The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 31, 1914, Section One, Page 18, Image 18

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A Page of News-Concise, Depen
Special 35c Luncheon
For Business Men
Served Daily, 11 to 2:30.
Seventh Floor Restaurant
Perfect System of !
Dry Cold Storage
Furs received, Fifth Floor,
Sixth Street Building.
Telling of the Special Events That Will Bring Thousands to Meier & Frank's Tomorrow
First Floor of Main Building Will Remain Occupied Till After Rose Festival
dable !
Undermuslins That Will Delight the
Women of Fastidious Taste A re the Rule
Not the Exception, During the "June White Days"!
BODICES Priced from 59c to $S.50
The bodice plays a most important role in
milady's wardrobe this season what with -the
transparent gowns and the air of
daintiness that is the dominant note of
the toilette.
75c Shadow Lace Bodices, 59
Dainty in the extreme, ribbon-run top and
waist line, with ribbon strap forming
$1.50 Kimono Sleeve Corset Covers, 98
Of all-over shadow lace, finished with lace
. beading and ribbon run. Made with the
' new kimono sleeves.
$2.50 Net and Lace Bodices, $1.98
Dainty combination of net and lace in
sertion net sleeves edged with the lace.
$2.98 Crepe de Chine Bodices, $1.98
Pink and white crepe de chine with lace
medallions. Ribbon straps over the shoul
der, and elastic waist lines.
$3 Gowns and Combinations, Each $1.98
A two-piece set of unusual beauty. Beau
tifully made of fine nainsook,' trimmed
with Swiss and lace motifs combined with
lace insertion and ribbon bows.
Women's Drawers, 29
Knickerbocker and ruffled style. Em
broidery and lace edging and hemstitched
PETTICOATS Priced from 98c to $16.50
$1.50 Nainsook Petticoats, 98 .
Some made with double panels. Also
pique with hemstitching, and petticoats
elaborately trimmed with lacft and em
broidery flounces, ribbon run.
$2.00 Nainsook Petticoats, $1.39
Made on the new straight models, with
lace insertion forming flounce, and dainty
ribbon rosettes finishing..;.
$2.50-$3 Pique and Nainsook Petticoats, $1.98
New model skirts of pique, edged with
Cluny lace, as well as nainsook skirts
with flounces of Swiss embroidery and
shadow laces. Some have trimmed under
lays. $4.00 Petticoats Reduced to $2.98 -
A splendid assortment some have flounces
trimmed with laces. ' Swiss insertion and
shadow laces.
Other Beautiful Petticoats priced for June
White Days, $3.98 to $16.50
Crepe Knickerbocker Drawers, Pair, S9c
Soft Plisse crepe, in Knickerbocker style,
edged with linen lace.
$1.00 Nainsook Chemise, 59c
' Made of firfe material, top and bottom
trimmed with embroidery, lace edged and
ribbon run.
- Second Floor Slxth-St. Bids.
We've Just Unpacked Scores of New
Embroideries and Laces
And Marked Them at June White Days Sale Prices
Embroidery Novelties, Worth to 50c
New and extremely tip-to-date effects, including 8-inch transparent edgings for
the popular. Calla Lily collar; crepe edges, combined with colors . for neck and
sleeve trimmings; Swiss edges with heavy Venise finishing and other new novelties
worth to 50c now, yard, 25S
To 75c Crepe and Voile Flouncing, Yard 39c
22-inch widths, handsome designs. No more suitable material for tunics, Minaret
skirts or dainty tub dresses. Would sell regularly to 75c reduced price, yard, 39.
To $3.50 45-Inch Crepe and Voile Flouncing, $1.98
45 inches wide, suitable for gowns. Lovely , floral designs. Qualities selling reg
ularly to $3.50 reduced to, the yard, 1.98.
$2.00 22-inch Flouncings to Match reduced to, yard, 98d.
To $1.00 Shadow Lace Flouncings 12 to 27-inch widths, for waists and tiered
skirts, the yard, 49c. -
To $2.00 Silk Shadow Lace Flouncing 12 to 22-inch widths, in short lengths,
the yard, 70d.
To 18c Shadow Lace Edges white and cream, 3 to 5 inches wide, yard, 10.
To 25c Shadow Lace Edges white and cream, 3 to o inches wide, yard, 154.
To 18c new Elyria Val. Laces now so popular, reduced to, yard, 10d.
