TTTE SUNDAY -OREGOXIAX," PORTLxVXD, MAY 17, 1914. Important! Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses Now Located on 4th Floor, 6th-St. Building-Waists, Negligees, Corsets on 5th Floor Tuesday ! This, Wonderful- Sale of NOTICE! Women's Waists, House Dresses, Petticoats, Negligees and Corsets NOTICE! WOMEN'S SUITS. DRESSES AND OOATS fouirt k Floor -Filth Floor Mxth-Kt. Bids. Monday's Shopping News! f 16 Monday's Shopping News! New Mid-Summer May Sale Dainty New Undermuslins French and Domestic Undermuslins Combinations Gowns, Cor set Covers in the new effects Drawers and Petticoats in the nar row models ALL DEEPLY lEDl'CED VS PRICE. For This May Sale of Women' Under man Han Meier & Frank' Second Floor Slxtta-St. BldK. 100 Fancy Tailored Silk Suits-Monday at $25.50 All Sizes, Including 42 The extreme modishness of Silk Suits alone would commend this offering to the women of Portland: but when one con siders the exceedingly low price at which they are to be sold the wonder grows. Silk Poplin and Moire Suits in Navy, Black, Brown, Gold, Reseda, Copenhagen and Green The styles are the ones now so greatly in vogue, and espe cially well adapted to silk fabrics short Eton-front Coats, with the long postillion backs Skirts with long tunics or double tunics, wide girdles, and hosts of other splendid and fashionable effects. And the price to which these fashionable Silk Suits have been reduced is S25.50. Jleler fc Frank's Garment Salons Fourth Floor SIxtk-St. Hide New Coats for Women Specially Priced at $8.65 Portland's proverbial cool mornings and evenings make a Coat a necessary garment for every woman all through the Summer months. As a special for our opening sale in the new location, we're featuring an assortment of Coats in the popu lar Balmacaan, sport style and many novelty effects all Coats that are worth far more than the very moderate price asked $8.65 in fact, this is an exceptional offering. Checks, plaids, mixtures and plain colors! A wide range of styles makes selec tion an easy matter for you're sure to find your individual taste personified in some one of the many Coats that make up this assortment. Monday these splendid Coats will be priced at $8.65 -Meier A Frank'i - Garment Salon, Fourth Floor -Slxtn-St. Bid. Benefit Concert for Salvation Army Under the Auspices of Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 20. Lincoln High School Auditorium, 8:15 Tickets 50 and SI. 00 On Sale Accommodation Desk, Meier & Frank's. $2.69 High-Grade Corsets at $2.69 Selling Usually From $4.00 to $6.50 Because these are broken lines not all sizes in every style the price has been radically reduced- for Removal Sale. There are Redfern, Kabo and Success models, also the favorite topless Tricot Corset, included in the assortment. Coutil, batiste and fancy brocades, in models suitable .for slight, medium and stout figures sizes 18 to 36. A splendid variety and a rad ical reduction makes this an unusual offering these regular $-4 to $6.50 High-Grade Corsets at ew Location Fifth Floor Slxth-St. Bids. New Summer Waists, $3.45 Newly arrived "Waists of crepe in white and plain colors, in cluding rose, maize and Copenhagen. Made in simple style with short raglan sleeves and Japanese Collars and cuffs of white batiste. Also included in the assortment are four dif ferent styles of "White Voile Blouses and fancy striped mulls, made in the very newest tailored and fancy styles, with trim mings of Venise, Val. and Cluny laces, hand-embroidered cuffs. A truly unusual collection of Blouses, very specially priced for Removal Sale at S3.45. Meier A Prank', Fifth Floor Slxta-St. Bids. " Very Latest Belt Made of j)ilcloth A recent issue of The Oregonian contained the following fashion note: "Shiny is my lady from top to toe these Spring days. Her hat is trimmed smartly -with the new lacquer ribbon, her pretty buttoned boots are of gleaming patent leather and now her belt also is black and polished and is made of in polite par lanceglace leather in ordinary terms, black oilcloth of thin, supple quality." These new "Shiny" celts or girdles are here specially