The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 31, 1914, Section One, Page 7, Image 7

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Aggies Pick Heads of All De
partments of School Activ
ities for Term.
Otto BallJiorn Chosen to Kdit Paper,
"Barometer," ATter Warmest
Viglit Institution lias Seen in
History of Its Affairs.
LEGE, Corvallis. Or., May 29 (Spe
cial.) The fiercest political campaign
In the history of the Oregon Agricul
tural College culminated Monday night.1
when the count ot the election held in
the afternoon showed Otto Ballhorn as
editor-in-chief of the Barometer for
next year, with a margin of 274 votes
over his opponent, O. B. Mayes. A big
parade about the campus was held by
Ballhorn's supporters to celebrate the
The vote cast yesterday totaled 968,
double that of any election ever held
previously here. Last year It only
brought out 430 votes.
The election of the student body
president was made unanimous for Roy
E. Miller, of Spokane, there being no
other candidate. Miller has been presi
dent of the Junior class this year, ile
is h member of the upper class honor
society and the Osseo Club. He is regis
tered in agriculture.
New Kdltor Is Active.
Ballhorn. the newly-elected Barome
ter editor, is one of the leaders in col
lege activity. He was president of his
class -during the sophomore year, man
ager of the 1915 Junior annual, assistant
news editor of the Barometer, and a
member of the upper class honor so
ciety and the Gamma Upsllon Fra
ternity. He is a student in the school
of commerce, registered from Wood
land, AVash.
The position of manager of the Ba
rometer went to J. W. Motley, of Cove,
who easily defeated J. L. Taylor, of
Oregon City. Motley has acted as cir
culation manager of the paper this
The closest race in tho election was
for the position of senior - member of
the board of athletic control, and lay
between I. M. C. Anderson, of Drewsey,
and Carl Berry, of Hood River. Ander
son won by a. vote of 466 to 449.
I.reenra Head Is Picked.
l'"red Holmes, of Knterprlse, was
elected manager of the student Lyceum
course, defeating Melvin Jordan, of
Corvallis, by a handsome margin. The
Lyceum course is to be a new feature
here next year, the student body having
voted to take over the management of
the course heretofore staged by fac
ulty and townspeople. Holmes has had
considerable experience along this line,
having managed the Glee Club for two
Hiram Currey, of Baker, was given
an unanimous vote for president of
oratory and debate. He has been a
member of a varsity debating team this
year and has been active in interclass
and intercollegiate forenslcs. He is
registered in agriculture and is a mem-
Mr of Gamma Kigma Delta, the honor
ary agricultural fraternity.
Returns Are Given
The Tesults of the election follow:
I'rcsldent R. K. Miller, of (ipokune, 739.
First vice-president John Flint, of San
Dlfjo. Cal.. 410; Howard Belton. of Oardena,
Cil.. 321.
ciecond vic-pr,l(lpnt . R. tloerner. f
Seattle,- Wash., . 610; K. A. Lucu, of Send,
Third vice-president Charles Stidd, of
The Dalles. 411; Harley Blackwell, of Ju
neau, Alaska. 360; Alvin Wheeler, of Aah
lauil. 14.
Secretary Kareen Hansen, of Corvallis,
s:;S; Elvla TaK. of Warrenton, 282; Anna
tutledr of Corvallis, iiai; Mildred goden,
of Portland, 10.
Udlliu- vf Haromeler Otto Ballhorn, of
Woodland, Wash., Oiil ; O. B. Hayes, of
Pavatlena. Oil.. 847.
Manager of Barometer J. W. Motley, of
Cove. "o.;0; J. I.. Taylor, of Oresjon City, 202.
Auditor of athletics Ben Culver, of Pay
ette. HIU; Karl Younit, of l'ortlund. 1:80.
Senior member of board of athletic con
trol I. M. O. Anderson, of Drewsey, 408;
Carl Berry, of Hood River. 440.
President of oratory and debate H. M.
Currey, of Baker.
Hecretary of Oratory and debate, G. R.
Hoerner, of Seattle, Wash., N4."i.
Treasurer of oratory and debate F. J.
Dlolsch. of Day. Creek, 806.
Manueer or lyceum course, F. A. Holmes,
of Knterprlse. 44U; Melvin Jordan, of Cor
vallis, 3S1; Jack Korbls, of Dllley, 121.
