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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1914)
THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX. PORTLAND. MAT 24, 1914. BALFOUR ELOQUENT IN DAY OF FAILURE Ex-Leader of Unionists Sees No Triumph of Enemies, in. Coming "of Home Rule. LABOR rOF LIFE IS LOST Bitter Opposition to Separate Parlia ' ' merit Xot Abated, Yet Sacrifice Is Agreed To in Hope or Averting Civil War. LONDON'. May 24. The speech of Arthur J. Balfour in the recent debates in the House of Commons on home rule, wherein the former leader of the Unionist party admitted the failure of liis long life efforts toward mainten ance of the Union, was one of the most eloquent in the recent history of parliament. It had its parallel more than 100 years ago when Grattan, in his maiden speech in the Imperial House of Commons, on May 13, 1813, referred to the Irish parliament, whose legislative independence , had been achieved by his exertions, and whose destruction he deplored. "Of that assembly' Grattan declared, 'I have a parental recollection: I sat . by her cradle, I followed her hearse." Sacrifice Made to Avoid War. Mr. Balfour is much in the same position He is one of the last to admit that home rule, in some form or another, is now inevitable. He has steadily fought against a Dublin parliament, hoping that time would bring about a reconciliation between the people of the two islands, and old quarrels would be forgotten. He is still bitterly opposed to home rule, and yet is willing to mace great sacrifices to avoid Civil War. Mr. Balfour said: "There was a time, not so very long ago, as my life is measured, when I cherished the dream that if law was restored in the Southern Province of Ireland, if every grievance were re moved, if every inequality were smoothered away, if every encourage ment were given to the legitimate in dustry, if every equality and more than equality were given to our Irish fellow-subjects, ancient memories would gradually soften, men would look for ward as well as backward, and there would grow up what there ought to be between these two"1slands a common hope, a common loyalty, confidence in a common heritage and that all this might be accomplished under one parliament. I Cannes Fated to Be Lost. "For that I have striven, for that I have argued in this house and out of it. for that I have worked weary hours at legislative projects and striven to accommodate legislative details to the needs and necessities of the mo ment. And, sir, if the result of all is that. In order that civil war may be avoided, with all its incalculable hor rors, there is yet to be established in Iublln a separate parliament to the in jury, as I personally think, of the Irish people and not less perhaps to the British people then, sir, 1 may be an object of pity to the right honorable pentlemen. but he need not think I shall regard such a consummation as a triumph of my political enemies. "On the contrary, it is the mark of! the failure of a life's work, it is the admission that the causes for which I have most striven and most earnest ly sought to accomplish are fated to break down, and that the long labors spent in this house and out of it have not borne the fruit that I once hoped they might." ISTHMUS IS CONGESTED FREIGHT PILES IP SIXCIC TK-. HUANTEPEC ROAD IS CLOSED. Starting of Barge Line Through Canal la Move to Relieve Situation. Pontoon Bridge In Place. PANAMA, May 24. Stoppage of the Tehuantepec railway route across Mex ico has so increased traffic across the Isthmus of Panama that the Panama Railroad is almost unable to cope with the situation. Practically every car the railroad owns is in service and still mountains of freight at tho terminals show no signs of diminution. Several large freighters are seen .daily at anchor in the Pacific roadstead off Bal boa waiting for a chance to get to the wharf to unload their cargoes, that are destined finally to reach New York and other Eastern United States ports. - At the time the route across Mexica was. Interrupted there were several ships unloading in the harbor at Salina Cruz. livery effort was made to un load the ships and get