The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 03, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 29

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MSLP W AM E1-MAL, I HEI.V- WAX'Tpiv vn v 1 i . . T""TJ "
Men of integrity and experience to rep
resent us in their vicinity ; prererenc
given to those now handling tailoring
samples or engaged, in business tor them
elves. Exclusive agencies opn to the
men and stores who ran sell the best trade
at popular prices. The nil-wool line. The
"no i ne west, xtnnrea ott the raclfir
Coast from fabrics selected to meet th
requirements of Western climatic con
alitor; and tastes. The famoua Oregon
fure wool Buckskin Cloth part of This
Ine. We do not want Eastern represents,
tlon. Thin Is a highly specialised line t
---e iur me special needs oi weu-dresseo
men west of the Rockies. Six by nin
samples of each style in spertal oase. Art
portfolio of fashion's demands. Fuil equip
ment. All furnished without charge and
expressage prepaid to those who qu&lirv.
Garments delivered In half the time re
quired H orders are sent East ana at one
third the express or postal charges-. Not
a, branch of any Eastern concern. Qive
Tun particulars of yourself confidentially
"our reply. Agencies in every well
tiressed community. J. L. Bowmaa a Co.
wholesale tailors to the trade. Shops in
Office Secretary Employment Department
' Y. M C. A.
-u??o-n,n' "tranger, seeking- employ
ment ($20 total cash asset, if I pay you
fo for Employment Membership I will
have only $15 bttwwn me and starvation.
f,tarjlf you Pttv 5 'or Employ
ment Membership you wilt have tha T. M.
tJ . between yon and starvation,
tiesuituung; man Joined. In lees than
Wwt bad satisfactory employment;.
Record tor 113.
n for men irotn employers- 26:3
Positions filled 1U41
Employment Membership, " per annum.
WJuriiniees member will secure employ
mbn V. ' retund of fee. Includes two
months Full and ten months' Social
Privileges, Issued by Employment Depart
ment only. All yuUng men seeking em
Ployment In Commercial, Clerical or Tech
nical iiue are cordially invited to eoa-
suit the Employment Secretary.
Have good opening for several
experienced men, must be good
closers; will furnish leads and
assist In every possible, way.
Good clean propostlon of merit,
fall between 8:;.o and 10 A. M.
or 4 ami o P. M. Want men ca
pable ot earning $6 in) monthly
or better.
TRAVELING salesmen In spare time
can easily increase their Incomes by
calling on stores handling either men's
hats or women's ready-to-wear gar
ments. Which do you prefer? You
receive $2 on each $4 order. - George
F. Henderson, Hsu Broadway, X. Y.
; Oil more Weekly to hustler of some
business ability in each community. Co
operate, in profit-sharing mail-order busi
ness, nil or part of your time. Be your boss and make money the first week.
No capital ur experience necessary. Send
dime lor complete prospectus and mail
order booklet. Business Exchange, box
12 7, Spokane, Wash.
GENERAL sale manager for 24 states wants
county, district, state general agents to
open office and manage sales force. $350
to $300u necessary. You handle own mon
ey. Higti-claas, meritorious proposition.
Should pay $10,00u to $;,'O,00v annually.
Will pay expenses to Cleburne if you are
man we want. For particulars write T.
P. Turner CoCleburne, Texas.
88 N. ad Bt.
Phones Marshall -21 6U, A
If you want help of any kind "phone
If you want work of any kind "see uu
PRACTICAL man, with family, familiar
with horses, for general farm and or
chard work; salary at rate of gui per
month ; permanent position and good op
portunity to acquire small farm, to right
party with not less than 1250 cash to in
vest. School and store on premises. AO
12. Oregonian.
WANTED High-grade salesman to sell the
best line of ciders and soft drinks in the
United States to all classes of merchant
In small country towns; goods In demand;
earnings unlimited ; ltd per cent commis
sion, witht $40 weekly drawing account.
Crown Cider Co.. Department A, 207 H.
Commercial st., St. Louis. Mo.
CAPABLE PRINTER for one-man countn
newspaper office, with cylinder press and
gasoline engine; must be reliable, sober,
industrious, capable running business alone
in absence ot proprietor; steady position
to suitable man; wages, (15. The Stand"
ard. Stanneld. Oregon.
"WANTED Florist on commercial place in
E. O., 13,000 feet of glass, where a general
line is grown; must be competent, ener
getic, sober; place permanent to right
man ; single preferred. Address AV 16 a,
SALESMAN to travel for leading importers
of laces, embroideries, huudkerchieta and
white Hoods; territory not restricted; lib
eral commission ; expen&ts advanced; sam
ples light. Address O. C, KelUuelm, 115
117 East -'VU St., New York.
SALESMAN, general mercantile trade. Ore.,
to sell new proposition of merit ; vacancy
now ; attractive commission contract, 4v
weekly expenses. Miles F, Bixler Co.,
wholesale Jewelers. Carlin bldg,
Cleveland. O.
WOOLEN mills; we want an experienced
man to wash, full and nap woolen goods;
good piiy and steady work; also a spin
iter on D. & F. mules. Address Wilbur
Woolen Mills. Staylon. Or.
HONEST man wanted in each town for spe
ciul advertising work; $10 a week to start;
experience unnecessary; references re
quired. Address at once, McLean, Black
.V Co., '2iil N. Beverly st., Boston, Mass.
W ILL1 NU hustler, rapid typewriter, dicta
phone operator und office assistant; start
I - weekly ; advancement strictly up to
.you; fine business; give age and phone.
AN 1H6. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced accident salesman,
both commercial and monthly premium ,
a profitable enntraot given to the right
party. The Paclhc Mutual, 301-M Title
and Trust bldg.
Will give carpenter work to pay ad
vance pa inent on nice, little home ror
entire year In advance. Smith-Wagoner
Co., Stock Exchange.
WANT bids for labor, concrete and mason
work, plastering, plumbing- and painting
on several dwellings from responsible and
conipeteut parties. Address K 047, Orego
nian. MAKh, o to $lu a day extra money easy
with new, quick-selling specialty for drug
gist, confectionery stores and soda foun
talnct: best side line. Write quick. 8tand
ard Electric Works, Racine. W Is.
SALESMEN, to sell our check protector; -
sells to every person who writes check;
circulars, information free; sample i!3c
Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg., Toledo,
A (iOOD baker, one who understands baking
bread and all kinds of pastry; no other
need apply. Sweet Grocery Co., Belline
ham. Wash.
TWO more live wires can obtain lucrative
employment with best fraternal society.
Llveral advance. Call Mears, 430 Wor
cester bldg. Main 1640.
CASH advanced you weekly selling my
hardy, guaranteed stock, excellent terri
tory; hut. tiers make money. Washington
Nursery Co.. Toppenlsf.. Wash.
WRITE moving-picture plays, $."o each, all
or spare time, no correspondence course ;
details free. Atlas Publishing Co.. 42 Cin
cinnati, O.
WANTED o salesmen wanted (must fur
nish references). Call Monday, room. Z0.
Swetland bldg.
FINE opportunity to learn automobile
an2 reParlng; no dudes or bums,
- " r-. onty. 6 10th st.