priced at 87 Meier A Frink'i l'lrt Floor Slxth-St. Bids. Importer's Sample Gowns - v - at Meier & Frank's New Location, Fourth Floor, 6th-St. Building s zra x .... -ii ' ! v. - Our Annual Sale of Model Gowns The Entire Sample Line of One of the Largest Importers Awaits the Selection of Portland Wo men in This Unparalleled, Offering Jor Tuesday This is an event that is looked forward to each year by our large and fashionable clientele this wonderful sale of Gowns which comprises always the entire sample line of one of the foremost im porters of the country both imported and direct copies of the most beautiful models. There are exquisite Evening Gowns, Reception or Restaurant Gowns dainty frocks suitable for the dansant, for street wear, and three-piece Novelty Suits. ' Every newest phase of Fashion is in evidence in these lovely creations, in color, in designing and in the softly beautiful materials em ployed. - The Evening Gowns Are the acme of elegance and beauty. To say that every color in the rainbow is included but slightly expresses the multiplicity of effects for they are truly wonderful. Itovely laces, combined with silks, crepes, chiffons and dainty rosebud garnitures wide velvet girdles in the most wonderful combination of colors a knot of ribbon here a rosebud tucked away there' and the whole a bewilderingly beautiful collection of creations just about describes these exquisite Evening Gowns. Transparent bodices, in the new extremely decollete styles, are prominent. The Street Dresses Include three-piece Novelty Suits of silk and combinations of materials, with transparent bodices of sheer tulle or chiffon, in various effective styles. Draped effects are greatly in favor, and the jackets are smart to a degree. Handsome walking Dresses of combinations of serge or plaid materials and silk, with jaunty waistcoats of Roman silk and numerous other materials, are popular in this assortment. Imported crepes, voiles and novelty weaves in plain crepe and embroidered chenille figures, too, are popular. The colorings include the - - . new shades of red, green, yellow and blues, and combinations without number. The Dancing Frocks Are a dainty assortment fashioned of nets, lace, taffeta, crepe, nets embroidered in jets, and . novelties that are absolutely new and unique. All the lovely evening shades and countless groupings of colors make for perfection in these Dresses, suitable for the dance, modeled on the very newest lines. . v , The Reductions"in Price Are as Wonderful as the Gowns Divided Into Two Groups Gowns and Dresses Worth $60.00 to $98.00 May Be Purchased Tuesday at $39.50 Gowns and Dresses Worth. $35.00 to $58.00 May Be Purchased Tuesday at $28T.50 Meier A Knk', Garment Salons rw Ideation Fourth Floor Slxth-St. Bids. Select Dainty New Neckwear at $2.98 Usually $4.00 to $6.00 There's a splendid assortment of all that is "new" in Neckwear in this lot of fancy-trimmed Guimpes and Collars, in about 50 different styles some hand-embroidered. Collars and Guimpes of net, organdy, batiste, shadow lace, filet, etc. Colors white and ecru. Some with colored trimming. Special at the reduced price of $2.98. Meier A Frank's Flrat Floor. Mala BldK. $5.00 "Inset" Aluminum Tea Kettles $2.79 One Hundred en Sale In the Temporary , Annex, Third Fleer. Jnst aa lUnrt rated. Combination Tea Kettle and Donble Boiler, 6V-rnart sUe Tea Kettle and lVa-nnart aiaa inset. Para aluminum and a veritable "bargain" at thia greatly reduced price, which will be In effect as long as any of the 100, just received, remain. Regularly $5.00 Removal Price, $2.70 The Removal Sale Ends May 23d EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED Excepting Only-Groceries, "Silk-Maid" Hose, "Willamette" Sew ing Machines, "Invincible" and "Samson" Suits & Contract Goods M illinery At Removal Sale Prices We've just received several new lines of Mid-Summer Hats, including smart Trimmed Panama Hats in a variety of most attractive and Summery effects. Also many "dressy" Hats suitable for wear with the Summer frocks. And in spite of the fact that this is all New Merchandise it has been included in the Removal Sale Reductions and prices are greatly low ered for quick selling. All Flowers Are Now Being: Sold at V4 Off All Untrimmed Hats Now Sold at Off Meier A Praik'i Millinery Parlor Second Floor Slxth-St. Bide Exquisite Laces, Embroideries For Summer At Removal Prices! 