The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 24, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 29

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    - Y
MAT 24, 1914.
FEET 10. 12. 14-Inch steel riveted pipe.
Complete contractor's camp outfit, con
sisting of d is lies, tents, groceries, picks,
unovels, lamps, lanterns, slickers, beds, 4
maurrsBen. wilt sen as a wnoie or in tot
to suit.
i Corrugated Iron. Corrugated Ipon.
Large lot, all in fine shape.
Rubber Koof in. Rubber Roof Ins;.
5oc per square.
Large lot tents, all aires.
100 kegs galvanized wirajialls.
Any size or quantity. Our prices can
not be beat.
We carry the largest stock of second-..
mercuiiuae m me city and if you
need anything; see us, as we can save
you money. -
The oldest, most reliable second-hand
machinery and miscellaneous dealers in
the city.
Front and Grant sts.
Phones Main 2O02, A 2002.
becond-Mand Machinery and Sudd lies.
and size.
The most complete assortment of second-hand
machinery on tho Pacillo Coast.
lor hoisting, loRgins, etc.
Anything: and everything In this line.
Fixtures, pipe and fittings; a complete
assortment of enameled ware. .
All sizes and kinds. In any amount.
All sizes and any amount
SPECIAL jo. Oi to ft. '-i -In. plow eteel,
almost new, at --ac; also 1U00 ft, 1 4 -in.
a 1 u renin per foot.
Our stock fs complete: all sizes in stock.
Relay era In all sizes.
Contractors' re- nforcing stock
Boilers, Pipe Fittings, Radiators.
In Short,
Because: ,
If BARDE hasn't got it,
It CAN'T be gotten.
Tho House of a Million Bargains.
240-242' Front st., cor. Main.
22 i'ears In Portland. Or.
See Barde.- It Fays.
BOILERS, egnlnes, pumps, dynamos, mo
tors, rails, pipe, pulleys, belting, sacks, ca
ble, shafting, hangers, collars, anything
and everything- in the iron and machinery
line. .
Front and Grant sts.
WB will sell Monday one lot of second
hand tawing machines, Singer, New Home.
Domestic, Wheeler & Wilson, "White, Da
vit and New Royal. Come and aet your
pick; as low as $3. 849 Morrison st. t
SiT.ENDID horse and bugey; 3125; terms,
or would trade. Owner, Main 6084. .
The Globe 2d-hand iitoro Reopened. 1
Highest cash prices paid for ladles' end
gents' cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture,
bicycles, trunks, suitcases, etc,
Call Main 2OS0.
WHAT have you to trade for an Eastman
special 3 A kodak with complete outfit,
value $K5 7 Also 17-jewtsl open-face HAinp
den wntt:h, with chain? Both practically
new. AL 1. Oregonian. i
, 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture,
carpets, stoves, ranges, haraware or tools
of any kind. Call A 7171 or Mali t072.
Our buyer calls promptly.
Highest prices paid for seccnd-hand
Clothes, shoes, etc. 129 N. 6th. Main 2S45,
Cleaning and repairing monuraent. fine
arts work in marble and planter, artis
tically done at r;isonulle puce by D.
Fahjiiu, 335 Front St.. Portland. On
Don't Rive it away: get our figures first.
Standard Fur. Co., lt2 1st. Main 4773.
Do NOT sell or gie away any of your fur
niture before N you call, tte Bell Aun-
lion-House, 1HI 2d st. Marshal k 4783.
VA N TEl) Opportunity for a tow more
piano students. ."iOc ser lrsson. Will call
at residence. Phone Columbia 532.
WANTED Second -htMid creamery aid ice
cream machinery ; give full lnf or (nation
and price, V 2, Oregonian,
SECOND-HA ND c to thin gw anted ; h ihest
prices paid for second -hand clothing and
shoes. Main b.'.O.Y 204 id. Reliable buyer.
WANTED -First -class adding machine; must
be sta ndurd make, modern and in good
condition. AK 1 Oregonian.
W ANTE D Good refrigerator", ICHi lbs. ca
pacity; cash; give pi:Oiiu number"? G 2,
Ui e got. Ian. -
W A N T E D- 100 or 20( goat s. Ad d ress with
fu!i information V. G. Dtatstnan Co., 41104
7-tth st. S. E., Portland.
WANT EO A 4 H, P. motorcycle, Harley
p -oferred, in gooA-condition ; will trade
wireless and casil, Phone Tabor lj4C.
WILL exchange flrt-clase new talkhtg ma
chine for plumbui?. Hyatt Talking Ma
c hi no Co.. 3."o Aldar.
WANTED Larg-e refrigerator, with glass
in front for grocery business; must be In
nooi co nl It ion . K. 3, Oregunian.
SMA LL engine 'a the; stale lowest
price, make and equipment. U 992,
WANTED A second-hand bicycle ; must be
a bargain. Cai! Sunday. N. S. Beynou, 167
W. Park.
WOULD like to buy about 30 yards flrst
class inl.iid Lnoleum and two gas ranges
for cash. 330 Alder.
WANTED To rent or buy a trap drummer's
out fit for picture show. Phone Main
WANTED To buy a
or office table. I
cheap flat-top desk
991, OregoniajJ.
GAS bath cater heater In good condition,
with or without tank. Mam 865.
VANTKD-Large or imiall wood-hauling
contract. P ii7, Qregonian.
-WANTED National cash register. Main
SOi'l. Address 6!o Nonhrup st.
CASH pid for hair combings. Sanitary
Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg.
for your furniture. Phone Sell wood 1C82
FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash- for
any kind of furniture. Main 60M.
AVE tint rooms for 2.50. paint house at your
price. Main 4122.
WANTKD Two second-hand toilets; low
tanko. AD 3, Oregonlan.
"WANTED Watch sign, watchmaking tools,
a!so old watches. AL i4. Oregonlan.
-Small refrigerator. AT 087, Ore-
WANTED S National ensn,
once; will pay spot cab.
Main 006.
2i IGHEST prices paid for ladies' and gents'
cast-cfT clothing. Mrs. Goldstein, Mar. 8iJ2.
WANT Rubb-T-tired huf.ity and harness and
k e box. Wooti
voouiawn Jboii.
SO Pay 5c 10. any Quanti
ties, week mornings. 272 V Stark.
CANOW" wanted; state particulars. I.
Wright. Box 23, Oswego. Or.
WANTED A small horizontal tubular boil
er; 10 or 12 h. p. A Oregonian.
W3 tint rooms for $2.50, paint house
your price. East 136. B S40
. Tabor
-Hioyule. nrt-iiuh frame, good con-
AS iti4, Oregouian.
WANT m rug. good couch; state price.
HIGH EST j-rice paid for rifles, shotguns,
cameras, iloohfeld. 44a N. 3d at.
WANTED A mlddie-apd woman to take
care of chnd. Cut I Mrs. Lautarrt, 2o
Union a ve. North.
WANTED ' Inex peric-nrod girls.
Lauiuiiy. i'lst and Sandy Rod.
BOY wanted, all clay wm-k. Apply Public
ANTED Solicitor, a fine proposition. Call
m Hey h1 Lve Work. 2 Craud ave.
WANTED Coat makers and
Weider. :tSl! Stark st..- id
SoME or.e to teach me mr civil service ex
ams. AS D71, oregunlan.
Office Secretary Employment Department.
