The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 31, 1914, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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Every Article in the Holtz Store Reduced for Quick Selling
All Toys and
Dolls Now at
Yz Price
All Inf ants'
Novelties at
Knights in Oregon Push Cam
paign to Obtain 1916 Ses
; sion of Supreme Lodge.
Vz Price
"Holtz Corner," Cor. Fifth and Washington Sts.
formal Invitation to Be Extended at
5Ieetiny to Be Held at AVinnl-'
pes in August and Accopt
J ance Is Probable.
ALBANY, Or., Slay SO. (Special.)
Members of the Knights of'Pythias in
Oregon are planning a campaign to
liave the session of the Supreme Lodge
meet in Portland in 1916. At a con
ference between Frank' S. Grant, of
Portland, grand chancellor of Oregon;
Louis R. Stinson, of Salem, grand keep
er of records and seal, and L. M. Curl,
of Albany, chairman of the committee
named by the Oregon Grand Lodge to
extend the invitation, a letter of invi
tation was drafted. It was sent out
today to every Grand Lodge of the or
der in the world.
The meeting place for 1916 will be
chosen at the next biennial session of
the Supreme Lodge, which will be held
in August of this year at Winnipeg,
Manitoba. A formal invitation to come
to Portland will be extended at the ses
sion by the two Oregon representatives.
Jt is probable several prominent mem
bers of the order in Oregon will ac
company the two representatives to
Winnipeg to boost for the selection of
Many Delegates Would Come.
This convention, if procured, would
bring to Portland delegates from every
state in the Union and from every
province in Canada and also delegates
from the Hawaiian Islands, Australia,
New Zealand. Cuba and Porto Rico.
That Portland has an excellent chance
to procure the meeting is believed by
L. R. Stinson, of Salem, who was Ore
gon's representative at the recent cele
bration of the Golden Jubilee of the or
der in Washington. D. C. Mr. Stinson
talked Portland industriously to the
representatives of all the states and
countries there and received many as
surances of support for Portland at the
coming session of the Supreme Loage
Because of Portland's growing fame
and because of the fact that people are
anxious to visit the Pacific Coast, it is
considered that Portland will have lit
tle trouble in obtaining the session.
Oregon Attracts Attention.
Oregon attracted a great deal of at
tention at the recent Golden Jubilee.
Equipped wi':h a supply of apples from
Hood River and Medford, which were
specially prepared in wrappers bearing
irreetings to the representatives from
other states, and with other means of
attracting attention. Mr. Stinson sue
ceeded in Dlacing Oregon "on the map"
at that gathering. Oregon received
more attention in the Washington pa
tiers than all other states represented
Bt the Golden Jubilee combined, due to
Mr. Stinson's unceasing activity.
The project to procure the Supreme
Lodge for Portland in 1916 has been
under consideration for some time. At
the last session the Oregon delegates
served notice that Portland would ask
tor the convention and efforts have
been continued to keep Portland prom
inently before Supreme Lodge officers
and delegates.
At the last session of the Grand
Lodge of Oregon in Portland last Octo
ber a committee was named to extend
an invitation to the Supreme Lodge to
come to Portland and to make all plans.
The committee has been actively at
work on the matter. L. M. Curl, of
Albany, is chairman.
1 " ' i k ! i -
Washington Students Make
Hit With Own Show.
In Many Localities Hardest Will Be
3 or i Weeks Ahead of Other Years
LEWISTOX, Idaho, May 30. (Spe
cial.) Throughout the main part of
the wheat belt the grain is so high
that farmers fear the growth will be
too luxuriant and that it will be dis
lodged by wind and rain before it is
ready for harvest. In many localities
harvesting will be from three to four
weeks In advance of the usual season.
Spring seeding has been completed
In all sections and many are now plow
ing Summerfallow. It is generally con
ceded that a crop was never put in un
der more favorable conditions. There
has been sufficient moisture, but none
too heavy rains and the ground worked
np tnellow, while last Spring, after the
late snow and heavy rains of the pre
vious Winter, it plowed up in great
clods that baked and could not be
crushed by any amount of cultivation.
about $3 a thousand, or about $2.10 for
the 700 plants needed for each acre.
Speed Tests Succeed Orations.