"A'V carried man. no children, work
on fruit ranch. Hood River. Apply Perkins
Hotel. Sunday or Monday. rerK,ftl
WANTED A good man In a country town
furniture store; must know something
about laying carpet. AV aH. Oregon Ian.
WANTED Window trimmer for breakfast
food. Give lata employer; must La exoeri-
em-ed. AV U21, Oreironian. v
I YOUNG fresh cows; Durham. Jersey. Dur
ham and Guernsey: $55 up; health certif
i.nte a East 30th. cor. Washington.
WANTED Two lrst-clasa carpenters, $ ner
Uy. Apply Monday on jab. lloa Kk iad
EXPERIENCED cutter for all class of
material In sash and door faotorv Mc--Minnville
Planing Mill. McMtnnriite' Or
PRESSER; must be sober and industrloua
Apply IUff-Hecht Co., 1224 Sandy blvd.
PHOTO coupon, new tickets for live ones.
Cut berth Studio. Dekum bldg.
PHOTO soiocltors; salary guaranteed; new
offer Moore Studio. Elks' bldg
SOLICITOR wanted for a clothing adver
tismg proposition. S0 Swetland b ! d g.
JANITOR Three half days each week. Call
at m)q MlFsipsippi av.
S Ol . t C I TO R S. must be first -class; Monday
cm Northwest Bldg.
USE of apartment in exchange for tinting
and calcimining. East 1016.
Two gang edgermen. $3.50 and $4.
l hree sa?h and door machine men.
--!.GO to '.7r.
Married men for sawmill and brick1
yard work.
OPEN feUNDAr. 0 A, .11. TO i if. M.
Couch Jst., Between 1st and 2d.
SALESMEN WANTED Want three good
salesmen who are hard workers, to sell
nationally advertised specialty fto retail
dealers, all lines; towns and small cities;
to the right men connection will b per
manent on.-, worth HM to $7"UD annual
. ly ; old-established, highly rated firm ; ap"
Plications will be entertained from high
grade salesmen with clean records and
nrst-cltise reference-; small bond required.
yep'j. 3".- ?'J rwosner oiug., t;nicat;o.
SALESMEN Would you like to earn any
where from to flSu EACH WEEK .
Let us tell you how. We have proposition
which Is neccssslty to every business man;
no samples; deal only with trade; expe
rience in this line not necessary, as we
give you FREE complete course m scijin?.
Write at once for particulars. L V.
Browne, Pecty., 61 Schwind bldg., Dayton
A ANTED- National educational organiza
tion of wide scope and long standing wishes
well -trained, experienced man about 8i
years of age for commercial position; must to show ability and put on busi
ness; only permanent assistant desired,
state fully educational qualifications and
business experience; Sftlaiv and commis
elon. Address box c Ous, Oregon I an
estate mid Insurance men preferred, to
work locally to open aales of $1, 1100,000
corporation, several thousand acres In and
- adjoining production, good production.
Liberal co m mission. Address B. J.
WAUGH, Stock Sales Mnnager. Great
western Petroleum Company, Tulsa, Okla.
SALESMAN Oregon, to s-ll merchants
greatest specialty of day; experienced spe
cialty salesman or merchant preferred;
loo a week to right man; commission
contract. Commissions' paid weekly Stat
experience. Champion Register Co., Cleve.
land, O.
WE have A-l selling proposition, that will
make five first-class men 4 to $0 per-da v.
Must be clean cut and aggressive. Rteadv
'orK ,Am,?.nff ,beat People. Apply between
0 and 11 Monday. 733 Chamber of Com
merce. SALESMEN Well-known manufacturing
Concern. cBtahltahc) .
add two experienced traveling salesmen
to its organization account of business ex
pansion ; state experience. Lock; box "O
Lomont. 111.
OLD-ESTABLISHED house with staple line
ocus waveicr lor uregon; must he -experienced,
aggressive and worth iJWHMt or
more yearly; weekly advances against
prospective commissions. L. V. Burrows.
Detroit, M ich.
SALESMAN experienced any line to sell gen-
. .i,ow; r-acirtc remtory; unexcelled
proposition; commission contract; $;15
weekly for expenses. CONTINENTAL
JEWELRY CO 0H-18 Continental bldg
Cleveland, O.
SALESMAN calling on retailers in small
iowns, to sen on commission strong side
line, blankets, f lann -Is, dress goods, nov
elties. Direct from the looms. The Lake
wood Mills, box 414, Phila., Pa.
WANTED High-claps salesmen to sell the
handsomest line of calcnrinrs published In
this country; also the most complete laid
Of novelties. Write for full particulars at
onc-j. Smith-Hecht Co., Indianapolis, Jnd.
TRAVELING citfar salesmen wanted. $L3
"tra'i ana. expenses or oig commissions;
full selling information, experience un
necessary; other lines If desired. National
Cigar 4Jo Denver, Colo.
WANTED Swedish or German girl to cook
adults; wages $:(o per month; nice place
for good girl. Inquire 70 1st St. or phone
A 1 554.
EARN more money, be a show-card writer;
unlimited field. Splendid opportunity,
write right now. Empire Institute of Let
tering, inc., dept. 300, 37 Liberty, New
2 cooks, family hotel, $40, rm and board.
Waitress, $.". rm. and bd.
Waitress, out, $5, rm. and bd.
Housekeeper, out, $0.
Chambermaid, $ii5, rm, and bd. '
Girls for gen. work, $30 and $35.
Olnls to pick berries.
New positions dally.
Ladles' Dept., 2o Morrison.
LADIES Star fascinating home business;
tinting postcards, pictures, etc., spare
time; $lu weekly; no canvassing; samples
lic; particulars free. Artlnt, B lli, 10
Manhtn. St., New York.
WOMAN physician going to country wishea
. service of capable housemaid with no in
cumbrances; must be good cook; foreigner
pnererred; good home and wages for right
person. V iUfi, Oregonian.
DRESSMAKER or music teacher, hero is a
splendid opportunity, 1 to 4 large, airy
rooms, modern, furnished or not; rent rea
sonable. Weyrick, 150$ E. Gllsan.
EXPERIENCED. German girl for general
housework, good cook, 2 In family. Call
this morning, between 11 and 12, iUO Cor
ett bldg. oth und Morrison.
WANTEDA competent girl for second
WANTED Clean and willing girl for house
work; experience not necessary; small fam
ily. Phone East 2901.
GIRL WANTED General housework. Ger
man or scunainavian preferred. Call morn
ings. 7S7 West Madison St.
WANTED Experienced sleeve machine up-
triuiois on Biiiiis. appiy crystal t-aundry
Co.. East 21at and Sandy Rd.
WILL give good home and small wages to
scnooiniri m exenange ror services. Phone
East 4400 or call 374 Vancouver ave.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
smail family, references. Call Marshall
47S before 10 A. M.
WANTED Ladies and -gentlemen to solicit
iur me miesi paienr.ea parlor gamp; come
and Investigate. 301 hit K. Morrison st.
STENOGRAPHER, inex pe r ien ced for law
office. $U0 month; , hours and work easy.
AM f.0. Oregonian.
COCK, experienced; no washing or Ironing,
$::.i. Call Sunday or Monday afternoon.
QJs Salmon st., near King.
WANTED By German. housekeeper on
ranch who would consider eooA hnm- mnr-
than wages. Hans Caye. Barnesdale, Or.