Y. M. C A.
Young man. stranger, seeking employ
ment (jo total -cash asset). If I pay yon
for Employment Membership I will
have only $15 between me and starvation
Secretary If you pay $5 for Employ
ment Membership you will 'have th Y.
M. C. A. between you and starvation.
Result Young man Joined. In less than
a Aeek had satisfactory employment.
V Record for 11S.
Call for men - from employers. ......... .2655
Positions filled .141
Employment membership, $5 per an
num. Guarantees member will secure em
ployment or refund of fee. Includes two
months' full anji ten months social privi
lege's. Issued by Employment Depart
ment only. All young men seeking em
ployment in Commercial,CIerlcai or Tech
nical lines are cordially invited to con-suit-
the Employment Secretary.
$2O00 QUICKLY coined; Chancy, Va., five
weeks' record; new, amazing, household
invention; twentieth century marvel,' Rob-
- inson folding bath tub. Gives every home
modem bathroom ; no pipes ; no plumbing,
no waterworks needed. Folds in roll,
handy as umbrella; cannot leak; guaran
teed 10 years; hustlers everywhere, min
isters, doctors, lawyers, mechanics, labor
ers, wage slaves who have broken
shackles, making- money, getting rich.
Read records: "Sold a tubs 3 hours, $15
profit," John. Huyck, Iowa. Breeze,
Idaho, made $45 first day. "Took- 8 or
ders yesterday, $40 profit." W. A. Bach
mann, Kay Success, prosperity, abundant
wealth tor you. County open, If you want
easy big money, writ now. H. S. Robinson,
prest., 00O Factories bldg., Toledo, O.
WANTED Reliable, honest parly with
51000 cash, or more to-travel in the U. S.,
' China. Japan, England and foreign coun
tries for reliable concern; no experience
necessary; prefer membvr of B. P. O. E.,
but any 6uw eligible; salary, commission
and big profits; strictest Investigation in
vited. Call or write quick. L. F. Cowan,
Multnomah Hotel.
PRACTICAL man. with , family, familiar
w ith horses, for general Jarm and
orchard work; salary at rate of $05 per
month; permanent position and good op
portunity to acquire email farm to right
party with not less than $250 cash to in
vest ; school and store on premises.
K i!2, Oregoninu. -
SALESMAN. Oregon, sell merchants great
est specialty of day. Experienced specialty
Y week to right man. Commission contract.
Commissions pud weekly. State exper
ience. Champion Register Co., Cleveland.
TYPEWRITER repairman, familiar, with all
makes; must bo good mechanic; prefer
tingle man about 25 years; have- excellent
proposition tor right man. Inland Type
writer Co., 110 South Boat St., Spokane,
SALESMAN experienced any line, to seil
general trade. Pacific territory; unex
celled specialty proposition; commission
contract; $35 weekly expenses. Continental
Jewelry Co., WS-21 Continental bids-.
Cleveland Ohio.
B LACKS JtllTH, Burly drill and shoeing, &0.
Track foreman for Montana, $83.
4 flunkeys, $30 ach.
2 section foremen for Montana, $03 each.
26 North 2d st.
WANTED Experienced garage man; must
be - first-class mechanic, with good ref
erences; married man preferred, to take
ckarge of garage in Eastern
good opening for right tuan.
Oregonian. j
AV 203,
SALESMEN to sell our check protector- it
sells to every person who writes check.
Circular, Information free. Sample 20c.
Trry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg., Toledo,
Ohio. t i
FIRE insurance man wanted as solicitor;
must be responsible and well known to
Join an Insurance man of many years' ex
perience, or would take partner, or would
go in with angent, WS5, Oregonlan.
SALESMAN by laoe and embroidery im
porters, work established trade Washing
ton. Oregon; excellent opportunity for
rlfiht man w.'th established trade ; smaller
tow ns. Fuld 447 Broadway, N. Y.
HUSTLING msn under 50 years wanted each
locality, introduce our new membership,
either spare or full time; $30 to$io0
month iyi experience unnecessary. Address
the I-L-f, 2039, Covingt&n, Ky.
SALESMAN, capable specialty man, Oregon;
staple line, -new, exceptional terms; va
cancy June 1. Attractive coinmlsskm con
tract, $;i."i weekly expenses. Miles F. Bix-
- ler Co., 226-21 Carlin bldg., Cleveland, O.
CIGAR salesman wanted; $23 weekfy" and
expenses or btg commissions; experience
unnecessary ; other good lines furnished
to carry with cigars. National Cigar Co.,
Denver, Colo.
FIItST-CLASS pen, ink and water-color
artist for designing business ; answer own
handwriting; state experience ; none but
A No. 1 artists need apply. AH Ore,
SALESMAN calling on retailers in small
towns to sell on commission ; strong side
line, blankets, flannels, d ress goods, nov
elties; direct from the looms. The L'ake
wood Company, box 414, Philadelphia, pa.
HONEST man wanted In each town for spe
cial advertising work; $15 a week to start;
experience unnecessary; references re
quired. Address at once, McLean, Black
Jfc Co.. 232 N. Beverly st.. Bostons, Mass.
SALESMEN wanted in all parts of the
United States to sell Vanadium high-speed
handsaws. For full information address
Pennsylvania Sav Co., vDcpt. P. 1, Frack
ville. pa.
WANTED 20 amenta at once to, call on
trade with a first-class line of artificial
flowers; must have S10 to Invest; sell at
sight, A hustler can make $15 a day.
Give phone number. AN 991. Oregonlan.
WE want representatives to sell our guar
anteed trees In Lane, Douglas, Coos and
Jackson Counties. Big money for right
parties. Write today, giving references.
Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or.
WHITE GOODS and domestic salesmen;
must be thoroughly experienced and fur
nish best of references; none others need
apply. Superintendent's office, 9 to 10
A. M, Olds, Wortman & King.
WANTED Traveling man to handle our
well-established line of gloves In Eastern
Oregon, and Idaho on a commission basis
as a side line. Portland Glove Works,
44T. Stark st.
CASH advanced you weekly selling my
hardy, guaranteed stock, excellent terri
tory ; hustlers make money. Washington
Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. (
WANTED Experienced meat man, capable
ot taKtng cnarge or front part of market;
good salesman with some capital required.
Nam pa Meat Co., Nampa, Idaho.
WRITE moving picture plays; $50 each; all
oik spare time; no correspondence course;
details free. Atlas Publishing Co., 42, Cin
cinnati, O.
YOUNG man of good hat) its and industrious
may earn a nuainess education-and small
salary as assistant janitor. Holmes Busi
nesa College. Call Monday.
INSURANCE Experienced liability and fire
man; good proposition to right man. but
must b producer; correspondancecontl
dential. A R OS'J, Oregonian.
WANTED 30 boys this afternoon at 3
o'clock to ste "'Circus Days" at Empress
free. Apply at stage door of Empress
DO you. want $10 day, side or main line,
retail, premium ana puncn hoard deals?
Five propositions. American Factories
CO.. St. iouis, AiO.
MAJiJ money writing stories or articlesTl
-i'maed Prcw Syndicate, San Francisco.
AT once. 3 men to learn automobile driv
ing and repairing; references required.
723 Chamber of Commerce, office A
HIGHEST class stock salesman ' for - A-l
proposition; references and bond required.
X .167, Oregonian.