OLTMPIA. Wash., May 30. (Spe
cial.) Speed tests in stenography and
shorthand and practical demonstrations
in such arts as furniture construction,
textile testing and detection of adulter
ants in foods, took the place of formal
graduation essays and orations at the
commencement exercises or the
olympia High School last night. An
Interested crowd that taxed the ca
pacity of the opera-house voiced its ap
proval of the new order of things.
1'lfty-six members of the 1914 class
earned diplomas.
Giraffe Killed and "Teddy" Comes
in to Claim Credit and Get Hl8
Picture Taken in Various
Poses Other Features.
"VANCOUVER, Wash., May 30. (Spe
cial.) The pupils of the Washington
stat School for the Deaf staged a cir
cus in the U. S. A. Theater Tuesday
night, and netted a little more than 50
for the matinee and evening perform
ances. The money will be used in the
athletic fund of the school. All was
The pupils made their own costumes,
painted their stage scenery, and made
by hand their own paraphernalia out
side of school hours. A. parade was
held both afternoon and evening.
J. F. Meagher, an instructor in the
State School, was organizer, band-master
and leader in the parade. He took
an active part in organizing the 24 dif
ferent "acts" and drilled the actors in
their "lines."
Theodore Roosevelt came in for lam
pooning in the show. A giraffe was
killed with a small four-pound artillery
gun, operatea Dy iwo awes. jy.
dressed with a set of big teeth an
glasses and armed with a gun, stepped
up and had his picture taken in a dozen
poses with one loot on me animai.
One of the hardest acts performed
was the tight wire walking by a girl
and two boys. The deaf seem to lose
their sense of equilibrium, so it is
seemingly impossible for them to walk
wire or do other balancing teats, om
these three, after six months of prac
tice, learned to balance themselves on
the wire. One boy was shot to the stage
from the balcony clinging with his
teeth to a strap attached to a pulley on
Button at Bedside Lights Lamp Out
side and Calls Guard.
TARRTTOWK N. T., May 26. When
John D. Rockefeller wakes up In the
night now and wants to know whether
the negro guards who patrol the house
are 'on duty, he merely presses a button
at the side of his bed, and red, white
and blue lights which encircle the house
flash. This is the signal for all of the
guards to report by pressing buttons on
the outside of the house. The results
are registered in Mr. Rockefeller's room.
Formerly it was his custom to open the
window and ask "Are you there?" of
the guards
Alarmed by the recent L W. W. dem
onstrations at his home and at the
Standard Oil offices in New York, Mr.
Rockefeller redoubled his precautions
against intruders at night. Where for
merly there were four guards, there
are eight, and they are locked inside of
the wall which surrounds the residence.
Entire Stock of Fine
Laces Goes Now at
A $20,000 stock of fine Laces, Edgings, Galloons,
Insertions and Allovers, worthy and desirable
merchandise; in the closing-out sale at Half Price
Our Entire Stock of
Dress Trimmings Now
Braids, Nets, Frogs, Garnitures, Ornaments,
Cords, Appliques; $10,000 worth to choose from,
while the stock lasts take advantage Half Price
Leather Goods
k 7
on Sale Now at
Finest Leather Purses,
Handbags, Music Rolls,
Manicure Sets, Traveling
Sets, Beaded Handbags,
etc. On sale all this week
at exactly HALF PRICE
Entire Stock of Art
Goods Goes Now at
Finished Needlework, Stamped Linens, Artamo
Packages, Pillow Tops, Yarns, etc.; a complete Art
Dept. assortment goes this week at just Half Price
Jewelry Goes
Now at Just fa
$10,000 worth of Rings,
Pins, Novelties, Buckles,
Cuff Links, Mesh Bags, La
Vallieres, Opera Chains,
Wateh Chains, Beads, etc.
Your choice at y2 PRICE
The Entire Stock of
Embroideries Goes at
Thousands of yards of beautiful Embroideries in
every width and finest qualities Flouncings,
Edgings, Insertions and Allovers; a splendid as
sortment; $10,000 worth to select from Y2 Price
Embroidered Voile Flouncings at y2 45 inches
wide and very choicest quality. Eveiy yard new
this Spring, priced now at Half Regular Value
The Women's Suits Go
at Away Less Than
Up to $37.50 Suits at $12.85 Strictly tailored garments, in man
nish -worsteds, serges and iancy mixtures, colors black, navy,
brown and gray, values up to $37.50. They are tijf O OP
mostly large sizes, and many bargains among them P 00
Lot 2 $25 to $37.50 Suits, $16.85 Another splen--i r QC
did assortment of suits, selling out now at only ? 000
Lot 3 Up to $55.00 Suits, $19.85 Smart styles in navy and tan,
moire, gaberdine, serge, etc. All splendid shades and CJ " Q OC
really up-to-date modes, 3-piece suits now selling atP'00
Women's white and tan tub skirts, special now at, each, 50
Consolidation Where Feasible
Has Advantages.