EXPERIENCED girl for cook and general
iwueoi tv. nuu wages. Uij Brast at
corner loth. East 40H.1.
WANT three girls, employed, learn trade
evenings; best opportunity. X 018, Orego
nian. WANTED Girl for general housework;
must be good cook. Inquire between 10
and I at 695 Brasee, Cor. East 20th.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
houaewotk and cooking. T94 Irving u.
cor. 24th Phones Main 6285, A 112
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay
while learning; position guaranteed. 400
414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors.
WANTED R. -fined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co. BOO ftath
chiid bldg.. 4th and Washington.
A GERMAN or Swedish girl to do general
housework in small family. Phon Mil
waukie Black S.'3.
WILL give good horn- to high school girl
in exchange lor services. Woodlawn &31,
-1117 Concord St.
WANTED Colored woman to work on day
wt-en; one mm is usea to nice rur
nKhings preferred. AN 0.'.2, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED gfrl for general houeuivork.
Call Sunday at 73 Irving st.
WANTED A girl for general housework,
small family and good wages. 54 Hoyt.
YOUNG girl to take care of baby. 42S Rod
ney ave.
EX t'EKlliNCEU w aitress, E. Burnslde
GIRl- assist with housework, small family.
RELIABLE girl to assist In general house
work; apply morning. 741 Irving t.
ASSISTANT marker and assorter. Xlij 2.
week. Hoqulam Stm. Ldy, Hoquiatn Ws.
TWO live solicitors, good salary to right
parties. AP' SCO. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady for oi'iice work; no experience
necessary. P 0o7. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nure for light case. 3S8 Broad
way. Main 44-i3.
GOOD home, " some wages, schoolgirl or
other younir girl. C
WANTED Girl for general housework
JT-, N. flat 1.
GIRL for general housework. German pre
ferred. Irvington district, phone East 6371.
WANTED A firs tela as cookT Apply Nls-
beth Snitorium, 61 d Lovejoy st.
YOUNG girl to firs: at with light housework
ana ivi re 01 cniia. L a JUJ.
GIRL for general housework. 425 TUla
mnnlr. Phnnvi r 1ll Iaa iTl
WANTED Waitress. 52 N. 2d s
Must be over 1$ year of age
prefer?" BpertorB wl v thi
25th and Hoyt Sta.
L1?AN; ffOLrB CO IU-re the serv
ices of several experienced saleswomen
for all departments. Must be experienced
t- e t0 ivo the beat or reterences.
Permanent positions ana g6nd salaries to
e i -.ualif Apply Monday at Su
f tealdeniiofr,e' ventii floor, be
tween 9 and 10 o'clock.
ff?rtnn iIn25' OF CULTURE AND
i- ok school Teacher to kepre
HOUbEKLLPEH for modern home, good
residence district, father end ion; must be
good cook, good appearance, refined and
unincumbered, not over 3U years of age,
if not as the above, do not answer. Give
pnon-s wth description and reference.
Ariuresa P. O. box 141, Portland. Or.
LADIES to manufacture articles st home,
light, pleasant work, no canvassing, ex
perience unnecessary; send 2oc Tor Com
plete Instructions, working plans, prices
paid, etc. c. L. Roberts, 811 Madison
Ft., Seattle. Wash.
GENTLEMEN end Indies to travel for a
clean, profitable business: no canvassing;
salary and expenses; hours 1 to 4. Sunday
and Monday. Inquire Apt. C, 424' Colum-
WOMEX Earn . daily, -expenses, de mon
strating high-grade, advertised lino; steady
work; experiento or capital unnecessary.
Write today. Brorby, Mgr., aul Sionoa
dg.. Chicago. .
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Worn -eu
is now located at room 303 new police
Headquarters. Information, protection or
asslta9 given to womea agd girts. In-
W OMEN sell guaranteed hosiery to friends
and ucUehbors; 7o per cent profit; full or
part tiiL.; big veller; maka $10 dally. Kx
. perienco urr,ecwwi.,ry. lnternatioua.1 Mills.
l-io It Alt . I U'ai Uhiluinl..v.i.. 1 .
WANTED Housekeeper, one capable and
w illliiK to take care of two .mall chil
dren; no heavy boos ework or washing to
do. H. T. Austin, lull N. Front st. Sa
lem, or.
WANTED Young lady to bake pies la small
bak6iy and help wait In store, $23 month,
board and lodging. Tel. Marshall 37tsl or
apply usi Thu.mau st. today or early Mon
day A. M.
WANTED In out-of-town creamery office,
competent stenographer, salary $0u month.
Give age. married or single, experlenia,
last am ploy ur, refcrenoes. M 030, Orego
nian. WANTED Competent girl for general
housework at Bend, Or.; pleasant position;
good wages. See Mrs. C. S. Hudson, at
Hotel Benson, Monday, between 0 and 11
WANTED Young or middle-aged lady to
travel for a business firm on attractive
salary and expenses at first-class hotels.
Call Monday 4t4 Morrison st., rooms 1
and 2.
WANTED Musicians and singers for high
class .musical act; lady harpist, 'cellist,
violinist, sopranos and contraltos; voices
mut have training. Apply in writing to
X 02S. Oregonian.
$2.50 DAY paid one lady each town to dis
tribute free circulars ior concentrated Ua
voring in tubes; permanent position. F. E.
Barr Co., Chicago.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; must be good cook. Apply at
bl2 Overton st. between 10:30 and 2
o'clock. ,
PU 13 LIC stenograph wr can get vacated of
fice ot fcrmer stenographer, use of Under
wood and pportunity for good business
reasonable. C03 Ccrbett bldg.
WANTED Experienced bales udles by an
exclusive cloak and suit house In the city.
Apply, stating reference and experience, T
U4 1, Oregonian.
WRITE moving-picture plays. $50 each, all
or spare time, no correspondence course ;
details free. Atlas Publishing Co.. 42,
Cincinnati, O.
WANTED Two capable girls, one for cook
and one for second maid; willing to go to
the beach. Apply after 12 o'clock. 7S3
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers ; $25 to $50 per
week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug
Co.. DepL 57t, Omaha, Neb.
312 Morgan bldg. Marshall 23.H.
- Secure and fill positions for clerical and
professional help.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework in family of 2 ; must under
stand cooking; good wages. Main
Apply evenings.
EXPERIENCED women canvassers wanted
to introduce new product of local man
ufacturer; salary. Apply tomorrow. 204
just zutn su
GIRL over 20 to spend a few evenings each
week as companion for young married
woman; no work. AN 04S, Oregon, an.
WANTED Two girls for Vaudeville dan
cing act; give phone nnmber and address.
D 142, Oregonian.
Xl'KRIEN'D girl for general housework.
Call bt 408 N. :!2d st. Take W car, halt
block down from carlihe. i
STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper; answer
fully giving "experience, references, salary
and telephone number, o -t'52, Oregonian.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Apply 200 N. 2oth su Call
GIRL wanted for general housework, fam
ily of three, 52 20th.. apt U, Portland
EXPERIENCED operators on ladles' neck
wear. Columbia Neckware Mfg. Co.
Phoenix bldg., 03 6th st.