$75 PEH MONTH -Man and wife to work
in hotel; lady cook and man dishwasher.
AF tH4, Oregonian.
BOOTBLACK stand; rent free; exchange
for janitor service; good location. 2v3
1st St.
WANTED Man to do light baking and
cooking In a retail store. Apply at 440 E.
MAN about 20 yeat s old to operate type
writer ana nrmKe mmseir
'iter and make
store; wages $12. Y
BARBERS that are musicians at Newport
Summer resort. Newport, Or. S. T- Zutter,
Box 333.
PANTS resser wanted in custom panes
shop: steady work and good jay. S,
Lower. 2134 Stark St., 2d floor.
WANTED Experienced health and accident
Insurance solicitor; good position for right
man. A R tU. Oregonian. -"'
PAINT salesman for city; nrCat have city
experience and be a UustlerTialary and
coniiulfision. AK 88. Oreazpnian.
ASK for free booklet. "27 Ways You Can
Start a Mail Order Business. Opportuni
ties Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y.
PHOTO" solicitors; salary guaranteed; new
offer. Moor tnjio. Elks bldg. -
PHOTO coupon ; new tickets fox live ones.
Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg.
PHOTO agents, something new; extra com
mission paid. Barony Studio, Royal bldg.
BUSHFLMAN wanted, first-class proposition
for thv right man. 1G6 E. Broadway.
IKE insurance sol icitor wanted,,
M i7H. Oregonlan.
PHOTO solicitors, special offer, commission
paid. Vaasar Studio, ?25 Ablngton bldg.
WANTED Firt-clss watchmaker forjrada
work. Job. Mayer A Rro.. Seattle. Wash.
MEN wLt-h patentable ideas write Randolph
&. Co., patent Solicitors Waahington, D. C
TO pay $1500 4.0 53000 yearly to men tb rep
resent us Western citlea and towns ; no
samples,' selling or collecting; call only
on a!l manufacturers, wholesale and retail
1 merchants, banks and doctors; experience
helpful, not necessary; we pay every
Thursday; eucn full instructions furnlahed
that success is assured; rare opportunity.
Write promptly. H. O. Jones, Sec., -14,3
Schv-ind bldg., Dayton, Ohio.
SALESMEN for permanent connection worth V
auoo to JT'JOO annually to producers who
are willing- to. work ten months in year;
line is strongly advertised in best trade
. papers, is sold to all classes of retail
dealera towns and am alter cities; old es
tablished, highly rated firm. Do not an
swer this ad unless willing to furnish ref
erences and small bond. Dept, AO, M01
Kesner bldg., Chicago.
ATTRACTIVE new business -opportunity, ex
clusive state agency, only one in state can
secure; different, meritorious, no competi
- tion; three strong points appealing- to
business builders; would like to near from
-persons .with, knowledge Mate e,r Par
a ifuyan Tea. Woodley Mate, importers,
. Shamrock, Texas.
30O men wanted at once, road work ;
tools and camp advanced; mostly sTTTfc hill
cast. Priced a-nd profile at our office, 14
N. 2d t. Open Sunday. i
MARRIED man. sober, industrious, honest,
who understands farming and clewing
latid, who is willing torough it. to live
on small ranch and work by year improv
ing place. Write age, nationality, experi
ence, wages and references in first letter.
K 2. Oregonlan. f
CA LEXDAR and specialty salesmen now
finding business dull, -can make connection
on high-grade line exclusive advertising
goods direct from factory; celluloid, metai.
leather, felt, glass lines, big commissions,
- weekly ad varices; state experience fully.
CurLCj Mfg. Co.. Chicago.
REPRESENTATIVE wunted for each county
in Ore. and Wash, for appliance that ev
ery automobile owner will buy; new inven
tion that saves nearly Jh per cent of re
pair cost for (Rsings and tubes; also men
for Portland r' big proposition; no trifters.
K 933, Oregonian.
WANTED Energetic men to START
to build a business ALL YOUR OWN.
t'ompensition poinmensuratr with QUAL-
l i Y oi kckoht put into your worK, can
room 260 Moriran bldy., 9 A
fl: HO P. M. Win. K. Stilz, M
A, ori to
SALESMAN calling on clothiers, gent's fur
nishers and dry goods trade to handle
manufacturers raincoat line as aide line;
give references and full particulars. Rex
Raincoat Co., 11 .8. Desplainea St., Chi
cago, 111.
EX PE RIEXCJSD traveling ealesmeiTny man
ufacturing concern making a better and
more complete line than any of Its com
petitors; established oyer 20 yars; lib-,
eral commissions. Lock box 0," Lemon t,
SALESMEN to handle our new patented
Never-Slip Tie Strap to harness, hardware
and general store trade. Hanes has aver
ageTt four dozen per day for four weeks;
liberal .commission ; exclusive sales. Wilson
Mfg. Co.. B84.", Lancaster. Ohio.
EXPERIENCED, capable salesman to travel
for old-estab!iphed house with line that
sells to practically all classes of merchants.
Hish commissions, weekly advance, to
right man. D. W. Barrows, Detroit, Mich.
T"r r a vft.t vet Rt.u.trr,n .-.iiinrr h.Hwf- nr
general store trade to carry side line old
established manufacturing concern ; liberal
commissions paid promptly; name terri
tory. Lock box 433, Lemont, 111.
WANTED 15 good salesmen to handle sea
sonable household money-saver.- Begin
wof k Monday. County and small town
territory for sale. Call Sunday after
172 North 18th St. ,
WANTED -Experienced man for small dairy
and drive delivery wagon ; good home
and - wages to right man. Phone Wood
v. lawn 19IN. Call at corner Vancouver ave.
and Columbia boulevard.
SA LESM AN. good proposition, best side
line, no Investment. W rite today. London
Hair Co.. 619 Vi So- Broadway. Los An
geles, Cal.
WANTED Steady- man for all year around
joa on rarm, 3 0 per month and board.
Kclnhofer Bros., R. D. No. a, Oregon
City. Or.
SPECIALTY salesman to sell high-class
products In Oregon; goods well advertised.
Ji applying give three cood references.
Midland Supply Company, Davenport. la.
$S0 MONTHLY and exnenses travel, dls
tribute samples, take orders or appoint
agents; - permanent, jap American co
CITY salesman wanted; staple article; sells
to stores, note is, etc. ; salary and rom-
mission to right man. hoi Swetland bldg.
wan i n,D An experienced farm hand: no
objections to married man. Call Sunday
aiter iu o ciock szi Aiarsnan.
TWO auto truck drivers, out of town, good
wages. AD Ub3, Oregonlan.
CARPENTER to figure on repair house. Call
Detween x ana 4 f. flt., Mill st.
HEAD WAITRESS Out of the city, $60;
head waitress fur restaurant, $10 a, week;
nu.rse girl, $23; family cook. $4f; second
girl, SJO; chamber maid, $:tu and room
waitress, out of the city, $3." ; hotel cook.
.o; camp cook, -", ana Kitcnen helper,
$''0. Hansen Employment Office, 345 Vs
Washington st.
WANT an elderly lady to stay with 2 boys
for board and room and some wages. 530
Competent nurse with references. Call
Trinity Jiace kpts., no. f.
RELIABLE woniun. with or without experi
ence, for permanent position with local
business firm. AS Oregonian.
COMPETENT girls for general housework
cookmg, $-5
$o5. Auoly Catholic
Women's League,
i'v 4tn st., iioor.
