SECTION SIX Pages 1 to 8 MAGAZINE SECTION VOL. XXXIII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1914. NO. 20. a.f Daiyfori, Ore. Ifamhill crRiVer 4- a I" iji; r v r-j ? f.l : ' h X. - iih Hp H ! ;4 h h ,i - , J. PI! t:- gB ..:.;,;-5lg M ".' , ' ". j r ... : 1 ' . " tfhit si A, ' 111 'v A' I - js$? -Sf ill M$Msmv m: ill L v W - ' l ii ICif ;",- - - IiaMI . ' ti1 fill 11 ' -. at - -525 -Mil' ; 3 tig - - - J 4J-V;W is S I i . - - life ' ' , i i Sjl - m a .sd- . . . iiJ m . . SCENIC charms and-industrial usefulness combine to make the Yamhill Rivei . a valuable asset to the people of Dayton, as it is to the residents of the various other communities that are touched by its bounteous waters. The river is navigable at Dayton through nearly all periods of the year, and the volume of commerce carried on the vessels' that ply its waters is substantial. Contemplated improvements in the channel eventually will make the stream an important factor in the future development of the adjacent territory. But the people of Dayton prize the Yam hill and its wooded shores most for its picturesque valleys, its graceful turns -and its beauteous environments. Its banks are frequent scenes of family and community picnics m Summer season, pleasure boats play on its surface and the patient fisherman finds , healthful sport and profitable recreation.