C'laaaea Choose Officers.
At tho same time that the student
body election was being held the pres
ent, junior class . j elected officers for
noM year. jomi runt, ot oan. Ulego,
Cal., was elected president over G. K.
Thomas, of rortland, and Irwin Betzel,
of Portland. Flint is president of the
Glee Club for next year, vice-president
of the Btudent assembly and a member
of the Ahneok Club. Miss Elvla Tagg,
or warrenton. was chosen as vice
president, defeating her closest rival.
.Miss Lorene rarker. of Independence,
by a vote of 46 to 38.
Other officers elected were: Secre
tary, Miss Iva Stokes, of lCugene; treas
urer, W. K. Whltehouse. of Sumcrville;
class editor, J. Motley, of Cove;-ath-
letlc manager. Simeon Smith, of Tort
land: forensic manager. Glen Roberts,
of Corvallis; student council member.
. an Kerry, of Hood River; yell leader,
Karl Young, of Portland; sergeant-at-arms,
Kenneth Nelson, of Kugene.
The Associated Kngineers' Associa
tion elected officers as follows: Presi
dent. If. 1- Hubbard, of Amity; vice-
president, r . O. SufTron, of .Dent.. Minn.!
secretary. Tracy Wade, of Carson City.
Wash.; treasurer. A. A. Clausen, of Th
Panes: press correspondent, Ben Cut
ver, of Tayette, Idaho.
terlally the hay crop around Kldge
fleld and the surrounding communities.
The usual acreage will be planted in
potatoes here, although during the past
several years potatoes have not broitght
good prices. Last Fall many farmers
around here were offered 75 cents to 1
per hundredweight, but these were held
for higher prices, which were never
realized, but, however, were disposed
of at 40 to 60 cents.
All kinds of berries arc abundant In
this section and strawberries, now on
the market, are commanding good
prices. Apples, pears, peaches and. other
fruits will be plentiful this year, with
the exception of cherries of the Royal
Anne variety.
Southern Pacific iFaces Alternative
of Giving Up Lane Right of Way.
EUGENE, Or., May 30. Speclal.)
The Southern Pacific Company must
tear up its tracks and abandon its Na
tron extension towards Klamath Falls
for a distance of 15 miles, or it must
build Lane County a wagon road as
good as the one it appropriated in the
narrow Middle Fork of the Willamette
Valley between Natron and Oakridge.
The railroad has built a substitute
wagon road over the hills above the
river, but this is not as good a road
as it agreed to build, according to Judge
nms, wno late yesterday after
noon filed a decree In the $100,000 dam-
Mayor's Ordinance Stirs Up
. Others to" Reconsider It
and' Raise Figures.
Part of
Fawcett Says Action Was
Plan to Discredit Hint
Case May Get Into Courts
for Settlement.
TACOMA, Wash.,, May 30. (Special.)
Despite profuse pre-election promises
of harmony, Tacoma's new city com-
,aW J WJT"' "
G. Hamilton, post commander, and
n. H. Miller, adjutant. The united
bodies marched to the camp ground,
where a monument to "unknown dead
of 1S61 and 1865" was decorated by
the school children and the veterans.
Then came the rituallstlo exercises ot
the post, corps and circle, with further
decoration of the monument. Comrade
Miller read the state adju'.mfs Memo
rial day order and A. C. Miller deliv
ered Lincoln's Gettysburg address.
Following these exercises the veter
ans returned to the Commercial Club
Hall, where dinner was served. " The
women had charge of the programme,
which opened with a flag drill by the
women of Peter Porter Circle. Mrs.
George M. Hall gave a patriotic read
ing. The Grand Army quartet, com
posed of J. G. Chambers, J. S. Hamil
ton, Philip Powelson and Francis Van
der, sang "Wave On. Old Glory," "Rest,
Hero, Rest." "They Rest In Their Coun
try's Blue" and other selections.
Eight members of the post died dur
ing the year, and these were honored
by draped vacant chairs. The Compson
post has 108 active members, the Wom
en's Relief Corps 80 members and the
Circle of the Women of the Grand
Army has 225 members.
: 1
age case and injunction suit against
the Oregon & Eastern and the Southern
Pacific railroads.