M I DDLE-AG CD w oman, housework, cooking,
small family; give phone. AE 0S2, Ore
gonian. WANTED G!rl for general housework.
hone East L'ibi or call loV naisej st,
Broadway car, near 22d stP
YOUNG girl to assist with housework; must
ne neat ; sweoisn prererrea. Apply morn
lngs, 5:;0 Tillamook st.
WANTED Amateur vocal, string and wind
instrument soloists. Moderate salary.
ah b9, oregonian.
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay
wnne learning; pnjtion guaranteea. w
414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors.
WANTED Refined, capable woman.Jtor re-
Bponsimn position. v lavt uo., uw notn
child -bldg.. 4th and Washington.
CHAMBERMAID job. hotel housekeeper.
waitresses. nowes Agency, 5ro-2 704
w asnington. - -
GOOD cook and housekeeper for two gen-
tlemen on ranch. Apply 601 Schuyler,
corner 15th st. - .
EXPERIENCED body lronera, experienced
mangle help. Palace Laundry Co., E. 10th
ana Everett sts.
WANTED At once, experienced - comotO'
meter operator. Apply -office manager.
iviavsnaii-weiis aw. to.
WANTED A maid for general housework
in 4-room itat. call mornings. 521 20th
st., Portland Heights.
WANTED Experienced feeders and folders
dry, 21st and Sandy RoaoV
GIRL lor housework.
741 Ivon St., -corner
GIRL wanted general housework. 335 E.
13th st. N. Phone ifiast
COMPETENT GIRfc.-to assist In hOuse-
work; good wages. 5Sa Johnson st.
light housework, e
place, wages $20. Phone Sellwood 75.
GIRL for second work, apply mornlnsa,
N. 24tn st. a zui2, Marsnau 4783.
GOOD girl for general housework.
Park st.. near Market.
WANTED IS rlrls fr dictaphone and steno
graph ic-work. 404 Broadway bldg.
YOUNG girl to he4 about the house, fam
ily or two. tan a ztn.v.
CHAMBER MAID; Merchant Hotel wants
one cnamoer msita. o"j is. 3a st.
WANTED First-class marker and sorter.
AS ;6Q, oregonian.
WANTED v A marker. Seaside laundry.
&eace, ur.
GIRL wanted to take care
child. 1362 E. Madison.
of 2-year-old
VA.Mt,u a competent cook.. lour in fam
ily. Telephone Main iw, mornings.
WANTED A lrl for general house work
Apply 241 Virion ave. Phone Kaet 7S7.
GlktL employed for companion for
part -fcf
room and board. Pnone East 1339.
LADY' solicitors.
9 A. M. and 4
Bo4- Tea Co., bet. S and
and P. M. Monday.
HELP wanted at once. Multnomah Ho;l
liaunary. it:; at Daggnge room on Ash st.
OPERATORS and finishers on pants;
perlenced. Cail 205 Va Jefferson st.
WANTED A nurse girl to -eare for
montni-oia oaoy. ;n4 e. Madison st.
WANTED Kirat-claaa errand girl. 20$ Co
lumbia bldg.
references. Tabor 4H4 4.
stylish ; rapid
WANTED A woman fo general house Work
on ranch- ihoi; lanor -2.
DRESSMAKER wtvt cun do her cooking and
room with mo, jregonian.
FIRST-CLASS family cook. fSOi. secona
Kir!. $35. St. Louis Agency. Mnin "J 0.t9.
GIRL For general housework. Cail C 1305.
Llpman. Wolfe Se Co. require the serv
ices of several young women between the
ages of 1 and IS to act as cashiers and
inspectors. Must be able-, to furnish the
best references. Permanent positions and
good chanees for promotion' offered to
those who qualify. Apply Monday morn
ing Superintendent's Office, between 9 and
10:30. ,
2 waitresses, out, $-5, royra and board.
. 1 waitress, restaurant, ouK
1 chambermaid, $-'5, room arrd board.
Girls for canning factory, out.
Cook tor family, $40 month.
Girl for" gen. work, $20 to $40 month.
New positions daily.
-ladies' Dept. 2t5 Morrison SVJ
WANTED Well educated woman, 25 to 35,
to act as Held secretary of National Edu
cational society; positvon aemanas special
training for period of t wo months, for
which small remuneration will be given;
$1300 per year thereafter; give address
for uppointment notification. AJ 574,-Ore.
WANTED Woman of good social position
in l-'ortiana to aevote tour or nve nours
daily to work of special nature; befit of
references required; to romplent person
will pay $K0 per month; no phone num
bers considered. Address- AB t2. Ore
gonian. WANTED A middle-aged Catholic woman.
alone, to take charge of small bakery
and lunch-room, 30 miles from Portland;
jnust be active and kind ; references re
quired and given; lady not over 50. A V
321, Oregonian.
WANTED Neat, young German girl for
general housework. One-who wante good
home and opportunity to go Jko school
mornings, Irvington district, rln reply
Xtate age and;, w ages wanted. AM 3, Ore-
Ml'NlCIPAL Bureau ftr protection of Wom
en is now located at room 3J3 r.n pence
lleadquartera Information, protection or
assistance given to women and girls. In
terviews confidential.
WOMEN sell guaranteed hosiery to friends
ana neignoors; u per cent pront; tuu or
part time; big seller; make $10 daily. Ex
perience unnecessary. International Mi 113,
Box 4029. West Philadelphia, Pa.
FIRST-CLASS pen, ink ' and water-color
artist for designing business; answer jjwn
handwriting ; state experience ; none but
A No. 1 artists need apply. -AH t50, Ore
gonlan. WANTED A.u elderly woman or reliable
girl to assist In a plain home; some one
who is fond of children aiffl would up
predate a good home; wages $10. 11-VJ
E ast 27th at., N. Phone Woodlawn 34l7.
LADY representative wanted in all parts of
irort i an a ana surrounaing towns ror an
article used by all families. Wo help you
bu-ild up a fiood permanent business. P.
O. box 271.
COMPETENT woman as cook and house
keeper for widower with small family, in
Vancouver; Washington. Apply In person
at room 4. Schofield block, Vancouver.
STENOGRAPHER wanted, expert only.
public office, first-class office building.
Givg in II particulars, telephone number.
AK U18, Oregonlan.
$2.50 PER day paid one lady In each town to
oistrioute tree circulars for concentrateu
flavoring m tubes; permanent position. F.
E. Barr Co., Chicago.
WANTED Experienced canvasser. . good
paying; proposition, salary, commission tu
business getter; Monday 10 to 12. room 35,
W asnington bldg., H07 n Washington.
FIRST-CLASS finisher on coats wanted;
gooa pay.
rlxth and Stark sts.
WANTED A nice , young lady for com
panionship and assist with care of small
children and housework for room and
board. AG 966. Oregonian.
A 'OUO lady for companionship and as
sist wiin care oi children lor room and
aboard. Call Scllwood, liihd between 2 P. AtT
and 5 P. M.
WANTED Young girl to assist with light
nousewora ; reiinea ramuy ; must like ba
bies,' will be considered as one of family.
ChII Main C334.
WANT ET-Capable young-' women to enter
training scnooi ior nurses, ror particu
lars inquire Miss Rogers, Supt. Hoqulam
General Hospital, Hoqulam, Wash.