TWO lady solicitors, pleasant work and
good pay. Permanent position to right
parties. 418 Mohawk bldg.
WANTED Lady Canvasser, 4 hour work
per day: good salary, commission. 421 K.
WILL pay $2.2d per week for a home, 13-month-old
boy. Address AG 030, Orego-
WANTED -Girl to assist In light housework
for good home and small wages. Mrs. Al
lien, 592 Salmon sL
WOMAN wanted to do housework, $23 a
month. E. F. Foster. Hatsop, Wash.
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework. Apply 2w North 2."th St.
WANTED Fraternal organizers, men or
women, In the city or out; opportunity for
state management for the capable person
Cl! Dekum bldg.. Portland.
MARRIED couple can have 2 -room semi
basement apartment for light Janitor
service morning and evening. Apply
manager. 110 N. 2lst BL
TEACHERS Wanted; principals, -peclaiists,
grade; half-rute; state qualifi
cation N. W. Teachers' Agcy.. N. Yakimi.
MAKE money writing stories or articles; big
pay. Free booklet tells how, United Press
S ndlcate. San Francisco.
AMATEUR performers at Lyric Theater.
Inquire, manager's oifloe Sunday and Mon
day. Pis?K Teacnsis' Agency Securt-s positions tor
teacher. 310 Journal bldg Mam 4 S3 5.
THOUSANDS Government Jobs open to men,
women, big pay. Write Immediately tree
list. Franklin Institute, dept. 34U-M, Roch
ester, N. Y.
In' ruction. G K EGG SHORTHAND, book
kei Ifig. 401 Commonwealth bid. Mar.4203.
OKGA.N'IZBRS -Good commissions, any ter
ritory; no insurance. Order of Owls, South
Bend. Ind. '
WANTED At once, two men to ieara auto
driving ajid repairing for Spring work.
Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave.
SCENARIOS and photoplays revised and
typewritten Hi correct form at reasonable
r a tes. 14 Y eon b Id g or Main 44
WANTED Our; to learn coi iel-making,
earn $i to $15 week.y. Apply 701 Wash
innton st.
G1HLS k ,?rn beauty parlor work; earn
money while learning. The Hair Bazaar.
Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash and Park.
LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen ; wages
about $lU0: experience unnecessary; sand
age. postage. Railway, care oregonian.
MOVING" -PICTURE operating taught, latest
improved methods; practical experience;
secure positions. 220 2d st.
uittiecssary - eaav
y1 P"
... "fr1" kunuirl IO tam fMMI tO'U
month whilo you learn. Address Dept. 311,
atloMBl Salesmen's Tratnlna Asoi-iti,.n.
------ fcn mm, iv
"V h i tiT.Wanted ln TmmX tate office,
fir- nw concern, and ne-di a
. --r sma, with good sense and
plenty of ability 1 .mast have 1 100 in
Kor olhlnK doing, If yOU can fur.
f .M-i ,x our cnaraciur answer
SS4, Oreconion.
. hT rV-- w,th means to take
.f rp'. oft,ce representing factotv Out
put: Oliportuhlty affords pleasant, perma
Sh5l1fia -ufltab- business: give address
Oregoilia'a0 nUmb,4: and -teren;e, . o,
LEIii ltrtooi:e repairing." d'rlvirigoB up-to-date
tars; electric, civil engineering.
Ebeiiei.. m1? most practical; room
b6-?. rhl,le lr-ng; position se
5ifd: tat'"ra.tio0 suaranteedj catalogue
2110 W -ih'tt fi,chwo1 - wr Engineering,
jllU W. ,th, St., Anaeles, Cat.
bVK engineerlHs' bv m:i fr -
i,'.e,i huntl--! of my stuUenu are run
V .tLV1'' ,only ikon tune required;
uibtlidds simple; cost moderate: advanc
22!f" for Poetical toen. B. W. arnit
12 , Concord St.. Los Angelas
iliJNT fuA.V
saa uak sr.,
OOVKKNMB.NT POSITIONS," Po.t..rric. raii
way mail, other branches urj "U; pie
Pare .tm." under furmer Li. M Clv-l
wrff."fl1fy",'ff'rln,-'ri booklet H8.1
Pi,lthO.s to write and copy letters at home
iliij-nia spare time; can make from ilu to
.j per Week; send stamped envelope for
jg2!gho.-t?".a'r'1 Mu't-Coi'y -
women apprentices wanted; learn tit
business and be Independent; tools fur
nished free; fees reasonable. 6!)ta 1st
st., oorner Jefterson at
LADIES, start fascinating' Imr,','
tlntlnif postcards, pictures. etc.. spais
time; make 12 Weekly; ns canvassmg;
samples 10c; particulars free. Wa'.ien i
STEADY employment, good' waKes. my
opening., lew months learning, easy. pro",
liable work, positions guaranteed. Watch
making Imgravlng School, i!10 Common-
,,:i-'aLt.lUl"---.ut!Lnd Ankeny. Portland
OIi?,VfrAMress nv'ope. "mail circular
letters, spare or all time; pleasant, re
munerative work; 2-c.nt atatiip tor renly
chS"1' -'lv-"l'" oo.. US 6. M2it
BKCHET PKRvfcB offers unusual opportu'n
lties lor ambitious men; we tench you by
?iT;i:.irlt. tor . frce olet. Washington
Detective Training School, Iligga bldg
AVnshlngtou. L. C. -
Di'.'.u. P'a'am coloring work home;, good
po, no tianvasslng; no experience reuuireil.
11. us. paitlculars IriM. Helping Hand
btorcs, Cliicuuo.
lmH'l'V College Now Is -.he time
in.-J5fn tn, "rber trade; positions guar,
anteed. paid wnl.e learning; tools free;
reuu:w, Tia Madison st.
irr, iJarber, College will teach you
OUicKly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you
whlie learning, furnish tools tree. Writ
To free catalogue. A 18 ad St. North.
iJoVINu PICTURE operators' wa id n
every city. aAHN us To ;ii week;
E'S'i:'..'.'!?' A-LOHT. sold; machines, tllms
RAILWAY mall clerks, p. o. Dlerks, car
.Jfi xm- oon; parcel post demands
-manr more clerks; act at one. Pacific
FtMt.S Khnnl VfnV.. . .....
OLNG men. become Government railway
mail clerks: 7j month; "pull- unneces
sary; sample examination questions tree
AV U28. oretronian.
WOMEN, get Government jbTrTumontiT;
many appointments coming; list positions
S,1f?l,,,1,J' fre- I'rankllu institute. Dept.
'n4 M, Rochester, J. Y.
GOVERNMENT jobs for women; bl. oay;
Portland examinations soon; samp, a
questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept.
iQU-L, hoi-hestar. N. Y.
LADIES, make shields. home7"10 pef0o;
, work ser.t prepaid to reliable women. Par
ticulars stamped addressed envelope. Eu
reka ln .in. 1 Hii-U i , ,
ME?; in every state to colleet nam. na
correct addresses for United States di
rectory; per hundred. Lnlted States
Directory. Toledo, o.
RAILROAD firemen, brakemen.' $12u-" e
perience unnecessary; send age postage. Oregonian,
GOVEHN'MENT "positions areeTsy to sefTdy
free booklet Y-SU'.t tells how. Write today-r-now.
Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C
HOTEL CltOKT. 13m paciric ave..-TtcoinT
modern; oOc up; grip and speclnlty men's
headquarters; -1 blocks from depot.
WANTED 3 men to learn moving-picture
business Have opening In theater, sou
--.-w. .' eAiv i Itpil-J 1.
r . sjw. -. iioinuv.
Bookkeepers and clerks.
Capable young man (a3) seeks position
of trust.- where ability will be recognised
und given scope; as manager of a branch
oitlce, and a bookkeeper has proven quali
fications and maintained' the confidence of
able employers. K nn4. Oregonian.
TKaINED A thorough business young mun
In office, store, commissary, mail order
and as purchasing agent. Age !"; best of
Coast indorsements. Phone, telegraph or
lsiid"' 1"aW" U Y" C A., Port-
DHLGU 1ST- Four years' experience, two
years retjll, two years wholesale, wants
to register, small stora experience pre
ferred, city or country, good salesman
V ""o decorator. Harry L. Laws,
THOROUGHLY experienced and capable
bookkeeper wlih part time at his dis
posal would like to look after th. book
keeping of several small concerns. Phone
Kenwood il'43.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, corporation ac
. countant and office man; all-around ex
perience, will keep several sets of books:
merchants, professional men; day or even
lug; reasonable. AD H43, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Clothing salesman capable
of managing department la desirous of
connection with llrst-cluss llrm ; will give
you one month's time to value iny-servlces.
AC !. Oregonian.
POSITION hotel clerk or assistant In ex
change for living expense while studying;
experienced; good references. AL il
SITUATION wanted; experienced practical
. druggist, With references, city or country,
Oregon, Washington, Idaho. AF 2i Ore
gonian. INSURANCE - Special, thoroughly experl
enced, desires connection with high-class
firm: satisfactory references furnished.
R. Bruce driscoll wants soiia position,
staple firm; know what wanted and do
It; expert stenographer, accountant; g
21. AT HI. Oregonian.
WANTED Position entrust "and responsT
niilty. by capable young business man. fa
miliar with ofiico work; can submit Port.
land reference. B 140, Oregonian.
WANTED A position by young man of U2
good education, experienced in bookkeep
ing and general office work ; good refer-
ences. Address AP 48. Oregonian.
COMPETENT otTice man. co!lago graduate
several years' experience with large
wholesale firm; references. Open May a.
AK 4. Oregonian.
A CL.ERK with nine years experience ir
the general mercho nd tso lines, wishes em
. ployment in a medium -size town w:th the
best of reference, p 04K. Orgonlan.
F" iCA RM AT: Ic T. ! s t
position; country preferred; will relieve.
A jj, Oreponian.
WANTED Set of books to keep' evenings
or part -of time, by thoroughly competent
bookkeeper. I t:,7, Oregonian.
VOL'XG MAX. experienced in bookkeeping
and stenography, wants posit ton: roa
references. Addregs AH 6TiS. Oregonian
YOU NO man IS'J, attending business college,
wants work after school hours. Can drive
automobile. AJ 17, Oregonian.
EXPfPJENCED bookkeeper, married, wishes
positiotK clerk or timekeeper in logging
camp or railway camp preferred. AK .C7,
STKNOOR APHBR seven years'" off ice ekpvri
ence, wonts position with chance f ud-
. vnncemcnt. AO U.".-, Oregonlnn.
AMBITIOUS young man. experienced to
bookkeeping and cost accounting. C 97,
TOLXO men stenographer, bookkeeper.
wants position. Phone A li'-iSO.
YOUNG- good French cook, speak np ; iuh,
wants work, restaurant... hotel or privaie
house. DtKlS, Oregonian.
MAX with experience as gardener wapts
work. Main 71?.
CEMENt worker wants workMaln T17.
A 1M7.
ROrnH carpntf r wants Wrtrk: Will take
short repair Jobs. Main 717. A 153 7.
MAX wit", experience as express clerk wants
work. Main 717.
MAX. badly in reed of work will take any
thing. Main 717.
Muke mo hoy fast : VO IcVpi.-pi
MAY 3, 1914.
NVAICTED Position AA mannir or .uprln
t.nrient of l(.r4 Up-to-iat dairy farm,
lock farm or ttraln farm; understand tha
rare of ur br.U cnttle ana tiorBe. ; un
d.rstand tentius milk and cream, testing
cows; L'll yanr.' practical experlenc on
larKO place.; am .trlctly temperate, am
married and now employed on lnrge stock
farm a. herd manager; all correspondence
answered. AV 184, UreeoflTan.
CHAirruun Hawaiian Japanese, neat,
capable, itood raechanlciaa. wishes perma
nent position In private ;amily; 1 am a
fiatlve of Honolulu and nad many years'
experience ln that locality: well acquaint
ed with Portland; speak good English. P
H3T, oregoMan.
VERY trtrwprtflHl draughtsman and sktlllul
deslnr of low Cost and modern machin
ery seeks permanent position; 17 years'
practical and technical experience In snw-
mill and eeneral machinery; aRe SI. Aler
man, progressive and reliaUU. V S?. Ore
gonian. DRY GOODS man, thoroughly experienced
salesman, window trimmer, buyer or man
titer, all lines drygnod. now open ror po
sition. Successful, energetic reliable mar
ried man. soliciis opportunity to submit
full details and references. R. F. Tall
maage. Hparta, Or.
FIRST-CLASS bench or vise and floor ma
chinist; thoroughly competent in any Work
on steam engines, pumps, air compressors
or similar machinery; small wages con
sidered if put to work on lathe part of
time; have had considerable exierience
on lathes, etc. Address AF -23, Oregonian.
MILL, foreman or millwright with Pacific
Coast experience, seeks position with re
tponslble firm and accustomed to han
dling men and machinery and can get re
sults. F. J. Bettia. 711 loth at.. W Van
couver, AY a eh.
EXPERIENCED young man. 27 years of
fige. wishes position as hotel storekeeper,
or with urocery concern, good worker
and am willing to work myself up; am
strictly sober and rlialle; can give best
of references. X 927. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR. Japanese, wishes a Position
in private family'; good, careful driver;
thoroughly experienced any make and
willing to do garden or housework also
if m-ceaeary; references. AL 940, Orego
nian. JAPANESE needs position aa a chauffeur
in a private family: make own repairs
and will take care of garden and house
work; good references. AH 923. Orego
nian. POSITION by young man. wntchmau or
shipping clerk, now employed ; no bad
habits; best of ref ereiicn ; was shipping
clerk for the largest tmkery lu the North -west.
AE !t24.
WANTED Work, either grocery clerk or
laundrv driver or teamster: have been iut
of work for four months and want some
ttng bad; best of ref. Address Ut2 Ju
gane st
VOUN'G married man. good references, 0
years' experience hardware and grocery,
some office experience, wants position ln
or out of city; anything legitimate consld
ered. y U4, Oregonian.
PUBLIC AUDITORwlll give all or part
spare time to accounts and business of
reliable firm in exchange for office and
smail salary ; refereuces. H 9oo, Orego
management of a good house; t years'
experience, with excellent references.
Services reasonable. Address L vift Ore
go. wan.