Pendleton Prepares fcntertainment
for Koe l'otlvul Ruler.
PENDLETON. Or.. May 30 (Special.)
Preparations have been completed for
the entertainment of her royal majesty.
Quern Thelma. of the Portland Rose
Festival, and her retinue upon their ar
rival in Pendleton Tuesday morning.
Mark Moorehouse, exhibition man
ager of the Round-Kp, will stage the
show which will be put on at tho depot
platform. This will consist of a short
cowboy-cowgirl quadrille on horseback
and an Indian war dance by the native,
in full dress regalia. Then the pictures
of the Queen end her maids will be
taken along with the Indian braves and
their squaws, which will be preserved
as a memento of the occasion.
mission, in power less than a month,
already finds Itself in a mess that has
invoked numerous pointed personalities
the past week and that it is likely
to take the courts to settle. The trouble
has arisen over Mayor Fawcett'a ordi
nance slashing $10,000 a year off city
The ordinance was formally passed
a week ago Wednesday and signed by
the Mayor. At the time It was passed,
some of the Commissioners objected to
a sharp cut to 250 made in tho salary
of the City Attorney, who had been
getting 400 a month. Nevertheless, the
measure went through and reposed
serenely until Monday, when the Mayor
and four Commissioners convened for
their adjourned legislative session
from the previous Wednesday.
Reconsideration Effort Faaaen.
At the Monday meetlifg, a motion
was made to reconsider the Fawcett
salary ordinance and it passed with
the votes of Commissioners Drake,
Woods and Mills. This was followed
by a motion by Mills to amend -the
Fawcett ordinance to increase the City
Attorney's pay from $260 a month al
lowed by Fawcett, to $350; and other
items which Fawcett had cut out.
The amendment thereupon received
the votes of the four Commissioners,
Fawcett alone voting against it and
Commissioner Atkins afterwards chang
ing his vote. Mayor Fawcett there
upon ruled that the motion to recon-
NORTH YAKIMA, "Wash., May 30. sider was not proper anyhow and an
Promotion Exercises or Eighth Grade
Pupils Draw Crowd.
ESTACADA, Or., May 30. (Special.)
Graduation exercises were held
Thursday night at the High School au
ditorium. A class of seven received
diplomas. The, graduates are: Robert
Hllsha Morton, William Kenneth Bart
lett, Mattie Anna Lewis, Margaret Ks
ther Seward. Wava Gladys Merrlng.
Delia Pearl Rynnlng and Albert Shank
land. Class day exercises took place a
week ago.
Wednesday night the assembly-room
at the High School building was crowd
ed to Its capacity to hear the promotion
exercises of tho eighth-grade pupils.
North Yakima Trolley Employes
Threaten to Walk Out.
(Special.) Conductors and motormen
of the .Yakima Valley Transportation
Company have presented a protest
to N. C. Richards, president of
the company, against alleged vio
lation of the seniority rule by
Importation of Portland men for high
paid freight . runs, discharge of a
motorman for violation of the rule re
garding flat wheel and alleged dan
gerous regulation giving freight trains
right of way over passenger.
They have no organization, but
threaten to walk out if protest Is not
Preparations Being Made to Send
, Products to San Pranclsco.
BUENA VISTA. Or.. May 30. (Spe
cial.) Preparations are under way by
the farmers and livestock breeders or
south. Polk. County to make a big ex
hibit of products at the Panama-Pacific
Exposition in 1915. The breeders of
goats, sheep, horses, cattle and hogs
expect to have their stock well repre
sented. Growers of hops, prunes and
grain say they will collect samples and
send them to San Francisco in a gigan
tic lot from Polk County.
The committee for the county, recent
ly appointed at a Salem meeting, is ac
tive in the fair preparation work.
Complexion perfection In Santlseptlo
Lotion- Adv.
Hay Crop Increased and I'sual Acre
age of Potatoes Estimated.
KIDGKFICI.D. Wash.. May 30. (Spe
cial. The rains of the fore part of the
week have been of great benefit to
Spring strain, and, wjii Increae tna
Mrs, Sarah Baber.
