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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1914)
THE SUNDAY OEEGONIAN, PORTLAND, 3IAT 31, 1914. QUARTET OF STABS OP THE LOS ANGELES PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE CLUB WHICH CLOSES SEVEN-GAME SERIES IN PORTLAND TODAY. BOTH GAMES WOil BY LOS ANGELES SEATTLE TAKES 2 IRE FROM COLTS Portland Drops Morning En counter, 4 to 1, and Mat inee, 3 to 1. Puget Sound Team hlas Ail the "Breaks," Winning 9tb Consecutive Game. WEST'S BRILLIANCY FUTILE SCORES 5 TO 3 AND 6 TO 4 Hiram Allows but Two Hit in After noon Contest, but "Bash" Field-' ing Kobs Him of Victory. Kodgers Has Bad Day. ; WHEKK THE TEAMS PLAY THIS I WEEK. y J Pacific Coast League, June 1-7. I Sacramento at Portland 8 games ? I Man FraneiBCO at Venice 7 gamea I Los Angeles at Oakland 7 games i e Northwestern League, June 1-7. T' t-t T ti ii H at Vinrouver. . .7 Sfames ? Tacoma at Spokane 7 games X Victoria at Seattle 7 games f 7 Pacific Coast league Standings. w l pc W 1. PC Fan Fran. Venice. . . . Los Ang. . 35 24 .503 112 24 .571 31 27 .534j Sacram'nto 23 30 .455 Portland.. 21 29 .420 Oakland... 22 32 .407 Yesterday's Results. At Portland Los. Angeles 4-3, Port land j-i. At San Francisco San Francisco 9-8. Sac ramento 5-i. I At Venice Venice 4-2. Oakland 0-5. BY KOSCOE FAWCETT. Los Angeles won both games of a double bill yesterday, lut all joy is not squelched in Portland the Beavers . 'finally crossed the home plate. After going 28 innings runless, Walt McCedie sent Brashear and Fisher out to pinch hit in the ninth inning of the forenoon game and they solved Chech's delivery for a tally. Scores, 4-1 and 3-1. Hi West's defeat in the afternoon be fore 4400 fans smallest holiday crowd in years marked the fifth consecutive set-back for Portland. The blow was especially bitter because Hiram twirled one of his most brilliant games. He was scored for only two hits, but some very scraggy support by the infield robbed him of a deserved shutout. Rodeera Has) Bad Day. Bill Kodgers had a particularly bad fielding day. Perritt was in trouble several times, but, like West, the lean and lanky Texan pitched excellent ball. He al lowed five hits and had good support in the crises. In the forenoon engagement made merry by the frequent resort to "sun tield" alibis Southpaw Krause was maltreated rather harshly, yielding 12 safe swat9 as against a scattered five marked against the veteran, Charles Chech. One of the biffs oft Southpaw Harry was a home run over the right field fence by Babe Bills his second of the .. week and the Angels' third. Maggart was on the paths at the time and scored . his third run of the game. Maggart - also starred at bat with a trio of safe ties. i Pinch Hlttvra Hit. Chech pitched just such a game In the " forenoon as West in the post-prandial engagement, up to the ninth Inning. In ithat stretch but two Beavers had solved his puzzling slants. Then it was that Mack ordered Brashear and Fisher out to the hillock. Brash doubled and Fisher singled but one run was the limit, as the Angels came across with their usual heart-breaking double play. Three of the Angels' morning tallies ' were earned. In the first Inning Cap. ' Kodgers missed an easy grounder and ".let Maggert across, but Ellis' homer, counting two in the third, and the one . in the fifth from Maggert's single and Abstein's two-bagger -were not at all grstuities. Bill Kodgers handed two more across right at the Jump In the afternoon game. Then the bear-hunter steadied and cut off one hit by Maggert. How ever, the crowd heckled Bill hard all day. reminding of the stirring days of 1912, when the scrappy Irish keystoner was the object of much amusement for the two-bit fanatics. Otbrrs "Pull" Bush Staff. Bill began the second inning by muff ing Kills' fly ball. A moment later he Drummed up a sure tiouoie play ana let two runs filter across. The Angels scored thetr third tally in the eighth Inning on poor heaves by Bancroft and Kores. Portland's afternoon registration ' helped furnish a few thrills for the Hecoration day crowd. Hits by Derrick, Doane and Ryan in the sixth promised much, but Kores hit Into another dou ble play and Derrick's run Bounded . tars. Lober and Maggert were the fielding . etars of the double bill. This afternoon at 2:30 the two teams , will play the final game of the series. Score: Morning; game Angeles . I Portland B H O AE' B -H O AE Wolter.r.. 5 12 o OIBancr'ft.s 8 18 2 0 Paire.2.... 5 12 2 l'Derrick.l.. 3 0 4 20 Maa'rt.m 5 3 3 OODoane.r... 4 O 2 0 0 Abstein.l. 4 2 12 0 0'Kores.3. 4 O 0 2 0 Kills.) 6 0 0Hodgers,a. 4 0 1 3 0 2 3 15 10 3 O 1 .Inhnson.s. 3 Metsser.3 . 4 Brooks. c. 4 Chech, p.. 3 0 1 L.ouer,i . . , 1 0 sncas.m. .. o OVams.c. . . 2 0 Krause.p.. I Ryan-.... Breneg'n.c Rrashe'r IFtsher'". 0 0 00 3 10 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 0 0 0 3 00 0 0 0 0 00 Totals SS 12 27 IS 21 Totals. 5 27 SI Batted tor Yams In 6th. Batted for . Bancroft lu 1Kb.. Butted for Derrick in 9th. Los Angeles 10201000 0 4 Hits 1 1 2 1 3 t 1 O 2 12 Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Hit. 0 0 1 0 0 1 O 1 2 Huns. Maegert 3. Ellis. Brashear. Struck out by Krause 0. Buses on balls off Krause S. Two-base nils, Austein, nrenegan, mu shear. Home run, Eilis. Double plays, John sun to Fane to Abstel.i. Johnson to Ab stein. Ftolen bases. Macxert. Absteln. Runs - responsible for, Krsuse 3. Chech 0. Time, 1:4S. Umpires. Finney and Phyle. Afternoon gams I.ns Anaeles IPortland B H O AE! B H O AE Wolter.r. 3 0 0 1 Bancrofts 4 O 0 3 1 Vsce.2... :: 1 9 0 Derrick. 