SA LE8M AN 7 or 8 years experience, in
hardware, groceries and implements; havn
auto; can go anywhere, box 4o7u, Station
SPECIALTY salesman. 7 years' experience,
good references, wishes position with local
firm; city work preferred. AL iu, Ore-
CH A U FFEUH with 5 years' experience
driving and shop work, first-class ref
erences, will consider any offer. C 953,
YOUNG man, good mechanic, would like
position driving for private family. Nob
Hill or Portland Heights preferred; Best
of references. V 5J, Oregonian.
FUi3.ii. Italian Employment liureau. UJ0 Mill
st. Mornings, phone iclwouU 5-41. after
noons, phone Marshall We can fur
nish any kind of laborers.
YOUNG, married man of good habits, de
sires position aa druggiHt ; graduate ten
yenra experience ; no objection to sioaU
town. 14. H. Locke, care Y. M. C. A.
WANTED by man and wife with two chil
dren, 8 and 11 yc.irs, camp cook Ing or
place on ranch. Phone Main 3414.- UH Cth
St., room 12:1.
WANTED To do some delivering for gro
cery store, bakery or laundry ; I have a
good roadster automobile. Address p. O
Box aiO. city.
WANTED 2 ambitious educated men with
selling ability for Portland and vicinity.
Call Monday from 11 to 1 o'clock. 2o8
Lumber Exchange bldg.
BY handy reuair man. married, experienced
In plumbing repair and pipe work; also
understand care of and running pumpo
and Doners, m 947. oregonian.
YOI X1 married man of good habits wants
position as druggist ; good salesman, city
or country. Or. gon, Washington or Idaho.
Y H. Oregonian.
WORK, in apartment-houe or hotel of any
kind ; experienced, sober married man. V
$49, Oregonian.
WANTED To car Tor private grounds and
residences, clean porches and sidewalks.
Address P. O. Box 310, city.
lOL'NG man, experienced gardener, would
like to have position with private family;
references. AO UHT, Oregonian.
HOME in country for boy of 12 years. For
Interview address F. J. Bet Us. 711 10 th St.,
W., Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED Job night watchman by mid-
die-aged Spanish War veteran. AF zi,
VO UNO man, good habits, wants job as
auto driver. Good references. T W4H, Ore
gonian. M I DULE-AGKD man. handy With tools,
would .ike work ou orchard; reliable. W m.
Hosle. gen. deL
JAPANKi couple wants position in pri
vate fumiiv; man good cook, wife house
work. Main A 1 ..
FIRST-CIsASiS chauffeur and mechanic must
have work; reterenccs. o-"tu4 40 th ave.
Southeast. Phone Tabor l0-?o.
JAPANESE cook, who has 7 years' experi
ence, wants Job, private family. AK 914,
JAPANESE oouple with experience as cook
and maid want places in a family. O
1)44, Oregonian.
MARRIED man, no children, wants Job on
ranch; had experience In fruit and hops.
K. S. Adams. lu7. Division. Portland.
EDERLY man. neat and clean, handy
around house and garden, wants a place.
city or country. Address S P3ii. Oregonian
JAPANESE eouple wants job, private family
In town, husband as cook, wife a second
work. AS &"0, Oregonian.
COOK Young man, restaurant , or logging
ramp ; references for both. Phone East
POSITION wanted; man and wife, experi
enced ln hotol and apartments, wants po
eition as manager. P S3ti. Oregonian,
CARPENTER, repairing and remodeling," "at
reasonable wages; capable of foreman alt 1 p ;
be s t o f ref ere nces. C 0 H 3, Oregonian.
YoL'NO iian wants any kind of work. Can
give the best of reference. AO U55, Ore
gonian. PAINTER, reliable man. wants work.
duy, furnish own brushes. AL IK3, Ore
gonian. YOb'NO man, strong, h.-a.thy, refwrences,
wants farm Job. Afj tir.4. Oregonian.
kll.KGH and herdsman open 4or position.
E SJ5, Oregoglan.
JAPANESE wants day work. A 4623, Mala
6014. t
CARPENTER work, alterations, repairs, job
work. Phone WoxSlawn n25.
STRONO. sober younc man wants farm work
01 any aino. a. uo, uregonun
JAPANESE wants position in hotel, store or
iilnnn P Ia4 Ornti in ti
COMPETENT chauffeur, best of references.
I. S45. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants work rornoon. A
CARPENTER w ishea posit Ion by day or con
tract. U 04-", Oregonian.
MARRIED man uan's any Job; hanr"y with
tools. Main a 771. room 2t
LONE Fir Cemetery Grass cut improving
done. Call East 2134.
GARDENER, experienced, host references, by
week or month. O !.4. Oregonian.
VOL'NO roan wants to go out on farm to
learn farm business. A fdk, Oregonian.
BOY li wants stead y position In printing
office; some experience. Woodlawn llfi.VY
WORK as wanon teamster; good ii a nT with
horses. Marshall 5 SO;.
vAKER Bread and cukes, wants position
in country. AF b!3, Oregonian.
. Mlfcccllaneoua,
YOixa married man. just arrived In Port
land, Inu-uds to mak this city h home,
ihat rnane he Will matte It his home,
and he must and win have a position a:
once. To any business firm needing a
g'od office man I offer m' Services fof
eale and win give the best I have to give,
which means brains a well as work. A
clean record behind me; gooU rfel saces
t.i prove it: honesty or purpose and abil
ity to do things. What more would ou
ask? Write A R 51. Oregonian.
fclNtLL man, age 30 years, technical gradu
ate, experienced, des.rea position .is sales
man. Can sell eUetrlc gouue, steam en
gines, automobiles br anything In the tech
nical line, At prfsaul emuioved , reason
for change, wish to go West. AV lui.
MOT EL MAN and wife, thorough experi
ence, no children, want position in or
charge of hotel, rooming or apartment
houst, any town, rosurt or locally. Ad
rtrees K. P., room 30, San Marco HoteL
1 USiTIO.V Wanted as manager of your in
surance department by an insurance man
of extensive experience, or might offer my
services in exchange for a partnership ln'
teryt in the business. AR u, oregonian.
HARDWARE salesman. 0, well educMed.
four years' retail, three years wholesale
with soma road experience ; references
open May 10; will leave City. AJ W, Ore-
r--i. tn ii
FiKfcl ,-CLAbS chef cook w lshes position;
would take diningronrn on shares; young
man. hustler.. A-l references, K. ur.l. Ore
gonian. ORLHARDIST and gardener, capable, sober,
reliable, wants place where honest, con
scientious service will be appreciated. Ad
dress V 1)51. Oregonian.
YOL NO man who understands office work
and can operate elevator and telephone
switchboard. desires position. Phone 14
Uitil, leave message for R. Cooke.
WANTED Position a"Taay or nYgh"waYch
man. .1 am SO years of age. siiltly,tem
xPrienced; best of references. AF
i"9. Oregonian.
YOUNO man wishes position, delivery uoy
mny thr work; cm give referenc. -s.
"?neMar8ia11 "um- J8 lilh SU 8. Call
T. C. Gohr.
zOUNfJ man wants position with private
family; experienced with automobile and
gardening; references given. K U00. Ore
gonian. POSITION by mechanic, young, sober, mar
ried. 3 years "auto repairing and driving
experience, consider private driving. Ca.l
MAlUtlED man wants position on farm or
l?.iry: P''lnced ; can give reference. AO.