To 10c New Elyria Val. Laces now so popular, reduced to, yard, 5.
-Slxth-St. Bide.
Meier A Frank's Flnt Floor
Summer Weight Coats Fine Tailored Suits
For Women, to Be Sold at
Oddments From Lines Selling Regularly $12.50 to $20.00
Commencing tomorrow -we shall dispose of 200 Coats
for Summer -wear that are parts of broken lines that have
accumulated-during-the past week's brisk selling. They
are Coats that are regularly priced at $12.50 to $20.00.
For quick disposal they are marked at only $8.65. All
this season's desirable models the popular Balmacaan
style, three-quarter cutaways Coats "made -with the fash
ionable bias flare and Sport Coats. Many are fully lined.
Fancy collars of golfine, Roman stripe silk and other
novelties will be found. There are Coats of gray, tan,
garnet, green, navy, black, checks, stripes and plaids.
' As long as any of the 200 Coats remain they will be
sold at this low price, but for best selection we'd advise
early action, for our patrons will be quick to realize that
so splendid an opportunity deserves Immediate response.
The Sale Starts Tomorrow The Price Is $8.65
rant Salons Fonrtk Floor Slxth-St. Bide
Practical House Dresses
Special at $1.08
iWomen of discernment will- make early se
lection from this group of neat House Dresses
at this special price. The dresses are of blue
and tan linene, piped with white, made . with
the favored peplum, with round collars and
three-quarter sleeves. All sizes are included in
this group of House Dresses, specially priced
at Jpl.Oo.
Meier A Frank'a Fifth Floor Slxtfc-St. Bids.
More New Summery Waists
For June White Days
Only $2.98
The wonder grows as each new shipment of "Waists is
unpacked wonder at the ingenuity of the designers! In
the present consignment are features that have not been
noticeable in many of the, preceding groups. Allover Em
broidery Waists, made in a loose, graceful style, with col
lars and cuffs of batiste, are something "new." Then there
are cotton crepes in pink, blue and white plain white
crepes with collars and cuffs of colored batiste. Another
dainty style that is noticeable Is white voile with embroid
ered dots in color and ribbon bows to match. Dainty lace
and embroidery trimmings, hemstitching, Japanese collars,
turn-down collars, raglan sleeves, and many other attractive
novelties help ' to make these New Waists exceedingly at
tractive and the price is an extraordinarily tO no
modest one D270
Meter A Fraikl Fifth Floor Slxth-St. Bldg.
That Will Please the Most Exacting
May Be Purchased Here Tomorrow
At $14.45 and $17.45
Here are. Suits that possess every feature demanded in'
the way, of smartness, tailoring, up-to-date fashioning and
modish coloring, offered at prices that are within the
reach of all. The season has been prolific of smart and
jaunty fashions, and in these Suits the modes that have
met 'with the greatest favor are prominent. The new
Monte Carlo short Coat, semi-tailored models, Postillion
backs and Eton fronts are included. In Skirts the long
Russian tunic, double tunics and high girdles are favored.
Materials include woo poplin, gabardine, serges, crepes
in such modish shades as chartreuse, Russian green, navy,
black, garnet and black and white checks. These Suits
are all highly desirable for Summer wear. You will be
certain to find YOUR SUIT in the collection, and you
have your choice of Suits priced at either $14.4:5 or
GtrmtBt Salons Fourth Floor Sixth-St. Bldg.
Dresses of Silk at $14.75
Dresses of Wool Crepe, $7.45
are an Unusually attractive group, embodying style, dash
and practicability. The -range of styles is wide and every
dress conforms to the newest fashion lines peg-top skirts,
tunics, drapery effects, with trimmings of contrasting colors
and dainty touches of white. . Copenhagen, navy, black, vio
let, gray, taupe and mahogany are a few of the smart
and fashionable colors in the assortment. Considering the
extremely good quality of these dresses, the price 07 A C
is a- remarkably low one only Of tHO
The Silk Dresses Offered at $14.75
present an opportunity that will appeal immediately to
discriminating- women. Crepe de chine, taffeta and black
' and-white-striped silk, as well as Figured Crepe Dresses are
offered at this low price. The beauty of the materials, the
extreme fashlonableness of the models, and the daintiness of
the trimmings make this an unusually happy selection. The
colorings, too, are lovely and fashionable. Including taupe,
brown, black, navy, greens, lavender, wistaria and a va
riety of attractive combinations of chiffon over shadow lace.
xne sizes range irom J4 to 41, ana tne special P 1 vi r7C
P 9 J
price for tomorrow's selling is.