1.25 TO $2.00 SHADOW ALLOVER LACES, YARD, 98 For dainty transparent waists and tunics these silk-finished Shadow Allover Laces are very popular; come in 36-inch width. $1.00 TO $1.25 SHADOW LACE FLOUNCING, YARD, 60 English-made Shadow Lace Flouncing, in white and cream. Con ventional and elaborate floral patterns, in widths from 12 to 24 inches. Many are in two widths, suitable for two or three-tier .skirts, now so popular. 75c to $1.00 Values, Yard, 59tf 25c to 35c LACE EDGES AND INSERTIONS, YARD. 19 Piatt Val. and Point de Paris Lace Edges and Insertions, from 1 to 4 inches in width, suitable for undermuslins. $1.25 TO $2.00 EMBROIDERY PLOUNCINGS, YARD, OS 27 and 4o-inch Embroidery Flounces on sheer Swiss, eyelet and blind'embroidery, in floral designs, some having bands to match. 20c TO 30c CONVENT EMBROIDERY EDGES, YARD, 15 For women's and children's undermuslins, these Edges are very suitable; on soft-finished cloth, embroidered in a variety of eyelet and French blind work; it's a splendid imitation of hand work. BEAUTIFUL CHIFFONS REDUCED The demand for Chiffons is increasing and our stock is replete with all the latest shades. $1.50 Elbow-Proof Crepe Chiffon, yard... $1.35 $1.75 Indestructible Chiffon, yard :...$1.58 $1.60 Glace Finish Chiffon Cloth, yard $1.35 Meier Frank's Flrat Floor Sfxth-St. Bids. Attractive Display and Removal Sale of New 'Dix House and Porch Dresses Well made, well shaped and tastily designed are the famous "Dix make" House and Porch Dresses, well known to hundreds of our customers, and the new models will please one and all, for they are modish, as well as practical, and may be worn in the house or on the street. AT $2.03 are pretty striped Ginghams; pink, blue and lav ender checks; prettily made with turnback pique collars, or the highly favored Dutch neck. AT $3.15 is a selection of lovely soft Voiles, Cotton Eta mine, fine Chambrays and Ginghams, in dainty stripes or solid colors. This lot includes pale blue, rose and reseda. These Dresses ordinarily sell at $3.50 and $3.75. ocatlon Fifth Kloor Sixth -St. BldK. AT $1.58 you'll find neat Dresses, in checks and stripes, fastened on the side; collars and cuffs piped 'with contrast ing colors. Desirable color com binations are shown. AT $5.00 there are many new models of fine Crepe, fetching ly made with hand-embroidered collars and cuffs, or fine lace collars finished with tailored bows. New I. Sale Wilton Rugs Now in Progress in the Temporary Annex Seventh Floor For service, for good appearance and for all-around satisfac tion the Wilton Rug stands all tests. Here's a timely sale, in cluding: all styles, various sizes, and a broad scale of prices, with radical reductions in effect. If you're furnishing a new home or recarpeting the home now occupied Deep Economy Will Be Found in Meier & Frank's Sale of Wilton Rugs of Unexcelled Quality $60.00 French Wilton Rags, 9x12 size, reduced to $47.50 $54.00 French Wilton Rugs, 8:3x10:6 size, reduced to $45.50 $45.00 Bandhar Wilton Rugs, 9x12 size, reduced to $31.50 $40.00 Bandhar Wilton Rags, 8:3x10:6 size, special, $29. 50 $38.00 extra heavy Wilton Rags, 9x12 size, special, $29.50 $36.00 extra heavy Wilton Rugs, 8:3x10:6 size, now $27.50 $5.50 to $7.50 Wilton Rugs, 27x54-inch size, special, $ 3.85 $7.75 to $9.50 36x63-inch size Wilton Rugs, special, 5.25 Meier Fraak'a Temporary Annex Seventh Floor kilted T?YrPT? A f All German Reed Furniture for 3 Days' HjI. 1 lJ I Selling HALF PRICE Tenth Floor. Temporary Annri. The- Quality Stor& of Portland rtflN "Morrisory Aktar Ota. -Meier A Frank'a Temporary Annex Third Floor 'Fansteel' ElectricIrons$2.19 Just received 100 "Fansteel" Electric Irons weighing 6 lbs. each guaranteed for ten years. For durability they're unsurpassed and are spe cially priced at $2.1.9. Meier & Frank's 3d Floor Temporary Annex 6