GIRL for general housework, small family.
no washing; must sleep home. Call Sun
day. 10-12, COS Kearney, near 21st. The
Roosevelt, A pt. 3.
WRITE moving picture plays; $50 each; all
or spare time; no correspondence course;
detail sfree. Atlas Publishing Co., 42, Cin
cinnati, O.
312 Morgan bldg. Marshall 2358.
Secure and nil positions for bookkeepers
and stenographers; new positions uiiiiy
FIVE bright, capable ladiea. to travel, dem
onstrate ana sell dealers; $25 to $0 per
week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug
Co., Dept. 6 T 6, Omaha, Neb.
EXPERIENCED canvassers for city work.
Introducing new product of Pacific Food
.Products Co. Call Monday, 20 ii.ast
20th st., between Salmon and Taylor.
YOUNG woman assist general housework in
country, seven miles from Cape Horn,
Wash.; wages $15. For particulars call
Te.bor ft7. J
MAKE money writing stories or articles.
big pay; iree nooKiet - tens now. Address
United Press Syndicate, San Francisco.
WANTED Competent girl for general
nsuseworK. Appjy tjo Kearney, arter
noWxis. YOUNG Swiss man would like English les
sons; please give price. AS Uo4, Ore
gonlan. DENTIST- Suburban location; good opening;
no opposition; give pnone numoer., AC
AK.S. Oregon inn
WANTED Middle-aged woman to keep
house for young couple; must nave refer
ence ; good salary. A J 1, Oregonian.
WOMAN wanted to sell stock on good com
mission ; excellent proposition. California
i onsoimated Mines to., Mi o-n st.
WANTED Girls to enter training school for
nurses. South Bend General Hospital,
South Bend, wash.
WANTED Thoroughly capable girl for gen
eral house worK- mau lamuy; rererenoes.
Tabor 032.. -
WANTED Girl for general housework; must
be good cook; references required. Apply
7S7 Overton at., Monday morning.
APPRENTICE to learn beauty culture; pay
while learning. The Hair Bazaar, Majes
tic Theater bldg.. Washington and Park.
WANTED i neat appearing Jadies to solicit
sales for the Barcley corset. -Hamllton
Shop, -ion Morrison st.
OPERATORS on rants. Call Sunday be
tween lO and 2. S84 3d. room 4.
WANTED: Person to do cooking and general
houeeworic, go to country auring summer
months, "good wages;- required.
"""Apply 60S Alexander Court, Sunday or
Monday - -
EARN $25 to $100 a week; write moving
picture plays; how to write, where to
sell. Stamp ' for inforamtion. . Scenario,
Box 117I, Portland.
TEACKfCRS wanted; principals, - peclallsts,
grade; half-rate enrollment; stKte qualifi
cation N. W. Teachers' Agcy., N. Yakima.
WANTED A sober, industrious janitor and
wife for apartment-house; oil burner. AJ
S'JJt, Oregonlan.
FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for
teachers. 11$ Journal bldg. Main 4S35.
ADD to family Income knlttmg hosiery; no
experience; constant work; machines fur
nished under contract; we take product;
make aplicatlon today. Helping Hand
Stores Inc), Chicago.
LADIES, sewing at home; material fur
nished, no- canvassing- steady work;
stamped envelope particulars. Calumet
Supply Co.. dept. C-85. Milwaukee, Wis. .
DO easy, pleasant coloring work at home;
good pay. no canvassing; no experience
required ; lllus. particulars free. Helping
Hand Stores, Chicago.
OREGON-Barber College NowliTthe time
to learn the barber trade; position guar
anteed ; paid while learning; tools free;
tuition reduced. CSS Madison at.
MOLER Barber College will teach you
quickly,, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you
while learning, furnish topis free. Write
for free catalogue. A 48 2d at. North.
WOMEN, get Government jobs; $70 month;
nany appointments romlng ; list positions
available free. Franklin Institute. Dept.
7a4 M, Rochester, N. Y.
RAILWAY mall clerksTP. O. clerks, car
riers; exam, soon; parcel poft demands
many jnore fclerk-; act at once. Faoifio
States School. McKay bldg.. city.
WATCHES cleaned 75c, springs 75c; work
guaranteed. 216 Commonwealth bldg.. 0th
Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bldg. Mar.4258
GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My
free booklet Y-5tt talis how. Write today
now. Earl Hopkins. Washington, D. C. -
MOVING picture operating taught ; latest
method ; full theater course. Secure posi
tions. 226 Second St.
WANTED Names of men. 18 to 33, wishing
to Be railway postal clerks; $7 5 month.
AV 207, Orefionian. .
The "Modem School of Business of San
Francisco" will prejmre you at home,
spare time only, for a business or pro
fessional career; individual instruction; tio
course; gaaranteed proficiency; recog
nised diploma; text-books and stationery
free; positions secured; prices and terms
much lower than elsewhere. The only
school of the kind' on Pacific Coast. Port
land office, too Henry bldg.. Main 577S.
Edward W. White, manager.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date
cars; electric, civil engineering,
surveying; methods most practical; -room
and board while learning ; position se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed ; catalogue,
free. - National School of Engineerings
2110 W. 7th st. Los Angeles. CaL .
SALESMEN' experience unnecessary. esy
work: big pay. Write larse list openings
offering opportunities earn $100 to $50
month while you le&cn. Addresa-depL 311,
National Salesmen's Training Association,
'Chicago. New York, 'Kansas.' City, San
WANTED Ladies to hav- their old hats re
modeled ; reshaping 50c, cleaning 00c.
trimming 25c up. See what wonderful
change for a little money. Mack's Milli
nery, 542 Union ave. N., near Russell St.
Phone East 23S1.
WANTED Working peopl to secure nice
large, ooeerful rooms; comply house
keeping; $2 to $2.50 a week: electric
lights, free phone, clean bed linen fur
nished freeevery week. Taylor" Grand
Apartments, 102 H Grand ave.. cor, Taylor.
STEADY employment, good wages, many
openings, few months learning, easy,
profitable work ; positions guaranteed.
Watchmaking - Engrajfitftg School. 216
Commonwealth bldg., 6th and AriTtony,
GOVERNMENT positipns. postoftice, rail- J
way mall and other branches good; pre-1 "
pare for "exams former U. H. Civil Serv
ice Secretary-Examiner. Booklet H3l free.
Write today. Patterson- Civil , Service
School. Rochester. N. Y.
ADD to your Income writing show cards:
we teadh you free; costs only snvatl sum
for . supplies; send stamped envelope for
particulars. Empire Institute of Letter
ing, Liberty st.. New Y'ork.
LADIES, make shields, home. $10 100;
work sent prepaid to reliable women;
particulars for stamped addressed en
. velope. Eureka Co., Dept. 110 B, Kala-
maioo, Mich. ' . '
PERSONS to write, copy letters at home
during spare time ; can make from $10 to
$Ji per week; sendstamped envelope for
' particulars. Standard Multi-Copy Co., box
425. Chicago, 111. "
THOUSANDS Government jobs open to" men
and women; big pay. Write immediately
free list.- Franklin Institute, Dept. 349-M,
Rochester, N. Y.
women apprentices wanted; learn the
business and be Independent; tools fur
nished free; fees reasonable. 269 ' First
st., corner Jefferson st.