away before the port was closed, but several of the ves sels were unable to get their cargoes on the wharf in time. In consequence they sailed for Panama with parts of their cargoes. The arrival of the sugar ships of the Hawaiian-American line led. the Pan ama Canal authorities to start a barge line through the canal ' in hope of re lieving the situation. The pontoon bridge across the canal at Paraiso has been swung into po sition and in future will be used by the Panama Railroad in operating its trains on the west side of the canal. brought to public notice by a police matron. - James Gill, an assistant in the De partment of Public Safety for "Women, of which Mrs. Iola Baldwin is head, arrested the girl May 18, and a com plaint, dated May 22. was filed against her Friday. Gill says he filed the com plaint the day after he arrested the girl. No warrant was procured, by Gill, and he did not cause her to be booked on the police docket, so that the court attaches did not know of the arrest, and she lay in jail until discovered by chance. She testified to Judge Stevenson that Gill told her he was not arresting her, but merely wished her to go to the police station to give evidence against a man companion. The man compan ion was not arrested, but she was charged with vagrancy and held in jail. She saidj. that she could obtain em ployment at a South Portland resi dence, and was allowed to go. Neither Gill not Mrs. Baldwin appeared against her in court. REBELLION MORE GRAVE OOMIMCAX CAPITAL. REPORTED MENACED BIT ENEMIES. American Naval Commanders Tell of 31inor Encasements, but With No Injury- to Foreigners. WASHINGTON, May 23. Increasing gravity of the Dominican revolution was reflected in dispatches from naval commanders today in Dominican waters. From Puerto Plata, on the northern coast, where President Bor das, commanding the federal troops, has raised the blockade Captain Eberle, of the" cruiser Washington, in the night sent this summary of condi tions: , "Fruit steamer Oregon waiting off Puerto Plata this afternoon. Bordas' forces i opened artillery fire on" rebel headquarters in southeast outskirts of Puerto Plata. No injury to foreigners reported. Messages from Receiver General Vlck say Sanchez was at tacked Wednesday by rebel forces andi rebel forces were reported marching against capital. Castine arrived at Sanchez 5 P.M. Friday. Between 8 and 10 o'clock this evening brisk rifle en gagement on south and west sides Puerto Plata, with occasional artillery fire by Bordas' forces." Commander Carter, of the gunboat Castine, sent this report from Santo Domingo City: "Governor of Samana province with 100 men now here. Revolutionists with about 150 men on hills outside of Sanchez. Desultory shooting by rebels Thursday and today. Government troops did not return fire. No casual ties. Railroad open for 30 miles, be yond that revolutionaries control! No telegraphic communication." THIEF TAKES TROUSSEAU Vulene Eastman Reports Loss on Eve of Her Wedding. On the eve of her wedding, the trousseau of Miss Valene Eastman, of 1404 East Seventeenth street, w&s stolen from an office in a downtown building yesterday about noon. Miss Eastman reported to the police that she left her tan leather suitcase containing a lavender stripe silk dress, a yellow broadcloth skirt and a cream lace waist in an office. She said, that the elevator man in the building told her that a young woman left the build ing shortly after 1 o'clock carrying a suitcase similar to the one described. Detective Captain Baty issued an or- Cer to all detectives last night to search for the suitcase, so that Miss Eastman's wedding be not delayed. TWO RAILROADMEN FINED Penalties of $5000 Given for Ship ping Law Violations. SPOKANE. Wash., May 23. Austin Corbin. vice-president of the Spokane International Railroad, and George 11. Martin, general freight and passenger agent of the road, were fined J5000 each by Federal Judge Rudkin today on pleas of guilty of violation of the interstate commerce law. " They were indicted on 17 counts and compromised on 10 of them. The vio lations consisted in Corbin shipping by the Spokane International from his ranch In Idaho to his