Rch Country to Be Opened Up.
LEWISTOX. Idaho, May 30. iSpe
clal.) According to present indications
the grreatcr part will be taken of the
400,000 acres off. land in rsez Perce,
Lewis and Idaho counties, which will
l?e opened tomorrow for entry under
th 3-0-acre homestead act. The land
Is in the Snake and Salmon river dis
tricts and includes acreage in 18 town
Fhips. It consists mostly of grrazing
land, and by reason off the enlarged
liomestead act will make this land de
sirable in 320-acre tracts for settlers
wishing to engage In stock raising.
Nine Graduate at Tillamook.
TILLAMOOK. Or., May 30. (Spe
cial.) A large congregation attended
the Christian Church this evening,
when nine students of the Tillamook
ligh School graduated. They were
Kalph A. Harris, Verne r. Bain, Alice
Irene Todd. Perry E. De Lillies. Har
vey P. Kbinger. Stella Grace Goyne,
Uail W. Buell. Verl Stanley and Mary
Alice Perry. The eighth grade pupils.
numbering 30, also graduated.
Lewlsloii Lets $23,644 Contract.
LEWISTOX. Idaho. May 30. (Spe
rial.) At v the last meeting of the
School Board the contract for the con
struction of the three additions to the
manual training building at the high
school was awarded to Robert Meyer,
of C"larl;ston. the consideration being
J23. 644. The building will be com
pleted by September -0.
Attack on Socialists With Sabers Is
BERLIN, May "577 (Special.) The
Socialist Vorwaerts reports brutal ac
tion by the Berlin police at an assem
bly of young Socialists in the suburb
of Lichtenberg.
When the meeting ended, it is as
serted, a huge force of police and de
tectives suddenly "rounded up" the
gathering, corraled them like cattle
and attacked them with drawn sabres
and rubber life preservers. Even pass
ers-by. It is asserted, were hurled to
the ground and savagely beaten. Motor
cars full of policemen dashed about,
and wherever a little group of people
stood thy sprang Irom the cars and
slashed at them with their sabres.
Many youthful members of the audi
ence were seriously injured.
For baby's comfort Santiaeptlc Lotion.
AdV. .
Cost ot Work to Government Including:
Nursery Stock I About 3
for Each Acre.
LEWISTON. Idaho. May 30. (Spe
cial.) On the LitUe Fork of the St- Joe
River in this section of the state, on
one of the areas severely burned by
the 1910 forest fires, the forest service
is now at work reforesting 3000 acres
of land valuable only for timber pro
d action.
a crew of about 120 men has been
assembled on this watershed and is en-
iraged in planting seedlings. The work
in beinir handled from two camps, or
sranized in three small crews in each
t-H rrm.
Kach of the small crews consists of
15 nlanters. a waterboy, flagman and
Btrawboss. In the morning each planter
takes about 1100 of the seedling trees
in a bag strapped to his side. The crew
then goes to the place where. the day's
work is to start and stretches out in
a line with the men eight feet apart,
each armed with a one-hand grubhoe.
The three crews from camp make i
line about 400 feet long, . which ad
vances over the country, climbing
mountains, crawling through windfalls
and crossing streams. They stop every
eight feet to put in the plants. Dur
ing the course of the day each' man
Dlants an average of 1100 seedlings, so
that a strip about 400 feet wide by a
mile and a half to a mile and three-
Quarters long Is covered.
The plants used are mainly white
and yellow pine from the Government
nursery at Haugan. juont.. Where sev
eral million young trees are raised each
vear. The crews on the Little North
Fork are setting about 100,000 plants a
day. thus reforesting about 140 acres
dailv. lnring tue spring planting sea
son about 2,000,000 plants will be used
on S000 acres.