JUST starting night lessons. Learn moving
picture operating; be prepared when ma
chines Installed In schools; good posi
tions; operators earn $18 to $35 a week.
H33 Oak street.
RAILWAY firemen, brakemen, $120; expe
rience unnecessary; send age, postage.
Railway, cararegonlan.
2'ia 14TH ST. M. aU3. EX INSTRUC'N.
Bookkeepers ag,d Clerks.
SITUATION WANTED Executive position
by high-grade Chicago accountant, tech
nically educated, age 2U, married; at
present executive officer In charge of
about 125 employes in progressive cor-
--poratioii doing country-wide business; ex
perienced in directing sales, manuiactur
ing, accounting, construction and finan
cial departments. Exceptional abHRy in
organizing and ay sterna tixing ; a splendid
com, detail andj&Ticiency man. Contribu
tor of organizing and accounting artirles to
leading -magazines. Broad experience.
cIhji record, bonded. Address H. A. H
cia-i record, iionaea. Auarei
t5'.J Greenview ave., Chicago.
PRACTICAL business man with. 5 yc
sJ14nir and executive experience with 1;
est manufacturing concern of Its kind In
America, desires connection in an 'official
way with established manufacturing or
jobbing business that has made good and
will jpear investigation; could make invest
ment"; in your reply give full Information.
Confidential. V 97 6, Oregonian.
A gentleman, 20 years, all around ex
perience, salesman. manager in metal
trades, seeks position of responsibility,
'moderate salary. AG 970, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and thoroughly- experi
enced office man, operate typewriter.
own Burroughs adding machine, familiar
with mercantile and lumber business de
tails, good collector, go any place ; bond
and references, steady, reliable. F 3, Ore
gonian. Sk-
THOROUGHLY trained and experienced of
flee manager, credit man, auditor, account
ant and cashier wants position with ro
sponsible firm : age 31. marled, and law
college graduate. Would want reasonable
salary; can lumisn est or reierences. v
1, Oregonian.
Let me audit and systematize your
boks; every wide-awake business man
knows the value of a good bookkeeping
system. S. C. Swartwout, 1038 Chamber
of Commerce bldg. Main 6044.
YOUNG ' German-American, 20 years, with
bookkeeping, collecting and sales expert
ence. desires position 4:o make generally
useful; references and bond. B 9&3, Ore.
p o n i a n .
A FIRST-CLASS combination man, -book
-Vpner. stenographer, with ten years ex
perlence. desires position with good city
gonian. '
BOOKKEEPER, stenographer and office
man, tnorougniy expertencea, wantsT po
sition; quick and accurate at figures.
capable of handling correspondence, etc
- References. Phone East3i33.
BOOKKEEPER, 25, wants position, - Port
land, lumber office preferred; 3 years
experience; references. AR 980, Orego
nian. . - -
YOUNG, man, stenographer and bookkeper.
or can taae cnarge or an oitice;-ai ref
erences; 10 years' experience L 801,- Ore
gonlan.' BOOKKEEPER, young man, experienced
wishes permanent position with chance
-for advancement; references. AS 946, Ore-
gonian. - - -
EXPERIENCED stenographer and' assist
ant .office man. 24: references and recom
mendations offered. Sell wood 1835 Or AF
P-S7, Oregonlan. ;
MIDDLE-AGED MAN -of ability wanta po
sition either oriice or grocery t rexerenoea.
AH SS8, oregonian. ;
GROCERYyand meat man, must have work,
will try anything; references. AE tttM,
Oregonian. t
OFFICE man of general ability wishes
change; will c!veou value received and
better. AG ESS, Qregonian,
CREDIT man to take charge department or
as assistant. AF Bt i, Uregonian.
PHARMACIST desirea relief work by day or
week. AF Dso. Oregonian.
MAN wants day work, tinting, carina; lawn.
- housec lean Lng- work any kind. Main 919G,
room 8.
SITUATION wanted by young man in- gar
a.e, in or out of pity; references. AL 987,
A GREEK boy, 22, wants to work on- farm.
Apply Aleck Stamas. 311 V4 Burnside st
Purtiar.a, or.
HERDSMAN and milker, experienced, open
for position; tnorougnoreas pret erred, j o,
Oregonian. - I . ' '
COMPETENT, reliable man desires honor
able work of any kind. K 4, Oregolilan.
YOUNG, strong men, 26. wanta work, any
thing, w wo. oregonian.
MEAT cutter, in or out of the city; beat of
t references. K bp, urteonian
CHINESE wants position, chamberwork or
private family cook. at vai, oregonlan
CARPENTER wishes position by da or
contract ; reierences. A J v 2, oregonian.
MAN and wife, janitor work apartment
house; Al reference. Main 688, room 206
GooD bread, pie and pastry man wants
join. Phone feast 4,.hj-
GOUU amateur violinist : evenings; reason
able. Phone EaPt 45f2. -
ClToTHES pressor wants position, machine
or band, ad hho, oregonian.
MILltEP. and barn man wishes to handle
.i to enJ cows, . 41 an icon at.
MARRIED MAN, janltnr, wife, to take care
apartment. Mam m, room .
A NO. 1 carpenter wants position as work
lng forem a n. Tabor 14tf3.
MARRIED man wanta farm work Jor any
worn in country. aj it, 5. ti.
CARPKNTIR work. repair7 exchange for
wnat you nave. w ooaiawn sura.
MEAT-CUTTER, In or out of city; best Xef
erwnce. " C 3. reaonian.
WANTED Farm work by experienced far-
mer and milker. AV 924, Oregonlan.
WHEN you wanta carpenter, call East 1730,
CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, neat, capable good
mechanic, wishes- permanent position in
private family, have S veui' experience,
good, careful driver, - best of reference.
AG 964. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, young German, w ishes posi
tion in private family; d years experience
on both foreign and American cars. Best
of references. Erick Schleif felder 242
Broa d way. Main 72S
ELECTRICAL engineer. 25, technical gradu
ate, four years construction, factory test-
- lng and rug wrk ; first-class cornetiat;
anywhere on CoaVt. Address H. D. B
6o4 N. 25th ar. Corral Us, Or.
MIDDLE-AGED honest German wants steady
position on private grounds or gentleman's
country borne; am strictly sober and a
competent caretaker of garden and poul
try; A 1 references. AJ bOS, Oregonian.
YOUNG man of 22. with six years' exper
ience In groceries, wants position as man-
ager or aepartment or heaa cierK in some
good grocery store. Write AV 290, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man forking seven hours a day
wants Janitor or garden work mornings
. and evenings for room and board or small
wages.- Call A 5tiS4. ask for Robtr-Burroughs.
LADIES' and gents tailor, single, want
steady position In country - town; good
coatmaker; understand well busheling.
Address M B7S. Oregonlan.. ,
EN PER IENCED man teacher requires po
sition, in rural school or 7th or Sth grade;
. Washington and Oregon certificates. AV
27. Oregonian. y
A FIRST-CLASS German machinist and en
gineer wanissemploj ment at anything any
where: talks very little English. Address
P. Hoepfner. 2U0 Grand ave. North, city.
OUNG, experienced man wants work on
ranch. Cail Main, 3C03. Address Robert
. Alexander, care Stbndieh Hotel, Portland,
Oregon. '
YOUNG man. 3,' wnts" position ' witl- some
wholesale liouse; have been with a furni
ture company for eiht years; good refer
ences. Address T t2. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR with 3 years' experience
driving and .shop work, w lames position;
will consider any offer; first-class refer
ences. AP 990. Oregonian!