(Special.) Mrs. Sarah Baber, a
'pioneer of this part of the state,
died at her home ln this city
after an illness since December
30. She was born in Clark Coun
ty. Illinois, April 26. 1832, and
was married to Joseph Leaffer
ty September 6. 1849. She moved
with her husband across the
plains In 1852 and settled 12
miles from Corvallis, near Mon
roe. Mr. Leafferty and their three
children died. She was married
to C. C. Baber. of this city, in
1901. The interment will be in
the Masonic Cemetery, near Har
risburg. Her widower and two
sisters, Mrs. Matilda Holmes and
Mrs. Klixa Dowe, .both of this
city, survive.
all-day session left the muddle where
it then stood. The City Clerk held the
records showed the Fawcett ordinance
had been reconsidered and had not
passed again and that the old sp.lary
ordinance was in effect.
Mayor Makes Charier,
Mayor Fawcett charged tho whole
thing in putting through the amend
ment was a scheme to put him in i
hole, where he couldn't vote for his
own ordinance because of the amend
ment tacked on to it- He asserted
that Commissioners Mills and Woods,
who are facing a recall election for
which petitions were filed last week,
wanted to have the present City At
torney In office as Fawcett was sure
he would rule against the recall peti
tions and, also, that he would resign
lx nis salary was cut.
city Attorney T. L. Stiles in a
published statement accused Mayor
hawcett of resuming his old tactics
that had caused hia recall three years
ago and trying to dictate appointments
of the other Commissioners, naming
specifically Commissioner Drake, upon
whom Stiles said Fawcett hid attempted
to force friends. The Mayor retorted
in kind and also had a section of the
city charter read at last Wednesday's
Council meeting showing that the
Mayor is given authority to "super
vise ail oepartments.
Inslgned Warrants Likely.
Mayor Fawcett has announced that
If the City Controller draws the salary
warrants for June for city employes
on the basis of the old ordinance,
which his measure sought to supplant,
he will refuse to sign them and Com
missioner of Finance Atkins has de
clared, he will refuse to nay salary
warrants on the basis of the old rate.
The City Attorney and City Controller
both hold that the old rate is still in
effect and that the Fawcett ordinance
cutting salaries has been reconsidered.
The upshot is likely to be unsigned
salary warrants for city employes and
necessity for somebody to go into court
to unravel the tangle, unless there is
some mediation meanwhile. The con
troversy has developed more bitter
feeling than would appear.
"If the Mayor presists in his present
bulldozing- tactics they will land him
on the same rocks where he was a few
years ago." said City Attorney Stiles,
a former member of the State Supreme
Court bench, in his statement. "I was
absent when the salary ordinance was
taken up Wednesday, but I understand
the Mayor literally forced Commis
sioners Mills and Drake to vote for
the entire ordinance. As the matter
now stands, the Fawcett ordinance is
just the same as if it had received
two readings in Council and was up
for third consideration."
Emergency Machinery Kinds Place
Scheme to Prevent Delay In Serv
ice In Case of Trouble.
SPRINGFIELD, Or., May 30. (Spe
cial.) In anticipation of the early op
eration of the Booth-Kelly Lumber
' . mill ..nulrlnr thai flirnlah-
V.VMiijmilJ a .
energy, the Oregon Power Company is
making extensive improvements 10 us
Springfield plant.
A. fuel bin, 50 by 70 feet and more
than 40 feet high, has Just been com
pleted east of the powerhouse, and the
conveyor systems are In place. One
long trough leads from the Booth-
Kelly mill, across the mmrace, to me
top of the main bin. Tnrougn me
length of this bin, in a tunnel especially
constructed, another system ot chains
hauls the sawdust and planer shavings
to an elevator for lifting to the auxil
iary bin from which the furnaces are
automatically fed.
All of this machinery has been re
ceived and the chains are In place. Each
unit will be driven by its own electric
Within the power bouse, the dutcn
f the furnaces are being over
hauled and given new linings of- fire
brick. New spouts are being installed
to lead from the main supply of fuel.
down to the furnaces thernselves. The
old spouts were tapered, and round un
satisfactory, in that the fuel frequently
choked. . .. .
An auxiliary pump has been lnBiauea
for & boiler feed, as a guard against.
delay if the regular pump falls.
We are taking every precaution to
prevent a delay In our service," said
W. L. McCulloch, chief engineer in
charge of the steam plants of the Ore
gon Power Company. "We are placing
duplicate machinery in many instances.