1. 4 3 14 10 MiiK'ert.m 3 12 OOKodgers.2. 4 0 O 6 2 Abstein.l. 2 O 15 0 0 Doaue.r. .. 4 11 00 KUis.l 4 O 2 OuRyan.m... 2 18 00 .lohnson.s. 3 O 2 .. o Kores.g. . . H 1 4 11 Mtftseer.3. 3 0 3 S 0 l.ober.l . . . 4 0 2 00 Mnk.c... 4 o 2 0 1 Kisher.c. . 4 O 2 SO Perrltt.D. 8 10 10 West. p.... 8 0 2 10 lpeas.... 0 0 0 00 Totals- 2S 2 27 IS:' Totals. 32 5 27 15 4 r Ran for Ryan in uth. Los Angeles o 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 ; H!:s - 1 1 0 0 O 0 O O 0 2 1 Poi llnllil O O O O 0 1 0 0 0 1 Hits 0 1 1 O 0 8 0 0 0 3 ;' Runs, Wolter. Ellis. Metsger. Derrick. B Struck out by f'errttt 2. eat 2. Bast-S on J bsl's, oft PtiiUt 2, orr west 3. Double plays, j. Puiie id Johnson to Abstein. Sacrifice hits, t Johnson. Absteln 2-. Page. btolen ba Maiieert 2, Derrick. Hit by pitched bail, by tPerrut Rysn. Runs responsible for, Perritt 1. West 0. Time, 1:30. Umpires, Phyls and ; Finney. 1 SAX FRANCISCO TAKES BOTH First Game Won, 8 to 6, Second 9 to i 5 Against Sacramento. ) SA,N FRANClriCO, May SO. San J Francisco took two games today from Sacremonto and ' clinched the series. - wininir themornlng game, 8 to 6, and the afternoon game. 9 to 5. Fanning pitched a steady game for the Seals in the morning: and was backed up by good hitting:. In the second same Barham began the game in the box for the Seals but weakened in the sixth inning and gave way to Standridge. While Barham was in he walked five Senators. Cartwright, O'Leary, Fitzgerald and Del Howard contributed -to the Seals' victory with two-base hits. Scores: Morning game (at Oakland) Sacramento - L San Francisco BHOAEI BHOAE 3hinn,r. . . Moran.m.. 3alllnan,3 Pappa.r. . Tennant,L Young, s. .. JoilUan.2. Elannah.c. rCremer.p. Lynn.c. . .. VanBu'n. Coy.r -olwell.p. (Vol'ton. O O 1 OjCart'ight.m 5 2 3 0 0O'Leary,3. 5 2 5 1 l 3 4 1 1 0 o 2 11 03 HSchaller.l.. 3 0 1 0 0;Downs,2.. 4 110 1 0 Fitxsr'ald.r 3 1 2 4 0 Howard, 1.. 3 1 3 0!Charles,s. . 3 0 O 0 Clark, c 4 0 1 o'Fanning.p. 4 1 2 1 3 O0 0 O 20 4 2 0 . o o (! O O0 0 0 0 0 0 01 10 0 lagle,p. . Totals. 3S 9 24 15 11 Totals. 34 1127 12 2 Batted for Kremer In seventh. Batted lor Colwell in ninth. Sacramento .0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 Hits 1 O 0 0 0 0 5 2 1 an Francisco 0 1411100 8 Hits O 0 5 2 3 2 1 0 12 Runs Tennant. Youncr 2. Collijtan. Lynn. Van Buren. Cartwright 2, O'Leary 2, Schal ler. Fitxgerald. Howard. Jlgnt runs, lu nits. 23 at oat off Kremer in ti innings; no runs. hit. 3 at bat off Colwell in 1 inning: charge defeat to Kremer. Three-base hit, Moran. Sacrilica fly. Shinn. Two-base hits, Cart wright. Downs. O'Leary, Howard, cnarles. arrince hits. Howard, hhtnn. htoien Dases. Cartwright. Schaller. Clark. First base on called balls, Kremer 2, Colwell 1. Fanning 3. Struck out. by Colwell 2, by Fanning 1. Hit by pitcher, Tennant. Lett on oases, eacra mento 6, San Francisco 8. Runs responsible for, Kremer 7, Fanning 6. Wild pitch, Kre mer. Time of game, 2 hours. Umpires, Hayes and Guthrie. Afternoon game Sacramento . 1 San Francisco B H O AE B H O A IS Shlnn.l. .. O O.C'twr'ht.m 1 2 0 2 3 0 Moran.m. 0 u. O'Leary. 3. 1 tvSchaller.l. O 0jDowns.2... 0 1 Fitxg'ald.r 3 2 Howard.l. o U'Charles.s.. 0 ljciarke.c... 2 O Barham.p. 1 0,st'dr'dge.p 0 0 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 Halllnan.3 Coy.r 0 0 20 1 0 0 0 7 O 0 0 0 1 1 0 ennant.l ouna.s. . olligan.2 Hannah. c Kl'w'ter.D Arell'nes.p v Kuren.i .ynn. . .. 0O olw-ell.p. 0 01 0 Oi W'v'ton" Totals. .37 13 24 12 4! Totals. .35 11 27 14 Batted for Arelianes In eighth batted ior troiweu in ninth. Sacramento 00002200 1 5 Hits 2 1 O 1 2 1 2 2 13 San Francisco 23 00000 9 Hits 3 3 O O 4 0 1 0 11 Runs, Shlnn. Young 2, Colllpan. Klawltter, Cartwright 2, O'Leary 2, Schaller. Downs. Fitxgerald. Howard, Charles. Sight runs. 9 its otr Klawltter in 4 innings. - an dsi. eken out In fifth. 1 on. 1 out. 4 runs. 7 hits off Barham In 5 Innings, 21 at bat. iiken out In sixth. 3 on, no outs, one run, hits off Arreuanes in 3 innings, 19 at bat. Three-base hit. Schaller. Credit victory to Barham. Two-base' hits. Cartwright. O'Leary, Fitxgerald. Howard. Sacrifice fly, iuoran. unartce aereai lo itiawitier. rirsi base on called balls. Klawltter 1, Barham Arelianes 1. standrluee 2. struck out. Klawltter 4. Barham 2. Arelianes 2, Stand- loge 2. Hit by pitcher, uowns by niawu- ter, Clarke by Arelianes. Double plays. Young to Colllgan to Tennant. Charles to Downs to Howard. Left on bases. Sacra mento 13, San Francisco tt. Passed balls. Tlarke :;. Kuns responsible Tor. Mawiuer Arelianes 1 Karham 2. Standrluae 1. Wild pitches, Barham 2. Time of game, 2:02. Umpires, Guthrie and Hayes. OAKS ASD VENICE DIVIDE Commuters Take Afternoon Game After Losing Morining Tilt. LOS ANGELES. May 30. By hitting Fleharty hard in the pinches, Oakland today won the afternoon game from Venice after being defeated in tne morning, 4 to 0. The Tigers In the sec ond game could not find Ramey's of ferings and got only tnree nits. in the sixth Inning Ramey showed signs of weakening and was replaced by Christian. Scores: Morning game lluklnnd I Venlc BHOAE 3 0 8 0 0 B H o A KpjarilBie.i Vliddleton.l 4 1 2 1 1 0 4 0 0Leard,2... 3 3 0 5 0 0 Kayior.r.. 4 0 OtKane.m-. . 3 0 OBayless.r. . 4 5 0 Litschl,3. . 3 1 OAl'Donnell.l 4 1 l:lcArule.s. 2 1 0 Bliss, c 2 1 0'Powell.p. . 2 Zacher.m. 4 1 0 1 0 Hetling.S. 2 Ness.l.... 8 0 1 0 13 1 0 0 2 1 0 OOK.S.... if luest.2... 8 2 1 0 0 1 0 Mltze.c 0 1 illllay.p.' 3 1 0 4 Oj Totals.. 