. Brooklyn, Clinton Kelly; beets,
Woodlawn. Hudson: radishes, Arleta,
Glencoe; onions. Montavilla, Ockley
Green; lettuce, Mount Tabor, Llewel
lyn." 28 Schools Are Visited.
The school gardens visited were:
Shattuck, Failing. Stephens, Brooklyn.
Llewellyn, Clinton-Kelly, Creston,
Woodmere, Lents, Hudson, Arleta,
Woodstock, Hawthorne, Glencoe, Mount
Tabor, Montavilla, Jonesmore, Rose
City Park. Kemp, Highland, Wood
lawn, OcKiey oreen, laompsDn, ouer(
dudIIs Darticipating. 8100; number
home gardens, 3500; area, 8 acres.
In the final Judging prize ribbons
were awarded as follows:
Sweepstake prize for the best all
around garden in the city, Woodlawn.
Class 1. Schools which had gardens
in 1913, divided into two divisions, as
Division 1. Gardens covering an
area greater than 11.000 square feet
First, Clinton Kelly; second. Rose City
Park; third, Glencoe. Honorable men
tion. Mount Tabor. Davis, Woodstock
and Failing. For remarkable showing
on very poor soil. Peninsula and Couch.
Division 2. Gardens covering an
STOA Of 11.000 sauare feet or less
First, Woodmere; second. Highland;
thirH Creston. Honorable mention.
Portsmouth. Brooklyn and Kerns. Fine
hnvinp on noor soil. Buckman.
Class 2. Schools making gardens for
the first time in 1914, divided into two
divisions, as follows:
Division 1. Gardens covering an
area greater than 11.000 square feet
First. Arleta: second. Montavilla: third,
TJewellvn and Ockley Green. Honor
able mention. Hudson and Chapman.
For good showing on poor soil. Sell-wood.
Division 2. Gardens covering an
area of 11,000 , square feet or less
First, Fulton ' Park; second, Lents
third. Thompson and Shaver. Honor
able mention, Multnomah, Capitol Hill
and Shattuck. For good showing on
noor soli. Jonesmore and Holman,
In judging the gardens, points were
considered as follows, on a basis of
GITlf HAS $2,343,749
Waere Municipal Ponds Go Told
.Itemised Report Filed With
Auditor Barbnr.
Portland has a total of 82,343,749.70
on hand in the various municipal funds
according to the semi-monthly financial
statement issued yesterday by City
Treasurer Adams.
The statement as filed with City
Auditor Barbur shows the following
Fire department ...........
Police department
Street repair .
Bonded indebtedness Interest...
Park -
Street cleaning and prinknng'..
Improvement bond alnklns
Park and boulevard
Broadway brldffe
Garbage crematory
Municipal Jail
Flreboat and fire main
Special bridge
Water bond alnklns
Water fund bond account ...
Police and fire department relief
Bonded lndebtedneaa sinking- ...
Street Improvement
Street extension
Street and eewer Interest
Public auiltorlum
154.052. OS
840.01. 01
10ft. U3
4,178 66
22. SJ
.2. 341.741.70
Four Stats to Be Represented In
Omferenc June 2.
The first annual conference of Chris
tian Toga for this district, which in
cludes Oregon. Washington, Idaho and
Montana will be held in this city on
June 29-J0. Representatives from these
states will be In attendance, and at
this session will be decided the ques
tion of the location of the permanent
district headquarters. At this time the
choice lies between Portland and
The Christian Yoga movement, having
outgrown the loose form In which the
work has so far been conducted, there
Is a demand for a more definite or
ganization for concerted work among
the various centers In the United
States. Besides the work of the dele
gates In conference, there will be
public addresses by A. K. Mosumdar, the
founder of the present work In Amer
ica, by Rev. Ralph M. DeBIt, superin
tendent In the southwest; F. O. Garri
son, minister of the local society, and
others present.
The first public session will be held
Monday evening at the Women of
Woodcraft Hall on Tenth and Taylor
streets. Public sessions will also be
held Tuesday, both In the afternoon
and evening, at the same place.
The local society Is busily engaged
In preparations for the sessions, and
for the accommodation and entertain
ment of the delegstes and speakers.
Information as to this session may be
had at the local society's rooms In the
Central building.
Plan Made for Inquiry of Social and
Community Life in State.
The state social survey committee,
appointed at the recent Commonwealth
Conference at the University of Ore
gon, held Its Initial meeting yesterday
to organise and map out Its work.
A complete social survey of the
8tate of Oregon Is contemplated with
careful Investigation of each com
munity, urban or suburban, and Its
special problems in social and com
munity life.
Miss Mlrlsm Van Waters Is chalrmsn
of the committee and with her are as
sociated Professor Rebec, of the exten
sion depsrtment of the University of
Oregon; Mra W. A. Laidlaw. E. a Tll
llnghast and L, H. Weir, field secretary
of the Playground and -Recreation As
sociation of America.
Sparsely Settled nietrtets Hate .
ration D'reasM Inrsa r
Overlaad t ar Ree.
Australia has a pedadogue be
teaches a school several thousand
miles In diameter. lie conducts his
class In a district of Queensland, where
a ranch of 35.000 acres Is considered
small. In order le gather enough
pupils to fill a one-room erhoolhoose It
would be necessary to draw on lh
entire country within a radius of 0
8o Instead of supporting a number
of struggling educational Institutions
In semi-populated localities, the Aus
tralian government engages an
Itinerant school master who la sn es
pert motorist and a herrty tourist. Kor
his use they have purrhseed an ver
Isnd automobile from the Willys
Overland dealer In yueenstown.
In his car the traveling; teacher goes
from ranch to ranch, making atonn of
two or three days at each, distributing
books and msppfng out a course of In
struction by which the youngsters can
easily teach themselves. The pupils
are treated to lengthy vacations every
year, as the school terms sre ruriai!"(l
by heavy rains that sweep Australia
during the Spring and often contlnwe
through the Summer. Kurlng these
seasons the streams are flooded end
the roads are Impassable for all
Besides the lone tourist the car esc
rles 40 gallons of gnsollne. gallons
of Oil, gallons of water ail
pounds of school booVs. Poring hia
first term, the schoolmaster covered
more ihsn 4ooo miles and did hot see
a railroad track for sl months.
roin oiKf IV Y f
Ise antiseptic Lotion. Imist.l relief
Druggieta refund money If It laila .