Just to provide for emergencies.
"Another plan we nave aaoptea in
the interests of efficiency of operation
a that of shifting men from one plant
to another so that they may become
thoroughly familiar with each of the
plants that at Springfield, at AiDiny
and at Dallas. We want an tne em
ployes of the company to be able to
shift from one plant to another with
out difficulty, should occasion arise."
In pursuance of this policy, i
Brower. chief engineer of tne uaiias
plant, waa in Springfield tne urst oi
the week.
Great Sale of
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Norfolk Suits
Commencing Monday we place on sale
our entire stock of Norfolk Suits. All the
new weaves and fabrics are included in this
vast assortment.
Blue and gray . pencil stripes, tan and
gray homespun, plain tan and gray worst
eds, shepherd checks and mixtures; plain
blue serge also included.
$15.00 Norfolk Suits $12.00
$20.00 Norfolk Suits $16.00
$25.00 Norfolk Suits $1985
V ...
Sam,l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Shop for Quality and Service
Northwest Corner Third and Morrison
Ins Parade BacbN School Has) Special
Keature, Arssds Having Floral
' Representation of New Bridge.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 30. (Spe
cial.) Thirteen hundred boys and
girls of the Vancouver city schools
held their second annual May festival
on the Franklin School gr6unds Fri
day in the presence of 1500 specta
tors, mostly parents of the children.
Pupils of the various grade schools
of the city lined up on Franklin Field
before 2 o clock, each room, or acnool
carrying out some special feature in
the line of march. Arnada School, un
der the direction of the teachers, built
and decorated with real flowers a float
representing the Interstate bridge. The
float was drawn by a team of 10 Doys
driven by a little girl from the primary
At 1:50 the grand march began by
the pupils of the fifth, sixth, seventh
and eighth grades. The lines contained
460 children and formed large human
figures on the field as they marched
to music by the Franklin School Or
chestra, under the direction of Miss
Teasdale. At the close of the march
ing, finishing in a column of four, the
lines .separated, forming a lane for the
children of the first and second grades
to march through, so as to reach
place In front of the bleachers, where
they went through a number of calis-
thenlc drills.
After the drills several special fea
tures were given. Franklin School
made a fine showing with club swing
ing, the shoemaker's dance by girls
ot Columbia School, the rose song by
Harney School and the minuet by little
girls' in special costume from Central
school were heartily cheered.
Washington Lets Renters Fall
Behind in Payments.
So Liberal Have Been Terms of Com
monwealth in Fixing: Tldelandi
Ueases, Tliat Seattle Ixt, in In
stance, Kent s for $4 a Year.
OLYMPIA, Wash.. May 30. (Spe
cial.) The State of Washington has
been such an easy landlord that it has
allowed renters of agricultural and
grazing lands to fall behind more than
$50,000 in their rent, mora than half
of this sum being now uncollectible
the State Bureau of Inspection states
in a report filed with the Attorney
General, after a thorough examination
of the office of Commissioner of Pub
lic Lands.
So liberal have been the terms or the
state in fixing tide land leases, that in
one Seattle Instance, a lot In the dock
and warehouse district, on Railroad
avenue, is rented for 14 per year, the
lease having many years yet' to run.
19SO Rentals Fixed In 18SO.
Rentals for 1920, when ' Seattle, It is
estimated, will ha.'e 500.000 people,
were fixed by conditions in 1890, when
the population of the city waa 4-'.8:i7.
"If Astor had practicd the tide laud
rental methods of-the State of Wash
ington, he would have gone broke early
In the same," is the observation made
by the bureau in discussing this phase
of the situation.
A clear loss of $31,211.54 had been
sustained up to October 31. 1913
through failure to collect rentals due
on agricultural and grazing leases,
the report states, while on the date
named an additional $25,290.92 was de
linquent, but is listed as "possible to
collect." Land Commissioner Savidge
now is engaged In collection of this
Rrspprsliement Is Advised.
Reappraisment of tide land leases.
at least every five years. Is recommend
ed as tho only method of handling tills
The bureau's report concludes with a
recommendation to the Legislature that
the salary of Commissioner of Puhllj
Lands bo Increased from J:t000 to $5000.