29 4 24 13 1 K Totals... 25 6 27 8 1 Oakland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits ..u u o -i a o o Venice 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 I Hits 2 z u l x u v u o Runs Carlisle. Leard 2, Litschi. Sacrifice hits McArdle, Bliss, Leard, Litschi 2, Pow ell. Kane. Runs responsible for KUlllay 2. Bases on balls Oft Powell 1, on iwuuay a. struck out By Powell 4. by Klllilay 1. Dou ble plays Powell to jicaraie to aituuii nell. Kane to McDonnell to Leard. Stolen bases Klllilay. Passed ball Ml tie. Um plres McCarthy and Held. Time 1:27. Afternoon game - niciand I Venice II II U A r. It 11 UA t Middle'n.l 5 0 1 0 OlCarllsle.l. . 1 0 3 1U Kayior.r. u 4 t oi Le&ru,. ... 2 1 OOJvane.m. .. 1 0 3 01 Bayleas.r. 1 13 1 OiLitschl.3.. 1 3 3 OlM'Don ll.l 3 0 2 5 0 3 O 3 0 0 3 O 0 0 3 2 2 8 0 4 0 11 4 0 3 0 2 30 3 14 0 0 3 0 0 11 Zacher.m. Hetung.3. Ness.l... . Cook.s. . Guest. 2. . Alexan'r.c Ramey.p. Quintan . 1 2 5 OiMcArdle.s. 4 2 2 3 O Elllott.c 1 1 OiFleharty.p O 0 0! 0 0 H Chrisfn.p Totals. 34 11 27 17 0 Totals. 26 3 27 19 1 Batted for Ramey in seventh. Oakland 0 10 9 1 2 0 0 1 5 lilts 1 ' 1 U - .1 1 ' ' X J 1 Venice O 0 0 O O 2 0 0 o 2 Hits O 1 U o 1 1 o u u a Runs. Zaeher. Hetling. Ness, Guest 2. Carlisle. Bavless. Three hits 2 runs off Ramey. IS at bat. In 6 innings. Credit vic tory to Kamey. 1 nree-oase mis. . ttamey. Cook. Two-base hits. Guest, Alexander 2, Litschi. Sacrifice hit, Ness. Runs respon- sibel for. Fleharty 4. Ramey 2. Bases on lis. off Fleharty . on itamey orr Christian 1. Struck out. by Fleharty 2. by Ramey 1, by christian i. uouoie piays, Kavlor to Ness to Ramey: Litschi to Mc Donnell to McArdle; Hetling to Guest to Ness. Stolen bases. Christian. Kane. Hit by pitcher, Kane by Ramey, Hetling by Fle harty. Tim. i:o. empires, neia ana Ala- Carthy. AMERICAN LEAGUE. St. Louis 1-2, Detroit 2-0. ST. LOUIS May SO. Detroit and St Louis broke even In the two games here today, 2-1 and 0-2. Covaleskl won his game In the eighth inning of the first contest when his single sent Moriarity across the plate with Detroit's run. The scores: First garaa Detroit I St. Louis BUOAE B Bush.s... 4 0 4 4 0Howard.m 3 Cav n'h.2. 4 0 1 2 (; Austin. 3. . 4 High.m.. 3 11 OOPratt.2 4 Crawford.r 4 0.1 OOiWilliamar 8 . H O AE 0 2 0 0 0 111 0 2 3 0 0 10 0 1 2 OO 0 11 10 O 5 3 0 0 8 10 0 .O 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 27 11 1 Veach.l... 4 1 3 0 0C. Walker.l 4 Burns.1... 4 0 lo OOJLeary.l 3 Morlarty.S 2 0 0 SliWeres.s.. S Stanage.c 3 17 OO'Agnew.c. 2 C'v'1'ske.p 3 10 1 liHamilton.p 3 IMlller 0 Totals. 31 4 27 12?' Totals. Batted for Williams in 9th. Detrolt O O O O O 0 2 O 2 St. Louis 0 O 0 0 1 0 0 0 O 1 Runs, Veacn, Moriarity, C. Wa'ktr. Two- : : ri4v sj ia :f base hit. Walker. Sacrifice hit. Leary. Left ltWVV ' 4f C? I I on bases. Detroit 8. St. Louis 5. Bases on VT j' ' XSN.' W- JT V. : t A. 4 t J I ' balls, off C'ovaleskle 3. off Hamilton 1. Hit jT .' if i ' iS V . I by pitcher, by Hamilton (High. Struck ? JT?tir W - - J ? " - out. by Covaleskle 7, by Hamilton 2. Passed ft, N. Si a f V. s- V S ball. Agnew. Time, X:45. Umpires Con- i 1j - VS. Ss. s"?- -': H f N,, tJP nolly and Dineen. . NS VSV f .Nss:- y Vjir n : ... .? - if Afternoon game: - 'xjr j -J Detroit I St. Louis s.i r i i 'Jr ' M Bush.s. . . Kav'ngh,2 Hlgh.m. .. Cr'wfrd.r. Veach.l. .. Hums. 1 . .. Mori'rty.3 Stanage.c. Main. p. ... Dubuc. . . Hall.p 'Heilman Totals. 30 8 24 16 1 Batted for Main in eighth.. Batted for High in ninth. Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Runs, C. Walker, Wares. Two-base hit. Walker. Hits, off Main 2 in 7 innings, off Hall 1 In 1. Sacrifice hits. Wares. Austin, Crossln. Sacrifice fly, Leary. Stolen base, Pratt. Double play. Weilman to Austin to Leary. Left on basos, St. Louis 5, Detroit 8. Bases on balls, off Main 4. Hit by pitcher, by Main, Crossin. Struck out, by Main 4, by Weilmart 5. Wild pitch. Main. Time, 1:42. Umpires, Dineen and Connolly. Washington 6-2, Boston 4-7. BOSTON, May 30. Washington took the first and Boston the second of to day's games. Shaw's wildness in the first inning of the afternoon decided the contest at the outset in Boston's favor. The scores: Morning same Washington I Boston B H O AE! B H O AE Moeller.r. Foster.3.. Milan. m. . Gandil.l. . Shanks.l .. Moriran.2. McBrlde.s Henry. c. . Ayers.p. . En gel, p. . 5 110 O'Hooper.r.. 3 2 4 1 0 1 1 OlScott.s 3 0 3 5 OllLewls.l 5 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 8 2 OlSpeaker.m. 3 3 0 0.Tanvrin,2. 1 0Gardner,3.. 3 0 Galner.l . . 1 oOarr.igan.c 0 2Thonias,c. 1 OILeonard.p jCollins.p... iCoumbe.p. Henrlksen IRehg"... 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals f.4 1127 ! 3 Totals. 30 8 26 11 2 Batted for Collins in seventh. Batted for Coumbe in ninth. McBrlde out, hit by batted ball. Washington 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Boston 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Runs, Moeller 2. Foster. Milan 2. McBrlde, Hooper. Gardner, Gainer, Thomas. Two base hits, Gardner, Gainer, Gandil. Henry. Three-base hits. Hooper 2. Milan. Hits, oft Ayers 3 in 1 (none out In second). Engel 5 In 8, Leonard 4 in 2 2-3. Collins 4 in 4 1-3, Coumbs 3 in 2. Sacrifice hits. Carrlan 2. .Tanvrln 1. Sacrifice fly, Scott. Stolen bases, McBrlde, Moeller. Double plays. Foster. Gandil, Shanks, Hooper and Carrigan; Mc Brlde and Morgan. Left on bases, Wash ington 5. Boston 8. Bases on balls, off Engel 4. Leonard 2. Collins 2. Bases on errors. Washington 1. Boston 1. Struck out, by Ayers 2, Engel 1, Collins 1, Coumbe 2. Hit by pitcher, by Engel (Scott). Wild pitch, Engel. Tims, 2:25. Umpires, Chill and Sheridan. Second game Washington I Boston AE 1 0 Hooper.r.. 1 OlScott.s. . .. 