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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1914)
RTXJLXIV -MAY 31, 1914. Now for the June White Sales i Clearance Sales SAFETY FIRST SHOP HERE Lipman, "Wolfe & Co.. ensational-No Other Word Fittingly Describes These $30, $35, $37.50 and 345 Handsome Midsummer Silk Gowns $11.95 A Price Positively Less Than Cost of Material Handsome silk gowns, all copies of the latest imported models, of crepe de i -rr et . -ii 1 . :n - - - r.J il L- T?-tmat-i me, cnitron taireta siik, cnarmeuse, pussy wmow ucpc, wiauai w ped silk, chiffon, checked and flowered crepes and fine silk crepe cloth m the. newest shades and combinations. There are bustle styles as well as tier d ruffled effects, also accordion Russian tunic models, in a large variety of icy combinations. Every dress is new this season, and were made to sell at 0.00 to $45.00. i htrd t loot. Establishing a NEW Record in SUIT SELLING Newest $45 and $50 Suits $25.00 Positively Unprecedented in Wonderful Opportunity A most remarkable offering of highest class, strictly man-tailored novelty ts, at a price which does not pay for material and making. These suits are de of finest imported wool crepes, fancy striped and checked worsteds, serges H cheviots. Every suit is reproduced from the latest imported models usually mght over late in the season. The jackets are cut in a variety of loose, jaunty pes, beautifully trimmed, lined and finished. The skirts represent all the vest fancy trimmed styles, in tier, ruffled and taffeta trimmed effects. Third Floor Imperative to the Woman Who Needs I Novelty Summer Coat Now- $15 Heretofore $25, $27.50 to $30 bats suitable for all occasions, of moire silk, bengaline silk, silk poplin, wool poplin, by wool crepe and gabardine. Every coat lined throughout with fine peau de cygne There are coats trimmed with silk ruffles, as well as gathered and plaited effects; one can wear almost the entire year. The colors are black, navy, Copen, tango, eather and mahogany. Every coat is a perfect model in this season's most popular Third Floor HOSIERY IN THE JUNE SALE 69c for Silk Stockings That Were $1.00 and $1.25 Splendid silk stockings of a superior quality in cerise, gold, champagne, tan, green nd other fashionable shades. 98c for Black Silk Stockings Regularly $1.25 Black thread silk stockings, extra long, made with striped tops of lavender, green nd gold. These stockings have double cotton soles that add much to their urabihty. 50c for White Silk Stockings Heretofore 75c and 85c White thread silk stockings made with cotton tops and soles and double garter bp, extra long and elastic 18c for Cotton Stockings That Are Usually 25c Of fast black cotton, medium weight, clastic and extra long, with double tops d extra spliced heels and toes. 35c for Silk-Mixed Stockings Regularly 50c I Silk mixed stockings in fast black, light weight, with double garter tops, double, pies and extra spliced heels and toes. Also lavender top stockings, the long wearing kind, made of fine ingrain cotton, xtra strongly spliced and extra long and elastic. First Floor NO MAIL ORDERS Wonderful Waists on Sale, Special 75c They Sell Regularly at $1.25 to $1.45 ew blouses.' made "bf'sibocl duality voile and colored striped madras, with tumed- rn collars and V-shaped neck, finished with long tie, or with panels of Swiss embroi- ' and tucking. 1 hey have the new kimono short sleeves and sort turn-back cutts. ) of the smartest midsummer styles. 1 CH rVl fVJ TT Tim- Q1a QQs jvj victual lviuud, juuc uaic, kjjs or the cleaning and polishing of hardwood floors, standing wood It. oil cloth and linoleum, it gives a high, hard, durable, bright er without rubbing or stooping. In triangular shape that gets in he corners. Complete with handle. SOLE AGENTS. Colored Bead and Wood Necklaces 48c ong dress-length and collar-length necklaces in bead and wood. The very newest now in greatest demand; to be worn over shirtwaists and light Summer dresses, d colors and in combinations. $1.25 Pint-Size Vacuum Bottles 89c snuine imported German vacuum bottles, full pint size, with aluminum screw cover strong brown Japan case. The best moderate-pnced vacuum bottle on sale. Amoskeag Chambray Petticoats Special 49c K splendid lot of wash petticoats of excellent quality material and extra 1 - . 11 I, .VI 1 1 made, m nurse s stripe in gray or blue and white. iv lade witn Diaa nee finely tucked, and finished with dust ruffle. 