W. L. REMBNTEH! expert holticuiturist.
consulting landscape architect ; a tmni wHl
prove the most exact., 7-0 Johnson st.
Phone Main 8V50.
WANTED Work of any kind; 7 years' ex
perience housepainting, also a working
knowledge of outdoor photography; city
r country. Address A.I MH4, oregonian.
WANTED Y'ocng man 20 years old desires
a position with some business firm with
chance for advancement; can furnish ref
erences. W 1. oregonian.
POSITION by young married man as jan
itor, engineer "or night watenman; uo not
drink; good .references. Joseph Frits? 3b3
Davis st. Main 772X.
YOUNG man, neat appearing and well edu
cated, s pea as tierniun, r rencn arta Eng
lish, wants work of any kind; can drive
car. Best references. T. W7. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced, strictly seber
and rellaole cnaucretir wants position in
either city or country. Can give refer
ences. Main 6421 or B D. Oregonian.
A .YOUNG reliable man, 1!. of good char
acter experienced cnauiieur, of no baa
habits, wishes position wit h private fam
ily; reference. Phone Main 70H.
YOUNG married man, electrician. 11 years
experience onibuiidinga and snips, wants
any kind of mechanical work. Phone Main
8527. or X 2, Oregonian.
QUALITY painting at bargain rates; work-
bid before letting contract. AP 2, Ore
gonian. MARRIED man would like farm on shares
or management of one; good reierence. AO
5, Oregonlan-
WANTED Situation by good teamster, de
livery or tran.ier; Jtnow tne city -wen.
Phone East 10S3.
MAN and wife want work on ranch; wife
to dp plain cooking, man to wortt out
bid e ; Americans. B 071. Oregonian.
EIJJKXLY man wants position as watch
man or mgiit janitor; enn give gooa rei
erence. Phone Tabor ISO. -
WANTED Contract for cutting 1000 to 2000
cords of wood ; have gasoline engine. O
983, Oregonian.
POSITION by chef, thoroughly experienced.
economical and sooer. rnone a tti iore
PAINTER Good all-around hand, married.
wants work -f 3 per day, good reierences.
W us, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. experienced in general mer
ch and tne, out of town or country store;
good r e t e r e n c e s. . o re goni a n.
CHAUFFEUR wants position, experienced
driver and mechanic; city references.
Johnson. Main 2o.
EXPERIENCED married man. 30 years.
tan furnish bond, wishes position as
janitor. 273 N. loth.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur as driving; can
furnish No. l reference. "iLi, ore
gonian. N
EXPERIENCED man wants position as com
panion to convalescent and invalid ; win
travel. X 4, Oregonian.
10 WORKERS want strawberry picking or
cleaning onions. Address Ar u&y, urs
gonian. '
AMERICAN young man would like work on
ranch or orchard; wilt drive machine and
assist in house. AM vvo. oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants any kind -of
work ; togmin preierrea. ii t.. jjurn
side st.
BAKERon bread, pastry, cake and ice
cream, etc years' experience, Europe
and America. Address M t9TT, Oregonian.
PAPERING and tinting. Phone Marshall
Heights." "
CARPENTER work, building, repairing; at
cost; reliable, experienced. .rnone sen
wood 1005. .
WANTED Situation by ilrtit-class Japanese
-w alter, city or vicinity. 1. x., Hotel i-iay
ton, 6th and Davis.
JAPANESE boy, who has experience, wants
position; please you. v,au see me jur uj
Kind references, a oregonian.
MAN and wife, first-class cooks, want work
will go out of town. Percy Howell,,- Venable
A GENERAL, all-around man wishes a po
sition on a xarm; modern wages witn
board and room. L 5, Oregonian.
WANTED Paint work by day or contract.
xeasoniiDie. iitt r oes St., toimoia
Bookkeepers andStenegraphers.
REFINED lady, good education, commercial
ability, some bookkeeping knowledge, de
sires ooaition as cashier or private ' ex
change operator. Phone Tabor 2313 or
V 977, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, beginner, wants position.
some experience, moderate salary, -phone
A 341S. .
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper desires work mornings; reasonable.
al ayi, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition ; -can furnish good local references.
Call Marshall oazz.
WANTED Position as cashier In moving-
picture theater or restaurant, w ub-. ore
gonian. "
EXPERIENCED stenographer, bookkeeper.
dictaphone operator; temporary or per
manent. Main 2817.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and office
girl wishes position; references; moderate
salary. Main 4006. V
STENOGRAPHER with 3 years'- experience
in office desires position. Address jt wxo,
YOUNG hdy desires position as biUing or
typist. l ass, oreropi
STENOGRAPHER wishes position in office,
three months' experience. Marshall 227.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion. Marshall 4."8-.
STENOGRAPHER, some experience, modex
ate salary, will leave city. East 7oi.
STENOGRAPHER with some law experience
desires position, iast l'iw or juain
STENOGRAPHER with 2 years experience,
desires light position. B 6. Oregonlan,
U re ma k era.
MANAGER Womaji, at present employed as
manager with . areaamaKing iirm on
Fifth avenue. New York, dlres a. simi
lar position In the West ; excellent ' refer
ences. Address av jji, ureswiwu.
MAE MARTZ, modiste. Suites, gowns,
dresses, alterations and makeoveis. Main
8US3. 133 12th st., corner ot . Alder.
WANTED Sewing by the day by flrst-clas
dressmaker. Phone av ta, room zi.. or
V 8&7. Oregonian. x
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, tailored suita
a specialty, natisf action guaranteed ; prices
reasonable, .ti rs. 1 uuinua, iuain - -".- .
MADAME DE BILLAUT, Fliedner bldg
Marshall 2236 Gowns and suits made for
$10; fit and atyie grea ran teed.
FASHIONABLB dressmaking - reasonable;
gowns, coata and suits. Marshall 142.
DRESSMAKING, plain sowing, at home or
p by day work, reasonable, juain sts 3 4.
DREPSES made. S3.50 and up. Call Mar.
41S5. 3 H IS J 1 in.
-EXPERIENCED drFSinaker by day. He
rn oriHllns a specialty. Phone Tabor 2786.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, alterations and
makeovers. "Marshall lsStf.-
EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day. Tabor
4t!. '
DRESS M A K IN G Children's clothes a spo
cia'.ty. Tabor T.
Nurees, .
WANTED To care for Invalid or ii.ed
person In suburban home; best of care
given; reasonable. B 35:!;
COMPETENT, reliable child's nurse wishes
position in private family. Phone Seilwood.
PRACTICAL NURSE wants mental, drug
and alcoholic cases. Phone Tabor &07 7.
PRACT1CAL nurse wishing maternity work
or sewing by day. Marshall 1044.
SANITARY" rooms, best ca.e, t : a in-, d nurso
for Invalids, elderly, ref. Tabor 2213.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants obstetrical
cases or care of invalid. Main 3n7$.
Redned German. ; unincumbered,
wishes position as housekeeper in nice
widower or bachelor's home. "Address Mrs.
C. Gass, care of-Borchcrt, 6iH East 135th
St., New York City.
