THE SUJOPAT OREGOXIAN, FORTXANIV UIAT 31, 1914. ia Tortunes havebeee made alt jest snach times as.-- these If you knew that opportunity was knocking at just twenty -four doors today and yours was one, would you open it? Here is an opportunity that over forty prom inent Portland business men and business houses have already grasped. A quarter block of business property, located on the West side, with railroad tracks in rear, for less than an equal sized piece of first-class residence property and on easy terms. Industrial Center, located at 29th and Nicoiai Sts., is in the path of Portland's railroad, ware house and factory growth. Nearly a million square feet of ground have been sold here since January, for factories and ware houses! A half dozen plants have been erected and are in operation! Opportunity . Master of human destinies am I. Fame, love and fortune on my footsteps wait, Cities and fields I walk; I penetrate Deserts and seas remote, and, passing by Hovel, and mart, and palace, soon or late I knock, unbidden, once at every gate! If sleeping, wake if feasting, rise before I turn away. It is the hour of fate, And they who follow me reach every state Mortals desire, and conquer every foe Save death; but those who doubt or hesitate, Condemned to failure, penury and woe, Seek me in vain and uselessly implore answer not, and I return no more. All but two sites in the first portion of In dustrial Center have been sold. The second and last portion only 22 sites is ready. This announcement is bound to put Industrial Center before hundreds of men who appreciate such an opportunity to purchase sites for manufac turing or investment Never has business prop erty with trackage facilities on each site and such certainty of immediate increased valua tion, backed by the judgment and money of prominent business men, been sold at about 50c on the dollar. Pind out about it anyway Fill out the Opportunity Coupon let ns send yon, right away, a map of the property and full particulars. No obligation whatever. Read this list of keen-minded foresighted men and business houses who have purchased sites in Industrial Center, after a thorough investigation. You probably know some of them ask their opinion NAME. BUSINESS. United Railways Company Same H. A. Weis of Hirsch-Weis Co . Tent and Awning Geo. W. & F. L. Warren.-. .. ... Investor W. E. Hold. . , .Investor J. A. Curry ...... . .Trussed Concrete Steel Co. D. G. Hubbell . . ..Investor East Side Feed Company Same Karl V. Lively, Trustee McCargar, Bates & Lively Mission Marble Company .- .Same Multnomah Iron Works Same McCann Stone Company .Same Portland Marble Works Same East Side Boiler Works Same NAME. BUSINESS. Portland Concealed Bed Company Same Portland Concrete Pile Company Same Raymond Concrete Pile Company Same' East Portland Wire & Iron Works Same Shope Nat. Concrete Machinery Company, Same M. Sichel ' . Investor Oregon Box Manufacturing Company. . . .Same L. A. Andrus . Construction Company Oregon Woodenware Mfg. Company Same J. R. Bowles . . . Northwest Steel Company John P. Whitlock Coast Bridge Company J. C. Bayer Furnace Company Same E. A. Clark ... .Investor NAME. BUSINESS. W. S. Dinwiddie- . .Dinwiddle Const. Company Nelson C. Dennis . .Investor Enterprise Planing Mill Company Same Standard Machinery Company Same E. G. Eastman .Investor Finke Cooperage Company Same S. P. Flodine Investor J. J. Febvet and F. W. Hanebut Investors Gunther King Company Same Forrest C. Ha worth . . . ., Investor Hesse-Martin Iron Works Same Harper Brass Works '. Same Higgins & Wintermute Investors F. N. Clark Company, .Selling A Title & Trust, S9 Fourth Street, Portland gents I F. N. CLARK & CO. 1 1 TITLE & TRUST BLDG. I I PORTLAND, OR. BISHOP SGADDING IS LAID TO REST Impressive Ceremony Is Con ducted by Three Prelates From Other Dioceses. 