0 01 Lewis. 1 . a Moeller.r. 4 Foster.3.. 8 4 0 2 3 olshotten.m. 3 1 2 00 I O"5. . .. Vr'iTSSs: ' m 1 1 -K'-if t 4 1 2 4 0Austin.3... 3 0 1 20 I !? f 5g "T tmmi- - sTf f 3 0 10 OlPratt.2 4 0 0 2 1 I ! i . - - Sii - '-ZImr' t 1 3 2 1 OOWllliams.r 4 0200 I I . in m ,aSS' ?T i I 3 O 0 0 0 C.Walker.I 1 1 3 00 I 'r' ?J ;Jt V f I 3 0 12 1 0 Leary.l.... 2 112 10 I ! -&: Jr . ' ( f I 3 0 1 2 0Wares.s... 2 0 1 2 0 . rWJt . , j-V SassBiSSSSSSSSSSsJ 3 0 3 OOCrossin.c. 1 0 5 00 LV" 5 Sk. 2 0 16 1 Weilman.p 3 0 1 4 0 Hiisiff V 1 -Wfl. v'Hjf 0 o i oo AwKer V , , v.. 1 o o oo . -S-tfa Totals. 23 8 27 111 IT B H O AE 4 14 0 0 3 0 3 10 2 O 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 4 3 0 3 1 1 O 0 3 17 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 4 10 2 0 Milan. m.. 4 Gandil.l.. 4 Shanks.1. 4 Morgan. 2. 4 2 OjSpeaker.m 0 0 Janvrln,2.. Gardner,3. Galner.l. . 0 1 1 1 11 McBrlde.s 2 Henry, c. 1 Wllliams,c 2 Thomas.c. 0 0! 1 0 0 0 3 0 Bedlent.p. Sliaw.p... 0 Ayers.p. . X Cashion.p 1 Schaef'r" l 0 01 Total. 81 B 23 10 8 Totals. 27 4 27 Lewis hit by batted ball, --.tiaiieo. ior Ayers in fifth. Washington .-..0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 Boston 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 7 Runs,- McBrlde, " Henry, Hooper. Scott. Speaker, Janvrln 2, Gainer. Two-base hit. Schaeffer. Hits off Shaw 1 In 1-3, off Ayers none in 3 2-3, off Cashion 3 in 4. Sacritice hit, Lewis. Sacrifice fly. Foster. Stolen bases. Speaker, Janvrin, Gardner, Hooper. Double play. Moeller. CashlOD and Morgan, Left on bases. Washington 6, Boston 5. Bases on balls, off Shaw 5, off Cashion 2. off Bedlent 3. Base on errors, Boston 2. Hit by pitcher, by Cashion (Lewis). Struck out by Ayers 4, Cashion 2, Bedlent 5. Passed ball. Henry. Wild pitch. Shaw. Time, 1:30. Umpires. Chill and Sheridan. New York 0-10, Philadelphia 8-5. NEW YORK, May 30. New York broke even on the day with Phila delphia by taking a weird game this afternoon, 10 to 5, after losing the morning game 8 to 0. The Athletics showed the worst pitching In New York this season, the four visiting pitchers, Pennock, Wyckotf, Bush and Bressler, passing 14 men, hitting two others and throwing three wiid pitches. New York also stole eight bases, while 16 were left on bases. The scores: Morning garni Philadelphia I B H O A El Murphy.r 5 2 3 0o;: Oldrlng.l. 6 2 O 0 0! Coilins.2. 4 2 2 li Baker,!.. 4 3 1 SO; Mclnnls.l 1 1 11 0 1, Strunk.m. 8 2 2 0 0! Barrv.s... 4 0 0 8 0, Schang.c. 4 0 8 0 01 Sh'wk'y.p 4 0 0 2Ui New York H O A E 13 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 O 3 , 0 2 1 11 2 4 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 00 0 0 1 1 2 0 00 7 1 00 2 0 0O iwarnop.p. 'Caldwell. IPieh.p. . . . IBoone. . I 0 0 0 Totals. 34 12 27 8 11 Totals. 35 8 27 18 2 Batted for Warhop in seventh- Ratted for Heh in ninth. x,iiQHiT.hiB . . 2OOO0SO2 1 8 New York 00000000 0 0 Runs. Murphy 2. Oldring. Collins 3, Ba-lr- Ttaae on errors. Philadelphia 1. Two- base hits. Mclnnis. - Collins. Cook. Home run Murphv. Sacrifice hits. Strunk. Mcln nis. Sacrifice fly. Mclnnis. Stolen bases, Williams, Nunamaker. Left on bases. New York 0, Philadelphia 4. Double plays. Peckinpaugh and Truesdale; Mclnnis (un assisted). Bases on balls, off Warhop 1, off Pleh 1. off Shawkey 1. Struck out, by Wariioo 2. by Pieh 1. y ShawKey S. passed hall Srhane. Hits, off Cole. 4 In 1-J in ning: off Warhop. 4 in 6 2-3: off Peih. 4 in 2. Time. 1:56. Umpires. Hildebrand and O'Loughlin. Second game Philadelphia I New lork BHOAE! BHOAE Murphy.r. 3 O 1 Oldiing.m 4 3 1 Collins. 2.. 4 0 0 Baker.3.. 5 12 Mclnnia.1. 4 3 8 Strunk.l.. 4 11 Barry. a... 5 11 ItPP.c . . . 2 0 4 Pennock.p. 10 0 Wyckoff.p. 10 0 Schang.c. 2 14 Bush.p... O 0 O Daley... 10 0 Bressler.p .001 O u Malsrl.3. . 4 o 0 2 0 0 OHartxell.l. 5 2 3 00 3 llCook.r 4 3 0 00 4 O VValsh.m. . 3 2 4 01 1 OIN'amaker.c 4 0 3 2 0 0 OlPec k p h.s. 3 0 6 20 3 OAYilliams.l. 2 0 8 20 0 0 Truesdale.2 3 0 1 40 O lljaldwell.p. a 1 2 3 0 1 01 o o o ) o o; Totals. .36 10 24 12 2 Totals... 38 8 27 15 1 Batted for Bush in eighth. Philadelphia 4 0010000 O 5 New York 0 2 0 1114 1 10 Runs Oldring, Collins, Baker, Mclnnis, Wyckoff, Malsel, Hartxell 2, Cook 2, Walsh, Nunamaker, Peckinpaugh, Williams. Trues H lo Two-base hits Barry. Caldwell. Walsh. Sacrifice hit Maisel. Stolen bases Strunk. Truesdale, Hartxell. Walsh. Peck inpaugh 2. Nunamaker, Cook. Walsh. Left on oases .-ew x vi n, . r iin.uciiJiiia , . - Double blav Barry and Mclnnis. Bases on balls Off Caldwell 6. Pennock 4. Wyckoff 7. Bush 3. Struck out -By Caldwell 2, Wvrknff 4. Bush 2. Hit by pitcher By ruiffh i Williams!, by Caldwell (Oldring). by Bressler (Cook). wua pitches w yckorr, iti riressier. Passed bail Lapp. Hits Ott Pennock 3 in 2 1-3 innings: oft Wyckoff. 1 in 2 2-3 Innings: off Bush 8 In 2 innings; oft" Brassier 1 m 1 Inning. Time 2:43. Um pires O'Loughlin and Hlldebrund. Chicago 6-1 j, Cleveland S-2. CLEVELAND, May 30. Cleveland and Chicago split even on the two games here today, Chicago winning the morning game by 8 to 3 and Cleveland taking the afternoon game by 2 to 1. The scores: Morning garni Chicago Cleveland BHOAE Weaver.B. Chase.l. .. Demmltt.l Collins,r. Bodle.m. . Schalk.c . Alcock,3.. Berger,2.. Clcotte,p. 5 S 1 2 lLlebold.m, 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 12 4 0 0 3 12 3 11 3 18 0 0 Bisland.s.. 0 OjGraney.l. . 