50c Summer Chemisettes, Sale 25c ine all-net chemisettes, also shadow lace yoke, with lawn body. They shaped standing collars, boned, elastic belt and finished seams. Made xtra good quality materials, in white, cream, ecru and black. Cleverly Trimmed $5.00 Summer Hats June Sale $1.95 - lats of hemp, plain and fancy straws, chiffon covered, silk and chiffon ns in the smartest shapes, such as the sailor effects, the bandeau, side up brims, medium and narrow brim styles. In black, blue, tans, greens, i - i ii .i .1 "T l .! li I i . r Kn, white and all the newest colors. i nmmea wun smau Duncnes or ers. wreaths, ribbons, wheat, feathers and fancy stick-ups. Get Ready! It Is In the Air Our millinery 6alon is astir , and bustling, tables are being changed, displays of new June hats are being arranged for the usual throng that each season awaits our June Sale announcement. Crtmmeb Spate Selling $25 to $60 $15.00 Imported models and examples by our own expert milliners, ex quisite Summer hats, reflecting every style now in vogue. The shapes and trimmings are individ ual, exclusive a satisfaction to the woman who can feel confident that she will not see another else where. TRIMMED HATS Of White SELLING REGULARLY TO $9.00 $4.95 i Panamat and hemp straw hats in models never shown before this season, styles expressly designed for midsummer wear, trimmed in smart tailored ef fects others fash ioned with dainty flowers and novelty stickups. Second Floor -"Show Me," is what every thrifty man says. Well, we will show him as he was never shown before. Greatest of All Sales The June Sale New $6 and $5 Silk Shirts $3.85 Extraordinary silk shirts. We use the word extraordinary advisedly, for every pattern was personally selected, every weave chosen by our shirt buyer last December. These shirts were made to our own specifications. They are positively as well made as the finest custom made shirts. They are modeled with soft French cuffs, with a separate soft, turn-down collar to match. Beautiful, delicate color combinations and stripes in helio, pink, old blue and other brilliant colors. SHIRTS OF IMPORTED ENGLISH FABRICS Selling Regularly to $6.50 June Sale $3.00 We show the identical shirtings offered by Fifth-avenue exclusive haber dashers. A gentleman who was shown these shirts Saturday kindly loaned us three shirts recently purchased from a Fifth-avenue store. They are identical in style, material and workmanship. He paid $6.50 each for the same shirts we price at $3.00. Wonderful combinations in delicate colorings of English corded and plain madras. The Best $2.00 Shirt Made $1.19--3 for $3.00 Just as a feeler, we placed on sale a few weeks ago 60 dozen of these remarkable shirts. By nightfall there were less than 20 left. Tomorrow we offer 1322 of the most attractive shirts ever presented to the men of Portland. We don't mind how critical you are, these shirts will pass the closest scrutiny. Soft bosoms. French cuff, madras and percale shirts with separate collars to match. -An endless variety of patterns. All sizes. We have seen the identical shirts in some show windows marked at $2.00 and $2.25. JUNE LINEN SALE Commencing Monday, June 1st Summer Underwear $1 Union Suits 69c You need athletic underwear for the Summer weather and we know it. We also know that we have the best dollar union suit made today at 69c Made of Summer nainsook in sleeveless and knee-length style. Sizes 34 to 50. Automobile Gloves At June Sale Prices Automobile gloves made in gaunt let styles with soft and stiff cuffs, re inforced on fingers and palms, water proofed and made with wrist straps. $2.00 Gloves for $1.65 $2.50 Gloves for $1.95 $3.00 Gloves for $2.15 $4.00 Gloves for $3.15 $4.00 Mens Wool Sweaters $2.45 Sweaters made from soft wool yarn in gray and wine colors, in V-neck and roll-collar styles. Sweaters that are right for all outdoor sport use and within the reach of every man. First Floor, Wash.-St. Entrance June Sale of Good Corsets $2.00 to $2.50 W. B. Corsets $1.69 $2.00 to $2.50 Nadia Corsets $1.69 Low, medium and high-bust corsets, long over back and hips. Some have elastic goring. Finished with lace or embroidery, with hose supporters attached. Materials are coutil and batiste. All sizes up to 28. Smart Set, La Vida, Nemo, W. B. Corsets Clean-up of Discontinued and New Models $3.50 to $7.50 Sale $1.95 Odd lines and discontinued models, consisting of medium and high-bust styles with long hips and back, neatly finished at top with lace and .embroidery. Heavy webbing supporters attached. $4 Nemo Corsets, Discontinued Models, $2.45 Discontinued lines of Nemo self-reducing and Lastikop webbing triple-strip corsets. These models are made of the best grade of coutil with medium or high bust and medium long hip and back, extremely long over abdomen. Three pairs hose supporters attached. Sizes 22 to 36. $1.00 BRASSIERES, JUNE SALE, 79c 85 BRASSIERES. JUNE SALE. . . .59c Fourth Floo Summer-Knit Underwear in the June Sale 35c Union Suits June Sale 25c Of white ribbed cotton, light weight, low neck, sleeveless, linen lace-trimmed knee; well made and strongly finished. 