8 CLERGYMEN BEAR PALL t!1bhops of Sacramento and Califor nia Officiate at Church Service and Committal Rite Is by Bishop of Olympia. All that was mortal of the Right Reverend Charles Scadding, bishop of the Diocese of Oregon, was committed to -the grave in Riverside Cemetery yesterday. The funeral rites at-fPrlnlty Church, that preceded the burial, were the most Impressive and dignified that have ever taken place In Portland and probably in the Pacific Northwest. The last funeral of an Episcopal bishop here was that of the Right Reverend B. Wistar Morris, who died in 1906. at -which Bishop Keator, of Olympia, was also an officiant, along with Right Reverend Lemuel H. Wells, bishop of Spokane, and Right Reverend James B. Funston. bishop of Idaho. As the magnificent harmony of Men delsshon's "Elijah" swelled from the organ in the aria "Cast Thy Burden on the Lord" the procession began to fiie up the center aisle of the church. headed by the vested choirs of Trinity Church and the Pro-Cathedral. Imme diately following the combined choirs were the visiting clergy from other dioceses, then the standing commit- tee of clergy and laymen of the Ore gon Diocese in double file. Then in single " file cam the three visiting bishops. Right Reverend Frederick Keator. bishop of Olympia: Right Rev erend W. H. Moreland. bishop of Sac ramento, and Right Reverend William F. Nichols, bishop of California. The bier, borne by eight reverend pal bearers, came next and the clergy of the diocese closed the procession. Large Conic mention Present. The vested procession was so long that the choir boys of Trinity Church began to file into their places in the chancel before the end of the proces sion had passed into the church. Every pew was filled and many, unable to obtain seats, stood in the rear of the church. The active pallbearers were R. K. Howard, chaplain of the Good Samari tan Hospital: Rev. C. W. Baker, of St George's Church, Roseburg; Rev. R. S. GUI. St. Paul's Church. Salem; Rev. John Rice, St. John's Church, - Sell- wood: Ven. H. D. Chambers. Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, of St. Mark's Church, Portland: Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vicar of Grace Memorial Church, and Rev. John Dawson, rector of the Church of , the Good Shepherd. The bishops of Sacramento and Call fornia conducted the service at Trin lty- Church and the bishop of Olympia officated at tbe committal service in Riverview Cemetery. As the procession started up the aisle the bishop of Sacramento com menced reading the burial service, be ginning "I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord. He that believeth In me. though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." The choir chanted the 39th and 90th Psalms. De Profundi CKanted. Next folowed the scripture lesson from I Corinthians, begining. "Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept." read by the bishop of California. The choir sang the hymn, "For All Thy Saints, Who From Their Labors Rest"; the Bishop of Sacramento then read the burial prayers, the choir sang the hymn, "The Saints of God Their Con flict Past," and chanted the "De Pro fundis," and the church service closed ith the recessional hymn. "Then Thousand Times Ten Thousand." It occupied just three-quarters of an hour. The mourners, headed bv Mrs. Scad- ding and Dr. Crawford Scadding, of Toronto, the only brother, were driven to Riverview Cemetery in automobiles, where Bishop Keator, of Olympia. con cluded the rites with the committal service. Realty Board Acta. The Portland Realty Board, at its session Friday, adopted the following resolution of sympathy and condolence, a copy of which will be forwarded Mrs. Scadding: "Be it resolved. That in the death of Right Reverend Charles Scadding bishop of Oregon, the state loses one of her most loyal and enthusiastic supporters, the City of Portland one of her most distinguished citizens and the Realty Board suffers tbe loss of a member who was admired, venerated and respected by its entire member ship a man who never neglected an opportunity at home or abroad to give intelligent and desired publicity to his city and state a man whose righteous Influence in civic affairs will be felt in all time to come and one who In his private life was an inspiration for good to all who came in contact with him. "Be it further