The cost of doing the actual planting
work is about $-.71 per acre. The plants
tkcmeelvea cost, to raiee, in tea nurery
Frank K. Welles Advises Movement
for Rural Districts Where Good
Roads Help Solve ProMem
of Transportation.
Revenue Dodgers Fear Penalties
Imposed1 ov Latest Measure.
LONDON. May 30 The financial
authorities of the Imperial Government
are more than satisfied with the re
sults of the assessment of the new war
taxes. Instead of the $24,000,000 that
the new legislation was designed to
raise, it is now evident that the total
amount will be at least $50,000,000
This result is attributed in large part
to the fact that the new laws threat
ened extremely severe sentences against
tax-dogers and at the same time guar
anteed tax-payers, who now give true
returns, against prosecution for past
We wish to extend our most sincere
thanks for sympathy shown and floral
offerings made on account of the death
of the wire and mother.
Six issues, Including Post'
age, 20 Cents.
Mail to your friends in the
East, The Oregonian during
Rose Festival Week, beginning
Tuesday, June 9, and ending
EDITION, June 14.
Complete and exhaustive re
ports with numerous high-class
half-tone illustrations will be
featured daily.
The Portland Annual Rose
Festival has been widely adver
tised throughout the United
States, and no more attractive
testimonial to your friends
could be given than a subscrip
tion to Oregon's Great Daily
during the event.
Orders given now in the busi
ness office, or sent in by mail to
The Oregonian. will receive
prompt and careful attention.
Subscription price for the sLx
issues, including postage, is 20
SALEM, Or., May 30. (Special.)
Arguing for the consolidation oi
schools where conditions warranted
such action, Frank K. Welles, Assistant
State Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion, made one of the most Important
addresses upon a subject relating to
education at the uommonwenuu .i-
ference Friday at the university
Oregon. Calling attention. 10 a 'a-
passed 10 years ago wuitu v
for consolidation of rural schools, Mr.
Welles said:
arhnnl districts have usuany oeeu
.oKio tn .tract consolidations because
r.t oontiment which rebels against
i rt the 'little red school
house,' because of its associate.., "j
cause of Jealousies in neighborhoods
which prevent co-operation, the gen-
i v.n.r that land values decrease
the distance to scnooi racreTO .
worry ana inconvenient
transporting the children, the cost of
the buildings and a belief in many
..inm that the country schools are
srood enough as they are.
riTi apcniinr or inese t c ow
tinued Mr. Wells, "the proposal to lorm
a consolidated school district usually
meets very determined opposition. The
State Superintendent of Utah reports
an instance of successful consolidation.
on nor pent or tne people wm
opposed to the plan when it was first
proposed, though fully 90 per cent are
now well satisnea wuu
"No general plan ior mo
ii f .rhnnl districts can be laid
down, since each case presents pecunai
problems of Its own. in a great many
r.nanl1rlation is not nOW leas
Ible, owing to the poor roads and the
long distances it would be necessary to
transport the children. There are,
however, some places in probably every
county in the state where It would be
of great advantage to the districts to
consolidate. Where this is feasible, the
.fnionrv nf the schools would be
greatly increased through consolida
"The chief advantages are these: The
children are taken to and from school
in comfortable conveyances; hence, are
shielded Irom exposure to the weather:
v. number of pupils makes
better classification possible: the larger
classes create rivalry and stimulate the
pupils" to greater effort; longer terms
of school are provided, making It bet
ter for both pupils and teachers: bet
iMfhin are employed; better
Kiuin. oTirt more eauioment are fur
nished; the "social advantages for both
the children and their parents are TtPTuiftd: school taxes are
equalized through the enlarged unit of
r wnuld not at this time favor any
attempt at the wholesale consolidation
of our schools. It seems to me that a
better plan would Be to nave a ""' -
h riiKciission of the advantages and
disadvantages of consolidation In our
country communities, ana u puaniuic
effect consolidation in a few places in
each countv where II seems must
rouuihle- If these proved successful,
they would become excellent object
ouenna for other communities, and
with better roads and improved trans'
portatios JacDAttes, sonsoU.datton
of our rural schools might be profit
ably extended."
Small Girl lias Fire and Police De
partments Called Out.