0 Of Jackson. r. 0 0 Lajoie,2. .. 0 OjJohnston.l S l!Turner.3. .. 4 2 2 IB 00 2 13 2 0 111 0 0 10 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 11 2 1 OlO'Xeill.c... 0 2 0 Mitchell, p. SBlanding.p LeaveH.. Totals. 32 8 27 8 2 Totals. 34 6 27 15 7 Batted for Mitchell In seventh. Cleveland t 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 Chicago .....1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Runs, Weaver 2, Demmitt. Bodie. Schalk, Berger. Bisland. Graney, Turner. Innings pitched, 5 runs and 6 hits off Mitchell In 7. 1 run and ! hits off Blandtng In 2. Two base hit, Jackson. Three-base hits. Alcock. Weaver. Turner. Home run. Weaver; Sac rifice hits, Collins, Schalk, Cicotte. Sacritice fly. Chase. Stolen bases, Johnston. Lajole 2. Bases on balls, off Mitchell 1, oft Blanding 1 off Cicotte 1. Base on errors. Clevclana 1, Chicago 1. Left on bases, Cleveland 5. Chicago 5. Struck out, by Cicotte 6. Double Slays. Alcock. Berger to Chase. Passed ball, -chalk. Time, 1:40. Umpires, Egan and Evans. Second name Cleveland Chi BHOAE BHOAE Wood.l.. Bisland.s. Graney. 1 . . Jackson, r. LaJole,2. . Turner,3. . Bir'h'm.m O Nelll.c. . Steen.p. . . 112 0 0Weaver,s.. 0 3 II n Chase.l 111 O'Demmltt.I. 0 O O ilColllns.r. .. 3 12 2 0 4 4 4 1 11 0 0 1 1 c 2 0 0 2.U1 0 2 0 (111. 3 2 2 0Bodic.m... 2 it Schalk.c. .. 0 O Alcock.3. . 3 O'Berger.2. . 7 0 Russell. p. . Scott, p. . . . 3 O 4 2 :t i o o o 0 3 u Totals.. 27 7 27 19 01 Totals.. .30 24 10 2 10000001 2 Cleveland Chicago. . . . 01000000 0 1 Runs. Wood. Bisland. Collins. Hits 1 run, 2 hits off Russell In 1 Inning, and none out In second; 1 run and 5 hits off Scott in 7 Innings. Two-base hit. Collins. Three- base hit. Graney. sacririce nits uoaie, Weaver. Lajoie, Graney. Sacrifice fly. Graney. Base on balls, off Scott 3. Left on bases, Cleveland i. unicagg i. oiruca out, by Steen 3, by Scott 6. Double plays, Lajole, Bisland and Wood; Scott to Schalk; Steen. Turner to Wood. Time, 1:45. Um pires, Evans and Egan. - NATION AIj IiEAGUK. Chicugo 6-2, St. Louis 4-4. CHICAGO, May. SO. Chicago and St. Louis divided honors today, Chicago winning the first by 6 to 4 and losing the second, 2 to 4. scores: First game St. Louis I Chicago BHOAE BHOAE Hugglns.2. Magee.l . . . 3 11 4 0 Leach. m.. 4 13 0 0 4 110 1 3 2 11 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 4 110 0 2 0 0 7b 2 0 2 3 0 3 0 7 3 0 2 0 0 2 1 3 11 4 0 3 0 OlGood.r Dolan.r... 4 1 OSaier.l 0 0;Zim'man.3. 0 o Schulte.l . . 0 0jSweeney.2. 1 O.Corriden.s. 0 o Archer.c. . 3 1 Vaughn. p.. 1 1 1 0 0 0i J.Miller.l. 3 Wilson, m.. 4 Butler.s. . . 4 Wingo.c.n 2 O'Connor.c 1 7 2 Beck. 3 4 Doaii.p... 2 Steele.p.. 1 Whined'. 1 Totals. .32 8 24 11 21 Totals... 28 7 27 15 2 Batted for Steele In ninth. St. Louis 0210OO01 0 4 Chicago 00015000 6 Runs Mine. J. Miller. Butler. Wlngo. Leach, Good, Sater 2, Corriden, Archer. Two base hit, Saler. Three-base hit. Good. Hits off rinak- -A in 4 1-3 Innlnas: off Steele. 4 In 3 2-3 Innings. Sacrifice hits, Magee. Archer. Sweeney, stolen bases, Butler, Wingo, Ma gee, saler, Zimmerman, ocnuim vouuic plays. Sweeney to Corriden to Saler; Archer to Zimmerman. Left on bases. St. Louis 5, Chicago 5. Bases on balls, off Vaughn 3. off Doak 5. Struck out. by Doak 1, by Vaughn 4, by Steele X. wua pitcn. e-ieeie. Time, 2:13. Umpires, Byron and Orth. Second game St. Louis I Chicago B H O AE! B H O AE Huggins,2 Mauee.l... 3 1 a 2 1 Leach, m.. 4 0 8 00 4 0 1 0 0'Good.r 3 2 2 10 0 0 O 0 Oijhnston.r 1 O 1 00 2 0 2 0 OSaier.l 4 110 10 3 0 10 0 0 Z m'rro'n.3 4 1 2 00 4 0 4 0 0 Schulte.l.. 4 0 0 00 4 8 1 2 0;sweeney.2 4 1 3 40 2 17 OO Corriden.s 3 O 4 4 0 3 O 0 4 0 Archer.c. 3 1 2 21 3 0 O 2 OiSmith.p... 1 0 O 10 IMollwitx. 1 0 0 0O Cruise. 1. . Dolan.r. . . J. Miller.l Wilson, m. lngo.c Beck. 3. .. Sallee.p.. jStack.p... 0 O 0 00 Totals. .285 27 10 1 Totals. .32 6 27 13 1 Batted for Smith in eighth. St. Louis G 102000 1 0 1 Chicago 0O 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Runs. Hugglns. Butler 2, wingo, baler. Zimmerman. Three-base nits. aweenej. Homa run Wlma Hits. Off Smith. 5 in Si off Stack, none in 1. Stolen base. Hugglns. Double plays, Echulte to Sweeney; Corri den unasaiiien. 111 mi, uoqco, uwuma , Chicago 5. Bases on balls, off Smith 4. off Salle 1. orf Stack 1. Struck out. by Smith 1. by Salle 2. Time, 1:40. UmsSres, Orth and ttyron. New York 11-4, Brooklyn 1-0. BROOKLYN. May 30. New York took both games from Brooklyn today and slid Into first place. The scores were 11 to 1 and and '4 to 0. Scores: Afternoon game New York Brooklyn- B H o a r. BHOAE 4 14 2 0 1 4 17 0 1 4 0 8 2 O .4120-1 . 3 1 4 3 o 4 0 1 o 0 t 3 1 4 2 0 . 8 2 2 4 1 .10 0 2 0 . 0 0 0 0 O . O 0 0 0 0 . O 0 0 1 0 ' 1 O 0 0 0 '. 1 O 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 0 ".83 t 27 16 8 4 3 0 OjDalton.m. 0 0 2 1 2 OiSmith.S. .. 0 0 0 0.Wheal.l-. 2 4 1 1 Cutshaw.2 Burns.1. . . 8 Gra' 4 .. O Dovle.2b.. 3 Merkle.l.. 4 Snodg's.rf. 4 Stock. 