home here wheat, wood and a cow, without paying the established freight rates. SAWS ARE FOUND IN CELL "Vojrgrmcii in Jail Have Tools With Which to Cut Way Out. What jniprht have resulted in serious trouble in the County Jail was prevent ed yesterday when Ieputy Sheriffs Lumsden and Pratt tok three table knives, which had beeiTTi!ed into saws, and a small steel file from the cell in which Lothar Von Falkenthal and Carl Wenepal, confessed yeggmen, were confined. None of the knives are of the pattern or make used in the jail dining-room. The knlvs were discovered after the two men had been permitted to remain In the name cell over night. Both the men pleaded guilty several days aso to breaking the safe in the store of L. hanahan, on Third street, and each was sentenced by Judge Kav anaugh to serve from two to five years in the penitentiary. GIRL HELD 4 DAYS FREED Young Woman lit .lail V nt It Dis covered by C'liance by Matron. After lying in jail four days with out beinjr booked on the police docket, louisa Ritschwold, a young girl, was released yesterday afternoou by Judge tevensou un ii&role. Her case was Mill Laborer Killed. BAKER. Or., May 23. John Day. 40 years old, was crushed between two logs while helping to unload a car at Stoddard Bros.' mill, and instantly killed. A verdict of accidental death by a Coroner's Jury did not place re sponsibility for the accident. ' Try Santiseptlc lotion after shaving. Adv. J. O. METCALF, Mabel, Mo. A Cm. Using Peruna Many Years I can say that Peru na is & fine remedy for eatarrh and dis eases of the tonsils and inny other ailments. It is manufactured by a well known company, who are perfectly reliable. K Tiil Trith Mht J1-' ii IGlllCatiTe qualities. "T nave noticed a great many others taking this remedy, and I have yet failed to see a case where the continued use of Peru na did not complete a sat isfactory cure in reason able time." Had Tuberculosis, Now Insured When you know a man has been af f I inert with Consumption, and later ob tained insurance, it means that he has re covered his health, as in this case: 237 Dean St.. Brooklyn. X. T. "Gentlemen : I was troubled with nljeht sweats, a severe cough and was very weak; having. In fact, absolutely no ambition what ever. I consulted a physician, who told me my lungs were affected. Not satisfied, 1 went to another doctor, who said that I was in the first stages of Consumption. At this point I started to take Eck roan's Alterative, The night sweats stopped almost immed iately, my cough became looser and gradu ally disappeared. My weight is now 14 J pounds and my physician has pronounced me perfectly sound which, together with the fan that I have Just been accepted by two different insurance companies for in surance, makes me sure of my entire re covery." (Abbreviated) Affidavit) W. E- GEE. Kckman's Alterative is most efficacious In bronchial catarrh and severe throat and lung a (Tec t ion and upbuilding the system. Contains no harmful or habit-f ormintj drugs. Accept no substitutes. Sold by The Owi Drug Co. and leading druggists. Write Erk man Laboratory. Philadelphia, Pa., for book let, of recoveries Tom Mail Orders Will Receive Our Best and Careful. Attention Samples Mailed on Request Par-eel Post and Express Packages Prepaid TJp to $5.QO Free Deliveries to All Pa-rtsof This City, "Vancouver and Oregon City A $2.72 Walrus Suit Case at $2.15 A good durable Suitcase, made from an imitation walrus leather. Comes with a steel frame and with sole leather corners and leather straps. A 24-inch Suitcase usually sold at $2.75, priced for this sale 4iO 1 C at only Store Opens at 8:30 A. M., Saturday: B ---- JMilJ -WW fTTWgTv.T.r.T- - I Store Closes at 5:30 P. M., Saturdays at 6 sat 9 I -- as Boys' 35c Blouse Waists, Each. 25c Warm yeather demands plenty of Waists for the boys. Here is a sale of Blouse "Waists niade with soft turn down collar. All sizes in plain colors and neat stripes; 35c grade, this sale at . .' C SALE A GREAT MONTH-END Of Seasonable Merchandise That Brings to You the Most Out-of-the-Ordinary Values A quick' goodby to all -overstocks, odd lots, ends of lines and merchandise that has lingered here too long. A helpful