45c Union Suits June Sale 33c Plain knee-length union suits of fine ribbed white cotton. light weight, low neck, sleeteless, mercerized tape and trimming. Also extra size .with linen lace-trimmed knee. 60c Union Suits June Sale 43c Of pure white cotton, made with the can't slip shoulder strap, low neck, knee length, extra soft and fine. 75c Union Suits June Sale 48c Swiss-ribbed, white cotton suits, low neck with French band tops, knee length, made with perfect fitting neck with the can't slip shoul der strap. 65c Union Suits June Sale 50c Kayser brand white cotton union suits of fine ribbed cotton in light medium weight, nicely trimmed and finished, low neck, sleeve less, knee length, with reinforced crotch pint Floor Women's White Shoes June Sale Prices $8.00 Buckskin Boots, $5.95 Women's white buckskin . button boots, bench made, hand-sewed, cus tom last, with tip of same; Cuban Louis heel. $5.00 inen Button Boots, $3.95 Women's white linen button boots with long fore part receding toe model, Cuban heel, tip of same material. $4.00 Nubuck Button Boots, at $2.95 Women's white nubuck button boots, medium high toe model, tip of same material, Cuban heel. $6.00 Buckskin Pumps, $3.95 Women's white buckskin two-button pumps, custom last, plain toe, Louis heel. $4.00 Nubuck Pumps, $2.35 Women's white nubuck pumps, plain toe and tip models, Cuban heel, light welt soles. Basement GREAT EXPOSITIONS SALE; Infants' and Children's White Shoes White canvas, ankle straps. $1.25 Shoes, sixe 2 to 5 95c $1.50 Shoes, sixe 5 to 8. .$1.20 $1.75 Shoes, sixe 8y2 to 11, at ..' $1.35 $2.25 Shoes, sixe 11 V2 to 2, at $1.65 Children's and misses' white nubuck Mary Jane strap pumps with nature shape toe, welt soles. $1.50 Pumps, sixe 5 to 8, $1.20 $2.00 Pumps, sixe 8V to 11, at $1.60 $2.50 Pumps, sixe 11V2 to 2, at .... $1.30 Buemcit Newest Neckwear Regular 75c, 89c to $1J25 48c Each A beautiful selection of the newest styles in fine collars and collar and cuff sets, of fine batiste, embroidered col lars in round, square, epaulet and inset effects. Dainty, pretty collars for Sum mer wear. Firs J Floor r ' L vASH DKBSS FABRICS The World Today Is a Very Little Different Place Than It Was Five Years Ago, Yet Few of Us Can Appreciate the Development Made in Fine Cotton Dress Materials for Women's Wear To Illustrate This Fact We Shall Hold an Immense Sale of 10,000 Yards of Newest Ramony Dress Fabrics At Sale Prices - Astonishingly Low . Ramony Mills dress fabrics are new to Portland. They represent the master creations in cotton, cotton and silk and mercerized tub fabrics. Recognizing Lipman. Wolfe & Company as the greatest distributers of wash dress fabrics in the Northwest, they made EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS to us to exploit their Summer fabrics to the women or fortland. Not one single yard of these fabrics has ever been shown before. Many of the styles are entirely new. being reproductions and perfect copies of the finest foreign materials. FOR EXAMPLE A new printed rice cloth in intricate weave, in a pebble effect of ratine, sheer, evenly woven printed voile in white and colored grounds, English printed crepes in floral effects, printed silk and cotton crepe de chine so like silk can hardly be detected, lustrous finish pongee in solid and two-tone ef fects, silk stripe silk and cotton ratine in short, an immense exposition of materials embracing every price and every style. Basenrat 25c English Printed Crepe. .18c 50c Lorlite Printed Voile.. 39c $1 Printed. Crepe de Chine. .75c 40c Printed French Crepe. .29c 40c Cotton Crepe de Chine. .29c $135 Silk Stripe Ratine. . .98c 40c Tartan Plaid 29c 35c Egyptian Crepe 23c $1.25 Moire Canton 85c 75c Ratine Etamine 39c 40c Printed Rice Cloth 29c 60c Ramony Printed Crepe. .43c 40c Ramony Pongee 25c 60c Ramony Novelty Ratine 43c $1.25 Monopol Ptd Poplin 79c 65c Plaid Ratine 49c 20c Crepe de Novelty 14c 15c Beauty Crepe 10c 60c Waffle Cloth 49c 50c Canton Jacquard 35c