YOU NO man wishes position of any kind,
city or country; professional pianist, also
KELIABLK man, 7,, used to gardening and
Janitor work, wonts situation auy kind;
Pit INTER with good experience on cylinder
i.-.i.p,?ten Trp wants employment.
X a.,4. Oregonian.
CARDER in woolen mill, 3r. years' experi
ence, would take good second-hand Job.
!" Myra. gargent. CohQew, N. Y.
CHAtTKFEl'R Young man, experienced, de
sires iKeition 011 private car. AO W.". O ra
gout nu.
BO 16. llve w Ith parents, wants work of
any kind. Address Fred Mueller. 4 Bits
o;n ave. 8. E., Portland.
J A PA NErtE honest man wants position.
cooking and general work. S W40. Oresro
nian. MARRIED man. 2 children muVt have
work, on farm, teaming, anything. aE
4r. Oregonian.
YOU NO married man. experienced Janitor,
wishes work. Marshall 4337.
REGISTERED pharmacist wnnts position, a.l
or part time, f P4o. Oregonian.
MAN and wife ant position ranch; wift
good cook. AM iM", Oregonian.
YOUNO MAX wants fnrm work or in coun
try store. A(i WJ4. Oregonian.
Uookkeepers and HtenugranherH.
OLNQ lady wants position meeting the
public, answering telephone or private ex
change and assisting m general office
gonisn. 7
WOULD like permanent position; good ln
shorthand and typewriting aud can han
dle small set of books; will begin wltn
T ck; can give references. Mar.
or C o.-,8. Orejman.
OFFICE work by a middle-aged lady, a
graduate of high school and business col
lege, with several years' experience in legal
and abstract work. Will accept moderate
wages. YtolX Oregonian.
AN experienced young woman deslrea a
position in an office, or assist with book
keeping. City references. Address tin no.
E-na Apis., Ant. No. US.
blUOdHAPHEK, five years' experience,
wants good position by May 15: prefer
law. but will consider anything. B U4N
Oregonian. 1
OUNQ lady, seveeral years' experience, de
sires office position: knowledge of sten
ography; excellent references. AN 804.
A I LLY qualified stenographer, with two
years' office experience, desires position;
reasonable salary, with chanbe of advance
, V r h. AKj ; 7 , OreK onlan.
EN PER 1 ENCE D stenographer and office
girl wishes position; references; moderate
saiary. Main 4uo,
EXPERIENCED legal stenographer desires
position; temporary or permanent; ref
erencea, Alt a 1 c, Oregonian.
POSITION, switch-board operator and"sTen.
ogtapher, experienced, best reference. D
lt.0. Oregonian.
LADY desires position as stenographer and
assistant bookkeeper, small salary if ad
Vance later. R ur4, Oreitonian
accurute, desires permanent or temporary
position. Monday, .Main I'M 7.
THOROl tHL experienced bookkeeper de
sires either temporary or permanent Po
sition. Main I'lrso.
COMPETENT stenographer, bookkeeper
several years' experience, desires perma-
1(iL9 Jady wllh s years experience wants
position as bookkeeper, assistant or cash
. MU leave city. Main O.-tu,
INEXPERIENCED stenographer wishes po
s.tjoni law work preferred. Call Marshall
YOUNG lady wants work, store, office; also
exnerlenced cashier; references. Marshall
WANTED SLeuographlc position; one year-
experience in law office, AS 923, Or ego -
WANTED Position by experienced office
clerk, temporary or permaneuU E 93,
ST E NOG RAPHE R with some law experi
dalre position. Main 434. East
EPLRIKNCED stenographer, law, Insurance,
machinery, nnythtng; Sunday. Main 4003
Monday. Marshall -'Hoe. .
YOUNvi lady bookkeeper and cashier, good
penman, wishes half-day work; references
AN U4U, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants extra work. Jdar-
LXPEHIKNi'ED stenographer wlehes posl
m t I on. reasonable salary. East "J504.
r'IR.ST-CLASS manicurist, references, wants
position. y U49, Oregonlah.
TYPI8T wants copy work that can be taken
home. E 949, Oregonian.
STKNooitAPHKIt, experienced, would "like
position: -mail srUnry. C 142. Oif.unUn
EXPEK1 ENCED bookkeper aeslres position
Call Bell. 149. "
it UirunisKuri. '
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wiheiTa!
enguguments by day or at home; rates
reason able. Call Marshall 1007.
WANTED Plain sewing; men's shirts made
to order and children's sewing. Phone
East 3010.
MAK MAHTZ. modle :e. Suits. gowns,
dresses, alterations and makes vera. Mala
o'.tso. ljjj ith. corner of Aiuer.
ONE-PIECE fancy dresses, by ex"perlenced
dressmaker, reasonable; fitting guaran
teed. Main
Made from your own material; prompt;
reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 1W4."..
DuhMAKi. G. one-piece dress or coat
. made in 1 day; best references. tS.uO per
day. ( all Tabor 331.1.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage
11 it-ut by the dsy or piece. Gowns, etc ;
satisfaction guaranteed. Marshnil 3247.
FIRKT-CLAM4 drestuniikar, suits, dresses, ai
teratlons. makeovers, Marshall
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work
a, home or by day. Woodlawn 1642.
SEWING of any kind; mend
ing and re
pairing, i'tione t,(ist tSTl
PRETTIEi-T dresses and waists made at the
lowest prices. Miss Conner. Mar. 200.
EXPERIENCED dresemnket, work by the
day. Phone Marshall o22tK
E X I ' i: R 1 E N C E D d r ess maker by day. Tabor
DRESSMAKING Children's clothes a spe
cialty. Tabor 7.
bKiicisMAKINO. plain sewing, by day or
a, home. Main 3324.
FASHIONABLE dressmn kf-r, at home, prices
reasonable. Tabor 2304.
1 rrMiu4 kera.
Rh.HND lady dressmaker with child fl
years, win ssstst light duties and sewing
tew hours dai.y for room and board A
POSITION wanxed br gin, c monrhg ex
perience with a first-class dressmaker.
4413 Sat" r oa fwrenooa. Phone East
Young- girl wantod for light hnusfffr.
mall fuinilv; must go home evemnioa. Cal
funday morning, ltt to 12. Ap-runt 3
the Rons-ve:, tin Kearney tit., corwer lilst
Aaiu.N AiSLfc, oresniakiag, u:wd suits
a specialty; satisfaction Varsntcd:
prices rvasunuble. Mrs, Thorr, Marshall
040, A 2U4
Unique frocks. Dutch rompers. David
Copperbeld, HusMnn sutie and ther styles.
1 to S years. Phone Woodlawn VM:
SUITS, gewnt and making over verv rca
sonablo: satisfaction guararueed: 'refer
ences. Main 4774.
H O U O U U Li L V co mpetent ureas.naker and
at hmo. 4ir. Ka-t aoth st. R aT!t.-.
KX I'EKI ENCiCD dresinakt r ui talloreita
engagements. aone KSHt 47o6
or sellwood 201.-1.
WANTED By good home nrosamakcr Tew
more engagpments for sewing, by day
rferencea last 2SS2. '
i arses.