sale to both of us. Helpful in the excellence of the offerings and broadness of the variety. Helpful in the economies which prevail. "VALUE" is the" key note of this month-end sale; value-giving that justifies your best attention as exemplified by these offerings. Sale Sheets and Pillow Cases In reducing prices for one week on these well-known makes of Sheets and Pillow Slips, we do it for a definite purpose, namely, to bring them within easy reach of folks owning country or sea side hpmes- and to- allow city housekeepers to supply their needs at worth-while savings. The price reductions are not large, but they'll be' welcome when you consider the qualities. 42 by 36-inch Pillow Slips, best 1214c grade, at 10 each. 42 by36-inch Pillow Slips, -best 15c grade, at 12y2$ each. 72 by 90-inch Bleached Sheets, best 50c grade, at 45 each. 76 by 90-inch 'Bleached Sheets, best 70c grade, at 59 each.:. Full size White Bedspreads, best $1.75 grade, at $1.48 each. A Very Opportune Sale of Printed Curtain Scrims About 50 different styles and colors with plain or figured cen ter. Regular 20c and .ig 25c grades, at yard OC A great overstock of Printed Curtain Scrims to be closed out immediately without ' regard to cost or worth. About 200 bolts, including over 50 different styles and colors. They come either with plain or figured centers and full 36 inches wide. There can be no better time to buy than now, for you have choice of reg ular 20c and 25c qualities 1 at, a 3Tard AOC Gomplete New Summer Lines of Women's, Children's tockin Moderately Prices For This Sale Guaranteed Hosiery service and satisfaction. By 4 service" we mean Stockings in which fabric, workmanship and construction unite to give satisfactioi; in the wear and in the style. The items listed here are especially worthy of your attention: Silk Lisle Hose at Pair, One of our ldading lines of Women's Summer 1 Hosiery Fine Silk Lisle Stockings made with garter top, double heel, sole and toe. All sizes in black, white, shades of tan and cham pagne. A Stocking of unusual durability at a low price. Children's Cotton Hose, 19 Misses' and Children's Fine Ribbed Maco Cotton Hose with reinforced heel and toe. All sizes in black, white and tan, underpriced for this sale at 19 a pair. Fiber Silk Hose at Pair, 50 Extremely high-grade Stock ings of fine fiber silk, made full-fashioned and with double heer and toe. They come in all "sizes in black, white, tan and the most popular new shades. An extremely popular Stock ing moderatel'' priced. Children's Silk Lisle Hose 25? Misses ' and Children's best grade Silk Lisle Hose in black, white, (tan, pink, light .blue, etc. All sizes. A Stocking of unequaled quality at this price, 25 a pair. Men's Summer Union Suits Mercerized to look like silk; made with 14 sleeve and leg. All sizes.' Best $2.00 - a q grade at, the suit . . . .P L.rrJ You who rely oil this store for good Underwear are going to GET it good, or you are not going to have it at all. We know this to be good Underwear and to be underpriced.' It is a sale of Men's Fine" Cotton Union Suits, mercerized to look like silk. Comes in correct Summer weight with 14 sleeve and leg, and with closed crotch. Al sizes in white, blue and flesh color. A $2.00 Union Suit d ! aq priced this sale at . . P tJ Manchester Shirts, $1.50 Grade, at $1:15 A standard quality Shirt, made of a fine mercerized cloth and in coat style- with double, soft French cuff's and starched collar band; all sizes;, best $1.50 grade, this sale $1.15 Women's Lisle Thread Union Suits Well-finished,' form-fitting garments of fine lisle thread, shown in low-neck, sleeveless styles in-knee length; also of fine cotton with lace-trimmed knee. All sizes. . Garments of seasonable ESOr weight, priced at, the suit .T . JVC Women's Lisle Thread Vests Splendid fitting garments shown jn low-neck, sleeveless style and in all sizes. One of our leaders at JC Vests With Crochet Yokes Fine cotton garments in all sizes, made with fancy crochet'yokes. Quite a variety of O patterns to choose from; another special value at . . . . . An Extensive Showing of Bathing Suits and Caps At Moderately Low Prices Anticipate your needs and profit