NEW YORK, May 26. Mary
Schwartz, 3 years old, chubby and
blonde, disturbed the peace of Harri
son, N. J, by causing the fire and po
lice departments to turn out and a sec
tion of a perfectly new concrete pave
ment to be ripped up. Mary is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Schwartz, of 231 Harrison street- She
was playing in front of her father's
shop, when she saw the end of a vent
pipe sticking through the sidewalk
alongside the house. Mary had screwed
the top off. She tried to investigate
the Interior of the pipe and, finding
that her little arm was too short to
reach anything, she pushed her fat lit
tle right leg down the vacancy and
then trouble began.
Mary tried to withdraw her leg. It
would not come out. Mary found that
she was in the terrible position of hav
ing one foot in the grave and promptly
began to yell. Passersby stopped and
tried to pull her out, but the leg had
swollen and they 'could not budge her.
Her parents rushed out of the shop
and took their turn; still no result, ex
cept that Mary howled a little louder.
Then some genius rang for the fire de
partment. The police heard about the
excitement and they came on the scene.
Everyone took a turn at trying to get
her out and as each one tried the others
stood manfully by and gave good ad
vice. . The physical" efforts were as
fruitless as the advice; still Mary stuck
and still she yelled.
In despair, a contractor was tele
phoned to and a few minutes later he
arrived with six men. He took one look
and then put his men to work. The new
concrete walk was ripped up and then
as they started to remove the 10-foot
length of pipe, a plumber happened
along. He took the situation in and,
after proving to his satisfaction and
Mary s distress that she was stucK
harder than ever, he took a steel saw
and cut the pipe off below her little
Mary and her section of pipe were re
moved to her home and the family doc
tor, with the assistance of Ice water
and grease, finally divorced her from
the riipe. Mary was more frightened
than hurt' Her leg is only slightly
bruised and the final act of her har
rowing experience was the deal her
father made with the contractor to
have the sidewalk repaired.
Idaho Gubernatorial Situation
Grows Tense.
large crowds which come from there to
the Round-Up each year.
Clean, Business Administration tor
Gem State Outlined if Youngs
and Popular Idabo Falls
Official Is Elected
tjllvl's Invention S-ucessful Under
Rig-id Tests by Italian Xavy.
LONDON, May 29. The Chronicle's
Milan correspondent telegraphs that
Ouilio Uuivl carried out fresh experi
ments at Florence recently with his in
ventlon for blowing up powder maga
zines and all explosives incased in
metal by means of ultra-violet rays
nrolected from a distance.
While Admiral Fornari was sinking
four miles to two-thirds their depth
in the River Arno yesterday the In
ventor transported his apparatus to
Mount Senarip. 10 . miles away, and
placed it behind the hill town of Fie-
sole. thus adding to tne oosiaciea Be
tween himself and the explosives,
Within half an hour of the signal Ulivl
bv his projector exploded all the
Admiral Fornari subjected the sys
tern to a further stringent test by sink
ing in various parts of the river a
number of corded metal bombs con-
taining explosives which he prepared
himself. Though the- task presented
enormous difficulties, owing to the con;
formation of the river, the young engi
neer from his position on the mountain
took only a quarter of an hour in each
case to scour, the river bed with his
rays and locate the bombs.
Vlivi is about to start experiments
with a new apparatus capable of set
ting off any explosives within a radius
ot 80 miles, .
Bad Check Leads to Arrest.
CJ3NTRALIA, Or., May 30. (Spe
cial.) C. S. Green was arrested in
Centralia Thursday night on a charge
of having cashed a forged check with
James Casey, a local tailor. The war
rant for Green's arrest was issued
some time ago, but he disappeared after
the alleged crime was committed and
was not heard of again until a police
man ran into him on the street. ' Green
is being held at the Lewis County Jail.
Sherwood AV11I Celebrate.
SHERWOOD, Or., May 30. (Special.)
Sherwood will have the biggest day
or ner history when the Fourth of
July arrives. Already special attrac
tions are being arranged. A baseball
game between Sherwood's fast team,
which defeated the Portland Macca
bees last Sunday, 6 to 0, and Oswego,
will be a feature of the afternoon's
programme. Mayor Hall may pitch
the first ball.
ROTSK Tdaho. Hair 30. (Special.)
The entrance of the "Boy Mayor,"
Barzilla W. Clark, of Idaho Falls, Into
the Democratic Gubernatorial race in
opposition and open contest to M.