PRACTICAL nurse: bet of references;
speaks German; maternity cases, a ape-
A YOUNG lady with A year ahd a hLir hos
pnal training desire oases; terms reasun-
able. Phone Wttixlliiwn
NURSE wishes r ore engagements, terms
reasonable, little housework. A AS 10, Main
NVlVT ePrlned, take tharSe seni-ln-aUd,
eKleriy, assist other work. Sell-
wood IdL'.
PRAC'sC-CAL' nun.-, jo years' experience.
C1UINBD nurse from Canada tnkea Invalids
4., iici uuiim, ainui .n'-. ;isu lltn st.
ROOMS, care trained nurse. Invalids
r 'y, "iiv reierences. Tabor 2213.
NUUSE, experienced, anything, town refer.
,t, u. sv , wr-K .M;iln 22U.
-.LKWia or sewing by day or week. Iu7
N. loth st.
EXPERIENCED child's nurse, 2-V per hour
references. Tabor 4014 or Tabor
n eusk eepere.
LAD. experienced, capable, desires position
in grocery or delicatessen or housekeeper
for widower, hotel or apts. ; would go to
beach. G ttoS, Oregon, a a, wr phone Mala
A WIDOW. 40. wants position as housekeep
er lor widower or bft, helor. r in small
R?.&n.M3,. Fr- r-
YOUNG lady wislies position aa house
keeper, foreign trained nurse and good
cook; have Siri 4 years old; best of ref
erences. Phone Ti aot.
REF1NEI. -oinicii 1, t Ikiust keeper would
like position in lintel or widower's home
with- good sui j-oun.linws. city or country
best reference. A.l P.t7. Viienonliin.
HLH.NBO widow, child kmh c...k and
housekeeper, wants position la single gen
tleman s home; small waiuiy. p w.,4 iji.
gonian. '
REFINED Perman lady wanta position as
housekeeper with gentleman with 1 child,
or as companion to a lau . Call at a 27
rln"ifi?orP Marshall 8412.
WANTED By young lady. position as
housekeeper n widowers home. For tn
formatiuu call 15 ih St., the Savoy, city.
MIDDLE-AGED lady, unincumbered, anta
a position as housekeeper in a refin-d
hump fitV til- .'.llltitrv a ft 1 .
A WIDOW. 30 no children. wmiloTlIke house
keeping or work of any kind. AU mix Ore
X"nlan. POSITION as housekeeper by lady with
child 7 years. A V in.' 2. Or-noniun.
Domett lr.
REFINED lady, employed, will set as com -pan
Ion for lady and -a re for children
evenings in exchange for room. AR iHil.
EXPERIENCED lady- wants cltamterwwrk
or housekeeping ior private parties. P
i33, oregonla 11 .
EXPERIENCED girl wants housework, mull
family of adults. East Side. wood
1 Do.
POSITION by girl, general housework. Phone
.ellwood 1313.
Mlsel Ian eon.
AN unincumbered middle-aged woman with
neatness and economy, owning property
her, must h-v work with fair wages. V
!M, Oregonian.
PliACTICA L nurse wishes to rare for chil
dren; has experience with babies; uUo un
derstands character training. Address 124
Glenn ave.
LADIES, gentlemen, hand laundrv. lace cur
tains and rough dry, 1, -,.-. Mrs. I. Han,
''"' Flanders st. Phone Main G713 or A
ELDERLY, refined, capable lady, going to
Kouthorn California, would care for In
valid in return for fare. Main S&3U, or T
'"U. Oregonian.
YOUNO lady just starting out in Portland
will give piano lessons for i.0c a lesson ;
pupils must come to my resldsnee. 2S(J
3 3th St.. cm. Jefferson. Phone A 4st;t.".
LINCOLN High School girl desires position
to assist with care of one or two children.
Main hMt3. ,4 EIlEubetit St.
COMPETENT colored woman wanta rooms
to cleau In bachelor apt. or office. AH
115. Oregonian.
JAPANESE woman desires to work half a
day In forenoon on the West Stue of the
river. E 951, Oregonian.
POSITION ae cashier; experienced; ref-
erences; or clerk confectionery store. AF
iHM. Oregonian.
WANTED Position in private family by
fhat-clase cook. Wages, $.o-$.3; beat ret
eience. AJ p:i;t. Oregonian.
COLORED girl wiahes day's work of any
kind watting dinners and parties. Call all
week. Main 7H33.
LACE CURTAINS. blankets launderea;
lady experts: called, delivered, Zoc up.
hell wood lo9.
EXPERIENCED laundress and housecleaner
wishes day work. References. Woodlawn
' l:ts.
YOUNG lady wants position answering tele
phone calls and assift ing in of rice ; smalt
salary to start. F Wi3, Oregon la n
WANTK D Day work. by Hwedish" girl,
rlenning. washing and Ironing; also cater
Ing. 1'hone Col u m b i a :.,".
EXPERIENCED German woman desires po
sition as cook, private family. a T17i
Main 2iMi.
COMPTOMETER and telephone operator de
dres position; can typewrite. Phone A
1 1U3 or write W 0oO. Oregonian.
PARTIES, luncheons, teas
served, lady expert. Save
prepared or
this, Seltweod
WANTED Ladles fancy laundry, lace cur
tains, etc.; references furnished. Mar
snail 1U7.
WANTED Ladies' fancy laundry, lace cur
tains, etc.; references furnished. Main
EXPERlENi !KD girl wants general houe
work. Address Mies Anderson, UJw Savler
st. North.
LESSON H given In grammar grade studies
or music. oOc; references. Marshall 713.
COM I'E TENT second girl wants position. C
93::, Oregonian.
WILL care for children, day or night. C.
cheap. 91
ranch work; will
9th. M. Martin.
GOOD hand laundress wants bundle wash
ing or day work. Phone Tabor 427
LACK curtains hand laundered ; all work
guaranteed. Hcllwood 6fl.
EXPERIENCED woman wants duy work;
LACE CURTAINS laundered; 10 years'
perlence. Tabor 2 445. Mra. Scott.
WANT bundle washing or hour work. Mar-
YOUNG woman wishes work by day or hour.
Call Monday. East gfrg.
XOTHKHLY lady will stay with children
nght or day. Mrs. Moore, East ItL
EXPERIENCED cook desires position In pri
vate family. Phone Woodlawn 357.
SITUATION wanted. colored girl, general
work by day rr as maid. Marshall f4?4.
FINE washing done; shirtwaists a specialty.
Phone Main It 1 .".
RE I.I A RLE woman wants day work ; will
also do sewing. Marshall 713.
COLORED woman wants laundry work by
day. Main o."tj.
WOMAN wants uay work of any kind. Phone
Main :l."it, room r.
LACE curtainsaone by hand, special price
p c r do se n. W 00 d 1 awn 2309.
RE! IABLE laundress wanta work. Main
717. A 1317.
SITUATION by colored woman; wants
chamber work. Phone Main B3.'fr. room 822.
WOMAN, competent and reliable, wanta
houseclean I n g M a I n Tit
WOMAN with dHughter 12 wants house"
kocplr.g In town. latn TIT.
COMPETENT dining-room girl wants work.
Main 717.
WOMAN wants day work. Tabor 0194.
WOMAN wants "day a ork. Matn