3b.. S Meyers.c. 4 McLean.c. 0 Demaree, p a Plcx 0 1 5 2 2 0 1 2 8 0 1 1 OlStengel.rf 0 0 2 0 Miller, c. 1 01Ragan.p. O 1 10 Brown. p.. 0 0 0 OWagner.p. iKumme!" :r iscner---. J" .82 18 27 8 1 Totals .82 IS 27 8 1 Totals Ran for Meyers in eighth. Batted for Ragan in fifth. Batted for Allen in seventh. Batted for Wagner In ninth. New York O 200 0 2 0 4 3 11 Brooklyn 0 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Runs Beseher, Burns 2. Grant. Doyle 8. Merkle. Snodgrass 2, Stock. Stengle. Left on bases New- York 4: Brooklyn 8. Two base hits Dalton. Miller, Beseher. Doyle. Three-base hit Merkle. Sacrifice hit Mer kle. Sacrifice fly Snodgrass. Stolen bases Beseher. First base on errors New York 1: Brooklyn 1. pouble plays Beseher and Doy'; Smith and Daubert, Bases on balls Off Demaree 3; Ragan 4: Allen 1: Brown 2: Wagner 1. Struck out By Demaree 3; Wagner 1. Hits Off Regan 3 In five; Allen 4 In two; Brown, none with none out; Wag ner 6 In two. Time 2:05. Umpires Klem and Hart. Afternoon game New York 1 Brooklyn BHOAEi BHOAE Besch'r.m Burns, 1.. . Grants. . . Doyle,2. . . Merkle.l. Snodgrs,r Stock.3. . . Meyers.c. Tesreau.p 4 13 OODalton.m. . 4 13 0 0 3 18 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 4 113 0 4 0 3 00 3 15 2 0 4 1 3 00 4 2 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 10 0 O 0 1 0 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O 1 0 1 0 0 4 2 3 O OlDaubert.l. 3 2 1 4 1Allen,p 3 0 4 3 OiSmlth.3. . . 4 2 9 1 OIWheat.1.. . 4 2 3 0 0!Cuts-w.c-2 4 113 UStengel.r.. 4 12 2 OlElberfld.s 4 11 1 0;Mlller.c. . IFlscher.c. !ReuIb'ch.p Erwln CMara". IRagan.p. . tiummet.t Totals. 84 12 27 14 21 Totals. 33 8 26111 Batted tor Reuloach in third. Ran for Erwin in third. tMerkle out tor interference with thrown ball. New York 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Brooklyn 0 O0O0O 0 0 0 0 Runs. Bums 2, Grant, Tesreau. Left on bases. New York 5, Brooklyn 7. Two-base hit, Cutshaw. Sacrifice files. Grant and Doyle. Sacrifice hit, Cutshaw Base on er rors, Brooklyn 2. Stolen bases. Burns. Grant. Double plays. Grant. Doyle and Merkle; Smith, Cutshaw and Hummel. Bases on balls, off Tesreau 1. Struck out, by Tesreau 1, by Raxan 1. Hits, off Reul bach 6 in 3, off Raran 5 in 5, off Allen 1 in 1. Time, 1:39. Umpires, Klem and Hart. Boston 7-3, Philadelphia 8-2. PHILADELPHIA, May 30. Boston evened up tor Its defeat in the morning in 11 Innings by 8 to 7 by winning a 10-inning contest from Philadelphia in the afternoon, 3 to 2. The visitors scored the winning tally of the after noon game on Mann's single, Cocre ham's sacrifice and Evers' double. Scores: x Morning game Boston I Philadelphia B H OAK BHOAE 0 3 2 2 1 Evers. 2 M'nvllle.s IJonnolly.l. Gilbert, m. . . Schmidt, 1 Whaling.c Martin, 3. . Murray. r.. Collins. r. . Rudolph, p Tyler. p. . . James. p. . 2 5 3 0 Byrne.2. . . 0 4 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 12 1 8 4 . . 0 OlAlex'der.p 0 0Lobert.3. .. 3 1 1 o o 3 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 Magee.l . , l o; l o Killlfer.c. Cravath.r. . 4 1 1 0 Oll.uderus.l. 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 3 O Mattlson.p. 0 3 1K1 10 3 0 0 O 0 0 0 4 10 2 110 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 relan.s . .. Burns.c. .. Deyore.m . Marshall.p Oeschger.p Becker.l.. o o 0 0 1 ,Ooolnt Totals. .41 12 31 12 1 Totals. 451733 152 One out when winnlna run scored. IHaI. ted for Heed in ninth. Boston 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Philadelphia 0 000111130 1 8 Runs Connolly, Gilbert, Schmidt. Whal ing 2. Martin 2. Lobert. Magee, Killifer, Cravath 3, Luderus. Devore. Two-baa hits Murray. Lobert. Devore. Cravath 3. Killi fer, Luderus. Hits Off Rudolph 10 in 7 2-3 innings: off Tyler, 4 in 1 l-:i innings: oft James, 3 in 1 1-3 innings; on Marshall. 7 in 4 Innings (none out In fifth), Oeschger, none in 1 inning; Mattlson, 4 In 4 innings, Alexander, 1 in 2 innings. Sacrifice hits Schmidt. Evers. Devore. Sacrifice fly Evers. Double plays Maranville, Evers and Schmidt; Devore and Luderus. Left on bases Boston 15. Philadelphia 14. Bases on balls Off Rudolph 4, off Tyler 2, off Mar shall 3. off Mattlson 4, off Alexander 1. Base on errors Boston 1, Philadelphia 1. Hit by pitcher by Rudolph (Magee), by Marshall (Rudolph, Connolly), by Oeschger (Murray). Struck out By Rudolph 4, by Tyler 1. by Marshall 2. by Oeschger 1. by Mattlson 1. by Alexander 2. Wild pitch B&seball Statistics STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS. National League. W. L. Pct.t W. L. Pet. 15 18 .4.15 14 18 .438 17 22 .4.16 10 22 .313 New York. 21 11 .6.ri0!PhIIa. Pittsburg.. 21 18 .61S! Brooklyn. . Cincinnati. 24 15 .615Ch!cago. . , St. LOUIS., llf 22 .4tHS,Boston American League. 21 IS .61S Boston. ... 23 15 .o:liChlcago. .. Phlla 17 19 .472 18 21 .4112 Wash'ton. Detroit 23 16 .5IMl;New York.' 3 n 20 .428 St. Louis. 1 19 -472CIeveland. . 13 24 .351 Federal League. Baltimore ?11 RhT,. in ia iti St. Louis. IS IS .500 Brooklyn. . 14 16 .467 Buffalo. . .. 16 16 .500 Kan. City. 17 20 .459 Chicago. . . 11 AS .ftott.inu-polls. .. 14 17 .453 American Association. Milwaukee 22 15 .595'Minn'polls. 18 in 4Sn inapous.. z.i li .aiaman. City. 21 24 4f.7 Columbus. 21 19 .52oiCleveland. . 19 22 .463 Louisville 22 20 .524iSt- Paul 15 25 .375 Western League. Sioux City 29 14 .650Llncoln 19 21 .475 Denver.... 28 15 .OKl'Omaha. . . . lti 21 .432 at. josepn lit .n'.t.iiwicnita. . .. 15 25 .3 Des Moines 20 lu .5uUTopeka. . . . 13 27 .325 TJnlon Association. Salt Lake. IS 11 .02i:.Murray 16 14 .533 Boise IS 12 .IK") Butte 11 18 .379 uguen..