by an early selection of your new Bathing Suit and Cap. Come see what a splendid assortment we have gathered for your selection and how moderately we have priced them. Bathing Suits, $5.50 to $1.98 Bathing Caps, 98d to 25p Bathing Slippers, 75 to 25 Time Now to Say Good-Bye to These igh-G-rade Woolen Dress Goods 44 to 56-inch fabrics in plain shades, checks, plaids, stripes QOp and novelties; $1.25 to $2 qualities, to go at, yard 17 OC This season's selling time is rapidly drawing, to a close and we must immediately dispose of a great lot of high-grade Woolen Dress Goods, no matter how great the sacrifice. Hence this out-of-the-ordinary offering. Included are 54-inch Scotch Mixtures, 51-inch Plain Coverts, 54-inch Shepherd and Novelty Checks, Pin Stripes, Matelasse, Diagonal Checks, Fancy Plaids, and an endless variety of plain shades and the most fashionable novelties. You may now buy the desired material for suit, coat or skirt at a great saving, for you, have choice from regular $1.25, s Q52 $1.50 and $2.00 qualities, tomorrow at vOC Another Decided Bargain A Sale of Half -Wool French Cliallies Full 30 inches wide, shown in neat small designs and many colorings. Best 39c grade at, the yard . . A special underpricing of one of the most desirable fabrics for Summer wear. Fine Half-Wool French Challies that wash and wear perfectly. They come full 30 inches wide and in a full variety of neat small designs in medium and light colorings. The Ofi kind that sell regularly at 39c yard, this sale at . Sweeping Reductions on the Season's Beautiful Novelty Silks Brocades, Poplins, Bulgarian and Printed Warp Fancies, r q Pongees, etc. Regular $1 and $1.25 qualities at, yard. . . -. vC A striking variety of weaves and colorings to choose from. Hun dreds of yards, including the most popular novelties for street and evening gowns, as well as a great variety of the fashionable Trimming Silks. You may select from yard-wide, brocaded Silk Poplins, yard-wide Bulgarian Novelties, 26-inch Printed Poplins, 34-inch Natural Colored Pongees and an endless assortment of Fancy Dress and Waisting Silks of standard width and quality. Silks that have sold this season at $1 and $1.25 yard, and ZQf are fully worth these fair prices, on sale tomorrow. . . .'.v. . .OJJC 25c New 40-in. Silk Voiles of Soft Graceful Weave Shown in colored and white grounds with printed . j-a designs in exquisite colorings. Tempting value, yd. . . plOU These fetching, soft clinging Silks are new within the week. They iire distinctive and especially popular for Summer wear. They are extremely high-grade Silks of soft, graceful .weave, shown in white and colored grounds with neat printed designs in exquisite colorings" and they are certainly most economically priced when you consider the width and quality. They are 40 t " CZf inches wide and are priced here at, yard p 1 .OU A Manufacturer's Sample Line of Women's $9.85 - Silk . Dresses Charming models in Chiffon Taffetas, Messalines and Silk Crepe de Chines; values to $18.50, on sale at .... It is an extraordinary showing and sale of the season's best styles in Women's Silk Dresses, including as it does the mot charming models for both street and evening wear. They are perfectly fin ished, neatly trimmed garments, made of the finest Chiffon Taf fetas, Messalines and Crepe de Chines and shown in the most pop ular plain shades, navy, taupe, tango, black, etc.; also in an ex tensive variety of colorings, including the extremely fashionable Dolly Varden patterns. You have choice from all Q QC sizes, 16 to 42, in values up to $18.50, tomorrow at only p.GO An Out-of-the-Ordinary Purchase and " ', Sale of Fine Venice Lace Neckwear Collars, Sets, Jabots; dozens of pretty patterns in vfQr all styles and sizes., Values to $2.00 at, each ." . .TyC Another fortunate purchase that brings to you the most out-of-the-ordinary values. This time it's a great, sale of Venise Lace Neckwear, over 100 dozen pieces in the assortment, including all the best styles and sizes in Collars, Jabots and Collar and Cuff Sets. The kinds suitable for dress, coat or suit, in white, A o cream and ecru. Reg. values to $2, choice while they last. ."OC