WOMAN of more than ordinary executive
ability wants position as housekeeper;
beat local reference; will take hotel, apartment-house
or private home. O SU. Ore
goninn. WOMAN of experience would -Jlke to tak..
position as housekeeper in country, cook in
small camp or take charge of respectable
rooming-house; can give reference. K yJ2.
Ort snitin. ,
WIDOW, 33. uo Ohildren, would liko pil
lion as nouseKeeper or care of rooming
house understands the aork. R Oro
gonian. YOUNG widow wit h child wishes situation
as housekeeper for 'bachelor or widower,
city or country. Phone Marshall 150 or
call H7 N. 10ih st.
WANTED Position as houaekeeier by unin-
cumoerea inuy ; would go in ountrv. M.
OOi'4. room 21. J 1;:. Oregonian.
REFINED lady wishes housekeeping for
m mower or Durneior; triricis Heed 1101
reply. V PStf. Oregonlan.
HOUSEKEEPING for gentienif n ; youns
widow, rennf d. competent ; reierences. AV
322. Oregonian.
LADY, thoroughly experienced In tailoring.
makes suits at reasonable prices; coats a
specialty. Tabor 1530.
EXPERIENCED cook and housekeeper, no
laundry, by Canadian man; references.
Marshall 4'. 25.
MIDDLE-AGED lady with daughter, wishes
Housekeeping, win work lor board if easy
place. A J M7, Oregonian.
GOOD cook wants .general housework. Call
.Marsnaii 4t,it.
REF 1 NED. mkt die-aged lady and daughter
Hiii nouseKeepiiij;. m I'M, oregonian.
CAPABLE housekeeper wants position
once, t inn, vrwgonian.
SISTERS want work together, would take
separate places in private family; upstairs
and fwond work or care of child; Sunday
call East 24fK. Monday Catholic Women's
League. Main 2451 or E, 24H5.
COMPETENT and reliable woman wishea
nousework or housekeeping in private
family, evenings out, $40. Woodlawn 3223.
Photic mornings.
A COMPETENT second girl, wants position
111 ins couou-y. tail iiaranau 3aS2. 13
Irving st.
CONGENIAL middle-a Jted widow. house-
.vir wiuuwer a lamuy; good home ratti
er than big wages. A 227.
COMPETENT Swedish girl with best of
reierences wants aousework and cooking;
wages 335 to 40. Y 2. Oregonian.
GIRL wants second work or general house-
urn in smaii lamuy and no washing.
V is7, Oregonian.
EXPERT cook wants position club, institu
tion or good ramuy; reierence; out of city'
preferred. N utl, Oregonian.
SWEDISH girl wants general housework.
tan 21
E. Morrison su
EXPERIENCED gill wants
Adults. East Side. Sell wood
DANISH girl wants position as cook or geu-
iw iwusBwoiK. a 1 uw-', oregonian.
WILL do light housework for room, board
ann small wages. AD 2. Oregonian.
AN educated young woman wishes to travel
this bummer as a companion to a refined
(elderly) woman or to help care for chil
who are with their parents traveling. AV
MAN and wife; thoroughly experienced,
seek management of up-to-date apartment-house,
salary or percentage; best
references. AF 42, Oregonian.
REFINED muplc student desires to assist
with light housekeeping, 6m a H salary,
good home; treated as one of family. E.
NEAT young lady wishes work as waitress
or in confectionery store : will work free
ono week to learn. A M 2d. Oregonlan.
WOMAN with boy 11 wants work in or out
of city; good cook; can do a ny thing. P
MARRIED lady, with -year-old girl, wishes
work as housekeeper or ''chambermaid
work. AN h4. oregonlan.
WANTED Position of trust in home or
business by a lady, supt. of hospital; good
housekeeper and cook. AV 2a9, Oregonian.
WANTED By experience! colored woman,
day work or general bouse work. C 160
or Woodlawn 2853. 1
LADY from London and
French, Summer rate;",
classes, ltiti Lownsda le.
Paris1, piano aud
da v and evening
Main 0474.
EXPERIENCED laundt e?s wishes washing,
ironing. Tuesdays and Wed M.-adavs. Call
E. 3:Vs from 7 to ( P. M. on I v.
GOOD colored laundress wishes Hue laun
dry work. W ill call and deliver. Tabor
GOOD cook or cook housekeeper, middle
aged, good references, city, country or
beach. AJ 4, Oregonian.
REFINED lady wants work ns cashier or
waiting on ice-cream tables ; first-class
references. Main 3628.
COLORED woman wishes place to work
part of day or all day; West Side. Main
LACE curtains hand laundered; all work
guaranteed. Call Sellwood i01 -or Marshall
LADY wants position as cashier; can ffr
n isn ,-oest re 1 erences. 1 oregonia n.
WOMAN wants day work, phone" a5 .tin 3159.,
WANTED Day work, laundry and cooking.
Tabor 4723.
YOUNG lady wishes care of babies or chil
dren, day or night. Tabor 1574.
LACE curtains, blankets laundered, lady ex
pert. J.'c up. Called for, Sellwood lOMd.
WINDOW demonstrating by actress come
dienne; experienced. Phone Main 5464.
WOMAN with child wants work of any
kind. Phone Main 430.1, room 23.
LACE curtains laundered by expert. Tabor
2445. Mrs. Scott.
LADY wants work by the duy. Cull Mar
shall 30SS.
GOOD laundress wants work by day
hour. Main 3300.
fRIVATK lessons in English given to grown
people. AD 1'.'H, Oregon-ian.
WANTED Small child to care for good
home. Tabor 1333.
EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of
work by the day. Maln'4217.
A COLORED girl wiih'S day or chamber
maid work. Main S'.M'S.
WANTED Chambermaid work or general
house work. Phone Tabor 1504. i
AN experienced girl wants house work; $35
Call at BS1 Hoyt. near 2lst st.
EXPE Rl ENCED colored woman.
cook, out-.
1 own or day work.
:DISH -Woman want,
ain 231.
.Main J.i
ts day work. Phone
WOMAN wants any kind of work by day.
Woodlawn 2705.
FORMER teacher In public schools wishes
cure children, day or hour. C 22S4.
POSITION as confpanlon or child's nurse by
graduate nurse. K Oregonlan. -
WANTED Washing and house cleannig.
Phone East rtOSt, room 10.
WOM AN wishes work of any kind, prefer
cooking, out or in. M. 013O. 24Q Park.
WILL care for children day or night;
1 sponsible person. C 32J3.
COLORED woman, any kind day work. Ex
perienced. Main jjiu.
LADY employed desires board and room for
company. Marshall DS:',. nwni
COMPETENT woman-wants day work,
cents hourT Call East 5H17.
GOOD colored woman wants bachelor club
or office work. Main M20i. Mrs. Smith.
COOKING- and serving pur ties, teas,
lunches; reference. Tabor 317.
DINNE RS. teas, parties planned, prepared,
served; lady expert; ref. Sellwood 1010.
WANTED Family sewing, house cleaning,
or care of children. Phone Woodlawn 05'..
NEAT, experienced lady, 2. wishes cham
ber work. Phone Marshall 341 J.
EXPERkfNCft lady V Junes day
w ork.
PhoneEast 4i'i. room 2h.
WA XT w ork hv day or office cleaning.
Pbcne Main 00 3 5. ' Cal 1 all the week.
DAY work wanted by colored wonTan. Phono
Main S312. Call for Mrs. Moppins.
A LADY wtnts day work. Main 5197.