A!-rnnrtor of this city, has created
consternation among Democrats who
were under the impression that Mr.
AiairanAw wnnlH he the onlv candidate
at the primaries, and the party would
not have to undergo the connict wnnin
ln rnnVa hrnilETht about thrOUgh a
primary aiiu iji,i.un . o
the backing of many faithful followers
in tuts au U Ulcaoici 1 .....
who are confident that, if nominated
and elected, ne win give w n a
clean business administration.
Clark expects to tour the state from
end to end by automobile. He is a
n,.aFiil enea flTitt a Student OL UUU-
lic questions. His present term as
Mayor of Idaho Falls has been a
strenuous one and is said to nave maue
him immensely popular there.
In all nflrfa nf t Vl ft State
are anxiously awaiting the next move
of Fred T. jjudois, ex-unnea oiaiea
nitrif frnm Triahn. who. rumor has
it. has ' been flirting with the Bull
Moose party. Dubtis has- not been
taking an active part in poinics. ne
n.til v. v,rt.Avnt g etrnnsr followinST
over the state and controls a big vote
In the Democratic party. His name is
being persistently linked with the Pro
gressive party nomination ior uniisa
It is said here that Dubois and the
RnH MnnftA nartv have something in
common in the Mormon issue. While
this issue will not be raised by the
Progressive party during the present
campaign, it is claimed that the Bull
vote in the southeast has treated the
new party any too wen ana mat. un
less it is given fair treatment in the
present campaign, mere may uo
Hawley wants to, see is the possibility
OI II 1 3 irienu, u LHJ io, uchis mo W " .
ent at the general election for United
States Senator, for Hawley Is now a
...ixl.t. frr- that nfflA ftnrf mnnrtK
connect the name of Dubois with the
same onice
Pendleton Party Will Attend Iive
stock Show, June 4.
PENDLETON. Or, May 30. (Spe
claL) The Pendleton Round-Up man
agement will go to the livestock show
at Unlon Or., for one day. The party
will leave here the night of June 3
on a special car and will arrive at
Union the morning of June 4.
In addition to the members of th
Round-Up directorate there will be
large number of business and pro
fessional men from Pendleton and also
fanciers of high-grade livestock. The
junket is planned as a compliment to
the people of union county. iof jne
I wish to thank mv friends anH the
ladies of Thusneida Lodge for the floral,
offerings and kindness shown me in my
late bereavement in the death of my wife.
Health Depends on Kidneys
-Whole System Suffers if They Are De
Health is an absolute impossibility
when the kidneys ape out of order. The
explanation is simple. .Life cannot be
lived without waste. The blood sweeps
through arteries and veins supplying
vitality to every organ and part, gath
ers up the waste matter and carries it
to the kidneys. The kidney- are a fil
ter and it is their office to strain from
the blood all the poisonous deposits and
to pass them on to the bladder for ex
pulsion. When any part of the kidneys
is inflamed, the purifying is less per
fectly done. The kidneys and veins are
clogged with poisonous matter. If you
are troubled with pains in the back,
dizziness, aching joints, nausea, or
other symptoms of kidney disease, you
should lose no time in testing Warner s
Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. It is
considered by many physicians to be
an excellent remedy in the treatment
of 'diseases of the kidneys, liver ana
blood. It repairs the tis
sues, soothes inflamma
tion and irritation, awak
ens the
srivA von
well-being which attends I
perfect neaitn. a sianaara
remedy for 37 years in the I
relief of thousands. At an l
druggists in 50c and $1.00 1
sizes. A free sample and!
other valuable information!
if you write Warner's Safe!
Remedies Co.. Dept. XUu.I
Rochester, is. Y.
H, liver
in a irritation, awa-K-he
torpid liver, aids dF-.l -TV
Ion, stimulates the,'i,"a
led organs, and will fku""x,i
you that sense of ili5fi5SSB
&e!eys Spermatic Shield Truss
tpsrmstlo Shield M i
Oo yoB"6"th Broowf
appliance closes this opening in ten
days in most cases.
Railway fare paid one way if you
Sold only by
Laue-Davis Drug Co.
Third and Yamhill Slreetn, Portland,
Oregon, who are 'I ruux Experts and ex
clusive State Agents for this appliance.
iWnen. writing mention, this papcrj.