-. .. AO 14 .ooo, Helena . lo 20 .333 Yesterday's Re-mlts. American Association -Columbus 8-2. Cleveland 5-5; Indianapolis 5-4, Louisville 1-3; Kansas City 2-4. Milwaukee 1-10 inrst game 11 innings; ; St. Paul 11-4. Minneapolis e-o. Western League Denver 0-1. Lincoln 5-0 (second game 11 Innings); Des Moines 10-12. wicnita o-o; eioux ity ,-. umana 3-1 (second game called end or mtii Inning). Union Association Boise 2-5. Butte 6-1 Salt Lake 11-7. Ogden 4-6; Helena 11-4, diurray iw-j i. How the Series) Stand. Pacific Coast League Los Angeles 5 games, Portland 1 game: ban Francisco games. Sacramento 2 games; Oakland 4 games, Venice 2 games. Northwestern League Seattle G games, Portland no game; Victoria 3 games. Ta. coma 3 games; Spokane 8 games, Vancouver 8 gamea - Where the Teams Play Today. Pacific C-oast League Los Angeles at Portland. Sacramento at San Francisco, Oak land at Venice. Northwestern League Portland at Seat tle. Vancouver at Spokane. Victoria at Ta coma. Portland Batting Atrenhg-ea. Pacific Coast I Northwestern Ab. H. Av.f Ab. H. Av. Brenegan 5 2 .400;Salveson.. 8 3 .375 Ryan.... 17 3 .352 Callahan.. 82 34 .283 Derrick.. 157 SO .118. Melchior.. 150 43 .287 Pisher... 113 32 .301Mllllgan.. 141 40 .280 Korea.... 168 48 -2S5 Gulgni 16S 42 .258 Lober. 171 48 ,2SlLeonard. . 20 8 .250 Brashear. 35 7 .!St'McKune.. 170 44 .2o0 Doane.... ISO 42 -262;Haworth.. 15 3 .200 Rodgers.. 188 4S .255Coltrin 151 34 .326 Martinonl 17 4 .235 Williams., lot 25 .225 Krause... 40 9 .225Hausman. 70 15 .214 Relger... S .222'Eastley. .. 27 S.185 Bancroft. 73 15 .209 M urray . . . 121 23 .190 West 30 ., Bromley. . 14 1 .071 Davis If lti 11 .18 Frambach 3 .000 Speas. 71 13 .l.Ml Brown . ... x 3 0 .00U Hlgg 41 i .1461 Yantz 18 2 .111. Oeschger. TImti 3 hours. Umpires Qulg- ley and Eason. lloston I PhlladelDhla- li 11 l A 1., 11 W A. Tj Evers. 2. . . 2 2 u, Byrne. 2. . . 3 1 Marun'le.s Connolly, 1 Gllbert.r. . 2 5 4 0evore.m.. 4 0 0 I.obert.3. .. D 0 0 Becker.l. .. 4 1 0 Cravath.r. . 3 1 0 Luderus.l. 5 0 0 Ufed.s 2 2 0 Kllllfer.c. . 1 1 0;Burns,c. . . 1 2 0,Alex'niler,p 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 Schmidt, 1 Whallng.c. Gowdy.c. . .Martin, 3. . 0 0 Vlann.m . .. Crutcher.p 2 Luque.p... 0 u U Mttgee" . .. i 00 0 0 0 0 Coc'ham.p 1 0 0 0;Paskertt. . 1 0 O 0 0Doolnt 0 0 ness l Totals. 36 9 11(1 13 U Totals. 34 10 3d 14 2 Hattd for whallnir In ninth: batted for Burns In fifth, tbatted for Reed in 10th. Iran for Luderus in lutn. Boston 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 Philadelphia 0 00001O10 0--2 Runs. Maranville, Mann 2. Becker, era vaih. Two-base hits. Marunvllle. Mann. Ev ers. Lobart, Luderus. Home run. Cravath. Hits, off Crutcher. C In 5 1-3 innings: ofl Luque, none in 2-3 Inning (none out in sev enth): off Cocreham. 4 in 4 innings. Sacrt fice hits. Cocreham. Byrne, Reed. Stolen bases, Evers, Maranville 2, Killif.r. Double piuvs. Martin. Evers and Schmidt: Maran ville and Schmidt, Devore and Read. Burns an.l Bvrne l.ft on buses. Boston 5. Phil adelphia 11. Bases on balls, off Crutcher 4. off Luque 2, off Cocreham 1. off Alexan der 1. Base cm errors. Boston 2. Struck out, by Crutcher 2, by Cocreham 2. by Alex- anH. 7 la ,sH hall Whaling. Wild Ditch t'ruihor. Time, 2:4o. Umpires, Eason and Quigley. Pittsburg 2-0, Cincinnati S-3. PITTSBURG, May SO. Pittsburg lost both holiday games today, the morning contest 3 to 2 and the afternoon game 3 to 0. Scores: Morning game Cincinnati Pittsburg B HO AL IS A Oi Moran, r... Herxog.s. . Groh.2 Marsuns.l. Hoblitz'1.1 Nlehorf,3. Uhler.m... Bates, m. .. Gonzales. c YtngUng.p Clarke.c. . Ames.p . . . 1 1 OOiCarey.l 4 13 3 1 Leonard, 3. 1 13 0 0 0 O 00 0 0 0 . McCarthy, 3 B O 0 2 1 O 3 3 1 13 0 O Vlox. O 10 2 OjWagner.s.. 0 3 5 0 2 13 10 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 O 2 3 UKonetchy.l O 1 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 Mitchell. r. 0 0 Kelly. in. .. 1 03ibson.s . . 2 0'2ooper.p. . 0 0 Hyatt 1 0,3'TooIe,p.. O 4 3 0 O 0 3 0 0 O o 0 O 0 0 0 Totals. 32 7 27 12 21 Totals. 32 8 27 17 2 Ratted for Coober in seventh Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 Pittsburg O O 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 Runs. Moran. Groh. Hoblltxell. Wagner, Mi.h.n Tvn.h.m hit Carev. Three-lias. hit. Moran. Hits, off Ylngling 6 in 6; off Ames none in 3; off Cooper 5 in 7; off O Toole 1 in a First base on Dans, on xtngiinK off Cooper 1, off O'Toole 1. Passed ball, Gon xales. First base on errors. Cincinnati 1 Pittsburg 2. Sacrifice bunts, uonxalcs. oioson and Mitcnell. Lett on oases. i.iiiiiuiiaii u. Pittsburg 0. Struck out, by Vingllng 3. by Ames 2. by Cooper 3, by O'Toole 1. Time, 1:53. umpires, itigier ana .uiaiie. Afternoon game: rinrlnnatl Pittsburgh BHOAE BHOAE Moran.rf. 4 11 0 01Viox.2 4 0 2 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 4 8 8 2 1 4 0 110 4 1 11 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 3 0 4 O0 2 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 O 1 0 0 0 0 3 U 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 00 0 0 110 .31 6 27 14 2 O A a lULarey.i... Groh.2... 4 2 4 OILeonard.3. Marsans.l. 3 110 Hoblltx 1.1 8 11 o uK.oneicny.i Niehoff,3 4 1 x A U'.Miicneu.rr Bates.m.. 3 1 2 0 0Jos.K'ly.m Clarke.c. 3 1 7 3 0 Gibson, c. Dav'np't.p 8 1 O lO'.Hyatt -m lAdams.p. . Jas.Ke'4 c onx'm'n.p Har'on'", -Kantle'r.p Tntala .82 10 27 14 ol Totals .. Htm hatted for Gibson In eighth: "Ket ly batted for Adams in sixth; Harmon batted for conxeiman in eighth. r-iinti l o o 2 o o o u u a Pittsburgh o o " " v o " " T?..n , . n , , w Menaii. una. ui. Adams 9 in 6. off Conzelman 1 In 2, off Kantlehner none In one. Three-base nit, vi.hnff iiAnh n niai. viox. lo a.uucivuj i.