Fourth Floor
-Slxth-St. Bldg.
$1 and $1.25 Undermuslins, 79c
Princess Slips Crepe Gowns Combinations Drawers Corset
Soft materia, made in kimono style, with trimmings of silk
braid. Need no ironing ideal for Summer wear and traveling.
$1.00-$1.25 PRINCESS SLIPS, 79
Cut on the new straight lines, attractively trimmed. "Wide
embroidery insertion, ribbon run tops, skirts with two rows of
lace insertion and edge.
All-over embroidery, fine nainsook and crepe, with trimmings
of fish-eye lace and embroidery beading.
Meier fc Frank's Second Floor Slxth-St. Bids.
Imported Grass Furniture Is Underpriced in the Temporary Annex
Grass Rugs
Tbe Ideal Summer Floor Covering.
In the Temporary Annex.
At Special Prices!
Deltox Grass Rugs are made of
wiregrass, which grows in the
6 w amps of "Wisconsin, Minnesota
and some sections of Canada, the
toughness and tenacity of which
make it a most durable and adapt
able floor covering. Deltox Grass
Rug making has attained to the ,
height of an art each detail is the
result of careful study and each
process is based upon careful in- I
For the Summer home the porch, bedroom, and bathroom use, Deltox rugs are un
matched, in fact they are suitable in texture, colors and finish for any room in the house.
Special "Deltox" Prices Are Now in Effect Here
18x38-inch Size Deltox Rugs, Special 45
21x45-inch Size Deltox Rugs, Special 59
27x5 4-inch Size Deltox Rugs, Special....". 90
S0x60-inch Size Deltox Rugs, Special. $1.13-
S6x72-inch Size Deltox Rugs, Special S1.49
64x90-inch Size Deltox Rugs, Special S3.15
6x 9-foot Size Deltox Rugs, Special S-4.50
8xl0-foot Size Deltox Rugs, Special S7.20
9xl2-foot Size Deltox Rngs, Special S9.00
Meier A Frank's Tempflriry Annex Seventh Floor
Brass Beds at Deep Reductions AH This Week See 6th-St. Window Display
ii -
$8.25 Chinese Grass
Tables, $5.25
Strong and durable,
with table tops 24 In.
in diameter. Like illus
tration (No. 483).
$10 Chinese Grass Ext. Reclining Chairs $6.75
Imported Chinese Grass Extension ' Reelining
Chairs, comfortable, durable and extremely useful
just as illustrated. (No. 410.)
$15 Imported Grass Settees,- $9.75
With high back, closely woven, like illustration.
5 feet long. (No. 3846.) . "
. 96.BO Imported Grui
( hairs, $4.73.
Closely woven, with roll
arras and back and teak-
wood runners. A very dur
able article. Chair illus
trated Rockers to match.
(No. 079).
$6.75 Imported Grass
Chairs, Only $4.75
Just like i 1 1 u s t r ation.
Equipped with grlatsa holder
and magazine rack on side.
Extremely usefuL. (No. 477)
$8.50 Grass High-Backed .
Chairs, $5.75
High backs and magazine
arms just like illustration.
In two sizes, large or small.
60 chairs in stock. (No.- 605.)
Hosiery for Women and Children!
1S57 9' t91-
FTflK. -2licU. Iforrisory Alder Sta.
Women's 75c Plaited Silk Hose with dou
ble tops and soles, in black and white
only. Seamless style. Special, the 0
pair . OIC
Women's 50c Imported Silk Lisle Hose
with double knit tops and soles. In black
and tan. Full fashioned. Good
durable hose Special, the pair. ..."""C
Children's Pine Lisle Socks in white,
with plaid and fancy check tops. Of
All sizes. Special, 3 Prs. 50c, Pr. .. vJC
Women's 50c Imported Lisle Hose in out-
sizes. iubbed tops, light weight, in black
only. Sizes 8V2 to 102. Special, '
2 Prs. 75c, Pr
Children's Mercerized Lisle Hose of extra
fine quality. With linen heels and toes.
Seamless feet. In black, white andOC
tan. Special, 3 Prs. 65c, Pr. . . iiJC
Infants' 25c Lisle Hose i black, white,
tan, etc. Seamless feet. Special, the
Meier A Frank'!
-First Floor, Main Bids;.