"Two hundred and fifty dollars a
month, after the payment of house rent,
clothing, meat, grocorlos. light, water,
fuel, laundry. ct, leaves little for the
grandpa stage of life. It Is a serious
reflection on the people of this state
that their main elective officers, from
Governor to Land Commissioner, are
today working fcr honor and their
Jackson County Plans lirlilbit.
ASHLAND, Or.. May 30. (Special.)
Instead of entering a Rogue River Val
ley general display at the Panama Ex
position, Jackson County will have a
specific exhibit embracing agriculture
and horticulture, lumbering and mining.
Work has begun in a horticultural
way, especially in tbe line of processed
fruits. This specialty Is under the su
pervision of II. O. Frohbach, of this
city, the County Court having appro
priated a sura for tho purpose. Straw
berries and cherries are being handled
In this manner, and other fruits will
be handled In season.
Fine Record of Willys Truck
'Z"i I h''' v
t ' :;.y: iC4'-. Wto-
Grave Decorated, Then Luncheon I.
Served In Hall Where Unrrlirs
Are Conducted Later
ST. JOHNS. Or.. May 30. (Special.)
More than 400 school children took
part In the memorial exercises held
here today by General W. H. Compson
Post. No. 22, Grind Army of the Re
public; Compson Women's Relief
Corps, No. 62, and Peter Por
ter Circle of the Women of
the Grand Army of the Republic.
The children assembled at the Last St.
Johns School under the charge of Su
perintendent Boyd and teachers, while
the post corps and circle met at the
Spring Race Sleet, June 4 to 6, to Be
Best Held in City.
INDEPENDENCE. Or., May 30. (Spe
cial.) A Moose carnival three days of
races and a- home-coming celebration
will make the eigrfth annual Spring
race meet In this city June 4, 5 and 6
the biggest ever held here.
Arrangements hae been made for a
Moose parade Thursday morning. En
tries are all in for the harness races.
Entries for the running races close
June 1, and from Indications there will
be a large number of fast horses present.
Many Recoveries
From Lung Trouble
Eckman'i Alterative has restored to health
many sufferers from lung trouble. Read
what it did In this case:
Wilmington. Del.
"Gentlemen: .In January. li8. I was
taken with hemorrhages of the lunirs. My
physician, a lead in c practitioner, said that
It was lung trouble. I got very weak. C.
A. Lsipplncott. of Upprocott's Department
Store. Wilmington, Del, recommended
Eck man's Alterative that had done xreat
good. I began taking it at once. I con
tinued faithfully, using no other remedy,
and finally noticed the clearing of the
lunirs. I now have no trouble with my
lungs. I firmly believe Eckmin'i Altera
tive eaved my life." Abbreviated .
(Affidavit) JAS. SQl'IKES.
Kckmtn'i Alterative Is most efficacious In
broncl; lal catarrh and severe throat and
lung- affection and upbuilding the system.
Contains no harmful or habit-form Ing
drugs. Accept no substitutes. Sold by the
Owl Drug Co., and leading druggists. Write
Coowaerclftl luJi Uatt. la cbarge, $t .vjooklo. ti restrreriei,
40 SI-
1257 Denver Avenue.
Portland, Or., May 1, 1914.
Messrs. J. W. Leavitt & Co., Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to inform you that I have driven
the Willys three-quarter ton truck about 10,000 miles at a cost not to exceed
at any time 15 cents per mile. You have absolutely no idea of the work that
this truck has done through good, bad and indifferent roads, and has never
at any time refused to respond. The truck has taken the place of three teams
and saves me monthly about $250. Yours respectfully,
(COPY) (Signed) A. A .YOUNG.
What this truck has done for Mr. Young it can and will do for you.
It may be, however, that our truck is not suitable for your business. If so,
we would not sell you one.
There are some instances when sC firm cannot use a truck, but for every dne
that can't we will show you nine that can. Maybe you are one of the nine. Let'
us figure it, out for you and see. Have you stopped to think that your deliveries
by horses are costing you 30 cents pjr mile, and they are only covering 20 miles
per day? We can cover 60 miles per day at a cost not to exceed 15 cents per mile
J. "W. Leavitt
A 2444.
529-31 Washington Street.
Main 3535.