resolved. That a page of the permanent minutes of this Realty Board be properly Inscribed to his memory and that a. copy of these resolutions, together with an expres sion of our profound sympathy for her in her breavement be forwarded to Mrs. Scadding." AMERICAN LOSES POSITION Mayor of Montreal Limits His $2 500 Jobs. MONTREAL, May 26. Because he was an American citizen, T. McG. Black, of Pittsburg, Park Superintendent, of this city, was reduced in office today to be temporary assistant park super intendent by Mayor Martin. Dr.. Gad bois. a French-Canadian, was appointed superintendent in his place. "I will not have a foreigner draw itg a salary of $2500 a year in Mon treal," said the Mayor. "English, Scotch, Irish or Canadian, but not foreigners," he insisted. SCENES ATTENDING FUNERAL SERVICES OP BISHOP SCADDING. , i ,t lH Cv j vTs f i HJ jy tiff t -s ? 4Vf 4 - ; 1 - a i i - - I i- i v Tf W ' '&1J V C v" yCi """" wmM- la - - rv- : v I tEH iQ5.oj LETTER STIRS TROUBLE SENATOR LEWIS IS ACCUSED OF BAD FAITH IJT PATRONAGE. Illlnolaao Refuses to Be Conciliated Witn Effort to Place Blame on Shoulders of President. CHICAGO. May '26. Senator Lewis' facile pen again has brought him into the limelight. A new Lewis letter has stirred trouble in Illinois. The letter was addressed to Joseph P. Durkin. of Peoria, 111., an unsuc cessful candidate for internal revenue collector in the Peoria district, and was made public by Mr. Durkin. In the letter Senator Lewis seeks to place upon the shoulders of President Wilson and Secretary McAdoo the re sponsibility for the distribution of Illi nois patronage. He says: "My Dear Mr. Durkin: Ton have I seen from the public press that the 1 Secretary of the Treasury and the President named Edward McCabe as internal revenue collector. For rea sons satisfactory to both of these high sources the appointment of Mr. McCabe was demanded. "It is only fair to me to let you know that I have always told Mr. McCabe that you were the only candidate I had indorsed, and it is only fair that you should know that Mr. McCabe is in no wise called upon to feel any obligation to me as being responsible for his appointment." The letter continues with a declara tion that Senator Lewis never could oppose anything that Governor Dunne was for and ends with permission to make its contents public Senator Lewis' explanation of the patronage tangle did not satisfy 2r. Durkin. In a reply to Senator Lewis he accuses the Senator of bad faith. Attorney Snes Attorney for Fee. Attorney Thomas H. Mannix. who received a fee of $8250 from Robert Wakefield & Co. for services on be half of the company in its suit against the city, is defendant in an action for $1500. brought by Attorney J. W. Ma loney for assistance he charges tie gave to Mannix in the suits. The orig inal Wakefleld-City. suit was over the payment for the construction of the two Mount Tabor reservoirs. Mr. Man nix is now in Washington attending to legal questions pending before the Supreme Court. ORCHARD IS TRANSPLANTED Xew Yorker Stoves Orange Grove and Palms, Tree by Tree. SANTA BARBARA. CaL. May 27. F. F. Peabody, of New York, is astonish ing Santa Barbara by moving a 15-year-old orange grove, tree by tree, from this city to his new Winter home on the summit of Eucalyptus hill, five miles distant. The removal began today. A small army of horticulturists is engaged. Many palms 50 feet high are included. BricRs made of peat are being success fully used in Sweden for mall buildings- Tn. K ose Festival Oregonians Will be the most interesting and complete issues ever published. You will want to send these copies to your friends. Six Complete Issues, Including Postage, 20c (Tuesday, June 9, to Sunday, Jane 14. Inclusive.) PILL OUT BLANK FORM AND SEND TO THE OREGONLAN, PORTLAND, OR. Name Street Town. State 1..... 2................................ 3 4... i j . 5 6..... , 7 8 9 10 11 12 THE OREGONIAN, Portland. Or. Gentlemen: Enclosed find , for which mail The Rose Festival Oregonian from Tuesday, June 9, to Sunday, June 14, inclusive, to each of the above. Enclose ao tents for each aame.)