-an,iahnv in T.ennard - Bases on balls, off Davenport 3. oft Kantlehner 3. Hit by nllnher. bv Davenport (Hyatt). Base on errors. Cincinnati 2. Sacrifice hits, Marsans, Clarke. Sacrifice fly, Hoblltxell, Left on bases. Cincinnati 8. Pittsburgh 8. Struck .... nov,nnnrt !t. hv Adams 2. by Conzel man 1. Time of game 1:52. Umpires, Rigler and Emslle. Ogles Play Cnique Game Though Ogles, of Waco, Is "credited with the first no-hlt game In the Texas League. Schwenk, of Dallas, would have beaten him to it, with a littl better luck. Schwenk held Austin to two hits but both were grounders tha might have been fielded with a little more activity or Judgment. Austin was also Ogle's victim and one of the odd features of his game was that h struck out only one man. HARLEY-D AVIDSONS WIN! 428-mile endurance run from Portland to Roseburg and return won by the four Harley-Davidsons under severe weather conditions and over bad roads. Prices S200 to $285 at Factory Step-Starter, Two-Speed, Double Control of the new llarley Davidson Brake, Double Control of Free Wheel, Folding Footboards, Full-Floating Seat, Protected Belt Transmission. Call, phone or write for further information. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO. 2C9 Fourth St. Fullerton Sends Port laud to I M' tent in Morning After Equines Haw Lead Scribe Says Murtray's Double Was "Peach." Northwestern League Standings. W. L. Pet. I W. I- Pet. Vancouver.. 30 15 .tWT'Taconia 21 26 .rf7 Seattle 31 16 .tii'.O Portland. . . 17 2S .378 Spokane 24 21 Victoria 14 31.311 Yesterday's Results. At Seattlej Seattle 6-5. Portland 4-:W At Spokane Vancouver 4-1, Spokane 22. (first game 10 innings). At Tacoma Tacoma 6-0. Victoria 4-4. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 30. (Special.) Seattle won both games from Port land today by scores of 5 to 3 and 6 to 4. Both teams hit freely, but Se attle had all the luck in breaks, just as they have throughout the week. Se attle has won the last nine consecutive games. Portland had the leading in the morning, S to 2 into the last half of the eighth, when a lucky pop fly by Raymond went as a hit. James got a real single and Cadman was hit. With the bases full Fullerton drove a liner midway between right and center which rolled to the fence and let three men score. This won the game. In the afternoon Portland hit Bon ner hard but could not get runs over until the eighth and ninth. In the meantime Seattle had bunched hits off Eastley in two periods, netting them two runs in the second and four in the sixth. In the eighth Fullerton's fumble put Coltrln on. Murray shoved him around the circuit with a peach of a double. In the ninth, with two out and two on Williams cleaned up with a triple. Col trin's single scored Williams. The am munition then gave out, leaving Seattle a winner, 6 to 4. Scores: Morning game Seattle Portland B H O A K BHOAE Ktllilay.m 4 0 0 Raym'd.s. 4 2 2 James. 3.. 3 10 Cadman,c 3 16 Swain, r. .. 4 8 4 Fuli'rfn.2 3 12 Huhn.l... 4 1 !) Martlni.l. 3 0 2 Dell.p 3 2 2 0 (VMcKune.2. 4 O 5 2 0 2 oiCallahan.r 3 1 0 .OO 1 OMelchlor.l. 2 0 10 0 5 OiGuigul.3. . 4 O 1 ltl OOlMllligan.m 4 2 O OO 2 ltwiljiams.l 4 2 8 1 0 1 0 'Coltrln. s. . 4 112 0 0 tllHaworth.c 3 0 7 30 4 2! Leonard, p. 2 0 120 Totals. 811127 15 31 Totals. 50 6 24 11 0 Seattle O O O 1 1 O II 3 5 Portland 0O1O11OO 0 3 Runs. Raymond. James. Cadman 2. Huhn. McKune, MUligan, Coltrin. Two-base hits, Fullerton. Swain. Sacrifice hits, Fullerton, Martini, Callahan. Sacrifice fly, Melchior. Struck out. by Dell 5. by Leonard 6. Bases on balls, off Dell J. off Leonard 1. Wild pitches. Dell, Leonard. Stolen bases. Fuller- ton, cojtrin, Williams, umpire. Casey. Afternoon game Seattle I Portland B H O A E B H OAK Klllilay.m 0 0 OlMcKune.2. 1 0 Ra'mond,s James. 3. . Cadman,c 1 0 1 0 1 4 1 2 0 4 2 11 4 OiCallahan.r ! OIMelchior.1. 3 OIGuigni.S . . 0 0 Mllllsan.m 5 lWllliams,l 1 0. Coltrin. s. . 0 0 Murtay.c 1 OjEastley.p. 0 0 0 0 1 O 0 O 0 1 3 O 2 1 o swaln.r... F lerton.2 Huhn.l... Martini. 1. Bonner.p. 1 1 2-1 2 Totals. 31 8 27 16 1 Totals. 34 8 24 10 1 Seattle 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 Portland 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 1 3 4 Runs. Raymond. James. Swain. Fnllerto. Huhn 2. Callahan, Milligan. Williams. Cui trln. Two-base hits. Raymond. Huhn, Swain, Murray. Three-bsse hit, Williams. Sacrifice hit, James. Stolen bases, James. Fullerton. Melchior. Struck out. by Bonner 4, by East ley 4. Bases on balls, off Bonner 1, off Eastley 3. Wild pitch, Eastley. Time, 1:35. Umpire, Casey. BEES AND TIGERS SPLIT HONOR Victoria Takes Morning Game, Ta coma Annexing Matinee. TACOMA. May 30. Tacoma and Victoria split a double-header today, Victoria winning the morning game 4 to 0, while Tacoma won the after noon 6 to 4. The scores: Morning game: Tacoma I Victoria BHOAE BHOAE 5 0 3 9 1 3 0 o 0 O 5 12 0 l 4 0 2 0 0 3 2 0 2 O 3 0 13 0 0 3 2 2 1 O 4 1 5 2 O 4 2 0 0 0 34 8 27 14 1 Bloomer 0 7 1 0 3 0 4 2 4 6 0 0INye,2 0 lilKelly.r 0 0Drlscoll.m. 0 0 Wllbolt.1. . 1 0:Lamb,3. . . 0 o Brooks.l ... 1 0 Delmas.s.. 2 llHoffman.c West.l... Fries. 1. . .. Million McM'llln.2 N'ghbors,r Abbott, m. Yohe.3. .. Butler.s. . Brottem.o 8 1 ISteele. p 2 li M'Onnty.p 2 Kraft.p... 0 1 O 0 n O 0 0 Harris. . . 1 Totals. 29 2 27 111 Totals. Batted for Kraft in ninth. Batted for West In ninth. Batted for Fries in ninth. Tacoma O O 0 O O 0 0 0 00 Victoria 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 t Runs, Brooks. Delmas, Hoffman. Steele. Stolen bases, Drlscoll, Delmas. Double play, Butler to West. Two-base htts, McUinnity. McMullln. Delmas. Pitchers' record, oft Mc.Ginnity, 4 runs and 7 hits in 7 innings, off Kraft no runs and 1 hit in 2 innings. Bases on balls, off McGinnity 4. Struck out. by McGinnity 4. by Kraft 1. by Steele 4. Concluded on Page 3.)